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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1961, p. 12

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lACE TWELVI TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO WEDNESDAY, lUNE ?th, Births i 1 lIn Memoicam Coming Events1 Articles for Sale Arti ]BURGESS-Art and Loryne are HOOPER-.-III oving memary' Dance ln Solina Community TEN bags red potatoes. Phone ALL gi happy te announce the arrival of a dear wife an mother H ail on Saturday, June 101CO 3-2087. 23-1 Broadlc of a daughter, Valerie Marie, Rose Ann, wbo passed away with Jim Fisher's Orchestra. Wltoni on Sunday. 'May 28, 1961, ati June lth, 1959. Everyone weîcome. 23-1 CEDAR fence posts. Phone rooms Memorial Hospital, Bowma- When evening shades are Dance in Pontypool on June Clarke 28 r 32. 22-2 and kit ville. A sister for Kenneth, f"ailing 10, 1961, ta the music of Bob SEBAGO potatoes for sale. desks; Donald, Grant and Darlene. .And we sit in quiet alone Bovi and his orchestra. Spon- Phone CO 3-2018. 23-1 lamps;.1 23-1 ý To our hearts there cornes a sored by the Baliyduff com- ers; occ - -longing munity. 23-1" TWO new 6.70xl5 snow tires, cd fui CRYDERMAN - Brian andi Ifonlyshe ouldcame home MîbokSrn Phone MA 3-5712, 23-1* Trade-i, Marilyn Crydernan <(ne Fiens-my hîn wehav S ow, WednesdyLivcstock . umner borne) are happy ta annhuveeShforgotten 1961.June 14, ASPARAGUS for freezing. prkin bohe) arvappy theirdauhterj ote 16.Parade. Midway. Out- Phone MA 3-5981. 21-3 lpt. i Mhear Lnnvlb ., on Jdunher, When at times they see us standing Livestock S how. RM N th iarlt 1961, at 1Me1morial Hospital, 1But tsm ie Dance tnevening. 2-"Phone MA 3-2237. 23-1 Bowmanville. 23-1' aheylteknwheeat Court Venture L1892 Can- Ai6le Our smilcs bide ail the 1 adian Order of Foresters wiii CARPET 10'6"x9' and 7 ,6" by HICKEY-Lionel and Eileen while lhold their annual bazaar on 7'6". Phone MA 3-7283. 231" Threshe (nee Holroyd> are happy ta1 Sadly missed by her bus-ISat., Sept. 30, 1961, at the WATER for sale and delivere.B 5t annpuice the birth of their b and and family. 231" Lions Centre at 2:30 p.m. CalCireehc, O323. B 1tn daughter Kelly Marie, 7 lb. 1 _____2_________ 1__ 32-tf e": 65c 2:! oz., on Wednesday, May NICHOLS-In loving memary Annual Orange Church 23- ONE_____________one_________enls 31, 1961. With speciai thanks of a dear mother who passed ade at Tyrone an Sunday, rgrtr hn Aktrbe ta Dr. A. B. Sylvester and away June 2, 1938, Minnie June 18. Ail L.O.B.A. and L. _grtr. Poe Mrktrbc nursing staff at Memoriai Nichais. O.L. Lodges cordîaliy invited 3-5492. 23-1 rubberl Hospital, Bowmaniviile, Ont. Mother, you are not forgatten ta attend. Parade farms at 4" HD. Jointer-1'îaner, - dor vihn' 23-1 Though on earth you are na 10:30 a.m. 23-2 and stand. Ai condition. CO Phoi Mel Lavigne and bis B3lue 3-2572. 23-1" < LYCETT-Carol and Max aeS iin memory you aewitb,'Water Boys Orchestra will .222 REMINGTON pump rifle So happy ta announce the arrivai us Isupply the music for a Dance with 21/½ oe cp.M of their son, William JaMes, ati As you always were before. ndDra t Onge Hl powcr scope. MA Memorial Hospital, a birthdayl-Sadly missed by Florence" Pntpl nd aw a rag a , 3-5478.123- R gift for Gandad "Bill" Lycctt ýThelma and Benson. 2-*atY9pOO1 23-2 CRIB and. plastic mattress, 91 B] on June 3, 196 i. 23-Ïl .m goad conaition, $20. Phone ___ ____REICHRATH-In 1oving me-1 Olde Tyme Dancing: Sat- MA 3-2772. 23-1 NADEAU-Roiand and Vaughn mary of a dear mather and urday, June 17, Ncwtonviii EMETmxr îcrc o--- HOM (nec Stephenson) are happy ta grandmother, Marie Reichrath, Hall. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. announce the arrivai of their who passcd away at Newton- Square and Round dancing plete with %/ H.P. motor. daughter, Beverly Dawn, on ville on June llth, 1960. you will enjoy. Dancing starts PhoeM_3-970_23____N Satumday, Mýay 27, 1961, at HolylGod took her home, it was at 9. Admission $1. 