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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1961, p. 14

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DEALN FOR CASFE - - - , * * I W..I t I ..I t n i - - - - Tuesday. 4 3 . .- PAGE FOURTEEN MUNDAY-Ray and Joan arel I wish ta tbank friendsan happy ta, announce the arrivai neighbaurs for kind thought of their daughter Susan Diane i and- acts of kindness shown at Memorial Hospital, Bow-j during the recent bereave- manville, an Saturday, May ment of my brother. 27, 1961. A sister for Nancy Douglas Curl. and Donna. 22-1* 22-1* PEARCE-Brooks and Bernicel I wish ta thank my neigh- are happy ta announce the, bars and friends for cards, arrivai of a daughter Cheryl fiowers and kindnesses shown Lynn, Sunday, May 28, 1961, me wbiîe in hospital. Special at Memorial Hospital, Bow-ý thanks ta Dm. Rennie, nurses rnanviile. A sister for Carl and staff of Port Perry Hos- and Christy. 22.1* 1 ital. SMITH-Mr .and Mrs. Car- los Smith <nee Walkey) are happy to announce the arri- vai of a son, Roy Carlos, on May 22, 1961, at Memorial H{ospital, Bowmanville. 22-1* WHITE - Don and Marge (nee Buck) are happy to an- rîounce the arrival of a son, Jonathan David, at the Oak- ville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital, on May 10, 1961. Special thanks ta Dr. N. E. Hunt. 22-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. John Visser of Flint, Mîch., wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Elaine, ta Mr. James Van Dyke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marten Van Dyke of R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 22-1 The engagement is announc cd of Dora, daughter of Mýr. and Mrs. Johannes De Wildt of Bowmanville, to Mr. William, Archer, son of Mr. and Mrs.1 Charles Archer, Courtice. The wedding ta take place Satur- day, June 24, 1961, at 2:30 p.m. in Courtice United Church. 22-1* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marsh, Islington, Ontario, announce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Johanne Irene, to Mr. .Harvey Edgar Webber, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Web- ber, Bowmanville. The mar- riage to take place on Satur- day, June l7th, 1961, at The Church of St. Wilfrid, Isiing- ton. 22-1 Deaths ALLIN-At 6 Edsall Ave Bawmanville, on Wednes May 31, 1961, Birdie I. Dil in ber Bth year, beloved, of Harry Allun (retired groc dear mother of Margaret Lamne, Bowmanvilie; Una W. B. Mller), Oshawa; trude (Mrs. J. C. Snci Toronto; Marlon (Mrs. Mau Proctor), Brockville, andJ Cobourg. Resting at the ris Funeral Chapel, Bow: ville. Service in the ch on Fiday at 2:30 p.m. Ir ment Bawmpnville Cemel ARNOTT, Jesse - At Joseph's Hospital, London Wednesday, May 31, 1961,J Arnott, beloved busband the late Florence Osborne laving father of Mrs. S.4 (Bemnice), Oshawa, and Arntt of London, in his year. The late Mr. Arnci resting at Mcîntosh-Ande Funeral Home, Oshawa.S Ice in the chapel an Satur June 3rd at 3 p.m. Interr Union Cemetery, Oshawa. LANGFELD, Thomas Ge -Suddenly, at Sunnybi Hospital, on May 23,1 Thomas Langfeld, in hisi year, loving husband of L father of Philip and Mil( (Mrs. Coley), grandfathei Rosemarie, Heather, Jai Cheryl, Patricia, Lynda Virginia. Resting at the el el of McDermott-Panaba Port Perry, until Il a.m., day. Service at St. John's, lican Church, Blackstock, 2 p.m. Interment St. Jo Cemetery, Blackstock. 2 MOUNTJOY, J. Evere Entered into rest in the far residence, Lot 9, Concesý 6, East Whitby, on Wedes( May 24, 1961, J. Eve Mauntjoy, beloved husban( Gertrude Langmaid and f er of Mrs. Wm. MacGrE (Elda), Percy, and Mrs. H Gannon (Bessie), in bis year. Rested at the Ammstr Funeral Home, Oshawa,v memorial service in the ch ei, Fiday, May 26, 21 Interment Zion Cemnetery. WORDEN-, At Wey b Sask., on Friday, May 1961, Gertrude Worden in '77th year, widow of the Edmond Worden, dear mot of Herbert and Erma of M humn, and dear sîster of F bert Rundie and Mrs. W. Pickell, Bowmanville. Fur( at Weyburn, Sask., on Mt day, May 29, 1961. Flowers FLOWER SHOP CARNATION Flowers for AUl Occasions Free Dellvery Daily to Oshawa and Bowmanvillie PHONE MA 3-7141 After store hours Phone MA 3-2944 22-1 LICENSED Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Nurslng Home -Accommodation for private1 an d semi-private p atients,1 lounge TV. Fuily licensed,1 new building, modern. Visitorsc welcome. Reasonable rates.