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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1961, p. 14

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Articles f or Sale ASPARAGUS for freezing. Phone MA 3-5981. 21-3 ',DOUBLE behd. sDrrine nd mat- Births CRAGO-Calvin and Dorothy are happy ta announce the ar- rivai of a son Kevin Dayne,j 8 lbs. 31/ ozs., Sun., May 14th,; 1961. A brother for Theresai and Paul. 21-1 1 DEWELL--Larry and Dorothy' are pleased to announce the arrivai of a son, Rodney Alfred, on Wednesday, May 10, 1961, a brother for Debbie. 21-1* LEASK-Clara and Ewert are happy ta announce the birthi o! a daughter Laura Rose on1 Wednesday, May 17, 1961, ati Oshawa General Hospital. A£ sister for Margaret and James. 21-1 Articles for Sale 1 Cars for Sale CLARE Jewel c o0ok s t o v el 1955 PLYMOUTH. Phone MA .cheap. Phone M4A 3-3569. 3-5540 after 6 p.m. week 21-1* days only. ____ 21-1* 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, Ai con- GOOD selection of Used Re- dition, 25,000 miles, cheap for frigerators and Washing Ma- quick sale. MA. 3-5443. 21-1* chines. Mason & Dale, 36 King St. E. 21-i ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay., ASPARAGUS Roots. 2-yr-old For personal service atyour ýV-35 asparagus roots available, home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, i16.00 per thousand, delivemed.,colleet. 2-tf Orono 196J. 2~* Cards of Thanks Cominq Events Sincere thanks and apprec- B-'rooklin Spring Fair. First iation are extended ta the Saturday in June- June 3. many friends who sent cardsl 21-21 and flowers at the time o! the Th at eng Dnea recent bereavement of My The Legan Heeawl e eld mother, Mrs. Wm. Douglas.te May nHal i ___ hl Mrs. L. A. MacDougal. May_26. 17-5* 21-if Cotton Carnival at Good- brand Fabries, Bowmanville, 1 wish ta express my sin-' starts this weekend. Ail cot- cpre thanrks tM Dr. Witzel I tons reduced. 21-1 nurses o! the Oshawa H< staff for excellent atte Ta Rev. Houslander, 'V and W.A. o! Trinity CI relatives, neighbors, fi for calîs, flowers, card, many kind acts. 1Lais M.1 1955 ODLSMOBILE, Auto- matic, two tone blue and white. In good condition. E. M. Wood, phone MA 3-5479. 21-1 ý,aÏ 1 ention. W.M.S. hurch, riends, [s and Bragg. 21-1* 1959 CHEV. 2-DR. V-8, automatir transmission, windshield washens. Real sharp car. 1959 SAVOY 4-DR. 6 cyl., radio, windshield wash- ers, mimrons. One ownen, only 12,000 miles. This Week's Speclal: 1956 DODGE REGENT 2-DR. HARDTOP Radio, Spontatone . ------ $895 1955 BELVEDERE 4-DR. Automatie transmission, radio, two-tone black and white. 1954 OLDS. 1188" 4-DR. Automatic. Mechanic's special! 1952 PONTIAC 4-DR. 6 cyl. PALMER WMl1 UTEÇ 1 '.P.J.LJ 1 U UriI By C larke Township Sehool 20 King St. E. Bowmanvilla2 Area Board, for sale o! sites 21-1l and buildings of the follow -__-__-----_____ former sehools:Sed <" fo No. 21 on Concession 6, SedGain4. forJ Sale No. 17 on Concession 8, SILAGE and grain corn seed; No. 13 on County road No. Rodney and Gary oats and 8, at Kendal. grass seed. Swain Seed Clean- Possession an completion O! ens and Dealers, Blackstock new Kendal sehool. Higbest 89r11. 21-3 or any tender not neceasarily accepted. Must be sealed, E D C R marked "Tender," and receiv: E DC R ed not later than June 19, 1961,G u by the secretary, Mrs. Violet Funk's GTTLJ Gilmer Newtonviile, Ontario. 21-1 FOR ENSILAGE or GRAIN Proved the Best in Test TENDERS Wanted-For the T' supply o! fuel ail for theHiaruome o Ben 1961-62 beating season ur> to o en June 15/61. (1) Part Hope~ T V ~ ' High School requires abouti RICKARDLJJL 20,000 gallons o! Na. 2 light industrial. (2) Millbrook High S E L N Sehool requîmes about 8,000 SE rE PLANT0 gallons o! No. 2 light indus- MAr1t3-15 trial. (3) Bowmanville High 2- School requîmes about 30,000 T .okF rS l gallons o! No. 4 medium in- .Li1vest kF rS l dustnial. (4) Courtice High YOUJNG piga. Phone Victor School requires about 20,000 CosnBwavle 11 gallons o! No. 5 beavy indust-CoknBwa ile 21* rial. W. B. Reynolds, Secret- THREE-yean-old pony, geld- any-Treasurer, Box 1378, Bow- ing. Quiet for cblîdren.Pon manville, Ont. 21.1 CO 3-2549. 2- Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubl goods) mailed pastpald in ph sealed envelope with price l Six samples 25c, 24 samp' $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T- Nov.