WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMAIqVTLLE, ONTARTO PAG FTVD On Thýursa evening the 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Bromnell, comuntywas fairly well re- Pcet kToronto, wcre Sunday visitors Droen îne .presented when a film on aur at Leonard Ball's. Ontario Hospitalization w as A Break!MranMs.Wfedraki BE T R D E S~~' Peterborough a texplain it,'bsbth M4rs.HarveyBalsan, Do-ras COTO -ARELMr. andi Mrs. H. Thickson plan. We'il break those major in- Mrs. Peter Element, Osh - 0POLISHED COTTON q attendeci the Conferring of surance bis inta casier ta handie awa, was a weekcnd guest at _____________________________U o! T.,' on Thursday, June 1, monthly paynients. Not anly be- Nlo ies 0 IN were their daughtcr Beryl ter for your budget, but you'îî Mr. a.nd Mrs. Tom Samson, >SPORTS CORDS $ . 9 56" WIDE - REG. $198 in Modemn History (bonour need, taa! Asic us about titis COQ- at Rus.e Prkrns is HEAVYWEIGHT cors). Thcy a1so attended vmiStHrford plan today. Isobel Robbins, Oshawa, were PAD -ClaigTO LA the reception. Beryl attendeci Sunday visitors at Hans Gels the garden party for gradu- egrs PLAINS $~~~M100 ates on Wednesday and also, br.ader's. R.C tion Clearing at $_______119. alang with ber sister, Mrs. Laurie andi Marla, Stephen - Moore, attendeci the receptian Poloz were at Beach Lake on Wednesday evening. Saturday. S AMPLE The Muidrews from Oshawa JAME aynd Mrs. Stanleyr Caver- S U R Sweekend. STUARTB a. M andi Mii. William Preston, S QU RESCongratulations arc extenci- [NSURANCE REAL ESTATEý Courtice, M&. and Mrs. Mor- and eci ta Ran andi Gary Settcring- ley Flintofi, Bowman v i 1e,_______________________________________ MA - 551ton, who resideci bere severalging St. F. Bowmanville! Mrs. Dclbert Flintoif andi A SSORTED years ago, on passing their Carol Harvey, Kedron, were _______________________________________ 28Kng.E . B *mav- - NTS Ron got honors in theJOffic eince RsdneSunday supper guests at Wes _____________________________________________ M O Athird year o! his course andiMA 3_568, MA 3-5493 C-mreron's. L À& - -- Gary obtpined bis B.A. and, Mrs. Harry Poloz a.nd Jef- will attend O.C.E. in the* Fa!].1 frey returned home on Sua. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVME, ONTARIO PAGE FM t ~~~~~~~~day from Oshawa General Alfred Ayre, Oshaw,wre asaMnaevng ito Hospital, Sunday suI>per guestsatBdatHryPl. &tB Patients Developing Mrs. James Brown, Camp- Ayre's. Ms rdCmrni SbeiMford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. BoydArea-ptnti OswaHpta M agistrates Courtwere Sunday visitors at Ray nlversary of Mr. aidMr. H eldRe snsBowmanvaclle Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ab- on Saturday evening.Iisea tRsel bin' D ru g R esist n g B acillichecked bypolice. seld in u didn't se te bott, Mr. and Mn.Russell Ted__Collis,_Ohvaomnil.n Tuesday, Jane Oth, 1961 sure that the turn can be made Cochrane and Earl, Burketon,, ndsRpo ta T eM etn avy had a, 3 part St er car until yu ~heard the Eainr Perey Davidson's. >1f niday Sdapatb t., E a in rMessrs. Ron Dickinson, Dave Says Report at TBolie. suMeeting Fa1es. lisloug23ndPasec. for Clinicians report that TB istant bacilli. This was re- and Mrs. K. E. Courtice, OTA Today he pleaded guilty and "The car was there to be aMcNc stle ndDe R ick- eal patients entering sanatoria vealed when the report af the representative. paid $23. enadIfdyogul svitr tFakPsc'. aregd" sow beginning viR.trs atd Frankeo Cm aenwbgnigta show case finding committee was Committee chairmen for te O a ht theacien hB axesidMag itedR r dM.R~dc signs4t harboring drug res- read by Mrs. Catharine Gaiger year are: Seal Sale, Wm. C. w"Youesaythathe accsidnt atra h o ce eron, Bowmanville, were Sun- to the annual meeting of the Keyes, Port Hope; Medical wa- uet hesn hnng William A. Thorpe, 22, of 20da suprgetatGntJ neÇ 3 /! Northumberland and