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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1961, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY, MAX' ~lst, 1~1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. flOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC k PAtIiE SEVEN Social& Phone _M) Mr. L. B. Nichols spen¶itthe weckiend mith '.%r. and NIrs. Douglas NicholS, Ki n s t o . Ont. Trinitv Ujnited Church, Bow- manville. Palibearers were Richard, St. Andrew's Holds Kiwanis. "i 14tioAndveler Peanuts William Calder of Richmondi Hill. and Harold Foster of flMPGEOF A 3 3303 cOshawa. Burial ws in Bow PROM PAGEia is dscss manvile CeeterOn Fiuday es enung a most Rector. Res-. A. C. Herbe-t, Mrs. Butson*s sudden passr- Tîere vas a large attendance the nirnorable 'Corne Unto enjoyable dance %vas held bs' .Mr. G. R. Carter, Mr. M. L' c.g 1 Branson Hosoital onat the 124th Anniversarv Serv- Me" by Handel. the Bo\wmanvî7lle Kîai Roenigk ar-d Dr. I. J. Woolsey Tuesdav,- MaN' 16, 1961, deep-;'ices at St . Andre\%vs Preshs- A moving sermon on '-The Cluh at the Lions Conmunlitv ,Jion s'r bl]oyue-- shocked hecrnmanv friendstterian Cburch held in coni- Gospel ut Jesus" xvas- given bay Centre. Roui Brooks, the 2ndc, Mr. Harold McIGee returnrid dvý andi Wednesday -(todav) ana relatives wtuo teld hier in memnoration of the estabfîsh- Dr. iÀade at the ?.vening Serv- last weekend fu'om a ino't wt%"th another to be held on highi esteein. ment of Prýesha teriallism u n ice.' The evening soloist was successful wcek's fishing 'n Thursdayý. Left to mourn lier îlosý;g Bowmanville. Dr. Donald V. W. F. Thornpson. Toronto, Quebec. Ms B. Coude and rs.1r F h ler husband Lorne, formnerli':Wýade. %vas gueist iiner for brothet' of A. M. Thompson, # ýIis 't-ianv fierîis uil he Spears. ShiaI-uavan. Ss k.'of Bowmariville. t he sersvices l-I oui Sundav. the supervisiog principal of the, sory blean tat ev R.R vsitri as wek wth hei Mr. uî.on.the forerHe is Ille Professor of Ilistory Bowýmanvilîe Public Sehools. it Btsoi. te fomerandi Philosopliv of Religioi«s He sang two beautuful selec- icoson iF a patient in Osh- os sM.and Ms ora inePpr ag'e ftear Christian Ethlics at Knox tuons. Mr. Thompson is the: awa General Hospital. Tayi'r. enroule to points East. laie Frank andi Catherune Pi- Colleg, Toronto. tenor soloist al Gleuîview Pres- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mohun. Mc. and Mrs. Harry Taylor per. was hum in Bowmanville' At 1the sIoriiing Service Dr~. hvterian Church, Toronto. Bill and Leslie were weekeîîr andi farnilv of Napanee. spe:ui ai hfac! lived in Bowmanvilil ade preachier ail cloquent The authem suuîg by th, visitcrs wîtb lîir parents .:Mr. Sundav sviîjh his parents. Coli- andi Toronto areas hier entire sermon oniIlleScibtect -Re- choir at the Evening Seu'vice and Mrs. William Hall of gratulatuons aiso 10Mm Nor- life. spouisible Clinistuanis.' l\Miss usas "The Vesper Hymuî." Miss' Rivevie, on. man Taylor xvho is celebrating Friends uccie preseuit froîn Leta Br'agg, A.R.C.T., scas the Bragg uvas the organist. i Ricviw Othis 801h 'orthdlavN todiaY, Wed- Oshawa, Toronto, D P 1 r o i t, orgaunist aud the chour saibIle' Ifusas announiced thai Rev.