-Rubber Co,, Box Hami.ton, Ont. )ber tainI Pets for Sale GERMAN Shepherd p u p s, purebred, $15. Phone COlfax lv -- - PAGE VOURTEEN Ltress._Phone MA_3-3757._21-1 REFRIGERATOR, 9 cu. ft. reasonable. Phone CO 3-2288. WATER for sale and delivered Caîl Ciiff Pethick, CO 3-2131 32-t: A FEW bushels o! Sebago po tatoes, for table or seed. Tele' phone CO 3-2338. 21-1: LLOYD Convertible baby carniage. Good condition, $25. Phone MA 3-3274. 21-1 NEW check rail sash, $2 ta $ pr.; 7" table saw, $20. Rober, Bothwell, MA 3-2821. 20-'ý COTTON Camnival now on- prices slashed on cattons- Goodbrand Fabrics, King St, W.--- ______ __ 2 1--1 MAPLE syrup, 25 miles nortf of Newcastle, Highway 3,9 Con. 12, Manvers. Andrem Heaslip. 20-1 13' 9" OUTBOARD-Hydr- plane, steering wheel, crash throttle. Apply 18 Duke St., MA 3-2963. _______21-111 SAVE on lumber, direct !romn mill ta yau. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Onta ri o. Phone 17r11. 45-tl KEYS cut autamatically, whil( you wait, at Mason & DaIE Hardware, 36 King St. E. Bowmanville. 46-tl SEE Elmer for good used TV's, furniture, appliances, vacuums cookware, some antique fumn- iture. CO 3-2294. 20-2 NIAGARA Cyclo-Massage, 2 pieces. Good as new. Phone MA 3-2554, Mrs. E. Brum- mei'l, 4 St. G eorge St. 2 1-1 NEW Remington adding ma- chine, hand-operated. Regular $145. On sale $125.00. See it at The Statesman Office, King St. W. 13-t!f CLEARING prices now on peonies, spreading and up- right Evergreens, all from re- putable nurseries- Stedman Store.__________21-1* INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- niates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf IDEAL for the cottage, 6 chairs $2 each, buffet $10, table $6, chesterfield and chair. $15 All dlean and sturdy. MA 3-2817. 21 1 * GARDENERS - Lawn Seed, Fertilizers, Garden Seeds, Onion Sets <including Span- ish). The best at the lowest Iprices. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- rnanville-. - - -, 13-tf STRAWBERRY plants, Cava- lier, Redcoat and Premier, $4.95 per hundred; also box plants. Liberty Nurseries, Lib- erty St. N., above Concession. M4A 3-3074.- 19-3 3ROADLOOM - wall-to-wall or room size. Free estimates on wall-to-wali. Samples tak- en out ta your home for colour and decorating ideas. F. A. Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., MIA 3-7071. 3 4-tf ]POR sale tahighest bidder, large -L shaped barn in good Dance in Solina Community Hall on Saturday, May27 with Jîm Fisher's Orchestra Everyane welcome. 21-1 Tea and Bake Sale, St. Jaseph's Church Auditorium, Liberty St. South, May 27, 2 p.m. Auspices of C.W.L. 20-2 Last Dance o! the Seaso -Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Mayý -27. Hard-time Dance. Clamai 1Nesbitt's Music Makers. Ad-' jmission 75c. Door prizes. t -21.1* Orono United Church andý Sunday Schoal Anniversary.1 Sunday, May 28, at il a.m. Richard Mor toan speaker. Orono Band in attendance. 21-1 Kiwanis Club sponsors Pea- Inut Blitz, Manday, May 29j from 6:30 ta 9:30. Choice of ipeanut praducts ranging from sOc0 ta $1.50. Proceeds for 1Community Service Fund. 21-1 Woodview Cammunity Centre -Monster B i n g o. Twenty games--twenty dollars; five games-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Doar prizes. Nexti Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf FOUND - Ahl the OLIVER plows ALL the OLIVER] tractors- at the Spotlighti Premiere PLOWING EXHI-! BITION- afternaon and even- ing - Bill Latchford's Farm, May 3lst, Hwy. 14 - Belleville. Burketon Sunday Schaal An- niversary Services, May 28. Afternoon speaker, the pastor, Mr. Walter Crawford. EveningJ guest speaker, Mm. Frank Ward, Oshawa. Grace Church, Scugag Island Choir supplies, evening music. Anniversary dinner May 31. Pragram of outside vocal and instrumental music and a coloured film by Mm. Walter Crawford. 