Durham Advisory, Dr. Charlotte Hor- 1nyU ys a ayu Nurlang Blvd., Toronto, after Williams'.Mr.ChcTey TB Association held at the ner, MOH, Cobourg; Case yo cannot see, you shouldn't a Not Guilty plea on a charge M.adMs hc er move your car. You should ofMr. tainartieldi jChristian Education Centre of Finding, Mrs. C. Gaiger; Re- stop. There is a deflnitgh apr N-stainglelnwen tierl i aa.nd Laurie, Oshawa, were Trinity Church, Cabo u r g, habilitation and Social Ser- hiilnudrt e pro shngl a nke, whenfr the rorei Sunday visitors at Perey Da- I E Tuesday night a! iast week. vice, Hughi Coieman, Port Traffic Act. You cannot make ared otafortwio mr BULIGÀAs the resuit o! a study on Hope; Parcels, Mrs. G. L. lanes a! tra!fic.k The Explorers had their____________________________ SO NI~ ~ EW *100 cases admitted ta six Can- Wheler, Cobourg; Heaith Edu- a turnntlyufrtm e "You might very well Mother and Daughter banquet . adian sanatoria, o the 600, cation, Mrs. J. A. Reynolds, have been charged with Care o audy eenn ih- ~ twetyeigt ercen wrePort Hope; Publicity, Mrs. C. BA E LIEîss Driving, the penalty îlaot5 natnac.Jnc *~~- resistant t streptomycin, 1 M. Harrison, Port Hope. be $20 or 3 ScottLid HoeMly per cent to isonacîd and 6 In the report o! the Seal Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart- Patrick Mickey o! Hamîl- - Cook,Jae Fierecid 4 m ipercent ta PAS. When this Sale committee, read by Wm. ley, Rieky and Heather, Bar- ton was convicted at an cari- their E. pins. Janice Scott sî' .-. happens, it means that th-- C. Keyes o! Port Hope, sale re pn a recent weekend ier sltting for the theit o! the............ and Margaret Watson each i ~ patient is right back ta con- of Christmas Seals amountled with her parents Mr. and Old Age Pension Cheques of*... received a gift for perfect at- . I ~ ditions in 1943 although chan- ta S18,895. Twenty-vep-Ms.enthH kn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fee a!f. tendance at church Strnda y ces o being helped b sur- cent of!h population o 78, Sehoo xlrr o gery are much better. 042 wcre solicited by mail M. Mrrs ei rwnl ueon was remased out anic Sctt, ind and 2 pecento! te letersand faniniy spent the weekend Orcs. d.Mceyhsr Some 200 were present at andr2erendth oofa the ir otagtonM.nkLae. paid the $110 and his record Howes, Melody Cook, Ja......e. the dinner. whr.rtredw I.wich inciuded three coc Fisher, Judy Cameron, Ann Comite ebes The average contribution was Mrs. Earl Free and MS tions for theft, showed ta Marie Jeffrey and Joanne È CmiteMmes $2.23. Nancy Free, Raglan, were he hadn't been in trouble since Hardy graduated to C.G.I.T. Re-elected ta the maniage- Funds of $17,307 Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. 1951. He has joincd A.A. Creteaiain o Ann Marie Jeffrey gave a ......... ________________ment committee are: Mrs. Da- tadMs a atm.Curn xmntosfrthel piano accordion solo; Melody . ..................... vid Dick, Cobourg, presidentU In the financiai statementadM.SmBaam. Only anc impaircd driver Royal Conservatory ai Musie Cook a readin «Wt Lv . Dr T W Hwk, oburg: for the year ending March 31, Ms oa& Cyemn asbfr h or hs o! Toronto will be conductedý to Mother"; aey> IPUMBING-HEATING atpeiet .A oms total funds available amountJiKny ndCra ad as Edward Flurence Doris. in Bowmanville by Mr. Davidipiano solo. JnyFse DEALER Port Hope, lst vice-president; ta $17,307. This includes bal- Ms Jne Bar 9plddguly ndpaid Ouchterlony, (June 13-14). Mir. andMs o ru "oU NERFot otHpe n nei eneral account, $15, Salem Anlear eis$5.isicsewsupnd Supervisor o! Branches of~ Donnie and Randy, Bowman- vie-reidnt A E Rfue,862; balance in mass survey on Sund-ay and had supper cd for 3 months. The Royal Conservatayo ilwreSna iiosat ORONO 1782 Cobourg, honorary treasurer acut 149 n neetwt r n r.E ws P.C. Tracy Davis told the Music, David Ouchterlony was Ray Cameron's. $38. and