PAGE TOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, 3UNE l4th, x"81 -. w Fn /FOR CASFE Tuesday :0pm _____Births___ Cards of Thark In Memoriam Articles f or Sale Articles for Sale Cars forSl elEtt or Sale IReal Estate f or Sale Real Estate for al BROCK-Shiriey and Ron ih We wish to thank our friends HOCKADAY-In ever loving GIRL'S bicycle. MA 3-2556. ITWO-piece chestcrfield suite,'50 FORD, radio, $160. Phone -_ OS vt o to nnune te îrh o aan nxghor fr tei kndmemory of Sidney Jan-es 24-1lgood cndtio;two stop-end CO 3-2552. 24- PoeNwcsl 14.*- Me-Ione h irhofaadntigons Mfrotr3792t -i'55PPleMOUTH, low mileageal__ daughter Donna Lynn at edoain after our recent fire. Hockaday who passed away COOK stove. Phone MAkttables, good as new. Phone! REALTOR T\- o 50 acreÈï-s,1),s bt hv rnorial Hospital on June 9th,- Barbara, Donald and Jne 17, 1957. ld3-0214MA-l"55_____PLYfor OTe, eson ' laNDgXRLINUAC oo u4,v akTO uliglos1ot 1961. A sister for Danny. Mary Powell. 24-l1Still sadly missed, deeply loved fur4od ire, asIo gas,'- 1 24-1 and ever dear. QUANTITY of buckwheat. R.116 ft- LAKEFIELD cedar strip,$550. Phone MA 3-5540. 24-1* 2KngS.W -Mi 25'ans odlnd.lhridH Ptfogodra;ls wish to thank friends andi-Lovingly remembered by his Sim, Orono 12 r 4. 24-l*;boat, with Mvereurv "28" 35868'4 9 Kig ot. CO M-2-5868"2C'o NICHOLS-Ralph and Joanneineighbors for flowers and wife Nellie, son Ernest and; oad cm-ee i1 rilr.1 CE.1edn goonn (nee De Wildt) are happy tolcards received and kindnessýfamily and sister Aurilda. TV AERIAL, with rotor, $50. Phone MA 3-2957 at 6 p.m. dition, rebuilt motor, reason- 100 Acre farm near Enniskil-1 Ne\\-6 roon1yhadhns.FV-om brc uglw announice the arrivai of theirishown during the recent 2e1 4-1 Phone MA 3-2330. 24lb241 abe.hone Clarke 2604 after .5.len. \'21y early sandy hialji beaaîiÈilIy ituated aoggaae inse eceto be- _________ 24_1-1soil. Son-,c rxdbush. Good itrees ailà Oex :h uh!ing m1î-0~ ul adcpd p daughter Debra Arne on Sun-Ireavement of my beloved wife.1 12 CE laf asad USED TRACTORS - Farmall 1-1trsolv a'eban tirie we ' sno- o day, June 11, 1961, at Me-' Milton Robinson. JARVIE-1n memory of Robert jing. MA 3-3938. 24-1* M isl id rn nLSTT uoIsrac.wtradhyr.Ciknbrcîi r easn~r 3 S1po Ae.241 24-1* j11952; Robert Jarvie, aged 2,140 ACRSsadn ie hy 10u vn IGO lS,û We wish to thank neighborsýNov., 1916; Mr. Robert Johns- Phone MA 3-3394. 24-2'al "W-4"; Farmail Cub, with For personal service at your, home with bathroorn. This is' eh, alki_1 CARPE 10, " by ' and7' 6 cultivator and sprin-;homne cali Oshawa RA 5-280> lia real bargain at S19,500.00.1frsadiu.. ]nsaig lmnman Deaths ifor thoughtfui acts and cardsitofl, father, May, 1905; Graee arow, cvelig lae10co'et.6"lIFrm uar9ee aeandgig 7' ani6",Oroo ndNc- îgsan ohe exra.adend BATEMAN At ia1thanks to nurses, Drs. uhtn mter unby 7' 6". Phone MA 3-7283.Case30v'-ilenoililns