Home Town Friends Honor New Hydro Chairman ~l1Ub1an tafr ma Durham County's Great Family Journal J3UWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7th, 1961 10e Per Copv NUMBER 23.1 Kinsmen Welcome International. Guests At their regular meeting Tuesday evening, Bow- znanville's Kinsmen Club had three international guests and their wives from Germany. The goodwill trip to several Canadian Kin clubs was launched back in 1958 when Kinsmen National President Tom Good of Kingston attended an international convention in Hamburg, Germany. He met Horst Elfe who was national president of their European counterparts, the Round Tables, with 35,000 members in 23 countries, and suggested he should visit Canada sometime. Mr. Elfe replied that he knew Canada quite well, having spent some time here during World War II as a prisoner of war at Bowmanville. The visit this weel< was the outcome of this conversation. Mr. Elfe persuaded two of his friends, Heiner Retzman and Peter Prien and their wives ta accompany him and his wife. This photo shows them arriving at Bow- manville Kinsmen Club and being greeted by members of the local international committee. From left to right, Lionel Parker, Heiner Retzman, Horst Elfe, Peter Prien and Irvine "Jake" Brown. Six Vis itors from Germany Visit Kinsmen Mee ting A dinner meeting orable interest was tbe Bowmanville Club and their wives day evening at the Dutchman Motor Tinti rnembers of the Roun of Germany and the were honored guests club. Mre three Round a,4r their wives cami co7 try as guests of I meZ Clubs of Caadz Graduai of mem-i ther relations between the twoî Bowmanville. This morning held by great organizations, whicb are M r. Parker took Mr. Elfe for Kinsmen aff iliated tbrough the World a tour of the Training School, on Tues-! Council of Young Men's Ser- site of the Frisoner of War Flying vice Clubs. Camp. tel, Threc Those at the head table.: Councillor Ken Nicks on id Tables were President Don Stutt, and behaîf of Bowmanville Towni ir wives bis wife, GlIdys, Walter Bril- Council welcomed the three t sof the lionl, Brampton, ebairmian of (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN> the World Council, Horst- _____ 1Tablers Elfe. past national presidentý ie to this of the Round Tables of Ger- 1<I~f the Kins- rnany, his wife Gertroud,!ap Luke [a to fur- Peter Prien. Germany, treas-.' urer of tbe Wor]d Councl,!KaCe5 iirst his wife Hannalore, Heiner' Reiftzman, past chairman ofInP ge n R c puty-District Governor Lyle! The Bowmanville Racing McKnight, Minden, bis wife Pigeon Club flew their fourth Linda, Tom Good, Kingston, race of the season from Bur- past national president of th e wasb. Ont., 195 miles, air Kinsmen Clubs of Canada, i line, on Sat., June 3rd. bis wife Penny, Dave Dunn, 1 Ralph Luke was the win. Governor of Kinsmen District ý ner in this one clc sely follow- 8, and Bob Casey, national cd by the other members. 1 vice-president. lst Ralph Luke, 2nd Piper; Past president Lionel Par- and Woolacott, 3rd C. Lemon, I ker presented a Bowmanville 4th F. Bottrcll, 5th Bruce SKinsmen Crest to Horst Elfe, Stainton, 6th L. Richards, 7th who during World War II was Jack Brown. 8th Bill Wbite, a U Boat commander and after 9th R. Fredricks, 10th Mavin be xvas captured spent some1 Bros. G. Bottreil and G. White time as a prisoner of war in no report. 1Kinsmen Draw Wo n By Elgin Lady The Kinsmen Carnival held ail last week on King Street East was enjoyed ly a number of people front the town and district. But colt! weather and! a heavY ramn on Frlday evenlng eut the attendance. A complete tally of the Kinsmen Club's percentage of the returns from the event and the ex- penses have not been cern- pleted. Proceeds raised bY the club wilI be announceed next week. Clarke Wilson was the Xinsmen Carnîval chairman. The Kinsmen's big draw for $1,00 wag won b3r Mins 1Agnes Calger, Elgin, Ont. (forth et Kingston). The club made a profit cf $1,500 frein thls draw, Don MeGre- ger, thé draw ehairman statet!. The winners cf the Bow- manville Klnette's draw were Norman Brooklng. 