TE! CANAD!AN STAT!SMA!~, EOWMANVILL!, O~TARIO PAc~Wt 1~T~*vW1%z Opposed by Delegation Council Refuses Permit For New Service Station Newcastle - The Village was prepared by a sanitary Cauncil at its June meeting onfengineer and has been approv- Monday evening reiused the'ed by the Health Unit withi F lans submitted by John Heat- minor changes and be said ho le for sewage dispasal for bisiwas told by a Water Resources p roposed service station on Commission Engineer that it Mill Street south ai King St. could be worked. With these According ta the plan the sew- reports fi-rn engineers Mr-. age would be carried in a Heatie said ho didn't know plastic pipe on village streets wby council shouid listen ta caveriag niaie than two blocks.. this delegation ai citizens. A delegation supportiag a The Clerk îcad letters fi-rn petition presented ta councîl Dr. Horner, M.O.H. and Ontario at a previous meeting were la Water Resources Commission. attendance at Monday's mneet- Dr. Horner said she had read ing. Percy Tamblyn wvas the the account ai the previaus spokesmnan for the petitioners meeting in the Newcastle Inde- stating they were opposed ta a pendent and wished council ta private sewage system being know that she had not approv- laid on the street in front ai ed the plan submitted by Mr. their homes. He asked who Heatlie. She said she bad was going ta be responsible if, made certain speciflc changes mter a iew yeai-s the pipes that would have to be made were broken or sprung a leak. beiore the plan could be ap- He said Mi-. Heatle would proved and she had not bad r foa l ot ho arouad for the any further plans fi-arn Mr. aitmeo the sewage system. Heatlie showing the required Who would be responsible changes. then, ho asked. Mi-. Tamblyn The letter froin the Water said Mi. Heatle already bas Resources Commission neither two business buildings neither approved nor disapproved o! o! wbich are being used. Ho the plan, but said fi-rn a bealth said ho should put thein Into standpoint the Health Unit had use before he goes ahead with final say and the matter ai enother place. running the sewer on village Mi-. Heatlie said the plan streets was purely a coundil ILIBERTY NURSERIES hi Liberty St. N. MA 3-3074 Chnsse Em. Hdge Bowmanville a100 Fr$4.95 Ried Barberry Seedlings 100 For $9.95 Semi-Blue Spruce, 15" Peonies- CIad. Bulbs eatio Sione $1.89 0 m 3ror $1.98 9 a a ea Nb oz. 50C 0e e 0 £a. 69C TORO LAWNNOWERS TILLERS FOR SALE AND RENTED1 ORTRO PEODUCTS Weed Killers Insecticides and Fungicides is for SPERSONAL Every printing job that goes through here gets personal, lndividual attention f ro m master craftsmen at every tep along the. way. Try us! SALES LITERATURE BUSINESS FORMS LETTERHEADS 0 TAGS and LABELS on your next job. The Canadian Statesman 66 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3303 miatter. Reeve CunninghaM s a 1 d council had had a special rneet-1 ing on June 6 when these let- ters and ail other pertinent facts were consldered. The feeling of the council was agairnst allowing a private sew- er pipe ta be installed in vil- lage streets and a motion ta, this effect had been passedj unanimously with alniembers lni attendance. Mr. Heatlie said he wau told this matter would flot corne up for discusion again until this meeting. He said this was just another of the irregularitiesi council has braught into thisi case, and let the chamber. 1 'WMS Entertain C.G.î.T. And Explorers Newcastle - The regular June meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society toak the faim ai a Supper meeting when the society had as their guests the members ai the Canadian Girls in Training and the Ex- plorer groupa with their moth- ers. The. Explorers Affiliation Ser- vicç was coînducted by the Pres- iMent o! the W.M.S. Mrs. George Allin, and Mrs. W. Werry gave an inspuring and instructive talk ta the girls ai the C.G.I.T. and Explorera groupa. At the conclusion ai the. meet- ing the. groups weîe dismissed with the Women'a Missionary Society Benediction. 