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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1961, p. 8

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j-mie li--Orono at Bowmanville Port Hope et Newcastle 21-Oshawa et Orono 22-BowTnanville et Oshawa 23-Newcastle et Port Hope 2U-Port Hope at Bowmanvile Orono at Newcastle 28-Bowmianville at Orono 20--Newcastle at Oshawa 30--Oshawa at Port Hope JUlY 3-Osbawa et Newcastle Pont Hope at Bowmanville 5--Newcastle et Orono 6-Orono at Oshawa 7-Bowman ville at Pont Hop 10-Newcastle et Bowmanv le 12-Port Hope at Orono Bowmanville et Newcastle 13-Pont Hope et Oshawa 14-Orono et Port Hope 17-Orono at Bowmanville Port Hope at Newcastle 19-Oshawa et Orono 20-Bowmanvi]le at Oshawa SOMWAN VILLE MAPLE GROVE AND ORONO .BOY Scouts PLEASE SAVE TOUR Waste Paper. l'OR T BOY SCOUTS PlEXT COLLECTION DATE SATURDAY JUNE 17 8:30 a.m. 21-Newcastle at Port Hope August 7-Orono et Newcastle Oshawa at Bowmanvîlle 9-Bownianville at Oronia Oshawa et Newcastle l0--Newcastie at Oshawa 1 l-Osbawa et Port Hope 14-Oshawa at Bowmanville 16--Newcastle at Orono 1 7-Onono at Oshawa 18-Bownianville at Port Hope 21-Newcastle at Bowmanville 23-Port Hope et Qi-ona Bowmanvllle at Newcastle 24-Port Hope at Oshawa 25-Orono et Port Hope Play off dates will be issued later. Team Managers Orono: NMrs. Barlow, Orono, phone 2182. Port Hope: Mns. R. Cappler, 45 Croft St., Port Hope, TUà- 4113. Newcastle: Mn. N. Kelsey, Neweasftle, 3461. Oshawa: Mn. B. Boddy, 71 Oshawa Bdvd., Oshawa, RA5- 0276. Bowmnenville: ?&. H. Ormis- ton, 23 Prince St., Bowman- ville, ML3-5047. Pres.-B r uce Colwell, 43 Honsey St., Bewnianville, Box 1318; MA3-3150. V. Pres.-Roy Ceppler, 45 Cnoft St., Port Hope; TU5- 4113. Sec't.-Trea.-Mrs. R. Cap- pler, 45 Croft St., Port Hope; TU5.41 13. Ladies Swamp Port Hope 19-3 Peerson's Smoke Shop broke Up a close 2-1 bail game witb hait e dozen fourth inning tellies, to go on toae 19-3 win over the visitons et the Central School, lest Wednesday nigbt. Bowmenville added four in the next inningeand wrapped if up witb seven in the sixth. The visitons opened tbe scor- ing in the top cf the finst with Fenton's triple driving in e run. She wes ouf et the plate et- tempting ta stretcb if into a home rua. Merg. Pickand went five innings ta gain the victany, with Bannie Mutton pitcbing the sixth and seventb. Bannie -e 15-yeen.old graduate from Bruce Colwell's junior club, hes played well in the lest two gemes. Delores Devey, continuing ta hit the bell bard, smasbed a homer, triple and single, while ItcUlii iNi111115U11 triL1ute borner, double and two sin ta pace the atteck. Barl Brown connected for tf singles k *ZIPPERED DUTCH DOOR! *COLLAPSIBLE STEEL POLES "DON'T BE IN THE DARK" COLEMAN LANTERIS 12-88 e Reg. $16.95 Lights Instantly. Burns in any weather. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED! Wq Toi RECI *Nylon S floor *1 tent duck * Individu lst QU Reg.q MAIL 0 ACCE] a-O ---a------JDVVI'PUV I-]l, V ED ESAY lNE7t, IU Tennis Pro Coming Here on June 12th Free tennis lessons will be available to ail juniors and juveniles in Bowmanvillc on June 12 when George Mansfield, the Canadian Lawn Tennis Association touring pro gives a senies of clinics here. Mansfield is giving free instruction to junior players across across Canada for the sixth consecutive year. His tour is jointly supported by Pepsi-Cola Company of Canada, Limited and the C.L.T.A. as part of the Canadian Junior Sports Development Program. Mens Town League Softball Snuffy's Take on Top Spot Sales Lose 41h