PAGE SEXTEEN Imperial Oil WiII Build Mospori THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1961L Oshawa Presbyteriai. ~~A I supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smithai St rig T w rC.G.I.T. Groups, under the LO N G S ALT !Norman Davis. Jackie, Ajax, were Sunday Start ng Taerable leadership of Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. AI Campbell, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. iMciand Patsy Mackie,ý (Intended for last week) ton, on Sunday. Wib,~eeStra vnn~McLaggan. yea. rsnted andre sueof sthe Mr. Ke'îneth Baker and: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Craig, guests and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. Middletoi dyears.ork admssion Ost- chum, Camp Borden, spent the Cobourg, were Sunday visitors Dart, Oshawa, were Sunday Orono. were Sunday visitars dy.Mrs H.Hawsha, Oh- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G.iof Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLag- visitars of Mr. and Mrs. Rye and Mirs. Ellie Mitchell, Scar- awa, received their gift of!Baker and family. gan. isnbougadM.L.Hy, money and presented their Gbsn brugand Me wr.L.Hes.n cert'ficate of affiliation with Mr. and r.L Lowery, r n r. .Tiet Mr. and Mrs. N.DHs.r Bwavie wr ekn the Wý.M.S. Mrs. A. Down pre- ýOrono, with Mr. and Mrs. G'ýToronto, were veeketidgessSuna uprgesso r iitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. sented each girl with an in-l Fletcher. Sunday evening. Mr.1of Mr. and Mrs. RobertCm ndMs .Samerville, Ux-paner. ,signia, which was followed!and Mrs. F. E. Alexandereo.big a~ ek Mr. and Mrs. N. Davis were , yaddctinsrie ay BowmanviIle, were also Sun-! Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable and we ioso r n Huto r ad th s ritu e nd'day evening calers. iBruce, Gail Scott, Tyrne; M rs e ke d v orai Mr.a HutToflkTI'the sTTTtur' Mrs. J. Irving, Toronto. Betty Goyne lead in prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and IBernîce Partner adfml, . I UL±U±Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson Shirley Pickeli and Janet family, Taronto, with their Orono, and Mr. and Mr.G îeddte weddn~S1 Down favared with twa solos, !parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Harp-,Kayacs were Sunday visitors Mi's. Hali, Willowdaie. and urday afternoonof1Ia Miss Eileen Ratz, Mission- er an Sunday. lof Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner. Mrs. Beattie, Taranta, were KingsIand an-M 7eout ary at Part Halifax. was in-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgessi Mr. and Mrs. J. Rider and Monday visitars at their sis-lOshawa. at St. Paul's Presby- traduced by the President and and family, Bowmanviiie, were1 family, Part Perry,; Mr. and ter's home. Mr. and Mrs. J.1terian Chureh, Oshawa. Mr. v in a most pleasing manner ,Sunday evening visitars of Mr. Mrs. F. Johnstan, Enniskillen, Johinston. and Mrs. H. Gibsan, Ajax, laid af her work, as she shaw- 'Robert Sim. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne Mrs. E. Murphy and Mr. wre ona guests of bis e d slides, picturing the scenes Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smithland family, Bawmanviile, were ana Mrs. W. Murphy, Tyrane,i brother Mr'. and Mrs. Rye and people among wham she and Miss Gloria Smith, Bow-IMalher's Day guests of their u-ero Sundav visitors af Mr.,Gibsoni. lives. She chose as her theme 'manville, were Sunday supper parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johns- and Mrs. H. Murphy. ____ "Hands that help. Every gei fteSih.M.adIn Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers where the spirit of Jesus is Mrs. Chas. Taylor and Ran, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron and famiiy, Toronto, were Hiaîf a fact is a wholefalse- È s ~loaking for hands ta help." Oshawa: Mr. Douglas Taylor and famiiy and Mrs. W. Pen-l Sunday visitars of Mr. and ho.-Elias L. Magool. Mrs.jEe: ffwenexr - nd friend, Hamilton, were warden were Friday evening Mi-S. W. Vaneyk. Lyîng is a certain r;rk ot sed he a precati n ofall re-Sund y aferno n cller of uess of Mr. nd M s. ordo ' Mr an caw Wrdice nd-ThomicesThSrnas thernrn riate quatation. Attendance 90., n r.JmsWie uk-Jahavyws' hrdy1Ms acsn ootadal-lvrndeltalmten This is the architect's sketch of the starting Player's 200 international raee an June 24th. At the tower at Masport Park which will be constructed by moment, paving is proceeding rapidly, roads are being Imperiali Ou Limited as their contribution to Canada's eut and mnade ready, 'phone lines are being instailed, first major car racing track. The estimated cast is fences are about to go up and generally the park is $60,000. Other companies have agreed to provide assuming a new appearance, to welcome the 50,000 additionai needed facilities which wîli go in as quickly spectatars expected for opening day. as possible, but probably flot in lime for the big __ ______ in a narlh easterly direction. Pieces of the car, ils con- r tents and debris were scat- tered in a radius of 100 