21-1 Eldad United Church Sun- day School Anniversamy, Sun- day, May 28, 1961 in Church Shed, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Special speaker, Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, Oshawa. Music by~ the Sunday Sehoal Choir assist-I ed by Mr. Ken Hallett of Sonya. Monday, May 29, 1961, soccer game 7:00 p.m. Mill- brook Minstrel Show 8:15 p.m. at hall. AdultasOc, children 25c. -21-1 Charfered Bus Trip ROCK GARDENS e AND HAMILTON Saiurday, June 10' CnT MER TPAVESER S'VICE Buy Yourself a Good Used Car for a change If's - Good - For - You fluy from the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wise people who think twicel always say it's none other than ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars ________________7-t! Used Car Specials 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Radio ---- --- -------- $275 1951 MONARCH 4-DR. _. $195 1955 METEOR 2-DR.- $775 1954 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1/2-TON 1950 FORD DUMP 1956 FORD TANDEM COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5689 21-1 COME IN AND INSPECT THESE K. 0 USED CARS Real Sharp! 1959- CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE 6 cyl., automatie transmission, power brakes, power steering.1 One owner, only 7,000 miles.1 Sharp blue with white top. 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 2-DR.1 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. 1958 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. 6 cyl. with power glide 1956 CHEV. 2-DR. STATION WAGON 6 cyl. ROY W. NICHOLS Courtlce and Bowmanville Lots __________21-1 SELLOUT Sale: Due ta an im- pending re-organization o! the campany Ed Wilson Funniture Ca. Selîs out. Entire stock must be cleared ta the bare walls- This is a "must" sacrifice s a 1 e! Reductions below coat pnice! Twa-piece Senta sofa bed suite, tnylon Fnieze upholsteny, lat- est styling, reg. $199. Spectac- ular sellout $99. Complete 14- piece living room ensemble, 2-piece Restonie daveno suite, end table, coffee table, lamp and shade, haasock, magazine rack, two cushions, 2 pictures, 2 scatter mats. One sellout price $137. Three-piece Serta seetional suite, with frieze up- holstery and foamn cushions, luxuriaus suite, very low pnice, reg. $349, sellout $177 Three-piece bedraom suite, walnut finish, large dresser with mimnar maomy chest dmaw- ens, full size panel bed, sell- out special $77. Beautiful wal- nut 12-piece bedroom ensem- ble, chest, bookcase bed, spring, two pillows, two bou- doir lamps, spring filled mat- tresa, 4 wall pictures, sellout special $138. Extra large chrome kitchen suite, 36x60 arborite top table with dur- able matching chrome chairs, reg. $89.50, sellout special $44. Unpainted bookeases, t w o shelves, cash and carry $1.99. Genuine canvas-back inlaid linoleums reg. $2.69, sellout special .88e sq. yd. Magazine racks, sellout .87c. Continental beds, aping filled construc- tion, sellout special $18.88. 6x9 bordemless floor covenings, sellout special $1.99. Ed Wil-I son's Fumniture Ca., 20 Church1 St., Oshawa, Ontario. Free Delivery. 2- Tenders Wanted- TENDERS will be eceived until June 12, 1961, by the undersigned from whom par- ticulars as ta duties may be obtained for the following positions: (a) Caretaker fanl 6-room school at Mitchell's Corners; (b) Caretaker for 5- room achool at Hampton; (c) Caretaker for 3-room sehool at Salem. Lowest or any tender not necessanily accepted. M. J. Habbs, Sec'y-Treas. Phone CO 3-2608. 21-1 W would like ta thank ___________________r e li v es, fiends and neigh- Whteibars for cards, gi!ts and flow- FENTON R. J.- At Wie ers received on aur Sth Wed- Abbey Hospital, Northern Ire- ding Anniversary. A special land, husband o! Margaret thanks ta those who so kindly Fenton, brother o! Mrs. J. J. arranged the celebrations at Brown and uncle o! Maj. W. the Parish Hall and Recrea- J. Brown, Calgary and Irvine tion Centre, Blackstock. ,Bowmanville on May 16, 1961. Russ and Annie Brown, 21-1 Cadmus. Dr~Tr ~ ~ ,., i_________________21-1* Sunday, May 14, 1961, Sam- uel Pollock, beloved husband o! Elsie Maude Edgerton, dean father o! Harry, Joseph, John, William, and Mrs. M. Halla- day (Peggy), Kingston; Mrs. J. Whorral (Joyce), Ottawa. Funemal fmom the James Reid Funeral Chapel, Princess op- posite Sydenham St., on Wed- nesday, May 17, at 2 o-dlock. Interment Cataraqui Cemet- ery. 21-1* t;ngagements Mrs. Helen Baskerville, Newcastle, Ontario, wishes ta announce the engagement o! hem daughter Marilyn Jean, ta Mr. Verdon Paul Kent o! New- castle. The mamiage will take place on June 17, 1961, at 3 o'clock in Newcastle UnitedI Church. 