PAGE ZIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAV, MAY 24th, 19V~ SPORTO PICS e By Frank Mdohun MA 3.7234 ~ BOWLERS HAVE NO EXCUSE League bowlers will probably break ail records durlng the 1961-62 season. Records or not, thc participants won't be starting off cold came September, because Liberty Bowl wil be in aperation throughout the summer. Manager George Elliat was telling us that there's no need ta worry about thc heat because the air conditlonlng will keep the lanes as cool as a cucumber. i. i. . i. i BRENT HUGHES WITH TEE PEES? Otro Brent Hughes, captain of Bowmanville'a Otro Champion Juveniles was first choice of St. Catharines Tee Pees ln the Junior "A" draft a couple af weeks back. The big centre-defence ace was drafted by Guelph durlng the past season, but elected to stay with the local Juveniles. The previous year Brent saw llmlted duty with Toronto Mariboros before returning to the Juveniies ln December. This year, Brent will graduate from High School and thi. reporter thinks that this niight well be the time that he gives Junior "A" hockey a real try. t t. t t. i TEEN AGE BOWLERS Don't forget the big Bowling Banquet and presenta. tien of trophies at Memorlal Park Clubhouse this Saturday evening at 6:30. There wlll be plenty of turkey for every. body. t. t 1 t tf OPENING MIDGET GAME The local Midget hardball team will launch the season ln Bowmanvllle Sunday afternoon ut 2:30 at Memorlal Park when they mneet Port Hope. Jr. Bowlers HoId Party Wrap Initial Season Junior Bowlers HoId The Junior Bowling Lea- championship clubs. Tom Cal- tue, rorganized last fahl, held Ian coachcd the girls teani, 9ist irsipy aitich Memoial composed of Virginia Osmond, c 4 Park Club House, Saturday Barbara Cowan, Mary 1 ee~ evcning, ta wnap up an excel- Yeo, Betty Rundhe, Heather lent initial season ai young- Moore, Eila Anderson and eters' bowling. Caral Ruiler. The junior boys tropby On the boys team were: was prescnted ta the wînning Ron Etcher, Gerald Harness, team by Colin Birlwistle, on Bill Crombie, Bruce Coombes , behaîf ai tie Lions Club. Ron Wayne Leach and Coach Tom Johnsoni, representing the Mason. Bowmanville Leglon, made Higi doubles were rolled the presentation ai the trophy by Randy Beaupnie and Siar- i to the champlonshlp junior on Dadson, firsh sciedule; i. boys team. Gary Akey and Karen Oke,lI: The young bowlers were for- second scieduhe. tunate ln havlng Mr. Bob High single trophies werc t Sones present ta deliver a very presented ta Richard Perfect Interestlng talk on tic hlstony and Susan Gay for tic first oi bowling. Mn. Sones ls ad- schedulc and Wayne Burgess ininistrabive dîrector ai tic and Audrey Kison in tic ilrst Canadian Junior Bowl 1 n g schedule. Congress. Ron Etcher and Audrey Individual trophies were Kitson recelved crests. *warded ta membenu oi tic Kiwanis CIub's FUEL Present Blitz ()j LNext Monday~ Thc Kiwants Club of Bow- r manville will be "bliizing"* the town on Monday, May 29 ,eo% 1961, beiween the hours of FOR 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. FRThis campaign involves the Saturday evening wvas the wind Up of the Junior ?RIDL ~sale ai vaniaus types ai pea- Bowling season for the large crowd of yaungsters who nut producîs ranging fram lie attendéd at the Memnorial Park ciubhouse for refresh- special tin of blancied nuls mnsadtepeetto ftohe.I h pe ai 50c, ho tic deluxe pack of et n h rsntlo ftohe.I h pe cive Ulsassorted nuls ai $1.50. Ohher photo are the girls who won individual and teamn popular items will be cioco- prizes. Fromn lef tta right. front row: Virginia Osmond, Sh -dppd peanut clusters ai Bhrbara Cowan, Carol Ruiler and Audrey Kitson; q 1.00 a unit. Ail procecds middle row: Mary Lee Yeo, Betty Rundie and Karen froni thià drive will be direct- cd towards supplementing the club's Community Service A. B. SURRnPEFund. It in thc earnesi hope of i g o a t L a u & SO S L D. ur Tnembers, thai altw SONS L D, redevour by supcomrtgths e Aw a d r i s MA 3-5516 rdea wîîî suporiths e ard r phi s T of thein nelgibours wha are siiving for conimunity betier- BOWMANVILLE ment hrough Kiwanis. V inners A~t Banquet LI BERTY * - BOWL LTD. BASE LINE will be operating THROUGHOUT TUE SUMNER OPEN DOWLiNG EVERY AFTERNOGN AND EVENING Bowl in Air-condilioned Comfori Automatic Pin Setters ready for your convenience at ail times Phone MA 3m5663 The Legion Dart Leaguie in resent the individual tro- Banquet held at the Legion1pliies, to Perey Greenfield, Hall on Saturday evening wvas! Cliff Anderson, Tomn West- an outstanding success. The over and Tom Grahami, and évent was greatly enjoyed by the Championship Trophy to- ail who attended. Erie S'tan- the teamn capt a i ni,. Percy cer, the president, presided, Greenfie1d, There