puce. eam BAEJiCs D.Used Machincry --el o- rtis -- eT- oatdonCurhStet Nursing H-ome on Tuesday, tmcenzie and ramnt tte116wf.2- International '45" Baler, with 1959 VAUXHALL Victor, Sup- can be arrangaed. csl.Suh rn. Cl 11 Jun 13 191, ohnHamlto tie o or breaeme~~Eer enimbeed y WATER for sale and delivered. motor; International "45" Bal- er, two-tone, radio, back-up T\wo lots on Bradshav- St. Mortgage loas.Ooîo4- Baeaae 2yas u- Mrs. Ervin *nt. untfmiy 4r-.11 lCliff Pethk, Cç3213. r .T. ;Massey Baeren- lights, excellent condition. Will Tow-n water. S2,600 for both. IlHAROLD) C. PL1>EL Batma, ge 92yers hs- and family. 24-1-1 32-tfýgine driven; Case 14-too acet older model car as 5 Acres, 6-room friae home î~î :tu n band of the late Rachel Mae _____PRESTON-In loving memory 1- Itd Ci M 3508af Braden and dear father ofa erftrRbtDog TWO boys' bicycles, reason- Cultivator, on rubber; Case i rade. CallM -508aer 6. with ail conveniences. 2-car llortgage 131oker Gladys (Mrs. Melville Dale). . inceoul like to aexpr essmyofa deast hr, RobertDougay priced. Phone Newcastle Comnbine, P.T.O.; Case Combinel 244garage. Smialt barn. Close toleNcsI at he orrsgFneri sncee ManrrtoaslwFhnPrstol 2ho2ase. way2821w4itihhMtortInerntioaltelfna-tihoo.Prlcdstelf- 00jechaste I îoe '56 -rom 2stoey2ous003bed Igfs etcrsadas aldJne 16, 1960. Combine.USED TRUCKS-1956 Inter- Ter-ms. __ Chapel,- Bowmanviiie. Sevsent cardsoten andEaaresohoCa afe ua :propelledCmin.Cewan..toa towt ul in~~~ ththr d y o see m e to m ake m y 75th D ad, you are _olog t e , F V c es c o c l a f , r a~ E quipn ent C ., 13.1 K ing St. n t o aa-o , wi h d a '-u rt n w g r g . C o c 3ochap.Ine ont owa thdyschahpp a.E., Bowmnanviiie. Phne ,4 wlices, stake body. Iliexcel- -- mûinsc otaeaj Pelr Fden uliglteta ae n o'coc. ntrmntirtdyschahpyma. Togreart8u5ae rto e. Pon2Bac-tc2Phne ;'lent condition; 1956 Internation- West Beach. Large lot, r j ville Cemetery. Boman Mr. ffi4-1ne Stillin mor you are 85r3.22 -69.____________ ai 3-ton Dumip: 1952 Interna- fromn roadi to w ater.T- IA ESVl::tGL -iS050. Terms ________ 24-1 in memory with ~~~ONE tourist tent, in good con-i-15-odTn mnosvlea-$,0. I4ro bnao-nNw us1 ~' dition, used on one trip. MA - nll'ti:15 odTnd edu au t$,0.Ternis! HORN-At Newcastle, Ontario, 1wudlk oepesm As you always were before. 3-2938. 24-1 Libet reri es cm; 1950 Ford Dump. Cowan te right party.169Ar.,îri on Sunday, June llth, 1961, I ol iet xrs YSadly missed by son Mauric- 128 LIBERTY ST. INORII Equipment Ce., 134 King St. E. Lovely 4-roomn cottage ti'dý-clîo, buiraid 1i.Ccr0)ligoD aag.Trs William Wallace Horn, Hamp- sincere thanks to the many addugtrinlwDonna. SIX assorted sizes inside doors, WIMNVLEBwanil.PoeMrest Beach oove, d$21,80ed well, roomy land-Pri ton, in his 83r d year, husbandifriends, neighbors and relatives 24-1* 1 combination door. 59 Well- 3-5689. 