21-1 1 In Memoriam ALLDREAD-In proud and laving memory o! Private D. A. (Dick) Alldread o! the Irish Regiment o! Canada who was killed in action on May 25, 1944 in Casino, Italy. Buried in Casino Cemetemy. -Even remembered by mathen, brothers and sister. 21-1* COUCH-In memary o! aur beloved mother, Winona Couch, who passed away May 24th, 1939. God thaught ta give the sweetest thing In His almighty power, To earth and deeply pondering nWhat it should be one boum. ifondest joy and love o! heant, Outweighing evemy other, ..t.,,mv ..the .s Lts of htlav VVI Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor, And aveta ath au Tymone, announce the engage- Amother.eathou men o!then dughem une Remembered always, daught- Manjonie ta M.r. Ralph Fraser - Dnldsn-in-law Sid. .Davey, son o! Mr. and Mrs. e eed,5 Donald Davey, Tyrone. The21* mariage wîhl take place on Saturday, June i7th, 1961, at FOWLER-In loving memory 3:30 'clock at Tyrone United a! a dean mothen who passed Chumch. 21.1* away May 30, 1957. Mr.andMrs GergeW.!Dean mothen you are flot Mm. nd Ms. GorgeW.. forgatten Marahall, Cannington, wish ta Though on eath you are no annaunce the marniage o! more, thein daughtem Joan Elizabeth, Still in memory you are with ta Mr. Armond Rowland Hol - us lingsworth, son o! M. __ndý As you always were before. Mrs. Rowland Hollingswanth, --Lovingly remembered by son Omono. Wedding ta take place John and family. 21-1 Saturday, June l7th, 1961, at 2:30 o'clock in Knox Presby- FRANKLIN - In lovîng me- terian Church, Cannington. mary o! a dean mother, Mabel 21May Franklin, who depamted1 this life June lat, 1955. Mm. and Mrs. Peter Mur- She had gone across the river doch, Bowmanville, announce To the ahane o! ever green.- the engagement o! their dau- And we long to see hem dean ghtem Grace Jane ta Helmut face Muller, Toronto, son o! Mr. But the river flows between. and Mms. Fritz Muller, Roth, Some day, sametime, we shal Gemmany. The mamiage will see take place Satumday, June 3, The face we loved so Well 1961 at 3 r> m. at St. Andnew's Some day we'll clasp hem loving Prel~yterian Church, Bow- hand inanville. 2- And neyer say !anewell. MAY SALE SPECIALS Â~LteIiI~1~UUy ~IIi~ codition ta be removedlm- Reception George, Roy, Anne and Fam- mdaey Phone MAwan Mm. and Mrs. Charlie T ay- ily. PhneMA 3-26 ville Golf Course, MAnket Ion, Orono, will receive frienda 21-2 3-2670 ask fan Mn. K. Nieka and relatives at the Oddfel- POOLTON -In loving and- or Pat Yeo. 21-1 lows Hall, Orono, an June 3, everlasting memory o! a dean AuctionSale _ PREPARE for Summer-See 1961, an the occasion o! their son and brother, Pte. Jack L. forty-fi!tb wedding annivena- Poalton o! the Irish Regiment Furnitume and articles ta be us for free estimates on amy from 3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9. o! Canada who died o! wounds sold at Lot 21, Concession 4 o! Alumwiu m osand _____ 21.2* at Lini Valley, Casino, Italy, Damlington Township ane mile You milltbe amaed hm ow eco -___--May 26th, 1944. west of Hampton on Saturdaynmca hy aefo oa It's only a wonderful joumney May 27tb for Albert Crawford, qimn o,14Kn t Notices From the old warld ta the Wingham cookatove, Moffat 3. 5689 _____ PhoeM 3-5689.16-tf L. . MsonLa OficeWhnew.ange, beds, chairs, tables, - .z.. L. C.MasonLaw Ofice Wh* r Golden Gates have dishes and other articles. BUY your outdoor plants clsduni a 3t. 1-I* opened wide Terma cash. Sale at 1:30. early this spring. We have a FOR COMPLETE To let our loved anes Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. large quantity o! greenhouse tbrougb;1 20-2 and perennial plants. C. de Insrace ovrag ýnd hee wthjus te sm- Mooy. Flower and Plant Insuance CovrageAnd 1~gl jut t sae The bousehold effeets of the Grower, located 2 miles East S ee Bill Mornison And the heants we cherished estate of the late Mrs. John of Twin Oaks Motel of! High- so oin,59Cuc tBow- way 15 19-4* 26 CONCESSION ST. W. ýOur boys await until we meet i aliville, wîll be sold by pub- TO MA 3-3048 In the land where loved anes lic auction at the Durham UUUL>TOP SOLî Autmoil -oogo. County Sale Aena, Orono, on 1 Fire - Theft - Atmbl;-o dealy loved ta be Friday evening, June 2, Bed- Phone Travel - LUfe . forgotten. Mom and Fam i'y3. i room, living room and kitchen P P fT P L ____22-t! l21.1*1 fumniture încluding electnic EAR BOT REL _________________ I ____stove, refnigerator, washingi SAND and GRAVEL HelpVVanted SHACKELTON-In loving me-1 machine, chesterfield, dishes,j CO 3-2682 SHORT order coks ita! mryo Mary Agnes Shackel-1glassware, etc. Please notelPrompt Service and Dellvery hep atess ulo atton wvho passed away May 24,1 sale ta commence at 6 p.m.! 20-2 hie p aîtnes ers ulorart e1955. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 22-1* SPECIALS: Spring filled mat- Fineside Ban-B-Q, Highway No. Upight and just in ah herý tresses $19.95; 9x12 broadloomn 115, 1 mile North of New-. ways, Extensive Auction Sale a! ruga $89; hosteschairs $1115; castle. 21-1 Loyal and true through ah1 Frame Buildings and Orchard 3-piece bedroomc suites $1 09; hem days, Equipment: Ineluding 32 frain- alat apninga $14.95; trade-in EXPERIENCED mani as herds- Silently suffemed, patiently ed buildings; consisting o! steel beda with apninga 4'; man for large dairy herd, good bore, barn, bouses, colony bouses chestenfield good condition wages, witb bouse supplied. God took ber home ta su! fer and henerys; Bean s p e e d $19.50. Murphy Furniture, Contact Smithlands Ltd., Osha- no more. sprayer Model 400, two sea- King St. W., Bowmanville. wa R.R. 1. Phone Bnooklin -Ever remembered by hem sons; Hardy spnayer; orchard MA 3-3781. . 21-1* OLiver 5-4881. __ 21-1 husband John and family. dse 4rw onDse; SETCTN TN FEMALE help requined for 2- Ford tractor, 3 point hiteh; DRIVEWAY GRAVEL selling refresbments Mos- M. D. tractor; Case tractor; CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVELi port Park this summer. Please STEVENS-In hoving memory Caterpillar tractor and a full CELLARS & TRENCHES DUG1 include telephone number in o! aur dean parents, Esther line o! onchard equipment; Phone application. Write Adventisen Stevens, May 25th, 1945, and office fumniture; and poultry 135 c/o Canadian Statesman, Enoch Stevens, Jan. llth, 1929; equipment. Wiîî be heîd at LELAND PAYNE P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. also aur two brothens, Sher- Oakridge Farma at Mississau- i___1-3 wood, Aug. 29th, 1941, and ga Road N., two miles South 4204 CLARKE (Calleet) WANTEDý- Mature Loigy-mmee yte aMy2t,16,a man 21 Herbent, Feb. 2th, 1952. o! No. 5 Highway on Satur-__ _ 19-4* years or aven ta wonk in family.pry en sbiidd1-1 AN N G A E Snack Bar, 5% days per week,__ _____ _ Terma çash. No reservepr-A D NDG VE expenience not necessany. -et en udvdd Must be sober and honet- Private Home Oughtred Bras., Propnietors, FOR YOURK DRIVEWAYS send application stating de- For th A e TA. 2-1316, Dundas Hwy. W., AND CEMENT tails ta Box 839, Bowmanville, Le£lgl Erindale, Ontario. PHONE EARL BOTTRELL1 Ont. _ ___ 21-1 OPEN June lat, pivate hom J. A. Elliott TR. 8-9233, Box1 BOYS- 13 ta 18 years ne- frteae tpnin rate. 115 Milton, Ontario. 21-1CO328 Please ah lyby milto Mr - For Prompt Service and quired for selling re!resh- WslkP.O. yx mai, ons. Wanted ___Delivery 15-tf ments Mospont Park this etae ..Bx16,Bw-___ manvîhle. Home will be locat--- USED TRACTORS- Inter- summer. Please include phone ed at 82 Chumch St., Bowman- DEAD and cippled famm stock, national W-4, Massey 102. number in apj4ication. Write ville. Do NOT apply in persan picked up promptly. Telephone Used Machinery-Intennation- Sdtatean, 6PO./ox 190ia at this address until a!ter COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur ah 18-mon Fertilizer Drill; Case Bowtemanii..Bo 19-, June 1lst. 18.4* Farm, Tymone. Licence 115. 7 f t. Cultivator, an nubber; In- Bowmanville. 19-3_____ DEAD AND CRIPPLED ternational 6 !t. Cultivator; WOULD like ta interview a E ca g FARM STOCK 10"' Hammer Mill; Interna- man on woman who desires to i~ng tional 3-furrow Plow, on go Into a sound profitable bus- EXCHANGE lands far bouse- HIGHEST PRICES PAID steel; Fluery 2-!urrow Plow mness and bas money ta invest -22x32, 5 rooma and bath- 1 R AY VI V IA N on steel; International "145" in their work. Inumiscn- room (3 pieces), full basement Locust Hill ae;Itratoa ped fia + Dl P. oWhithv MOJland Ahalf acrein best t,,,,, 4vPhonn.Marukham n1160JT Collect,--------..t.t.... un .nli-. 8-8743. Write Advertiser 139 , Muakoka on Main Line. Write 1 24-hr. 7-day Service c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. jBox 131, Station "R" Metro j License 102C61 EBox 190, Bowmanville. 