PAGE 'rEIN' lT AMTN~AEMN O MNILOT~ age, Mr. Newveil asserted. Thea plants grow bestinl a sandv - Tobacco Far ing Detaits soif. In preparatiuui for the L CK TK T o a c ar i gD ta l anspantng fr:ni le green- i \-tfo\\ ro attend-ait.Prine Albert; 'TsiF houes he an inthefiedsed ireSudavSchou ann-Rov and B ill Fcrguson, a]: ilsývrke, e xplired Hevesai lt he'niedChurh H..Asl leYM Wall:er Ash-S Ds r b d t o a i n ueIolu 10gowh n oo tedac ite ex en- shali, Acton. xSere Siinda.v Il mescals are uised 10o kilt xire and a chi idrenis choir of fiftv voic- MlesDav xxeckend. Mr. A x"worms. he said. es sang three choruses '"Lit- and Mrs. Frank Carter andi A s Y e a r R o u n d ctibout he rmiddle of iNMa. lie Friends off JezLs<, Leave îamiiv. Maplle Grox e pet y \,,xxheu the fields are readY the Il b Him" and *oini Every Satir .dax-'vl îh cr nmothe Acornpreliensive acco;nt ci, i h',înMnt Il e il Ml% Vice 'ta led. le adcled greenhouses iin boxes. Thev ecting anid Mrs. G. Stron019O- Mis. Lorne Brad buirlanad tobacco ffarming xxas gx ix Iý Fridýj '.'M:-' ,\ . t, 'I ii l liatIll 'e' special speaker is also are transplanted bv a miacinie ganist. Four of the Senior M'rs. J. W. Br-adbuiî speni P. G. Newxell atihle I Iil1huttIl;!'; t't ' ui ý l h pi esiielit of tIlle Canadian thlat aîitomatically'places ihiem Bo\'s class -- La r Hoskin. SIid\- xxiîh i\lr. and Mrs. mneeting of the .~['tut('(i d 'Chino0f West Durhami. ntxix'o roxx's txxo ai a lime. Pauil Rahmii, Flox cd'Yte and Joe Bradburn and tanmils' Rotarv Club heldi ai Ille lFis - 1,()b*~ .pa ' ci [oa«.o farnuîî;lg iS a ri Planting is usuallv finishied by JiiinB\'ers ushered and re- o 1(t!t t l;. cd ,,eî ermituiro position, _Mr. Ne ul Jie 1]St." un x'ed tflic offfcring. Mary MVr. and NIrS. Jack \Webh I ~pa ki'.xx o~ las ecuiithe PRoarians. A bout the, le d izsCussed tex-uk ~Baîuuanîd DonaldSxxain; and ffamilYOakx'ille, spelit F ARN SERVICE a1 ncniiber îtlf tli(, x ît xi filrst of Ma tIi Ithe work of the tobacco ffields lhat is done read the Scriptire passages.texckd dM.aid r. DEAD. OLD & ('RIPPLED Rotars ,Club l) ilte 194-. lie pe(paiog thie green h ous es in June or eai'lv JuI'. Muh Iex. lA. fMellov off North e' 1en~ ad faîx FAR ST(' <ad \lrNex cl tss z cdoi ~tirs. I'le ît 1 i o usteri- hoeiiîg s requ ired.' T h e r e illitter, -Shaxxa, spok-e es- Boxx'nia i ile. spetît Saturda Removed Free of charge aIeia [I ef cc (, ctmi- [.e ite ,;oil Io kil t micro- Im us't a Iso be s1upplerneittars' t'î Io ll e ch i dren but LeWi'eiîFgx' t r , n ls 1mînediate 24-Hr. Service nbe t<oii xii cciairitaittganiîsinîSand xxeed seeds," iriîgat in 10 prexent xxi ltîng Made his taik x'erv in ter'est- Lis Irs. .BaiLrlsei Ask Your Operator For off 1il0e CIi iplecd ite', W cxplaîîîed. Mr. Nexxell explaiiîecltiîat lu- Fiig Io aduilts as wxell. ilis sîîb- iVr. .J.Babrnpet C'tnni ic fr[[l-12l' 'his is dlone \ ith I ix'e baico is a wýeed and Shoots up Iect xas *'Sli shal flot lixe fast week with 1M\r. and r. Enh665M'Nx'cIl Os lis ux feia!n ai [Ofuý polliis prcssu ii île r apidîx'. bhy Bread alone". Lorne Br*adburu1. 