î Phone Newcastle 4441. 13- 41 Dalton English 22-1*1 We wouid like ta than friends and neigbbours fc ail the hovely gifts we recei, ed at the community showE and also toalal those w] helped in any way. Thank yci Pat and Bob Fletcbe 22-1 We wish ta tbank the mer bers of tbe Bowmanville Fir Dept., for their quick actio in controlling the fire in ou home. Also many thankst our neighbours for ahi thei assistance. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Smit and famîly. 22-1 We wish ta thank aur farr ily, relatives and friends fc the hovely gifts, fiowers, te]E grams and cards on the acca sion of aur 5th wedding ar nivorsary; aur nieces and cou. mns who served, a special thax yau. We were pieased ta wel came so many friends on thi special occasion. Allie and May Jobnstor 22-1 1 would like ta express my sincere tbanks ta my many friends and relatives for their kindness durîng my stay in hospital. Speciai thanks ta Dr. E. L. Ewert, speciai nurses Mrs. Potens, Mrs. Bell and Miss Palmer, staff of Memonial Hos- pital, St. Paui's Church and Shaw's Home and Sehool Club. Joyce Bragg. 22-1 Lamne and Evelyn Phare tbank their many kind friends and neighbors for eats sent in, for get weil cards and fiawers. A spociai tbanks ta Dr. Ferguson, Mrs. Stella Hilis in ber capacity as nurse, alsa Mrs. Myrtie Virtue for hooking after the mail on R.R. 5 Bawmanvilie and R.R. 1, Tyrone, during Evehyn's rodent illness. It certainly was appmeciated. 22-1* Dr I wish ta express my sin- incere thanks and appreciation el to Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Urguay r- and ail the nurses and staff of ry. Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Z- ville, for their care and kind- ness during my stay in the St. hospital; also many thanks for on ail the cards, gifts and wel- ;se come visits and to those who nd while I was away. Ahl g1e kindnesses are deeply ap- ,hn preciated. th Bill Wannan. 22-1 ;onî In Memnoriam Cormng Events Brooklin Spring Fair. First Saturday in June- June 3. 21-2 Bake Sale, Saturday, June 3,' 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., in North- cutt & Smith's former stoe. Decoration Day will be ob- served at Hampton North Cemetery, Sunday, June Il at 2:30 p.m. 22-1l Durham County Shorthorn Club Twilight Meeting, Tues-1 day, June 13, at 7 p.m., at Rosborn Farm (Russel Os- borne), Newcastle. 22-1* Attention! Zion W.A. An- nual Bazaar in Zion Church, June 7, 7:30 p.m. Many inter-1 esting booths. Also tea room.1 Corne visit us aind enjov vour-1 Articles for Sale GENDRON baby MA 3-2827. BALED straw and Phone CO 3-2075. carniage. 22-1 hay, 25c. 22-1 C ARfence posts. Phone Clarke 28 r 32.- 22-2 FIVE H.P. outboard mnotor. Phone MA 3-5722. 22-1* ASPARAGUS for freezing. Phone MA 3-5981. 21-3 FRIGIDAIRE 4.1 cu. ft., $35. MA 3-3657, 128 Elgin St. 22-1* DOUBLE bed, spring and mat- tress. Phone MA 3-3757. 22-1* IWATER for sale and delivered. Cail Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131. 32-tf [or Lv. rer u. self. 22-1 GOOD used Sîmplicity wash- er. Anniversary Services at En- ing machine. $35. Phono MA .1* field on June 4th at 2 and 7:30. 3-5485. -- - 22-1* Mr. Walter Crawford will con- LLOYD deluxe white car- nduct bath services with music niage, good condition. Phonol ire by the schooi and special MA 3-7107. 22-1* on numbers. 22-1 ýur Plan ta attend Yehvorton CAR radio, $10. Good con- to ardn PrtySuper n Fi-dition. Phono MA 3-2550 any ir day, June 9, cammencing at fer6 2V Admission $ 1.00 and 35C. Pro- HEAVY duty electrie stove- th gram features Muir Sang and-r24"; dock and timer; good Dance Revue. 22.11 condition. MA 3-3954. 22-1* S-alem Sunday Sehool Anni- ONE chrome kitchen suite versary Services wili be heldan oe syciringd m- Sunday, June 4 at 2:30 and' anditan esyPh Ai02goo ýor 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. codton2hnoR -025 e- T. Fheetham, of Greenwood. _____________21 ,a- Special music by choir. 