21.1* Toronto, Leaside, Ont. 21-5* 20-52 er, o uai UUVI. '.uowan L.uiJ ment Ca., 134 King St. E.,'j Bowmanvil1he. Phone MA 3-5689. 21-1 FOR CASFE Tuesday4:0pm PI 4 i !Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for SaleiReal Estate for Sale McQ ayandKid FOUR roomed house, heavy INCOME house for sale. MA Mcûua andKid duty wiring, large lot, $3,000 3-2383. REALORSsmall down payment. Phone 1 Mem erso! O Rsa&Dsc Newcastle 4161. 21-21 SIX room house, large iand- MemTWOslotss66wa 16DsOrtcri saped lot and garden. Owner Real Estate Board sT. av lod, water0,sewro leaving town. Apply 209 King Daimy Farm - One of On-iclSt aeschoo.A . H. Cl, em- .St. E., Bowmanvile. 21-1* taria County's finest. 135 acresiens, 38 Concession St. S. 21-1* $5000 full price to close an with stately 7-room brick estate. 6 roams and bath i home, ail city conveniences. Leask Real Esiale Oshawa. Older home in need Large hiproof barn, stable room for 75 cattle. Toronto 6 room modern bungalow, o!2pi.P.M - 167. milk contract for 1/2 ton daily. family raom, 3 bedrooms .,4-1 Asking only $45,000. Easy piece bath, ail furnace. Own- THREE-bedroom brick bunga- terms. er transferred and wili take 10w with attached garage near- Orono Area reasonable offer. ing completian. Completely 100 Acre fruit farm, 50 acres* Three choice building lots on decarated. Mahagany trim. in Macs, Spys, Barletts, Keif- water and sewer. May be Low down payment. N.H.A. fers. Excellent garden soil, bought singly or in block. martgage. Contact D. Beers, large barn. $25,000. Terms. Central. 22 Parkway Crescent. 19-3 $1,000 down buys 8 room Dwelling, Hunt Street, with centrally located home in Bow- NI. E. LEASK self contained upstair apart.- manville. Balance easy terms. Real Estate Broker ment, garage, lot 60 x 550', Modemn brick bungalow an 55 Ontario St. rEOwmanvllle many kinds small fruit, im.- Prince Strect. Owner leaving MArket 3-5919 meàdi a te possession, $10,000 town. Priced for quick salea 21-1wther. 4ý3àu roo m bnao wt / acre of land with strcam, in Hampton. Only $6,000. 5 Acres level land near Orono, $2,000. Lots at Orono, Tynone, Bowmanville and Newtonville. IPrices from $500 up. J. A. Willoughby & Sons Lid. REALTORS 2~3 Acres With House 4 room frame bungalow ln ýoutskirts o! town. This is aý WALTER FRANK good location, ahl high level Church St. MA 3..3393,land. Could be sold for build- Bowmanville 2111 ing lots. Pnice $8,500 with C __ $2,000 down. Contact P et er K[owal1 MERVYN BIRD, ROLN OL 5-3159 MOFFAT 3-burner electric stove; 8-piece oak dining-room suite. Bath in excellent con- dition. Reasonable. Phone Newcastle 4371. 21-1* STUDIO couch, rangette, 21" TV radio and record player, automatie de!rost refrigerator, chester!ield and other house- hold articles. Phone \M 3-2759. 21-1 HOES-If you have any hoeing at ail ta do whethem woman or man, in ganden or field or among flowers or vegetables you owe it ta yourself ta have one or more o! J. A. Werry'si 1956 invention or one made ta order. Caîl or see J. A. Werry Enniskillen. 21-1 HOME FREEZERS GENERAL CHEST TYPE 239.00 up AMANA 16 eu. ft. UPRIGHT FREEZER 449.0 TERMS ARRANGED As Low as $24.00 Down puts a freezer In your home. Bowmanville ýFrigid Locker System PHONE MA 3-5578 Salesmen: C. Saper - MA 3-2624 J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 21-1 Wanted to Rent RELIABLE couple with four childnen would like 3-bedroom home in on around Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-2237. 20.2*1 SOHOOL teacher with family wishes ta rent 5-bedroom house in Bowmanville with self-con- tained unit on ground floor for a grandmather. Write Adver- tiser 131, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. 21-1 For Rent SELF-contained heated apart- ment. Phone MA 3-3408. 20-tf. THREE rooms and bath, heat- ed, self-contained. 205 King St. E., MA 3-3186. 9-tf APARTMENT, two bedrooms, separate entrance, back yard by June lst. MA 3-2383. 21-2 COMMECIAL property on -jilver Street (formerly black- smith Shop). Phone MArket 3-3393.--, - .- ---__ 1-tf THREE room and four roomi apartments over Sted ma n Store, low rents- apply thel manager. 21-1* FURNISHED bed-sitting roomý and kitchenette, available im-, mediately. Phone MA 3-35911 evenings. 