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acre, nesday, MaY 3lst. Milton. Richmondî il ad'oelv ate, 'et o .RE ade ItrmMdrt Cindy Lou, Wens anri John WMercv" rbs rangeri foi- ministersi spent the weekend with Mr. Mr .and Mîrs. Charles Cal- iYlwdoe, orlicalstaSi anid Mrs. Donald Foulîrs of ti'all Sr.. ',U. Dan Catt-a i .The ladies tio. VIrs. D. S. 10 preach fracl oS. Owen SoundMis. C .CtrnadM Feirgusoni. Mrs. D. Rigg anri Audresv's Puesbterian Church Mr. oh Hdgrt frmr-Jae atra. ouiJ adJ isiVNirs. J. Bell, sanîg 'Beacutitul ou Sunda'.. Juuîe 111h,ad Mrs JhnHoge-t frmr-JaeCa ttvl.Gr. Toroto, a a nd isL f~ iates . NIM. cCo"s solo \svas,Suinday-, June 18tb. ]y of Bowmanville. lhas e- Calnd tegdua.toontoaci-- ----- turned fmom a trip tri London. ii rdainee's Eng.. Italy. Greece, Egpt and es cf the University of Tor- Prended Civil Engineer Re . .Ga v Th ovLaî. - ontoinu Convocation Hall ouiR v.R G r e Mr.R. A. MýcKcl\-:e andi Douglas B. Catt-an rrceived ,J S. J h d r s e Jane. KirklanriLaRe, a r e ils-B'telor.f ArtsnsSc' wsenduuîg a ss'eck %villh :1er ence Degîce in Cliemical En- Oitîtu Tedveeî brother. 'M. i.aiJ NMrs. Harold ilern.O hts Tsdvvn- Hammond z >md fanîils. Towvî iuern. iiog lasitfhe iîîîure.3;sive Service' anri is. Dn ri1'Yo~ung People .Mr ad rs Dn Miss Alta Benthanm andl Dr. ()f Conîfirmîation, or' the Apos- r.Win. Bent'lîcnî alteuuder the tolie Rite of Ille Laviuîg on cfý recently attenderi t:le Bau' of er tS.Jh' Quinte Furîcral Direct o rs funeral cii Monday at ield -S.Joii' Aui nspiring address '.5as meeting and bauîquel liit vllePreisbterian 'C i Lcri-c Il ' Church. Thîe Righî tReserenri Igis en<i yRc,. . RJ. Gai vey tlîeEnîres HotlWesebor Hill, of theiiroî rilî- F. H. Wilkinison,.MMA., .D.D - Peterborough, ah tie meeting Ou,.law Johni M. Little, 53, bus-lhue Bisliop of Toronto. vs itediji of Si. Joseph's Catiiolue Young badoftefomrheoe .StJh'sCurhfr hs ýPeople's Club hel intriSt. Jos- .a st ucc R D o n M a rris, a b u d o f t e o riiîe i' L e u 1o e . C a . a Cd lîr c î fo a is O c- e p h 's H a ll. L b er ty S tre e t, o ui director of the Ontario So- Tbov ss'ere acconîpanied 10 tlle congu-egatio in iii itenauîc ., ý 1 e1 Spoky eenoing.fli aetves ofr c<ty fou' CrionîleriCliildreii. fica evc b r.L The Res'. A. C. Herber t pre- po lbont ujets iesan attenderi the Direelors' Sprirîg Wil]ialîis. a uîiglbor of flie seuterifor Confirm-ation latiecumpots ance of ls, nda meeîuîgaI he iuîgEdsardBeuham fauilv uvlen thev candidates. îîameîy. Miss Shîa-l '.. oýeepe Holel, Toronito. ive inii Darliuîgton Townshîip. roti P. Lucas: Mesdames toao: go'o- exape Mr. anîd Mrs. Bill Buir -ari L.oîaiaus . tRicbvarol. te h'piresideui. fDon Master- John spent the uscekenic1 1 iîh ,-oaiisR .P a.,, eaA lidAneE i-son, Iliarker Fathier'Gai'vey Mr n rWet ilc n i Mornison anîd Walter De-lfg Florenice M. M an t Ie,1 for bis iîîîeresting ialk andi Mrari Ms.Kft hiRanGeer, who were aemaiN hi-e .RboEiii fai.Broekville, andi at- copneShre M RbsEiil wise arivice. There were 45 tended the Lionîs parade ltin " Ms.llO eR Cl Chiai Stauîceî', aund E. Joan Vauîce; uîîembers of the club preseuit Klngsoton oui Sunclav aller- frer Nib t W CubCdav r- aso esrK etrDe.Jong, .ai thceclosiuig meeting of the. ler N. 2 ight on. . cav Klvini E. Jounes, Dav'id A. season. The next regular nhcet- MonaddyMRotarvîMiîoe