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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1961, p. 11

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1961 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN 7I& leowc4leY4eu Gordon Âgnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Newcastle's Lakeshore dpening Game of Season Newcastle- The Newcastle lin the second innlng when entry in the reorganized Lake- Kelly of Port Hope hit safeiy shore Intermediate Basebali and was advanced te second League took the league open- when the second batter was er from Port Hope in the east- bit by a pltched bail and took cru town on Monday, Victoria first base. The next man te Day by a score cf 6-5 making the plate bit a uine drive the re-entry cf a local team srih oJeLwsa hr iu O.B.A. Intermediate bal trpighJo aghe isa short afte anabsnceof nuberthe fîrst out, stepped on sec- of years. ond base for the force eut cf The feature cf Monday's the runner ceming in frem game in Port Hope was the first and threw the bail te execution cf a perfect triple Brunt on first catching the play by Newcastle short stop runner coming in, thus retir- Joe Lewis. The rare play cameI ing the side. lewcas t/e Social anc1dÇkrsonal Dr. Raymond Rogers cf Ot- Mrs. George Smith spent the tawa spent the holiday week- holiday weekend visiting witlh end visiting with bis mother ber cousin Mrs. Bert Cald- Mrs. W. P. Rogers. well lu Toronto. Mrs. Henry Boweu and dau- Weekend visitors with Mr. gbter Darlene spent the bell- and Mrs. Alfred Garrod and day weekend wîth Mr. and family were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Todd and family et Thos. Breretos and family of Starkville and visited with Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright of Trenton. Obert Duff snd Normas from Mrs. J. D. Cunningham cf New Westminster, B.C. Bowmanviile spent the hoiiday Holiday weekesd visitors weekend with Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. S. Britton. Agnew were Mr. R. C. Ag- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Har- new cf Port Coiborne and Mr. per sud sons, Oshawa, were and Mrs. Harold Mosley and Sunday visitors with Mr. and Brenda cf Port Hope. Mrs. G. H. Hodgson. Mr. sud Mrs. Charles Bre- Mr. and Mrs. J. Asties cf reton of Port Hope were week- Peterborough and Mr. Peter end visitors with Mr. and Carveth of Oshawa were holi- Mrs. D. J. Cunningham and day vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. John. W. R. Carveth and family. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown, Children receiving the Rite Mrs. A. Gogerty and Mr. Don- cf Baptism on Christian Fam- aid MacPherson were in Pet- ily Sunday in the United erborough on Monday attend- Church were Daniel Psu] iug the Graduation exercises sud Brian Michael, sons cf Mr. o! the Schooi cf Nursing cf St. and Mrs. Paul Allun; Debra Jcseph's Hospital. Miss Sheila Jayue, daughter cf Mr. and Gogerty wss among the grad- Mrs. John Noden; Sussu Mary, tâtes who received their dip- daughter of Mr. sud Mrs. Esrl oras. Foster; Susan Victoria, daugh- ter cf Mr. sud Mrs. Robert Wagar; Grant Steven and Du- -' sue Alexander, sons cf Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Wittkamp of When Toronto. Holiday weekesd visitors with Mr. sud Mrs. John Vouti 7W ,ro sud Neil were r.Ktle .u~m uByam sud sou bill ofCocr SHOPPIrNG sud Mr. Leslie Kinnel ci Lindsay. flve Mrs. B. Howson sud Mrs. ovor Olive Howsou cf Toronto were f ailaturday visitors with Mrs. * Sidney Hutchinson. Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson speul Sunday sud Monday visîting with Mr. aud Mrs. Fred By- ers iu Cayeu. Large Crowd On Hand For Fi reworks Newcaste- Ose of the lar- gest crowds eve n ou aud cn Monday evening et the com- munity park te see the beauti- fui fireworks display conduct- cd by the Newcastle Lions Club with money collected througbout the community for that purpese; outcome of the canvass for funds will sot be available until the next club meeting on June lst. Members o! the Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department were standing by in case of emergency sud police were on hand te direct traffie