Straight eda Snuffy's Auto Body won ai with e tbree and one record. baci an easy time la collecfing rbara pair of games lest week fa iSnuffys downed Ken's Men's the win. ;hree take over league lcadership'Wear 13-8 Tuesday and upset "Bun" Welsh belted a dou- in th Men' Softall c phen Fuels 10-5 Saturday bIe and a pain of singles, in he en' Sotbal lopaftcrnoon to move past the while Ted Hoar and Ron Pol- ;lasers info first. Wednesday lard picked up three singles night Surplus Sales absorbed apiece ta pace thme Hotelers. M a 17-4 pasting at the bands of Bill Osborne clouted a fwa- 'the Hotelers, as the defe.nding run horner for the winners, champs wenf down fa their and George Jones swafted a fourth setback without e Win. bases-empty blasf for Surplus. ~~~~Snufy 3-Kn nfys1 tpe uffys were outhit 15-12 Snuffy's capîtalized on four O R M A Nby Kens in a sluggers' battle, Stephen Fuels' errons ta score AY . ND AVE but capîtalîzeci on seven Mens seven unearned runs as fhey làY A D S V Wear bobblesfo eighf n oe past telasers into carned runs. The winners er- firsf place, Safunday affer-- ITICLE UNTIL NEEDED!? rupted for six tallies in the noon. The game was eanlier second and added three in postponed fram Thursday the third ta grab a 10-3 bulge, night because of nain. - S P E C I A L - and Ken's couldn't make it up. TeAt ayfo - 1Bill Nicholson cracked a lead in the opening inning ood' 9' 9ýtri;ple and two singles andi as Lloyd Hamilton openeti I'Chuk" Klpatrck treeifh a walk and Harry Snaw- isingiles fa lead thxe winners. den, Bill Nicholson and Ever- ur s e t uss Lane and Everett Kn t igsnld eoepth runs fa aid the cause. Bruce nexf two on strikes and the 8l Cale xvas the big gun for the third on an infield pop-up. ULAn 8 losers witb a double and twO A four base erron by U~IR L .8singles. Ken Kelly smacked "Chuck" Kilpafrick on Bob 9.50 2)1 a hmerforKens. Don Bag- Abbatt's liner gave Stephens ereened throughout * Sewn-in inelI would probably like tGP four uncarned runs of their Pals ad Pgs * Wterrooed forget Tuesday's tilt-the sec- awn in the fourth and a 4-3 PolanoPy storm dpoo . j and sacker making four er. edge. Singles by Ray Crom- L *Caopystrmdoo .. i rors. bie and Gord Dudley, follow- ually cartoned. Paf CornelI took the loss, ed by a walk ta Sîephen load- witb fhe win gaing to Harry ed the bases xith anc ouf. ALTY Snowden. Vince Vanstane hif into a Hoelr' 1 -Supls force-ouf et the plate, butl Hoteer-317 -Surpus 4 the crror cleared the bases. CoiemaIn Bo'wnanville H-otel smashed Infield errons by Dudley ouf an eighteen bit attack on and Abboft, coupieci wifh two Surplus pitchers ta banci singles by Hamilton, Nichai- Iast year's champions a 17-4 son, King and Mcl Burgess setback. "Red" Davey, the gave Snuffy's the four faîhesi boop's top xinner, gave up a back in the bottom haîf and' dozen ruas in the first fbree a 7-4 lead. Right-fielder Jack faes as he went down ta Bond dropped"Snowden's 10w his third loss. Dan Girardi liner with the bases loaded, came on ta finish up. Carlyle and two ouf in the fifth for' $2.9 12-u4 erAi.Ral r temsi ad more ruas. An error: $ 2 1 . 5 * 2 -b r n e A i , R a l o S t a m s i p a n d G r a n t W rig h t's s ia g le )RES Tourist" T 1 C K E T Scompleted the scoring in the I ESTOEEYWEE sivth. TO EVRY'IVE1E nowden registered the wîa :PTED * Factory Sealed Coasult aainst bis former fcam-mates j U R Y & LO0V E LL and also clubbcd a pair of! 