23-2" FRIGIDAIRE refrigera t o r, Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alta. His will, Chýartered Coach toi Wheel- uns good. Best cash offer. A sstr orStephen. Roly. But in aur hearts she liveth ingWs igna evn Phone__MA 3-3905. 23-1" Terry and Kevin. 23-1*1 StÛR. June 30 evening, returning LLOYD gray and yellow baby UP -Always r e me nb eed by July 2, holiday weekend. Con- carniage, bigh chair. Good WARD-Fred and Phyllisldaughter Lorchen, san-in-law tact Mms. W. Brown, MA condition. Phone MA 3-3964. (nee Connors) tirc happy to Jim and grandchîldren. 23-1 3-3811 or RA 3-7171. 23-1 23-1 anncàunce the bith of theirl eon, Kevin Douglas on Satur-1 STRONG-In îoving mcmory Former students af Bawman-1 21" WESTINGHOUSE tele- TE] dayJun 3, 961 at em-of a dear mother and grand- ville Hîgh School are cordiallylvso wvlbs.Wrig A oral ospial, Bwman i.mother Effie Vera Strang, invited tai attend a tea in bon-1 order $65. Phone MA 3-5990. a Bay rohe fr iny.231*who passed away June 13, or of rctiring Principal Mr. L. _______- 23-l* Bab boter orCidy.231"1952; a loving nepbew wb7o W. Dippeli, on June 10, f roar BUDGIES and Guinea Pigs, E Detswas killed July 11, 1958. 2:30 ta 5:30, at tbe High Sehool. Lloyd stroller. H. Vander- ________________- You only bave anc mother, _____ 23-1 tre Mill St. S, Nwate ATKINSON Ervin Cliffton- Patient kind and truc, Dedîcation af the Adelaide 2-*Fii In thc Bowmanville Memorial There are few in ahl this McLaughlin Memorial Organ ALC orwndwct½e Frigl Hospital an Satumday, June 3, world, and other furnishings will be inLSCO doos, windowts, awn- 1961, Ervin Cliffton Atkinson Will be as good ta you beid in Tyrone United Chumch ings, sideing , cAmpms3i-1. _ of Newcastle in lis 56th year, For ah bher loving kindness on Sun., June 11, at 7:30 p.m. 2ns2am lnM -271. - beloved husband af Eliza Jean She asks nothing ln rcturn A special organ recital aiter 2-S d Fergusan and dear father af If ahl the world descrts yau the service by Mr. F. Mermili. M-H 17 TOOTH Cultivator, LIMITE Joyce, (Mrs. Allan Walker)' To your mather you can 23-11power lift circular sawing buckwh Delbemt, Ruth, (Mrs. Emnerson turn Anyone wîshing ta spend machine, 30" blade. CO 3-2754. Hisey) Howard and Roy. Rcst- Sa you who have a mother sunday, June 18 in Crystal ___23-l* ing at the Mathers Funeral Cherish ber with care Beach and go on cruise irom CEDAR trees for bcdges. Any SILAGI Home, Stayner. Funemal ser- For you'il neyer know the Crystal Beach ta Buffalo, tele- 1size. Guaranteed ta grow. Free Rodney vice in the United Missîonary heatbreak phone TU 5-2527, Part Hope. delivery and estîmate. Phone grass sE Church, Stayner, on Tuesday, Till you sec ber vacant cbair Go by chartemcd bus. Rowe MA 3-3935. 22-2* crs anÉ June 6, at 2 p.rn. Interment Sadly missed and ever rcm- Travel Agency. 23-1 Â onubrdec - 89rll. SanrCenetery. 23-1 embered by daughter Mary, SV onlmedrc from____ Stayner ______ son-in-law Howard and famiiy. Woodview Community Centre miii ta you. Phillips LumberLie DAVEY, Keith D-At Bow- -Manster B i n g o. Twenty Ca., Kinmount, Ont a r i a. L_____ mranville Mernorial Hospital on THOMPSON-In loving mcm- games-twenty dollars; five Phone 17r11. '45- IX 8- Sunday. June 4, 1961. Keith amy af aur parents, James games-thimty dollars; $150 KEYS eut automaticaliy, whiie aday. D. Davey beioved husband af Thompson, w ho passed away jackpot, and two jackpots at you wait, at Masan & Dale- Marion Pascoe and dear father September 8tb, 1937 and Annie $250. Door prizes. Ncxt Hardware, 36 King St. E., PUREB' cf Elaine and Garth, aged 30 Thompson, wbo passcd away Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn,. Bowmanvillc. 46-tf fi'esh jr y cars. Rcsted at the Funemal June 1, 1953. Oshawa. 46-tf BOXED plants - cabbage, Hiome of Nothceutt and Smith, Ever rcmembemcd by their The big event for you 'S cauliflower, peppers, anions TEAM( 53 Division St., Bowmanville. deughters, Olive and Femne. eamning your own living. Is and tomatoes. Mms. Williams, single( Funemai Service was held in youm ebility impaimed by lack 81 Hunt Street. 