as the large number cf cars entered sud left the park. The Newcastle Lionettes Club were cperatisg s refresh- ment booth lu the park seliing bot dogs, pop cors, petato cbips etc. as weii as bot sud coid drinks etc. te satisfy the appetites of the buugry crowd os s cool evening. In addition te the cauvass for funds members of the Lions Club bad a busy day Monday making preparations fer the display iu the efter- ucen, conducting the dispiay sud cleaning up after lu the evening. DURBIAN I IDING C.C.F. ORGANIZATION are holding a PUBLIC MEETING NONDAT, NAY 291h AT 8 P.M. LIONS ROOM, NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL ELECTION 0F DELEGATES TO FOUNDING CONVENTION Speaker: DONALD MacDONALD, M.P.P. Topic: ""New Party Prograi" Members Note Date and Plan te, Attend - EVERYONE WELCOME - Ted (Kelly) Lane pitched a steady game for the locals, but being the first game cf the seassn began te tire near the end cf the game and was re- lieved in the eigth by Glen Dafoe who fiuished the game. In addition te bis pitching, Lane came up with two bits and was credited with two runs batted in. The entire Newcastle team played a good game consider- ing it was the first time they bad plsyed together and with only four practices. It looks, like Newcastle eau look for a strcng entry iu the Lake- shore Intermediate League this summer, with some fine basebali promised. The Newcastle team will play its next game in Orono, Tuesdsy, May 30, and the first home game for the local club Is scheduled in the New- castle Community Park on Saturday, June 3rd, with the Belleville entry as the oppos- ition. Tesms entered iu the league are Belleville, Peter- borough, Port Hope, Orone and Newcsstle. Newcastle players are Phil Gilmer, Gary McCulleugh, Bill Brunt, Dave McCullough, Joe Lewis, Rau Dickinson, Sam Haskell, Charlie Trim, Ted Lane, Eari Foster, Brian Rowe and Glen Dafoe. The team is msnsged by Irv. Mc- Cullough snd coached by Deug Walton. Group System Pays Off In Lions Welfare Fund Newcastle-The Lions Club welfare fund received a much needed boost at Thursday's meeting wheu results cf the group system cf mouey rais- ing projects were announced. Last November the club wss divided into four groups with the President and three Vice Presidents each heading a group, with the two groups raisiug the most funds te be entertaiued by the two losing groups at the June lst meeting cf the club. Each group car- ried eut their own money raising projects throughout the winter with a variety cf pro- jects raising more than $500 for the fund. lst Vice Presi- dent Lion Frank Hoar's group finished the contest in first place with some $220, with Lions Frank Rickard, Percy Hare, Chas. Gilkes, Chas. Me- git, Gerry Duvali and Murray Paterson covering the village seling turnips, light buibs, tickets for a card party etc. te raise funds. The group headed by Lion President Harry Jose was in second place. The losin g groups were the two headed by 3rd vice president Harold Gibson and 2nd vice president Carl Gould. In the absence of the presi- dent Lien Harry Jose the meeting was couducted by lst vice president Frank Hoar and Lion Murray Paterson gave a report on the activities of the convention cemmittee. He said arrangements are un- derway for a good showing in the parade in Kingston on Suuday and a large number o! club members are expected te participate in the parade. Lion Brenton Rickard cf the local club is being sponsored for the office cf Governor cf District A-3 tsking in ail club-, fromn Ajax te Kingston and north te the Madawaska val- The final 50-50 draw spon- sored by Lion Carl Gould's Group was made with Miss Candy Storks declared the winner of the $13.50 cash prize. Lion Chas. Gilkes was the winner cf the monthiy 50-50 draw conducted amoug the club members with $11.00 be- ing divided between Lion Chas. aud the convention fund. KENDAL Toronto, visited at Br u ce Montgomery's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery attended tbe Golden Wedding anversary celebra- tin for their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. Joh.nston, Blackstock, Mouday. Mrs. H. Ogden, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. E. Cry- derman 