221RACING boat with Mecury Ln- Woodview Cammunity CÉentre Mark 30 outboamd. Boat trailer, '- -Monster B i n g o. Twenty wilh selh separate. MA 3-5906. nk< games-twenty dollars; five 24 el- games-tbirty dollars; $150 CEDAR trees for bedges. Any lis jackpot, and twa jackpots at ize Guaranteed ta grow. Erce' $250. Door prizes. Next delivery and estimate. Phono )n. Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, MA 3-3935. 22-2*ý Osnawa. 'ko-tI Durham County Trustees and Ratepayers' Association Banquet ta be held in Orono United Church an Thursday, June 8, 6:30. Guest speaker Dr. H. E. Ehbomn, Doputy Minister of Education. Tickets $1.50. Phone Newcastle 2207. 22-1 Chartered Bus Trip ta ROCK GARDENS AND HAMILTON Saiurday, June 10 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE Phone MA 3-3265 21-2 GIANT BINGO Saiurday, June 3rd in the LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bowmanville at 8 p.m. Special Draw - $100 (Do Not Have ta, Be Present) 20 GAMES AT $10 EACH TWO SPECIAL GAMES AND $150 JACKPOT Number for this week - 57 ADMISSION -$1.00 22-1 Auction Sale sSAVE on lumber, direct from .miii to you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ont a r i o. Phono l7rl. 45-tf rTHREE-piece oak antique hall Ysuite, perfect condition. MA s3-2554, Mrs. E. Brommeli, 4 St. George St. 22-1 KEYS dut automaticaily, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf SEE Elmer for good used TV's, fumniture, apphiances, vacuums, cook ware, some antique furniture. CO 3-2294. ____________22-tf NEW Remington adding ma- chine, band-operated. Regular $145. On sale $125.00. See it at The Statesman Office, King St. W. 13-tff COMVE in and see aur bargains in Used Fumniture and Ap- pliaxîcos. F. A. Kramp Furni- ture, 37 King St. E., Bow- manville. 22-tf INSUL od, vil manshi: mates. phono TWO frames, screen Windo% for col MA 3. 30 BLi excelle Chev. "Tara" e=celle: T-Torrvr iay, WOODLEY-In loving ----- .ory. ,ment af Gladys E. Wolywho . To be hehd at Pethick's Auc- ONE1 passed away June 2, 1956. tian Shed, Saturday, June 3. boit ac 22-1 Hem memory is as dear to-day Large quantity of fumniture, adjusta As in tbe hour she passod consisting af stoves, beds, ridgo b away. tables, chairs, new mcking Ail in eorge -Lovîngly emembered by tbe chair, quantity af storm Gord rook family. 22-1* windows, 1949 Pontiac sedan, Orono. 1961,_______________ some dishos, eiectnic lamps, BROAI: 67tb eerhi.n eioctric radia and other articles or mox Lucy, -___________________- Sale at 1:30. Terms cash. C. nw dred Mm and Mrs. David William Petbick, auctioneer. 22-1*eouta1 r. af Bot weli af Maple Grave will and de nico, be at home ta their relatives The household effects af the Kramp and and friends on Tuesday, June estate of tbe late Mrs. John MA 3-' hap- 6, 1961, îrom 7 ta 9:30 pm. Cowiing, 59 Cburch St., Baw- ýaker, an the occasion of their 25th r .anville, wili be sold by pub- PREPA Fmi- Wedding Annivorsary. 22.1* lic auction at the Durham l us fa: Ang-____ County Sale Aena, Orono, on lAlumin .Dhn's Mm. and Mrs. Charlie Tay- Fmida veig, June 2, Bed- You w. o2.1* ho r, Orono, will redoive friends 1raam, living reom and kitchen ýnomical 2-*and relatives at the Oddfei-, fumniture including electric lEquion lows Hall, Orono, on June 3,i steve, nefrigerator, washing E., Bo ,ett- 1961, on the occasion of he machine, chestorfield, dishes, 3-5689. imiy frt-fithwedding annvers- glssware, etc. Please note BUY ssien amy from 3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9. sale ta commence at 6 p.m. oarly t day, 21 _2* Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 22.1* largoec 'eett _____and pE d Of Mis. Eflie Goyne, Courtice, Auction sale of Hoîsteins, Mooy. fath- wiîî roceive bier relatives and milkers, springors, open and Growei .egor friends at the home af Mm. bred heilers, baled bay, poul- of Twii lugh and Mrs. Charles Langmaid, try, and eal estate, the prep- xvay Il 73rd Sauina on Sunday, June 1 erty of Pier Sikma, Lot 5, Con. BOAT rang 1961, from 2:30 ta 5 p.m. and 1 Carke Township, one mile 14 ft.1 with 7 ta 9 p.m. for the occasion af east af Crooked Creek Store, ipi - hr 5t bithay _ Saturday, June 1th at 1:30 Smk __________22__________ville, hp- e 7t irha. 21 p.m. Real Estate-A 50 acre(15) p.. farm wiii be offered for sale(15) 22-1 Notices subjeet ta roserve bid, consist- hel, ing af a 9-room frame bouse ing lig] Sally's Hairstyling wili be with unning wator, barn 30' x tien. Pi Sr n closed for boiidays, Juno 14 90', implement shed and gar- MA 3- 26, ta June 21 inclusive. 