24-1 .5,0 down.Tens of the late E ie May Robbinsifor aIl the kindness shown me i____ ngtonStreet. 24-l * MA 3-3074 6 roonx 112-storey brick home, 100 acî-cs, 7 roon rcSae o.Esl itrzd R. om Motral.Sevic sayin hospitl RSTNInIvigmeoy SD atsfrn5dCe. a.CABBAGr PLANTS, 30c boxBuY-yourself a Good Used Car on Flett Street. Nicoiy lanid- hoLue, bain x,.iiapmi t R.HrMnra.Sriesa nhsia.for a change seaped and x'l-kp.Good sle, dsukIoforXalostonueusolst washed i te Mrrs FnealClio Cryderman. of Robert Preston who passed Apply 309 Guelph St., Oshawa. OTHER BOX PLANTS 35e'_yo value at S11,500.00. li trocs. Prce- T(0 1î..IM.E ES Chaphel BwnthleorrsFnWed-____ 24ýl away June 16, 1960. Phone RA 5-5268. 24-1 GERANIUMS ------ - 59e eaehIt's - Good - For Yo Lovely 5-ro ugao n 10( cc,1 e~fue nedy ueitha 'lc.We little knew when we woke QUANTITY of buekwheat, PREMIER STRAWBERRIES EgnSt i icBuyceto'hu,,,lil nermyJent tH at oo etr. 1wudlket ae that marrn suitable for seed. L. M. Halle- 100fouSy9 fromn the Top Seller EgnS.Otha.R-rainhuhm8 '1 uo"eî Ra saeBoe roem.ys ries kc Tusslawaunifu -;se ,xnr:-iy :tv un.~ nal t omnll 24-1 portunity to thank friends,I The sorrow the day would weil. Phone 41290 Clarke. EVergreens at Reduced Prices atTdysPie ep uglwadxill suiit!Piceei 0.i.T'-n.Mrkt351 neihbrsforkîdnss bring 24-2 PTOSOE Wise people ii'ho think twice tie n,,,t discriinaebyr ( ci3 o m 4 ________ sfo kndes;Drs. For the cali was sudden and ASCPdoATidosariSTONESsy t' loleote One mv nCalofe foroe , 50 cro, ire.7ra n t POLLARD-Suddenly on May Gill, Ewert, nurses and staff of shiock severe A siOdngs, carpos, rahnsTILLERS for Sale and Rent thvy an . pnoe thr we ),ýind cm. Clbafcefrîx :o x 9.r. srdi i: < f .S niroe o Olst, 1961, Albert Arthur PoT- Memoriai Hospital for their-To part with one we loved igs dingsPOWER MOWERS 5 loha prce nts in xcstleonbarn :'0il raxe 9 -5, s. lard, age 72 years, beloved care and help during my stayT so dear. Lorne Allun, MArket 3-3871. PWRMWR osi ecsl nwir rwl rii rqIten ' d father of Mrs. William Lake, in hospital. Sdymse b ieCla24-12 10% Discount A TS$5,000 funil price. pie'1,0.Tr,ý Rbr ae 24124-1* BOY'S bicyle,_5_an_1 _____24- Salesmen: 45 alcrcs h i' ' tATR KDenthNeasle;(Mrl)nd,' . iow for Waterloo gardon CRMRE .Spr-M -64Price ~pui acre.lay PrR.S. shw Keneh eae(Mril)!We wish to, express our sin-i tracter, $15. Phone MArket CA M RK T . opr AA-22ftC'rifs. Orono; Mrs. Everett Brownl Coming vnsSEILJ .Bro A -,g' w prnetlo (ldsOmono. Rested aticere thanks and - Events ný_ -35180. 2 44 For the Fincst J .Bro ~A339 Barlowv Funerai Home untilifor messages of sympathy and Ninth Line Cavan Cemetery SAVE on lumber, direct froro ____ hydre and Caswaterresgrodandami service from the Lang Me- ceived and the many acts Of June 18, 1961, at 1:30 p.m. Co. Kimout, T 'en1TPil,__ meniai Chapel. Interment;kindness shown te us during 244 * Phone 17r11. 4¾.LL5f.-VtjLiDo t' \\.h'LLpliau xc~' yrgrgeadipe OooCmtr. 