63 Church Street. garden table and umbrella and two chairs; Mrs. R. Wright, SouthwaY Drive, the chaise longue. Mrs. Fred Kranip was con- venor cf the Kinette's Draw. Appoint New Councillor ~ To Several Commit tees Miss Nancy Aun Foter At the meeting o! Bow- welcome her as a member. manville Town Council held -Mayor Carruthers told Mrs beeve er Bachelor c kber heocpesaui Science iti Nursing degree with in the Council Chamber on; Oethtse cui Saun-Ne.w I embe honors at the Monday after- Monday evening, His Worship, que position as the first ladyi noon Conv cato f the Uni-i Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers member of Bowmanville Town! noon Convocation' d Cnillor A Council. He cxtended the bestIndu td a versîty of Toronto. She lu the, cme ocnnie, Inihedcfconcl t hran daughtcr cf Mr. and Mrs. Har-, Oke, who succeeds form, serIsid oucltohra old E. Foster, Thornton Rd. N., Councillor Keith Lathangue. tat that be certainly bopes Oshawa, and granddaugbter of, His Worsbip stated that ai-, iKlyanis Club Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Foster, 2'though Counilor ,Oke had cl work. CocSsion StBwmanvillc. r een present at the Board u vtel-kil - J*An impressive indauction Miss Foster will join the staff. of Work meeting and given:committees were made. Thev ceremnony was conduce tTeAna ietr'Me-*OhrDrcosfrteva ofte Scarborough Public e lcmcatasecaeme- er ecsittd y the Uc dinner meig o th na of the Lake Ontario De- 1961-62 are as follows: Hcaltb Dcartment. ng of Council, this was thelsîgnation of Keith Lathangue Bowmanville Kiwainis Cluthelo nsocain was oeOe-,.J ea firt rgulr metng f Twn benhemovd t Alistn.held at the Flying Dutcbmanheld in Peterborough on Wed- Deputy-Reeve, North Mona- Council which sbe bas attend- Counicillor Ross Stevens was! Motor Hotel on Monday even-nsarv n1Ma 4h tga wp. .J îing. The president, Ted Hut- ývich time the election Of Reeve. Village of Havelock. G radluated cTheefore ito g ave him m Uai-Tia -AGE SVENadsIton fficite assisted b 2nd:!officers took place, the Pro- Zone Two -- D. R. Maybec. vicepreiden Ro Broksgra orWork for the year Campbellfoî-d: J. B. L o w e chairman of the Education, m'as agreed upon. and the Port Hope; R. StevenBow-ý D is ric R e ide tsFellowship, Laws and Regu- Budget sanville latýns ommitee Thenew Electecl as President to con- Zone Thîree - H. A. Cleave. memiber inducted xvas Doug tin.ue his second year iii off'ce Bloonmfield: W. A. Shannan, In od In Howii Te. mmtee chi ve!as Alderman J. A. Irela'nd Reeve, village of Marmora; Thecomitee chireno! Belleville. Vice-Presidents A. T. Wickett, Tburlow Twsp. M ot r ar A cc de ts were called on to outline the'!eîected were G. Coling of Dept. of Commerce and De- M oto Car A cci ents work of the committees. TheylBrighton, and M. DeGroat or velopment - J. E. Turnbull,. aiso told the new member of Lindsay. Alderman H. L. Gar- Toronto. Albert A. Pollard, Orono, sîde road near Maple Grove, the achievements of the local ner o! Peterborough was eet The Pmogram of Work was age 73, wvas instantly kîlled Miss Gaîl Hawes, age 19, a (TUftN TO PAGE SEVEN) i ed as Secretary-Tre a s u r e r.! (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN> in a car-truck collision on passenger in a car driven by ýWednesday evening, May 31st'Ronald Luke, age 19, Hamp-, on No. 115 Highway at the ton, receîved rrinor lacera- Artist's Sketch of New Curling Club Twin Oaks Motel. tions. The Luke car was dam-, The driver of the dump aged.x.ens.e.. truck xvas Richard K. Ingram, Leslie Szatmari, age 31. age 19, Ridgewood, Ont. Both Oshawa, was the driver of ** vebicles w e r e southbound. the other car involved in this For some reason tic Pollard collision. There was consid- car had stopped on the hign- erable damage to bis car. Con- way. The truck driver did not stable Murray Joynt, OFF, sec the stopped car in time, investigated. ' and altbough bie tried to swing On Tuesday afternoon ai ~s was impossible to avoid. Con- A. Carscadden, Orono, andou rudtaebce tSho Bsondb .J stable Peter Dcen Hoed. OPP, car driven by Bruce F. El- wvas tlic investigating officer. liot. age 1P, Newtonville, w ere Jams H FrguonTiv womeîî wcrc iniurcd invoiveC. in an accident. The ia tvo-car accident at 9:5à driv' * of the bus was J.T. eeceived bis B.A.Sc. degree in o'clack on Saturday evening Alidread, Newcastle. Engineering Physics from the on No 2 Highway oppositc, It happened at the intersec- Faculty of Engineering, Uni- the Tremcddan Motel. William'tion of Concession 3 and Road versity cf Toronto, at the Fox, age 36, Newtonville, was . No. 3, Darlington. No one was grdainexercises held ai the driver o! one :ar, and'injured in the accident. The ~* Convcaton all UnverityJames Curson, ake 60, New-'Elliott car wvas southbound of Toronto, on Tuesday, May, castle, was the driver of the' and lîad just left a dip in the ~ 3th. He is presently cm- other. road near the intersection. ployed at Pratt and Whitney Ter was extensive dm The scbool bus was eastbound -s AicatConmpany, Montreal. age to both cars. Marion Fox. and was cibn hr in Octob-2r. lie vl ave to age 4î. mwife of William Fox hilI to the intersection, [t begiin two years' study on a and Alice Curson, age 68, struuk the Elliott vehicle Fellowship with Associatcd wife of Janmes Cur-on. both Nviiclî u-as alniost across the ~..