-~ -~ PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANqVILLE, ONTARIO i. WEDNESDAY. IMmNE141h, 1MI Mospo rt Races T hriII1 Over .8,000 Spectators Dunlop Trophy Wihner With His Awards Heimrath Officiais Check Over Cars Lined Up On Track Grid Trophies- By The Editor -- The 400 member British Em-,' pire Motor Club which conceived . jthe original idea of Mosporti several years ago was given a gigantic task to fulfill on Satur- At î day and came through with fly- ing colors. Theii job was toe "shake out" the bugs at Mos- i por-t Park and organize every detail so it would be ready fr ýw the grand opening, the Player's 200 race, on June 24th. Found Complete Confusion When they arrived in force on Friday for their llth annual ll sports car races, they found complete confusion and began to wonder if it would be pos- sible to conduct races the fol-r Before every race, the safety conscious officiais check over flags in the foreground. Eachoeheaseil o od u h troin ay. hertre a u-, the vehicles to make certain alsafety bits are fastened and helmets checkered one is the most imprtn Tedxervhwisteac ing was far from finished, the~ are being worn. In this photo, their check is about complete and drives around the track withitf, nprultoetteseaos essential intercommunicating soon, the starter Paul Cooke will bring down is bright green f lag i know of his victory. telephone system refused te to get another thrilling event underway. Note the many types of work and everything was bed- lami as many of the 120 entrants kept arriving wth their cars for thactias ledk them apyth Pit Crews Keep Busy Relaying Messages t rvr theiasls.T eethem happyth track. The officiais refuse to allow drivers to go free-wheel- . . . . . .. ing around the circuit without adequate marshalling protec- tion at every corner. To make matters worse, the rain con- tinued ta threaten and Saturday noon let loose with a cloud- hurst that drenched everything and everybody. Fortunately, the suni carne out Ludwig Heimrath, top driver at the BEMO races on Saturday hugs bis soon after and dried the track several trophies presented during the victory banquet at the Legion Hall. Dur- in short order sa the races could ing bis five years in Canada, this former German motorcycle racer has establish- commence only an hour or so ed a fine record driving Porsche cars. Hie is tecbnîcal instructor at Eglinton late, the phones finally began Caledonia Motors in Toronto. t ucinadeeyhn a ready to go. * Mosport Camnes Alive H-appy Francis Bradley VVîns txgain nateonaderlev- ing, with plenty of spectacular driving, several near crashes and many interesting events. The wheels were starting to tumn and everything was slowly~ fitting into place as it should Some of the busiest people at the course are the pit crews easy . to read because the drive a nyscnst e t hs at a well organized track. Mos- who keep time on their drivers with stop-watches, prepare the members of the team play amotipratndfrmasectr port had corne alive and ther wasa nw siri intheair ~ special boards with information which they hold up as their car point of view, a most colorfulpatithacvtes :w. .a of confidnethit thie ircuite flashes by the starting point. The message must be simple and1 would be the finest in Canada and possibly North A.merica. There were many fascinating events. With the more than 8,000 spectators loving every minute of it, one Minii-Motor . pu o agratshow against stiff fewv laps ta go. A Heart-Rending Thril Shriners from Toronto had brought a bus load of crippled youngsters te the event in their special bus. They lined the fence in their wheel chairs, cheering top winner of the day, Ludwig Heimrath, the 27 yearE old ex-German motorcycle rider in his Porsche RS 60, as hie took every event hie entered w-ith plenty of space to spare. e After one race, while on his - ., victory ]ap, lie slowed down and waved at the youngsters, a gen- erous act which brought forth Iusty cheers. The Johnnys On The Spot To a newcomer such as we were, the exciteinent took many forms. We were even interest- " ed in the "Johnny on the Spot" outfits