WEDNESDAV. MAY 24th, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO CLA SSIF ED A D S spe~~~~~~~~nt Sunday with Mr. and •i h udtru.Tistuh owles, ClareDeBMih Mrs. R E A D SChas. ene tion .A pp mfve be S o f auts hdrep"ocret;et M a in rosWolnik andFrnieV. Lost Work Wanted 1 The Women's Associa t i o n ladies ;in Mrs. Calnan 's 'S. S. The St. JosephsCtoi - _ meeting for May was held class. Even the recently dec * W in Second YougPeo1 ' C -METAÀLtail-gate from ha!lf GAÀRDENS -roto tilled, phone!Thursday evening, May 18th, VI O vOmoferated Pink piano blended in. o°ye"o"a trip t'o è'a' ton International truck in Newcastle 3001. 2 1- 1 at the home of Mrs. Fred Tuf -A d i o y Cvmt e ith the scenic arrangemn, entyb h Bowmanville district. Ph2ln AN kido-, with ten members pre- •a The Sunday atronsr ie n R c unrm :. ,sw.vle George Muttoni. Phone MA set!ce was scheduled for 2 p.m. given by the CobugCOMy 2d 91 LARGE black h ou nd, 3-5981. 2- h rsietoee he h Suingthepian prludvbyThe Bowmanville R a ei ngM.adMs ae arDa dtr brown head, lame on right- CAPETE-rofngan evting with prayer. The de- Miss Lois Ashton the audience Pigeon Club held their second Bowmanville, anrs.Jh oeyucnin pc front leg. Please contact David cemPentErk. ree eimantes by M rs.Iav Thwas given The Board was pleased withi The were appoint- gathere.d and the S. School Of race of the season on Satur ýMurphy, Newtonile wreithsek'edioofS- - 21-1 ~~~~hoeATG 75Plumbin d Mirnte is re ra bv'. ing for Port Hope High Employers: E. W. Crawford, iroceeded from the church to Sound, Ont., arln itne- - - eldel bu hsafi Repairs , gallGud!rn D Winy Te rY*y School, with the number at Bowmanville Goodyear; John the stage mn theQuonset build- 119 milsfo mn nles episEavestroughing. CalGudMs .Winy rauer's the meeting in Bowmanville,!Black, Port Hope Sanitary n at the rear, udrth e Tebrswr ieae Heating. Newcastle 4331. 18-tfireport was read by Mrs. Ralph May 15th. We received fif- Company; John Cottrell, Port direction of S. S. Superi.nten- 10Them.birds eelbrtda M any Attnf"s vdtefrtnr ätdteeiso rpir.PAPER Hanging, interior and Grwdofr omte e ennmnesfrpstoso oeBunrCr ent Mr. E. Wright. The ush- am., onand teWain Bos.ciphokor dtralodh Prompt service. Pick-up andlexterior decorating, free estim-:port was given by Mrs. Fred the Advisory Committee. Employees: D. S. Kempl ering was in charge of Mr. F. Mhefrtand Wane,120clockdr/mte-Ta hudb n deivey George's, 85- King St. ates. Phone Newcastle 4236. Tufford. Several plants and The Board appointed six atjBowmanville Goodyear; Jack' Beckett with four assistants,thfisbrda1:0fo a St. .John s W rvdadhn h al E Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tl 20-2 cards had been sent to those a meeting in Orono, May 17th, Hope, Nicholson File, Port vMessrs. J. Griffin, M. Stain- clear cut win. (Congratula- o h ihndla col GUAANTEDtelviionan COMPLÉTE arden¯serice.i opias and in doing so gave repre-l'Hope; Paul Smith, MÙathews ton. W. Begley and M. J. os.nwbm bultorid rado eric, o ll me. cenufriiznrlig hMrs. HCaswell, president, sentation to as many indus- Conveyor, Port Hope. Iobbs, and Jr.*ushers Master .Ti a vr atrce Teree efo ftuetechr Same day service. Television rootligmnr hn rea odc- tries as possible and to each, The Board thanks every one Bruce Begley and Master Ro- with good returns. Resultsgoerae s Service Co. Phone M 8MA 3i-7059'or -2. 