~ Electrical Industries. Rugby, sustaincd injuries. Thcy %were intersection. There wvas con-' .......... ........~ England. His parents are Dr. taken to Memoiial Hospital, sidesabie damage to the car The new combined clubhouse and curling rink planned for Southview and Mrs. H. Ferguson, Qucen, Bowmanvilc, for treatment. and minor damage to the bus 1of&CutyCunrho omnil ssonhrwe dr. Ini an accident on Saturday1 Constable J. W .Cartwright: jGol onr lb ot fBw avlei hw ee as it will look we j'e by Ashley & Crippen at 7:45 p.m. on the Preston1 OPP, invetigated. completed this fa, ready for the winter season.1 view Golf Club's clubhouse and curling rink which is showîî elsewhiere. They are two separate enter- prises. CREDIT CARDS --Cliief of Police Kitiiey who lias been wearing out shoe leatiier at a great rate lately wvhile patrolling the parking meters, says hie hiad one unusual request last week. One chap came up to hiîn and asked if lie could obtain a credit card for parking. Souiîds like quile a good idea if it could be worked. They seem to supply credit cards foi' eveîything else these days. WELCOME THEMN - If the census takers haven't called on you yet, don't worry, they'll be around to obtain ail tlhe pertinent information. Inci- deîîtally, these follks are just doing a job so please don't get alI excited and provide them with arguments. According to law you must answer the questions that are on their s heet and they arc sworn to secrecy. Incidentally, the information they are obtaining will be of tremendous use to the Bureau of Statistics in the years ahead. OLD TIMIERS RETURNING- Information bas been received that a large number of former teachers of Bowmanville High School will be present at the tea iin honor of retiring principal L. W. Dippeil on Saturday afternoon. In effect, it wil] become a grand reunion and reminds us cf a card one chap carried during Bowmanville's Cen- tennial. It read: "Sorrv I didn't recognize you, you've aged so much". the tea starts at 2:30. All present and former students and teachers will be welcome. f . j t t NEW TYPE PET - Barber Syd Martin must have been surprised when he arrived home for lunch one day this week. His son Donald found a baby groundhog on Elephant Hill north cf Concession St. and visitedà The Statesman office to display bis discovery. Don advised the staff that he plans to keep the woodchuck or groundhog as a pet. The animal certainly tvas a cute little bundle of fur, but we'll be înterested to learn how friendly it wifl b. when it grows up. Tnip to U.S. While no definite details have yet been released, lt i k undcrstood that arrange- nments are almost finallaci for the prlze-winninc Do*- manville Legion Pipe Band to attend ti'e Lions Inter- national Convention ln Al. lantic City, on June 21st. They won first prize of, $1,000 epense money at the' ee x iosconvention in, IKingston. Receives B.A., Allan Porter son cf Mr. and Mns. Percy Porter graduated rccently from the University o! Toronto, rr- ceiving his M.A. degree lp Meteorolegy Physies. He will he stationcd at Halifax wltli the Departant ot Transe4 107 14 Pages 4E '-I - i Volume t ý * Clarke T Barn Burns Early Today There was a fire at 3 a.m. he saw the flames and re- today on the former Reid ported the location of the fire. homestead n e a r Crookedý Mr and Mrs. William Reid, Creek, north of Newtonville. rnwr oiidb h Constable L. R.James, C»iP, Orono, eehneort idbyt was making a cruiser patrol Oron otelephon. eidopeato' of the northern district when ýbeen born in the large stone' bouse on the Reid homestead 1 inherited the property from i ,ýbo cer eams his tather, Bert Reid. He sold' ithree years ago to Leslie G ranted Use ofiwas living there at the tîme ofthe fire. He d y Fed 0Fortunately the einc Hendr Fiel on te homestead escaped the, flames. Mr. and Mrs. Williami Dr. John Hendry. 