PAGE ETOR? THI~ CANADTA!f ~TAT~MA~ ROWMAMVTT.T.W t~IqA~TIi WEDN1~SDAY. MAT Sut. 1961 SPORT ~~Pee. WeesPc emê O OROpICS, Set Up191chde ~'V 13,y MFrank Mohun MA 3.7=4 e e.SeuernAirTm ayoaki Team No. 1 Tigers, taiN.MKihRcy Wonr 3~ Braves, team No. 31 akePtrTrif ogHres DONT PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON Iteam No. 4 Pirates. Ei bJh usl ax Friday aternoon one of the players in the Menus tMSarrok0 J- Roson Town Softball League jokingly asked this reporter if Surplus No12 ea; Bavs3 Sales were golng to bold after dropping their first three starts Deni Tere, oh-Tylr of the season. Den.sTiene0 DenisFe4 We don't imagine Manager Murray Tighe Is tao happy 14 - 3-2 gsn o atr o hr over the lasses, but after guidlng the club to the champion- 21 - 1-3 el i ros ad eu ship iast year, this reporter doesn't think he is about ta push 26 - 3.4re LryLxtn ad the 3aic DonaghuownLaMichaelbalDJ 2a-h1- Whn laoi time rals around the Sales wil prob- Town LeagueoSretball uly 4 - 1-4Brr VrtAln agi, ably be right in there. But the fact that they are winiess sa 5- 2-3 far couid mean that the executive have done a gaad job in B w! Po t H ope 8 mni - 1-3 N.3taYnes oc their difficuit task of agsigning several players to other teams,L a - wur C a m p s W in ie* 18 - 3-4 ryRnei hre w ti the expansion program. Bowmanviiie Midgets cap- errer. Bowinanviile appear- ar,9eff-iiaoe1-Lnn We have one smail suggestion for President George gI italized on a dozen bases on ed weil on the way ta mak- eTeam unBinOdn ia Stephen and his executive - that is the appointlng of a c halls and twa extra base ing it a rout, scoring a pair in No. 1 Tigers-Coace:BbMGieDnyNoa, ik league staistPTPan unkeockse tasscore sevenn runs, K e ne Sbottomson!dtheasecondckontMarshalseandruTed Robson.omCawkerseGaryonPrestonanDon- league satistican - uniss one as alreay been amed. ~but it wasn't enough as Port another free pass taliowed by Gary Wilson, Tom Careir i uteBueSmsn j. t j t Hope came fram behind ta Ray Pickell's home run. Waversveld, Brian PersRoneEcrAan ron Murray Tighe, manager of and Marjerrisan pushed the I Fuels 9 - Surplus 4 carn an 8-7 decision at the A single marker in the Mike Marshal, PaulMed sW ne utGe Coen TOP EFFORT BY CORNELL Surplus Sales, appears to have ncxf, two across on sacrifice Stephen Fuels scored in each Memorial Park, Sunday aftcr- fourth and a pair of runs in Bobby Ellis, Don BicklWrBry Wescns. Top effort In the softball league thus far was turned a problem with his defending flys. It was Marjerrison's of the fîrst four fr2mes ta noan. each of the next two trames N.4taPrts oc in b picherPatCornil ! Kn's en' Wea. Aterchampions, but in spite of third REX of thc game. "Red" lead 8-0 after five as they The locais jumped off ta a put the visitors on even terms. but four Bowmanviii rosA.Wb.WyeLah o Inb itceadoftr Pat gavel f en' sngl e ad afhoe their three straight lasses he Davey, last year's top hurler, handed Surplus Sales their 4-0 iead in the opening trame, Bowmanville ncariy saivaged proved costly. FreDu cetrPu getting the edofbtePtgv pasnl n e is confident the Sales wiIi gave up oniy five hits in las- third straight defeat, while climaxcd by Ken Veitch's a .win in the sixth, going Port Hope commite afCabneu obeLre run, but then realiy bore dawn ta turn in a fine performance. come up with their first win ing his second straight. taking aver