Area Cerebral Palsy iGrtatheassstMade 'o Three", T "You innil sis- ndwl ance is appreciated it only be- adiî School and Clinic Aid gins to caver the cost of the cfFar B1 some dsCerebral Palsy School andb istrictF isB r o Cline. Te blanc is e-!legal ad Handicapped Childiren frayed by the monthly pay- ngtansTownshi ments of parents for thei<IJ ari o T w sh p Reeve1 Wonderful work is being ac-,the physio-therapist. A vol_'children, and by funds raised, Counc camplished for this district's, unteer occupational therapist,lby the Parents Council and' "You hz chidre wh ae hndiaped rs.L.M. albaih, shaadonations from individuals and At the meeting of Darling- saciatian Convention ta be able,w by cerebral palsy, or otherwise also teaches there one day a;agnzain.ton Township HonllHemdtn hed itn Wndso rein Au st. euy crippled, and the response of week.1 The Parents Council ha~s1 anhp al aptn1 Drigo WlaeAd(sue these mentally normal young-,' The Parents Counicil operates Vorked indefatigably ta raisel on Thursday afternoon and minîstrator, Miss Mary Nid- they w ites s har wamig. heth Osaw an Dstr~Cr.funds thraugh an annual ba- evening grants were made ta dery, was authorized to at- the coui sefrt onther bhf a s ng T ebre aaandoo Diinic aar hl ec Otba nthree Agricultural Fairs. These tend the Welfare Officers As- M sparked by a graup of parents it was formed at a meeting fiiOshawa, and by Sales of Home grants were as follows: $25 sociatian Convention ta b who started the Oshawa andMarcb, 1953, of persans ine-Baking, Penn y Fairs, Euchires ta Cartwright Fair, $25 ta held in Cornwall this month. Coowan district Cerebral Palsy School ested in belping youngsters1 at Memorial Park Clubhouse, Soutliern Ontario Fair, Osh- Authorization was given ta Everton andClnieseen eas ga. badicppd y creralpasyand two dances in the Bow- awa, and $100 ta Durham Cen- the Road Superintendent, Mr. appearei Favnd ays a w ee n eas ao by pvdng tbe ieuca - manvyille Legion Hall. tral Fair, Orono. Short, ta make repairs ta the Darlingl HalSîco Sret ouhtionai facilities. The initial The first money donated by iAil members of the caun- bridge on Concession Street ance p. Oshawa, cildren attend kind-Imeeting of the group w as beld others ta the Cerebral Palsy cl ee.ret aCte ee-near tFedG.S he ntariBos. T rainin at îen ergarten, also Grades 1, 2, 31îa the lst Baptist Church,,School and Clinic was raised ing except onilrFe .Sho o os h siae On a ,n 4 ad r hlpd hy-whîch was then situa ted op. at a film night organized by1 Smith, who is recuperating cast of the work is $ 1,000. Mr. Muir. si icaliy by the clinic. There are posite the Genosha Hotel, and!Mrs. Leola Thrasher, Bowman- from minoir injuries received Short was also gîven author- Crih 17 in-patient students at pres- bas since been tomn down. I ville, in November, 1953. It in an accident at bis farm, ity ta buy a heavy jack for ornishi ent and tbree out-patients. After its formation the Par-1 was beld in the Legion Hall. R.R. 1, Tyrone. Cauncil in- the Township Garage. txm Ove te eas mnyoterents Counicil met monthlyinFilms were presented by Mrs. structed the Township Clerk, Onx motini euyReettlc aniaed children havethe Rotary Hall, Centre St.,!Thrasher, James Stutt and Wralter Rundie, ta write a A. L. Blanchard, seconded by and ta benefittedbytertenncOsaaanstrdteOsa Fergus Marrell. letter expressing sympathy ta Councillor Cornisb, Road Ac- a l5 at the Oshawa and District wa and District Cerebral Palsy Mrs. Thrasher also started ta]M.Sit o i acdn. caunts amaunting ta $12,489.01 continu( Cerebral Palsy Sehool and School and Clinic there in Feb. take a documentary film of the The Road Superintendent, were passed for payment. Peter Clinic. Nine responded sa well ruary, 