Y~NESDAY, JUNE 7th, 1961 Classified THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 1OMNILE NAI BLACK RepairsRev. A. Wesley Harding, Bowmnanville, who is ta be as- RADIO and televisian repairs. sistant Pastas af Cartwsight Prompt service. Pick-up and Circuit for the sum m e s delivery George's, 85 King S,. mantbs, delivered a splendid E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf isermon on "Christianity and' _ _ 'Cburcbmanship" in Black-! GUARANTEED televisian and ýstock United Churcb, Sunday, radio service, toalal makes.'at 10 a.m. The chais sang a. Same day service. Televisian lovely anthcm, "Oh Listen to Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883.i the Saviaurs Voice," with Mss. 49 -tf . (ý 1 . Ig For Large Family loom Bungalow Plan fq REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- SOLINA the charge. atures turned, ta ail makes af Messrs. George Walfe and electric motors. Higgon Eiec- Mss. Alex Patter spent a Laurence McLaughlin toak a tric, 38 King East. Phone MA few days with Mr. and Mss. gSoup, seconds and sixers af 3-3305. 7-tfRa Middlcton and fanujly' Cubs ta Camp Samac for REPARS a al maes f r-!Toont. 'Drum Head service Sunday frigeratars, domestic and cam- Mr. and Mss. Jim Potter, CarnnAhmhare tendoed. mercial; milking coolers. Hig-; Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrss. ao smoe atne gon Electric Limited, 38 KinglMartin MolIoy and Tersy, Sndi t ae ahd St. . PoneMA -335. .tfBowmanvilie, Mr. and Mss. raI, Toronta, for three days ____________________ vieek. Ms. George Walfe in cfsger-ýHaroid Patter, David and Alan, attended the Tuesday evening REPAIR Serviceinrfgea1 Hampton, Ms. and Mrs. Ray ssin tion, ail heating and ail do- Middleton and cbildren were ssin mnestic appliances, garden trac- Sunday visitors with Ms. and Mss. George Wolfe attend- tors, chain saws and lawn Mrss. lex Patter. cd the Women's Psess Club mawess, also shaspcning lawn The W. I. will meet Thuss- annuai dinner at the Granite mawers. J. Holtby, M\Arket'ciay, June 8 (to-night) at 8:15 Club, Toranto, Tuesday even- . -7062, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie, at -i Community Hall. This will ing. Maple Grave. 22-tfi be the annual meeting when Mss. Henry Gsaham and - _ - __ graridmothers are bonoured. Miss Verena Gsaham, Tas-_ WATCH REPAIRINGRepo!o district annuai con- anta, wcse Sunday and Mon- This four-bedroom bungalow de- l eto.Rail oal-a popular day guests of Ms. and Mss. slign by archilect Jacques Vincent, Certifled Watchmaker of sang when I was a teenager. Oscar Graham, Ms. and Mss.' of Ste. Dorothee, promises luxur- Canadian Jewellers' Assn. The communitv hall was Ross Duff, Ms. and Mss. Rus-'* ious living for the larger family. i îidfor the annivessasy con- seli Mountjay and Mss. Leslie Utilizing a complete bedroom wing, M r' e elr crt cn Monday nigbt, when Mauntjoy. the architect bas provided compîcte 39 King St. IV the cntcrtainment fentured a Ms. and Mss. Chas. Co,, privacy for the sleeping ared a5 8-tf, weil-psesented Minstrel show Cleveland, Ohio, visited Mss.' well as ample closet space. I L __________________ by a group from Millbrook. e.Cafr n s n A feature of the interiar plan ki I Ex h n eMany hearty Iaughs wesc en- Mss. W. Peasce, Thursday.1 the master bedraom wiîh its private _____________ __ r oyed thsoughout the evening. Ms. and Mss. Weir Swain, bathroom, dressing room and double EXCHANGE lands for bouse j A football game preceded the