5 Tlewcas t/e <1/ eVw d/ Y4ju4~ G'ordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Couples Club Appears on Television I O cti aciJ-'rsnat~ ecsU: About 20 coup- C o i l a d Uljo a Mari-ed Couples Club ai the Mr. a.nd Mis. C. Reg. Love- and tarniiy. United Church, went an a kin and Mis. Floyd Butler Mis. G. H. Hadgson spent a tour ai the new television sta- were axnong the guests at the couple af days the beginning ctionTOChanel 9 ofluAin Diamond Wedding Celebration ai the week visiting with he week IplacWedn tesday o!iast for Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mc- daughter and son-in-law, placun m ei teigu Leod in Toi-onta on Tuesday, adMs o igeadfm The group met at the church June 6th. ily la Maple Grave, at 6:15 p.m. and matored ta Mi. a.nd Mis. F. L. Agnew Mrs. Ai-chie Gien.ney and the station where they bad oi Peterborough were Satur- Miss Mai-jane Ciements Were tickets ta sec the Botter Late day vLiitas wi-th Mr. and Mis. guests at a Buffet Luncheon show beig taped and at the Gardon Agnew. in Tai-ento on Sunday ti bon- close ai the show the cameras Mi. nd is.H. . &tta oui' oi their munt, Mis. H.G. visited la Brigbton on Sn-Mart3n af Stratioi-d who cele' pilkedUpte rop eoe Su"brated ber eightleth -itha golng off the air. The film dey wlth Mis. Edmondson. at the bomne o! ber daugtera was sbawn an the air frein il Mr-. and Mis, Albert Gra- Mis. Gordo~n Jocelyn. ta 11:45 p.m. and the group hain and Mis. Margaret Rud- ii.a< i.Jh ot were able ta be home In time man o! Newcastle and Mr.. nd Mr.Jh o ta t see themselves on tele- I and Mis. Ermie Perfect an i ite n K.rkleld an Sun- 1ie hy rtre Mrs. Mel Moore ai Bowznan- Ldan.t i.an is o . ville attended the Lawrence Lga.Foowing the taplag ai theý1 Welk Show at the Coliseunihwtecubwstkno in oroto astWedesdy. oming Events a tour ofi the channel 9 studios Mr. Marlow Pearson oi and had the oppcrtun!ty ef Scarborough w'as a Sunday The Newcastle Scout Ladies' seeing -a numnber of theur guest wlth Mi. and Mrs. C. R. Auxillary wili hold a Bake favourite television artlsts in Lovekin. Sale in the Lions Room, Corn- persan. The Botter Late show Mi. a.nd Mis. George Lees munity Hall, on Frlday, Jane stariing Rick Camnpbell ap- of Oshawa were Sunday guests 23rd, 3 ta 5 p.m. Pioceeds ta pears daïly fi-arn il ta 11:45 with Mi. and Mis. John Lees help send Scouts ta camp. 24-i p.m. Durham Members Speak1 At Newcastle PC Meeting New'castle:- More than 60 people braved the rain an-d tihunderstorms on Monday ev- ening ta, attend the annual ireeting ofi the Newastle Pro- gressive Conservative Associ- ation in the Lions r-omn ai the cammnunity hal ta hear ad- dresses by Dr. R. P. Vivian, i rember of Parliainent ifor Durham, and Mr. Alex Car- rutihers, the Durb-am. member aif the Orntaio Legislature. 1T. C. Wallace v.as re-eiect- ied president oi the association 1 with Mrs. D. R. Dewdney as vice president and Mrs. Wil- lirm Stc'rlçs secretary-treasur- ,WA WiII Ti for JuIy un INewcastle -. The regular meeting of the Woman's Asso- ciation ai the Uni ted Church was held on Thursday, June 8, with the central group taking charge of the devotional ser- vice. The meeting opened with a ifew well chosen words by Mrs. George Allun followed by a hynîn. The Scripture :esson was read by Mis. C. Carveth with Mrs. T. G. Sowdexi giving the commentary. Following a pray- 1er led by Mia. Geo. Allia, and the singing af a hymn, a beau- tiful piano solo was played by !Mis. Charles Cowan. The devo- tional period was brought toaa L/(nnouncement...a to our many /niencls Having sold the EImhurst Hotel, Newcastle, we wlsh te tbank our many friends, customers and everyone who bas helped us ta stmy in business during the past thirteen years. W. have sincerely enjoyed your triendliness, your patronage, your visita, jokes and jests. It is with a tinge of sorrow and regret that w. leave Newcastle, as we have soId the business to Fred and Betty Shaddock. We trust that you wiIl greet the siew owners with the band of friendship, and will continue your patronage with them so that their future wiIl be prosperous and enjoyable. W. say good-by. to ail aur many friends of Newcastle and district. ANNE AND BILL TRELEAVEN, )lI speaking on faim prab- 1loins Alex Carruthers took ex- Br w e ceptian ta an article in "The'r wne 1 Grower" which