'Torýonto. LicnceNo -13-Cli) lt tbt' ~isiut, siiiNe'. , i .er paris. Fertilizer is lhen In înid J u hxthe floxxei's Atithie exening srxce Mr. anud 10.s. W . Sholvock, Noo ol Choll Cdharge"it rtlaillda iola-ns'd ii)ai hckla erof talannd a fer topig i PutPeu"chorchoirrd S.ratndenes si-tt it N'ick Peconi -Peterborough p tif x'ltle iiobi~" i ti rx iiiuk placed ajlîg the sur- doit(. aux ilia rx'buds corne. f 4tlx' ienîs. TheShepherci's xxeekend ih Wr. andciMr.ý i ti ci foti, mlt'ranilx \car.- fauce."Sîicker Shoots hav'e tb e Psaiti" anid 'Pas * Normani Greeni. - hei hs xrklis ectbroken oui. anîd then the far- us me .,off the Lord." 'Marion Mus. William Vinîcent. 'Jor- tumplothl seedin lias doeeis w-ait for the plants to Bi'adibui ni 1jDavid K\'te onto, spent the xxeekeilIxx ih 10iete spee g saîdoTobacco a tili1,e. ~ead tIlle scripîîires. Jim Bs'- Mi'. and Mrs. Austin Beaçock., thed speakerclîapid poat of le shoxved slîdes of anir-cr, 1 in Sxcaiiu, Jack Sxain 'Mr. and M\rs. Leslie Grahlaru. this type ot' farniing. lie added. riatons'*e"o'afaInn and ïkboriilI VanCamip ushered Millbrook . spent Saluriax' Lioigi ee 1 grsx 5 are lis district. The i a c hl i Ile, and rcî'îxed the offering. niiglt xxithi Mr. and Mris. Os- tf oacosvud uv tPLinips 500) gallons a m)inuLte;Rex'. àMellow 'gux'- a splendid car Grahanm. -5. lie azsserted. fioni a creek througli six inchserioin "Thecross ici our i' and Airs. Sain Siîosxden Mi. esel pînedou tîa ip A sut dstnc fc-Ls s.aîd children liaxe niovcd Io 'tobacco seed is as; fine as pep- theralontxvo boster ptfields Re\ . Roinei'il xxas present Sln n W' n lî.Fo' dshpiati 010 ils for- îhe ex'eniiîg serv'ice anci Winlclox'ei' of Liiidsax' hiase per- W heiî a greenhouse '5-h ddexd. f. i iox'd n xxi h. Ralph Stro ni reacix foi-r seedîîîg one ounîce is SxeasIds hx'bvM filocl a i's to t'l cloi"m ' ieec. tai atesponul ewea ie s a'oîis dis: sud ilniStei' and ail xx'iolîad Mrs. Phy~llis Sinclair spelît put iuto a xxatei'ing ('an ad I epce asstccîii litrainîuing Itie t'ild- thie veekeîîd on a bus triîp to "îseases that cati danîage a 10- baco cop.Hebldtl 01Ro ) S choir. MriRaîpli Lar- New Yor'k, spoiîsored bs'thue 7Mresults in one plant ta fithaî'insIli obaHecold thosac. 1nir Sica clolSpri-rB- fQit 'xigPol sqaetras la oac msl S ida s!ise Rv Mellow Mrand Mrs. Hau-î'x Poole I ~"lite seaer ld ofte tb -l evices, anîd laiîiilxDoniiMilis'.x" 'r - " ' "" -ti 't virus xx'as isolated iii. n a i e ts o i - n clîcinîcat used 10 o 0sto tobaci 13.1lokx'rs M'. atîci ?rs. Alex Fleti.Modx essff îrsd rapid chanîges 01 tenpc'ratui' re a itiedagr'.aîd if Fetîcloti Falls x i.'iedNaîd M rsIG-'dîîSroagsdndtî another dan i' ritIille top soit and to lîelp 10iev are not cornbatted hies Miý . ei'xxiiGriaham anud is .A ciisdM plaiîis are gx 'ingicit'le Tlîe flue cured 1 o b a c c o dâi-Davi HillIae1(Ii*ýdi gxiis-'i(-,Piiiiociaiisc.ed ir. cI Hrcs Te r'hom ae li ille ie g r e oi e h i e s v a r e d u s t e d g r o s s u i i i D u r l î s n C o u i î t v i s : M . s u d M u s . R u s s e l . \ h l i I t - p t c i p t h w n e r l t R h - xsithî coppei' poxxder