22.2* age. All buildings in excel- SEP, ber Would accept passengors lent condition. The above DR« hate (business boums) Irom Bow- property may ho inspected any CRUSII ther manvilie ta Oshawa Shopping time prior ta date af sale. CELLA Vey- Centre via No. 2. Cali MA Termis on praperty made Her- 3-5258 from 6:30 ta 7. 22-1 known date af sale. Terms on 7R.-PLT livestock and feed, cash. J.LE iorah FOR CMLT Reid, auctianeer; LawrenceLE Won Insurance Coverage Harris, clerk. 22-2 4204 See Bill Morrison BAILIFF SALE SAN] 26 CONCESSION ST. W. MA 3-3048 Fire - Theft - Automobile Travel - Lite 22-tl Sunimer Resorts PORTAGE Lodge and Cottag- es - For a carefree family vaca- tion. Excellent food, recreation. For information write Pen Lake, Muskoka. 20-3 Help Wanted MAN wanted for fruit farm. Must be able to drive large trucks, think and make de- cisions for himself and man- age other men. Phone MA 3-5485. 22-1* BF virtue cf the Landioi-d Warrant we will offer for sale at Elmer Wilbur's Sale Barn, Hampion June 2nd, 1961 at 7 o'ciock p.m. 1955 Chev. Coach, 1953 Pontiac, Heavy wiring 4-humner Elec- trie Stove, G.M. Frigidaire, 2 Washing Machines, 21"1 Admir. ai TV, Electrolux Vacuum. Ternis - Cash Eiiner Wilbur, Auctioneer Bill Stack, Licensed Bailff 22-1 ýATION. blowing meth- ith rock wooh. Work- .p guaranteed. Free esti- Hamry L. Wade. Tele- Clarke 2420. 39-tf outsido doors with smatching combinatian iand starm for anc. )w with frame. Suitable ottage, Cheap. Phone .5445. 22-1* ACK Sussex pullets in ýnt iaying shape. 1947 in goad running shape. power lawn mower in ent condition. Apply Hill, Tyrone, Ont._22-i Mossberg Model 195, etien shotgun, 12 gaugo, able choke. One cart- belt with 2 dozen shehis. iperfect condition $30. Simpson, phono 1412, 22-1 )LOOM - wall-to-wall, nm size. Free estimates l-_to-xvahl. Samples tak- ta your home for colour [carating ideas. F. A. )Ltd., 37 King St. E., -7071. 34-tf ARE for Summer-Sce )r fre eostimates on .um Doors and Windows. ilh bc amazed haw eoa- il they are from Cowan -ent Ca., 134 King St. ýwmanvilie. Phono MA 16-tf your outdaor plants bhis spring. We have a quantity of greenhause ýerennial plants. C. de Flawer and Plant r, located 2 miles East n Oaks Motel off Higýh- 115. ,19-4u and outhoard mater, Holliday boat made by n Marine, Bowman- 18 h.p. Johnson matar xvindshield, steering electrie starter, runn- bhts, ail in gaad candi- Iride $750. Reg Harding, -5552. 22-1* PTIC TANK STONE IVEWAY GRAVEL HED CEMENT GRAVEL IRS & TRENCHES DUG Phone LIAND PAYNE 4CLARKE (Coileet) 19-4* 'D AND GRAVEL FOR YOU1I DRIVEWAYS AND CEMENT PHONE EARL BOTTRELL CO 3-2682 For Prompt Service and Delivery 15-tf Articles for Saie SEBAGO potatoes; also mixed hay. CO 3-2675. 22-1 SUNSHINE baby carniage, good condition. MA 3-7227. 22-1 UPRIGHT piano, good con- dition, easonable. MA 3-7009. 22-1* LADY'S C.Y.C.O. bicycle, goad condition. Phone MA 3-3166. 22.-1* CEMENT mix e r, electrie, complote with %k H.P. motor. Phone MA 3-3970. 22-1 SEBAGO foundation seed pot- atoos, also some No. 2 dom- mercials. CO 3-2185. 22-1* ALSCO doors, windows, awn- ings, sidings, carparts, mail- ings. Lamne Allun, MA 3-38 71. 22-2 FARMALL Cub tractor with atachments. Geo. Kil h e n. Apply 1/4 mile south of Taun- ton on Oshawa Town Line. __________ _ _2'? - 1 COCKSHUTT row crop trac- tor, aIl attachments for plant- ing, fertilizing and cultivat- ing corn, new condition. CO 3-2015. 22-1 REASON moving: 1 10 cu. ft. Coldspot refrigerator, 1 cane-1 back, Kroehler chesterfieid, opens for bed, 1 baokcase, 1 antique pine corner cuphoard. Cali between 5:30 and 7.00 evenings. MA 3-2124. 22-1 COCKSHUTT 40 Diesel trac- tor, John Deere tractor, Mas- sey Harris mounted plow, Masscy Harris pull type plow. International pull type plow, Hammermil- bale elevator. Vîrtues Garage. Phone CO 3-2431, Tyrone. 22-1* USED TRACTORS- Inter- national W-4, Massey 102. Used Machinery-Internation- ai 18-run Fertilizer Drill; Case 7 f t. Cultivator, on rubber; In- ternational 6 ft. Cultivator; 10", Hammer Miil; Interna- tional 3-furrow Plow, on steel; Fluery 2-furrow Plow on steel; International "45" Baler; International Spread- er, on rubber. Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 22-1 Livestock For -Sale YOUNG pigs. Victor Cookson, Bowmanville. _____22-1* EI-GHT pigs,8 wèeeks aid, Tom Baker, CO 3-2674. 22-1* 70 EIGHÉT-we-ek aid pigs-. Lloyd Smith, CO 3-2174. 22-11 SIX Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks aid. Oshawa RA 3-9081. 22-1* ONE registered Hereford-bullÏ, 17 months aid. Phone 24131 Clarke. 22-1* YO0UNG Shorthorn b u -11-, proven. Wm. Brown, Tyrone, Phone CO 3-2496. 22.1* GOLDEÊN pheasants a n d pheasant eggs, alsa bantams. Phone MA 3-3841. 22-1* TWENTY-FIVE pigs, eight weeks old. Walter Ferguson, Enniskillen. CO 3-2065. 22-1 100 LAYING -hens, car tr-ailer, tire size 2ix4.50, $10 or best offer._Phone MA 3-7037. 22 -11, ]POLL£ED Heëreford-bull of breeding age. R. T. Curreily, Welcome. PLaza 3-2336. 22-1 Seed Grain for Sale SILAGE and grain corn seed; Rodncy and Gary oats and grass seed. Swain Seed Clean- ers and Dealers, Biackstock 89r11. 21-3 SEED CORN Funk's G Hybrid FOR ENSILAGE or GRAIN Proved the Best in Test iHardome Soy Beans RICKARD'S SEED PLANT MArket 3-7150 21-21 Petsf or Sale HOUND pups for-sale-.Cali MA 3-2072. 22-1 Wanted ta Buy HIGHEST prIces paid for live pouitry, goose feathers, feath- er ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 OsItawa cailect. 48-tf ALL kinds af live poultry, feathers, new goose and duck also old feather ticks wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt. Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 21-tf Wanted jDEAD and crippled farm stock, picked Up promptiy. Telephone COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115. DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID RAY VIVIAN OVAL braided mats and rugs, Locust Hill ail sizes; broadioom, Axmin- Phono Mamkham 1160J Caolet ster and Wiiton rugs; ches- 24-hr. 7-day Service temfields; bedroomn suit e s, License 102C61 chrome dînette and kitchen 20-52 suites; mattrosses; desks; caf- fee and end tables; hamps; Personal bassocks; platferm rockers; occasional chairs; unpainted HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber fumniture; bigh chairs. Trade- geods) mailed postpaid in plain in cbesterfields and 4-bumner sealed envelope with prico list. electrie mange. Free Parking, Six samplos 25c, 24 samples at rear af store, in nexv lot. $ 1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Mumphy's Furniture, King-Nov.-Rubber Co, Box 91, st. W. 22-1' Hazn.iton, Ont. . 1-52, Cars for Sale 1949 MERCURY %k ton pick- up, good condition, $125. MA 3-2155. 22-if '47 DODGE, excellent motor, tires. Cheap. C. Brown, CO 3-2496. 22-1* -1 1956 FORD TANDEM COWAN EQUJPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5689 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. V-8 with Torque transmission, windshield washers, mimnors. New paint, copper and beige. - Plus - Good selection USED ranging from of depondabie CARS 1951 ta 1954 PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers for Plymouth - Dodge - Valiant Simca Cars Dodge Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanvilie 22-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf, GUARANTEED television and' radio service, toa ah makes. Samne day service. Television Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. REPAIRS and rewînding, arm-: atures tumned, toalal makes o!i: electrie motars. Higgon Elc- tric, 38 King East. PhonoeM 3-3305.7t REPAIRS toa ai makes of re- frigerators, domnestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIR Service in refnigera- tion, ail beating and ahi do- mestie appliancos, gardon trac- tors, chain saws and lawn mowems, aiso sharpening lawn mowers. J. Haltby, MAnket 3-7062, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, at Maplo Grave. 22-tf WATCH REPAIRING Certtfled Watchxnaker of Canadian Jeweiiers' Asm Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 8-t'. 1 Work Wanted 1' ANY kind af cement work. George Mutton. Phone MA 3-5981. 21-3 CARPENTER, oofing and cement work. Free estimates. Phone MA 3-2752. 