Toronto, visited Ms. and Mss: clothes closet. Other eye-catching -22x32, 5 roomns and bath- !concert. Clarence Marlow, Thussday. provisions in the design are the . room (3 pieces) . ful hasement DineTn1adJaia Ms. and Mss. Russel Mount- -lare well-lightcd living room %%hich and hialf acre in best town in Fraser gave interesting se- 'l arge F1offrmth in Muskoka on Main Line. Write!ports of'the Young People's jay sttended the fun eral of car b ashut or the dînin Box 131, Station "R" MetroiConference, which they at- Ms. Everett Mouintjoy, Osh-1 tht generaus kitehen wiîh spacefo Toronto, Leaside, Ont. 21-5'ýtended at Kingcston recentiy, awa, Fsiday we2k. dining and a bujît-in area for a at the church service Sunday Miss Eva Pars attended the washer and dryer; the screened flag- Vv'anted to Rent m rosning. Mrs. Donald Taylor Bell Telephone Pionesr con-1 stone parch which provides a caver- was organist for the service vention at the Royal York:',ed walk between the kýitchen and SCOO taher with family in teasneo h eua oi atweed garage and the large coat claset wishes ta sent 5-bedsoom 1osganist. Mss. May Pritchard andi with built-in table adîaining the bouse in Bowmanville with j Revesend R. Sbeswin of Ms. Roy Allen, Toronto, wcee front entrance. nhe basement is self-contained unit on gsound! Belleville was a Sunday visi- weekend guests of Mss. Velva j partitioned into four sections allow- f'oos for a gsandmothes. Write tas with Ms. and Mrs. E. R. Bailey.1 ing for furnace and laundry mrrims Advertiser 131, c/o Canadian, Taylor. Mss. Sheswin and Da- Ms. and Mss. Russel Mount- as well as a large games room and Statesman, P.O. Box 190,1 vid returned home a f t e r joy, Mss. Aima Fcwler and storage area. Bowmanville, Ont. ____23-lispending the past week xith Mss. Wilbest Archer visited The total floor area Ks 1,662 ber paents.Mss. Cecil Ferguson and square feet and the exteriar dimen- LIENEDMr. and Mss. Don Taylor Mss. T. Bowman, Newcastle, sions arc 58 feet by 47 feet. Work- Nursing Home and chiidsen visited Mr. and 1,st Thussday. ing drawings for the hnusc, known Mss. Glenn Larmes and fam- Svslcagsbv ae sDsgi84 a eotie SOU__TIT Haven Nursing Homne, ily, Biackstock. eeachnshvetk ,Dsin84mybcoand -Accommodation for ýprivater Msrs. R. Sheswin and David place in the village. At the. fromn Central Mortgage and Housing a n d semi-private patients,j of Belleville spent a day with begitnning of the month, Miss at minimum cost. lounge TV. Fuliyliîcensed, Ms. and Mrs. Don Taylor and M asie Cassidy moved ta Port new building, modemn. Visitorslchildren. Pesry. Ms. Evesett Tsewin- _- weicome. Reasonable rates.1 Mr. rid Mss. Charles Lang- and Ms. and Mss. Austin Bea- J Am Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf maid entertaineci at a secep cock moved into the home Ms. ig tion in bonor of the i ater's Tsewin purchased fromn theja Lost mothes, Mss. Effie Goyne, on Thos. Smitli estate. Ms. Jack Sgt. Bernard I-I o u s e m a n, alled on Mr. and Mss. Cysus'g - -- er 75th bisthday. At*'the re- Van Camp moved upstaiss Mss Housemnan and family, Ashton, Burketon, Sunday ev-idc FEMALE hound, black, whitel oves the locker. S andta. atooinrihtca,,,cptian on Sundaciy afternoon Petsiwawa. w2re weekend v'si- ening. haf hiehal anfae.Caland evening Mss. Govne was Mr. and Mss. Dalton Dos- tors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Gar- Mss. Arthur Read a.nd Mrs.'ar CO 3-hie,104. ta"f 2c-1 a"happy to recèeive oves- 100 re- sdil and Ms. and