1954. Cerebral Palsy Sehool and R. M. Short, was autharized Councillor H. C. Muir, second- ville, as that they have been able ta At first the school and clinic Clinie at Simcoe Hall in Sep- by council ta build an ap- ed by Deputy-Reeve Blan- road or * ated ubic ehol t cn- asony el on dy wektember, 1954. She has con- proacb ta the propased Rab- chard, maved that General Lot 5, atnte irudie ho -ws l y arcbn1954, a ee . tinued this worthwhile projeet ert McLaughiin Memorial ta Accounts of $5,459, and two assertcc tiu Theista o tesbawa n b Marents1 Council, mbrsofat intervals since then. Al] be erected on the McLaughlin special accounts of $14,572.12 be a ma Distt ofCtrebrlOasyh ool dihePearoerspCoke ata Meet:Fletchler helped ber with the' Farm near Tyrone. be passed for payment. This used rc and Clinie is composed of Mrs. ing of the Home and Sehool. CeiQunrlwaapot- asaredThtosecafe.R W. Sterriker, Oshawa, tbp Association of Coronatian Pub- Dr. R. A. Gill, Oshawa, al ed a member of the Darling- accaunts were for payments counclil principal; Mrs. M. Gartsbore, lic Sehool, Oshawa. She told well known orthopedic special-! ton Township Planning Baard of a portion of Darlington's ter of h ~ecat1, hescod eahethe gathering of the plans andi ist, bas donated bis services: by the Township Municipal share of the construction casts therea Nan tle trs e . sAcond Osawaefr tt provide educationai free ta the clinic ta assist with'1 Council. Cauncillor Sidne of the addition to Memorial dema'ai and physical belp for these! expert advice on the needs Cornish was appointed a dele- Hospital, and ta the Darling- son mentally normal cbildren. for changes of braces and their gate ta the annual meeting of ton Public School Board. Peter Harold McNeill, a director proper fitting. He examines the Cammunity Planning As- Percy Werry, John Broome voorst, of Simcoe Hall, was at this the chiidren in regard ta braces sociation of Canada, Ontario and Mac Hamilton, the tawn- the Bu metn.He was s0 impress- at the clinic at least once a Divi sion, ta be beld in Tor- ship's tbree fence viewers, a-t ask Sk': ed by the worrk started for the month. onto on June 6th. peared before the council and grant fi children that be arrangedfo Invaluabie work is done for Reeve Garnet Rickard and discussed a case. They toid of the ncv IFRPRPR GTIG the Oshawa and District Cer- the children by the physia- Towniship Clerk Walter Run- one man claiming he had fixed discussil ebrai Paisy Seboal and Clinic therapist, Mrs. J. Almond. She Elle were appointed delegates a fence, but the owner of the this gra tbe held in Simcoe Hall. works in a specially equipped ta the Ontario Municipal As- adjoining praperty bas shown ed uînti' CALI.US AT ONCE It started there in Aprl, roogat the chonie and gives an it: ta be inadequate and that ReevE PLEA$DONTBELAZY! 1954, and for awhile w as beldavrg of five individuali Business Directorv bis cattle get out through it. board's treatments a day, about 100 a ___________ Reeve Riekard informed the the pr( twa days a week. Later it was month.I i ncreased ta three days eacb Visitors ta the Cerebral Paisy Acc o un ta nc y .~Ž <) week, and during this period Sebool and Clinie are surpris-___________ ___ T- the Bowmanville Rotary Club~ ed at the cheerful atmospherc RAY J. DILLING started ta provide transporta- that prevails. In the bright' Certifîed Public Accountant tion for cildren from this school rooms happy children 93 Church Street locality once a week. This' work with interest and concen- MArket 3-3861 ___ was cotinued by the local' _____lhoghsmehvet Rotary Club until Easter, 1957,trateion atnsugh some aeotaWM. J. H. COGGINS bhen the School Bars fmako e i penpyicl eforts n, Chartered Accountant