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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1961, p. 10

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PAGE TEN CAI~ADIAN STATESMM?. BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARTO WEDNESDAY, JUNE l4th, 1981 E I Magistra- Tuesday, June l3th Kenneth John Sheehy, 19, Beaverton, paid $50 and coots Of $3 for attexnpting to steal gasoline by syphoning. He paid an addjtional $13 for having a part bottie of Rye WVhiskey. Derek James McDonald, 22, 83 Ashbourne* Dr., Etobicoke, pie aded Not Guilty to a charge of Careless Driving. His auto hit a car that was making a right hand turn at King and 'Temperance. He drove away and was stopped by the O.P.P. at Whitby. He told the court that he didn't want to stop for the red light unless he had to, he slowed down but in passing the other car on the right, grazed it. This Was the type of driving one dk?< in Toronto, be said. Said Magistrate R. B. Bax- ter, "This is the type of driv- ing that causes accidents. This Is the type ot conduct that causes- deaths," as he read the law to McDonald on when it is permissible to pass on the right. Penalty was $50 with $11 costs, and McDonald was given one month to pay or serve 7 days in gaci. Jeffrey Giles, 38, 15 Haven- ridge Rd., Toronto, was re- FARN SERVICE DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service 'Ask Your Operator For ZEnilh 66550 Licence No. 46-C-60 No Toil Charge Nlck Peconi - Peterborough INGWAYAILj ICE CI AN CRUSH CONVENENT F AND Pl nbe 9 .9 q j o ~ Ig v COL~i an cari and countess, (Grant la ig E t eo and Miss Kerr). Among the ite's Court vstig tourisi an Amen aasng xero Mithum H ses MssKer Combi ned in Mc mnanded until September 12',h and promptiy falls in love for sentence on a charge of, ihhr having .beer in bis car. He is,~ hr under court order r.ow and isl The attraction that develops ini default over $1200. is treated inteiligen.tly, realis- Six liquor charges brought tically and sensit ively. And $78. Twenty under the High wi ieavnin adeto h way Traffie Act $236, and fiveinadot fth under the parking meter By- peripber-v of the story is Miss Law $34. Simmons, a gushing, sophisti. cated ycung lady with an at- tachment for Grant. Her Dior M ovie Review gown will arouse attention. The tarperformers shine ROYAL THEATRE 'briightly under the direction MON. -THURS. - JUNE 19-22,cf Donen. Aise contributing a fine preformance as a butier is THE GRASS YS GREENER iMoray Watson. The music wlth Cary Grant, Robrt land lyrics were by none other Mitchum, Dcborah Kerr, than Noel Coward, whie con- JeanSimmns. ducting, the music xvas Muir (Teehnieolor-Technirama) Mathieson. James Ware was Brigt, asyFlowng orlassociate producer and Chris- Bd rt asy-wi ng Co Fin- topher Challis did the photo- Marquee Cast. Lush Produc- rpy tion Values. A gay, frotby drawing room comedy, The Grass Is Greener 'ro\Weldaedktesanrdie isbsdon Engiand' new big- luro elaptdothsanrdsz business: The opeing of state- FaCity lot, this threc-bedroomn bouse ly homes to tourist tracTe. A9l eI aves ittle to be desired in modern Bright and brittie conversa1- A ndU I Iow~ living accommodation. Architect tien runs throughout the picE- William A. Strong, of Toronto, bas ture as a most unusual mar- By Don Fairbairu aiso acbieved a pleasing exterior ap- niage triangle hase. pearance in this brick and masonry Stanley Donen, woh An arbitratien hearing by bungalow through the use of large produced and dirccted, bas ]'l th e Milk Industry Board in window areas and an attached car- vested striking production val- ! Toronto last week brought in- port. ues in the film. Sets andtO the open a controversy be- Of xnterest in Uic interior plan scenery are caught vividly itwccn milk producers that are the position of the famnilyroom Technicolor and Techniramo. could have far-reaching cf- and Uic arrangement of the kitchen. The cast is one that will bring f ects on milk marketing not The U-shapcd working area prov- an