252 King Reid at once drove out to the Street East, bas given permis-'property and discovered the sion to the Bowmanville Re- walls of the blazing barný creation Department to use were collapsing. The barn 1> ;his property, situated 300 feet was filled with hay. )south of King Street West o)f It was Iucky that the wea- Simpson Avenue, for a soccer, ther was calm without windMrW.RsStieQCan Mr.trkpoebthbeufusascn field. This was announced bylas th e barn wvas situated aM.W osSrkQCadMs tieps ytebatflsasee Councillor Glenholme Hughes i short distance south west o8f presented to them Tuesday evening at the testimonial dinner in their honor ae, this morning. I the metal roofed stone house. the Lions Community Centre, Don Stuti. is the chairman!l t was reported that the fia-- of the Bowmanville Recrea- mes and sparks seemed ta o 0>l A i ~ ~, I tinComtte adth thrstraiglht up and the lire did I T D1 f ET rl1 lI I r i rnerbers are Councillor Ross , fot even spread to a nearby220Attnd estimonEial 4E Stevens, Councîllor Glenholme'pîg sty. or the hen house. Hughes. Miss Dora Purdon, Two fire departments had the secretary, Paul Chanît, been notified of the burnîng Kilmer. Doug Rigg is the Re- scene as the flames had ad-T n . R ss S r k , Q C creation Director for Bow- vanced too far for thé barn to e avd.ForService to Lomm unity Recent Graduate Oneo Beryl Hughe% the Chamber of Commerce atthie important guests from Oneof owanvll's ostth LinsCommunity Cnr ohrtwsadcte.Ml distinguished citizens. W. Ron 1 Tuesday evening. More! ton J1. Elliott, chairman of the StrkeQ... harma o th tan 220 people had gathered PUC, was chairman of the Strio QC. Hr Cmmison to show Mr. Strike their es- event. Grace was said by Rev. received .high praise at the teem.W .Huine.mnsi banquet held in his honor b y His worship, Mayor Wilfrid: of Trinity United Church. the Town Council. the Pub-1 Carruthers, welcomed every- Heal Table Guests lic Utilities Commission, andione present, and particularlyl Atthe head table in adddi- Ition to the honored guest. Mr. I Strilce and Mrs. Strike, were I their son and daughter-in-law, ~I3ts nc1~ ~A cesMr. and Mrs. A. H. Strike, its an Mayor and Mrs. Carruthers,? ilMr. and Mrm. Elliott, Magis-ý IFIRST CASUALTY - During the Oakville- tate Glen Strike. Ottawa, bro"- ther of the guest of. honore, Trafalgar car club races for production sports cars Ho.RMcuey2n vice-. at Mosport Park last Saturday, 28-year-old Ken chairman Ontario Hydro anc4 ..t% .Simonds, a Toronto service station operator, was Ontario Minister of Energy seriusl injreddurng hs frsttria onthe Mr5. Macauley. Lieut,-Col. À seriusl injreddurng hs frsttria onthe A. Kennedy. ,Ontario 'Hydrd track. Hlis sports car rolled over several times ofl Comnîissioner. Owen Sound; one of the curves. He was taken to Memorial D. P. CHiff. Onîtario Hydro Hospital here and later, stili unconscious, wvas Commissioner. Dundas, Mn,ý removed to Toronto East General. No recent Cliff, Rev. and Mrs. W. Lý Housiander, Dr. J. S. Wilson$ý - report has been received on his condition which onl hairman of the O.M.E.A. Monday was described as poor. Other than for Etobîcoke. Mrs. Wilson, G the accident, the races provided excellent tests Shreve, manager Oshawa PUC, of rivrs'skils.Mrs. Shreve. Adam' Smith, t t t manager of the Central Re. y f ~ ~gion Ontario Hydro, Toronto, TWO WINNERS - Aithoughi the exact amount of !i . Baldwin, chairman of Osh-> Miss Beryl Tbickson money they will receive has not been determined, lawa PUC. Mrs. Baldwin, dauhtc ofMr.andMrs H Thcksn, lizbetvile, Bowmanville did have two winners in the Epsom George Walton, chair ma n obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Modern Historyl Derby wvhich man last week. They are Ted :E Dent, manager Orono Hy- (honor course) at the gr-aduation exercises of thei Bagneil and AI Lymer who have been notified dro. Mrs. Dent, Morley Van- University of Toronto held in Convocation Hall on-! they won conso lation aw ards. soe omsinrBw Thursday, June lst. Miss Thickson, a former graduate; t t Imanville PUC, Mrs. Vanstone, of Port Hope High School, plans to attend O.C.E. in S1LTORNK ln nthsas i'F. YorkJsBl, presidetAM... September. Thiesburger advises that hiis group, the Bowman- TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) _____ _____________________ ____ ville Curling Club, wil] hold a meeting lis week_______ LO A E ec s O fi e sto decide where thev will build hirnkwtn LO D E ec s ffier te ownliit. hecurling club they have in Pie B n lio , W rk n"ind is a curler-owned, non-profit organization ares ford wihthey state wil] definitely be in operation 'Pl n or- rogra mr this fa]!. This is not in he confused with the South- Prepa e f r