24-1* our sad bereavement. -R±econuiioneu VanILAR NE SALE È :Ereasoaintes. Ph on igioiiala':c. I1it hd l oral ad TV aitu' ~~~~~~~EXPobe rates. honebv 24- g !prietl d cgs. pie esi wt em.Cî Oroo Cmetry.The fam*îy of the late Canadian Oîd Tyme Callers' KEYS eut automatically, while iD'TT 3231Sd atn.R -90 SMIHJ an tMcWirer Albert A. Pollard. 24-1 Association Dance, Newvcastle you wait, at Mason & HI-leJi.3 SP LC0tnks.len2d4an4ar1 IN' wrcao e 2Star v in:n1 SMIHatt)arn te Genier Comnîunity Hall, Fiday, June Hardware, 36 King St. E., HIF rom 3.0SECA SNlle-- ,rý Hsiao ensaJn!Iwould like to express my,30. 9 o'clock - 12:30. Square Bowmanviile. 46-tf 1954 CHEV. 4-Dr. S395 way. W. Ward, Whitby, 1\O h Lrîjck icmç,e. l, fraé oae i ilg fNw Pried e ci.Cfor fun.)ilC, arg 83"o'hose Hospit, aonenet .say f, nereI ________a__________Ži-3 BOXED plants - cabbago., 3 mo. Free Service 1953 CIIEV. 4-Dr. $295 3-2563. 4-1Ciferusa Bowmanville and formeriy of1 tien te ail those who have beenj1 T h e Courtice Parsonage, cauliflower, peppers, enions 11953 CHEV. 4-Dr. $225 CARPEN'1ER werk and me-i 5 acres, niearO.aagodcnicdprtetncear Mimico, wife of Herman Smith se thoughtful and kind, for Committee are holding a and tomatoes. Mrs. Wiliams,.ALSO REDUCED PRICE ON 1951 CHEV. - - - -- $l0Oo pairs, froc estimate. PhorfleKaideri soit, price 3OOvt yr n aeakn and îoving mother of Sherman, letters and cards received dur- Strawberry and Hot Potato0 Pie 81 HuntStreet. 23-2 NEWV '61 TV and HI-FI 15 OTA ado MA 3-2752.-scay 21"jCi N. Sî5oittes.ClFrn Roberta, Ireata, Catherine, Del- ing my iilness. Special thanks Social on July 5 at Maple SEE Elmer for good used 1 ersGaateo I1954 PONTACH----------- 50 ,1, ek -m----- îîgîwy eCn, A5-71 revn bert, Doreen and Geraldine; for those whe have visited me Grove. Admission 75e. o9A11944 P TV'adtp i0iva N. aise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Amiso 7uv5dbc3.rncid ndhle nsemn as -______ 2-l":TVs, funture, applianees, PatanSevc193OLS4-r ment, has comoletcd Grade 101 East oftxmn-îî i atyH -80 ren and eight great grand- God biess yo all. Annîial Oran~ge Churrh Par- anti que fumniture. CO 3-2 -1 1952 PLY-MOUTH ----- $ 75Txv techosefre, bic cide.Rse tteRdArhrBell. 24-1* ade at Tymone on Sunday, 2 I'fl Twers rom Co49ein andtest drive--one of HEATING, Plumbing and lephonIe M.Xrict -3444 ooiBnglo ley Funerai Home Ltd., 980 June 18. All L.O.B.A. and L. 'Crn-iad____ - U,'.in,,.Cal oud Lakeshome Rd. (at 14th St.), I wish te extend my sincere O.L. Lodges cordially invited COME in and see our bargains T these specials . . . allrmust be!HeatinO, Newvcastle 4331. 