21-1 ONE bcdroom apartment, self- contained, centrally located. Available July lst. Telephone MA 3-5798. 20-tf ONE week free rent. Modemn 4-room heated apartment, 41 picce bath, central. Apply 10 Division St., Bowmanvillp. -----21.1* DOWNSTMIRS heated 3-room apartment, kitchenette and bath, washer service, centrally located. Rent $75. Telephone MA 3-5277. 15-tf HEATED, modemn 3 rooma, kitchenette and bathroom, washer, dryer, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W. Also store on main street. 14-tf 6 ROOMED apatment and bath in Omono on Park St., centrally located, immediate possession. Apply ta Mrs. R. Beat. Phone_3r10, Onono. 21-1* HOUSE, 92 Wellington St., $75 per month. Available June lat. Write Mrs. N. J. Scott, 75 Forest Grave Dr., Willowdale, Ont., or telephone BA 2-1146. 18-tf HOUSE with garden on main road, available June lat. Re- fenences requined. Write Ad- vertiser 140 c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 21-1 HOUSE for ent, centrally la- cated, 3 bedrooma, garage, lange yard, ail heated. suit amal family. Write Advertiser 138,' c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Bx 190, Bowmanville. 20-3 Summer Resorts liat .1-2433.PORTAGE Lodge and Cottag- ples SCOTCH Border Collie Pol es - For a carefree family vaca- -28, pies. J. K. Graham, Enniskil- tion. Excellent food, recreation. 91, len P.O. Phone CO 3-2785. IFor information write Pen -52 21-1 Lake. Muskoka. 20-3' 3 Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 99 acres - 6 raom house, oil jfumnace, bath, large L-shaped barn, very scenic !arim, trout stream. Pnice $35,000. Terms. 160 acres - 7 room bouse, 1hydmo, pressure system. Barn 130 x 100. Cash crop farm, near lake. Pnice $32,000. Terms. 110 acres - 7 room brick house, large barn, soil suitable -for Christmas trees. Pnîce -$6,500.00. Terma. 1 100 acres - 12 room frame 1house, barn 30 x 95, imple- 7ment shed, cash cnop farm. Pnice $12,500. Tem. 12 bedroom bouse, semi-de- tached, bath, gas fumnace. Pnice $6,000. Temms. Two apartment home, very central, owner must selI. Price $10,500. Give us an offer. Two-apartment home, good învestment. Price only $6,500, Down $3,500. 7 building lots, centrally lo- cated. Town water and sewer available. Pnice $7,000. Hlghway No. 2 East o! Bowmanvllle Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesmen : G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 3506 21-11 De Wiih Real E-siatel 80 Acre farm on paved road with large L-shaped bank barn, drive shed, garage, etc.; 8 roomed bouse with modemn conveniences. Asking $11,500 with termsararanged. 100 Acre farm, close ta high- way, large L-shaped bank barn, machine shed, garage, etc.; 7 roomed home with modern conveniences. Pnice $13,000 with $2,500 down. 10 Acres with small barn; 4 roomect cement block house, with ail fumnace. Pnice $6,5001 with $500 down. 11i Acre farm, on paved road, near Bowmanville wîth good size barn, pig pens, gar- age, etc.; 7 roomed home with unning water. Asking $11,000. Terms. 248 Acre farm, approxim- ately 200 acres workable, 48 acres in bush, 2 barna, hen bouse, etc.; 9 roomed home. Price $10,000. Termis. S92 Acre farm, 87 acres work- able, the beat of land, L-shap- ed bank barn, silo, water on tap, garoge, etc.; 8 roomed 'home with unning water. Ask- ling $16,000. Easy terma. BARBER SIIOP with mod- ern living quartera and ahl equipment, etc. Asking $9,500 with $3,000 down. 6 Roomed bungalow in Ken- dal with ail furnace, kitchen cupboards, water under pres- sure. Asking $6,000 with $500 down. 5 Roomed new bungalow near Newtonville with nîl mod- ern conveniences. Oil furn- ace, bathroom, etc. Price $8.000. Terms. 6 Roomed home with run-' ning bot and cold water on 9 acres. Asking $5,000 with $1,500 down. 12 Roomed, solid brick home in Bowmanville witb ahl mod- ern conveniences. Ideal place for apatments. Nice quiet street. Pnice and termsara- anged. 5 Roomed home in Bethany with running waten, col fur- ace, kitchen cupboards. Price $4,800. Terms. 8 Roomed brick borne in Bethany with modern con- veniences. Price $5,000. Tenms. 