to pî'e- 1ecletcgaet * ,j eitTea hl S peuuý:Modill.u x'ee iiRc v'ernt a t'e'aitî .ind or niildexv tC ewil sae . T e p a t iwlt fl it r lle l n \r .E n s ('\e THE STORY 0F PEAK PROFIT PASTURE 0vlto 'lî they aie sonetinesnmature first lîcar Ile grouuId Mrs. Hcnrv Graliatîx and Miss uN cvrot pn subtected. sttd u lnsxi u it' îc îeear. and '. riesi B fle Thrc'x ar' exils n ~ rnto~ dt-~nc ess lcuxe laI Tobacco îîeeds îîaiUral dla- ffirthped xx' pie 1e Iar's TordoS ntCmo Sct, Mtîrî-av Btil o rs adandîMiv. Acro Urra iitrogen R' riil!/ur ilîakes profiable pasture. starts. 'M. Grahanm. A. Wt'îght. L. 'Mr. and Mi-S. lortie WAan- 'Flu lex'e ar baetisudBýer-, C. Sîîîitlî. E. Larme', non, Si. Caibei'ines. . Don- Grazinig cax s, i iilk ic;dsai]tr xia 1hI\c proiliîctirxx ce p lacdiiiboats or slides bliat P Van Camip,11. Baîlev. C. aId Waîîioî anid Miss Grlare carefulîx' recurdetid si luicct. 'Fleic t m1 ;islov itli.t t trilare pul led atong betwxeen "ltO fil].W.* Vanî Cc. tnp, A. 'Bai1- Muls. 'l'oronîto. xseî'exseek- the average thec ýcrnU .rer Iat.îrlre Progi un' xx tilIretîcu utO\r rroxws by liorses culrotete f0 ieie\>, . Tluonîîpsou anîd C. 'Nil- 'euîd guestS Offr s ad Mr- r $3.50 l'or c cx' l ti jas rxcd M f'rtilicr. i kilIns. Tiiere thiev are uuîload - atede le'itic ' 'vt Mtnjo'v ed witii lsxo leaf handlers"soitatuddhe ititA-IsaîMuîiv You gct x'our cattle out earlier, ketp t1li nrirnpa .iure linMger lilgxvî ai ir Wht ial Convxentîioîni'rDur'ham -Flight Lieutenîatansd i. ;wor ing ith ach ier. 'Vli n! eSt \WOîîîotî'S lI)tstites ', iii Ei'esf Mc'Leaui and fanisi . with proper irrogen *i-iiat(1.the leaves have been lied on 'SI. PauilsgCliuu'ch, Boxvnîan- Haiiiil oui. speiui the x rkt a fout' foot faille, thec go i bVvil-.\Vecînesda-. \xx'tî M ando Xl vavîi MNc- de Dot xx liere ilieY' are placed oun:' a' n sd Doroflîv. Osliasx',a, Mri. Noi'iian NlsIl\'. Col- Po n %o f o U e o f T s sN etR 0 in s e r ia n g e rs b eloxv It e c e ilin g . xusie d N îrs. C cili H il, W ed - bo rnie , is sp en d iuîg a (cxv d a s : Per cre$ a5 011.Mer. Nexxell said tlîat ther 16i9$15 curer then takes coiciplete; ilesdax viîi\ wilî Mr atnd Mrs. CarliXWrightî. 240 1414 charge. The curers are hiighlvý Mscls. Gilbeî t Marloxx'and Mu'. sud Mcs. Meri'x'iui otuntt- r John îCarnugiî ziispet Ilie Jox. Hamnpton.îi.'site c \ . Airates 65 j 355 skilled arîd expericiiced. Tliev x'c~udiiOtxa haxe a 24 houe a day lob, lie Mu. sud 1\11rs. Rox Ax'ei'v Thuis il; peaik prt /t p; o','trt ll-c;:t ortyn oi leci1Fr ~d~ ~ciklc îtaliDonniaMarie aud Car'l'e. Get Your Price informationt1.500 arIS2,t00)) xxorlhîoffto- if rminonoprîtls iii xoîî1aura r ht î' Oral Sr" D cbco uigIl ering Tolbury M.oe uiuetC.urunuî otCunsa Iimicd, 60 outSitci. ~ uustîg e fue cn -Tui bîi' idM a and r. itîFor Yaur Livestock l o wa-prcet'he eo iln. enipL, e-Be1lleville; Mr. anîd Mis, Nei: 5Ontri.tu res are siartcd at 90 deguces toba,înt he . Boiscauenu- ovrith \fR ETTH ,U4*oSTORY :andare graduallv î'aised < Io -spet hexx'ekîî. xvt X T A T E 8S M IA N eges10 force alls- vipare NI Xi'.and Mi's. TODA Y! no