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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1961, p. 14

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!~!PURTW1 Big ivePlans TFo Include belt Brackets qCanada's automobile ninanu-i e aturers have ail announcedi at 1962 models wil be! ruipped with brackets to fa- 0ilitate the installation of safe-. iv seat belts. The Canadian eighway Safety Council ex-1 1fressed ifs elation at word om the Canadian Automobile hamber of Commerce that ord, Chrysier, General Mo- trs, Studébaker.Packard and ~.erica.n Motors have plan- Drsed ta equip &Il new models ~ith beit brackets. W"Thus we have the whole, anadian automobile industry fining up to make it easier for he driver and passenger ta afeguerd himself against seri- !us injury," said W. Ai-ch. ~ryce, the Council'à executive irector. "That seat beits reduce seri-; usness of accident injury has 1eady been proved. What i-e- [ams is that ail vehicle occu- ~ants use these beits,"I Mr. ~ryce said. "An i n d ustry standard for seat-beit fasten- ing has been reached. Now it's I p to the occupant of the car. ;nstallation of seat beits is flot the answer. They can be of % o benefit unless they are ýsed." I Canadian and United States safety authorities dlaim the Is5e of seat beits can reduce Sraffic fataflties by at least la-£,i ----.IN Bri tish Motor , J5UWMArYÂL1NV .IL, O .NT.LARIO. Car Club in Action This Weekend at Mosport .Tq J~ I LI, .AWW j:' On Saturday, starting at il a.m., members cf the and thrilling introduction ta sparts car racing for information concerning additional facihities plannedf it put on quite a show for the gathering. Right ht British Mater Car Club will stage the first large scale people who have neyer attended such events. On and in the early evening had dinner at the Flyingl shows Don McDowall at the wheel, and DickByt sparts car racing exhibition at Mosport Park. It will, Monday, newspaper, television and radia newsmen Dutchman Motor Hotel. The photo at lef t shows Frank! fEsg oos ootgtigterM ed in effect, be a preview or rehearsal for the major were guests at Mosport cf the Imperial Tobacco o MonMoos oono etngterM international event, the "Player's 200" on June 24th. Company. Nearly 30 attended from news media cov- Munt, 33 Downing St., Toronto, having bis modifiedý for a quick turn around the challenging track.M] Outstanding drivers from this country will take over ering a wide area in the province. They were taken Austin Healey refueled. This car was the top Canadian ý the track for what they guarantee will be an exciting on rides around the new track, provided with detailed car in its class last year. Under Mr-. Mount's guidance,1 Byatt is one cf the Mosport directors. The Orono News I Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mi-. and Mrs. C. Packman, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. his. J. J. Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Mai-shall Chatter t on were Sunday dinner guests af Mrs. Douglas Cole, Bow- manvilie. Mrs. John E. Armstrong left Maiton by 'plane on Tues- day to visit her son Mr. Gea. Armstrong, Mrs. Armstrong and family, Timmins. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Francis John Cowan, the former Joyce Elsie Jones on their mariage Saturday, June 3rd, at Orono United Church. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated at the double ring cei-emony. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Rowe, Ottawa, visited bis bro- ther Mr. Harry Rowe and Mrs. Rowe for a few days last week and Miss Elsie Rowe Newcastle, was a dinner guest. Mi-. and Ms. Fred Parish and daughter Heather, Oshawa visited Mrs. Charles Wood an Sunday. Mrs. Fred Brimacombe Is now at Orono Rest Home af- ter several weeks in Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Cryder- mnan, Bowmanville; Mr. and iýs. Russell Van Horne, Whit- by, visited Mrs. F. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rans- berry, Dorval, Quebec, spentj the weekend with Mr-. C. V. Orono Dist. Credit U nion Held Meeting Ihe regular monthly mneet-I in.g af the directorate of the Orono District Credit Union was held on May 23rd in thet Co-op Building, Orono. 1 Two field representatives oft the Ontario Credit Union Lea- gue were present to explain the setting up of a collection agency in Orono. It was alsoj dccided to purchase an add- 1 ing machine. _ _ _ YOUR $$$ BUY MORE Draw Every Week THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE 0F YOUR ORDER FROM $5.00 TO $100.0 IN GROCERIES TO THE WINNER Last Weel's Winner: G. STRAWBRIDGE, R.R. 1, Bowmanville Amount - $19.01 4One li-oz. LEAN Boule cf Heinz Pork K E T C H U F Shouldor Lb.37Ç with each $UAflIIGROCERY EVERSWEET TAUVORDER9 BACON lb. 65c ONE PKG.