toahc the On-I tailaGovenrnenltota ask for *Lits faim policies. Mr-. Car- E jy Pc i ruthers quating the article gave a point by point accout In To ont O! the stand taken by thei o nt » Government on these pro-h loems. Newcaste:- The Biownies Tho Main speaker af the ofi the lst and 2nd Newcastle evening, Dr. Percy Vivian Packs brought their year toaa gave an account o! the accam- close on Saturday, June lOtb, plinçýhments of the Conserva- by taking a bus tnip ta High tive government since thein Park ln Toroanto. Those board- election la 1957. A full mc- lnîg the bus at 9:30 a.m. in- caunt aoflits address wil Bp- cluded 26 Brawnles, 3 leaders, pear next week. 6 local association members, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Rickand, Mrs. McCracken, Mrs. Kirball ai ke Rece SS and Mis. Bawen aÎong wt tors af the twoBrw ls id A gust also went along. The Brownies sang sangs and enjoyed the close with a Christian Educa- scer.ery until they arrived at tion skit entitled "What's Hap- High Park about 11:20. peaing" I A suitable aiea for eatîng Mrs. Gai-net Riekard presid- lunch* was found anad while cd fr te bsines prt i te thepucnlc lunch was being en- eetingthihbu ened wthfthe iayed a number ai pictures meeingwhih pend wth hewere taken. Ailci- lunch the singing ai the theme hyma and Brownies were taken ta e the îeading ai the Wonian's As- the animais and got a big sociation motta by the pi-est- thr-il îi-m îeeding thora pea- dent. Mia. liickard t'hen gave a nuts. At 2 o'clock the doors wOnderful message wilich de- ta Coibaurne Lodge, the for- picted how fortunate the wO- mier home ai John Howard, mon are ta have a ciîurch wit were apened and the gi-oup ail its activities for tlîeir chiu- wene allowed ta go trougha dren. the bouse whene tbey saw The minutes of the prerlous many antiques including a dis- meeting were read by Ms. C. play ai newspapors dig Fothergill and the. treasurei-'s back :ta 1830. report and the report ai the Thie flowers and gardons I parsonage comaittee were îead wit.h their miniature water- I by Mrs. R. Dickinson. The la- fails were beautiful and wer dieu decided ta disband for the scen at different intenvals as inonths of July and August they waiked through the park. with the next meeting planýned A very pleasant elderly ladyý for September 141h. wanted to taIse a pictui-e of the Brownies, the said *%My The premident announced the. hobby is taking pictures of semni-annual Pîesbytery meeting beautiful flowens, but I'd like would b. held In Albert treet ta taIse a pictune o! some that United Chai-ch in Oshawa on talIs," s0 the leaders thin.king this a lovely cmi ment, October 26th and the. meeting managed ta keep the Bîownles was brought ta a close with the stinl long enough for ber ta W.A. Benediction. take a pleture. WHAT HEAVEN IS! 1 have seen a flower in bloom, Sunshine chase away the gloom, I have helped an organ play, A breeze waf t the clouds away, I have held a child ta rny breast, Tired, feit the balm of rest, I have hmd on my face, smre raim, Been given help 'mid lit e's littie pain, I have heard the lmughter of one beloved, Stood by a grave, with stars shinlng above; I have wept oft, it seexns, a tear of sorrow, Only ta know such a glad tomorrow; I have planted a seed that grew, Looked up ita a sky of blue, I have seen the happiness ini a smile, Foika, just wonderful 'mid life's trial, I have witnessed the pwer of a word, Have loved the Earth-Man, Beast, and Bird- I have knelt ini Peace and War in prayer, Have seen God's miracles in magie everywvhere! j I have seen a field o! wheat-true bliss! Dear Ones! Is this flot what Heaven is! -Mario= Ford Citizens C About Use By Speedir Newcaste:- The villa g e council at its meeting on Mon- day evening was beset with an annual problem - speed- lng cars on Miii Street. D. G. Walton, a resident on Mil street south of the CR sub- way said he was speaking for residents af the area and ask- lng the council ta try ta do romethingLbelore s o m e o n e, hIldren l particular, is kil- ed or ses-iously injured. He also informed members of council there la not a single speed lirnit sign ir'a«n the lake ta King street. There was