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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1961, p. 5

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'W'EDNESDAY, MAY 3lst, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -~ PAGE FIVI I local -LOBA WiII March DICKC'S BO N TODACCO STORE 43 KING ST. E. We are open 7 a.m. to il p.m. Daily 10 to 10 p.m. Sundays Milk Orange Juice Butter Popsicles Cream - Ice Cream Sof t Drinks Cigarettes Full supply for offices, schools and home party supplies We carry a large selection of books, school supplies, newspapers and magazines. HO OPER'S JEWELLERY and GIFT SHOP 2.4 KING ST. E. MA 3-5747 AV FREE TWO-HOUR PARKING has beeni wvest of the Four Corners . . . situated of walk-out entrance from parking lot to been made between Lloyd Ellis Shoesi Shop with ease free of parking meters. rnBOWMANVILLE ARENA z ~EN5ANE KIN4 Enter Parking Lot from Queen St., then hallway to Ki This Parking Lot Sponsored by the folloi Alex MeGregor,,Drugs Coronation Restaurant Stedman Store ijydro Shop .G.A. Food Market Rlckaby's Big 20 J. H. Abernethys North Side: Merv Brock, Barber Royal Theatre Strike & Strike Dr. W. M. Rudeli Pearson's Smoke Chllds' Ladies' WV Joan's Beauty Cei Marr's Jewellery Denhertog Clothini Murphy Furniture Lloyd Ellis Shoes CoIe's Barber Shoi Collss Electrie Myles Radio & TV Kowal Real Estate Ted Woodyard, Investments George Cawker. N.A.L. Meet in Port Hope Three of the 42 young people who attended a Young Liberal Dinner at the Port Hope Golf and Country Club last week arc pictured above with Russell C. Honey, Port Hope, sec1"etary of the Durham County Liberal Association. Reading from lef t to rigrht are: Mr. Honey, Miss MWargaret Vanstone, Bowman- ville; Mrs. Beverley Lin gard, Port Hope, and Peter Cadeau, Ottawa, executive director of the Young Liberal Federation of Canada and of the Canadian Uni- versity Liberal Fecleration. -Photo by Mack Wilson, Port 'Hope Breakfast Treat - Nabisco 18 oz. Pkg. SHREDDED WHEAT 3 for 88C HEINZ SALE Serve Chilleci - lleinz Fancy 20 oz. Tin Tomato Juice 6 for 88C Serve Soup> and Crackers Heinz 10 oz. Tin Tomato Soup 7for88C Heat and Serve Hinz - Cooked in Tomato Sauce 15 oz. Tin Spaghetti 6 fori1.00 Heinz Tomato Ketchup to Durham County Federation ~ of Agriculture. Bethany Institute entertain- Reotsfor d with the "ice uis Report fro mnumber of a recently heldi fasb on Parade. Hats made of' kitchen utensils \vere com-1 Wom n'sInsitues me:tited on by Mrs. T. Jn Ms. W. . Nichois of Mor- mBOWMIANVILLE IVOMEN'S mersford iendercd a solo, iho eil ftevstn INSTITUTE 'Try Smilîn.g , hich was verv members expressed her thanks The first meeting of the much enjoyed. to ail those who hiad helped yafrom May 1961 to Aprîl Al vho helped in any \vaylmake the day a success. yato add te the meetingas suc- The following officers were, 1962, was held in the Lions cs eetakda Centre on Thursday, May the esoserctank d dwe elected for the year 61-62 as! 25th. Meeting commeýiced at coe the session with Ù10 recommended by Mrs. Aubrey the new time 2:30 p.m. singing of 'The Lord's Pray- Bland, Mt. Pleasant, Con- Threwa avey oo a-er.' venor'of Nominating Commit- teeance. M rs.S. Butter as Refreshments were served tee: Past President, Mrs. pesdnet vs. Snterchasr by Mlrs. Bagnell and ber Ralph Preston, Bethany; Pre- Mrs. O. Bragginvaspiaist. group and a social haîf hour sident, Mrs. H. Quantrili, Meeting opcned with the ig was enjoyed by ail. C impbchlcroft: lst Vice, Mrs. ing of>'O Canada', then The IOuir next mneeting xvii takte W. Armitage, Cavan; 2nd Vice, Institute Ode, followed by the place on June 22nd and xvill i. Edwin Wilson, Garden MaryStewrt ollet sad ibe pieic.Hill: 3rd Vice, Mrs. L. W. Mar Stwat Cllet aid~ bea iene.Hughes, Port Hope; Sec. unison.Treas., Mrs. Ralph Preston, The annual report was read EAST DURHAM