Mss. Neil rard's. Mr. andi Mss. Alfred Wm. Nightingale attcnded a i! ~N-fledatrss anilatives andi friends who calleci Malcolm returncd home from Garrard and Barry were Sat- Shut-ins' Day service at Saint h( sP t ctcd et 'ihe. emadelightful trip avesseas urday evcning visitors. Sun- Luke's United Chusch, Tos- bab;s crib on Taunton Rd. oy Isister,Ms.FoieG n.wa Saturday. The Dosselîs visîteci day callers were Mr. AllanotoSudym nig Osor'io. Phone Orono 2218. lwith ber on this happy occa- England, Iselanci and Scot- Moffatt and Margot Rankine, Mr. Bon Rahm attended a F ___23-leJ'sion. Among the lovely gifts landi andi spent considerable O.shawa. fish-fry and fox bunt ai the u] WOULDthe persan who re.-a oqe f n oe iewihD.adMs oug- Mr. and Mss. Don Macken- Frontenac Club in Kingston an mnoveci the chiid's tricycle fsom s eci roses fsom hem 12 grand- las Bilbey whilc the Mal- zie and family, Toronto, and Sunday. 25 Duke St., please returnicbildscen. colins went on ta Holland, Mss. A. McNeil at the Mss. Mss. W. Martin fs visiting K same as Phone MA 3-3563. 1Ms. and Mss. Roy Langmaid Belgiumn and Paris and thcy McNcil home on Satusday.ý relatives ai Oshawa. _______2.1-ilvisiteci on Sunday xith Ms. visited Miss Florence Vande- Mss. McNeil, having spent the Mss. Bon Rahmn andgil and Mss. O. Lunn and famnily, mecs in Holland. giirwlshmduherMs iitdM.aciMs m 1 Peterborough, Mss. Cook, Brooklin and MacKenzie, is staying ai her Dawson, Omono, Sunday. v j Miss Lillipn r1-bas, Bowman- Mss. Robson, Toronto, who home for the summer. Mss. Arthur Reaci and Mrs. o G et Your Price ville. visiteci Mr. and Mss. E. staycd with the Macolm child- Ms. and Mss. Leonard Wil- Nightingale visited relativeG R. aylr. en while the parents werc son, Dr. and Mrs. M. McCart- ai Peterborough on Monday. For Your Livestock Mr.'~ and Mrs. Frank Cook away, returncd ta their hom- ney and JudyLakefield, wee Mr.an~d rs. D. J.Cameron through visited Mm. and Mss. Fsank During Mss. Dalton Dosrell's Mss. Clem Rahm's. Head service at Uxbsidge on S TAT ES M AN Westlake Jr. andi family. absence, Mss. Jim Marlow and Ms. and Mss. George Ber- Sunday. C L A S S 1 F 1 E D) 3 Ms. andi Mss. Frank West- Mss. Gilbert Marlow taught trim. and family, Taunton, *June W. A. meeting will be lake Jr., Gardon andi Shirley Haine Econamîcs mn the vîsiteci Ms. and Mss. M. Ber- held Thursday evenimsg at the Phone MArket 3-3303 visiteci Mr. and Mss. Sid Mit. school. Mss. Jimn Maslow tsim and family. . home of Mss. W. Blackburn __________________cheli. taught salad making and Mss. Ms. and Mss. Peter Singer, and Mss. Cowling. Progsam - - Ms. and Mss. Lloyd Broome Gilbert Mariow flower as- Swansea, wese Satusday vîsi- in charge of Mss. W. Black- M and sons visiteci Ms. John rangement, tors ai Ms. andi Mss. D. Cam- burn's gsaup. Bon e nc amly Tsae, Ms. and Mss. Howard Say- ca .Sevesal ladies af Haydon o n d rclihnFlt and l n ail eeSr- Mss. Wm. Nightingale, Fort W. A. attendeci the June W.A. Sundy. Jhn Feitanci! gucsts faMiyrcnd Sn-William, is holidaying with Tyrane meeting wbich was Candace, Fraserville, visited Cares arM. and Mssr niMs. Arthur Reaci heici at Mss. Alden Hoar's an Ms. and Mss. D. Flett andChale Venning and famiiy. andi !amily. fTbursday afternoon. Baly ey. P. Romesil attendeci Mr. and Mss. Elgie. Ms.,Ms .CwigvstdMs V a riety maMrs. Asthurs Taylor, Miss the confesence in Queen's Uni- Lloyd Thompson and TeiTy, MbelK Cowling iSaledM, on Ruth Taylor and Ms. Earl Tay- versity, Kingston, iast week. osnt, es wckndvi- Cdncsdayaleo F o S lor. Chermywooci, visited on Miss Catherine Bailey spent toms with Mss. W. Thompo PatieSna mriga Fo d SnayatBrceTik', the ekn wihfedsn and Gail Tbompson. Saturday, 10:30. Church service wilI hc, Phone Ms n s.Buce Tink' eesoouh evening visitos wcre Ms. and1 withdsawn hecause af the vîsiteci Mss. W. A. Ormiston,1 S2vesal fsam here attendediMss. Roland Thompson, Dawnýdeciication service at Tysone' 31A 3-'à541 Brooklin. 