Darlington, Bowmanville and 'and books. Ne onLibrar uligCiît F Clarke agreed to pay for the The principal of the school Co w Teperanceildisg transportation o!fppilsb looks after the junior school Cr King and eprn Ss taxi. and kindergarten. The little Phone MArket 3-3612 In the autumn of 1956 the patient pupils work in specially YALE, FRIEDLANDER SParents Council were success- constructed chairs at cleverly & COMPANY ELECTRIC LTD. i~ fui in obtaining assistance ta- designed tables. The supervised Accountants and Auditars CONTRACTINO REPAIRS« wards the academic teachers' play and work with blocks, Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy otl tFsalaries from the Ontario De- crayons, and same special 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 REFRJGERATION-ELECTRIC partment of Education, Toron- devices bave an additional Oshawa, Ontario MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE ta. Since that time the depart- therapeutie value for their B. L. Yale, C.A. TVRAI- PINES ment bas paid 80 per cent of hands. IF. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. T.V-RDI-AIPLANES the teachers' salaries. In Sep- The ciassroom of the other MNET - MONTEITH R R GERATOtR- e ' i tember, 1960, the Oshawa students is filied with alert ROTIEHL R Eo. 'Board o! Education started ta and hardworking youngsters. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa These eilidren take a great Chartered Accountants interest in their studies, and RA 5-3527 O H M R ,vosywloeand ap- BowmanvilleOR H MFR Speia Pice Secal ries preciate the opportunity given Caîl ZEnith 45750 30 ...Tblt _5e thern ta learn. Partners: Large z1ze Eno Sait __ 98e 30ASA.Tbes-59 Examples of the cbildren's Hon. J. W. Manteitb, F.C.A Vacuum Botties -___ 79e academic and other work 's A. B. Monteitb, B. Cam.,CA.W M y 5 1.3 iz Bfern 9e 1.43 Value displayed on the bulletin board G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A 79e size Vam ___ 64e Gillette Razor 1.00 and around the walls. The (Licensed Trustee) 98c Spry Nt 6e, 8o written wark is commendable, G. E. Tretbewey, C.A. 1.25 size Veto Creami9e SryNt 6c 8 neat and correctly done. Draw- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. ings, colored pictures,' eut- TAN-de Pepsodent outs, and band made paper C h iro p r a c Iic Pads F OR SUN N Bomb flowers show artistie talent._______ ________ Every marning in turn, twa or G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 980 ie ra 73c, 1.33 98e three mothers assist the teach- Chiropractor Niva Ceam - ________ ers. Anyone offering ta wark Offi ce: Nupercainal - - 1.15 with them as a volunteer wilii1 l gi tcr !Hre t Clerail Skol 60c, 1.00 Brs I be welcomed. Phone MA 3-5509 rem Bronztan - 75c, 85c, 1.50 Past The president of the Par- Office Hours: By Appointment 69e - 1.19 Coppertone 1.25, 1.50, 3.00 Speciai, 78e ents Council of the Oshawa and ___________ District Cerebral Palsy SehoolDen ai Skolex Cream 1.00 ~and Clinic is David Gray, New -______________ Acnomel Tangel ------- __ 85c Pepsodent castle. Mrs. Violet Rase, 129 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Cream Sir Tan ____ 3.00 Faste High Street, Bowmanville, is Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldgs. - NoxemaSutan01 60 Speli, 8e lst vice-president; Mrs. Ralph 40 King St. W. Bowmanville 2.00 Seil 8 Campbell, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Office Hours: corresponding secretary, and 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mrs. Jack Luke, R.R. 3, Osha- Ciosed Saturday and Sunday PreentSum erwa, the recording secretary. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Moih Damage Needs5 DR. E. W. SISSON De4~~, f~r~~ 5L.D.S.. D.D.S. Moth Killer, 1 lb. - 59e 6-12 Fly Repellent 69e RotarI~y ZoneII Office in his borne Math Proofer 1.39 6-12 Spray Bomb -1.39 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Noxzema Cream 73c, 1.10 Q ce s Ho Id Phone MA 3-5604 iiIç,Spay 1.0,i.6 0Office Hours: Lavx pay 109 .6 i & 1 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Larvex Bomb 1.98 Antiseptie Cream 69c, 98e A~~I' ee Closed Wednesday - Sunday Safe-Lex Bomb - 1.69 Bandaids _ 29c, 53c, 98o M ee ing H re DR. _C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. --- NIA 3-5589 FRI. and SAT. ai 7 and 8:25 à KIN BROTHIERS cân PLUS "Tom Thumb" (Color) Starring Russ Tamblyn MON. Io WED. ai 7:30 p.m. "Pay or Die" Ernest Borgnine, in story of Mafia's Power EXTRA "ighfing Pools" Short Comedy LasiTMine To-nil e ai 8 pa. "Buffer field 8" who also made the arrange-1 - -- disussongrop LAWRENCE C. MASO NB. ments for the Barscsteronolicita leaders. oary Pub, Slic The purpose of the dinner:King St. W. -Bawmanville' meeting w-as lo acquaint thcý Phones: Office MA 3-5688 officers and directors of the Reinc MA -53 various Rotary Clubs in Zone - -ne A -55 5 with their responsibiliti es MIS APHA I. HODGINS and duties for the camin Barrister, Solicitor 'year, Mr. Vice announced. Notary Public President R. P. Rickaby of Temperance St. - Bwmianville the local Ratar v Club vwel- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, comed the representatives cf B.A. LI.B. the other Zone 5 Rotary Clubs, Barrister, Solicitor ta Bowmanviile. Discuss i o n'Office, King St. E., Newcastle graups were conducted bv:ýDaily 9-5 Sat. & Wed. 9-1 Bret Bretteil, Mimic - NeCw W. KAY LYÏCETT, B.A. Toronto, a past District Gov- Barrister and Solicitor ernor, for the presidents and la the offices o! prcsid'rnts-elect; Past District R. R. Waddeil, Q.C. Governor Walter DoGeer for Main Street, Orono, Ontaro Vocational Service, Guy Hunt. --- a charter member and past1 M or a ge s president of the Leaside Ro-~ tary Club for Club Service;1 SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Rex Walters, a past presidenti Phone 1 r 16 of the Bow-mar.ville Rotary First Mortgage Funds Club for Co.mmunity Service; Residences - Farms Past President George Vice, Business Properties in the absence because of ili- ness o! District Governor A. Martgage Loans Turner, for International Ser- Prompt, courteous service vice. Charles Lancaster, prcsident- HAROLD C. PEDWELL elect of the Oshava Rotarvi Real Estate and Club, exprcssed the thanks of IMartgage Broker ahl to those who had arranged th e meeting and to all whoiNewcastle Phone 3856 conducted the discussion !croups. At the close of the Opo m iry ,meeting coffee and doughnuts______________ were provded by the Bow- KEITH A. BILLET[, OM. manville Rotary Club for a Optometrist fellowship heur. 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours- By appointment Pride sas t n~vn.Teliphone MArket 3-3252 but an humble nr'nd is the, Mon - Tues. - Thurs . -Fri soil out of which *:h2nls nit- 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. 1urallv grow. - Henry Wardl Tbursday eveningu. Beecher. i Wed. and Bat. -9-l Here's ho w you get your free $20 food certificat e od buy a -FREEZER EEZER to June 30 4 WHERE APPLIANCE DEALERS DISPLAY THIS SIGN Buy an electric home freezer now, May 15 ta June 30, at any appli- ance store displaying the "Super- market ln Your Home" insignia. This money-saving offer wiII apply ta an attractive range of chest- type or upright electric freezers, or dual-zone combination refrig- erator-freezers of 13 cubic feet capacity or larger. Check these four ways a home freezer can cut your food bis 1 You can buy in bulk when prices are Iow. 2 Yau can take full advantage of special food sales. 