23-2 3-2768. the Chapel on Wednesday, TRIMBLE-In loving mcm- ai treining? Enrol now for -___________ ___ June 7, at 2 p.m. Intemment amy ai Richard Trimble who the fall term at Bowmanville PORTABLE Singer sewing HOGS, Hampton Cemetery. 23-1 passed away, June 7th, 1960. Business Sebool. Mrs. C.A. machine, band lawn mawer shire a A suent tbougbt, a secret tear, Bartiett, Principal, 154 King (used anc summer). Phone MA 3-2 ROBINSON, Edna -At thel Kecps bismernory ever deer St. East, Bowmanville. 23-tf Blackstack 140-12. 23-1"*SXW Lodge in Newcastle on Tues- Time takes away the edgc a1i Plan to Attend the LARGE Frigidaire, Hot Point weSI c day, June 6, 1961, Edne Rab- grief CADMUS UNITED CHURCH stave, Beatty washing machine, tan.Ci nson, beloved wife af Milton But mernory turns back GARDEN PARTY Johnson 3 h.p. outboard motor. ___ Robinson ai Kendal, aed 77. cvcry leef. AND BAZAAR Phone MA 3-2267 aiter 6 p.m. Resting at the Barlow Funemal Sedly misscd by wife Gladys FRIDAY, JUNE 16 23-1___H Home, Orana. Service will be end famiiy. 23-d" Supper served tram 5 o'clock SEE Elmer for goad uscd MIDDI from the Funeral Home an until Mil are scrved TV's, fumniture, appliances, at rest Thursday, June 8 at 2 p.m. Auction Sale Aduits, $1. Cblldren, 50e vacuums, cook ware, some Phone1 Interment Orono Cemetery.- Program-Variety and Pictures antique furnitume. CO 3-2294. ELA 23-1 Preston Neals Garage, Be- 23-1 22-tf RwoIAd tbany, large stock ai garage BRAI Ca adw o b da Cards of Thanks suppis, equiprnent and fur- C AR ER DrGa.-with whitc oeain Rar3- We wish ta thank friends list. Tuesday evcning, June B S "TC enainel front and door ther- ON for flowers and cards received 13, 7 p.m. Ted Spenceley- BUS RP mometer. G. F. Haag, Tyrone. YUN and kindness shown ta us dur- Auctioneer. 23-1 HAMILTON - JUNE 10 On.231haed The Wetfml, ilobrgruntr sale et the Durha NIAGARA FALLS - JULY 1 COME in and sec aur bargains juîy an TheWet amiyT--- Cag., unt esale Arteaurhay WEEKEND in Used Fumniture and Ap- Manett. Count Sals Area, Fidaypliairces. F. A. Kramp Furni-- Drs. Rundie, Gi, Memroial evening, June 9. Dishcs, dîn- COLMER turc, 37 King St. E., Bow- WOMA' Staff, my roommates in 38, ing suite, chesterfiehd, studio manville. 22-tf came foi friends and farnily: May 1 cou ch, bedmoorn funiture, h~ao engor lv thank you ahi for participating tables, lamps, etc. Pleese note,1 TRAVEL SER1VICEL>L . hladr eri ate i in my excellent recovery and sale ta commence promptiy at PHONE MA 3-3265 eutmat, offat caiecn stve,12, c pleasant stay in Hospital. Sin- 6 p.m. Jeck Reid, auctianeer. 23-lato' tc vn wsin aB~o cereiy. Dot Vivian. 23-1, 23-1 - chine. Ail in good condition. Ontario -- Teders anted Phone Oono 3 r 4. 23-1TH b I would like ta express rny The undersigned auctioneer______- _____ INSULATION, blowing meth- pyg sincere thanks ta miy many wilh seli by public auction the TENDERS will be rcccîved by od, with rock wooi. Work- graduat fred.neiglibours and rela- househoid effeets af Morvan the undersigncd until June 26, rnanship guaanteed.Frest-alT tives for ail the kindnesscs Hughes, on Saturday, June 17 1961, for concrete fiooring in mates. Harry L. Wade. cle: grauae sbown nie during niy mcet1at 63 King St. West in Bow- basement af S.S. No. 18 Sehool phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf Bartiett illness and sta- in hospitai. imanville, back ai the Waiker in Tyrone for approximateiy TWO ladies' bicycles, one St. East Helen Nsbitt. apartment. List in next week's 1700 square feet of floomîng. patchynw cniin 23-1" paper. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Cliii Concrete mix ta be 1-2-314 gears, $40. The other, aIder FEIeI Pethick, auctioneer. 23-1 Floor.poured 4" thick an.d steel model, $20. Mrs. R. W. Go- Fn i 23-1" Setundey, June lth et 1:30 Byam, Sec.-Trcas., S.S. 18, p.m. Real Estate-A 50 acre Tynone. 