obligationheîrn 0 leaves. Varlous J ..otseî as i. <an~ tupes of sthxssfe la ' Mu. andc M'rs. Roer Dotrel, Phone M Arket 3-3303 avw as ~ îîsed on differezit faimis, lieMartî~Xac'esdBeia expaied 'ttaxxa. spent fie xxeckeiud CYANAMID 0F CANADA LIMITED JACK BROlC H Afe vcf gltdvtlexil alud tarDorl. î'red Iraves are steanied C atltotîsat PLI"lBINC; and HET'Gcable hIe vorkeî's bo hauîdlc Mi Bob Fleteller ("cee a l' '1, EF P' 1<C.11 \N lliein. Thr'v are pac'ked in, aJ-Iokun) ou) tuer nîarî'iage ~~ \VI ROC ~~~~JDivs uion Street South soaebn.Altîsx'îkSaîurday. aIse t'coiîratulatioiis MA 3-5615 BJOMNfANILIE rn ist. be donp beffore ffrosî to Mr. and Mis. Russel Browxn O contes. M.Ncxx clI sairl. AxsIîo elcited hiei'goldietn, snd Mus. .1 A.,Ioli cstoîlho Hx'ty are'tclebu'sinug Ilueurguolden r xx dlio today (Moiîcav i. rÏ. suri Nirs. Staîîfordà vaiî Camip. 'Mrs. W. W'. Van Catiiîp 0 WS ind Mis. I lerO. Ta ' toc' xisitecl r Sit uttta 'sxlera'lie 1los e Robert 'j Mc.uidIcs. Ltale oe-t Doak xvas i esting. cck. 1)otia IcI. Grsuît asuri Bn frosi, i Ils irîbacco. ArfIer' tOc' cî'op is lia î'estc'cisec'oudar.v 1 tob ccsukers aie cut, and' (tlue fic'lls triade i'eady -toi-'a ('tep of xx'leat orir' xctolic V A ('ruups<if tuibacco aud gratîîý aie gr'oxxuu onuilti-lruale \'Pai'FV A vOs' fm ni rq licf-u'e',1e-pîiîd lui estsb guowcrs. EVINluisctirde lItagroxv ouuîv ouniuch. In OSS V 1 SSFI"Thuiisidý ra sst uouble n hrt- b p'ox'ed a deadhy killet' that. gives long-lastîrg Ieahioijlc1 euiable Cpiiadiaii 4t cor ritroi oxer a/I major fruit insec'te. Even inr,"eta groxvers to expaîîd tlciu' ex- Iiaf hav'e buit up resistance fo other insectic.ides Porpi îasrkeýi uit hiectrl t arc' kiocked out easily by EviN! gi'u la rîc'id d Irlîs ei ('ost studies show tha SEX'IN InSÇeCticide * u it I - cte u'eae nforceiiil Pconiotical fo use in'otr rspray programi. Wi lieut' xxuwl Ilue a uuLculear xx'ar. e mlore, SEVIN is easy intz sc iuit/i X«e ' oo douî't M b .t a straighi ccoîoîcdxx'tr.' ileed masks or special clIothing. And siv i <'ut otîaaus blîs Red Chinas 'bce used right up tunril thte da * before harvesi.. groxxs 172,,000,000oa pounds, [t's Iess toxic thaus uîost other insecticides t off tobacto a * ear. sud thec GRu, IR 'R)\t)'F'rut gr.uix rs un man' dtthreni disticuts bot h Iumauis and auinals. Uitîd States gcoxx s 187,000,- bave LesltdsES iN. I tgas e tutâiauiding ctultjtuekalde daîagso xî' iî o000.000 pouuids. Canadaseî Chec- al th advntags o SEVN wiil xxir1 cat Io (Chinta ' et Chinas locial "Greenu Cross" or "Niagara Brand" dealer. Iduuuîps rîcc 01uIllue xxorld nac-' See how SEVIN caui help you p'odcuc'e c'eaner kel lie poiutîod out. Hie xxarrn- <MI.Iruit-and bigger harvess-ai, îowercost. cd liat flic Red Chinese xvill use SE ..u ta kili ail these insects ciitnîp tobacco oui un a r' k e t s on Apples, Peors, Peaches, Plumns, Prunes and Cherries: ('anada Linîited, Cliemicals anud Plastics Divisionsnie U iimvuî ('odling rnucuilu uncluding russiant sit-dîns * Apptle aphid * Apple 123 Eglinton Avenîue Eas, Toronto 12, Otro Walter Revzîioldsinmvg Mýaggoî. - Es e Spoi i i budiuoh ttRei banîd-d leafroller * Pîtni t a soie off t[îauks Io Mi'. New-, ctirculio . I'car . Iha 'tach rwig borer - (at-facng insects . -cIel said that cx'ervoiîe had en-1 scxîhe inise(t S . 