inviting twinkic to, any only in the Toronto area, ides an abundance of cupboards showman's marquee. C a r which is directly concerned at and ample counter space. The handy Grant, Deborah Kcrr, Robert the moment, but throughout pass-through between Uic kitchen Mitchum and Jean Simmonis1tlrn whole country. This hear- and family roomn will aiso appeal head the acting rester as the, ing was calied because the 10 Uie housewife. The arcbitect bas story romps delightfuliy aion:1 Ontario Whole MiIk League, provided good closet space Uirough- In the screenplay that Hugh the recongnized negot i a t i n g out the bouse while the rear wall and Margaret Williams have boedy for ail producers in the of the carport contains storage fa>- deviscd from the London play,Iprovince, and acting on be- ilities for garden tools and toys. thie stateiy home is owned by h aif of the Toronto Milk Pro- The total floor area is 1,219 'ducers in this case, had been square feet and the exterior dimen- unable to reacli agreement on1 sions are 46 feet by 26 feet, six several points wîth the Ton- inches, with the carport extending 3nto Milk Distributors. So the another Il feet, six inches. Work- ABLE Board asked ail interested ing drawings for Uic house, known parties to state their case- as Design 2$6, may be obtained and several took advantage offrmCnalMtaganHosg teopportunity. Corporation at minimum cosi. U B E*S 1The main point o! differ- ,once xvas the Leagu&'s request ID fat differentiai. Beforeth war, this used to fluctuate xith the -wholesaie price of Ebutterfat but since 1940 bas IE D IC Eremained constant at 3.5e for every 1/10 percent butterfat _______________ over .3.45, (censidered stand- --f ard for wvhoie milk) paid te would resuit ti low test ship- dui 'OR C MPERSproducers on cach 100 lbs. of pers getting less. mîlk. Fer example, in the d Toronto market where thc The odd dcvelopmcnt is han ICNICS ibase price is $5.10 per cwt for that the most violent objec- flui 3.4',' milk, producers ship- tien Vo this came fromn the lar( pi ng 5% milk get 5.66 per Channel Islands breeders - whi cwt. The League contended Jersey and Guernsey- who nil' » ~that distributors buying 5% would stand te benefit fromn spei m ilk gain 40 te 50e per cwt the increased prices. Actually ped beccause of this since they are that's the reason this question and buying the extra butterfat at bas been hanging around for cre 'NI STA TIO î it can be solci at about 67c. being negotiated but after re- tbe 'Tmhe r aeud 5e en n oreuths ato edars wo ulthwc crcased to .06c so preducers meetings and by a directors' the Uce uva ~ of high tes: milk will getlmeeting the League finally wii WAV RLE~ ~ more while they recommend actcd. Naturally, the distri- inc w~iw the base w hi ch hutors opposed the increasedgair How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers... By earning this st shir Tor higl the app' i anc f ror te cial Pul ing. Asn serv tion cd. becý itv Leaý lea, tion wil miu hap und Tc duo keel A well known symbol is like a good reputation-difficult, to establish and even more difficuit to maintain. During your daily activities-in your store or in your home-you corne into contact with many trade marks that symbolize an assured measure of performance or quai ity. They rnay range from initiails on an electrical appliance to words like "sterling" or "prime." Likze its counterparts, the membership symbol of the Audit Bureau of Circulations* provides you with a reliable measure of our circulation performance, based on the highest standards known for either print ortbroadcast media. The A.B.C. symbol cannot be purchased-it must b. earned throughi performance. Continued use of this symbol is predicated on our ability to maintain these highest standards of circulation value. Whenever you think of advertising media, it wiii pay you to ask-, "Does it measure up to A.B.C. standards'?" You can be sure it does if you use the advertising colunins of" *This newspaper la