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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1961, p. 13

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~WEDNESDAY, MY 24th, 1961TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAETITE t,' BEEF ROASTS BLADE SHORT or &% S h3rt Cut Bled* Bon@ J CROSS lA O, PRIME IL L 7 ;iReo. lb1C RIB boj RIB .> C Full Cut ROAST ROAST Fresh Kilied - Legs, Thighs or Breasti Super-Right, AIl Meat, Brown 'n Serve CHICKEN CUTS lb 49e SAUSAGE PATTIES 8oz pkg 45C AlIgoq'*,Smoked, Sliced, Rindiest Smnali Link, Tray Pack, Pure SIDE BACON Vlb pkg 57c PORK SAUSAGES Produce Features Mxican, No. 1 Grade, Hnd Selected Qualty TOMATOES cello pkgs33 California Valencia, Faney Grade, Fuit of Juice, Excellent for L.unch@$ ORANGES 5.16bcullo bai; 59C lb49c Extra Specials ot A&P A&P Skim Milk Powder Reg. pkg 99e--SAVE 10à INSTANT MILK 3b pkg 89 C Good Luck, 3c Off Deal Reg. lb 31c-Save An Extra Se MARGARINE 21-lb pkgs 5 9c Jubile. Reg. jar 53c-SAVE 4c; CHEESE SPREAD 16f-ozir49c 30e Off Deai Reg. box Ç1.19-Save An Extra 0 CHEER king size box.09 i-enley Choice Quality Reg. tin 31.-BAVE Ile FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 20-fi-oz ins i49C Std. Keiffer Reg. 2 tins 39c-SAVE 4o NONA PEARS 2 20-fl-oDztin 3 5c Jant Parker Reg. "oe-SAVE 100 RHUBARB PIE -Rech 45c Ail Prices I This Ad Guaranteed Threugh Saturday, May 27t1i, 1961 Armour, Oshawa. "Economy Reviving Miss Louise Goodman, who las spent the winter in Tor-1 onto, has returned to ber bonme here. Says ank L tterMr. and Mrs. Rai h Ballard Canadians can start breath-!1 But while the economy may tlher and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ing a little easier about their be beginning to perk u p there Marvin Appletoni, Port Perry, economny, The Canadian Bank are factors within it that are a nd called on Mr. and Mrs. of Commerce says. But flotcause for concern, the Letter'Frank Ballard, Columbus. too easily. Isays. Foremost is the continu- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Searle In its current Commercialling high level of unemlo-and Karen, Kedron, visited Letter, devoted entirely to a iment. ýMr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard comprehensive analysis of the The number of those em- On Friday evening. epnQy, the bank suggests p]oyed has tended to rise fromn Recent visitors with Mrs. th'Vnadians can expect a year to year except in periods Luther AUn and family were: return to the pattern of ex- of severe depressiîon. The la- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, pansion taking place since bor force, however, has been Oshawa, on Tuesclay; on Sat- 1958. increasing in recent years at urday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Indeed, the Letter suggests, a faster rate than employ- Wakely and family, Toronto, the recession of 1960 may turr.1 ment, and it is likely to in- Mr. Richard MacLean, Toron- out to be leEs a retreat thancr's een fastet' as the post- to, and Mr. Otto Pfeiffer, Bow- amarking of time. In any ev- war eneration reaches work- manvîlle. ent, the economie tide hasling age.1 A group of Boy Scouts froni passed its ebb. And although1 At the same time, we are Clements Church, Riverdale, the returning flow is almost F passng through a technologi- spent the weekend camping at imperceptible yet, there are cal rcvolution which caîls for Mrs. Luther Allin's, and with indications that it's coming. a higher degree and greater their leader Mr. Glen Craw- Industrial production is ex-l diversity of skills. ford attended church service pected to revive under the "The present situation is not on Sunday. twin stimuli of increasing fln- so much a tetnporary pheno- At the church service on el demand and the cessation menon, therefore, as a sign Sunday the young people, who of