's. Kenny Rowe, Bowmanviile, spent the holiday with bis cousin Ronnie Knox. Marilyn Knox visited ber cousin Lynda Rewe, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and !amily visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, Stark- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James, Osbawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wetten. BETHÂNY W. A. Meeting The United Church Womnen's Association had a busy session recently at the home o! Mrs. Milton Wright, with Mrs. Carl Porteous presiding. Plans were completed for the Spring Tea, bazaar and bake sale. Members agreed te cater for a wedding reception te be held at the church on June 10th. Date cf the annual garden party was set and cern- mittees were appointed te hock after arrangements for each. Minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs. Thomas Jennings, which included a letter of thsnks from Mrs. Ada Clark in bespital at Nia- gara Falls-, a letter from Sophia Parkiskou, the Greek chiid adopted by the Manvers Parisb, telling something oi ber home life and expressing gratitude for the help receiv- ed by ber fsmnily and berseif. Mrs. Carl Porteous and Mrs. James Fraser were appointed representatives from the W.A. to w.ork on forming the new group te be known as United Church Women. Mrs. Walter Neals gave a report of the re- cent Presbyterial rally held at Lakefield. Mrs. Carl Por- teous thanked the ladies who had assîsted in a cheaning and painting bee in the Sunday School Hall and kitchen. The prcgramn was chaired by Mrs. Gladys Malcolmson. Mrs. Walter Rowland read the scripture lesson, with Mrs. Addison Scott giving thoughts on the lesson concerning Christian Witnessing. M rs. Preston Neals gave a biogra- phy o! the life cf Joseph Seri- yen, well known author cf hymns, showing a picture cf bis home in Port Hope. "He was perhaps best known as the author cf "WThat a Friend We Have in Jesus" whichhabd (Inteuded for last week) at the park for their first been set te 'musie b hre The levely summer - like practice. Converse and trauslated jute wVeather this weekend, follow- There was a fine atteudauce almost eveIry Isuguage in the ithe ram f Friday ening tcburch on Sundsy morsing world." Mrs. James Fraser s O evemaeungsstrtfo the family or Mether's Day gave a delightful account cf s reaio ad services. Mr. Len Falls, Super- ber receut trip te Ficrida aud terov intendent cf the Sunday School returu, telliug sometbing of Guests with Mr. sud Mrs. assisted the Rev. R. C. White. the places visited during their Bert Thompsou, Suuday, were The choir sang "WlihuMther stay there. fMr. sud Mrs. Lorue Paeden Prayed" witb Mrs. Allen Fost- Lunch was served by the sud Jean, sud Mr. sud Mrs. er playing for the service. The hostess assisted by Mrs. May Ken Seper. infant daughter, Jeanette Eve, Webb, Mrs. Preston Neals Mrs. Lamne Martiuell sud cf Mr. sud Mrs. Ariel Lang- and Mrs. Gladys Malcolmsou. Mrs. Bob Brooks vîsited Mrs. staff, sud the infant son, Mrs. Ross Carr expmessed the Luxon sud Mrs. Martineil, Fri- David John, of Mr. sud Mrs. thanks cf the members te tday. Argus Curtis, were baptized. Mrs. Wright for the use cf Clarence Farrow, Scarboro, The story cf the "Talents" was ber home sud te ail those called on the Hatcher Fosters, dramatized by Carolyn sud whe had taken part iu the Suuday. Judy Fester, June Geach, Jean progmam. There were 22 M.adMrs. Aylward Little Falls sud Joyce Elliott. Mms. members preseut. adfMr. sud ohe' d Garland Catbcart gave au iu- Muia vng sud aMils eat Mter' dyteresting taîk. The SuudayMucaEein wit Mr. Nya itte.School Anniverssmy service is Frank Palmer cf Toronto, Mrs. Chas. Thompson sud beisg held next Sunday, May weli knowu throughout Can- Arthur were with Mr. sud 2lst et 11:15 wben Rev. E. K. ada sud the United States Mrs. Garland Cathcart, Sun- Normas, B.A. cf Welcome, for his versatility as a dis- day.. will be the guest speaker. tinguîshed concert singer, was Spending Mother's Day with Thloatecrstedd guest artist at a musical ev- were Mr sud Ms.bJeryuDostednesday uight enisg in Betbany recently weMm. su d Mrs. Jack Sapleon thetGrdbanquetlWsponsored by the Hi-C Club sud famiiy, Newcastle, sanad esHl.o! the United Church. Mr. sud Mrs. Dean West sud Accompanied et the piano famiiy. The baby, John Dean ,lT R by Peter Sutton, also cf Tor- West, wss christened Sunday SOJINA .1.osto, Mr. Palmer received re- morning at Orono. sounding applause for h is Mr. sud Mrs. Orval Zealand Eldad Sunday School Ansi- numbers which i n c 1 u d e d suad family were dinner guests verssry services will be held 11Without A Song", "Cars Sunday evening with Mrs. in the shed os Sunday, May Mia", "On the Road te Man- Mary Luxes. 