19-4one g.the businesswsfmae meet- part of the district. The ap- for the part they played and bert Grifin who also received nd fo ows:chardsMavin Bos TeejybeTaan.aeralaleus nici REPIR ad ewidigar- YUG aagd2, il aredta $500b ontd netar. le themaend is sorrnott t a oin e fed.o O rimnisteMr 9ln, 4tRihaC.rems, 5hR.fS Jh'Atroo rncJusaainchrefomDr REAM ad ewndIn, rri-accept any type of work for to clear the parsonagle ex- o-1he b d ' enthe mtli h h . • • itd.Ho-Ou instr M. I i.Fredericks, 6th G. White, 7th o t ons W.Ahedoha--D.HrrtBuD. &tures turned, to all makes of sumerlWrteAdertse 14 pnss. mtin that$5.0wi ereiwem ght ever, the members of the Crawford dehivered a, sermon Piper and Woolacott, 8th F. Friday afternooninS.Jh'JbeElotadDrJms electrii motors. Higgon Elec-1 c/o Canaditartean, p.O e nted mtona rsay.fundof some six months experience Committee will change from inspiring to both old and BottrelIl, 9th Bruce Stainiton, Parish Hall wasadcddHges o h etr tric, 3F. King East. Phone MA cBox 190, Bowamane 21-2* oaitstdnt wa sassefud.and appomntments made will time to time and imdustries young. His text was "The 10th G. Bottreill11th Ralph' success. Mrs. Fors ilig !B-3300. 7-tf ile 2-2 The r tstde tsw psed.o be for varying lengths of time and districts not now repre- Giant Killer" and hie pointed Luke. the president, wastegnrlDaEdo: 3-EA330 toallmaks f ---OW N ILI E Maintena- moTi est grm consisnten Ca oin tohve soine continuity sente can be brought on the dutas an example the shep-u .convenor· .eadn r etslt frigera4rs, domestic and com. hStic: d t. rg, P ing talk by Rev. Mr. Norman .oa h e ovnrwsMs e frsgain l a mnercial, milking coolers. i-bidrwnos ee non "Life in Newfoundland.,. uh, a d aithatmlGod to / Howard Smythe.Thsevnsais"rvBo"I m gn Ele ric Limited3,303_8 ng bins enewRepairs:and cords He spoke of the habits, the in- EN N IS K ILLE eta ew s t.Jaep Stable was centreitha ru fyu aiesno SE.lone MA330.7• drsawlersfeces etD So rns, dustries, government, school1s'an ilr exquis i t e arrangmn fBwavlewt h or WAT wndws, removseclawStrmand churches. When asked if The complete S. S chool 1bspring flowers, adtetaaeo orcnitos h JA ; E ARN imnryre , A -287eu1- they enioyed double lane highidýMr., and Mrs. S. Venton, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, choir gave two selections with erYdone itPtadngalnurve o1h Certifed WatchmakerA 3-21f. wys, henfrdusta Bowmianville, with J. A. Wer- Toronto, were Sundav guests the children providing one sm-all bouquets ofspigfo-twyu wrd asor Canadtan Jewellers' Assn. they were happy to have alry for afternoon tea Tuesd iy at A. Sharp's. Dr. and Mrs. number on their own "Jesus Ii•es od •Herman Van De Belt one lane gravel road. but pro ýand inspection of garden tools Hl-arry Sanderson, Oshawa, Mr. Vanits the Children," and theHOld M eeting Mrs. A. C. HeertanMr.IscelyhpteCuni Mair's Jewellery GENERAL CONTRACTOR gress was'being made in high- ndpacis.and Mrs. B. Stafford, Toronto, -double male quartette comn- ArhrFie adnHl, eebrn hs wl o - Brck -Blok ..Concetewav construction. Mr. W. J. Mills and daug- were callers at the A. Sharps. posed of Messrs. E. Wright,l Don Masterson presided at presided over thetacp.hoo hr on> sde SKing St. W. andk-BlCarpenrtT h e president expressed ters, Mrs. Helen Wilson, ýSt.! Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Hills, J. Slemion, G. Werry, O. C.' the meeting of St. Joseph's Mrs. Smythe, Mr.Chre 8-tieNwMsS.HaTrnMss NE Crenr thanks and appreciation to Mr. Marys, and Mrs. Kessler e r.S HaTrnM ssesston, H. Ashton, Ross Ash- Catholic Young People's Club Mason, and Mrs.AbetQi-ncr., R P ~ ~ ~ NW WORK and REPAIRS Norman on behalf of the, Jersey, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Winmifred Cole, Edna Gilberton, Ron Ashton and Ray held on Sunday evening in St. ney assisted insevn.M.ForM.Gbath E dR SERVICE PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON members, and all joined in a James, Mrs. L. B. Williams, Ward Gilbert, Toronto, Miss Ashton. These vocalists sagJsp' alLbrySrelH asn, r.L .Pr 3-tfihearty clap of hands. Bowmanville, were callers at Jean Cole, Bowmanville, Mr. "ne .delightful number at each South. There was a large at- ker and Mrs. L.H.Bcnl Itirihadmitht n A dainty lunch was served Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore's. and Mrs. Grant Werry were service, viz ' S ome b od y tendance. were in charge ofthkice.h . RE7RIGERATION by hostess and lunch commit- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weavingl Sunday guests at E. A. Wer- Knows" and "Have You Been| ako ar i Mrs. B. M. Lancase a n o i;he igo ih 00 EAINGte ad aplasat ocal im ad Rcky, aserPau Cn-ry s. to Nazareth." Mrs. E. Wright ,ar charge of the teatiks and allQUC SEVCfoowd don, Thornhill, were weekend Misses Laverne and Elva lthe mscaanbediectrs.of n anspiratin to manas Mrs. W. J. E.Omso hedfeneewnfa- DOMES'IC APPLIANCES STUCCO AND NEW WORK visitors with their parents, Orchard, Mr. and Mrs.' Clar- Te e uical nmbers. •' pilgrims, was given by Miss and Mrs. Ray Jeknwreueadscssidoga GAREN TRACTORS R L TAF T MAPLE ~ ~ ,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, ence Stainton, Bowmaniville, -wnldvn w t Evelyni Hughes. Shie told of the convenorso h0anytigneryrgt1n on ClAIN SAWS.L. AFT- -L GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall and ta t wit Mr. and Mrs. MoIf the chilly weather although the great modern hospital hie work tbe r.R .Cl teatyrgt-dadC CAI SWS 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030M Cathermne, Mr., and Mrs. La- °tant' . he warmth of welcomne and was instrumental in having convened the hom baigSmos and 16-tMr. and Mrs. Manford Good- verne Clemens, of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lar- fellowship was as keen as built at San Giovanni Rotun- table. She was asse y Wovri ihtepr LAtN 3MOWERS i__-----,_ .16t murphy and family and Mr. were Sunday tea guests at Mr. mer, Burketon. were Sunday ever. Mis Gloi Wrightpe do, Italy. Miss Amelia Mcsersadsctrms ewog-W B U LL D 0 Z 1 N G A N D Ted Wood of Oshawa spent and Mrs. J. Slemon's. tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. A. sided at sseorianogorthpre The chairme of the ane Mrs. Clifford en ALSOSHARPENING E X C A V A T 1 N G the holiday weekend with his Mr!n r.HnyBcBrunit's. Miss Heather Brunt evc h r dsusosw i ia LAtN MOWERS NeponaerrEup ent sodMrhyandMSo Aly, kett, Stratford, Miss. Annel p arfew ays witrunier tord was excellent in his de- Wallter Verleysen, Philip Daw- JN w ohHO L T B u pr en G oM r R . L . o re nt B alsam , H am pton at M r. and g a cp r n s t e A . B U . livery of a challengmg m es - son ', R ose P rms, M ary Jane , • Rbet trnmnviRLl. Miss ether Mac Mrs. F. Beckett's. Mrs. G. McLeani, Mr. and:ae ith a title "Lost on, Lafferty, Olga Wereszczynski,! Leant Mr and Mrs.aGordr Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmnad, Mrs. Alvin Boyd, Gordon aànd'Life's Ighway." The congre- Stephen Liptay, Rosemary. ' Mrkt -762 hoe lacstck104 Cllct arin and ydavsiteodoMn Mr. and Mrs. Charley 'Lang- Martha, Bowm-anville, Mr. and 1 ation from Haydon Church, Roach and George Connors. R.R. Bowmanville 20-4and Mrs. Howard Wesley and maid and family, Solina, Jim Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, was well represented and their Dancing was enjoyed .after ISEFLE -BwavlesCabro fa1 B tKinsman, Courtice, Mr. and were with Mrs. F. Toms. inmister Rev. Lockhorst as- the meeting and a deliciouscmerei AT MTPLE GROVE AR ND ami'y in Beaver°" °"n ""n Mrs. Keith McGill and boys, Mr. and Mrs. H er be r t isted in the service. lunch was servedi.