inventory liquidation. that the labor force bas flot had attcnded the Young Peo- Retail trade should show a yet adjustcd to the changes ple's Conference at Kingston, moderate increase, probably which are taking place in the, reported on the meetings. Miss strongest in the latter haif of economy, an economny whieh, Eva Yeo led in the reading of the year. in turn, is failing to provide the responsive Psa].m; Mr. Capital investment should job opportunities for a grow- Jimnmy Widdecombe read the expand slightly but there will ing labor force." seripture; Miss Dianne Tink be a greater cmphasis on and Mr. Alvin Yeo gave in- housing and social investment, teresting reports on the Con- while business investment will Ai~ ference. be lower.HA P O Practice for the anniversary Trade with Europe May commences this week under rnoderate, but this is expect- On Friday evening, May 26, the leadership of Mrs. Both- ed to be offset by increased a meeting is to be held in the, weîî. trade with the United States, Christian Education r o orni. On Tuesday evening service whose economy is showing This is for ail the women of ; vas held of Affiliation o! C.G. signs of improvement. the community, who will bc' I.T., Explorers and Women's -addressed by a lady fromi Osh- j Missionar-y Society, when Miss awa who will outline Womnan's Aiken, Jamaica, showed pic- Place in the Church, and ex- tures. More details next week. plain the idea of affil ating~ Mrs. A. E. Billett attended oea~am euu the various women's groups. Enniskillen anniversary ser- RE T N of the church. ývices Sunday afternoon, and Mr .and Mrs. Merwin Mou.nt- 1 was a tea guest of Mrs. T. M. DECORATING joy attended Enniskilien andiSlernon. p Blackstock anniversaries o n Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bryant, CLNÏnE Sunday, and visited with Mr.!Doreen and David, visited Mr. ,and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, and Mrs. Salsbury, Orillia. FOR THE BEST Blackstock.1 On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. - IN Mrs. Samn Dewell spent Sat-iJohin Burrows visited Mr. and urday in Toronto v is i t in gMrs. Chas. Burrows, Brou- CUSTON frendd MrA Preand ' on Saturday eveng ýMiss Marie Prescott and Mr.1 Phillips, Stevenson's Rd., Osh- DADVIVIA. L. Prescoit enjoyed a plea-ýaa DRAPERIES sant motor trip to South Mrs. Harrison Sr., Mr. and D nagha and Ia on Snday, rs.W . arso nci ANMDaa and Ida ononMr. ndaMr. Wm. Harru is andchMr. WAL-OWALand on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mrs. Alix Carrick spent sv WA LT -A L Sharp, Ida. eral days withi her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilbur Mrs. Keese, Toronto. BROA LOON wer plesanty srrsed at Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Cock- B OA L OM wre sa n tesuoccas ol rOshawa, visited Itheir fortieth xvecding anni- Mrs. Jack Cockburn on Sun- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis day. *Cryderman took them for aý Mrs. Ron Wilson and three. pleasant drive, also Mrs. H-w-! I'hildren, Oshawa, spent Mon- Two Locations son, Mr. Wilbour's sister. They d1ay with Mr. and Mrs. Jack' stopped at the "Acres" wvhere!Coekburn. SH W . thev wcre met by -Mrs. Fredj Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant, OSNAIn"ATamblyn and Mr. Burnctt. Ail Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter S19 BOND ST. . enjoyed a lovely supper, and Spent the weekend at their * RA 3-4922 ten drox'e to Orono to spend' cottage near Belleville. RA 3-4922the evening at Mrs. Tamblyn's Mrs. Robert MeC u 110o u g h home. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Osh-ý PLALIlDURU Mr. and Mrs. W. Toyne,!awva, visited Mrs. J. Chapman Toronto, were Sunday dinner, recently. MARKET PLAZA guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam- ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Petit and RI 5-6874 son. ýchildren, Toronto, visited Mr. Mrs. C. Russell and Mrs) and Mrs. Wm. Chapman oni Dave Preston, Prop. i Edward Russell and Wendy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 25 CntreSt.Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.' Shackleton and Billie were 25 CenreSt G. Adcock. Sunday evening vîsitors. BowanvlleOn Friday evening, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Nowak visited MA 3-5912 Mrs. Geo. Arrniour and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Chester Borek Bertha Armour were dinner on Sunday. ______ __guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mr. and Mrs. L. Clemens Mr. and Mes. Jas. Smaie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mes. Jas. Smale Jr. at Har- meny. lie. and Mes. Hosken Smith visited on Sunday witb Mr. and Mes. E. Peescotand Mi'. and Mes. D. Prescoît Enfield., Me. and Mrs. Carey, Tan- onlo), Mes. Tirreil Sr. end Mes. Norsewortby, Oshawa, Mres.1 Steinten, Me. and Mes. Hun- gerford, Toronto, visited Mn.ý and Mrs. Cli!! Tiereil. Mr. John Jobns.on, Queens-ý ville, visited Mr. and Mes.ý Hugh Coutts, Hampton, on' Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode and family, Lake!ield, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mes. Clarence Tink. Mes. M. Trevail, Oshawa, Mr. and Mes. Bob Courtice, Courtmce, visited Me. and Mes. Elmer Wilbur. Me. and Mes. Jackson Wray' and daughters, Osbawa, Miss Naomi Horn, Dutton, visited on Saturday evening with Me.i and Mrs. Tom Wray. On Sun- day Me, and Mes. Sam Keane and childeen visited Mr. andý Mes. Wray. Monday evenin-i Me. and Mes. Wray and Miss Minnie Horn were dinnEnr guests wit.h Mr. and MesQ. Keane, Oshawa. Mr-. and Mes. Art Reynolds and !amily motored to New- market on Monday when Art helped out with a football game. Mr. and Mes. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mes. A. W. Prescott on Mon- day. Miss Nancy Johns is spend- ing a few days with Mn. Don White, Oakville. Mes. Helen Mhite, Mr. and Mes. Douglas and chiidren visited Mi-. Doný lin Cu. tU. U Refrigerator L7 rrcezr 1jJizilL Autonîatic Defrost IVITH TRADE-IN KELVINATOR Deluxe 30" Range 1900 4Hi-Speed Elements. FuIly Automatie. lVith the purchase of this range you re- 2 1 ceive FREE Bonus Set of Aluminum KELVINATOR Cookware valued at $Z0.00 ------WITHI TRADE-IN $270 cu. ft. FREEZER $ 690 600-1b. capacity - 5-year Warranty$0 0 3-year Food Spoilage Warranty $2.0Bonus Free - Regular $319.00 2 6 Used 16 cu. fi. Freezer - - - - - - - - - - - $175.00 KELVINATOR00 WRINGER WASHER $14909 Pump and Timer - 11 lb. capacity -______TRADE-INl Cowan M 134 RING ST. E. Equipment Co. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5689 - t ' .~ - lattended En.niskillen anniver- re" Sna coo n hrh I mary an d w ere tea guesta o! th e av erage C an ad ian m an s I v ery p rou d to iv e he r "S n a e oo n h r h Mar. and Mn. John Slemtsof a total ioss. I imagine he is Both sexes, from remoteand Berniece's lass this past Mr ad rs oh Semn more at home in a hunting1 parts of the world with total-1 Sundav was looked after by Mr. and Mii. Ron Clemens i and fishing lodge, or on a ly different backgrounds had'Carol Thorndyke. attended Esrniskillen anniver- rub ilta sagetsme p ih cnOur This bas been the season's sary and were tea guests o!f}L at a formai dinner." j their opinion o! Canada and.Ifirst holiday weekend and the Mr-. and Mrs. Edga.r Wright. . VTs' E native Canadians. ' sound o! cars from 401 made Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell ve lIU I didn't remind either of!a steady hum. It was easy to Mr-. and Mcs. Harvey Pascoe, IdotkeCndasId. ing. v4 e'fl ikj ways. They are uninhibited bas becorne a veritable kaieid- to carry it ail. City folk wei e Mr.BihR od ge , Ified, '?DORTHY*AR*Rby centuries o! social