a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nexiprofit, cooperative associat ion of publishers, advertisers, and advertising agencies. Our circulation in audited at regular intervals by experienced A.B.C. circulation auditors and their reports are made available to our advertisers withouk obligation. Sand Interior Design odern Three.Bedroom House ferential because it wouid creasc costs of 5 eut of 18 jries in the area -those 5 indle almost 70% o! the uid mnilk. The Channel Is- nds breeders are the ones he promo ted the sale o! 2% ik when the demand for >cial bigli test milk drop- .i sharply a few ycars ago id they are afraid an in- eased differential whjch ould deprive the dainies of ýextra revenue might cost emL the preferred position ey now enjoy. They are ifig te forego the added orne in order te retain--or n quotas. 80 eut of 85 new Jppcrs wbo came into the )rnte market last year wcre gh test producers. The serieus devciopiment at e earing, tbougb, was the plication o! the Channel Is- nds Brccds Milk Producers ;sociation for authorization m the Milk Industry Board represent shippers of spe- il miik in Ontario for the LMose o! collective bargain- g.The Holstein Friesian ;sociatien immediateiy ne- ved the right te similar ac- an if the applicaton is grant- .If the breed associations some Uic bargaining agents will speil the doom o! the ýague and, as we sec it, will ve producers in the pesi- an o! eompcting directiy th one another for thc fluid lk market. What would pen te prices te producers ELer those conditions? 'oday's Tidbit: Quality pro- ie stimnulates demand se ýp thc milk deýan. ýMa nvers Sets 40 Mill Rate Manvers township ceuncil agrced last week that tbe grader operator be paid at the rate e! $1.50 an heur; and for the months of November, December, January, February and March that the minimum salary be $200 a month. A grant o! $25 xvas auther- ized for the Millbrookl, Agri- cultural Society spring fair. Robert Atkinson and Jack Kerr Jr. intcrviewed Council regarding the widening of a forced road between lots 6 and 7 in the seventh and eighth concessions. Council voted to purchase road sigris deaiing with "Net a through road" "Anyene driving Ihis road dees se at their own risk". Reeve Robert Brown, coun- cillor John Payne and road superintendent Maurice Brad- iay were appointed a cemmit- tee with power te act te view a number of trees in the Lotus area and enter inte negotia- tiens with Meredith Brown for salc of Uic saîd trec if they censider it advisablc. Township will share bal! the cost with Thomas Moore e! moving a number of. stones ini a stene fence that arc causing a snow probiem in wintcr. A divcerted read in lot 1, concession 5 was discussed and it was the opinion of council that since the road had been in its present loca- tion for over 100 years that the owncr o! the adjoining lands bas ne dlaim on the land eccupied by it. Bylaw dcaling with the de-' benture issue for $24,000 for the new scbool at Yclvcrton was given for first and second reading. The coxnblned rate for 1961 Jài commercàaa property waiî set at 43 mills and' icratc on farm and resid'ential pro- Dertv was set at40 mills. Former Area Teacher to Be Honored The Canadian Edu c at ion Asswîcation. Sunday, announe- ed Dr. C. F. Cannon, formner district teacher and inspector, will receive this year's Alt- bouse Award for educationai leadership. Dr. Cannon, longtime dîrec- tor of the CEA, was chief director of education for On- tario until he retired two months ago. The annual awa*rd is nam- ed after the late Dr. J. G. Althouse, aiso an Ontario chief director. Dr. Cannon Is a graduate of Queen's University and the University of Toronto. He be- gan his career in Leeds Coun- ty as a rural sehool teache,,r. He became a school inspector in Oshawa after serving as principal in Newcastle, Pic- ton and Oshawa, then rose through assistant chief inspec- tor of Ontario schools and superintendent of elemnentary education to chief director in 1956. The award will be present-] ed in Halifax in September. j COURTICE Members orf the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce enjoy- cd viewing the beautiful gar- dens of spring and summer flowers at the home of Col.1 R. S. MeLaughlin on Monday.