28, at 2 sud 7:30 o'chock For dalay", "Granada", "Old Mas f Mr. sud Mrs. Ray Moore furthen particulars see Coming River", "Jericho", "I'm Ou My suad sons, Toronto, spent Sun- Events. Way" sud "The Lord's Pray- day with Mr. sud Mrs. Eddie su.*ad Mrs. Wesley Yel. er." He was introduced by Couroux. M.Allas Beer. With Mrs. Hattie Martineli, lowl ces sud Mrs. J. Yeiiowlees Local talent aise contribut- Sunday, were Mr. sud Mrs. visited os Su.nday with Mr. dt otejybepo SAlbert Colas, Hamilton, ud dMrs. Roy Grills sud Mrs: eda. t ey Mteoave pro- Mrs. Plmer sd sud Grls et Valentia on Sun- ga.PryMul aesv MsPamradGordon of eral old-time violin selections, Canton. Harold Allison cf day.acopne byBbraA North Bay, sud bis mother Mr. Harold Reynolds sud giers a te pi a ribtoan fmom Port Hope, called ou son Paul, Toronto, spent the Carr, with bis cwn guitan se-.. Wednesday. weekesd with Mr. sud Mrs. companiment sang "A Child's, Mrs. Ted Coatham sud !am- Ralph Davis sud aise visted Prayer" sud "The Little Shirt' ily sud Mrs. Vance Allen visit- the former's uncle, Mn. J. My Mother Made For Me." ed their mother, Mrs. Wm. Yellowlees who 15 seriouslY A quartet, Ralph Preston, Mercer, Sunday. Mi. Charles Prestos, George Neals Congratulations te, Mrs. Geo. Mr. sud Mrs. L. Herron sud sud Ross Neals, accompanied Mercer on being the lucky Mrs. Price, Oshawa, were by Mrs. James Spearing, sangý wisner at the bingo in Peter- Sunday evening visitors with "The Bullfmog" sud "How, borough Fiday night. She Miss Gladys Yellowlees.' Grcat Thou Art". The Misses had the choice of a uew FordM Dianne sud Pst Bigelow sang car or a cheque for $2,000. As Mr. sud Mrs. C. Langmnaid "No Cas Do" sud "Sugar they bad recently get a 1961 sud children, Mr. sud Mrs. Moon"'acmaie yMs Pontiac, she saturally chose Roy Langmnaid sttended En- panedby rs the cheque. That is the sec- niskilleu anuiversar3r service Mr. Rduthuds. gsan on ca to ome o Kedal ith-on Sunday sud were guests cf rs. uth Jenni sng tw cr th eacrnet Kna t-Mr. sud Mms. Roy McGill o duets, "Cool Clear Water" sud Saturday evening wss a busy te. "Wbere the Morisg Glories eue for the Keudai ladies. Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Prestos Gmow." John Esni cf Fair- Some !ew bad the boueur cf sud childmen, Bowmanvilie, mnount sang "That Lucky 01d1 being guests et the Masonic wcre Saturdsy evenisg visi- Sun" sud "Do't Fence Me Iu" Ladies' Nigbt banquet in tors cf Mr. and Mrs. ROY accompauied by Mrs. Ress Orono wbile the others bad the Langmnaid ou their 10th wed- Csrr. privilege cf caterisg for the dmng annivensary. Mr. aud Pamela Stinscu and Mitzy occas rs. Mrs. Charles Langmaid sud Malcolm cf Yelvertcn gave Mm. asd Ms Bob Young- faniiiy aise joiued the psrty. twc tep dancing numbers, man sud daughters vîsited Mr. Friesds c! Helen -and Lloyd with Robert Sisson, piano se- sund Mrs. Ed. Yousgman, Sun- extend best wishes for many companist. These two littie day. happy future anniversamies. girls wiii appear ou CHEX Mr. sud Mrs. Harry Farrow, Mrs. A. J. Baison, Reveresd Television uext Wedn e s day Bowmanville, spest Sundsy R. Shenwin, Mrs. Sherwiu sud evening. Mrs. Vincent Jack- afternoon with Miss Selena David, Bellevil.le, visited Mr. son and Mrs. Pre; ton Neals Therteil. sud Mrs. E. R. Taylor. sang "When Yeu W "e A Tu- Mn. sud Mrs. George Mercer Mmluir.Edi od p sund "Smilc thée Wbile". attended the stock car races etBcmnieM. nd rs Mrs. Ruth Jeunings received Ithe C.N.E. grounds, Sunda3y. BFran rinOsw, Mr. dMsd special applause for the melc- Mm1 u r.Gno ag Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, visit- Tuousand sangs " Na staff sud