1 the supper in Nestieton United and Heather, Hampton. Sun-j Chumceh Sunday evening. __________________ Fifteen girls and the two1 Chtîsch Fsiday evening. day visiters were Ms. and Mss.: Russell Tabb haci bis beaci leader., of Ilhe Explorer grouo,' ni M s.ueMon- Earl Thcmpson, Larry, Patsy r!cut on Saturday evening when FREE! SAMPLES Mss. B. Tink and MsN. M.'Joy visited Ms. and Mss. Mes- rand Cindy.. he was in a cas and thé steer- UN~I ~ ~ Vie, njvec ahik ad pc-lin Hepburn, Enfield, Wed- j m n s.T mting whecl faileci, the car bit- SMI'IIED nie in Ms. George Knox's nesday. i Burketon, were Sunday sup-Iting a irce. Russell had 15 AU AG woods on Saturday afternoon. Ms. and Mss. Gardon Hill, jpes guests ai Ms. andi Mss. J.I stitches ta close the cul. SAUSAGE Thisis the lasi meeting af the Weston, xvcsc Satusday guests 1 Potts'. season. of Ms. andi Mss. A. L. Bailey. 1Mm. and Mss. Boyd Wcssy, I Reaular Retail 95e lb. , Mss. J. Goyne. Oshawva, Ms. and Mss. Hudson, Tom- Lynn and Bannie, Malton, MA L GR V vsitcd Ms. J. Kivell on Sun-,onto, niîd Mr. aid Mss. IvansetStravwt m n Thoiipson spent Sunday after- Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and fami1.v.ý Mny 9 alr.~ and Mss. Rae Pas.coe nioon with Miss Ethel Thomp-1IMr. and -Mss. Stanley Cow-j Mrss B.D. Whitmee, Boxv- SAVEl& SVE and familv were Scnciav I ing and boys. Salenm. were:manvîlle, was a recent guest, c-uc'sts of _Mr. and Mss. Neil M.and Mss. Lorne Thcmp- 1M3riday- enîlers at Mr. and of Mrss Robert Jarvie. Gifford. Tautnon. ir.Gog a s son visitcd hem mother, Mssr s.Gog als. ,Mr. andi Mss. Gardon Beecili TREE-S1EET Mr. and Mss. W. Lyvcett,ý W. Cobblcdick, Osono, Sun-: Ms. and Mss. W. Bts ckburn'anii Mss. E. C. Ashtîon cnjoy- Grpfri ~îe Bowmanville. \vere Su nday1 day ,ftesrnoon.1 and fanîil-y andi Mss. K. Ccxv- cd a tour of the new County Grapfrut Jice visitars with the \Vcrrys, at Unîited Church W.A. heldi ling attended the Salem An- Home for the Aged ai Co- 8-7TtsRoselanivale. jtlis May nîecUiîg at theiniversary Ser-vice Sundiy cf-jbourg on Sunday. They se- P R C O S and M-s. N. Wae'en., Weriv accomoanisi sang '"Fve in Hope Township in bis easly at Danfomth Unitedi Chusch in Mm ss J.fond Fien."veau-s, later moving ta Cow- Toronto on Fsiday evening.' ý:1Nsrv xsîtcd on Sund'uv Mrs. Char!es Smith madc aànv'ihle where lie farmer ut hvwre aceom panieci by 55c GI over and ch'lclren, Kedron. cf tuie guest speaker, M. .ago. Austin L.,'rner cf Bowman-, Frcshi Honie-miade MIiss Helen Knox,. with sev- Aslimame, wiia tcok the ladies Surviving us onîe brother ville.1 esal nursing classmatcs of, with ber on same af the work Bruce Crossley cf Hope Town- Mm. andi Mss. Charles Gseen- P R AU A E Oshawa Gencral Hospital, is she and the canon did in the ship. bam andi Carole wese guesis POIK AUS GE halidayi.ng this week ai al' district af and asounci Prince The deceased resteci ai the ai the wedding andi receptianý Lake, Albert, Sask., in the 1930's Barlow Funeral Home, Or- of Miss Gloria Harringian and only 39c alb. Ms. Charles Allin, Bowmanj with the Cree Indians. Mites ana. The service wvas held ai Ms. Stanley Cummings ai _______________ ville, Miss Nan Allun, To ronto,; eiling of same of the bard- the Funcral Home an Friday, Landon on Saturday after- VINERIPEStnday' dinner guests of! shins cf th ose people, she May 26, and was conducieci by noon. They w.ent on ta Port. VN-IEMr.and Mrs. Ws er wo.