feet M agistra e's ourtaround the path of the car. Magistrate s Courtotall HeId in Bowmanv~iIe1 Chinn, 403 King St., W., Bill MeDaugaîl, 96 Cromwell Ave., Tuesday, May 23.rd, 1961 'penalty \vas S13 total, or an1northi side, iraveled 360 feet ,bth af Oshawa, Bruce Bur- Donald Roy Carnish, 24, 212 addîtional three days. through the parking area of gess, Russell Black and Da- Celna t.,Oshwawscon iP.C. L. Phiiiips toid the ithe Cream of Barlcy Camp vid Bruder of Bowmanville Cehia S., shaw, ws cn-,court that Cornish was driv- ,hitting Keith Conrielî's car in were injured; Bruder the mare victed of (1) Ciminai Neg-1 ing east at a high rate of' the rear and causing $400 serious, as it took nine stilch- ligence and fined $100 and 1 SPeed on King St. E., and fail- 1 damage, bounced off this car es by Dr. C. Austin ta sew up cosîs af $3 or 10 days in gaoi; cd to negotiate the curve at 1 and continued on 46 feet strik- his left arm. (2 Diin hie noxcte tebotm f h bhiuting and splintering a bydro Larry Chinn was assessed and sentenced to 7 days in! vest of the Creani of Brlypale and moving it. The car $59 for being a minor and gaol and (3) having liquor in Camp, ýthen rolled at icasi once, 22 consuming liquar, arising aut a place ather than a residence He struck the bridge an the feet eastward, coming ta rest af the same accident. Some of the passengers eould flot remember getting into the car. Only twa were able ta tell the police who was driving the car. Russell Black, 154 Welling- ton SI., later on the same day had ta be attended by Dr. Hubbard for a badly bruised left leg. Cornish eiected ta serve the additional 13 days in gaol as he couldn't pay the $116. The Magistrale issued an or- der banning hlm from driving, anywhere in Canada, for Iheý next two years. Vincent Joseph Traynor, 58 44 St. Paul St., Lindsay, was. convicted of driving a -milki transport on May 6th wbile bis ability was impaired.H was assessed $118.30. He pie:- ded Not Guiity ta the charge. Constable Edward Ford af the Metro Toronto Police gave evidence of following the weaving truck an Highway 401 and complaining ta the O.P.P. at Wbitby. They radio- ed la Prov. Const. M. Joynt and he intercepîed the truck here and gave exidence as ta the condition af the man., if-youý're afrad o runrnng out o, ho water.. Chief Const. B. R. Kitney the man into the celis and in his opinion the man was in- toxicated. Traynor told the court that the part bottie af wine found by police in the cab was his and thal he consumed it. He, paid $13 extra for Ibis afterl he was convicted on bath' caunts. Jack Wesley Cameron, 32, Main St., Orono, pieaded Guilty ta a charge o! baving care and contrai af a motar vehicle whiie bis abilily was impaired. He was assessed' $53 and an additionai $13 forý faiiure ta gel bis drîver's lic- ense renewed. Cameron asked tbe court ta remand him- a couple of weeks for sentence so thal be might take bis pregnant wife ta the ~YDROhospital. His worship refused stating, "you weren't think- ing much about your preg- nant wife when you faiied ta renew your icense and be- came impaired, were you?" Glen Mallette, R.R. 1, Or- p p ana, was assessed $26 in ab- sentia for fishing out of sea- son. Twenty-three ather High- way Traffie cases paid $222. Four meter violatons paid $6 each. Seven others sumnmon- sed for meter violations faau- I cd ta appear and personai ser- vice wiil follow with an in- crease in penalty of $2 if tbey want ta settie aut of court. MAINTENANCE For Deails of Our Rentai Plan - CALL - ONTARIO HYDRO BOWNANVILLE 61 TEMPERANCE EBENEZER On May 15, following a bounteaus supper served to ail graups of the W.M.S. and alsa members of the Ladies' Berean Class. the president Mrs. Allan Down verbaily and warmiy welcomed ail to this, the annuai family party. NMrs. F. Reed of Hampton brought greetings from the Presbytery as weii as a few words of gaad advice-"Wherc do you fit in, in 1961? You're in demand. Don't stand stili." Mrs. Wilfrid Brown, as Lead-ý er of the Explarer's Graup,ý drew attention to the scrap-! books and large map the girls! had made. Ail retired ta the church auditorium where Mrs. E. Rose, Oshawa, conducted an impressive worship service. We are gathered together as a famlly, ail vital parts of the! main work. Each task is dif- ferent, but essentiai. No one, works well alone. Expiorer's Group, in a fitt-! îng ceremony, presented their e .treasure chesitat Mrs. E. ST'9eak Port Perry, Sec. of At-: . filiated Explorer's Groups of 4 PETER Bowma nyille KINSMEN CLUB IS SPONSORING MARCH A FULL WEEK OF ENTERTA1NMENT MOIDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AY 29-m Every Evening * LOCATION Situated on No. 2 King Street East Immediately Easi Brewers' Retail Higývay Éofile StcýE< ,nnual Dr CA DAY EVE G ch -5 f 1.O JUNE 3 m m m m 5C eai - Saturday Alternoon and Evening SPECIAL CKILDREN'S DAY Bowmanville Iinsmen Ai $1.*00000 0 n TO THE WINNEI DRAW TO BE MADE SATURE JUNE 3rd Tickets MA 3-3530 ADMISSION FREE! PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN WELFARE WORK