MEETING Bethany; Federated Repre- and approved, and the buisi- The East Durham Women'sî sentative, Mrs. Ralph Preston, ness was disposed of. Next Institute had an unexpectcd and alternate, Mrs. Eric Me- we ail had a chance to do our pleasure when Miss Helen Me- Lean, Omemnee. bit, taking part in the ans-Ke'hrDretrHm Ec DirctRpsnaiv, rs wver to the Roll Call which KeceDrco oeE-DititRpeettvMs wa "ombhn Ilerndonomîcs Service Extension C. W. Steeves. Port Hope, cm my moether".I Soon te Branch Ontario Department and Alternate, Mrs. H. Quan- from m moburned ovne o f Agriculture, in the absence trill, Campbellcroft: Rep. te meetng was tundoe o of the regular Home Econo- Durham Counby Federabion f1 Mti rs. G. Bagneil ana ber grcup. mist, Mrs. M. Brown, addres- Alriculturc, Mrs. H. Quan- The first item on the pro- cd their meeting at Elizabeth- trill; Rep. to Durham Countyý God gram was a solo by Mrs. K. ville on May 24. Safety Council, Mrs. R. G. iri Semersford. "Learn te Hope', Miss MeKercher urged the Preston, Bethany; Agricul-1 wvhich was very well donc. Women's Institute members to turc and Canadian Industry, The motto, read by Mrs.beetuisi vt thrMs.AFaisMilok;i-i IT .agnel in bhe absence of bhc leadertsito keep upther eship. and Educion, Mrs. j wrîter, "Friendship is the ce- higrhp okcpu h znhpan dctoMs menttha bods acomun- h standards and to devel- John Gainer, Bailieboro, andj met tgete, hould beomun- op the ability te sec the wvhole Alternate, Mrs. H. Seens, Bail- dt etd by ail nd pu no pcture rather than dweli on ichoro; Historical Researchi practice as often as possible. one aspect. T~he visitors pre.. and Current Events, Mrs. Stan-j sent were urged as inothers to loy Tully, Omemee; Resolu- Thcre were bwo speakers, sec that their childi-en receiv- tiens, Mrs. F. Wheeler, Camp- Mrs. Mcl Wiseman and Mrs. cd their formai education. bellcroft; Public Relations, Roy Lunney. The subjeet was Grade XIII opened the doors Mrs. C. W. Steeves, Port atioal eserch Itwastheof life to a teenager. As moth- Hope: Auditors, Mrs. A. Scott, cpnn f the New Museum crs we must aIse practice good Bethnny and Mrs. Stanford tat shouid be uppermosb in safeby measures and encourage Brown, Cavan. our thoughts just now as she hicgh standards cf hygiene. A resolution from Ross- man said. She bold of the dif- . Miss MeKercher in explain-munwadicsdbtij fernt oom an ilciruse. ng the Home Extension Ser- xvas decided to drop it. Mrs.:i Mrs. Roy Lunney explained bhe Home Farm surveys. in spolie on behaîf cf the Golden the beauty cf the Jury House, this xvay they tried to keep Plough Lodge home for Sr. when it was built, who by, the extension services up t0 Citizens at Cobourg. She and what year. The speakers date and aise provide ser- strcssed that ahi people cf the were bhanked and Mrs. Su- vices they feit were needed United Counties were askedi te help women in the com.- to help in any way possible. 1 plex bask cf runningý their A tea and bazaar is te be heid homes. Home eeonomiss1ae i t the lodge next fall. from ail over Canada and it The District acceptcd an n-' is felt that thcy bring a xide vitat ion to mccl at Baille- ~field of experience to our Ex- bore in 1962. G tension Services. Miss MeKer- PARKI ~~cher believes it is more im- KNA .1 portant what you do te people KNA .I rather thon xvhat you do for The Kendal W. I. met Wed- thcmi. nesday evening, May 241h, in., Mrs. C. Mercer, Pi-esident the Sixth Line sehool. This cf Elizabethville Institute, may be our last meeting there, welcomned the ladies to the as it wil be closed when te iGeorge Dean, Bailieboro, re- Foliowing the singing cf "0i A IL AL E lietD. istrai nual and Ca.nada" in KeN.lisennedy avaiableforthos shopin 9:30 a.m. under the leader- eonducted the installation cf' made cvial o hs hpig si f _Mrs. V. H. Peacock officers, who are: President, ff QUEEN