were 45 people lire-i The trophies this year werc sent, members of the league especially impressive. The tro- and their ladies.1 phies were made of Weil- Beautiful bouquets of mini-1 graincd polished Wood ad osas and flowering qiuinCEý in jhad miniature gilt figurines ruby crystal vases adorned1 of dart players, and the in- the tables. Narrow green and1 scriptions were on gitpla. yellow scalloped runniiers ex- ques. tending fuil length. along the George Jones received the, centre of the snowy white Aw'ard for the highest three tableclothes also decoated the darts, 14L, His trophy was tables. Every lady ai the ban-1 presenied to him- by Bill que received a gîft of a beau- 1 Bates. Sports Officer Jack tiful necklact, as a souvenir Knight presented the trophy of the occasion, for the high single ini base- Those at the hecad table li bail to the winner Eric Stan- addition to President Stancer cer, the president. were Mrs. Stancer, Jack Kni- The teani basebaîl winners ght, Sports Officer of Branch were Percy Greenfield, Cliff 178 of the Canadian Legion,* Anderson. Tom Wcstover and and treasurer of the Dart Tom Grahami. Their trophies Leaguie, Mrs. Knight the past were presented by Councillor president of the Bownianvîlle Hugh e s. Branch président Auxiliary to the Canadian Woodward presenied the tro- Legion, James Woodward, phy to George Jones for the p resident of Branch 178, Mrs. doubles oui, 37, the lowest Woodward. Jack Living, thé ihrôughout the season. chapamn of Branch 178, Bill Chaplain John Living made Bates. a rnember af the branc.h the présentation af a trôphy executive, Mrs. Bates, presi- ta President Stancer for the dent of the Ladies Auxiliary h etsoe ,i n ae tô he egin, op icadbail inning. Sports Officer the league's statisticianan Knight presenied the trophies secretary of the branch, Ms.ta the Playofi Champs, Percy Richards, Councillor and Mrs 'refed lf nesn Glenhoirne Hughes. Tomn Westover and Tom Gra- The président, Mr. Siancer, ham. welcomed the league mcm- The presentation of tro- bers and their guests. He phies to Max Yourth and Bob spoke af the league'S success* Hayes for winning the Doub- fui season. and announced les championship was made that the nexi meeting ai the by Bill Bates. The trophy Légion Dart League will be won by President Stancer for he]d in Sepiember. Treasurer doubles, 58, was annotînced Jack Knight presented a sat- by Mrs. Bill Bates, and was isfactory financial statement. presented ta him by Mrs. Art Sheehan moved a vote Glenholme Hughes. af thanks ta the executive for Sidney Murdoch, who was the excellent organization of unbleta be present, was the league and for ail arrange-vwinner ai the high single tro- ments mnade for the players phy. Clifford Anderson moveda George Perfect announced vote af thanks to the statis- t h e presentatian ai a spécial tician, Ron Richards, for ail] 1aiard ta Art Sheehan for the work he had donc during sportsmanship. He painted out the year looking afier scores. that Mr. Sheehan had been thc Presideni Eric Stancer an- most consistent player in the nounced the winners of the league this year, and he was Legion Dart League Chami-î the only anc ta play in every pions for 1961, and called oni gam.I ail season. The present- Branch President Woodward1 ation of the trophY tO Mr. 1- Sheehan was made by Mrs. prizes was conducted by Eric Stancer. iSports Officer Jack Kinightý James Woodward. presi- and Branch President Wood-. dient of Branch 178, congratu- ward. The lucky winners were lated the Legion Dart League Mrs. Tom Westover, Mrs. on their achievenients, and George Perfect, Mrs. Glen- poirjted out proudly that this holme Hughes, Mrs. Erie Stan- league has same of the best cer and Mrs. Cliff Anderson. dart players in Ontario. lie iAb Mavin, a past president told the league that lie will of Branch 178, thanked the, give it 100 per cent supporti Bowmianville Ladies Auxil- while lie is branch president, iary to the Canadian Legioni and issured it of the supportifor preparing and set-ving the of the branch. 