23-2 We wisb ta thank the mcmn- iarrn will be oifered for sale,C bers oi the Bowmanville Fine subject ta reserve bid, consist- Specifieatians are naw beint Deatetand iiends and in fa9rom rm os prepared fore rîeighbouns whoî assisted in wîtb runnîng watem, barn 30' x maoving implernents ta saîcty DO', impiement shed and gar- Steel Ward Furnilure ' during the fine o! weck ego.a. Ail buildings in ecl Their prompt action was great- lent condition. The above FOR THE ly apprcciated. prapcrty may be inspectcd eny NEW ]HOSPITAL EXTENSION Male,, and Enid Burgess. time pnian ta date af sale. Those wlshlng ta quote on _____Tcrrs on pmapety made these Items shouid contact, I wish ta express my sincere;,known date ai sale. Tcnms on thanks and appreciation ta Drs.livestack and ieed, cash. J. eat later than lune l6tb, 1961,r E. Ewent and W. MacKay, Reid, auctioneer; Lawrence ADMINISTRATOR, 1 special nurses Mrs. R. Dilling, Hernis, clenk. 22-2 MealiHspitai Mrs. J. Emmensan and Miss eoilH it, 3 Betty Eldridge, and nurses andý Auction Sale, ta be held et P.O. Box 820 staff ai Menioiai Hospital, the home o! Mrs. George Boivmanville Bowmanville, for their came-Goddard, No. 2 Highwey et ______ 23-1 and kindnesses during mv stev Courtice, just west af Tmul's In hospital; elso niaî:y thenks Store, an Saturday, June l7th, Noices toi relatives, friends and ncigh- 1 p.rn. sharp. Lange quantity boums fon cards, gifts, îhowems af hausehoid fumnitune, quiîts Saliy's Haimstyling will be and wcicone visits whiie in1 and bedding, chesterfield set,1closed ion holidays, June 14 haspitel and canvahescing at dining roomn outfit, bookcaselt Jn-21-inclusie. 22-2 home. Ail these kindnesses bed (nearly new); neamiy new tIf you have an article you were deeply appreciated. l.IcChary gas stove, Leonard feel is suitable for the Museum Màrs. (Susie) Graliem. inig and Inglis wvshing mach- and wish to give on iend it, ine, antique dishes, glasswane, please 'phone MA 3-5226 ar Photography - bedroam toihet ware, kitchen MIA 3-5890, ar bring it ta the -ware, rugs, carpenters tools, Museumn aiternoons ai Junel power saw, clectnie motor jig 12 and 15. 23-1 PHOTOGRAPHY sew, large wooden tool box, FOR COMPLETE Teco riding lawn mowem, ]portraits - Passpcrts new; Raton Tiller. Waterloo InuacrCvrg Weddings Anelversaries' iding tracton, cultivator, phowE aSperîaity ýand snow plow, g:rden seeder Se i zM rio i lumner, piping, set ai pipe 26 CONCESSION ST. W.( A sior Studio f dies, windows, many articles MA 3-30481 M K" S. E Bomanill 1toa numerous ta mention.1r $8 h~sSt.E. Bo'~~mnvlleTerms cash. Property sold.Tlire - Theft - Automobile1 iphono MA 3-2503 Eliner Wilbur, Auctioneer. j I'v,*j.-Lift St. East, Bowmanville. 23-tf BROADLOOM - wall-to-wall or room size. Free estimates an wal-to-wal1. Sampies tak- en out ta yaur borne for cohour and decorating ideas. F. A. Knamp Ltd., 37 King St. E., MA 3-7071. 34-tf PREPARE for Summe-See us for free estimates on Alurninum Doons and Windows. You wili be amazed haw eca- nomical tbey are from Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowrnanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 16-tf SAND AND GRAVEL FOR YOUIt DRIVE WAYS AND CEMENT ices f or Sale goads et iowest pnices. ram, Axrninster and rugs; chesterfieids; bcd- suites; chmome dinette chen suites; mattresses; coffce and end tables; hassacks; platfarm. rock- casional chairs; unpaint- initure; higb chairs. in: Chesterfield and 4- 1electrie range. Free e t mear o! store, in new durphy Furniture, King 23-1" Bniion: Farmers Ler and Hammermili 5'x 6 x 4: $45.00. 2" 22e per ft.; 311: 33e ft.; ft. Special prices on îfarm beits, grader V-belts, ail types of hase, plastic pipe, boots, etc. Beits repair- vuicanizcd at 10w prices 24 hours. )ne RAedoiph 8-1658 vrden Indusîrial bber & Plastics RUCE ST., OSHAWA 23-4 ME FREEZERS ýERAL CHEST TYPE 239.00 up LMANA 16 eu. ft. PRIGHT FREEZER 449.00 RMS ARRANGED Low as $24.00 Down freezer in yaur hame. Bowmanville id Locker Syslem 'HONE MA 3-5578 23-1 1Grain for Saâle 'D quantity of seed heat. Phone MA 3-2046. 23-2 ;E and grain corn seed; r and Gary aats and ;eed. Swain Seed Chean- id Dealers, Bhackstock 21-3 ,stock For Sale~ Cars for Sale '51 CHEV. 1,~tan pickup. Tele- 'phone MA 3-5732. 23-1" 1950 CHEV. 1/ ton pickup truck. Best ofier. CO 3-2672. 