amen- oscope nationalities. Though idownii'n force to open up cot- Susx nln. iie i ities; if they are blunt. at least the government bas recognized tages at the various resorts in Susse, Enland vistBdNis you know how you measure that there is such a thing as the district, and check the sister-în-law Mrs. Harold Pot- As Others See Us Iperched at the counter withiup fo their expectations. MenjIa "Canadian"' for census pur- !winter damage, if anv. ter, Harold and family. The CNR coffce shop car the rest of the travelees. laccept working women on1 poses, the rude young man,' Mes. Clarence Nichais and Mrs. A. Blanchard, Mes. L.1 was filled xvîth smoking, eat-I I don't know why I even their own level. recognizing1 badiy behiaved child, the slave sons wvent ta hec home in Clemens and Mrs. Ron Cle-1 ing bodies, ail perched Oni looked at the menu, because' their abilitv without mascu 1- ta cosmetics and probably the' Westmeath for the weekend. mens attended a shower at the, stools and stacing into space.l "Y intention xvas to order the F me prejudice." Well, anywav "chic"' wonîan could be o! ai- - le parents had been in Toc- home o! Mrs. Edgar Wright,I Usualiy I indulge in a late usuai "coffee, clear, please". site adored the mapie syrup, most any national background. onto and she drove them E.nniskillen, held in honour of' coffee on the pool train for' Sitting beside me wxas a xvell'and waffles! home. Miss Reva MeGill. that is one service I, and ýbult, clear skinned young The last I saw o! this frank Visitons with Me. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, dozens o! executive types girl. She wore .no . k, up jJjJjg C Beightn werehMc. an Douglas, Carolyn and David riding, between Canada's two avec ber peaciblboom comn- of ber weli taîlored suit as WES EMesE . egter Cleke o!rUtted visited Miss Ruby Deweli, largest cities, reaîîy apprec- pein nyasls !vvd semd e a otecac~ In sp île o! cool weather and Son. Me. and Mes. Vincent Oshawa. iate. But this night I chose ta red lipstick. I noticed ber section o! the niglit train toj Me. and Mrs. Dennis Mac-r ifrn f'prkdm ad atclal. bcuerînrel nte nîcs numerous showers o! ramn, the Czabo and Leslie, Michael and shal, Kim and Glen, Bramp- train case at my feet and1 they seemed incongruaus for she liad made o! Canadians fed r rdah hwn' efe !Bnigo. Pi tonandMis Etel ilbrta working girl, which I pro- "They do liat take advanlageismooth and brown wilh nev.' Clanke, xvbo usually spent this Deep River, spent the week- %White on Stinday. sumed she was. Long tapening lo! Ibis country's excellenltisov.'ýing, or green with seeds holida.-y witb bis grandparents, end with Mr. and Mes. Gco. Mes. Sain Snowden and Mc. fingers ended in colorlcss, yetItravel1 facilities. Every xvoek- already geowing. lis xvorkirg as a forest ranger. Gilbert. Miss Ethel Gilbert is Haroîd Macîchin, Oshawa, caîîbatiul gomdnal. i n g oehec d 4-iThere were 60 at Sunday'i e niMs.VnGc n some time with ber ed o n n e.R Pra e cudyutl hrsedm eon f cShool thiq lholiday weckend. three children o! Fruitland parents prior to a trip to the Hodgson. me xvhat xvaffles are?" sha ithan on furbelo'%s."'wt lrnoNcosoen iie ihM.adMs British Isles and Continental i asked ini a voice and accent 1She made a dlaimr I could F ing the session ond Gloria' Jolm Gnoeneveld during the Europe. Mr. and Mes. Leonard JO- îhat sounded liko watcr tink- not dispute. She said she wa,,,Nieliols as organist.Trmn eend Mc. and Mes. Dave Hall and hano, Melbourne, Q ui e b e c, jing musicalîy over the sa!