21-2 HEATING, Plumbing a n d Eavestroughing. Cali Gould Heating, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf BRICK, Mason and Concrete work, Chimneys, etc. L. Turner, MA 3-5820, temporary rPhone MA 3-5605. 22-1 COMPLETE garden service. fdcean up, fertilizing, rolling, roto-tilling, manure. Phone 1MA 3-7059 ýor MO 8-2233. 19-4 YOUNG man, aged 21, will accept any type of work forj summer. Write Ailvertiser 141 sc/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. 1Box 190, Bowmanville. 21-2* BOWMANVILLE Maintenance Service: Cleaning rugs, up- holstery, windows, venetian blinds, new tapes and cords installed. Repairs: D o o rs, drawers, fences etc. Storm windows removed, lawns cut. Jim Henry, MA 3-2817. 21-4 rHerman Van De Belf GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick - Block - Concrete and Carpentry NEW WORK and REPAIRS PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON 1955 CHEVROLET sedan for sale, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-7160 after six p.m. 22-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf Dump Truck For Sale 1954, F700, 158" lVheelbase 1956 Valve-in-Head Motor Reconditioned 22,000 miles ago New 9.00x20 tires and brakes Brantford 10-ton arm hoist and steel box. Looks good and works every day with 26,000 lb. 1961 license. Extension sides available. Financing can be arranged See McLaren, Orono PHONE 14816 22-2 Buy yourself a Good Used Car for a change Ifs - Good - For - You Buy front the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wise people who think twice always say it's none other than... ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars -7-tf CLEARANCE SALE' 22 USED CARS 1950 to 1954 Priced from $75.00 up Some have radios and extra equipment. Corne in and test drive one of« these bargains .. and make. us an offer! Ail must be cleared as we need the parking space. ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Lots 22-1 Used Car Specials 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Radio - ----------- ----- $275 1951 MONARCH 4-DR.- $195 1955 METEOR 2-DR. - $775 1954 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1952 INTERNATIONAL %A-TON 1950 FORD DUMP TV TOWERS Aeriais and Rotors Repairs ta Aeriais and Rotors OSHAWA TV Suppiy Ltd. RA 8-8180 Bill and Bob Leask 8-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS for painting, ex- terior and interior, S.S. No. 16, Darlingten School, wili ho me- ceived by the undersigned up ta Juno 10, 1961. Work ta be compheted by July 30. For further information contact Harold Ashton, Enniskiilen, CO 3-2627. Mrs. Joyce Virtue, Secretary-Treasurer, Enniskil- ion, Ont. 22-1 THE Bowmanville P u b hi c School Board equiros tenders for the follewing womk at Centrai Public School: (1) Painting. (2) Eavestmoughing. Specifications and instructions may be obtained from A. M. Thompson, Supervising Princi- pal, Central Public Sehool. Phono MA 3-5021. Work te be cempletod by July 28, 1961. Written tenders ta ho in the hands af S. R. James, Sec'y- Treas., P.O. Box 1030, Bow- manville, by 5 p.m. Thumsday, June 8. 22-1 TENDERS wanted by Clarke Township Schoi Area Board for bus transportation: (1) from Newtonville Seheai ta Part Granby for approximately il1 Ipupils. (2) fmom McLean's Section ta Kendal, apprexim- atoly 16 pupils. (3) from Sixth Lino Section ta Kendal, ap- proximately eight pupils. For furtber information contact Mr. Reg. Elliott, Kendal, Ont. Seal- ed tenders ta be in not later than June 20, addressed ta the Secretary, Mrs. Violet Gilmer, Newtonviile. 22-i Exchange EXCHANGE lands for bouse -22x32, 5 ooms and bath- roam (3 pieces), full basement and hall acre in best tawn in Muskoka on Main Lino. Write Box 131, Station "R" Metro Toronto, Leaside, Ont. 21-5 * Room and Bord ROOM and board, new fur- niture. PhoneMA 3-7201._22-l* tAUSPICES af Visites Inter- fprovinciales, recommend e d -French - Canadian students iseek board, lodging and Eng- HReal Estate for Salel INCOME house for sale. MAI 3-2383. 21-21 FOUR rocomed house, heavy duty wiringr, large lot, $3,000 small down payment. Phone Newcastle 4161. 21-2 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members af Oshawa & District Real Estate Board $100 per acre buys 130 acre farm with trout stream. La- cated North of Orono with large hip roof barn and 8- room frame bouse. Running watem in ail buildings. Scenic 50 acre trout stream propemty near Blackstock. Ask- ing $6,500. Terms. 