STREET. Convenient and Mrs. George Knox, Eliz- Mrs. E. Couroux; lst Vicej asabethvilc. The meeting \vos Pres., Mrs. M. Manders: 2nd i King Street Shopping Area ba hleld in the United Church. Vice Pres., Mrs. R. Ellioltt; and Flower Shop Carnation * Mrs. Rolph Preston cf Be- Sece-Treas., Mrs. H. Poster;, thany, District President, pre- Bm7nch Directors, Mrs. R. Mc-ý sided for the business meet- Maekin, Mrs. H. Poster; Dis- ing. She reported moking 63 triet Director, Mrs. W. Mer- vîsît"s during the year on be- rer; Cheer Committce, Ms haif of the Institute. Mrs. C. Vim. Turansky, Mrs. A. Lo0w;j :W. Stlecvýe.,, Port Hop,, Dis- Auditors, Mrs. Stoker, Mrs.1 PARKING SLmn triet Secretary Treasurer, ond Lxn AR ABranci Sece-tries reportcdl Branch Cnvos:A g ri celebratoil its (ith Annivers- tries, Mrs. J. Stapleton, Mrs.) ary in March 19-51. Reports cf A. Low; Citizenship and Edu-1 Nstanding Committce Conven- cation, M\rs. Win. Turansky,' ors tolil cf nmarîy interesting Mrs. H. Poster; Historical Re-, metnsin the branches. search and Current Events, The ladies enjoved alveyjMs C. W. Stewart, M\rs. Ste- luncheon in the Church bas-ker: Home Economies a nd, ment servcd by Elizabethville Helth, Mrs. G. Cathcarb, Mrs.1 G STREET members. During the nloon .T. Murphy: Publie Relatio's hour the visitois had ample Officers, Mrs. R. McMackin,i time 1to vicw the bats imad e Mrs M. Monders. ÇD by varicus ladies in the dis- Ater' the Ode and Mary; trict et the Millinery Course, Stewart Colleet the president,ý a service cf bhc Extension IMrs. E. Couroux, bock charge1 branch. of the meeting. Mrs. H. Fos- I Garden Hill Institute pro- trra h iue n h ifollow signs through convenient vided the musical numbers, correspondence. Ail members j whcn Mrs. Edwin Wilson and arc învited te attend bbc 4-Hl ing St. Miss Crossxvaite entertained Hem emaking Club Achieve-ý with bwo delightfui violin ment Day, featuring fruit, at r wing merchants, South Side: dcsacmaidb vr.Garden Hill on June 24th at' Shop Flower Shop Carnation Grant Marsh on the organ. A130Futrplnwreds 7ear Huyck's Beauty Salon sing-song xvas led by Mrs. T.,cussed re cur trip in July, Jennings, Bethany. when we wouid ike te visit, ntre Dykstra's Variety Foods rvnca er DrcoCFTO in Toronto. Mrs. W tetrcir rndcath BoProv inreatrd tkrwrei hrec meetng n Gelp. My -The Hstocal Rtserhpr-i il1 oz. Bottle 2for47c Elmer the Safety Elephant entrants. with trophies and badges for The Rodeo will be held next the winners in the various Wednesday, June 7th, at the events. There wvill also be a Bowmanville High School Bicycle Safety Check for ail Grounds. WIDEMAN'S ln Oshawa The regular meeting of the1 Ladies' Orange Benevoient As- sociation, Pine Ridge Lodge No. 1291, was held on May 29th, with Worthy Mistressi Sister Hilda Henning presid- ing, assisted by Deputy Mis- tress Sister Helen Shantz. 'C q~~ meeting opened with the'C'haplain, Sister Rose 0v- ery, reading the seripture and prayers. The warrant was draped in memory of the late Most Worshipful Sister Flora Adams, Most Worshipful Past Grand Mstress of British 1.1 Abusiness 1 Young Lberals Many items of bsns were discussed and plans are! ................ . . ... being made to go to Oshawa to celebrate the 12th of July. Members wiIl be attending, the Tyrone L.O.B.A. church parade to be held on June l8th at 10:30 a.m. Our church parade wîll be heldl June 25th and members« will be parading to Trinity Church. Members are to meet at 10:15 a.m. in front of the High School. The draw was donated by Sistçr Stella Karp and won by Sister Helen Shantz. Lodge closed in Ritual Form.e1 A deliciou lunch, served by Sisters H. Shantz, J. Ken- nedy and A. Potter, was en- jeyed by ahl. LADIES' WEAR underwear, etc. The motto Re r aio was "Plant seed of character in your home; they will blos- Som in the future." Reviews Mrs. Bowen of Orono -was