-dv'ieeady to wager thjat slehe aÙ Austin, assistant stiperiite!i- Art McKay o! Newtonvilie Miss Cathy Hall attended En-sotth ekndwt ebd as a brook. Wlien I baci visitcd and knew more about: dent, and MaL-rie Austin, or- aind Mes. Ida Pluni of Toron- niskilien anniversacy and were and Mes. C. Terpsira. expi ained how waffles weno theIl e umj-ejs, art gallieîSz . is, closing it. In the cv- ta, Mr. and Mes. Brown o! tea guests o! Mr.. nd Mes e adMs. Gerald Jo" made from a batter poured the.aires and scenie sinoseig Rev. E. K. Normnn Port Houe with Il. Barrow- he usso r n 1 ,lann, Hathey, Quebec, we'e: over a bot mron apparatus that'of centrai Canada than any gardsemn o h Iolcîis M.nd e.Frn Joh ndMs as.on. xeokend guesîs with Mr. andl squeezed thom mbnt dents andl Canadian, male oe female, of ý Spirit, source of power and Ferguson, and _Mi'. and Mes. andRoelen ttndd te ol Torpstra.Janhoosinetdorhex-hcagamOfl. courage, gave guidance for :Geo. Fenguson of Oak Lake den Wedding anniversary oiMr. and Mes. Jas. Jhnpress purpose o! holding soft! On this saine trip I hadlcoming davs. The solo part if xih 1\r. lai'ry Austin;: Bar- Mr. and Mes. Alex Jobnston Osh awa, were Sundav visitors bte admpe yu, e nther ecîig cnvra hcoir's anthem was sung baî'a Stapleton of Newtonvilie at Backtoc onMonay. with Mr-. and Mes. Teî'pslra. jEnlish reserve meitod imb ltion. I was sitting in the hobby by John Gcoeneveld. ,with Carol Thonndyke; Nola ats Jhas.o rton Monday. C admnJsMcelamfpendy smile. o h ue liaehHtl Me. W. Tu!fond bas heen hHldwyo! Toronto spent Mas. Js. ogarbwitb Me. Cam Petaxvawxa, spent Ibe; "o00 maple syrup, that is in Montreai wailing for train Port Hope bospilal for a week! thebc weekend with bier mother and Ms. Byd Wlcaxand1weekend with Me. and Mes. J.I îculy Canadian, isn't Wt ' She lime for my reîurni jounney. adbshat em uhMs .Hlaaado sn, ooed he Ottaw and C Nill xxas sa enîhusiastie about the when a fî'ail young man askod 1noebtb vi oth udvle n e Bowen enoeteauu lps andothe The ladies o! the HamptonjIidea that, befoce 1 realized it, su'nsnl,"o r o homne for same time yet. 'eeoidhyMsHo- bea du bosos. ueHgrhSrieCu edterMyIhd ree afe niupiigy Yu aen Theejie yMs od Mc.andMes Brce ogath eî'iceClu bed teirMay i ad rdeed a!fes anAerican?" His huge brown Tee bas been considerable away's sister, Mes. Allan Gbo- an aml, ikeigM.meetingc at the home o! Mes. mapie syrup too. ee eexatr n eillness from flu lately and thi ver o! Oshawa, as welh as Frn n add faiy sokrn, M. aoioate, ih h 2d Newspaper people neyerlsniffed constantly into an im- Best fainil.,-, have been suffer-lother inembers of the Giover Fank iun ister and onBow Vice Pros. Mes. B. Killens i can- leave weli enough alone, imaculale white linen band- ing fran iti foc the pasl two fmhe rm Ohw n manili, vsitd M. ad Ms. he hai. Te unemeeingîbe ahvay bae t as qus-kerchief. He said ho xvas from weeks. They weee missed at Peterborough._ Jas. Hogarthan SunDarr Iis to he a dinner meeting 011 tions. Somelimes they are in- Iran, an importer Wvho bad Mn es.Wlallitts, D acre. June 7th; place flot yot cho- ane such as "Wbat do you been establishing a new bus-il day with Mes. T. Mountjoy. son. think of Canadians?" Perhaps mness in Now Yark City. Con-! Miss Kathy MeCune, Osh M.adMs.Go e nd, l nover sbould bave asked. fused and disilhîsioned hy bbcl awa, spent the weekend with Lynn visiled her brother Me' Ier reply wasîi't exactlhuî'ly-burly and husthe-busîleý S r n t m e S e i i Mr. and Mes. Sid Kersey. Me. and Mes. Jack Bairsow itbc iuprai,,bu he didn't of thlat great metropolis hW and Mes. Lloyd Kersey, Rab- co.ae1 e te weed mince words. Hec assessment had travelled ta Mvontreal tal hieandPhip, estn, ev.Mondav ox'ening Imc. and M1 .,o ur population from ber find out for himseif if ahil5 WA L A E S E U E Ted Kersey and Jini, Scarbor- C.YoadLynvstdM.two month's cesidence here buman existence in tbis partý ougb, wece Sunday visitons and Mrs. Paul VanEky, New-I was eevealing if not too flat- o! the North American can-ý wilh Mr. and Mes. Kersey. tonville. tering. In liec opinion aur tinent was as hectie and, to30 5% OF Me. and