~,-4TEDNESDAY, ~ ~î.t, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOwMA1qv1t~Lz, ONTARIO PAGE TH!RT~< la I'J Il 1- Blac sto k Co pleIvan Mountjoy made the pie.. sentation of a sWivel rocker, Black tock oupleoccasional chair, two bouquets of 50 yellow 'muras, and a sum ,fmoney, ta which bath bride HodAtHmeo Terand groom md itn e HoldAt ome n T eirles. Several otheis imade congratlatoiy speeches.,Ear- lier in the day the Johnston Golden iinnlversairy ca had given her a beau- tul neekiace and eairings Mi. and Mis. J. A. Johnston Mr. and Mis. Keith Johnston, and him a wallet. of Blakstockwere "et home"' Belleville, Mi. and Mis. Neil, On Sunday, followinga ta, their many friends, rela-iJohnston, Boissevain, Mani- fMi Eau Drrehlthe hoamioy tives and neighbors on the itoba. M.Er orltefml occasiun of their Golden Wed- 1h opesods rn-piesented their parents with The oupe's ldet grnd-wiist watches, and Earl Dor- ding on Monday, May 22nd, cbild, Donna Marie Avery, Irl aete w odcp 196, i th bautfuhy dc-was in charge of the golden and saucers. They also re- crated Christian Educational guest book. ceived a number of individual Riom o! the United Church. Pouring tea during the af! gifts duiing the weekend. Among the numerous mes- ternoon and evening were Mis. Foui of their seven grand- sages received were congratu- Charles Smith, Mis. George childier were present, Donna lations tram the Honorable Dr.1 Jobnston, Mus. Tennyson Sa-* Marie and Carlyle Av e ry, H{erbert Bruce (a distant rela- mells, Mis. Russel Mountjoy, Linda and Pearl Johnston. tive), -Prime Minister John1 Mis. Chaules Venning, Mis. Diefenbaker, Premier LeslieC!Ceci Hill. Nieces served the, Mi. George Jobnston, the Priost, Provincial Seci e t a r ydelicious luncheon. gro omsman of 50 years ago, JohnYarmko Pery Vvia, 'Te bides tale as en~was one of several who spoke Jon aenko ery i Ian h rd' al a e words of congratulations and M.P., and telegi-ams fiom Mi. tered witb a thice-tier anni..goG wishes. Their brides- and Mis. Roy Feiguson, West veîsary cake beautifully dec. maid was the late Annie Fer- Bank, B.C. (brother of the orated with golden leaves,< guson Dorreil. bride), Di. and Mus. Allen beads and beils and topped Among friends present wcre McIntosh (nicce of t he buide), with tiny daffodils. On eachM.adMi.Jh Roaî, Kelowna, B.C., and Mis. Ho- side ofdthe caeJohs aRooveny, ward Bleck of New Mex' ico. oqutho ellok end wblvey it lbîook (the groom's sister> Mis. Black was owneî of the daffodils and 'mumns. 1wh edigrl 12te 1heirgolde court in Tuuth or Consequen- During the afternoon Mu.lWdding Apiliard 1961; i.,Ba ces, New Mexico, wbeîe the Earl Dorreil, acting as chair- en, Mis.eMilid'Fali surB- Johnstons spent two monthe man, spoke of the fine quali devvn (iter)buids only sur In 1954. ties o! charecter that maiseded ueru The o-hots ad hotess this couple so well thought o:' neces and nephews from Ot- The o-hots ad hotesss tawa, Belleville, Peterborough,. were Mi. and Mis. Roy Avery during the yeaus. Messrs. Har- Millbrook, Bethany, Yelver- (nec Ferga Johnston), Tilbury, i y Johnston, Streetsville, and ton,~ Orono, Streetsvillc, Tor- onto, Bionte, St. Catherines, Gaît, and surrounding terri- tory. Movie Review BUTTERFIELD 8 with Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey, Eddie Fisher S (MetroColor-CinemaScope) Playing at the Royal Theatre, Mon. to Thurs., June 5 to 8. Slick, smooth excursion ofi cafe socicty and îornentic cross currents. Glossy production based on popular novel. O0~ standing cast.1 A sophisticated drame of ir, mantic cross currents, infidelity Il AE VIE MbCCIVT and fast-moving social life, MILIDI office