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 singlùs ta aid bis own cause,' Bawmanvllle The loss xvas the Fuels finst' DUTY 12-GAUGE PVIN r ____ Rubberized - -li Ground Sheet Repeir Kit Enclosed 100" Zipper Fully guaranteed etReg. $16.95 1S Reg. $12.98 STEEL FRAME -Rg 99 OENETAPOE CAMP -Re. 8.9 LIFE JACKETS Tempered steel1 Reg. 26 cover. Collapsible.1 Value $4.98 2 6 RUBDER RAFTS COLEMAN COGLERS ALL CAMPING SUPPLIES $$.BUY TUE EST FOR LESS.$ $ GEORGES TOUR CAMPEES' HEAD)QUARTERS 42 Ring Si. E. Bowmanville - LEGION - LIONS LEGION - LIONS COMDINED SUPER 14 CARii--0 FRIS, JUNE 16 8:30 P.M. SHARP $7,300 IN PRIZES including $1000.00 "HNi-Lo" GCame $ 1,600.00 ""Snowball"" (52 Nos.) 1961 FORD or $2,000.00 CASH Plus Many Other Cash Prizes $730 PETERBOROUGH $730 ~~0MEGRAL CENTRE $,0 ;Ï LEGION -LIONS'TR Win le 'Drop Manager Murr says "Some of we're going to game and this c end is as good a Sunday the Bowl dropped its third ing 7-4 to Osha, view Park befori ternoon crowd. The locals wi tough opposition end playing in E day afternoon meeting Port Ho] day et 4 o'eiock. Oshawa jumpec lead eanly in fh Bowmanvile wa: to catch up, as st held tbem to four hy Joseph and xvaik f0 Calder strong's single ni the first. The winnens ad the third on pitc], triple with the1 Desicero was nelii ss Midgets Third Straight ay McKaight lock in the fourth when wild- these days aess andi a lone sefety produc- win a bail ed thnee ruas. Ray Pickell oming week- drew e base on halls te stent timne as eny." the uprising. Mike Johnston ,manville club was hif by a pitched bail, 1straigbf, les- Paul Mutton walked, filling iwa et Lake- the secks and Jim Flan drew .e e large ai- another welk te force In a run. Deug Lane singled across ,ill enoounter the other two. ithis week- Singles by catcher Cross- Kenda1 Satur- man casbed In a run In the at 2:30 and fifth and again in the sixth. )pe bere Sun- Lane singled and scored the final Bowmanville tally on ci off ta a 5-0 Jim Ooyle's single. ie game and Pickell sterted on the bill is neyer able for the locals, was relieved by rang pifcbing Bob Sleep la the third, who r bits. Singles in tunn gave wayr te Bnian .Mitchell, a Down in the sixth. rand Anm- Doug Lene and Jim Coyle lade it 2-0 in did all the bifting, eeoh col- ddedthre a pair of singles. her Desicero's R H E bases loaded. BowIflnvlle 4 4 3 Starts atl1A M Racing This Weekend At New Mos port Park Auto racing, one of the jor event on what the niotor world's most tb*iling sports, sport enthusiasts predict Is xiii make its debut in a "big desfined to becom-e one of the time" manner in Eastern Can- finest tracks in the world, ada on June 1Oth, wben the Three years in the building, first major event planned for this circuit bas been bewn out the nation's newest and most of the nolling and wooded unique nacing circuit, known his of Clarke Township. as Mosport Park and located Terc nStraJn just forth of Bowmanviile, 10'Th e reonas au'rdayJunf will be beid. of coxupetitive events, Is sche- Some of the nation's top duled to get underway et* racing drivers, including 11:00 a.m. It will be beld witli members of the Canadian Rac- the endorsation of the Cana..1 ing Drivers Association, will dian Automobile Sports Club,j have the distinction of beîng the governing body for car the first to compete In a ma.