3 Yau can budget your food needs more efficiently. 4 Yau get a free $20.00 food certificate if you buy now. Co-operating manufacturers include the following : Beatty Brothers Belwood Appliance Ca. a Canadian General Electrié Coronadoa Dominion Appliance Ca. " Frigidaire* General Steel Wares e Gibson a Gilson " Kelvinatar* Philco * R.C.A. * Roy e United Co-ops " Westinghouse. Attention Hydro Rural Customners: See your local Ontario Hydra Area Office regarding information on this special offer. CGRNISH'S MARKET ****--Oron4 Am mi£ Aimai THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. PAGE SIX ONTRIOWEDNESDAY, JIME 7th,I 1 viewers that the Act 1now say that next yal ron spent the weekend of MaÇ states what they can do. council will give a speciall elonStio 8hwt D.HL.adMs hiave good judgment1grant. He advised that they I 28th oft WyDr.nH. L. aMrso, luse discretion. If there poe wt h uldn fýNlsFoeneFi fTr,ýhere Mr. Herron preached easpect of which you the school and if there is any onto spent a recent weekend tîhe 95th anniversary services tsure, we could obtain difficulty to then approach i with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. For- in St. Andrcw's Presbyterian Ivice. The council will council. der anld other friends.1 Church. tyour opinion," the Jack Cook approached the Kevin Herron had his ton- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rod- pointed out. Township Council regarding sils out in Port Perry Com-' man of Littie Britain were iillor Cornish said: the Township gravel pit. Hc munity Hospital last week. Sunday guests of her Darents ive a job and are cap- owns the adjoining property Friends trust Mrs. J oh n Mr. and Mrs. Cci Wilson. ve wvi1l let you do it.*" and wants to purchase the Watson is soon able ta leavei Messrs. Elrncr and Marvin *Reeve Blanchard also township pit. He was inform-i Port Perry Hospital where she Nesbitt were recent visitors the fence viewers that ed th&t the council will studylhas been for some time. with Mr. and Nlrs. Jas. Har- iould be backed up by this matter. Mrs. John MeCalden bas ris, Lindsay. ni.Mrs. Bert Budai Jr., sec- moved to her Scugog, Point M1Nrs. Wilev M%,cKeown, Mr. .cLalino.h rn retaryof the Darlington Rate- cottage after spending several Uand Mr. JackàAne Insauralncoe any payers' Association made in- weeks with Miss Rose Mount-;and Rlobert, cf Mono Road Isrne Aecquiries regarding a list of joy.wreuidvvstr ihMr n Wt, comanieb questions that she had sub- Rager a-nd Kevin Herronand Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. *d hirthe, o nile mitted to council at a previous spent last weekend with Mr.! Mrs. Mildred Colley and eforetecucl meeting. She xvas informed and Mrs. R. L. Ming, Paul and girls and Phil Langfeld were Toliie ps isuse that council has not yet made Robin, at Burlington. wveekend visitors with their th. ~a decision on these matters. Rev. Ernest and Mrs. Her- mother Mrs.T..Lnfld amotion by Councillor seconded by Councillor hthe council decided rease the caverage on )ney by $3,000 giving a- overage on it of $5,000, add spray equipment 00. Ail coverage ta be lous. r Feddema, Bowman- iked council to have a )pened at the back of Concession Eight. He * BRANDED BEEF SALE Id that it would only !,BAEBN E OE itter of opening the un- BLD IE E OE )ad allowance for 300, 1eve Rickard said that 1will look into the mat- hadinill giver. Faed andvig uver.plaed- l in answer ta bis request Gatchell and J. Hoge-lb 1appeared on behaîf of Rc s b urketon School Board :council for a special 'or the construction ofDI ýw Pulie choo. Afer S ORT IB R ASTlb.45 on it was shown that -nt would not be need- 7e ncxtyar. told the B O ELESS POT ROAST lb. 49c ;representatives that reet onclcantLIEAN MUNCFD CHUCIC lb. 49c