Mrs. Bort Hoskiný The A.O.T.S., formerly the mon and boys are rude, un- bis European mind, meaning-13% I 50 OF altended the FletcherHsknBrothieho0d, of Hampton Cie- diplomatie, devoid o! court- less.REAL RCE cuit, held their second regulacl esy, iil-mannered, virile, banni- weding t hcsoc ondSin i meeting at Zion on May 5th, sanie, compleely unramantic Plat on the Back urda a!trnoo, an in hewith an attendance o! fi!tY. and toa abviaus in their ad- A!ter three dayshe ad evening attended a combinedlTeP's sbl rni Ivn s ue cmde r ifle nlaewt oe al: hirthday party for Teery Hos-;h i .Masal rnivne.Or cidn &flninoewtiMnral kmn andi Jean Williams, at the!opend the meeting. Mr. Car- bores, libtle heliions, have and Canadians. "Your women I home o! Mr. andi Mes. Grant' rick bock charge of the devo- beastiy table manners and1 are so chic. Newv York ivomenj Williams, Zion.oa M. Harvey Yelloxieeas don't know what the wordiaî'e toa flamboyant in their: O S A N Miss Gail Hawes, Wbthy-lok charge o the pragî'am: "'ohey" ni-ans. Canadian wo-Istyle sense, toa obvious in i spentMondy wi h iand Mr. Wes. His, reading, " Mvirmon are beautiful, slaves ta Iheir sex appoal. You have! HT N OO R Mrs.Ear Lue ad fMr.y Financial Career"; Do u g i a' s1 casmetics, 100 hibm or too fat, l ime bore fon leisurely plea- Ms. Earl Luke and amily. Dey el. two fine piano soias;i bave- in the majority Of! suce, in New York you even~ PRI CE PER GALLON: Mn.Er1Lk n Mrs.: Wm. Laird sbowed bea i- cases -droadf ui taste in clotb- caunit the minutes il takes ta Jack Macnab enjoyed a bus jifulptueonNtie thesadhvlogaocadetasek.Y rbsns- ttri Otawpposoedo, pctOttnaatrewat o ad ae on ea cse cl tek.Yoc uin$3.etcybyMe Lid$4t.ep9tt5irmo$o6.95 o ae outeu;.95y 495-$105.8955 109 citeOb Hriutua a Mr. Reed was presenleni wilb' hold the door for tbem". not make you fool that you ciet. apnadpni e sat M.and Mes. John Lyon aenndpnistasaok- "Yur men make f un o! aurlare wasting thein valuable and hilrenvistedon Via.i~n o approciation o! bis wor accen t, but my boss admits lm.Teei ebp o inndtheiB nediction a social'tMan-anInghish grlras i tils before ihînc hon? Your' daywih c.ani es ~in the Bnotherlioad. Follow- lie wouldn-'t bine anyone other mucil drinking. Why cack- 1 Lyon, Toronto. igteBndci' oiltaianEgihgr h i offcis wful blut vo? ou ea Mes. Allun Macklin a n d bial! boue xvas enjoyed. Il is1soceetary. Canadian businoss-lcofe sawu -bt orta family visited Mr. and Mes. expocted that planîs will ho mon are demanding, but also sublime; your population too, Paint and NNallpaper Store Woolbead, Agincuet. made to bave a pienie for the! appreciative o!fxvorki well smaii, but your bearts are so' 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-5431 Mrs.mSmeers o! bbc A.O.T.She thoir: donc. Office routine is thor- big. Canada is a.most beauti- Meee. tD.Balsndpet th wivos and familles. oughly organized but sacîally fui. counitry; you shauld bel______________________________ Keith Billett at Williams"i Point. Miss Debbie Fernandez and ber brother Ronnie spent the' weekend at the Niddery home. Me. and Mes. Bob FernandezELV 1N A T 0 R Mary Niddery Monday even- î.ng and took the children he. Mr. Jack Niddery, Bow-'_____ mnanville, visited his mother on Sunday. The members o! the Senior Football Teami were in Tor-' onto on Fciday evening at-' tending a game at Varsity Stadium. Mr. R. H. Reynolds, Toc- onto, has been spe.nding a few days wilh Miss Lula Reynolds, Mr. and Mes. Ray Campbell, John and Connie, Toront'o, visited Mr. and Mes. John! Rogers Sr. and Mr. andi Mes.: John Rogers Jr. avec the8ETR UY ONY G M I weekend.ON eTR9 Mes. Gibson, Bowmanvillc.' spent the holiday weekend with hiec daugbter Mes. Rab- insn.KELVINATOR %a - - j ý WE SDAY, MAY 24th, 1981 52- PAGE TffmTrm

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