prospects. Pandro S. Beninan lias given bis produc- IFiliftion e slick and polished tneat- ment including CinemaScope and MetuoColor. The cost is a splendid one headed by Eliza- beth Taylor, Laurence Harvey and Eddie Fisher. It is e glimpse of nigbt ife ~~and smart cafes that is offered, along with sanie glittering eilogue. Miss Taylor pleys Sa beautiful New York model with a very week hold on respectability. One day she ceets the socielly prominent 0 aunence Harvey whose wife is away on a vîsît. That mekes it convenient for Miss Taylor to spend the night with him i When the Census Taker cais please his apartment. Whet devclops crm this unexpected steit is a be ready with the answers he needs acnieal rbe ic Harvey's wife, Dîna Menu]l, knows aIl and still loves him. Every housebold in Canada is being sent a Eist of questions Eddie Fisher plays a the Census Taker will ask. Please study it and be prepared stnuggling composer and fîiend ta answer ail the questions or leave the answers with of Miss Taylor. His door is always open to her for friend- someone who will be at home when the Census Taker calis. îy advice and undenstandîng. WhatwIIlyoube aked Quetios suh a: wht ~ Howevei, when lie decides to Wha w1i yu b asedQuetios sch s: hatis marry his fiancee, Susan your age and schooiing; are you empioyed and what is Oliver, Miss Taylor bas a your exact job title; how many hours do you usually work stîong reaction. each week; in how many weeks did you work for wages or The film moves to e tîagic end. Afteî considerable storros salary in the last 12 months; what were your earnings inl of emotion, Harvey decides to the last 12 months? leave lis wife and marry Miss Taylor. But it is she wbo Ail Information Is kept strlctly confidential and by law Is not refuses to accept, fearing be could neyer respect heu as a avallable to any private organization or persan, or any goverfl. wife. In a wild fliglit from ment depariment or agency other than the Domniffon Bureau reaîity in a sports car, with of Statistica. The Census is interssted oniy in totals acrcunu- Harvey in furious pursuit, Miss ltd for ail parts of Canada. Taylor plunges over an cm- bankment toalier death. When the Census Taker cails, welcome him with your The thîce stars give con- co-operation. Everyone will benefit when you heip vincing performances under Daniel Mann's able direction. Canada count! In other roles Kay Medford contributes a fine vignette as a motel proprietress; Mildred Dunnock is effective as the vmthe-r of Miss Taylor; ndr *THE SEVEN DON'TS FOR ANVONE WHO HAS INSURANCE? *HOW YOU CAN BETTER ENJOY YOUR OWN LIFE INSURANCE? * 11W MUCH INSURANCE IS ENOUGH? The answers te these ... and many more questions...cen Le found in an informative bookiet, "What Most People Don't Know About Life Insurance," which appears in the June, 1961, issue of Readei's Digest. This bookiet, deveioped especially for Prudential, conteins information that cen heip you avoid costly mistakes. And, perhaps of more importance, it cen make a real contribution te your - and your f amily's - peace of mind. I'm sure you'll agree that "What Most People Don't Know About Life Insurance" will make worthwhile reading. If you would like a free copy of this informative bookiet cail your Prudential Agent. I j CEG. WHITE, C.L.U. KEN HGCKIN -* . -MA 3-5833 0 a m a NA 3-5055 Simple Two m Storey Design Economical Family Dwelling /For those requiring a large home, this two-storey fawf-bedroomt design by architect T. M. Kirkham, of Vancouver, is worthy of considera- dion. The exterior appearance is enhanced by the attached garage end protectcd front entrance which madifies the height cf the