'deliejous turkey A draw for five attractive rade Frances Bruce and( om "YOUR QUALITY GM DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. MeMechan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhali Cars - GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 Oshawa Direct Line RA 5.2712 * SAY 0K FOR O'KEEFE ALE! Civ fliC rAIfD fl'IrrE 1' j a THE CANADIAN ýTATESMAN, BOVMANVILLLP, ONTARIO 1 WE NESDAY, MAY 24th, IV& PAGE XIGHT Town League Sofibai Fuels Win By Default Snuffy's Up set Surplus nhe Men's Town League on seven hits in the apening softball season gai underway inning. Howev2r, only seven at the new High School dia- members of the club shawcd --mond last Tuesday night, with up and the Fuels werp. award- Stephen Fuels registering a ed the decision, as fh4Ïoîc. 2-0 decision over Bowman- ers used two illegal perform. ville Hotel by default. ers. The Hotelers- a ncw entry A new pitcher by the name rade Mona Swan were the as the league expanded ta af Carlyle made an auspicious Trophy Presentation cterigcneo r Mavin five teanis, actually won the debut aliowing but three bits. state tha Brach 18 ____gaie_11-,________________ The__ rs baller siroked a tebs uiirinthe pro- ot peiiesingle and Carlyle held Ste- vince. ot pn h holiday ai phens hitless until the seventh. A vote of thanks ta the home. Wednesday night, Snuify's league executive on behali of Mrs. Wm. Nichols ai Port Auto Body upset the defend- the ladies ai the Legion Dart Hope is spending a few days ing champion Surplus Sales League Banquet was moved with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lan- 9-8. Surplus scored single runs by Mrs. Glenholme Hughes caser. On Sunday Mrs. John in each of the first three Ira.- for the wonderiul parîy. loy- Lancaster, Mrs. Ivisan Mun- nies. but Snuffy's scored once ely gifis, and the beautiful day, Mr a.nd Mrs. Chas. Welsh in the top of the third and draw prizes. and daughtcr Betty ai Bow- broke loose for four tallies lI Folowing the banquet and manville were wihh theni. the faurth ta move out in preseniation ai trophies the Miss Barbara Staple t o nfrn.TeAt Body club regular monthly dance held speni the weekend with Miss claimed hall of their len hit by Brandi 178 af the Canadian Canol Thorndyke ai Wesley- total in the fifth ta grab a Legion was enjayed. Ted Tay- ville.bi93bug.Srlscp lor nd hs orhesta, Aaxitalized on three Snuffy er- ion nd is rchstr, Aax, Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Moorerasithboomlisc- pnavided the nhyihmic music. o! Hamilton were recent vis-1rr ntebto af cr hor wih M. ad Ms. le~ing four unearned markers to irai! 9-7. George Joncs wack- land ane.ed a home rn in the final r~EW ON VLLE Mrs. Zcna Carlaw ai Whit- inning, bis third liii of thc by spent tic long weekend game, but the bases emphy Miss Ena Veleke af Belle- with ber sisier Mns. Willis blast fel one run short. Iville spent tie weekend wiii Jones. Ev King banged a pair et î er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gir- Mr. and Mrs. Kcihh Stepli- two-baggers and a single for a ard Veleke. ensan, Debbie and Jilaof perfcct three for three ai the Mrs. Willis Farrow is on Clarkson wcne weekend vis- plate, whie pitcher Harry Stic sick list. ions with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Snowden, drafted froni Ste- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bon- Mr. and Mrs. Robent Duif phen Fuels, collected three .i nehi and family ai Toronto and Norman oi New Westmin- singles ho help bis own cause. s.. ... pent a few days witi Mn. and ister, B.C., were weekend Each team collectcd ten Mrs. Clifton Robb. visitons with Mn. and Mrs. safeties. but bal! a dozen Sunday visitons with Mr. Cinton Farrow. Snuffy's errons kepi Snow- and Mrs. Melville Samis were den in liai water mosi of thie Miss Noreen Prouse ai To r- 'wa y. "Red" Daivey, last yean's onto, Mns. Wilmot Prouse and Right is might, and ever top hurler, was tagged wiîlx son Chas. of Osaca and Mr. vas, and ever shahl be so.-t he loss. and Mns. Morley Robinson Augush W. Hane.H 9 and famuly ai Sharkvillc. Rigit ahane is irresishableRH Master Lea Teens had bis Permanent, eternal. Maryiinuffy's 9 10 6 tonsils removed at Memorial Baker Eddy. Surplus---....... 8 10 1 Hospital, Bowrnanville, an Wcdnesday.GOD LL - URA ED Mrs. Margaret Day of Ton- GOD ILGAATE anta spent tic wveckend with Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clciand Lane: attended tie funcral of hen, S DCR Oshawa an Friday. iAil Used Cars Are Fully Reconditioned Mrs. John McCrane is In ihGowlGurne Toronto xith ber mather, Mrs. wt od i urne Annie Harrod, wia suifered Miss Alice Neshiti of Tor-' U C sinoke. TeC SALE ALEXANDRA PARK 0 SALE COMMENCES OSHAWA e MONDY, UNE th egulr PiceFRIDAY, MAY 26th 8:30 p.m. euaPrc on these two cars wiil be reduce $20.00 per day until cars are soid. 1958 BUICK CENTURY 2-DR. HARDTOP Heater and Radio, Automatic Transmission, Power Brakes and Pawer Steering. License B8743 $1775 1957 FORD 4-DR. STATION WAGON I License 66477X Oke; back row, Sharon Dadson, Jim Caihan (Coach), eua rc 19 absent, Heather Moore, Eila Anderson and Susan Gay. The boys who won included, front row: Randy1 Used Car Lot Open until 9 Beauprie, Wayne Leach and Ron Etcher; back row:1 Monday through Friday Tom Mason (Coach) and Gerald Harness; absent: Saturday until 5 p.m. Richard Perfect, Bill Crombie, Bruce Combes. Gar Akey and Wayne Burgess. More than 30 other makes and modeis to choosc from.