sole possession of bases-loaded triple. Four ahead 7-6 on a walk, tw aa dozen miscuesbu thyRnW bAhe Osod The off-duty police officer stapped Surplus Sales on this week. Hotelera 12 - Snuffyo 5 the league leadersbip. Ted walks forced in a run before stolen bases and a sacrifice didnl't do as much damga-LryTi;lSnyBon no hits for the remaining 6 2/3 innings, only three other Kcn's Men's Wear, aftera Dadson and Grant Wright each Vcitch teed off. The visitors fly. Port Hope pusbed across though tour of the 'oasfv la ie lyo apel batter gcttig on bse - al by erars.being rained out in thc fjrst The Hotelers ran UP a9-0 belted a home run and a got anc back in the second on two tallies in the final inning runs were unearned. oga'ieDlig hli aDn batr etngo ae-al yerr.week, posted a 6-2 win over lead by the m'id-way mark in single ta pace the Fuels' dozen three bases on halls and an ta move in front for the first and Hall, in the fitom aiDvdWgt, Dns j. j. j. j t Surplus, last Tucsday night. the game ta even their record bit attack on iosing hurler time - in time ta win 8-7. bined on a seven-hitrfrLmn an eoGr Wednesday, thc new entry in at one and anc as Snuffy's Dan Girardil. "Jiggs" Cowling Berry didn't last out the the win. SanoCr culn BASEBALL GOING STRONG AT PEE WEE LEVEL the loop, Eowmanvîllc Hotel, drpped their first game to and Jim Allun each contribut- _erîi I\ ieS first înning onthehil for John Taylor hadaparo Al aur talk In previous columns about baseball dying trou.nced Snuffy's Auto Body leave bath clubs tied far third ed a pair of singles. Sc'~oeut Nv the visitors but Ronsonvales, snlswieRnalsakd Ar alo tasi In Bomanvlie ta'l ' th Pee 12-5. The top teams over the pae "Archie" Crossey, last ycar's Last Qucen Victoria's Dayasi-ot20pndgn, a double in the los'n as.T pattwo seasons met last Ted *'Baly" Hoar, ex-Sur- batting champ, coilected three long weckcnd, 14 boys andA ob players o! the future. At least there was a lot of enthusiasm Thtirlay night, with Stepien plus Sales player, led a nine singles in a iosing cause, ta scouter, went out ta Russelli apart ira Pick eliefebort ig hA doube yPonswsh, OEVRWHR whcn Manager Murray Bate called for players for his Ail-Star Fuels the Sales a 9-~4 hit attack on pitcher Bill boost bis average ta .571. Fred Obresfr nacmi register the if. UbigbtfresPort e. team. setback ta move allalne nt Nicholson, wilh a pair of "Buck Cowle poked a single expédition. Even though the before bcing reîieved by AI and Ted Bate-bases.. Thanks ta Murray's efforts and those o! several other first place. si.ngles and a twa-run bomer. and two-bagger for thé losers. weather was not in favour o! Osborne who gave way t Next home game i oih 5Kn t V A336 sports-minded men, the boys wbo don't make the team this Keyri 6 - Surplus 2 John Fowler, the lone other George Stephen hcld Sur- camping, the boys bad an ex» Jerry Falls inth svetht (Thursday) 6:30 h omnil yer o' e eidteprvlg fplyn alPat Corneil gave up a single player ta pick up more than Plus scoreless on five hits ceilent weekend._________ Memoriai Park. An asocitionbas een rawnup, cade by r. a "Arcie" Crossey and a bore nen safety, cracked two sin- aver the firslt ive frames ta_____ ____ An sscitio hs eendrwnuphede byMr Bterun by Dan Girardi, after re- gles. gain crédit for the victory. Tents werc pitchcd In pro- with a committee o! the falawing managers and