5 acres hevel îand, north of Bowmanvilie $2000-full price. Bungalow in Hampton with stream. $6000-full pride. 95 acre famm, 3 miles from Oshawa. Large paved moad frontage. Asking $36,000 with $6000 down. 200 acre Christmas tree farm with 120,000 trees, thou- sands ready for market. Trout stream, paved moad frontage. Only $100 per acre. Bowmnanville Homes $6900-full price. Bungalow on large lot. $1000 down, 3 bedroom bungalow, centrally iocated, garage. Owner leaving town. N.H.A. financing on 3 bed- room brick bungalow. Full price $13,500. 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow, garage, many ex- tras, large lot. $14000. Terms. Cal WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 22-1 Pedwell Real Esiate 135 Acres, 2 storey dlap- board bouse, bank barn, 35'x 80', 100 acres workabe, river,ý gaod land. $11,500, terms. 50 Acres, good frame bouse, bath, bank bamn, 40'x80', al workable, best af soul. $10,500, terms. 10 Acres on No. 2 Higbway, close ta Newcastle, 5 noom bungalow, smali barn, tractar, plows and other equipme-1t. Pnice educed and easy terms. On No. 2 Highway at Maple Gave, 4 bodroam ciapboard bouse, canveniences. $10,000, with torms. 6 Roa.m bungalow with bath, ail, lots of cupbaards, full basement, 1 acre gardon with fruit trees, chose ta New- castle. $7,500, $2,000 down. 10 Acres with trout stream, gaod building site. Severai small bouses with easy terms. Mortgage Loans HAROLD C.PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 22-1 De Wifh Real Esiateli 75 Acre farmn with small barn, creek, boen bouse etc; 6 roomed homo. Pnice $11,000. Termis. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM, as a going concomn with ail cattie and machinery. Large L- shaped bankbarn, silo, bulk- cooler etc; 10 roomed brick home with ail modemn con- veniencos. As'king p r i c e $33,000. Terms arranged. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM on paved road witb gaod barn, silo, bulkcooler, large drive shed, bien bouse etc; 8 room- ed brick home with unning water. Price $20,000. Terms. 150 Acre farm, west Part Hope, with 2 barns, lien bouse, running watem, stream etc; 7 raamed home with ail modemn canvoniences. Asking $22,000. Termis. 99 Acre farm, close ta Bowmanville, with large L- shaped bankbarn, waterbowls, machine shed, garage etc; 8 roomed home, unning water. Asking $22,000. Ternis. 10 Acres with smali barn; 4 raomed cemont bouse with ail fumnaco. Price $6,500. with $500. down. 9 Roamed homo in Tyrone on 2 acres, beavy wired. Ask- ing $9,500. with smali down payment. 2 Apartment bouse in New- castle with ail modemn con- veniencos in bath apartmonts. ail furnace etc. Price and ternis amanged. 2 Bedroom, new, bungalow, east Newcastle with ail mod- ern conveniences. Ask i n g $7,900. Down $2,500. 5 Roomed, new, bungalow with ail modern conveniencos near Newtonviile. Price $8,000. Termis. 5 Roomed home in Botbany with running water, cil fur- n a c e, kitchen cupboards. Pnice $4,800. Terms. 8 Roamed brick home In Betbany with modemn con- vonionces. Pnice $5,000. Terms. BARBER SHOP with mod- ern living quarters In Bethany including ahi equipmont etc. Asking $9,500. Has ta be sold. 12 Roomed solid brick home in Bowmanville with ahi modemn convenienees. Ideai place for apartments. Nice quiet street. Pnice and terms arranged. 6 Roomed bungalow at Ken- dal with modemn canvenien- ces. Close ta schoai etc. Price $6,000. with $500. down. John F. De Wiih ilsbi con*versatioin ** .Cio homes, paying reasona b 1le Realtor and General Insurance board for a few weeks this Newcastle Phone 3341 summer. Write Visites Inter- Dnl provinciales, 580 est, Grande Dnl MountJoy, MA 3-3950 Allee. Queboc, P.Q., (Toronto Ross Davidson, Bethany, 30R3 branc1W: 113 St. George St.) Lorne A. Perrault, Clarke 2.231 22-1 22.1 IReal Estate for Sale J. Van Nesiv . REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Bowmanville Dwelling, Hunt Street, with self contained upstair apart. ment, garage, lot 60 x 550', many kinds small fruit, im- m e d i a t e possession, $10,000 with terms. Village, six room frame, al conveniences, small b a r n, $7,000 with $1,000 down. Four suite, brick apartment building, bot water heated. Particulars at office. Two cottages on West Beach. One xviii trade on modemn bungalow. Service station, g ar a ge, wrecking yard license, also apartment. Two modemn brick bunga- lows for your inspection in tawn. We welcome enquiries, open evenings. 