- racing in this country. Among proniinent nio ter racing enthusiasts wbo will comipete in the first niajor4 event at Mosport will be Lud- wig Heiznratb, Toronto, Grant FUEL Clark, Georgetown, Bill Sad- Bradley, Toronto, and John HednOkLle Heaon, Oakville,o Jn 24,wn Inernsatea rts'n Jun 24,an wint enationa sport r racer thl e beld et p o a uener the socigorshpette leedng anad ie ceigatt conay. thePiks ofcasl open- tugandy the Park's offiaite coaget aadnctibone]ofth e eronIeteationaofetdeAFto- moenfionInrsthae d'Auo- monnbil eortcPariste epgv tbroughout the world. Several lafernationally.faai- ous naclag drivers, including Sf irling Mess ci Englaad end Olivier Gendebien of Belgiuni, three-ti-ne winner of the fani- ed Sebning, Flonida, racing event, will be aniong the dri- vers vieing fon the cash awerds tofaillng $l0,000.00. The opening of Maspont will see a dream came trac for e small group of auto racing enthusiasfs who, five yeers ago, decide.d fa build a recing circuit of a standard thaf wouhd place Canada in Uine for Grand Prix racing. The group b-ad entbusiasmn, initiative ed imagination, but lacked funds. Ia November, 1958, tbey Ia- eorponefed a comipeny and A. H. STURROCK & SONS LTD. MA 3-5516 BOWMANVILLE EASTERN CANADA'S FIRST SPORTS CAR ROAD RACE beautiful Mos port Park BOWMANVILLE JUNE 10 Thrilling Races High Speed Racing Cars Canada's Top Racing Drivers Hilltop Vantage Point offers perfect view of track FIRST RACE 11 a.m. Sponsored by the British Empire Motor Club1 -;l --là Juvenile Girls Softball Schedule Soccer Highlights A pair of shutouts were negistened in Saturday night's' senor soccer laop. Tyrone bended Saline a 3-0 setbeck wbile Hampton downed Maphe Grave 2-0. Thursday aight's heavy rein spaihed the junior achedule, but the games were phayed leter, resulting la the follaw- ing scores: Saline 10 - Tyrone 0, Zion 7 - Enniskilhen 1, Mephe Grave 3 - Bowman-' ville 2, Courtice 4 - Hamiptan 1. Pearson's Lo.seý Monday 11 - 8 A late relly fell short es' Peersoa's Smoke Shop drap- ped an 11-8 decision ta New- castle in a Ladies' Sof tballi attraction, Monday night et' the Central Schooh. Bownian- ville gave up four runs in each of the firt two inninganmd, were neyer able ta catch up as they hast their first game affer tbree straight wins. The locals, peced by Bar-' bare Hughes' three singles and a double, and Dot Boad's tbree singles outhit Newcastle 11-9. Eleven free passes is- sued by three hunlers made the big difference. Helen Nich- olson blasted a bomrnun ian the losing cause. A bases loaded triple by r Jones was the big blow for! the winners, wblle Baskerville contributed a pair et "iglus. GOODWILL -GUARANTEED USED CARS Ail Used Cars Are Fully Reconditioned with Goodwill Guarante. 1960 Duîck 2-Dr. Hardiop FuIly power equipped. SEE OUR SELECTION 0F NEW 1961 VAUXHALLS SEDANS - STATION WAGONS TWO GOOD USED VAUXHALLS Used Car Lot Open until 9 p.m. Monday through Friday Saturday until 5 p.m. More than 30 other makes and models to choose fromn. "YOUTR QUALITY GM DEALER-> ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. McMechan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhai Cars - GMC Truck 166 King St. E. MA 3-332 Oshawa Direct LUne RA 5-2712 el 1 "FOR THE OUTDOI DUY NGW . . FOR FATHER'S Di A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY AR LONAI SLEEPING BAGS HAIR 1 SPORTOpICS By Frank Mohun MA 3.7234 HATS OFF TO IAN DICK It didn't take Ian Dick long to offer a helplng hand to a sporting group, ince recently becoming a Bowmanville citizen. Most of our readers will remember that Mr. Dlck purchased the store formerly known as Berry's Book Stort Ian has donated bats and chewing guni f0 the Men's Town Sottball League. We know the players appreclate his generoslty and we'd like to add a tip of the bat from this corner. t t t t f SHOULD BE A LAW This reporter played a round of golf wlth Bob Watt Sunday afternoon, and as everyone wbo has piayed