coaches- liring Uic game's lead-off bat- Carlile scaltered six singles ce"Rcarsaloe he er sty le dra w een akit Afternoo first run in Uic sixth and tbree ce a ul.Froe a!O f Bob Marshall, Ted Robinson, John Taylor, Dennis Ticrney, ter, and thon shut the door as en route to bis first win. Tbe more in the final inning, as ofte boys il was their first George Cawker and AI Webb. Ken's downed Surplus 6-2, Hotelers, after being blanked Girardi and "Maxie" Yourtb camp under canvas, but aîîll L ET If étilsar Irne ou bfor gingtapresweCorneli pitcheil a great game, in the opening frame, scored blasted back-to-back hoa mie njoyed themesîves. A "Fly- La ies' League If etil ae lond utbefregongta rcswcholding the lasers hitless for four limes in the second, twice runs.croe " y thebuoys and te ursaneddonW -BAELN niay have a schedulc and list o! players elsewhere in the the remaining 6 2/3 innings. in the third and added tbree uscrebyteosan th OresneddonW - sports pages. Oniy tbrcc other b attbe rs in the top baîf o! the fourth, Team Standings learned bow ta transport nesday evening, May 24th ~ ~~t These men who are so rcadily devoting their time and reached base-ail on Men's before Snuffy's caunted their W L T PIs stu3nps o! trees over a river with aur banquet at Memor- ç,\ocan efforts ta the younger players are doîng a big job in providing Wear errors. fîrst in the bottorn bal!. Three Stephen Fuels 2 0 o 4 or creek without much effort. il Park Clubhousc. A de- yI 'DlIIfII ths 2adudrpefresa potuiyt lybl. Ken's opened the scoring on errors and bits by Lloyd Ham- Kcn's Men's Wear 1 l O 2 Two "wide games" werc liciaus turkey dinner was a mvu va thee 2 ndunerperorert a oot nty apa al Ken Kelly's double in the ilton and Don Bishop gave Snufy's Auto Body 1 1 0 2 held at night time and the served, and aer, games werc el v~~wm t . j . tfirst, lied the score on a walk the lasers three runs in tbe Bowmanville Holel 1 0 0 2 bruises and scratches proved piaycd. Ala.U'AI8 MIGT NOH W U DYand Bob Marjerrison's single, scventh. Surplus Sales 0 3 0O-0 that tbc boys put all their cf- Trophies were presented ta MIGT NOH W U D Yand tallied the eventual wi- fort mb th em. A nature bike the winning team whose cap- The Midgcts will play tbeir next game Sunday afler- nei-, an unearned run, on an and a Commando course was tain was Bernice Sellers. O1PEN BO LNEV R noii,2:30 o'exk, In sha aT:fo-ights ontest bas been errer, base on halls and Mar- Peew ees Tie Port H ope aloptit the camp pro- Bowling glasses were givenAF E NN A D EVIN cacle.Nx oegm sawe rmSunday at tbe Jerrîson's second bit. grarn.d thead o taheWbyntaitrned y Oll eatficapld.E N Memoriai Park. A three run splurge in the In a well-played Pec Wee bits, gave up a wvalk ta Karl la irstheyodon't se hnied, Troph ie wrealso ive n ;l' ,1 Pv. _____________________________________final trame, pub bbc game on gmpbr asahrsatavrve nfaduleb r tyoagain." la , trohesllwn fre intp.O llni-ufulfeu u'ui ice. Crossey bobblcd Don Ba.9- night, Bowmianviile came tram Tomn Carter for the lying tally Thtwon bolr, ih dule ad a lop-sided 7-0 win over Bow. neil's houncer, Bruce Cale beidt i otHp -,inteffh a rna Telast nightwudu olrhg obe n Soccer Sta rts mariville, while co-favourite singled and John Twist waek- i t oa ls e r ope 1-, r. ikdu t h firi afey ora wiîh a camptire, wieners and high singes-Joyce Lyle (2), Automatic PnStesrayfryu Coutie er 52 iner e atw-bggr a lae heThe visitors opened bbe scor- tbe locals. Dan Farsey and buns. The boys enjoyed tlem. Audrey Eickle (2), 0111e Pal- convenec taltms over Tyrone. Soliiîa was heid first marker. Bob Wlim n ntetrtiiigadCrewocm ni h selves but if marc leaders had field and Dol Brooks. c - . . 