which provided rest ro facilities and were set up in "Men" and "Wnmen" lustersi One of the most popular drivers on Saturday1 ail over the grounds. These, of' was Harry Entwistle, a Hamilton sign painter, rvl L cOurse, were temporary and will .....be used until the permanent ou.Heihhw ei-e with some of the gleamn TorntobusdrierFracisBrale, divîg Mss bî fo th R.M.washrooms -are installed lai eri silverware hie won although his motor was being'ýý Holingbea Cop. f Bwmnvile as los beindHemrah i thir evealon. The refreshment boothsý broken in after a restoration job. racs.linseads sown here receiving e scond placd eirop i h em Rn ie were w'ell equippe<l although residet o he ritish Emire Mtore Clubond aete man wh ondlehithethey too had been installed in a aise provide insýtant1 fielitu îmgraved and! incluing sinîall presden oftheBriish mpie MtorClu an themanwhohanledthehurry and were not the pernian-Idriveî's wb namy require an am-!and large trophies. George public address system. M.W teithEdtroMooNes eepblh-ntuligs which will be used. h ulance, towv truck or other ser- l Moss was the Jovial niaster o ed in Toronto. Even the starting towýer- was alvice. They aiso make certainijceremonies. makeshift affair w'hich will beltie spectators rernain back of:.Iii the itrs<c space, w-e il ~AII.II eplaced iaterhy thlehuge strue- ithe xvNire fence. They are 111 bave îîot include the cemiîlete, n L ~ Iiiture to ha installed hy Imiperiai1, fact the highiy trained szafetyllist of prize winîîeîs becauseJ iv~~ospor . men on the course, but in adi nbirîaImes as Vet viii net nîcan Slee "M is W hz" P rfor s W el atM osp rtýThe pits and the activities of tion. St. John's Ambulances and'too mai-h ta u111r eders. That. i the crew-s many ng staffarealwvscni as,'ti dae present. . . . . . .. tcmp letad laone f inere\v' the car nd iixer-.\ i ruAdtMh ieoftetak 0 atcua eeett eii One of the hardest woriiî cre e a' armni(Ui.nun<ier 12 vaso g.b men on the circuit wvas Harry1 fit, a goid shi-t and wine-coioî -lcludep folding claii-s. and mk Johnson, the Chief Course dt-uesai lu Wiaadyo t hr vl i shahl. Ha headed the white i- the pi-esident of BEMC anîd ona pîenty te sev amni it iý- an ilpal eralled mnen with the rad capso u fns nionar n pot for- a picniir. A feu t from an organization calleci thewould. rai-e te hear. Fr'om long and even a basabail and glove Canadian Racing Communica- expeience hs wn eîbn-mighth stlaa imte - tions Association. They suppla< vrystaio n i'betacl,.Thpe, is loads7 of loom trained mnarshalls for every ,ihgndntr n.pîsa and we'll gu.arantee that before race. Each member of the or- ýsîve t ac t. :the day is ovai' you'Il agree the -~ ganization has received an in- 300 Atend Banquet pi'ice is ieasonablP foi' the en- -. tensive schooling in first aid,I-tranetadtrlspoi fire fighting and communica-~ ~ In the evening, a huge vie-tranetndhilsroi--' - 0f artculr iterst o mn'ypeole n tis rea th R.M. ions, gting ad commn catory banquet took place at theled. Also don't forget ta hbuy - - " Of prtiularintres to arl pepleHnollings-,theRLeMgionin Hallns sheretat ny'tmra300i ana oHalfwthe veinformativeh inormtive grormm head entry "Miss W;hiz" is shown here with driver Francis Bradley behind the where on the circuit shouldiwere served a buffet supper byiwhicb includes a score vheft., Alber itlls, Tyrone, rigbt, the former we ftepoet hc a wheel and, from left. to right, the pit crew Jack Jaczynski and Jack Young, trouble develop, they can ha inthe Legion Ladies' Auxiliary.'BY the 24th, the entire track sold to Mosport was most impressed witb themn hne bc aecnet winner of the Trans-Carlada Rally recently. At far rigbt is Doug Sellers, instant touch with the contraI ,Tlien came the aw-ards in the will ha covered hY the Publicý ed bis ranch into one of the most beautîfulrodacnciutsntewrd le A ci th-easervice vehcle carigan hHli prodcts . I h bc-with flags or the signal lightsikind and shape axailahie, doz-ýome to keap înformed aoi the ground, tesrievhcecryn ayW i rdcs atUp at each corner. jhey'lens of them, ail appropriately'events. ibas taken place in just a few months.