FranrrE.nSmith, Robert r ng wiII be held oui the first Mi' aîd us Laîrîne Gri-nîibers, R. P. Riekah A' W'î.A Smith, and rici Stauîcer.. George Gamsby Siinday eveuîiug in September. dar a ri T a a tte de i fi M rri on J V n 'es an ri The Rev . fD . R . D ew d ue , ofý Planus sere om p eted for a graduLation of Mr. Sauîdv Mc- Geo. W. Janmes visiteri George- ~Ga'eNwate loSi flisKu aîsv vcirîos niPOf 0h Kav ronuthe aw FcuI011' tosso Rotars Club and ipre-,presenled ri . Alex Heniryrs. Oo,îoanîd the late MNI, Gaîîus- eîri oui SUuday eventng, Jiuie Saturday. TIies' reîîîaiîîed 1ii selited the 'Basil Tippett A1-,J u dîes oIi gautr sacis lEg 'h.Smnn s'l lob Kn î sto Lo nso nve n ti fon fli- Georgie t ro ph' t at c ub grega îon, as w el as 10 Iloce iueer at tle g ia a oi exe c s joyer. A ni entertailm ent ade a. io s C n eni n pa- G o geo v î hari the besl et- confirm eri. Bishop W ilkinsonîes elcl n Convocationî all, o nuiîîe com poscri of Vin- ado. tendance au'uong Rota'r Clubs mntiioncd tIat this %&as l_' Uniseicits of Tloronto, oil Tues - cenit Molloy, Auîdy Murphyý, Dr. Jaunes Colsille of North- ini luis district fou'thie moofli ,\vs an) oecasiouît d 1,a.Ma 0 n.GusyNeutonville. the Misses Eluza- 'vooi, uitniosvlo si~vo ofAptl. eoîembrauîce our Chîristia tedr uoi gi Sclîooi beth andi Catherinie Lipîay. that amea as a pIivssician for Mr n r.AlnF atada levas to Itie complotiori of GracIe XIIMs u'siîaCafodar about 60 m. aînl Mss, den E Faili, nd astue carspass 1isPsclaC wfr an abous t vear.d el atives, Moffatt. M s. Lionel Teînat. aloog e cati rrnm beu- Our and Bowsmîauvile Higi Scool 'anr t iTlompson %vas appoint-, b~~~~~~~ bi 9bva' eaie o1Vn, Mî's. V. E. Milîsoti aiirineeri lu continîue 10 abide in for Grade XIII. Hle lias ace- Ir m B wm ivlle atud dMrs. Leori M oore, Tvroue.lGod's Love alwavs. cepteni a positionu silb thei flfuneral service fildîri un uetofMr adýFolwgte CnimainOntario Watem Resources Coîîî- "lie chaiî'meuu ot fie panel uvem duez'goess oonm ani' Filoviu stedCafiI.aîoidiscussionîs fild on Suuday Rigev n 24Wd.u es I 'vMirs. Leslie Webb. Leaside, onu Service a ureceptioui was belr missio s'uiug wre Sb I Mas' 4. Wenesdy, Ma.y 241h. anri at- iîtePif al fou' Bishiop -Photo Il\-Ashho\an îd Crippen i Swveop, .joe l{iîuey. Miss Mary Miss Bar-bara B a t hl g a i e. tenrierithie graduation exer- Wilkinson. atl.vlîich lime hle Cosvles, Miss Maria Sweep, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Gl1a dY's ciscs of their daughtem Man- met those who were confirm-, Stepficu Liptay, Michael WVol- Gamsbv, Orouîo. altended thfliemeeu at Conivocation Hall. Unii- cd ini a niore inîformaluai. grdutinexrcse 3t '.ýesiy f oonowhn47Th ioexpese i rMiss cAGnna Sw'>epAlbert Irtpio nTuesdav, May' .311 useso fNriga he~tig'da mgrs hti en iFollow iuîgthe businîess niet- l't choMofNusGeorehe DlhgrduI rores ha i eu9îig ciancitug was eljoyeri andi of r. noeorge aDouglas, Anuîversarv off the AH ospiad at StJhn's, and (1- esig natea îdO a sa svl hegraduating Civil tiori was heîri et the Nursès', iens aird couîgregationi . o s am r.Jh upy ev Eninern cas.Resideuice, Elizabeth Street,!r glwilig termis on thie rcuiova- A Deao neh onville. J. J. Ci.ddahee anîd The lOtl session ot the' following the ceremony. lions and iunprovcmcnts