23-1 1960 ENVOY DeLuxe, anly 4000 miles. Phone NeWcastlc 3746. 23-1"_ 1960 VAUXHALL Victor, ex- cellent condition. Terms. Tele- phone MA 3-5387. 23-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurence.i Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at youm home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-t! WANTED-Good used cars, 1956 ta 1958, Chev. and; Pontiac, on purchase ai 19611 models. Fan a good deal con-lý tact Bud Fagg, Robsan Matonsi Ltd., MA 3-3321. 23-11 USE D TRUCKS-1956 Inter-! national 1-ton, with dual wheehs, stake body. In excel- lent condition; 1956 Internationî- al 3-tan Dump; 1952 Interna- tional 1/2-ton; 1956 Ford Tand- em; 1950 Ford Dump. Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvillc. Phone MAmkct 3-5689. 23-1 Dump Truck For Sale 1954, F700, 158" Whecibase 1956 Vaive-ln-Hcad Motar Rccondltianed 22,000 miles aga New 9.00x20 tires and brakes Brantford 10-tan arm hoist and steel box. Loaks good and warks every day with 26,000 lb. 1961 license. Extension sides availabie. Flnancing can be arranged See McLaren, Oron PHONE 14816 22-2 Buy yourself a Good Used Car for a change fi's - Good - For - You Buy tram the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wlse people wha think twice aiways say it's none ather than- ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Uscd Cars veek oid pigs. E. Hock- CER N E SL CO 3-2708. 2-,!CE R N S L 3RED Holstein heifers, in August. MA 3-2111. 23-1" ai horses, good ta wamk or double. Phone CO 23-1 4 months aid, York- and Landrece. Phone .2111. 23-1" cill started pigs, 8%, )ld. R. Ballard, Hamp- .0 3-2234. 23-1" .elp Wanted LE agcd woman ta bclp Lhome, five day week. Omono 1308. 23-1" ,BLE bousekeeper for- .uits, lady confined ta ýr time. Phone Oshawa 036. 23-1 G man ta act as lufe- at swirnring pool. Must ovn transportation ior ýd August. Apply Sam a, Pontypool. 23-1" ýN ta do houscwomk and r chihdren, by the day1 in. Saiamy commensur- ith abiiity. Write Adv. ao Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, 0. 23-1 est jobs with the best 7ta Business Sehool tes. Enrol now for the Term at Bowrnanvilie ss Sehool, Mrs. C. A. t, Principal, 154 King t, Bowrnanville. 23-tf ,BLE dealers wanted. )pportunity ta estabiish )wn business with high gs. Commission, bonus, nriod. Free catalogue on t. Famiiex Produets, R. J. -1-1600 Delorimier, aI. 23-1 FEMALE ïHELP WANTED APPLY Specially Paper Producîs 63 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMAN VILLE For Light Factary Work Permanent Empiaymeet 23-1 Wanted to Buy 1LIGHT Western saddle in gaod condition. Phone Bheckstack 84J. 23-1 19 USED CARS 1950 ta 1954 Prieed tram $75.00 up Some have radios and extra equipment. Came le and test drive oneeof these bargains . . . and maki, us an offer! Ail must be cieared as we need the parking space. ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowvmaeviiie Lots 23-1 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 cyl., Spotstane green and white, radia, windshicid wash- ers, side mirrors. One owner. 1957 DODGE 4-DR. 6 cyl., low mileage, windshield washems, side mirmors. One owncr. 1956 DODGE 4-DR. V-8, Poweriiitc, radia. Real sharp car. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Belvedeme, V-8, automatie transmission, radio. Many others fram '51 ta '59 Fi 'er up at Paimer's Cities Service and get your FREE Pepsi-Cola PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers far Plymouth - Dodge - Vallant Simca Cars Dodge Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanvle _______23-1 Wanted DEAD and cippled iarrn stock, picked up prornpthy. Telephone COlfax 3-2721. Mangwill Fur Ferm, Tyrone. Licence 115. ROOM and Board - beginnin7g Sept. lst. A hist o! bouschoids is rcquimed ta be given on me- quest to teachers an the Pub- lic School Staff. A. M. Thomnp- PHONE ERL BOTRE-L rices pia*"o i"veson, nupervising Prncïpaî, PHN ER BTRELpouitmy, goose feathers, teath- P.O. Box 175. 