Dance Recital introduced by Miss Stewart. Te Rceto eat Mrs Boen av usa vryment 's Annual Spring Danceý interesting taik on early times in Drha Contv nd oldRecital will be held in the of teachingacaso Bownianville Town Hall on pli fo a320 cand of 75Pu-Friday, June l6th, starting atr plvigfonditio0, nsdthfn.the 8:00 p.m. livng ondtios ten.She The program will include' also spoke of the surveying of bato'x twirling, tap dancing, Clarke by Wilmot and namediblâ mianv of the older families ble and possibly some dan- settl'ing here. She menti*oned cers from Oshawa will takce the neiv museum bcin* i part in the programme. ed in Bowmanville. At thel Tickets for the Recital will District annulaBomn be available from any mem-: ville thev decided to have ai ber of the two classes or they special W. I. room in the mu-1 may be purchased at the door seum and said it would be' on the night of the Recital. greatly appreciated if anyone e Minor Basebal with oid relies or toys prior Du to the co-operation of to 1900 would either donate, a number of the men in Bow- or lend them for displav. Thev manville a fopir team Pee Wee' wish to have it open the îaf-i league has been establisbed.1 ter part of June. The coaches for the four teamsi A cnethedb Mis are: AI Webb, Geo. Cawker, Stewart, onaedthe i., Bob Marshall, Ted Robson, sniJohn Taylor and Dennis Tier- titles from the lines of old e.Ia familiar songs proved familiar Thi~e equipment for the Iea- but the naines were elus Ive, gue has been supplied by the' much to our chagrin when the Recreation Department with names were given. Murray Bate taking charge in Mrs. E. Couroux auctioned forming the league. off the articles for the travel- There are stili a few open- ling basket. Mrs. G. Cathcart ings for any boys under 13' and Mrs. Jaek Stapleton, lunch years of age as of May lst, hostesses, provided a veryt 1961. if you are interested in' tasty The .Tune meet-Iplt.viing nîcase get in touchý ingc will be under the Citizcn xvîth Mr. Bate at MA 3-3683.ý ship and Education corvenors, Bicycle Rodeo Mrs. Turanskv and Mrs. !L. The Bowmanville Kinsmen, Poster at lhe home of Mrs. W. Club will again sponsor Ihe' Mercer. The mLrmbers cf the "Elmer Bicycle Rodeo". The, W. A. present decided to post- Rodeo is open to boys and pnthiqutnguntil aftfer~ girls to 15 years of age. their next meeting. IAl entries will receive an! Complete Range in Misses' and Womnen's HALF SIZE DRESSES Summer -Handbays $2.98 a FONDATION and BRASSIERES By "Warner's"' and ""Plalyiex"' SHOP AND SAVE ... AT WIDEMAN'S Lynn Valley Std. 15 oz. Tin Sliced Peaches 5for88c Culverhouse - Cream Style Choice Corn Domino Dry Ginger Aie 20 oz. Tin 5 for8 8C 30 oz. Bottle plus Deposit 8 for8 8c Good Luck - Regular Economical Spread - 3c Off Pack SMargarine 1 lb. Pkg. 2.for63c Hilltop Butter Cookies 16 oz. Pkg. 29c . 4-lb. Tin Beekist HO-N.EY eacb 89C Ontario Grown - No. 1 - Hot House TOMATOES lb.29 Florida - Red Ripe - No. 1 - 17-1b. Average Watermelons each 89C Maple Leaf - Sweet Pickled - Vac. Pack 1/2 's COTTAGE ROLLS- lb. 49c Devon Brand SIDE ýBACON lb. 69C THIS WEEK'S BONUS BUY SPECIAL CAR CUSHIONS ASSORTED COLOURS each 79c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing time Saturday, June 3rd, 1961 DOMINION STORES LIMITED ONLY AT DOMINION Riclimello Regular 1M Pkg. COFFEE 67c Richmello Salad Ricbmello - White Sliced BREAD 16 oz. .Jar 35c 24 oz. Loaf 19C Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Ltd. is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. SU!'MER COTTONS Reg. $8.95 S ALE a5.99 EACH COTTON ~SLIMS %'.95 - 4.95 pr 48 KING ST. E. 0 BEST BUY SPECIALS e BOWMANVILLE Spring Coat Clearance 10).00 EACH LIMITED QUANTITY No. 1 White WWNESDAY, MAY Slst, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, MMARTO -- ý -ý PAGE FIVS

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