that aularde:h ebr Syno of he D o fe Toi" i Last Friday followii haebing mre1 theciuc Miss JIanet A. tcGrcgom, of thie lunch connmittee wemeý onto is bing l lt. Jh w e . ons C u u ch o i met- T Ie Bis OP sairi thai S!.daug lter of M ir. and i M s. D. M iss M rcia Fagan, M iss Ca-i Rereeuîig t. Joh in s iuî. i Rickaby ndîr Don!.oiiBsmusih feiA ergr 2 cuo thîeruîe Lipîcy, Miss Priscille eMorris lefi fou' the Rtayremenîbeme le affairs0f uvas desigîtîcàri aco 10inCr-asvfomd, Miss Vucky Cluard, Chu ch B w n anse e. aîe lc' Ram . o tar< ýN ew castle, and i M ss T ina H u- BIn MouitinCam. Cllig-thîe Diocese of Torounto, allrithe Uniited Church of Caurada' gbes woori. wliere lhcv joinier a lie personallv is most guatefuui Voniavin services luelc in'l - . PAINT & WOR.K party Io,10 the slcady contio ,on Mnda.t due 'ampcottgesfor' is befng marie h Mm. Markuis Conuîectuon wîitîi theîe 37ti Bas cccipancy by crippledi child- i- Roenigk. Foi' quite a îînuîî-lof Qiuinte Coifei' ' Cou nciIlle UN ITED renmci during the s i mm er ber Of yeas Mr. Roeiigk ni>îs United Cii-li in g hl i, o n i LJ IT D onhs.Thiel.isual amoultoft Oi donte icsnEcu'wkalQee* Uvriy ( II LRCI-I x'e alti Of 9ood feîlowship cii- several Othier Bars Hi e Sle was recoie ,i-,W elcomes Org nis - Mr. M.Beaon the co-oks uvas of the ie cuual:out hte Financee Comuitîce." Presiclent of thei I)fercevI w M e rn b e r Orgnnî M M Be lon iglî calibre and thue weekeiliTlîe delightfcut reeeptionîA-as1Rev D. *VM. Smîithf o,7lg aj L.R.A M\1, A R C.M. L.T.C.L..w as cansidereri mosl success-' aru'engcri ha St. John'is Guilul- se'vice uii nieniîou ani of cigliti At a specual meeting of Bow- [ul bY. ail wsho atteuideri. et tes, andr IVrs. J. H-enninig andrinuuistours of t ieUicîted Cliurcil nisuisille Tosvn CoLncil liefd SUNDA'. JUNE 4th -- Mrs. G. Brownu, the Cliurchiwlio diec durng thue last y:ear 'folîowiuig the Board of Works varens wives. serveri as hos- Mviss McGregor is a graduiete mîeetirng ;iiitlie Courîcil Clîauî-ý 9:50 arn. -O BITIJARY te'es of Quci's Univ'ersity suliare ber Oui Mouida'evcîing, the SUNDAY' SCI100L -- ' she noceivedi ci l louîors Bacli- Towsn Clerk, Jack Reidi, a MRS. LORNE BL'TSON' I om of Ails De-rico Slîe ire-:iiistmuctari 10 effett heieucees- 11:00 a.m. - *Fetîîrîsrie o h, - l Jceuvedriie'prcîiuninarv ecîcuca-,san1' procedures anîd to offor, REV. H. TURNER Loi ne Butson of Willowdaie i- f ne foatB'.naislI ig filoacri ctî'ethet Rjoini reun othe pulit s'as helul fuom the Mouris Scîol.Aloseic 1 Iu ajoniî rtrsFunnral Chapel. BowmaniilleA P .t Hop er Miss?>lreor property holders. on rAdytPor HopeMy 1.,grau.iatedl frontuua Joint cure Cociicillor Annuie Oke a Evenlnt Service IWithdranwn nit Ia t femicna rï ru, Malad iic îiq. înnývecme yMao ilrd flu srsie ui hage ifro ib r gatIli Uiihd fîurcî 'uaOuoeg s'Ceileri hy Mascilor Wilfri Rev. Wm. K. Houslarîder of 1 r Jr. Lbe Ic'a Iluboliudeimanuý1cil Clg. Crulcs oucho Oe ________________________________________________ ~Tonuto. anîd riciveri a Bath- suicceeris Keith Lathaîgcue, a 'l'lie achiieveoicuis of tlie elor of Religions Edication De- formier menhen' of tlie count-: 1'in t L nie C ur h Liheral Part v s cre enipa- gi-e. Slius one ()1'I1-10 o cil '.s'io lias moved to Alhis-; Pete Cadau piasdesiintdaDeacc- u I