23-1 CO 3-2682 cm ticks, scmap iran, rags, For Prompt Service and metals and raw furs. Phone DEAD AND CRIPPLED Deiivery 15-tf RA 3-2043 Oshawa cohecet. FARM STOCK USED TRACTORS - Fermail 48-tl HIGHEST PRICES PAID "M" Diesel, wide front end, ALL kinds ai live pouhtny, R AY V IV IA N hyrehi sstm;Internation- icathers, new goose and duck Locuat Hill al "W-4"; Fermaîl Cub, with aiso aid feather tîcks wanted. Phane Markham 1160J Coileet piow, cultivator and spring Hîghest prices paid. M. Flett, 24-hr. 7-day Service 1 toatb harnows, levelling blede; Bethany R .R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 License 102C61 Case "D". Uscd Machinery - colleet. 21-tf 20-52 International "45" Baler, with - _______________ moton; International "45" Bah- Personail Business cm, P.T.O.; Massey Balen, en- gine diven; Case 14-tooth HYGENIC suppitýes -(Rubber Opportunity Cultivetor, on rubbem; Caseýgoods) maiied postpaid in plein Combine, P.T.O.; Case Combine1 sea d envelope with price list. ESTABLISHED Beuty Salon with Baler; International self- Six samples 25c, 24 sampiesiin Whitby, 3 operator. Very prapdiled Combine. Cowan $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28,lreasonable. For particulars Equipment Ca., 134 King St. Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, write Adv. 144, c/a Canadien E., Bowrnanvifle. Phone MA'Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Stetesman, P.O. Box 190, 3-568. 3848-tiJ BowmaviUr, Ontario. 33-11i IReal Estate for Sale jReal Estate for Sale' Peler Kowal REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W. - MA 3-2453 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 Newcaste-5 Building lots in choice location. Real op- partunity for builder. $5,000 full price. 5-moorn bungalow in Maple Grave. Ahi modemn conven-1 iences. Oul heating. Near school. $9,500.00. Terns. Newtonviile -New 6 oorn bungalow with garage. Oul heating. Large lot. Bargain et $9,000.00. $2,000 dawn. 6-room brick on Chapel St., in very presentable condition. Oil hcating. Garage. Very scenic view ovcrlaaking the town. $2,000 down. $700.00 down, 6 moins, 2 storey, brick. Asking $7,900. 10 Acre farm with 8 room brick house with all con- veniences. Oil hcating. Garage. reduced ta $11,500.00. $2,500 down. 8-room farne home witb store front, in Blackstock. Ideal for lunch roam. Extra epart-I ment ents for $55 monthly.1 Asking $9,900.00. $2,500 down.1 Beautiful 6-roam b ri ck- bungalow with garage, an Con- cession St. Truly immacuhate throughout. Priccd right eti $15,500.00 with terms. 2 new bungalows on Park- way Crescent for yaur inspec- tion. Absolutely the finest on the market. N.H.A. financing. Sce through these before yau ,buy. Saiesmen: C. Saper - MA J1. A. Barton- MA 3-26241 3-3098ý 23-1 Work Wanted ANY kind ai cernent work. George Mutton. Phone MA 3-5981.21-3 HEATING, Plumbing an d Eavcstmoughing. Cail Gould Heating. Newcastle 4331. 18-tf[ YOUNG MAN, age 21, Seniori' Matric., desires summer cm- pioyment. Phone MA 3-2884. 23-1"1 WILL mow any size lawn. Bring own mowem, $1 per boum. James Robins, phone MA 3-2976. 23-1" CARPENTER womk, new and repair. Rooiing, cupberds, tule, etc. Bob Bothwell, MA 3-2821. 23-2" BRICK, Mason and Concrete womk, Cbimneys, etc. L. Turn- er. Temparary residence Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf BOWMANVILLE Maintenance Service: Cleaning mugs,u- holstery, windows, venetn biinds, new tapes and cords instalied. Repairs: D a o r s, drawcrs, fences etc. Storm windows rcmovcd, iawns cut. Jim Henry, MA 3-2817. 21-4 Herman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick - Block - Concrete and Carpcntry NELW WORK and REPAIRS PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON 3-tf, Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030ý 16-tf BULLDOZING AND E XC AV A TIN G New John Deere Eqjuipment Robert Slrong Phone Biackstock 104R Coilect 20-4 ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTORS, REPAIRS and REWINDING tal ai your Electnicai Equipmentl Sales & Service MA 3-3058' 43 Third St. Bowmanvilllc 19-tf Whilewashing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumping Seplic Tanks One registered lot in Hamp- tan, beside school. Approxi- mately 3 acres. CO 3-2672. 