with Bob knows - he loves to wager on each hole. Naturally, we were awarded a handicap but what good is a handicap the way' Watt played. There should be a kaw against anyone scorlng 1three stralght birds. Bob broke par on the first, fifth, sixth tand seventh on bis way to a 34, which is the lowest this 1scribe bas witnessed, (et Southview, that is). Bob bas to take it easy this summer too - due to a back ailment which hospltalized him during tbe winter. t t t t t- DOUBLE-HEADER THIS SUNDAY Basebail fans can realiy get a full afternoon of enter- tainnient this Sunday afternoon when a double-beader will be played at the Memorial Park. Tbe Bantams play bost to Ajax et 1:30 with the Midgets meeting Port Hope at 4 o'ciock. t t t î- t SOFTBALL FRIDAY NIGHT The Men's Town Softball League will play one of their games on a different nigbt this week when Surplus Sales tangle with Snuffy's Auto Body, Friday nigbt. The Sales, alter dropping their fourth straight last week, will be looking for victory number one. Snuffy's won a pair last week ta move into first place. t t t* t t HERE WE GO AGAIN A couple of years ago, this reporter was accused of stealing an idea from one of the well-known Toronto sports columnnists. We managed to prove that we had written aur article before the Toronto newspaper was published, but then and there decided ta stick almost entirely to tbe local sports scene. Then an Idea for a column came up and what happens -we read about 1t; a few nights later in a Toronto paper. Being already scooped It wouid serve no purpose to go Into detail, but for those who haven't seen the article - it wau regarding televlsing Big Four football games. Why does the CBC and niany communities criticize the league for selling TV rights to the higbest bidder? If they didn't they wouldn't be good businessmen. If CBC wanted the games they should bave bid bigber. Certalnly lt is a disappointment to the people wbo won't be able ta watch these Eastern Canada eontests - but we can't see blaming the league executive. So much for a story that znight have been. One of these days we'l write something that wlll appear later in a Toronto newspaper, if we're lucky. fered for sale. The bulk of tower and installing fire gâte- these were purohased bY ways In readiness for June l0,.,J sports car clubs, raising ap- When it is completed Mospor proiiratey 40,00.0.Next will ulsa have a restaurantj a debenture issue, also sold club house, swimming Pool4 primarily f0 clubs and racing rest roomis, cbildren's play- enthusiasts, accounted for an- ground and picnic areas. other $110,000.00. The track, itseif, might beat Wifh these funds, a tract of be described as being almost 500 acres of land was acquir- kidney-shaped, 2.4 miles in ed and construction of an as- length, with pifs for 3o vebi- phait track begun. Some back- cles. ing and support followed froni Mosport Park, which derives large commercial firns and, ifs name from motor sport, to date, well over $600,000 bas and its incorporated comxany, been exPended on the con- are managed v'olunfarily in struction of the circuit. t.beir spare finie by a group This week crews of work- of businesmen, who are auto mien, bulldozers and graders racing enthusiasts. Chairnian are Putting finisbing touches of the Board is C. A. Bimting on the frack, oompleting spe- of Willowdale. J. A. Clayton cial nrads, erecting a control is General Manager. a a -Ili ýJLm PAGE EIGHT -mwý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILTr- nMTAlZTM

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