8 Roomed bouse near Ponty- pool with good well, tool shed, on 1 acre lot. Prîce $2,500.I BARBER SHOP with miod- ern living quartera In Bethany including ahl equipment, etc. Asking $9,500 with termsa ai- ranged. Two completely furnished cottages with 2 boats on beaut- iful lake. Asking $13,500. Term. John F. De With Realtor and General Inasrance Newcastle Phone 3341 Dauald MauntJoy, MA 3-3950 Ross Davldsou, Bethany, 30R3 Lamne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 1 THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. WV. - MA 3-2453 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 Concession St. Beautiful 6-room ranch type bungalow with attached garag' e. Priced right at $15,500. Terms. Parkway Crescent. New 5- oom Colonial style brick bungalow with ultra modemn k i t c h e n featuring built-in range, aven, etc. N.H.A. fin- anced. $2,624.00 down. 6¾/%1 mortgage. Parkway Crescent. New 5- moom brick bungalow with cam- pant. Binch intenior trim and large windows make this a eal bnight home. Modemately priced at $13,900.00. Terms. $1,000.00 down for 7-moom frame home with garage. Bal- ance $75,00 per month. 5-acre farm with 1½/-storey frame home with ahl con-' veniences. Chicken b a r n. Orchard. Only $12,500. Terma. 20 Acres with good 7-room brick home, close ta sehool. Oil heating. Garage, etc. Let us show you this ane. ýi c 1- - - - - - - , 1 .- 1: 1 = 1 f 1 -Ir WMNESDAT, MAT 24th, 1961 Village, six room frame, ail conveniences, small b a r n, $7,000 with $1,000 down. Four suite, brick apartment building, hot water heated. Particulans at office. Two cottages on West Beach. One will. trade on modern bungalow. Service station, g a ra ge, wreckin:g yard license, also apartment. Two modemn brick bu-nga- lows for your inspection in town. Please don't hesitate to eall on us. We aim to please you if possible. J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Bowmauville 2- IN THE SUPREME COURT 0F ONTARIO BETWEEN: JUEIN PEARL CALE PLAINTIFF, AND ROBERT HANCOCK CALE DEFENDANT. PURSUANT ta the Orden a! The Honoumable Mr. Justice Treleaven, bearing date the l3th day a! March, A.D. 1961, made in this cause, there will be sold, with the approbation o! M. A. Miller, Esquire, Mast- er o! this Court, at Cobourg, by James Edward Jacksor4 Auctioneer, at 312 Libertyý. Street North in the Town ç Bowmanville, Ontario (beli, the residence and apple warc house o! the Defendant), oife , Saturday, the 27th day o! May, A.D. 1961, at the bour o! 2:00 o 'dock in the afternoon, D.S.T., a parcel of vacant land adjoin- ing the West limit o! Liberty Street North, in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, comprising fifty acres, more or less, and being that part o! Township Lot No. i in the Second Concession o! the Township o! Darlington, now within the limits o! the said Town o! Bowmanville, which said parcel is more particularly described in a conveyance from. the Executors o! the Estate o! Rowland Mass Cale, deceased, ta the Defendant, Robert Han- cock Cale, registered on April 23rd, 1958, at the Registry Office at Bowmanville, as Instrument Number 5968 for the Town o! Bowmanville, and shown in the Survey attached ta the said canveyance, being the rectangular parcel com- prising 50 acres more or less, EXCEPTING THEREOUT AND THEREFROM the following parcels: (1) A parcel o! land, with the buildings thereon, having a frontage o! 82' 6" upon Liberty Street, by a depth a! 132' and situate at the North East corner o! the said pancel; (2) A parcel of land, with the buildings erected thereon, having a front- age o! 154' 2", by a depth of 155' 4", franting on the West side o! Liberty Street, at or about the middle o! the said parcel; and (3) A parcel o! land, with the buildings erected thereon, having a front- age o! 160' by a depth o! 350', franting on the West ,ide o! Liberty Street, and about mid- way between the second- ly excepted parcel and the South East corner o! the said fifty acre parcel; the said firstly mentloned parcel being level, and highly suitable for sub-division pur- poses, and with a town W.ater main laid along the entire frontage. THE said lands shall beA4old freed from the dower intètest o! the Plaintif! and from the dlaims o! ahl Subsequent En- cumbrancers and Execution Creditors. THE property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, fixed by the Master of this Court at Cobourg. THE conditions of Sale shall be the standard conditions of 11

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