~rh c ceored slides. the Rev. Long cf Orono. Io- Huron. Michigan, where they ~ V~ ~ , 50" .- . L. iYomn n thant- 'r-ruit w ';i Orono Cte- p njovc veen ii ih 0 Z n:' I sR. S :-dci' A \ tor a OiI;temv. I'Mr. 'lMrs.Jamnes Green- W.n i,,d Davidi, Eelleville. Mr.{and gvn us suchi a wonder- 'ihe beautîful ioral truicutes _, bam. - bs 9 C adMss. E. R. Tavlor wcrc r ul address. Altes the bene-' showed the high csteem held Ms. andi Mss. Walter Doyle1 Sundav tea guesis o! Mr. and' diction, a deliciaus lunch was by Ms. Crossley by ail whoa and Lyrnc, Riebvale, were1 IMM. Bruce Taylor and lanuily. served by the group. ik.new him. Sund.ay gueeti w±th Mr. and iirs. Steve Doyle and family. Ms. and Mss. Boy Melntyse and Sandy, Taranto, w e r e guests with Mss. L. C. Snow- den an Sunday. Mr. and Mss. Boy Colliss and family and Mss. T. Col- liss, Minden, visited relatives hesc oves the weekend. Mr. and Mss. Cecil Jeffery vese tea guests o! Mss. Ar- thus Pascoe, Oshawa, on Sat- urday. Miss Sandra Pettit, Oshawa, .'as a weckcnd guesi o! Miss Karen Dickson. Several fsomn Maple Grave attended thec Dmum'head ser- vice ai Camp Samac, Oshawa, on Sunday wben ous Girl Guides marched in the pas- ade. - M -Oshawa Wood Producîs Say ... PAY AS YOU LET OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. MAKE YOUR DREAM COKE TRUE! PRflDICTS EvkJJP j % J a-X V à V " "- I W" a a a SUMMER COTTAGEm 0F YOUR OWN! DUR HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION will complete the job for you 0 . or we will supply you wilh ail the necessary materials: siuds, ralters, ceiling joisis, flooring, sheathing, wall board, ceiling 111e, floor iile, window and door units, hardware, elecirical wiring and fixtures, nails, paint, etc. FREE PLANS AND BUILDING AD VICE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME PLAN TO VISIT DUR COURTICE SHOWROOM OR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SHOWROOM Oshaâwa Wood Products Li mited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa Office and Showroom OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroom COURTICE - RA 8-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWAI WOODlfPRODUflTST O>SHAWA WOlOD STOCK Lxr ii Harold McLaughlîn taking the!L x r i n, solo part. Mr. Harding was preacbing at Cadmus at 11:15 a.m. and tan at 10 m. and aesasea I nFour-Bedr Ronev.1 Roml asd aestie- at 11:15 a.m. These will be. the regular hours for service during the summer. Next Sunday, June llth, is Cadmus annivessasy sa there will be no other services onm BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - PAGE TffRTEEX LO G S U T rea challenge tous all. pv married life t a popular Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman, groom. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cam' Hamnpton, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Mrs. eron and Ruth Ann were Gordon Shackleton. Haines, Mrs. McHolmn and Sunday supper guests of Mr. r n r.Rs aeadMs ekt eedne and Mrs. Murray Adams, M.adMs osLn ndMs ekt ee dne Bowmanville to celebrate family, Mrs. W. Werry, Shaws, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Ruth-Ann and Valerie Ad- Miss Ruby Lane, Town, with v~eY~ Osborne, Welcome, on ams Birthday. Raymond Cam- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards. Sunday, June 4th. During the eron spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley, afternooik a drive was enjoy- ' Gregory and Bradley Adams. Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. E. ed to the home of a recent Mr. nd Ms. . VaeykFoley, Mrs. Bert CoIwelI and bride, Miss Marion Osborne, Irwin, Town, Rev. T. H. Fleet- now Mrs. Howard Moore. Af- were Sunday supper guests ham, Greenwood. Miss Norma ternoon tea wvas served ta the ofaukePyo Mr. and .M shl Avery with Mr. and Mr.g ue s ts. Unfortunately Mr;ý Falke, onyoo, r adGerald Shackleton. Moore wvas on duty at Mill- IMrs. J. Vaneyk were Sunday brook Gaol. dinner guest of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster th .Vaneyk's. and Darela, Miss Jeanette Miss Mary Bevan, only dau.- th l ne W ooly pn Tozer, Newtonville, Mr. and gbter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo ith eenD ianne Woodlyapnd rsK. Butterv and Wayne Bevan, Welcome, was one of theo weeendwhy Mro n witý Mr and Mrs. Sam But- a nurnber of candidates to bè Treor urpy.tery and Mrs. J. Lancaster. confirmed by The Right Rev- Mr. and Mss. Robt. Jack- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell erend G. B. Snell, D.D. Bis- son and family, Gait and Mr. and family, Town, Mss. How- hop, Co-adjutor of Toronto, and Mss. Robt. Wallace and ard Cryderman, Carlos, jirn at St. John's Cliurch (Anglià. family, Oshawa, wese Sun- and Ken, Miss Janet Baker. can) on Sunday, June 4th. day visitors of Mr. and MSs. Maple Grove, with Mr. and Unexpected pleasure, min- A. J. McLaggan. Mrs. E. Twist. gled with tears, happened to' Ken Preston, Stirling Me- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Csaig us a few days ago. The daý, Gi and Lloyd Armstrong and family Oshawa, with Mr. wvas perfect for cleaningý were Saturday evening visit- and Mss. Doug Reynolds. StOve pipes, washing ccilîngs ors o! Mr. and Mrs. N. Davis. MS. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman and a general turnîng out o Muriel, Bobby and Kenny and famnily, Bsooklin, with Mr. the sitting-room. Incidentally, Wright, Bethany, spent the and Mrs. Bob Craig. the garden wvas bcing ploughý weekend with their aunt and Mr. L. Squair and Mr. Bob ed at the same time, when à uncle, the Davis'. Davies with Mr. and Mss. W. dear friend came unexpected The community extends Craig. ýfor lunch; she visits us abou!t their decpest sympathy to the Mr. and MSs. Wilbur Black-, once a year. 0f course lunch Davcy family in their recent hurn and family. Mss. K.' was a pot Iuck affair, but wà sad bereavement. Cowling, Havdan, Miss Gerda mlranated: cups of hot tea ___________ Craig with Mr. and Mrs. F.,;smoothed things oves and Blackburn. walking and talking around Mr. and Mrs. L. Savervrthe garden xvas enjoyed until S ALEM Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. L.irfriend hiusbar.d cilled for his Welsh. j wife. Work, meantime, was, Sincere sympathy of this 1Mvr. and Mrs. Don Parsons, progressing in the bouse. W&' comniunity is extended ta theIand family, Oqhawa, with Mr. took over from these and by.e family of Ms. Keith Davcy, and Mss. M. Marchant. bedtime things were nearly __________________ wynormai. My friend, fortunate- Tyrnewo asdaay ngt ly, is vcrv unders-tanding