dwclling. Ail four bedrooms are of gener- ous dimensions and have ample closet space. Both the frant and side entrances are handy ta the kitchen, which includes a dining rtook. There is a full basement con- taining space for storage, utility, heating and a recreation raom. A noteworthy feature for the mra of the house is the weli-lighted work area which forms part of the garage. The total floor area is 1,582 square feet and the exterior dimen- sions are 42 feet by 32 feet, six inches. Working drawings for the house. known as Design 606, may be obtained framn Central Mort gage and Housing Corporation at mini- mum COOO Dickcy and Mis. C. Stainton, Bowmanville. Besîdes the C.G.I.T. gnoup and leader Mrs. O. C. Ashton, a number o! other guests in- cluded Mis. R. McGiUl, Mrs. K. McGill, motheî and sister- in-law of the bride-to-be, Mis. Kinsman, Oshawa, also Mus. A. Brunt, Mis. L. Ashton, Mis. R. Ormiston, Mis. E. Wright, Mrs. P. Ellis, Mis. A. MartYn, Mus. A. WVray, Mis. I. Sharp, Miss Gloria Wrighlt and Mrs R. Ciemens. Regretfully a fexv invitations had to be dechined for vaiious reasons. 'When the guests were as- sembled Miss Gloria Wright, escorted the cuest cf honour' to a spccially deconated chair beneath a bowen of pin]: andý white streameis and belîs. AI corsage was pinned on Ms MeGili by Miss Lois Ashtin. President Chervl Rowan wns M.C. for a shiort programi wbich began with a humorouis vocal duet bv Misses Marv Yeo and Kathryn S cm oin. Comical readings were given by Misses Shirley AvervY and Mauneen MeNair. A piano dtiet wes rendered liv Misses Betty. Jane Werry and Susan Wearn. Four memibers cf the grou-,, Misses Shirley Averýy, Maur- cen MeNair, Car3le Begley and Laura Bowvman dirececoil sonie interesting gaines. Miss Dori s re2d a shorIt address and Miss Pat Elbsý pnesenedt Reva with a lace tablecloth on behaîf cf thje C.G.I.T. group. As Reva Un- wîapped severai other pretty and useful gifts, Miss Gloria, Wright and Mis. R. Clemens designed tiny liats from the dainty bows cf ribbon to b& donned by the bride-to-be,! also her mothen and MrS.ý Kinsinan. Several flash pic- turcs wene taken. Miss McGill expressed ber, thanks to all and a delicicousý lunch was served. Fast Pigeons Average 55 Miles an Hour' Bowmanville Racing Pigeon Club flew -their third race in, e combined liberation witIÉ Belleville, Cobourg, Port Hope end Oshawa on May 27th, frorn Burwesh. It was a race with the winners averagirîg about 55 miles an hour over -the 195 air mile route. Resuits were as follows: L. Richards, Mavin Bros., Bruce, Stainton, Frank Bottrell, G.1 White, C. Lemnon, Piper and, Woolacott, Jack Brown, Ralph Luke, R. Fredericks and Glen Bottrell. PRELUDE TO SUMMER There is promise in the air 0f perfect days - soft, fair, Sunshine, steeped in morning dewu. A tryst with time, when ail things new M\ature in the miii of truest love. There's a pale moon in the evening sky- A breeze whispcring, "bye and bye". Season of promise, like the growing years Rain may fall - a few silent tears. Yet, hand in hand, Nvith Faith and Prayer God will bring us Summer, everywhere. A KIND WORD Speak weli of your neiglibour Andi of others as thecy labour On beside vou. Look up into Tihe a lttiean yo describe the blue! Giv alitleword of praise 1-ow happy it nay make the days For someone. Sniie, eut loud. Throw your head high. Be e ittie proud! Yes, in partriership with the Lord YouI L e, when you say a kind word! HEAVEN Xhat is it like in HoIaven?9 I have thoughit of it se often. I think it is touchirig a hand - God's - Pain, Loss, and fertile sods - It is a sure Eternitv, Like the buds on a Mý,aple tree. It is in theicaris of