family. court, Doris nearly hit him born in Guelph, Ontario. Be- Mirs. L. McKenna, Jamey v Expenditures amounted ta Mrs. Arthur Barnes accôni- on thc Baselîne Rd. and the fore assuming his present and David, Mrs. Leo Moffatt, AL $12,631. This included Ontario panied Miss Marion Dickey driver squealed the tires and duties, he heid music master Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George TB Association assessment, and Miss Jean Dickey, Osha- honked the horn at a car that. posts at Appleby College, Oak- Davidson and Patti, Whitby, -- - ----$1,170; support a! Canadian wa, ta Peterborough on Sat- was stapped for a stop sîgn ville; St. Andrew's College, were Sunday visitors at Pereyd! ~ ~ /C u a TB Association and Interna- urday and renewed friendshiP at Liberty St. Then Doris Sig- Aurora, and Upper Canada Davidison's. I tional commitments, $500; with Miss Jean Benning o! St. nalled a right turn at the College, Toronto. Mir. and Mrs. Percy David D IN E INcase fînding $798; mass sur: Catharines who was a bouse Wharf Road as hie was going A former student of Dr. son were Monday evening 6' y$1107; Th B elî ation SQ guest o! Mrs. A. C. Weîr. south, overran the Intersec- Healey Wilian, Mr. Ouchter- visitors at Elmer Down' A Â I11 ....R G R $1,30;rehbiltaton nd o- r.and Mrs. Sam Battams tion, reversed, then turned lonv bas also been organist- Oshawa.b ADI cial service, $1,803; saiary of were Sunday cvening supper lc!t down the Wharf Raad. choirmaster a! Holy Trinity Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe executive secretary, $3.600, of-get iM.adMi oiy ete re aatrnteand St. Andrew's Churches visitcd at Elmer Wilbur's, Nwmr hnee aainWm .Rgr fice help, $1,058; office cx- Battams and family, Leskard. police car. Doris said that he and currently accupies that H-arnpton, on Sunday. Nwmr h _________ penses, $1,446; cost o! annual had been drinking at the ho- position at Timothy Eaton Me- Mr.HveCosanMs.eamsyubstcoeingf-orfrs meeting, $362; travelling cx- # tel in Newcastle. mariai Church in Toronto. r.HveCosmnMs bc e yu penses, $106; grant ta Inter- BROlWN' Gerald Snow, 19, 241 Drew In addition ta his teaching choice for your w oe tkep t cuiu national Union, $50; leaving ~ A~Y1 St. Oshawa, paid $28 for con- and church duties, Mr. Ouch- slhine over teyswtiiuîayne fo Enjoy Deliclous a balance in the generai ac- suming liquor. He walked troyi ebro h ~W cd omr aeta orfn A AIo!$33 an inhe Mr. and Mrs. M. Komar into Wes. Martin's on Martin Ceronery's a bro! h oisig e mass survey accounit af $3,339. v1sited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Road and telephoned Whitby, aminers and Board of Studies, -giassware. Sece ttd H UM E-C. ..J.JELJM EALS Ifthe reak on inota Curson recenti:. !heam at 5:45 p.m. on May 31st. He a faniliar figure at music 30 rdmrs0 nlaLd at the o l ore mutn o The sy'xpathy o o r hsidlep as bist car hd qiftatar inthe raie o! adjudi- MA3 30 $18,896 from the 1960 seal mnunity isetne oMs .frhlpa i a a utctr Formerly, he conducted for saie, Seal Sale expenses ta- Atkinson and family in the on him. He was arrested by the Conservatary Junior Music tailed $3,947 and included sudden passing o! Mr. Atkin- Const. Tracy Davis. Club, and made weekly. ap- WITA suplie, 1,86;locl pin- sn.Nineteen year aid Rodger pearances an CBC televisionWA A ff ow a vileWtî ng, $111; and postage, $1,046; Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson Sr. Harness o! R.R. No. 3, Part programmes dealing wijt h SEVIC extra help, $894; and general met with an unfortunate ac- Hope, told the court that he music for chiidren. At presentSEVC SUNDAYS il A.M. TO 7 P.M. expense, $79; for a total o! cident on Saturday evening wasn't used ta the Wharf he writes the Toronto Tele- JW L Ai-cnitaedDnigrom$3,947 for a net of $14,949. when they were returning Road aftcr he was convicted gram Saturday newspaper