18-tf ,Salesmieni: uncmdmkthn n NewToono.Sevie ashedlhakstoDotos wetfndte attend. Parade forms at in Used Fumnitume and Ap- MAPLE (ROfl T V! sold! CA RPENTER -_work,-nw andi C. R. Lox ekin, Ncewcaste28 2bdoosad4ec in the chapel on Friday, June Austin, nurses and staff of 10:30 a.m. 23-2 pliances. F. A. Kramp Fumni- W repair. Roofing. cupl)oards, ____ 9 at 1 p.m. Interment ParkiMemorial Hospital; aise special Mel Lavigne and bis Blue turc, 37 King St. E., Bow- ROY BOY NICHOLS tule, etc. Bob Bothweii, MA r -ucdieadgrg, kn LawnCemeery.24-1 ithanks te neighbors, reiativeslWaten Boys Orchestra wiii _________ 2tfC-rie-idBovianville. _Lotst- M 3-23123221. 214-1 rIRn____IT~ ih$,0 on~a jan C m ee y and friends for lovely cardsls p î h uie f r a D n eONE Pioneer hain saw, 6 l.p.; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24-1 C3-ROoeIand Boin nviMeCaLon on- -i--Maoityn, WIDDECOMBE -At Whitby,Iand kindnesses since comingiand Draxv at Orange Hall, one circular saw, Massey-Fer- 8'wrChmes ec .T rn-aî Onv\enienees. !Iln 29~A391 rR -71 Ontario, on Thursday, June home. Ail were gnatefuily ap- Pontypool on Friday, June 16 guson rake, one hydraulie jack, Repairs er. Te mp or a ry residence Omnio.2-141 8th, 1961, Lucy E. Widdecombe, preciated. ýat 9 p.m. ______ 23-2 15-ton. Phone MA 3-2742:, Phonc MA 3-5605. 123-tf'ndl ,.1TL D i -ged 80 yeans, wife of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Wilbur. -4-1 Bowmanville. 24-l1 RADIO and television rearVATER wells du gby machiniTîRîLoos a, ca Wilim eogeWideome.Olde Tyme Dancing: Sat- Promt serice JJlVVmoinsf and. bati Wervicas Goreidte orrs ewihteexrss urday, June 17, Newtonviile INSULATION, blowing meth- dePropteriesPick-up and Specialize in 130" concrete ti E.1 , 2C::1î. -f Seurie Hall.ldiJime Fosisem'sisOrchestra.Our'od, with rock xvool. Womk- dlvr.G og's,8 KnWt..PH A IEi - _ __ i D I Y AR , 20 ars Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie sincere appreciation for al the Sqa.m an R'sOud esdancngmanship guaranteed. Free esti- E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29 -1 f Warhd, jhibyS10MOe 8-2oot. !AP.L. A E Tvcn, n god ih alctte m cinr a d on Saturday, June lOth, at 21ivey gifts and cards recev- SaranRod ncïates.HaryL. Wde.Tl ad hty O826. P T-- - ai- Boma-'d ro armay rind adyou wiii enjoy. Dancing stants mes!ay' e.e- GUARANTEED television and 241 ocation,ý selu), oî-ne rpa ongcnen ag vleCemetery. 24-1 relatives, aIse a speciai thanks a .Amsin$. 2 *poeCak 22. 3t ai evct I ae.CUSTOM spraying of al hind sPh-O--"e MA 2'- 2 73.- - t -sapba__anbucol te those who in any way heip- All members of the ne DELUXE model motorcycie,lSame day service. Television 1959 CHEV. 2-DR. Wced controi in oats, baî-ley,'PASTUPI> for 35 healcte.romdbikhewith i versary an enjoyable occasion. Annual Church Parade Of condition; 14 ft. Fibergiassi 49 t hr on.qi etil98PLMUHizR shw A5-12 o ppicdlonyc nt' nlsae mdmcneine Akn Noticescasn.G. e1t1aeor 5han-Ode r nie t tedte________________ 198PYOTo4D. OhxaHA544.Bwan P-neC)CO 1.21182,0.Trs Dr. C. J. Austin's office wiil Mn. and Mns. Charles Taylor, Pontypool L.O.L. 82, L.O.B A boat, us1eesao.G REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- One oxvner ville M1A 3-.2160. 