% 5-Lb. <P FANCY <P BAG 0F TGNATOES CHARCOAL with each with each $2300 RODUC $530 MEA UgUWPURCHASE PRHS McrQUINN'fS 0 MARKET "WHEEE QUALITY COUNTS" MA 3-2431 55 King St. E. FME DELIEY en Orders Over $5.00 Wilson and Hlsited hai' uister Mrs. Wilson and his father, Mr. James Ransberry, both patients in Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. tMr-. Clareonce Reid, Port iCredit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. Mr-. and Mns. R. P. Baxter, Hamilton, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mis. Wm. E. Armstrong. Mrs. Milton Robinson et Kendal passed away on Tues- day, June 6th at The Lodge Rest Home, Newcastle, aftcr a lengthy iliness. Mr. Ross Taylor and son, Daie, Ottawa, spent the week- end with bis parents Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. Wmn. Uglow. Mis. Mc- Holm, Newtonville, w er e weekend guests cf Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and famihy. ]Rev. and Mrs. Basil E. Long attended the Bay of Quinte Conference last week. Mr. Perc Morgan is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvihie. Rev. J. H. Stainton, Cour- tice, was à luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riddell on Sunday. Funeral service vas held on Saturday for the late Mr. A. A. Pollard, who was killed in a car accident near Dean's Corners. Iriterment Orono Cemetery. .Mr. and Mrs. Ton Hardy and famnily visited Mi-. and Mrs. Reg Skehton and famîly, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr-. Leslie McGee and Mr. Jack Gibson were patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville last week. Miss Mai-ion! McKelvey, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Wannan and Mr. John McKelvey spent the weekend in Ottawa. Mr. Gea. Moi-ton attended the Synod in Toi-onto last week. Mi-. and Mrs. R. E. Logan are an a matai-ttip ta Saint John, New Brunswick, ta visit her sister Mrs. Alex Eliiot. Mi-. Bill Tomlinson attend- ed the Kemptvilhc Agriculture Colege, Alumni Reunion oný Satui-day at Kemptvilie. Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A.. B.D., of the Courtice Charge. ,vas the guest minister at the morning service at Orono Uni- ted Church on Sunday and Rev. Basil E. Long was on the Courtice charge for th, two services. LONG SAULT Mr-. and Mrs. Sam Powell and daughter. Newcastle, were Sunday afternoon callers of; 'Mrs. May Johns. Mi-. and Mrs. Eari Duvall, Leskai-d, with Mi-. and Mi-s. 'Orme Miller. 1Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter and family, Keswick, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Sowden. iMi-. Stanley Fletcher, Toi-- onto, spent the weekcnd with bis parents Mi-. and Mrs. G. IFletcher. IMi-. and Mrs. Johnston Kidd, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Kidd and Melodie Ann, Goodwood; Mi-. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardy and Mrs. E. Prescott, Tyrone; Mi-. and Mns. Fred O. Smith and Miss Gloria Smith, Mr. Andy Lunn. Bowmanvile with Mi-. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and family, Tor-onto, were Saturday visitai-s and Mr. and jMrs. Wm. Char-k and famihy 1were Sunday visitons of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harper. Club 50 ladies ai-e busy practicing their play ta be pi-e- sented in the nean future. It was with deep regret when the community leanned that Mr. Keith Davey had passed away late Sunday night. The sympathy of the whohe cammunity is extended ta bis wife and iamily, mother, father, sisters and brother.. NOW UNDER ONE ROOF . ... the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is a joini ng together of two long-established banks, The Canadian Bank of Commerce and the Imperial Bank of Canada. The letters C.1. stand for a great number of new banking advantages. They stand for the Courtesy and Jndustry of 15,500 men and women who have united their talents to serve you better. They stand for Capital and Initiative to help Canadians develop Canada's vast potential. They stand avigorous and progressi*ve'4' Visit the Canadian Imperial IBank of Commerce soon. Present or future customerscan be assured of the finest banking service, utmost courtesy and assistance. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE p. "FOR QTJALITY CARS" - 11119 MoQUEEN MOTOR SALES 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE (Jmmedlately West ef Brewers' Retail Store) MA 3-3356 1960 Pontiac 4-Dr. Locally owned, low mileage, two-tone paint, automatie, custom radie many other extras. A-1 condition. 1959 sel Air Chsv. 4-Dr. Hardiop One owner, Iow dileage. Exceptionally good con- dition. Two-tone grecen and white. 1956 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardfop V-8, automatie, custom radio, two tone paint. Locally owned. In exeeptional condition. Many other mnakes and models, 1951 Up. Ail are reasonably priced. Contact : EARL MeQUEEN or WELDON BROWN Sales for (Janadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, force in Canadian banking. IM CANàDIAN STATFS?,ýiAe. T-tnwv,&mm.T.r e%"Aure% Innmv.qnAlr- ITMP vfh- mi

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