iîeiha f ovmoileToî hrn t n t d h r h ie y PtrCdaOttawsa. i au' n ac i M is ton' . Site is tlîe first scounan: sp teakuPahart uuîr îcr egors appouint uîutlias iloConi. lVlinsteî- Re D a thePortHope Golf auîd cetbeenauîuouiucec Mnse - eWm . . houŽlaîder B.A.,B.D. Conit' ,Club on a ueceuu> 'îThe iccessai,> rewirnug of Organist - ý1î Airthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.s.M escuiog. Mr. Cadeau .;aid thiat>lca ieteMsu bidngw i- te Liberals have gicen per- people fra r u)oiugti uembidugwsds lorunanîce flot euipîy p' thss fe Libeî'al Pat s îîogr]auîî cutssori by counicil. Tendcers for' 10 Itie people of Canada. h ecaLise it is basecl ou iitiativo'e: îsiiî 'r .'r e 11:00 amî. - 31ORNING WORSHIP Tînere '.seie 42 s'oung people andc purpose. ficri bv. the Boss'manvilîc prescrit al heflicdniiîc, whicb Mu, cadeacu spoR-e of Ii Musenin Board last weck arur "Th'e God Who Seeks suas sporîsou'ed by tlie Durliaun, National Convencutioni of Yotiuîg fou-wamded ho Town Council.1 - u s- e ll_ . H o ne- 1P o r t H o e , i b; s u _ u 1 i- . e-s1 -i -l u a i l 1v1n.o b-s, s eo-i d e ri.y C o.î n 7:30 P-11. - SERVICE IN DUTCH ~ ted. ,He bt-ld --t ihe audience SECOND PAYMENT --- Alex Canî'uthems, Mý.P.P. P ~that the Libemels wiselv onhv Sunday School inmrediately after àJ affect chaunges when tibe na ads'ises thiat. anotlîei cheque from the Provincial .t loni s ecouioma' cari afford Tucasurs' is on its \vay' Io the Memomial Hospital Stinday nlorning service. eu. to liell pa'mforthte new wiuîg. This is the second Free transportation for those illing but unable tb 15 e us loheyouuad viodal S78.7t53m.3 o lie captal granitalad mouît t u ze sshiat kiuîd of a Canada our . to attend the services. Phone NIA 3-5037 i childrenî wiIl lice iii," ths' most happy to eceux'e this helpful contribution. before 9 p.m. Saturdav nights. aspeakcer uîged. Ail young Can- U'ariens shonîri lake ait active STORIN SEWER - os' Public Won-ks staff hav'e Upart iu the affaurs of thie couuî- beeuî svcuukiug espcecialIv haî'd this past week atry\. Mm. Cadeau saui. "BackTo Gd Hor" B a 'ocu shîould hake part ilin digging a storm sesser tî'ench and laying pipe "Bac To od Hur" roadcasis jfoduati he igsIatioi a long Church St. W hen completed this should CKLB, Oshaa, at 3 p.. every Suday teCnaf which we 'iîîul add an important step in a.program which eventu- CKLB Osawa at3 pni.evey Snda Uihe and inm-hch e mll all ix' lul supplv adequate drainage in case of CKEY, Toronto, at 7 a.rn. a e u.fe ai hti- le « live tonuoios.>' the speaker -dwpu.r fri.J hudas eiv la ýff - -creasung numbers of yocung the load on the disposai plant. vice-president wh is also! chairman of the Fello-wsip Coivoînîttee. was ichjarýge ot the arrangementsý. Normnan Gibson ix as the luck ', viiivînnor ol Iihe dooî' prize. Dancing w as eii.iovcd toi the popular music of Cýharles Cochrane's Orchlestrýa, ()sh a wva. The mwînners or Ille Spot Dance prizes were Mr. and MArs. Ian Turner, Norinan Gib- son ad Mr.jaciReid,-ri COMPETITIVE P. 61L~III 1 fi [UICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE STOIRJ SI>FCIAL VALUES AND RENIINDERS FOR THIS W'7EEK 28th BIRTHDA&Y SALE Monday through Saturday - May 29th ta June 3 rd' 8 8 ~abW aîîd eaî'- t-cedsuîta proo---.nom4e Spongelex Cushion Ideal for