con- siderable discussion regarding signs and policing ai titis aiea. Councilior Couch sald it was the sanie aid stoTy t.hst bas been comlng Up year atter year. He said it was a case of paying for sosïiething we are not getting (Policing>. The Reeve said he had hadc an- other cSniplalnt ci speeding in the sanie area froan J. Wright. After a iengtby discussion the chaurman af the Police cmpIain JN EWTO0 AsEMr. and Msxs. Don tpeo and fai.ly spent Sunday withi o vf i Mi. and Mrs. John Mckrnight M~wiss Alice Nesbitt of Toi- i A utos nta was haine for the week- Comunittee was authorized ta Mis. Willis Farrow Is in- work out a special plan ofai . proving slowly in Memorial tion ta catch the speeding ai- Hospital, Bowmanvile. fenders, said ta be saine young Mi-. and Mrs. Frankc Down fellows a couple frvom the vil- ai Fenella were Sunday visi- lage and severai others from tors at the parsonage with o'utslde wba make a raceway Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White. oi this road rnost every day. lMr. and Mrs. Sid Brown A motion was passed grant- attenided the 6th wedding ing the Lions Club permission anniversary of Mr. and Mis. ta close Mill street fi-arn King Alex McLeod held at Toronto street ta Manvers street on on Tuesday. July 14th the day af their Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gil- ta.nnuai carinival. A letter was mer af Ridgeway were Sun- received irai the secretai-y ai day visitai-s with his parents the Horticulturail Society re- Mr .and Mrs. Fraak Gilmer. questin.g the annual grant Mi-. and Mis. Clii ton Robb fi-rn the coundil. The annual ai Montreal are spending a granit of $35 was authorized. iew days at their cottage bei-e. The clerk was authorized to Mr-. and Mm. Sid Lancasterý wTite R. K. Kilborn and Asso- and daughter Dorella viste ciates asking thern to contact Mr. and Mis. John Davidso Armstrong Bras. Construction of Newmarket an Sunday. Comnpany dernanding that they Recent visitai-s with Mrs. sei-d a grader ta the village Gilmer Smith were Mi-. and !.mmediateiy ta finish their Mra. Elmer Pethick and Miss w'ork af cleaning up the vil- Anale MacMillan af Tor-onto; lage streets. During the dis- aloM- adMs Jh ok cussion on this subject the hart of Niagara Falls. reeve said the village had the Mr. and Mrq. Chas. M.ýoaseý sumnier supply af calcium ino ida pn uia vt storage but were unable t01 his sister. Mis. G. W- Jones. put it on the roads unxil thel The basket af flowers ln the ditches were put in shapesO church an S-aday wei-e in there would, ho no more du-t îoving niemary of Mrs. Milton put on top of the calcium. Robinnf Kendal who pas.s- ed awvay at the Lodge, New- castie, on Tuesday, June- 6th., Interment taok place at Orono Brownies Holdon hrsay Sunday visitai-s with Mr., Fn l M eig Andrew Rei-ath e M. Final eetin and Mrs. Jas. Adams and Mrs. IrmaSelw an sonMr-. Newcastle-The Brownies of Robert Selw ay, the ist Newcastle Pack held Mr. and Mis. Francis Tuf- their final meeting ai the seas- fard had a farnily birthday on last Wednesday evening %xhen they iiîvited their moth- badge for music. Carol Gibsoný ers and friends ta ho preseat. passed three proficiency hadg-i The meeting opened with1 es, Book Lover, Collectors andý the Six-sang and Prayer fol- Hbuse Orderly which will beý lowed by the collecting ai their presented in Septeniber. Fairy Gold. Miss Linda All- While the lunch was being dread, the new Tawny Owl, prepared the girls played sev- explained ta the mothers, the eral gamtts and cngaged inaa fixst few steps in the Brownie sing-song. When rcady. the work. Brownies served lunch ta their The Brownies working foi- mothers and the meeting clos- their Golden Bar read aloudled with Taps. tram plaques what they werei Second Newcastle Brownie' daing ta carn theur bar. Two Pack held their final meeting! Brownies received their Gold-lon June 7th with their moth-ý en Bar, Freida and Alice WVess-lers in attendance. Thrift 1 elius. The aider girls working:badges were earned by Joani for their Golden Hand badge Kimball, Kathy Wallace, Janicej presented a short play bring- Rickard, Elizabeth Pearce, Deb- ing out all the work they had bie Adair and Glenda