19 1 S a o aandE tisi hy Med a mple rov, T en owlHall held Bowmanville fpl at e d a one-hitter with taughtheni we could bave ed assele ce t fM A ne- 5003 La t T u s a nd fifth. rspla efo owmanvile. any mn wo would like ta and will ho assisted y Joyc Saturday night's action pro- Hlwbo allowed offly two The 1961 édition o! Eow- fuue citizens o! Bowman- Dorotby Nicholas. duced a pair o! two-all dead- ,,.j manville's Pee Wèe Ahl-Stars ville. If there are any who GOODWIL - G AA EE The Darllngton S oc c er locks. Hampton and Tyrone En ' y B nq uet'~ looked very strong ail around, can't quite make Up their League officialy slarted ils hattled ta a tic, and MapeP arc"nle good defensive plays resulting mns. oi o.CnatD ~ J..~M 1961 operations during bbe Grave kept Courtice ta a The Memorial Park Club Pe ro r ' in a pair o! double plays. JonsB ain ota cthpr r pneaslwe lthe unirs tidra House was bbc site o! a de- c' Third sacker Brian Pelers us ta help tbc boys. wR unewy lsI Tusa, The Juniors play again ta- iciaus turkey dinner bbitetbaîls dwhich ., Our Tak ,-.. while the Seniors ralled miat nigbt (Tburday), wbiic tbc Saturday night as the Teen- Stage knoked o halwn s ieve al e Ou- troop bas finally pur-e action Saturday night. Seniors pîayed last nighî and age Bowling League wvound have ' mîgthe leals'ase. chased bbc canac. It is a red, Ta e 7 5 W nAl Used Cr r uI eodtoe In junior play, Zion staged'agaîn Saturday. upis16-1 esn ust o nbut e I h utfildo a ylse 16 foot "Iroquois". We pur- wt present wcre: Mr. and Mvrs. lurned btvo sparkling running monoy tre a o w the C rsagee ee Mcl Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. Pearsan's Smoke Shop came catches mbt double plays, Sale" and a "baIlle drive". Four second inning runs 1959 DODGE 2DR HA TP ALEXANDRA PAIRE Harold Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. up with five big sixth inning while Dennis Fergusan's over The scouts wiil now ho train- made bbc big difference as uoai George Dadson, Mr. and Mrs. runs ta take a camne-tram- the shoulder grab was a great ed how ta use a canoe and Port Hope de!eated Bowvman-Aumai trn iso, OSHAWA Morley Etcher, Mr. and Mrs. hehind 9-5 win over Courtîce !ielding gem. wiîî alsa ho taught "water ville 7-5 in a Pee Wec attrac- heater and ai ____ 15 Ron White, Bob Richards and in a Darlînglon Ladies' Lea- The nexl home game Is sense"l.tin odyig Ithhll ModyJ n t friend, Virginia Brown and gue game, played aI bbe Cen- siated for lo-nigbt (Tbursday) Plans are being mode for lint o ndace n i t in bbchilan- 8:na June friend, and Don Oke. tral Sehool diamond, Monday with Cobourg provîding the aur Summer Camp and w top ent ra e onda wn 1959 UC - , 5hThe George ElliolI Trophy nigbt. opposition, 6:30 at the Mcm- wil let bbc parents know soon reliefer Win thendal wh, 9k-BuIK2DR HARTO was presenled by George Dad- The visitorr grabbed a 3-0 anial Park. wben il will ho held. I would cd bbc wnners on fîve hits, Fîypwreupe 25 son ta bbc girls' champion- lead in the first, all unearned R. H. E. like ta tbank Mrs. Eurk, è sbip club - J. Paeden, C. runs following an error. A Port Hope 1 1 () Messrs. Bain and Puk for 1955 CHEV. 2-DR Luxton, L. Taylor, J. Mulbal- base an halls put two runners Bowmanvî.lle 1 2 îaig ureip nîoItV-wthh tradrao$75 land, S. Alioway and J. Cale. on and Nellie Kube smacked bbtarm g oer eqplno week-wth Bain h Smith ad erse- a double. Singles by Mur end. talion o! bctthevo a- Goodwin and Courtice plated Last Thursday evenng ur TWO SMALEOYCR - ~ posTrop t A.B r oyschm-the third tally. Step up to a traop competed iFaros16 V U H L VCOE______ 19 J. McKnigbl, R. Hately, J. Bowmanvîlle bled il in tbe gisonaote.T yhd Carter and A. Plummer. tourth as Delores Davey, ta 'Ipnint a "newspaper". Ta 1958________ N . M. Munday, D. Wessells for Pickard and B. Mutbon strok-LA N " people in Bowmanvillc and sd a LtOpnuni 9pm 71 girls' higb singles and H. cd singles. Davey's home runCAIfl' make Ibeir papers bow tbey Ue Vanstone, S. Coombes for bbe in bbc fifth put bbc lac ais in IMUtDAJ MMOST bbemselves would like ta bave MondytruhFia I girls' bigh triple scores, front for the first Ime, but lbem. This taught bbc boysSarayutl5pm the bb boys' division T. Courtice sconed twice in bhc POPULAR POWER bow ta mccl people and howS Gould. and T. Callan captured top of bbe sixth ta mave bock .ag& ta be original. Some good re- 900 MoetaL0ohrmksadmdl uver uourtice îast week. 1.muL"a :" * ÀAtbur Trewi1n.- -- - * Marg Pichard tassed an Impjulse au Mrs. W. Thompson with Mr. * ,,eighb-hitber la register bbc and Mrs. F. Osmond, Bow- W bthe loss. tge izM. Leslie Cowling, Salem,ROE -- - , ~spenl the weekend with Mn. Sosrdb MI D WAY Bowmanville P e ar s orns and Mns. George Tabb. Sun- pnoeb Smoke Shop scored bwice ln day callers were James Tabb, the hir ona snl yMr r omnTb n oBWAMLÉE SPONSORED BY Pickard and a triple by Edith BOWieldLLE KINSMENnCLUBrol Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Tam the fourth, but Pearson 's reaivsatC11nwod THUIRSDAàY - tMIDAY - SATURDAY broe loe nth iffordan eas-w-aMrndr.RosAhns"IGS AIO .theibase Just wand andArbaeese-Lawn-nand lamily altended Burketon on halls and singles hy Helen Boy Springs ta 11f e. Carnies 2 Sundoy Sebool an.niversary Nicholson, Barbara Hughes FULL YEARS' WARRANTY service and were tea guestsl JU N E lm2 m3 land Delores Davey did Uic o! Mrs. Edna McLaughiin. o m n il H JU NE -2-3the:seventh on an eror and$25 tors BfMayeundy vs Gi- ELMqER TUE SAFETY ELEPHN Situated ut King Street, East immiediately East of Eleanor Pickand's single. Hits fiBac'ok ______________________________________Store_______ ic poduce ad Dbbc Courtcee hmtoday at!Mîr. and Mrs. Ron PahmCIESTS FOI ALL Brewer' Betil Stoe9by odwinad DareaCourt ee hmand famiîy visited Mr. and club's final mnanker in tbc Mrs. Ray Vincient, Kedron, TOHEs.N bLIL FUNFO TH ETIR FMLY1 eveth Saturday evenmng. TOHE N AG FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FANILT * vile.wilhplay hast Pa e ractice for S. S. Anniver- O H INR ! to Newcasle at the Cntral sarySunday ronn t1-0 O H I N R FR11 AD MISSION! ~~So1" iand on Monday MoorSaé Sunday School will be with- REIEC EA OA LE T A T PROCEDS OR KNSMN WEFAREWORKa RHE20Knst. MA358 vice witbdrawn Sunday even- FEEI C AXT PROCEDS OR KNSME WELARE ORKCourtice __ 3 8 2 . irg, lb being Salem Anniver- B1owmanviile - 6 10 Il sary Service. PAGE MORT THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIÉ) WMNESDAY, MAT Slst 1981