iniour lovely i-odtoe Dnngr m After addition o! surplus and from Oshawa, when a car, o! Careless Driving. He was column, "Good Listening with 29 KING ST. E.MA -74 deductions for mass survey driven by Mr. W. Fox, Crooked driving too fast ta negotiate Mr. '0','# a preview o! music reserves, net amount avail- Creek, hit them head on. the turns sa!ely and paid $22. in Toronto, broadcasts daily Children's Portions Served able for budget was $16,287. Mirs. Curson was quite badly Thirteen meter violators over station CKFH and weekly -Examiner. injured suffering from a bro- paid $88. Twa penalties under over station CKEY. _____________ ken wrist, knce and facial thej Dog By-Law brought pen- OPEN 24 HOURS WE NEVER CLOSE lacerations, and a severe shak- alties o! $16. Twenty-seven fl 6T'PTT1DVing up. She is in Bowman- other charges under the High- À_______________________________________ BUDJ A RY.1 ville Hospital. Mir. Curson way Traffie Act nctted $281. ivitcheII' suffered a bad shaking up Four under the Liquar Con-S P O E M 3-37JESSE ARNOTT also but Is at bis home. trol Act $77.C rn s At 6:30 p.m. last Saturday,Co- - -H& FOR RESERVATIONS A schoi teacher in the Mr. Wellington Farrow re- Constable Tracy Davis watch- district for many years, Jesse cently underwent a minor OP- cd Bruce Pietro, 23, 413 Mar- o Wednesday, May 31, 1961. The ismuch impraved and bs water's edge alongside the Te ana meeting o!f' deceased wha was in his 84th again as usual. East Beach Dance Hall . To- MTchellsane s Home @an*d V SE S F Ryear, fell and bro ke his bip Mir. and Mrs. R. Simpson day be paid $23. Mchlssociorn s H ead SEE U FORtwo weeks ago. and fanxily visited with the .. .. ied athe .W.meeig. Te- - ~shpMr. Arnott was a son Su.nday. Mrkan, een the mrseW eig.pre- D m C v R An T IN G of the late John and Diana Mr-. andi Mrs. M. Downs, repormints maee r e andanua Arnott. He spent bis entire Garry and Stephen, Toronto, offireprs md yth au life in this community andi with Mr. and Mirs. W. Caiî on . fies vvA L A E Stau:ht school for about 37 the weked.Veth er as orn bitMr. years prior ta bis retirem ent M s e dVn M se a eltuf th r' l . A duamm tion AIin 1945. The chilciren at Max- MisWnyadMse sstupfrheGdaio W L P P R (nldn 70Pten elsadBradley's Schools Bradley Wilson entertaineci a Banquet ta be helci carly next in East Whitby Township as fwo hi on rad nFaîl. Reduced to Clear) well as those at North Os h- Sunday on the occasion o! The clections were held and aareceived the benefit o! their eighth birthday. the following officers were in- ~ Ik-~ FOR INTERIOR his counsel. Moe r. our. A aghbrbyd staîîeci by Mrs. G. E. Mass: r AIINIT AND EXTERIOR Mr. Arnott attended Zion mvc rmornihoho Presicent-Mrs. H. Aistein, United Church and devoted last week, going ta their new succeeciing Mrs. W. Nemis; SuerKm oe emGo bis esr time ta bis home Place nearer Mr Langiey s Vice-Presidents-Mrs. R. Cooke " Stperi rnToe * en olind mer garden. He was a for- xxork and Mrs. R. Souci; Treasurer- "SaDi*Noiemrmember o! the Masonic On Tbu r d ay, May 25tb, Mrs. M. Fauntain; Recording " Sprcd Satin * Spred Lustre Order. Brown's Busy Becs hcld their Secretary-Mrs. A. Peeling; " Resilicrete * Bondex Recently, until a few weeks meeting at the home o! Mrs . ., Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. * * Reui.foago, Mr. Arnott haci resided J. H-iilier. F. . .F Watson; Executive-Mrs. P. D yel*Transfer here with Mrs. Z Adams. Master Ricky Powell hadi~ Shmnyr, Mrs. H. Stewart, Mrs. G"tex rnfr * Masking Tape Predeceased by bis wife, bis tonsils removed at Bow- ~B. Hircock, Mrs. J. Howes, * Roller Coaters * Paint Brushes the former Florence Osborne manville Hospital on Friday. '_ jMrs. G. Jordan. " Scrapers * Putty Knivcs in December, 1948, hie is sur- Mr. and Mxi. R. Stephenson NAE RSDN "Is __ Refl---ctive4 viveci by a daughter, Mrs. spent the weekend at theirNAE PRSD T-Mr