24-3.DIYFR,24ars be iosd une15te une24Oroo. 24- 1i4, land JOLan444.Haade B2:1t5 2 Liert"St i 1ture7tunedDte ll akeRofBOWMiiANVILLE MaintenanceFlRmo' o- l vth8cn utlaigbr incusve.24iveii.leveOrage leîlate:1tric m2otecetiemotrs t-iion lc- 157DODE -DR Srvie:icen:g rgslnp iisLllii.A'vieUcimmd-wif mlkig arlr,50 an Have you an article the I wouid ike te thank ait myîP.m. Church service at 2:30 BALE elevator, 24' long; Inter- 'trie, 38 King East. Phone MA 1957 DODGE 2-DR. hohtcry, winidows,vneanity.ho iutck2m.'luk ooetrmsexa Musum s lokig frBnig fiens fr he ard,1fuitan p.._______________a4-inatonl gainbiner,6'eutt3-305-7-f3156.LYOUII 4DR. blnds îîw tpesan codapes2> arnd8 oomd hme it I oteMsu hs(hr-candy and the Masonic Ledge Woodview Community Cenieas 0YDkhm is i Ity ate he Museum ts5(Thr-.6 o h lweswih-ose Bingo wnweeks old. Joe Redmond 1REPAIRS te al makes of re- V-8, automatie, radio, in",Pocs etc. cpir: oo r ll,NE rtwoh înnaa oemcneine.Akn da)atmon13 e5o 6for tev hie finwerspwich -gMos-trBinoTwenty dolr;fv j an 24-i mecyae;emiking oolers20,g-1,inc[ows removed. avseu.9 'îr S. h n îAkt DIYFR1o IH Phono MA 3-5226 or MA 3-5890. Alse Dr. McKenzie and the games-thinty dollars; $150 gon1 Ectic iinitooe, 28 ing1 DDEc-RuARTPJitHerNI -31.24 Chr35t.35o gon Elctrie irnite, 38 Kngý195 DODGEc-ilcntRDTbuildings,, silo,281etc.;45,30' 24-1 nurses at Memorial Hospital jackpot, and two jackpots at COURSES in the subjects Of s.E hn A3315 Radio, windshicici wvashers -- ____ ----- fo thPrkindness. $250. Door prizos. Next your choice. Enrol now fori ---!P95ASNTATHeRaEVne i,,) tlaromd rik omrwthai THEKETH AV Y, Wellington Farrow. Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, the fali terrm Olievu. 14A $3<iSeviceinOOd. o 24-_____a_____Busnes_____ Ms.C. A. ton ic ating an-d ailj w'h god arnNbulAcoler The i vn for yo& is Bamtlett, Principal, 154 Kingimestie appliances, gardcn trac- 1955 PLYMOUTH Brick - 13lock - ('oneretei417.lAR FRM 10ace TRANSPORT Iwish toeess iy sincere earning yur iw iving. Is St. East, Bowmanville. 239-tf t, chain saws and laxvnî -,oedrvnwpan.adCapnm NEh:o ii""iifs1 I, r'eshd t.;8ee thaks ex apresstont Ds your own maie ylckàiOD;OÔT- -lmowems, also sharpcning laxvn: One owncr. NW1VORK and ItLPAIRS wi11 carry o t rs ou biiy maicrb acuRODOOonwl-t-al mowcms. J.Hoitby, MAlýrkcýtl 1'ECO-- Jiula~~il <tvb'khmrnigwt staf nd emratl and the of training? Ennol now for or room size. Freecestimates 3-70G2, R.R. 3, Boxxman-vi1le, ati PaONEnCO 3-2282, HA TfN A-57t ri' 100 wt $,00don ,safo eoilHospital who the falterm at Bowmanvile on wall-to-wall SampVaesttan- Groxo 22-tf 'TJA 'j 1icenmnîl vthsralreL BUIN SS attended me during my stay in Business Schooi. ivrs. C. A. en eut te your home for colour Maple ' 195 DDGE 2Reair BUIES hsiaiase a special thanks Bartiott, Principal, 154 Ki- nddort-gdes.F.