1155' Spiaphid cV <el-'aptile aphui * Apple ' q ýos cd his inforum'ativ'e t a I k! .ta r u i ut i r, e lictI. *ia, k t t'-iuid .Ociet-i Vers muLCII. Presîdent Rickabv fruit citrh -Le'.'-ar pïtci . re'btr'-r *tCherry fritt I.eprssdUNIeiaioONf CR IEalso epesdapeito f GMC-1161C A GENERAL iMc. Newel's eulightenuuug anîd tierestiiig address. The wxinniers off tlhe basebail ciuaxv conducted by Clare Gar-R O B SC Available from GREEN CROSS and NIA GARA BRAND dealers tn'.'ere AI X'au'coe, George BS Vice, Fi-cdî \anstouîe, Jr.. and Sevin and iniitcarim'ê an at md,' mar4 Miss n eia Gay. Rex, Wyin. iloincheon nmeeting.'t K ng S. E ~'N~~T~V',MAY 241h, ¶MI and Mrç. Rcussel Mountjoy Courtice, visited MIr. aud 1Mr'S. rSonldas- gîits off Mr. and Mrs. Sutday. IRalph barmer sud fanuils'I%-atî Thiio psoi anîd family. Mu. and rs .Art Pearce, iSunday. ' Xrs. Chai-'tote Forder. Port Oakvlle. xeue weekeud guests Mur. sud Mrs. Reg. suionî Perrv. visitcd IMrs. Alma Fox- aund Mr. aund Nrs. M elxille Orouo. xisited M r. sud Nrs. , er SuIudaSanueils atud famiîv Saturdav Fred DaY es and ffauiily Sou- flargarri. Ieask, Solina. i% tluests of Mr. sudi Mrs. Ken- da.v. spc'nchitig safesx' dass sxtîhlier icîh Sanie[]l.. Mc. atnd Nrs. Ilowxxard Fou'- gu'ancdparvuîtsMc and Mrs. M . sud Mrs. Enru Snoxs-den. dpr atnd fsuiil, Oshaxwa, xx eciW aiace Marloxv. "? I've tried iuoe~c nIl!s RE NAULT economical 1" "Ini the past we have owned a number of different maktis of tractors, and we tried many others on oui' fai'm before deciding the alir'coole'd, diesel Renault was the tractor for us,'t says Mr. Robert M. Grim,',ýood, R.R. 1, Thoroid, Ont. Mr. Grimwood 's eiîgaged in mixed faîming, lias l6uacres of giapes, and does customn ba[ing for rieighiboring faîmeis, 'Before deciding on a Renault, we gave it a rugged on-thic-farnm test inî competition against 4 other makes under the tOuJghCSt. tvet anîd hîlly conditions. 'Ne found the economy, powveraîid stammîa of Renault best fitted the needs of ouur farm." Mr. GîimrNood reports that bis Renault air-coo[cd diesel Is aISo îsed for the tougher'than-aver'age jobs on hisate'ta's adjacent faim. Mr. Gîimwood sums it up this wýay-"'Not only is our Reiiault economical's as handyas any small tractor, and it's got the big tractoir poA'ý,ei-too." BEFORE YOU BUY ..1TES TDRI VEA RENA UL T You too can cash-in on Renault tractoir ecotîory and petfonlrdîce this year! Befoîe you buy your next tractor, make sure you see us-your Reîîault Tractor Dealer. Ask us about the variaus diesel ot gaz, air-cooled or water-cooled models, We'll be happy to give you a deîiîotstration o11 your own fat'm. A test-dfive wull prove that a Renault tractor niaies farming more profit- able. Give us a cafi. MA 3-5497 BOWWAN ~'1LLE, ONT. W. H. BROWN FARM EQUIPMENT L MOTORS VALUE )N MOTORS LUMUTED Bowmanville MA 3-3321 j' iilcsit 140- % MA 3-5497 Most 1 MA 3-3321 Bowmanville