22-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 160 Acres, 7 roam bouse, hydro, barn 3OxiOO. Cash crop farm near lake. Price $32,000. Terms. 150 Acres, 7 room brick bouse, barn 28x85, implement shed, soul suitable for Xmas trees. Price $5,000. Torms. 100 Acres, 12 moom frame house, barn 30x95, implement shed, very productive farm. Price only $12,500. Temms. 50 Acres with trout stream. nice view, 15 miles from Osh- awa. Price $5,000. Terms. 45 Acres highway property, price $275. per acre. Easy terms. Two apartment home witt 41/ acres of land, two bath roams, near scbool. Prict $12,500, easy terms. Newcaste-Store plus dwel- ling facing main street. Ask- ing price $7,500. Terms. Newcastle-2 storey insul.. brick home, bath, furnace. Priced ta seli. Give us an af- fer. Iflighway No. 2 East of Bowmanvilie Telephone MArket 3-3644 G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 9 Salesm2n1 For Rent LARGE bright well furnished, self contained room, centraL Phone MA 3-7201. 22-1* THREE rooms and bath, heat. ed, self-contained. 205 King St. E., MA 3-3186. 9-tf SIX room apartment, self. contained, available June 15. Phone MA 3-2429. 22-1 APARTMENT vacant June 5, in good location, separate entrance. Phone MA 3-5273. 22-1 COMMERCIAL praperty on Silver Street (formerly black. smith Shop). Phone MArket 3-3393. 1-tf ONE bedroom apartment, self. contained, centrally located. Available July lst. Telephone MA 3-5798. 20-tf HEATED, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, washer, dryer, $60. MA 3-5996. Apt. 4, 63 King St. W. Also store on main street. 14-tf FREE rent one month, heated, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, washer-dryer, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W., also for rent store on main street. 22-tf HOUù-SE for rent, -centrally la. cated, 3 bedrooms, garage, large yard, ail heated. suit small famnily. Write Advertiser 138, c/o Canadiar Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 20-3 Gel Cash Today For OId Appliances througb S TA T ES MAN C L ASSI1F 1ED 8 Phone MArket 3-3303 CASSIFIED ADERTISING RATES ARÏICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE FOR lIENT . HELP WAIIZD CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND . ETC. Cash Rate . ..40r Word with «' minimum or 60e Muni be paid bY date -1I nsertion If cbarged. an addltional 250 will b. added. A chargeaci 25c will b. made tuo ail replies directed to Ibis office. NfOTICES - COMINO EVENS AnD CARDS 0F1 THANUE 4o a word wiih a minimum 01 $1.00 for 25 words or les&. SRTHS - ENAGEMENT MAR!AGE8 -DEATES $1.00 per Insertion IN MEMOEIAI5 81.00 plus iDo a lino Ico Vere Diu play Classified at811.50 pu Inch with a minimum ci one Inch. Additional insertions uIt th re rates. Anl Claisilled Ads must b. in this office flot later than 4:30 p.m. Tuesday Bond cash, stamps az money ordes and cave money. Clip Ibis out for handy refezenc OFFICE ROURS Ilanday thxough Fidaf 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.. Saturda v 8:30 a.m. ta 12 Nocs The Canâdian Stat m Diol MAricet 33l lez ClassaUled Ad Servis Births 1 Cardis of Thanlcs ýsda li wi cer ;ai (Mi Luni Jac Mo ,mai hap [nte 22 n, Jes Jol 84- tt ers( 1 i .- 1 1 - -- -- - --- - - - - -- -- 1-- - - - -- -1 1 Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf BULLDOZING AND E XC AV ATI1N G New John Deere Equipment Robert Sirong Phone Blackstock 104R Collect ARENDS 2- ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRS and REWINDING te ai your Electrical Equipment Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowmanville 19-tf Whifewashing Stables' AND DISINFECTING Plumping Septic Tanks BARN PAINTING BERT TOMPKINS NE WTON VILLE Phone Clarke 4721 10-tf MUNI 1 1 - 1 L. 1 ý --i- 11 Nu- --1 1 'l il - - - il: -1. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WMNESDAY, MAY Slst .1*1

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