Johnson. learned ta cara theur Goldenl Golden Ladder Bars were, Hand. Two Bi-ownîes, Margielearned by Lois Barchard, Pat Zweii- and Frances Hoar wereiRudell. Kathy Wallace, Caro- presented with theur Golden1line Majer, Elizabeth Pearce,I Hand Badge. Janice Rickai-d, Debbie Adair, A certain part o! the Golden Corrinne Lee Par-ker, Glenda Hand Badge can ho passed ia. Johason and Janet Jacobsen.1 order ta receive a Golden Lad- Mary Carpenter earned ber der, which were presented ta Golden Bar.1 Georgie Simpson and Judy Presentations were made by Powell. Maîgie Zweir was the Commissioner Mrs. W. M. presented with a proficiency Rude]]. THE CORNER MARKET A Firsi for Newtonville ina SELF SERVE STORE FEATURING: FRESH and COOKED NEATS FROZEN FOOD AND DAJRY PRODUCTS FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES From Ultra Modern Counters Everyday Needs for the Kitchen Look for Our Little Features ani Big Feature Each Weekend! A One-Stop Shopping Centre for Your Convenience MURRAY PORTER, Proprîetor -L "q-)Y HOW MANY HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT? Chances are they all have/ Because nowadays practicafly everybody la a bank customer. And they go ta the bank no often a.nd for so many reasons: ta deposit savings, arrange a joan, buy or sell foreign exchange, - -chase maney orders ... I-n fact, Canadians seem to une banki2lg services mare than the people of any other country/The chartered banks, for their part, do thelr utmost to make each branch a friendly. efficient centre for every klnd of banking service. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING. YOUR COMMUNITY -Id THE CANADUN STATUMMI BOWMANVMLZ, ONMARIO PAGE IMIMrg ni M V ILLE te hast and hostess were Mr. and Mrs. E, 3McEwen and aParty o Sunday. Thou Prp- family. Peterborough, Mr. and isent were: f&. and Mrs. Har- Mrs. Ron Burley and fan-fly, taid Wood and son Terry af Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Ilar- BowmanviUe, Mr. and M~rs.101d Burley and family, anad .Fred Tufford of Bunker HiU, Mr. and M~rs. Don Vinkie. Mr- -Mr. and Mrs. John Meneiilev 1and Mrs. Keith Burley and of Port Hope, and Mr. ana Ibaby were unable to attend Mrm. Pat Kalebaba and family because of sickness of baby- of Scarborough. Terry Wood Mrs. Barton, who has beei% anxd daughter Cathy. Tuf ford visiting her daughter anad son- were each twa. in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mrs. DYon Vinie is in Tor- Sorochan, has returned home onto attending the Rebekah to Cold Lake, Alberta. Grand Lodge Convention be- Womians Association ing held at the Royal York. May meeting of the W. A. 1Miss Karen Brown of Scar- was held May 3lst in the Sun- gborough spent a week with day schooi roomn with the Mr. and Mrs. Harry WVade. president in the chair. Devo, D Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stapleton tional period %vas taken by attended an Eastern OntariaoI ,rs. Earl Wralkey assisted by Breeders' picnic on Saturday her daughter Joan reading the held at Mr. Mervyn Coch- sci-ipture. Mrs. Jas. Caswell rane's, Coidsprings. sang a fine solo accompanied Mrs. John Dater af Raimsey, by Mlrs. F. Gilmner. The presi- New Jersey, and Mrs. Fred dent, Mrs. Wade, conducted Laskev ai Na.shville, Tenn., the business period. It was re- Iwho have been attending the parted that the anniversar\- rannual meeting af the Wilson services bath on Sunday and jOrnithologicai So ci e ty at 24th May supper were a suc- Huntsville, Ont., called on cess. Thank-you notes were Mrs. G. W. Jones on Monday. read. A reunion af the Cecil Bur- Mis. (R>wer, curator af the ley farnily was held an the museumn at Oshawa, xvas the lawn ai Mr. and Mrs. Clar- guest speaker. She told af the ;ence Gilmer on Sunday after- beginning, growth and future noon. It being the 44th wed- plarts for this museumn. Hot ding anniversary af the par- talk was informative and in- ents on the 12th, the family teresting and severil ladies gathered to enjo0y a picnic voiced the wish of visitiný Ihe supper and anniversary cake building. Lunch and a social aIl planned without knowledge hour broughlt the meeting to of__parents. Present besides a close. IIntroducing. I