inlorpheus - No needs to hurry or to fuss. Yes, I'm sure where'er I roamn, 1-eaven, wiii Le just 'going home!' -Marion Ford I I s i FOR:I: OKe efe MA.I Under legisiation that would Le cailed the "guaranteed empioyment act," the New Party's draft election programa promises a job ta every un- empioyed Canadien worker who asks for one. If that pledge is to Le teken at f ace value it is a tail order, se tal that it may Le stated categoricaily that it cannot Le f iiied in the voluntary, democratic society that Cenadians have fashioned and presumebly want te maintain. The document thet promises jobs for ail is a draft of the, ecenemie policy te Le submitted te the July 3lst con- vention in Ottawa that will officialiy join the CCF and the Canadien Labour Congress in the New Party. In this document the guarantee of jobs for al is based on a government-planned ec- onomy that would Le directed by a committee of cabinet ministers. But even if these cabinet ministers were supermen, te say that their planning couid achieve in absolute terms the ideal cf full empioyment is te tell less than half the story; the rest of the tale is that government's ability te plan is meaningiess uniess government aise as- sumes the authority te enfonce its plans. Ne system cf government - net capitaiism, net fascism, net socialism, net communismn - can guarantee Ilhat every worker cen have a job where he wvants to work in the occupation he xvants at the wage he wants. If the state is te guarantee jobs for ail, the worker must go where he is told and de what he is told. In ail henesty the politiciens, of any party, who promise economie miracles shouid add that if they are te guarantee fuil employment they cannot aise guarantee f ull per- sonal liberty. 0f ne less importance is the point that the "superior efficiency" of the planned eeonomy demands other sac- rifices, because it is the pianners and net the people whe decide what the workers sheuld receive for their la- beur. A case in point is Russia's great feat of being first with a man in space. That achievement indicates superb ad- ministrative abilities within the U.S. S.R., yet on the day that Moscow turn.- cd out te heul Major Yuri Gagarin the news steries from there noted that there was neither meet nor miik in the city's stores. Nor is thet an insignifi- cant point. For 40 years the Russian planners have wrestled with the probiems of the production and distribution of food, and millions have been murdered te enforce the plan. Would there stili Le shortages if the decision-making had been lef t te the individuel respon- sibilitv of those who grow the food, process it, transport it and seli it? Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John- ENNISKULLEN orand Avery, sandMr sornAr and family,Mr Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Napier, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Harolcl Salem, were Sunýday visitors Toronto, were recent visitors Potter, H.-ampton. ýat C. Avery's. Miss Elizath with Mr. and Mis. 0. C. Ash- Mr. and Mrs, Zack Adamis, Knapp returned home with ton. jBowmanville, Mr. and Mrs.ý Mr. N. Avery for a visit. M.r. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton,IjDon Lee and family, Osh3awa,Il Mr. E. W. Begley and Carole Lois and Charles were Sun- lwere with Mr. and Mrs. Wal-' spent Sunday with the R. dlay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ter Ferguson.1 Goodes and G. Shunks, Port E. J. Harrison, Toronto. Mr. E. W. Beglcy spent Fr1- Perry. Miss Muriel Griffin accom- dav with his sister Mrs. M. Mr .and Mis. Ted Werry panied Mr. E. W. Begley and Davad, Long Branch, his niece' and Patti celebrated Donna Carole and Mrs. F. C. Daviud- Mrs. A. Dean, >Dixie, and his, Lynn's first birthday wîth her son on a trip to Oakville to aunt Mis. F. C. Davidso, granuimother Perigoe, Caesa- visit Mis. A. Dean, Dixie. Oshawa.i rea. Mrs. Dean returned home ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bow-1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kay, Tor- Oshawa with themn for a visit.1 ens and Ross, Oshawa, w;ith onto, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamb- Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick and Linda and Janet wvere Sunday lyn, Newcastle, were Sunda.y Mis. E. Strutt. guests at R. Sha-'p's. visitors at R. J. Ormiston's.1 On May 29th Miss Ruthl Miss Mary Griffin, Bow- Mr. and Mis. Arthur Tamb-,Pethiek entertained 10 girlmanville, with Mr. and Mns. lyn, Cambîay, were weekend friends at her birthday Party.'R. Griffin. guests of the Ormistons. 1 Mr. and Mis. Bill Kay, Tor - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs onto, were Sunday callers ut and Mrs. F. Tomns attended were callers at Mis. James Ivan Sharp's. ýBurketon Anniversary Servi- Stark's and Mis. Norman < Mis. Murray Mustard and! ces and were tea guests of Mr. Stinson's, Columbus. Effie,' Sa ndfoîd, Miss Elsie and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt,1 Oke and brother Albert were, Our minister, Mr. W. H. O0shawa, Mis. W. J. Ferguson1with Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Crawford, and Mrs. Crawford were recent caliers at C. Peth- ý Mr. and Mrs. Cortenay Gra-' r tnig ofrnea ick's and Mis. E. Strutt's. lham, Purple Hill, were Satur-!ingston this week. Mr. and Mis. A. Telfer,!day visitoîs at Mrs. F. Toms'.,jMs .M imn r n Paul and Janet, Toronto, weîel Mr. and Mis. W. Ferguson -Ms .M lenn r n guests at Mr. and Mrs. A. L. visited the homes of F. Davesi Mis. John Siemon called on Wearn's. ~~Blackstock, and K. FrusiMis. John Tyeîs, St. Beînard's Weans.Feruso, Rest Home, Toronto, on Sun- Mi. and Mis. Fred Holroyd, Bowmanville. idy r.T .Seo e Hamupton, weîe callers at Mr. Mi. E. W. Begley spent Sat- da.Ms1.M.Seo e and Mis. S. Lamb's. urday evening with Mr. andmandaew aywihMs Mr.andMrs K.Butson and Mis. R. Goodes, Port Perry.' Alice Creeper. family holidayed at their cot- Mr. and Mis. Roy MeC 1'ilýM.adMs onGfi tage, Pigeon Lake. with Mr. and Mrs. Charlev called on Mi. and Mis. Char- 1Mi. and Mis. W. GîiffinjLangnaid, Solina. Mr. an-d ley Smith, Toronto, on Sun- Heather and Dale were Sun-!Mrs. Keith McGill and boys day. day tea guests with Mis. N.Iwith M.r. and Mrs. Charleyý Honor Bride-to-be Collacutt, Bowmanville. Langmaid, Solina. The home of Mis. Milton Mi. and Mis. N. E. Wright Mr. and Mis. F. W. Werry iStainton was the lovely set- had a nice visit with theïiweîe visitors et Mi. and Mis. ting for a delightful paity ini cousin, Miss Doreen Brooks, iGordon Leask's, Solina. 1 the form of a bridai showei Bowmanville. 1Mr. and Mis. A. Werry and: sponsored by the Happy Gang, Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright ýfamily were recent caliers at C.G.I.T., fa r bride-elect Missi are leaving this week for aiMr. and Mrs. Grant Werry's. 'Reva B. MeGili. The hostessi holiday with their daughteî Miss Sandra Werrv enter-' Mrs. Stainton was assisted by' Miss Marguerite Wright, St. tained a few littie girls at her, her sisteis Misses Laverne and Catharines. 6th birthday on Friday af ter- Elva Orchajrd, her dauter Mr. and Mrs, C. Ferguson ncor. l_ and daughter-iri-law, Mrs. L, How Good Is A Guarantee? 1 AIE j-, MAY Slst, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - PAGE TlTMTEM 1 SQ AY ee eo 90 90 90 09 90 eo eo 90 90 90 ee 00 YOU xnow 0 r a