ý Those ,present from Courticel were Mr. and Mrs. A. Stark, Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley1 and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay., The Friendship Group of~ Courtice United Church held its June meeting at "Mani- chester Barbeque." Twenty of the ladies enjoycd a lovely dinner. A beautiful birthday cake, donatcd by Mrs. J. os- borne, was placed on thc table te, honour two o! the members who were celebrat- ing that day, Mrs. Wm. Me- Knigbt and Mrs. F. Chumblcy. A short business meeting took place to arrange for the pick- ing Up of bake goods for the anniversary luncheon, aiso te find out the naines o! the ladies wbo would serve or bake for the wedding on June 24. Each person enjoyed the outing to sueh an extent that they bave dccided to go back again next year. puLy ab uuâý lu llub. Electric energy generated A by-iaw was introduced and purehased by Ontario Hy- and passed whereby the tra- dro durin.g 1960 amounted to veilinc, alla'wance of the road 37.7 billion kilowatt-hours- stiperintendent will be in- enough energy to duplicate creased from .07e per mile to the manpower of 209 million .10c per mile. -Examiner. persoris working for one year. in Spectacular value pro- duces spectacular sales! Chevrolet's unbeatable sales record year after year is the undeniable evidence that CHEV- ROLET IS BEST - AND CAN IPROVE IT! DO IT NOW! Speak that kind word to-day, How quickly daylight fades away! You may flot have another chance; Weeds grow wildly 'mid the plants. Hold out that friendly hand, Try, ever try to understand, Understand another's need And your soul will rise, indeed! You may flot have a tomorrow, So pray, e'en as you plough, You can make the straightest furrow,- If you only do it now! A SMALL PLACE I prayed: "Where shall I work to-day?" Shall I travel far, far, away To find there fame and glory? Dear God! Write my story! I listened - Oh, so attentively. There was joy in my soul and beauty. "Tend that littie f ield," I heard: "But it is so small. Evcn the herd Of cattie - so few. So tenderly He answered - "Small seemed Galilce's cause." Wasn't there a small place- Nazareth! -Marion Ford k rCQUINN's MARKET 0RDERS OVER $5.00 DELIVERED FREE! MA 3-2431 Be wman v ic Last Week's Winner: MRS. A. PIPER, 56 Brown St. White Cross TOILET TISSUE- Mother Parker's - 1-1b. pki COFFEE m-m- HALF CRYO-VAC COTTAG E ROLLS m m- i0 OroiIs$1 MM67C mlb.49c M M RÉ Ieads'em ai en The greatestl The greatest value-packed Chevrolet ever biriltt The car that gîves you more-more of the features, the style. the performance, the room, the ride, the comfort-more of everything you wantl Outstanding style: The 1961 Chevrolet has eut its own pace-setting swath through the world cf automobile design. QFreatest Chevy Ride in History: The one great ride in its field. .. unbelievably quiet ... unbelievably amooth . . . indesoribably perfect! Power-packed Performance plus Economy: Chevrolet combines the flashing response that satisfies your every demand- with the thrifty ways that satîsfy your budget! In every way. there is no automotive value that can compare with Chevrolet's-none that can come close. And Chevrolet sales prove it! Whltewail tires ojitionai at extra cost. CSS-361C COURTICE PHONE MA 3-3922 ROY W. NICHOLS OLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET - COR VAIR AND ENVOY (British Buit) CARS - CHEVROLET TRUCKS1 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3353 Wstrà the Chevy Show, Tuosday cigbts au CBC-TV. Check yeur local Paper tfordm$.B ad chafnai. LEAN, FRESH MINCED ls ats~mail symbol o MgASURE op SERvICE ... mARK 0F *NTEORUTV 1 THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNLP 14th, 19 PAGE TEN 1 %anab ian gbtt§inail

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