~ Comresintepcssfpeaigaseil tf ~Sunday guests with Mr. and were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Wright and family, Toronto, Monday afternoon, May 22, At the meeting of the club folder featuringti omnt s"h aea 97 ELETRIC M TORS Ms. Bil Anderon andfamilyand Mrs. R. McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and brought a little warmer -wea- 01n the previous .Sunday even- to MosportPak.Teolrhsatre-lr anid to BuY we OT S re Mil nr. oands. ito Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil- Gail, Oshawa, with Mr. and ther for the afternoon sports ing a Bible reading was given frn amaothaeas edtilabute TREPAIRS and REWINDING toMasM dM Wi bert, Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bow- Mrs. N. E. Wright. at the school grounds under by Charles Murphy, Newton-i omnt HIGHEST cescale sfe ve al your Electrical EquipmnentSandford.r.Ma andsMrs. Wilia m.anville, Mrs. Bert Billett. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sander. the supervision of Messrs. J. ville. Plans were discussed by omnt n detsmnsfo oa n er icls, a ion a -Sales & Service MA 3..3058 Wts r.DlyCrwl Hampton, were tea guests at son, Mr. Murray Sandierso, H. Slemon and O. C. Ashton the memibers for a trip to the dstitbinsewh wlltendrcly ih etls, and frs. Phos43 ThIrd St. Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy' Mrs.. T. M. Slemons. Columbus, Mr. Jimi Muller, with Mr. J. 'E. Griffin assist- Jesuit Martyrs Shrine at Mid- Mosport by rovdn comdtosrieo ReAl324 hw olc. - -- -- 9t r o avs and his father'i 9-t Misses Marilyn Yellowlees Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. Ron mng, and a Jr. League soccer land this sumnmer. .mecadstohehuansfviirswo il 481-tl all of Oshawa; Mrs. Lillian and Marie Beckett were with Clemens, Mr. Murray Axford, game between the local sports Panel discussions chairmen be comin I il edstiuedi and1n Cusfom Roto Tilling Anderson and family Port Miss Diane Avery. Hamipton, Mr. and Mrs. W.:and Tyrone team which re- were Linda Masterson, Marcia E ALL kinds i1 live poultry' Hoe I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery Crawford and little friend sulted in a win for our team. Fagan, Marlene Pelletier, Pat- the UnitedStesomtrraigcu.Th feahe neoose and duckbyagnnetlr-noaty Miss Mildred Snowden spent and family, Tilbury, were Myra, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. As one guest remarked, no- ricia Fair, Ann Prins, May initial printingwl efr1,0 ois gst prife at eikswanted• Work by hour or estimiate the weekend with hier brother- with the C. Averys and family. Wright at E. Wright's. tning has been lost in the † † † † T hthanyRicp.R. Poe. F1' nlalndsitrM. n Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson tulinary ability of the local as large boilers of water were NE PAK GARA - lasregigf- 0 lect. 1f M. SHANTZ Mrs. Otis Pritehard ad famTyrone, Mrs. Carl McLaughlin were visitors at Edwmn San-.adesthouh heyersasstamngcostntytohro 21-t etyN. MA3-•3 ily, at Manotick. a m and boys, Blackstock, were dercock's, Orono, and Mrs. R. they have always beenl famous vidie the hot pots of tea. We wr o h salsmn fafe akgae LICeiSED 9Lbrt . MA31 Mr. and Mrs. Russell John- Su.nday tea guests at R. Bottrell's, Newcastle. for a delicious supper. This appreciate the extras done by along Queen Sredrcl eidElsSo 9-*son, Ajax, were