and sdameigh. BtirW.1quite enj oyed the muddlc o! MeamesF.BlS.brnand L '.L OR ISH iLan otbcrwise comfortablc, tidy Welsh atended the June Tea The decpcst and sincere home. of Tvxone W.M.S. at Mrs. A. sympathv of this community ,Mss. Wm. McHolm and Mis, Hoar's last Thussday. is extcndcd ta Mss. W. Tuif-1Beckett wcre dinner guests Of Congretulations to members ford and family in the passingj Mrs. E. Wilson and s o ri of our Young People's Union of a loving busband and fa- I Mack"I on Sunday evening. who won the Oshawa Psesby- ther after a short illncss. The' Sunday School was held a tery basebali totirnament hcld late Mr. Tuffýord was a higbly usual with an average attend'. last Saturday at Oshawa. respected farmer of Wesley- ance. Mr. George Hasness Ms. and Mrs. Willard Lock- ville, he had a cheerful and conducted. One birthday wa!r hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y., wese contented outlook on life, and bonourcd, Mrs. Harold (:S- Tuesday visitors with bier ma- will be sadly misscd by a' borne. Diane McConnell ac- ther Mrs. J. Lancaster and Mr. large circle of relatives and comlpanied the hymns on thé, and Mss. Sam Buttery. friends. It is with sossow we piano. Congratulations to members record bis passing. The corumittee of the se- wishes to Mrs. Lancaster who Many members of Mossish freshment booth at Cobourg celebrated bher 82nd bi.rthday Church were prescrit at both Sales Basn report a very suc- last Wedncsday. Mr. and Mss. morning and evening services cessful evening on Wednes, M. Jones and Mrs. W. Jones, beid at Weicome U n it ed day, May 3lst. There was a Newtonvil.le, were also recent Cburcb on thec occasion of the large numbes of fasmers pre- visitors with Mrs. Lancaster. Spsing-time Anniversary on' sent, so coffee, pie and sando, Church Service at 10 a.m. Sunday, June 4th. wichcs found a ready sale. and Sunday School at il arn. On Sunday, July 2nd, the ncxt Sunday. Welcome Charge will extend FINE QUALITY We were favourcd w i t h a wclcasne ta the Rcv. R. M. MONUMENTS AND c beautiful wcathes and good Freeman, M.A., Ph.D., appoint- MARKERS -attendance for aur Sunday cd minister of this charge a t ~ School Anniversasy services the Bay of Quinte Confesence 44n te< ~* fA 8 ft son Sunday. The choir psovided Tbe Rcv. gentleman is mas- aKULoIpn»nem -special music for both ses- ried and bas two bidren. OF STFFORD svices. The yaun'ger children Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Mss. 1). ROS. provided a selection in the Haines and Mrs. W. McHolm '1Ui aftcrnocn. Miss Gerda Craig wcrc gucsts at thec marsiage ý. was soioist at bath services. of Miss Joyce Joncs and Mr. FMIY db The selections by tbe choir Francis Cowan, bath of Orono, MO UETS*d and the solos wesc greatly ap- on Saturday, June 3rd, in pscciated by ail present. Our Orano United Church. Mss. M. Safr rs t. g ucs t speaker, Rev. T. H. J. Osborne is grandmathes ofSaor osLi# sFleetbamn of Greenwood, gave thec groom and Mrs. McHolmn us two excellent sermons. He an aunt. A few days prior to Monuments eleft us with the thougbt in the wedding a visit was made the aftesnoon tbat we mustito the borne af thc bride, Mr. Box 133 not take Jesus for gsanted but land Mrs. Cecil Joncs wherc 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 1kcep Hira clase at ail timres.1the wedding gifts were an Phone Whitby -Hîs sermon "Rural Steward- [dispi.ay. We join with many MOhawk 8-3552 ship" in the evcning was a in wishes for a long nd bap m