23-1 Leask Real EsIale 6 room bungalow, bot watcr heat wîth ail, themmo- pane picture windows, 3 bcd- rooms extra washroams, beau- tiful view, stone fireplace, 6trorom bungalow, new ail furnace, finished roomn in basernent, central location. Owner tmensfermed and must seli, terrns. We have acreage for sub- divisions, business locations, bouses. M. E. LEASE Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanviiie MArket 3-5919 23-1 Mcfluay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board $100 per acre buys 130 acre. farm wîth trout stream. La- cated North ai Orono with large bip roof barn and 8- moom frame bouse. Running water in ail buildings. Scenic 50 acre trout stream poperty nean Blackstock. Ask- ing $6,500. Terms. 5 acres level îand, nomth af Bowmanvilhe $2000-fulh price. Bungalow in Hampton with stmeam. $6000-full price. 95 acre farrn, 3 miles fram Oshawa. Large paved oad frontage. Asking $36,000 with $6000 down. 200 acre Christmaes trcc farm with 120,000 trees, thou- sands ready for market. Traut stneam, paved road frantage. Only $100 per acre. Bowmanvilie Homes $6900-full price. Bungalow on large lot. $1000 down, 3 bcdroom bungalow, centraliy lacated, garage. Owner leaving town. N.H.A. financing on 3 bcd- room brick bungalow. Full pnice $13,500. 3 bedroam brick ranch bungalow, garage, rneny cx- tras, large lot. $14000. Terrns. Cal WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville For Rent FIVE roorns and bath, garage, garden, sepamate entrence. CO 3-2394. 23-1" ýTWO-bedroom bouse, ccntraily located near school. Phone ýMA 3-3715. 23-1" LARGE bight welI furnished self-containcd raarn, central., Phone MA 3-7201. 23-1* 50 ACRES ai pasture land with suificient water. Phone 139w, Blackstock. 23-1 THREE roams and bath, heat-i cd, self-contained. 205 Kingi St. E., MA 3-3186. 9-tf1 FOUR raarned bouse in En- niskiihen. Available immed- iately. Phone Biackstock 212r3. 2.3-2* ONE bedromr apartrnent, self- contained, centrally located. Available July IstY'Telephane MA 3-5798. 20-tf MODERN foun-roamn and bath hcated apartment, not suitable for childmen. Write P.O. Box 264, Bawmanvillc. 23-1 TWO apartrnents with 3 oams, kitchenette and bath. Centraliy located. Washcm service. Tele- phone MA 3-5277. 23-tf APARTMENT, anc an two bedmoamns with bathroom, cupboamds, ail fumnace, gar- den and lawn. Immediate pos- session. Austin Turner, New- castle. 23-1 FREE rent anc month, heated, modemn 3 roorns, kitchenette and bathroorn, washer-dmycn, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W., also for ent sto re on mai n street. 22-tf THREE roomed apartments, for ent, 3 blocks frorn down- town, newly decorated, heavy, duty wiring, heated. Venetiani biinds and drapeny mods on ail windows. RA 8-8122. 23-tf AVAILABLE Aug. lst, 2 bcd- room modemn upstairs apt., heatcd, centrehiy located in Newcastle also 3 roomn modemn apt., an ground floar, mutuel bath, heatcd, centraiiy located in Newcastle. Phone 2651. -23-2* FOUNDATION AND SEPTJC TANKS DUG AND BACKFILLED Ivan Mounljoy BLACK STOCK, PHONE 87 r 4 TV TOWERS Acrials and Rators Repairs ta Acrials and Ratos O__S HA WA T V Supply Ltd. 1RA 8-8180 Bill and Bab Leask - 16. THREE 'MODERNIZED STEAM HEATED OFFICES Llghts Supplied Walk -lu Vauit ln one Apply Specialiy Paper Producis Lîd. BOWMANVILLE 23-3 Room-Bd. Wanted'e O0ARDING place fan yaunýg Do, dy teacher near Lard Elgin :hool, camrncncing September ROI Phone MA 3-2612 aiter 5. Loi U3-23 iReal Estate for Sale RAVINE lot 60' x 2fflemdeal for split level bouse, appravcd. Phone MýA 3-2419. 23-1 HOUSE with garage, on Highway 2. Reasonabhy priccd. Phone Newcastle 2141. 23-2 Pedwell Real EsIate Special - 100 acres, 40 acres in spring crap, 10 acres feul wheat, 30 acres bey, balance bush and pasture wîtb river, 4 bcdroom frame bouse, herd- wood floors, fumnace, clectric pump, bank barn, implement shed, hog pien, hen bouse, garage. Cen be bougbt with or without crop and impIe. ments. Chose ta Port Hope. 4 bedroom bouse, ail con- veniences, on No. 2 Highway West ai Bawmanville. $10,000. Easy temms. 