iîiv ùutdoor o(-- Casions: ai pici is, on Ille beach. in flhc park. Usehnil n cars and huais. too. Ap- pî'xîatlv 12"3 ciîre. Brigit. colors nli a w ide strîpe patteril. PerfolI atedi sides so il cal, 88C Letter-size Pad and 100 Envelopes A big "Coliath'" 20t)-shvorf pad of good qualitv, vhitr xrting paper ---plent 'svfor mano % lettoîs ind nirsel lanleous xvrîtilIng---pins 100 eii\elopes ini a box-8c Rubber Shower Mai A safety Pdiliiithe tub Iliat greatlyv lessens thie chanice of slipping. Durlab)le 1I*F x 'M" mat iun moderni bath- ro01 om I-cr. SuIction ctlip design on undet sîde; aised top patternî for sure footing- -8c SUN CLASSES Popula r 2aviation si\ l vii green lens iinsturdY lmotal frame. A safetv aid lw'horî driving. Sec and compare them foi value xith lîighorI- priceri glasses. Morocco fini- ish. foîri-over plastic as Xvith dornle fasteller nlt nded 88c 3 NIXING BOWLS Marie of chip-prouf. un l- b r e a k a b 1 e )01 veth len Eas v to cleaîî. 7", 8 i anîd 912" diarneters; lîold 1,.-2 andi 3 quarts approximnatel , . Manv uses in thc kîtucho il Set of8c three bowss 8 '~ r ecl c eods ou 1 ~ Xs uoi Id r id .ooll(,~~5 a a od; , a SPECIALS 2 ORIENT BUBBLE BATH XILg< GLA4S hb ni c of delia e.,pe huedbbbleOs DECANmotER co tis actv 1e ac l ophn dporant oi.Re,-Ail bial 49c-hag.g 8 vt ur a1111deoî,c d ' o]d ng ar L IQUID t f-ji UBBLE BATH Platicaclflù1 jit)ni rts eighlu f ea ules 11 abott LaLa e h bb O lqe vilie 'oul0 r-efresliîng .s'av h o icool and gase soteyourself ou Il 0otcuuîî Pe-.r~ cays. Threo delighItfc1i S, &1- lS. 16 oz.. unîhu akable plastic btl 8 "JEANETTE" BATH SALTS A small quantit v of thesocasit sceoted bath salt.s in ' otir bath does so muîch in relax anîd refresh ý mi. In Bine. Apple Blrso>aom.Lavender,88 Jamn.or Gardenia *5 M.b. h88 'oui-<hoice of w hite, pink ni-yeliov I.D.A. Toilet Tissue 7 1-11,. 88c 16 oz. he.n i grade intel nal Iubricant. Reg.65c ca. I.D.A. Minerai 011 - 2 f-88c EfIfectiv e relief foi headache, rieuralgia. toothaclie and pain in general A.S.A. Tablets - 500 88c 16 -oz, sav e I2ù! Buy tnvo hottieig I.D.A. Mîlk of Magnesia 2/88c .)..- Bottle of 300 - Regularly %1.00 Milk of Nagnesia Tablets 88c 15 BARS 0F SOAP Yoii pc IMlY thay) 6c a(cake' Miehn voit hie, I biF bag lo à.esorted laiiolin anid oîri camnisoa ps. Soir.o are ova i sh a p , 51)010 a r c fl at b a s. A sso rt oci -c IIo \v ,8 8 Ii ik ani v whito. Pieasaiîtly scenteci88 2 KNEELING PAUS Overoi'unoîîmst of tihe di s'nm lit 'soicleaiîn i gt ooî s on doirjit (ther jobs î-eqiiiriîig aoni to kiieci1. landy w>hen gardeuîîng. changîng tires, etc-. Pr otects your cluuihos. too. Màde of nesv superi fnb foaiî 8 Ap)r9"inte N " 131._'. Set o 8 VACUUM BOTTLE i.ruvac bof tIc, uiaIlv solud l c 8; -oz. capacirV. Bnightly ciîarnellod imotal <ase p liil(' LI ii). i t t 5<- tiil fori' iiciies anîd iiroiri ine soar l88c 4 SCOTCH ICE Con venient ss'av lu kcep foodt andr beverages coîr w ithoutt rnissvnelting. Just frceze the can and tuck aîound foodi iii picnie bag ou' ehest. Cao be reirozen mni\imue s. Set of four cao u1îý cani'ving carto i 88v Alex. McGregor Drugsi MAGAZINE RACK ,where vOu cao finulthei ï3lack bonderizonî sîcel w ili 11o-scratch plasie ic ifi.:-: il, legs. 1. I l hihi ' l 1 < o1i 10- wide. I"its wcit with any88 Fei sahr Doi