- 1 1T951EPJPIN SATO WGONPafrn lioa<oIo' OI'l hirdbn an rv h te m man frinds nd iigh-St. astBowmnviie. 2-tfKringadp Lot.,37 ing St. wi.mîradiey À rCE lwiivd ' c" Id-n'-Àgertc.; noedThom -_--------________________in____________ ____ 24-tf \nd. msiIii ' <p to Ju'I.phon- MAoo-9d88- e,4tV: 24ing Recording Sec'y. every day, .thei p.t . ei .)Ui>.»>. >ui Dhispeakertte19tneuneerîgnt b oiUtui phneMA3-301 24-1 The things ho did and thoîtho eenin . seaker - .14 1961. \Voxal-k te b ul . o fho o-_________ __j-l1 "i iii' 'h iI ý- bt(n!odrae, arg ____________________1_MxviiiBD.,hefRex- .C isteandSFATH ke r sDayssoci alsy Hietod 30 For furtherabes'a]] think cf our quarrels, ornted Church, Toronto, a Chairs, Reciiners, Luzy B infortion ~'l G -67 N DSNETN ~ i ~ contactHadoln Photography w' laughton, aur Roadng L p sMagaie ioEnsiln O3-G71ADDSNETN ______ teans, ~forer poprîlar pustor. Special eain a m . nî in,- L.îîadc .Romd om-cthai - -- ~~We think ef these manyisinging by the Sunday Sehloolý Racks, Card Table and Chair Mrs. Joxc Virtue, Sccretury-'BEST time of the year for ccir l)i i u.'.'I'0 ~fmae unn aekth We t ik o u a s a asssted in the aftcnoon by Sets. Trade-in xeek on Chest î'Iesurr, Enniskiln, Ont. business. You carn carn frin s, n'î ... '::ii" .Jîx H ORPoYrtraitrs a aMrs.Laurence Malcolm, Neste- rfied and Bedroo m Suits,24-i 5000 te S$75.00 we l, p Tan ks'lgC";-10 Portitgs A- Pea res doxv lan lte ethe g , to , neu t o veithe hr m Ktc on Suts. Lo v- '.il h re iv d sc tng nuio aly kn wn fi n' ep îcfux 19, ax:.oî,ile, O '. B RB R H P itC'd pinlane the se, tOMr. Glen Ailin, Newcastle andc est prices at lowest interestITENDERS %ilbreivdyGo S tcTnk a Specalty We think and xe knw, MmI. Jack Allin, Oshaxwa. On mtes for tim o payments. Frooltho undesignd untit une 26 ilex Produts Dept. R J. -2- 3, 1ù Ho has gene from ' r Ide Wednesday, June 2lst supper Parking at rear cf store in nexvý1961, for coi-crete fiooringin 10 Delorirnier, Montreal.24 BERTI O Roome home with mod A sior Studio But wo think of aur dad withivî I h served fromn 4:30 p.m Parking Area. Direct ceveredibasemreflt cf S.S. No. 18 School 24jobs with te host I Ph m sqeuare footrdof fPooris:21-tfs $1.25 chil.en> c'omciiikingtlotito.nPricene$for00.roTennis. 75 KingSt. E. Owmanvile s5c 24-i King St. Murphy Furnitore, 1700sqae et"fflo i,1T E bs oswipteay hn Cak 71hac, (11,1i (- Phon NIA 3t-E 2502 vlh e D aiua g r Inc ie, s o n-a v'-K ing W ., Bow m anvile, M Arket Concr te m ix te ho 1-2-31, *Pa o te Business S hoot _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _)p., a 'î - - 1" , ni Ii' 8 R o o om n N w 23Dt, id Vand riand Rchian.on ee Ga-nfor 3-381.e44IFioor poured 4" thick and steel graduates. Enrol nowforthe btbut f rîtax a ;tdcsiewt i mdm cn ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ buck whIeat. J. R. A ttention: F arm ers igrax-l, c ush d, 3 inches deep~ Business S h ol, M rs. C. A. Acrias and R rs i - ol 2 'I2 e otd a d p it d rc 2 1BE__ __ _ ndta po . Is tve. aniot, Prnipal, 1 4 King! Repairs to Acrials SOhOl o n $,0.0 MArsi-2H o3e1.eorv ofThresher and Ha mmrer miill te said b sement, 6' mun, 42 ýS . ast, Bow vn iville. 