THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY lst, US! PAGE SIXTEE Present Character Awarcl Training School Orators Give Excellent Pro gram At Rotary Club on Friday John Bain,. superintendentrThl'ee sangs, favorites at BTS, tion for the discovery of the of the Ontario T r a i n i n g "It's Later Than You Think," atom through wbich enormous School for Boys here, was inl,"It Is No Secret What God energy can be released and charge of the excellent pi--Can Do" and "Oh, Wbat a controlled. The young speak- grain at the Bowmanville Ro- Beautiful Morning"', were sung er reminded his audience o. tary Club luncheon meetingwith verve. the devastation in Hiroshima held at the Fiying Dutcliman, Two finalists in a recent from, the use of the atomùc Motor Hotel on Friday. Four oratorical contest held at the bomb near the end of Wonld students from BTS. Josepn'ischool, Joseph Chaisson and War II. Chaisson, Ronald Wade, Larry!Ronald Wade, wene introduc- The two diffenent types of Thompson and J. B. Slauson,l ed by Mr. Bain. atom sinashers wene discussec took part. Joseph Chaisson spoke on the by young Mr. Chaisson. He The birthdlays of Tom Reh-subject "Atomaic Energy." Haemrphasized the almost incal- der and Glenholme Hughes told the Rotarians that years culable importance cf nuclea: were celebrated. Marty Mar- of study by scientists had re- reactors as sources of heat tin and Fred Vanstone were~ sulted in a transformation of and euergy. the wiuners of the basebail the concept of enengy. This The speaker also referred to draw. The guests were Rex bas immeasurably broadened the use of cobalt in the treat- Wynn, Brantford, John Geikie, development in power, trans- ment of cancer, and -other Bill Alger and Mike Clayton, portation, and communica- possibilities inherent in ato- all of Oshawa. tions, he asserted. mic energy which it is hopec John Bain was the leader of He spoke of the scientific could be of great benefit tc the singsong with Murdoch theories advanced by Einstein mankind. Scîentists iPrew"- Beaton as piano accompanist. in 1905 which laid the founda- ing and studying ta !ind solu- u LK E Rý S-. newest selectiLons wonderful qvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . ... big savzngs 4. Special Purchase ! Save up to 73c pair! GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS AND SHORTS Purchased especially for this event because of the excellent savings . . . One of Wolker's regulor suppliers cleared his ends of lines of populo r pedol pushers, Jomaica and Short Shorts... Ail first quolity . - choose from a big variety prints ond plain fabrics . .. Shop for girls' Summer time needs and save! Sizes 7 ta 14, Usuolly 1.98 Pedal pushers or shorts, Poir SUMMER FABRICS With special savings for those who like to s ew th e ir own Summer dresses, blouses, skirts, shorts, slims etc. Special Purchase! Saive up to 5 7c yd. Importod inghams * From weil known milis including 'Don River', J. P. Stevens, etc. * 1961 woyen patterns, plaids and checks " Wamh'n Wear finishes " Shrinkag. controlled 0 35" - 36"" wide Woven by "Don River" Wninkle- shed with Dri-on finish 33".34" wlde uelly 1.19 t. 1.29 SOC 1.29 2 pairs 2.50 Just the thing tor boys' sumeeweor -short sleeve style, button neck open- ing with foshioned or regulor collors, plain or pattern knits in o voriety'of colors . . . First quolity f rom o known moker. Sizes, 8 - 14. Usually 1.98. SUMMER FESTIVAL, each 1.29, or 2 for 2.50. I SUMMER FESTIVAL Pair 5 A2 pair 54C 1.00 Micro rnesli nylons thot hove olI you look for in a fine hase, good fit, fashion right colors - Beigetonie or Bronizetone - Choice of leg Iengths. Sizes 9 to il - worth much more. SUMMER FESTIVAL pair 54c, 2 pair 1.00. of 5 KING ST, E. Made ln En gland - Sale priced ! Children's "T" Shirts (A.C.E) First quolity gorments Summer Festival fomous Lodybird moke . . . Short sleeve crew neck styles ... stripes or prints. For girls ond boys, sizes 2, 4, o nd 6. each 57ý 2 for 1.00 Makers' clearing brings Iow, Iow price! Children's Shorts Well mode with full boxer woist in voriety of fobrics - Popliru beach clofh or drill with screen print designs. Voriefy of colors. Sizes 4, 6, 6x. Sumer Festival Pair.e57 2 pairs 1.00 Special Purchase - Print Bedflord or Chino Little Girls' Slims Slim Jim style of printed Bedford cord or chino and striped chino slms, with double knees . . . a timely item ot a money-soving price. Colors Red, blue and others. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 6x. Boys" Polo 'Shirts Usuaîly 1.98 Summer Festival ea.1e2 2 for 2.50 Sumer Festival pair .88 Hot Weather Mates For Casual Com fort Combed Cotton ""T&" Shirts Sîceveless style mode in England of woshoble interlock cotton . . scoop neck or collor styles. . . blue, lilac, yellow or white. Smail, medium or large. -Usuolly 1.98, SUMMER FESTIVAL each 1 359 Button Trim Cuf fed Shorts A short yD%.'l1 recognize as one of the best on sight - a favorite for the button trim and cuft sfyling . . . white and colors.Sîzos 10 ta 18. Usually 2.98, SUMMER FESTIVAL pair 2.69 Bowman ville MA 3m5451 Easy-care Com fort-Sale Priced! Ladies" Summer Briefs " Cool cotton mesh. " Comfortable bond Ieg style. " White - smoil, med. or large. Summer Festival 4 pairluDù ech 39c Smooth comfort for 'neoth summer foshions -cotton mesh briefs in comfortoble bond leg style. White-smoll, mediLIm or lorge. SUMMER FESTIVAL, pair 39c; 4 pair 1.00. Special Purchase! Saive 41c yd.' Satin Finish Cotton 0 "Evergiaze" Wash- oble finish e Crease a n d soil resist e Needs little ironing e 36" wide, usuaIIy 1.29 SUMMER FESTIVAL Yard Tex-m ade Printed Cottons-Save 41lc yd. Printod Petit Point * Drip - dry combed Cotton * Woshable - needs little ironing * 36" wide - usually 1.29 SUMMER FESTIVAL Yard For Sportswear - Save 41 c yd. Caper and Random Sportscort " Fine wole (16 per inch) " Tex-set finish SUMMER " Winkle and sou FESTIVAL resiut Yard " 41"-42" wide8 8 B.» q e Special Purchase and Iow, Iow priced! Seamless Mesh Nylons Usually 1.19 to 1.39 WA LK ER'S SUMMER FESTIVAL Yard 1961 Patterns - Sum mer Weight Tissue Ginghams SUMMER FESTIVAL Yard topolmscnete itdthth adoc ee1 Dancing was enjoyed during Mrs. H. McKeowfl, Ariena fions ts great force, be add- aong these mockers. TB ---- -prsntdflwes Dl ad omy ed. ~"But I know now that 1 m the evening with a local o-Gry hty iie i I closing, Mr. Chaisson must do what God wants," Mr. W. R. Alexander, Van-, Mrs. Earl McQuaid. chestra supplying the music'the E. Lee's. stated that atomic energy Ronald Wade stated. He spoke,' couver, B.C., is visiting wt Brian Green, who is the la-* and Morton Davis calling the, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bownian could provide either saivation with feeling of the fact that, his niece and nephew, Mr. cal carrier boy for The Tor-isquare dances. and farn.iy were recent dii- or extinction for the peoples our Lord had died for us, and'and Mrs. Harold Sanderson. onto, Telegram, won a trip tai Lunch wvas served including uer guests of the L. R. Ash- of theearth.thousands of others had died Rev. G. E. Richardson is inI Toronto for the weekend,la huge birthday cake made la ton's, Haydon, and the I. R. ofth ertt for their faith. He closed with Kingston this week attending staying at The Royal York Mrs. Donald McGregor and Tamblyn's, Oroino. A stimulating address. On a fine recitation of Tennyson'sithe Bay of Quinte Conference Hotel overnight. Idecorated by Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, yRoad ad. esied- The Rotarians also immiense- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed uigtewnrmohs Miss Bail has many friends childi-en visited the J. Harris', verse tastes in reading among ly enjoyed a beautiful vocal and Mr. and Mrs. ElmoMc Drigte inrmoh, throughout the com.munity in South Monaghan. pevople, oe book bas foud solo by J. W Siauson. He sang flmoyle, Niagara Falls, were Rev. G. E. Rcas on bas the homes where she bas Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carr and favo throuout te ord"The Lord's Prayer" most ef- recent guests