u er Thicsrnart-loks 111)dii.r quikly whsisks up istu. Iviakey fedstio f îno ixeun Turkey faters of'001,1'ixer cylark nturl olose i an ]yeidpaeligb cloîr, et fim cv n-pateohîd. Sli contrestsat- ohl ui tei' it88 PLANTER SET Add eharrng elc:ganc u(tr carh plant in yoUr I orne xvit b one of I hese colrîrlîi I "Deecor-weave" pIcotin:.:- pîcce set încluduig 1nr pot,. jacket andi stand. Eneli piece sturdily mau o f higli-strengtu88 plastic88 Gloriant Natural Shampoo A quality shanîpon at a lo\v,' Price. G ives \ ouri'lnr a lovcl v soft lustre andrf ne- contsthe highligbI. 1 r>, tliibrpakarble plastie q0 ' hotilo, shaperi so it's easy to lholci 88 Barbecue Utensils Staînlcss steol,rusvi> hauîdle utensils I bat rr Lp Pan V bai'becLIe 1)p1ît Kîîife and fork arc 18," loinmu lifter is 15" . rînî ipn !î ýou will hod1' t>o ov r RECORD RA Ci pla abopc J dOOt)c ror anoe l 'l' in 2, lly o c iwi. P.rd i-a gli We Deliver Yo ur Local I.D.A. Drug Store PhoneMA 3-5792 WEDNESDAY, MAY Ilst, 1.191 THF CANADIAN STATESNIAN. tOWMANVILLE, ONTARIC and Mrs. Casey Denhertog,' of the rnany sister nations ofî this that strengthens the bond and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Heal. Canada. which make up thisibetween the Mother Coulitt.v, There wvas a deliejous but- great Commonwealth of ours.. England, and one of lierdau- ghiter nations, Canada. fet supper prepared b% the when 1 say, we are pleased knw o.iltDr Ladies of the Evening W.A. that such a splendid projeet "Enow. ,utoo lp oner of St. Panîls United Church. lia-, been planned and put loto ham'ngl d nsîh- n Mrs. Francis E. Thompson was action as the Teehnical Train- of the beauty soiots of Iîho the catering convenor. ing College in Durham, Eng- flcMonerla of 10ave ng ritediaý - ___________- lind. Wc hoPe too. in may tehnu fhvn neia a, an xamphe 11v iy le Countv iiiCanada ianv of the nations willfoi- giveni the saine naine Durhcam's low. In tact. in a sniall wav. 'We are aware of tfeir,(, wxe have begun to do just thatin need fori- ghecr educat e i in onui-Durhanm Couintv Of and professional. 2kills. inii W aoraen ICanada. in orle of uts fiourish- age of Science anîd rapîd >î> - ing little towns of Port Hope. veleprneiit . The 1M!i ilMud ii IRONI PAGE ON E) Whi(h incudentallv w\\as Or,, worksnien have beut icli ness. fliho Duke of Edinburgli. of the main plac'es honoured as completel ' \as ,n Žnirw 0 for his et forts in sponsoring b ' v-ler Ntajestv fthcQuven Wifhthfie frînge o mi i and caelting such a program., and H is Ro ' al H ighness the -No»won behlalf of I as e%_ ail reaie ithe import- Duke of Edinburgh ho thîev M'>enbers or COtînitiCîe' Uni- srnte of technical training' for madle a tour of ouir Counitrv ith epeofDra Ilie people of Oui Com 'mon - rcll. cil ty andiloop l f Daid i: ha >vealtlî in tis jetan space "Wýe are pleastjd il) DurhamýýI God's Blessîîîg. . 'e vw is i w era w e are pr-eseiitlv enteriuîg. Cotinîx\- Ontaiîo, I0 have this a vet V sîcsfiIair d C1 "I kiiow I1 arn sa [e in sa '- conitac:t wilh otîr namiesake in ablc \iveek al vour T> chu cat ii 1 arn) voiriiig the opinion Eng land. Ilt s occasions liRe 'Training Col logeý. Store Phone MA, 3-57921 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY

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