4 bedroom solid brick bouse in Omono, ail furnace and bath, 2 extra lots. Close ta bigh school. Easy ternis. Good bouse in Newcastle, ahi conveniences. Will cx- change tor a goad ferm. New 4-room bouse, ail con- veniences, in Newcastle. $6,500. Terrns. We have a number ai large and smalh famms, also several good bouses. Mortgagc boans. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 23-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 160 Acres, 7 room bouse, hydro, barn 30x100. Cash crop iarm near lake. Price $32,000. Terrns. 150 Acres, 7 room brick bouse, barn 28x85, implement shed, soul suitable for Xrnas trees. Price $5.000. Tcrms. 100 Acres, 12 room marne bouse, barn 30x95, implernent shed, very productive farm. Price onhy $12,500. Terms. 50 Acres with traut strearn. nice view, 15 miles from Osh- awa. Price $5,000. Terrns. 45 Acres highway praperty, price $275. per acre. Easyr terms. Two apartment home wiih 41/2 acres ai land, two b,5k moins, near school.PAfce $12,500, easy terms. Newcastle-Store plus dwel- ling facing main street. Ask- ing price $7,500. Tcrms. Newcastle-2 storey insul- brick horne, bath, fumnace. Priced ta seli. Give us an of- fer. Ilgthway No. 2 East of Bowmanville Telephone MArket 3-3644 G. Blyleven, Phono MA 3-5300 ialesmen : C. R, Lavekin, Neweafle 2248 23-1 De Wilh Real Esiale 100 Acre farm, close toaa bigbway witb large L-sbaped bankbemn, watcr an tep, drive shed, streem; 7 Roomed home witb modern conveniences. Pnice $13,000. with $2500. down. 1 1 Acre farm an paved road, close ta Bowmanvilie with good size barn, pig pens, drive shed; 7 Roomed borne, waer under pressure. Asking $11,000. Terms. 248 Acre farrn with 2 bamns, machine shed etc; 9 Roomced home. Asking $10,000. Half cash. 92 Acre ferm, 87, acres workable, the best ai land, 2 ponds, large L-sbeped bank- barn with watcn on tep, silo, drive shed, etc; 8 Roomed borne with running weten. Asking $16,000. witb $5000. down. 100 Acre ferm, locatcd 21/a miles east Oshawa witb 100'x 30' bankbemn, creek, machine shed etc; 8 Roomed home witb ail modemn conveniences. Par- tial residentiel zoned. Price and tenms arranged. 5 Acres with 8 Roomcd brick home, ail modemn con- veniences. Ask i ng $9,500. Terrns. 2 Bedlroom bungalow in Newcastle with modern con- veniences. Garage. Pnice $6500. 2 Bedroorn, new, bungalow, cast Newcastle witb ail mod- ern convenien cecs. Asking $7,900. with $2500. down. 5 Roomed, new bungalow with aIl modern conveniences, near Newtonviihe. Pnice $8,000. Tcrms. 6 Rorned home with pun- ning bot and cold water, 'r- age, on 9 acres. Asking $5.000. with $500. down. 5 Roomed home In Bethany with running watem, ail fur- nace, kitchen cupboa ar ds. Price $4800. Terms. BARBER SHOP witb mod- crn living quarters in Betbany including ail equipmcnt etc. Asking $9500. Has ta be sold. 8 Roomed borne in Bethany withi modern conveniences. Pnice $5,000. Terrns. 2 Apartment bouse in New- castle wîth ail modemn con- veniences ln bath apartments, ail fumnace etc. Pnice and terns aranged. 6 Roomcd bungalow in Kendal witb modemn conven- ienccs. Chose ta scbool etc. Price $6000. with $500. dawn. Acreages with streema, lots an Taunton Road, Taunton and Newcastle. John F. De Wilh altor and General Insuranco w'eastlo Phono 8341 iaid Mountjoy, MAà se Davidson, B.tbauy, rm A. PeOMuit. Clake 28, DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. BlAR~NrAINING, 7 ROOMED bouse in village on caunty road, $45 per montb. BERT TOMPKINS Close ta Public Schooi. In NEWTONVILLE driving distance ai G.M. Plant. Phone Clarke 4721 10-tf Immediate possession. Write ______ _____ Av. 143, c/a Canadien States- M OUNJOY man, P.0. Box 190, Bowrnan- BACKHOE SERVZCE BOWMANVILLE TRENCHES - DRAINS OFC P C . 1. .1ý e!- :--l i 1- -:I_ laGer TWEP VE THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=X, ONTARIO 1 WIMNESDAT, JUNE ?th, 14 mai . f

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