Dasuy; Mr. sud Mrs. Times No" sudandtear Jack Neil, Neisha sud e M. . ivlisu Par With Her Head Tucked Un- sund Mn. sud Mrs. Carl Lang- esh derneatb Her Arm". staff, Linda sud Debbie, spent Jack, Jill, Wayne sud Shar- Rev. G. E. Richardson chair- the weekesd visiting their ou Ormistos, Oshawa, were ed the pregram sud expressed mother, Mms. Janet Laugstaf f Satumday visitons et Tom Bak- apprecistion te the Hi-C gmoup at Iroquois. er's. for their initiative inprocur- Mms. Jessie Tremaine sud Gail Baker spent the week- isg se much fine talent, sud twe granddaughters sud friend, end et Hall's Lake. special thasks te Mn. s.nd Mrs. Tomante, visited Milt Robinson. Mn. J.' Baker, Mn. sud Mrs. Alisu Beer, Couuseliors cf the Ou Saturday Mult had a viit Tom Baker visited Helen Bak- ruweaedigsc sund dinser at the Fimeside Grill er iu Toronto. wouderful work lu leading the with Mns. Don Hiuds o! Peter- Mn. sud Mns. Ralpb Craw- young people. Ross Neals, borough. ýford sud sous, Whitby, Mr. !President o! the Hi-C, aIse Kendai is sponsorng twolsud Mns. Robert Miller, Brou- expressed thanks te ti-e guest boys teams this year, the gbam, visited Mr. sud Mms. J. artist Frank Palmer sud bis .Midgets sud Pee Wees. Satur-'Kuox sud family.1 accompanist Perey S ut to s, day afternaan they were down Miss Katherine Pattersen, aud te the local talent whe HAYDON iMrs. Edna McL au g hli n, -Burketon, Mrs. Muriel Brown- lee, Leaside, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman, Bruce, Laura and Erie, En- field, Mrs. W. Brownlee, Lea- side, et Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton 's. Sgt. and Mrs. B. Houseman rand famlly, Petawawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard. Monday eall- ers were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keith and family, Scarbor- ough, Miss E. Gay, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and Barbara, Toronto, Mrs. C. Miles, Coîborne, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and famlly and Mrs. W. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm at Four Mile Lake. Gail Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thompson sand faniily, Hampvton, over the weekend. Mrs. W. Thompson and Mrs. H. Crossman enjoyed a trip to Ottawa and Que bec over the rweekend. W. A. May meeting was held et the home cf Mrs. Ar- thur Thcmpson, Oshawa, on ýTuesday evening. Mrs. Lloyd 1Siemon opened the meeting -with theme hymn and prayer; 3Devotional, Mrs. Cowling; Mrs. rC. Garrard and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon gave a report of W. A. aconvention which was heid in sOshawa. aMrs. J. Potts was in charge of programme: Instrumental, Mrs. Pearce; Rev. Lok*horst igave a talk on United Church cWomen's Group; trio, Mrs. Ar- sthur Thompson, D a rien e had contributed te a very worth-while programn. Foilowing the singing cf the National Anthem, the mem- 1bers cf the Hi-C served lunch 1te ail the entertainers and jtheir friends. Mr. Palmer was 1almost mobbed by the young rpeople seeking bis autograph. -He expressed bis pleasure at 1coming back te Bethany and the appreciative audience. He 3had appeared here six years 1ago. g Thompson aud Mrs. Pearce;1 instrumental, Dariene Thomp- son; duet, Mrs. Tbompson and Darlene. A donation of $10.00 was approved for the Pretoria Camp. Meeting closed and lunch was served by bostess and Mrs. Potts' grcup. Practice Sunday morning at 10:30 for our Su.nday Schooi Anniversary on June 25th. Chqirch service wiUl be with- drawn Sunday evening on ac.- count cf Tyrone Anniversary Services. Mr. Milton Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shemon aud Lloyd attended Enniskillen anniver- sary services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Emory Shea and famiiy, Jan- etviile. Mr. and Msrs. R. Vincent and family, Kedron, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm. BURKETON See Coming Events about cur Anniversary Services, sup- per and concert. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Ben Hubbard and family in the passing cf bis nephew Mr. Albert Bryan, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peeling and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harvey, Oshawa,' Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Bowmanville, were r ec en t guests o! Mrs. Greta Bailey. Sympathy is extended te Mr. Gien Lowrey and fantiiy in the passing cf bis cousin et Frankford. Mrs. L. Sunderland aud Al- bert, Toronto, were weekend guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank HolroYd and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lar- of Mr. and Mrs. Art Brunt and attended Enniskillen Sun- day School anniversary ser- vices. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wadding- ton and f amily, Toronto, caîl- ed on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turn- bull, Mr. and Mrs. A. Turubuli spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. A number from here attend- ed the anniversary services at Enniskil'len on Sunday. No. 1 Grade - Red Ripe Beauties - 14 oz. Pkg. TONATOES CELLO - No. 1 Grade - Tender, Garden Fresh - Size 24'o FLORIDA CELERY - Extra Fancy Grade - Size 125 WINESAP APPLES 19C1 2 For 35c a 5 For35c1 No. 1 Grade - Luscicus, Red Ripe - Fini Box STRAWBERRIES WE ALL MUST Marion Ford We aillnmust die. Yes, 'tis true. Bird, beast, and man. (Me and you!) 3 We may take with us, I trust, our soul, t Smile back from the bridge as we pay the toli; Ail else we must leave behind, I know, To heip others through the rain and snow, L So, let us try to do our best, 1 To leave things that do flot rust. Yes, Friends, we will die - 'tis se true, That we may live forever - me and you! Mr. Alian Larmer, Toronto, was a Sunday guest cf Mr. 1spent the weekend with his and Mrs. T. Hodge and family 1parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Argue. Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. William El- Mr. and Mrs. MacDowei, liott, Toronto, were Sunday Millbank, were weekend guests guests of Mrs. A. Carter. of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey. Mrs. A. Carter spent Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Tor- day with relatives in Toronto. onto, were Sunday guests of Mr. J. Hogerverst received tMr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin. worrd that his sister died sud- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gatch- denly as result of an accident ell and family spent Monday in Holland. Mrs. Hogerverst with relatives in Kinmount. Sr. spent a year with ber Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, family here, had te return to, Oshawa, with Mrs. Esther Holland immediately. Sym- Carnochan and famiiy. pathy is extended to tbem in tMr. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, t-heir bereavement. - 0 - OU M1P1E USED CARS "61 Chev. Conv. Full Power - List $4300 $3875 AGREATMETHOD '59 Ford Conv. OF CHNGINGFull Power IOA GOOSE M$24 1958 Ford 6-cyl., auto., sharp 18,000 miles $1795 No Down Payment Up to 30 Montha A ' ~ n Total ? 3 EBonus of Tapes. RECEIVE FREE$60 IN BONUS TAPES Libby 4 20 o.. TONATO JUICE Faney ITina AUI Varlety4 10 oz. CAMPBELL SOUP of tancy4 Tins LII1UID HONEY Billy Bec LUSTRE 1CRENE RECEIVE FREE $4.00 IN ]KRAFT CHEESE RECEIVE FREE $2.00 IN STEAWBERRIES SIDE BACON, P.E.I. POTATOES 16 oz. .Jar Liquld or Lotion Shampoo. Large Size BONUS TAPES Mlld Col. 16 oz. Cracker Barrel Pkg. BONUS TAPES Fraservale 15 oz. Pkg. Royal Guest Siiced Rlndless - 1 lb. Pkg. Canada No. 1 10 lb. Bag IGA - Save 6c - 16 oz. Jar m m -a. " c1 IGA - Save 20c - 6 oz. Jar NEW CHOICE MEATY WHOLE OR HALF Whole - Fiank On LAMB LOINS I.4 - a e Roasts - Chops - Stew LAMB INf A BASKET Lb. 29c 1,1. 21c Alpine Brand BEEF STEAKETTES. Lb. 55C Fresh Chieken LEGS and BREASTS Lb.47c CGFFEE 0 m a m a 69 C White - Yellow - Pink - Blue or Green - Twin Packs1 BALLET TISSUES 1Reg. Value 2 for 58c NABISCO ORBITS for43 -12% oz. Pkgs. 1 2. mfor 3 5c IMMM SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGA Market DO WNAN VLLE - ONTADO Toms' IGA Marlket NEWCAtsTE. oNAikio i t. buy... GINGER ALE -more favor -mors sparkle -mors fort your ,onoy OIIARTS-1Se, 2 FOR 33e SIX 12 OZ. BOTTLES 418 PLUS DIPOSIT WMNESDAT, MAY 24th, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV;MANVULE, ONTARIO PAGE ELZM L

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