Sunday visi- Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cornell meal was enjoyed by many the canvassers, ticket-takers, Store. If aillgewlcutmrwilbaleo 1Nu5117 oIne NOW IS THE TIME FOR tors with Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Miss Ruiby Virtue, Toronto, and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Jess i earty appetites in the temn- Mrs. Draper's class for post- park their caran wlktouha alayo SOUH avMurin Hme HOM R PARS Piere a alg L nntheeke rt eth Mr. Mrgananad Donald,rBnt- orar iy set-uburesaurantin ers, e whogcomn ttees King Street, dc hi hpigan eunt hi -acoemdi tfor pae t ofn hmes Bol Mr. rand MLrsMen' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack- Griffin's. thick carpet of sawdust on the make the event so successful. cars with veryitedfiut.LodElsi h lounge TV. ully licensed' Painting - Brickwork Staughton, Oshawa, were Sun- son, Mrs. Verna Forsyth and Miss Kathryn 1Hawley, Pet- floor and tables literally If our S. S. Anniversary is man who is resosbefrteidawihsol new building, ý>dern. Visitors i day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, Toronto, were week- erborough, Mr. s. Douglas Cole groaming with tempting food to be a precedent of the many be a real boon.Wsrn ecat r oprt welcome. Rebnable rates. Untario COnfactors KnKhk-ndBteEln end guests at, Mr. and Mrs. and Allmn, Bowmanville, Mr. and served by attractive wait-! whichi follow in neighbouring ing by bearingteepneivovdi etn Phone Newcasl 4441. 13-tf OSHAWA RA 8-0344 Sorry to report Mr. Thomas RJ.M so . and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, .esses. Mr'.A Wryws communities we feel theredhA -Call Collect Gimblett is a patient in Me- Mr. ,and Mrs. Bruce Reid. Mr. J. A. Werry vwere Sunday at his usual post, stoking the sults are well worth the et- and preparing rpry nanucmn a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Allan Werry's. Dr. ard Mrs. DYHS R A'S Whitewashing Stables usBrisel e , oMr.oaeu ,r. aean S.H yCollB-CweekenWerg T oronto, cwlere OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWAW O POUT AND DISINFECTING visited their cousins, Mr. and manville, Mr. Clarence Wood- were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vå 7 PumpingH. eer"an on Sunday len, TyronG rd ere with Mr. Freeman, Male Gove,GMisstL OKNeF RTsE Practice has started for the Wr ibrTrno r Sepfic Tanks Suday School^Anniversary to T RK IL and Mrs. R. Stenger. THAN BE U IU1 be hld n SudayVJun 18 Mr. and Mrs. Freddie KayS BARN PAINTING Mr. a o ndars.JmLaerty. and boys, Oshawa, were Sat- ÇO-- and family called on Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson urday eveming visitors at Mr. PHONE %1 3-3541 BERT TOMPKINS Mrs. Robert Schwager,·West visited at Mr. Ed, Ruthven's, and Mrs. Bruce Reid's.Q NEWTONVILLE Hill, on Sunday afternoon. in isBrlMutoLn PhoPh Clarke 4721 10-tf, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herrin Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallo- don, Miss Olive Luke, Toron- oneOshwa cale onMr. Al- well, Newtonville, were Sun- to, Mrs. Will Mountjoy, Ked- MARllE MUNJOY"tr Beech on Saturday even- dar dnner guests at Mr. Jim ron, .iss Kat y Vro , o Mr.andMrs G Spcer Miss Noreen Prowse, Tor- McGill, Port Credit, Mr. and Ibs c ACHO SRVCEToonoMr. and lvrs. Sam' onto, visited at Mr. Morley Mrs. Ralph Virtue were Sun-> Caistlean RogePtro-Rbinson's. day tea guests at Mr. and TRENCHES -. DRAINS ough, Mrs. Newton Hackney Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hallo-IMrs. H. J. McGill's. PUEZn ine Hgln re well and family, T o r o ni t o, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ine igln re HornA u FOUNDATION AND were Sunday visitors with spent the weekend at theirlOshawa, were with Mr. and TOILEM M E SEPTIC TANKS Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Bob. cottage. Mrs. Earl Trewin. LB R OPrivate Laird Wilton sent Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk! Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Gerrard Ivayn M un.o ad r. R. .tWlton Ms. LrneToddvisted A Mrs.-W.Griffin's 1 f 1 a 1952 --j~~~~oui ana was n as.W elq ie cran la BONELb stil ofned to thePota95 Chevrolet, although aiM.adrsC.Btyhve h B R Hpe osita ad e arellhoist truck was needed. benr crtnhihue s o fCourticedHigh School A homne of your own offers you miany extra pleasures.. rvay ecrt a o a le0smehat mproe onitin Th rcl Meeing f tee r Tlcora teirylw e wofftour locda laases ndesire, add on or remodel later if you wish; and a home poie iaca euiy only 6 5 6. e whd i oed. dT h Mo rJay m se ldn atoftheiM he e rtuaon adr etd- tiv e snt oun Exe u Sound good? Well, Oshawa Wood Products can make your dem cm re Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. President Mrs. Jack Hurrie ed to Miss Arlene Gordon and pr esi n , aMss Kathrn- O A HOEPASFO H A BONEL1bs Fred Tuffor. . Casell n 1wthe meeting fin the[ Mr. Ray Short who were mar- gratulations girlsse. Co-YUM Y HOS PLN FRMTE A GE EETIN N R BLADE RNr cesatNtnvUie!aehe etadmnutS o ed tCaelroft tvesbere ngea t"elhom LIBRARY OR WE WILL BUILD FROM YU LN ony 5 5 Mrc ns. alp .ow ac o- ra d eMrs. lCecllJe Hallhafterwards and a dance of Mrs. E. Wright in honour &0 panied the Senior Citizens on The next L.N.O. meeting wili Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew MisurRmrecen brid we-t-b, MA DSPCIICTIN EXTRA LEA elir ecursinday agd r h mheld n Ocobeat wthOawaM. and Mrs. WeMuldrew, R. CeeanM isMshenlors. H A B U1 Fousn:ay Scs'oîy 'as "eld and Mrs. .C. SnowBurt eek ulrew haddnner with plate shnwer aucohote eal ° Morfgages Arranged - Monthly Payments oSiYurBde May 21 at 1l a.m. There was1charge. Mrs. V. Walters and Mrs. ower, wnuineref Reare- 216bs. amlltdnc. Se Thefollow ilg ladies will Smith Sunday evening. cad nmbr o auifl eral of the regular attendantsÏbe in charge of two tables atl Miss Muriel1 White. Peter- were. absent due to illness and1 the anniversarv supper in borough, was home 'for the! Celebrate Anniversary FRESH specialMservices atSupt to k W. .Mrs. Cecil Jeffery.3aMrs. wee end.GweSMrce, or-th s a y rS21si opne sh a w aGW o od 'OUCP POIRK LIV5-charge of the Bible class: the ball and Mrs. Jack Hurrie. onto, was home for the holi- sary celebrations with all eyes < 2wibs 9t°thBible cla ssremelsla hymn aservperayer ed .v.the children of the neigh-1 Inespitd ofE sa:rcolwatheLim ited I. Ju io e ss of Mrs. A.wasien byAse iptu cak' st annulire-iucongregationtarrived to o- 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU NEW M Next Sunday, May 28, Rev.! St. Pierre. Readings were giv- Clarence Mercer was away commodation which had been Oshawa Office and Showroom Mi fieadSoro P 0 T T E th the mni nsteanf1 heNew- rs.J. Bra. ecilTJeffer,,r iceholidayfsigtrpoe hepaeagesaews aniyOSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CUTC A811 , A caste United Church, who closed with -a. hymn. ITAhew armrhae startdeeortd npiks treamer Phone: RA 8-1617 3 knilh ren nnlxa nwhite t chround BOWMANVILLE - MA Ï-2130 AA Eih290 d rs. Arthor t H ,NIeshC. Russell and Mrs. A. idDonna's atu Pntypool onfeeda frnanthealont esand OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA ODPOUT PAGE FiFTE EN