23-1a d R t nsf1 L L ~ L6 R e o om t K n a Nursing Home mEEGH.n eving mompyef LI.\ITED quantitv cf seed Boîts, 50' x 6 x 4: S45.00. 2" ieud41 ie ok eh'- OSI Vand toVh oe cneiecs TH Haven____ NymrsHineeh Horpaeed.buckwheat. Phono MA 3-2046. Belting: 22c per ft.; 3": 33e ft.; ompe ad4"d Augusto 91beUT upyLd PTl Et ehoec nc SOUHHvenNusln Hmeaway on dune 17. 1954. 2-16:65 t.Seca piesOcomveteor y tndr e V us~ta1 O l A 888IV A T V ~~ 600vib 50 on ~Accommodationl for pivateiEx'ery day in some smnall Wava 23 E 2 6B.!6eand Bob Leask TIIRIonloweoI>or INItenderAcreages with stroams, lotsd e nd semi-pri\vate patients,; Memories of you corne our EDEýluckxvea t, dean. Ormne endless farrn beîts, graderi necessanily aceepted. F. L. lounge TV. FulI',' icensed, way. 'Miller, Poîst'pool. Phono 12r1 1 boîts. V-belts, all types of Byam, Sec.-Treas., S.S. 18, HIGHEST prIcos pa!d for live Bill__and__Bo_________i Tl1REIAI': ii"CSo autnRadEano new building, modern. Visitons Tho' absent you are ever near Orono. 41 rbber hose, Plastice ie yrn.2 2puty.goefate 1fet-8t wélomo Rtsonbl raes.Stii issd, trates.dand"""' iruberboos, tc Bots epar-____________and'____birltcks scaportsgsetc. Lght Suplid i-ieNecasre Phono Newcastle 4441. 13-tf even dear. I~e rvlaie t1pie ersna etls and rapv frs.ono 74Tr4 aI-n ant n n JhnDe'W E__ _ _ _ x c h a n g e i l o r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s a d a w u r s c o e v a n L e . L tp±lei uF -- - Lovingly remembered by his;- _________within 24 hours. __________________ A3-04 Ohwa 48ta ppî Reltr ad Gneal R oom -B d. 'N'a ted wile Stella and famiy. 24-il EXCHANGE ands for house! Phon o RAndoph 8-1658 IRAGE3C2suppIesh-awubberi-A YOU G coped isot ent BÎOAliRDIGplc fryon BL-I ovnnmmmyc (-23. 5 eos),fl ad ntSnowden Industrial 'goods) mailod postpuid in plain'ALL kinds of liixe poultry,,furniislicd apartinon'tor bouse Set ae evatePoo34 lady teacher near Lord Elgin mother, Jessie Bell, who pass- acd 1 01r;i bsttonIl Fc'. 0.f1 ~ 'aLdetivs 2e. 24 saorsaîso old fathcrsn tigoeksand .jélin BoJ-t te S't. 1;î. Wite P P Sc hon M 3-2612etemrte 5.ydue 7t, 95. ukok;a on hMa-in Lino. Write ±Rub -er &.UIa.3!!cs xsn!,m 2 rd r c.2,1mrsatighem ýactpi>saicks. FIat 'r 7 / X u;n '- 'osDvdsn ehn"3 6. P ono M A -26 2 ater 5. -Ever rem em bered by Flora'Box 131. S lal_ýen "R" M etrei 9 B U E T,;SIFA1N .0 RM albb er C e Bo x . b,!!i h uny R Ri . P hono 7 r.1Sat esmuîý' , C) . Box11,7, Bc/v 23-2 and Alf.TootLaieOn.25i o.Rbe COBx lBlayRR1.Poe7rIISaen*iP0Bo19,ow- 23-4 Hamilton, ont. 1 -5L 1'coilect. 21-tl'manviUle, Ont. 24-2I LISA IL LreA erut I.