with Mr-. and troniuctod a claysfo th worked as a visiting home- Brenda, Long Sault, visited at teachers. Ten members fI-c Many of those present were at the Cochrane's was Mr. i The speaker explained that, ClI presenting the Rotar-y Ross Neals bas purchasedi Bethanv completied the course "babies" she hadt assisted inta Frank Cowling, Hae~nleo0 ebetween the covers of this! haracter Award to Larry the garage formerly owned by "Teachng As Jesus Taugbt" tewrd the occasion of h eIt swouderful book tbat are true Thompson, Mr. Bain stated PrestonNas and at the Sunday morning he epresedhe inerIfrtirhdy 1 tales of adventure, stories of that each year a number of Mrs. Cecil McGill, Toronto, 'ervcin the Unitesed Chrb hak ae er ee f th tConrtulatinyoB . *areouevnstaralyboys are nomînated by the is spending this week with ;s RosDvdnM. ifhapne, n ohesdeic-staff of BTS for this award her parents, Mr. and Ms.Rs Daion Mrs. surprise party and gift, with Bowman on obtamning second- a han e d, anovofmnThswi get thers depiet-aesMcinon Preston Neals, Mus. A il a n'special thanks to the commit- class honours on his exanis. c ioog Goslove of an . Tdhsihoes tothe bstudoen wbo Ja e MKion. tan w Beer, Mrs. Earl McQuade, Mrs. tee in charge of arangements. coqnpleting bis first year of a booklliis oloead e aid b a hwntebs rgrs hs rm Btan h Ernest Beer, Mrs. S. L. Spel- Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Strong, degree course at the O.A.C., i mllonsofpeole hesad. in building bis chai-acter while attended the District Annual ler. Mrs. Herb. Coppins, Mrs. Mr. n r.LodBon Guelph. oftesab oyat the school. Meeting of Woxnen's Institutes Vincent Jackson, Mrs. G. E. Mr* and Mrs. Donald McGre- See Coming' Events for An- if He told o h hbycp "This year there was stiff held at Elizabethville on Richardson and Mrs. Thomas gr r n r.Rselnvraypriuas dof this great book that he had coxupetition. Five boys were Wednesday were Mrs. Addi- Jackson. wnre eachRpresented Kerr, Mi-. and Mrs.Hay efirst read, and spoke of the nomninated but the vote show- son Scott, Mrs. Ralph Prestoni, wiJc eriates. Shne ear, Mr. and Mrs. Waltr MMRAyHSIA -comfort and inspiration ta be ed that Larry was well out iu Mrs. T. J. Jackson, Mrs. Ina wt etfcts ha r n r.Wle EOILHSIA r derived from it. This book i5 front," Mr. Bain stated. He Palmer, Mrs. Thomas Jen- On Friday evening friends Thompson, Mi-. and Mrs. Har- WEEKLY REPORT. ,read in schools, homes, hotels, conrlated Larry Thoînp- nings, Mrs. Ross Carr, Mrs. and relatives of Miss Elsie vey Aikens, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- For the week of and prisons ail over the world, son for bis achievement iu Hector Moiton, Mrs. Harold Bail gathered in the Town don Finney.Ma2-2inliv -h"es dded winning the award, a suitably White, Mrs. Emory Smith and Hall at Betbany on the occa- Adion s-----maie,--4--fe-a--e 14 Yei the Bible, the engraved Bulova watch. io of ber 7th birthdayta Adissos- -------------5e14 rbest book lever printed or A vote of thanks to Mn Bain expressed bis appreciation to offer their congratula tio n sE F L Discharges----------- 50 made," young Mr. Wade stated and the four boys for the fine Mr. Bain and the four boys and good wishes.1 N IL Major operations ---- - 5 d firmly. He deplored the fact program tbat bad been pre- for the excellent program. He Mrs. Gordon Strong readý Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahrn. Riehi-l Minor operations 12 1that some people, who do not sented was moved by Stewart presented each of the students the address and presented mond H'Iliisited at the Pi-es- Emcrgency treatments -- 13 - re*ll knw orundrstnd t, McTavish. The president of with a gift as a souvenir of Miss BaIl with apus ofcthmeVstighus3-4p. -mock the Bible, and sadly ad- the club, R. P. Rickaby, also their visit ta the Rotar-y, as Mrs. Lloyd Brownl Mr. and__Mrs. Del Lycet and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. a 1 WEDNESDAY, MAT Slst, 1981 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO (DZ9 1