Ho nor Principal On Retirement brit îrnibnrna There have been a series of events over the past retirement of Louis W. Dippell, for 32 years Principi School. First students of both the Courtîce and Bom on the campus to present Mr. Dippeli with the Sci contributions from present and former students. Or pupils, friends and former teachers attended a tea at t noon and, in the fvening, a large banquet was held honor at the LionW Community Centre. Presentations painting, three picces of luggage, a bouquet of rosesa scroll. Many Fine Tributes iveTestimonil onoingLouis W. Principal -Here, 3À Many laudatory tributes were tesinoniaI dinrier just a week1 tendered ta retiring Bowman- aÈo,. actini as chairman. ville High School PrincipalInhsoeigrmkM. Loui W. ippel drin5 a1Strîke stressed the importance testimonial dinner in te 0Lns, n al t omuict Centre, Saturday evening. Theofbigal ,cmunat event was attended by overlwith others the thoughts, ideas 150 guests, with W. Rossland knowledge that would be Strike, Q.C.. who had been useless without this ail im- '1. e a________________ _________ _____Mr._______l __________ - - ____over his 32 years as principal of BHS had made a tremendous ,contribution to society, he said, Durham.p. iy communicating a great deal ~ ilswho had gone out into he world ta make worthwhile use of it. News Report At the regular meeting of IVany vani town council last week, a let- ter was read from Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P.. taking exception r ft o ta derogatory remarks attri-C r f s o buted in newspaper reports ta, several counicillors about a He wîshed ta make it clear!Guil d Hobi that he had receivedt only a COPY of the letter council had The Hobby Show held by directed ta the National Em- the Bowmanville Handcraft1 ployment Office at Oshawa Guild at the Lions Commun- requestng more consideration ity Centre on a recent after- n the selection of Býowman-_ noon and evening was an ex- ville's unemployed for work (ceedingly interesting event. on public projects w ithin the Miss Helen Van Dusen, found- tawn. er of the guild. was the di-' Dr. Vivian suggested that as recfor of the Hobby Show. E. lie had not been requested ta J. P. Morley was the M.C. take action, he had merelyý The diversified displays of acknowledged receip t of the [excellent articles were a re-1 communication. The acknow- !velation of the talents, abil- ledgement had brought somelIities. and imagination of thel rcathing comments fom coun- pol nBwmnil n cillors xvho feit his reply: the district. Ail kinds of (TURN TO PAGE SEV EN> 'handcrafts, art and hobbiesl ýseveral weeks ta mark the pal of Bowmanville High ,vmanville Shifts gathered ýolarship Fund raised by n Saturday, hundreds of ex- the school during the after- in his and Mrs. Dippell's included thîs beautiful and an illuminated citation Dinner Dippei 2 Years, Mayor Wilfrid D. Carruthers cxprcssed the town's apprecia- tion ta the honored guest by outlining some of the out-of- school service actîvities in which Mr. Dippell had played an important raie. He had been a soldier in the first World War.' a great church worker, had assisted in keep- ing the Canadian Club active for many years, hiad been active in high offices of the Masonic fraternal order, was a past presîdent of Rotary, head of the Library Board and re- <TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) ed Arts & View at by Show were on exhibition. A pleas- ing feature of the prograni was the singing of J. B. Slau- son, of the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmanville. His fine voice was heard in a number of selections. Mrs. .'.E. C. Workman xvas the pia no accompanist. The purpose of thie Hobby Show is twofold. First it was held ta encourage people ta 'wo rk at handcrafts and hob- bies. This is both enijoyable ;i and beneficial for anvone as relaxation. Such hobbies pro- TURN TO PAGE -SEVEN) Receives Highest Guide Award ý%AO04*At a special ceremony in Orono last week, Miss Lilian Miller of Bow- 'f'i ville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Miller, 46 Simpson Avenue, received ' .ding's highest aw.rdthe Gold Cord. She is shown here with Mrs. W. Rudeil, Vivuoa Cmm~sioneq --Photo by Rehder ýVolume 1071 Durliam County's Great Faniily Journal 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE A Lovely Setting l4th, 1961 10e Per Copy NUMBER 24 Nestieton Many Friends and Ex-PupisCild Dies In Accident Atten Teaon Sa urda toDavid Churchill, age 5, waIsr kîlled on Sunday afternoon. Ho, his ome ne ad ahaîf :milesý Honor Retiing P inci al' Road 14, when hie suddenly rail i Ho o R tiin P in ip l out il- front of a psiges- A leading educationist and one lbest wishes ta hlm for many hap- ville High Schaol colors of red bound car. of the outstanding men of Dur- py and enjoyable years of retire- and white. The driver, Robert Jamesi bamn County. L. W. Dippell,ýment. la addition ta the great Members of the Durham County: Strong, Blackstock, age 18, im- supervising principal of Bowman-1many former students fromn Bow- District High School Board and rnediately swerved in an at-I ville aad Courtice High Schools !manville and the district, a large their wives were present. the'temnpt ta avoid striking thel was hanored at a memiorabenumber cane f romn out of town, Teaching Staffs of Bownîainville1child, but this was imipossiblel event on Saturday afternoon la and some from a considerable and Courtice Higli Schools, aadland the lad was bit by the left Bowmanville High School. A' distance. B.H.S. Teachiag Staff promineat citizens from the toswnifront fender of the car. delightfuly arranged tea and re-lacted as hasts aad bostesses. ýand other parts of the area.ý The little boy was the son ception was givea in the assemblyl Mrs. Howard Jeffrey was the 1.Among the large number of Mlr.'of Mr. and Mrs. David Church-' hall in honor of Mr. Dippell, wvho' À1cnvenor far the eajoy- DippellUs former students were ilI, Nestleton. Constable R. S.' is retiriag thîs month after 32g"" c'mnd who have wona itnto DannOP investigated' years' as principal of Bowmanville alean succesful event. M rs. in different fields. disintion ccidont.PP High Schoal. Jc Arnott was in charge of the Ail welcomed the opportuaityv delectable food. She was assisted ta bonor Mr. Dippell, the beloved' The large assembly hall had by Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs.prnia ofBw nvleHh been transformed for the oc.jGeorge Wolfe. Miss Hazel Todd, prnia1f9omnileHgp~ casion inta a festive summer and Mrs. H. McMaster, members col Man istceofhI ar H P e scene. A profusion of lovely of the High Schaol Teaching thndbnefii livflesncerec tinws, pikwhsobitea da wrP e iach,10tf the Art Dc ert ee as rcated by th-e visitors. Also W hi tbv M an purple iris, and pink tulips. othArDeamnws also there w'ere numerous reunions adrndth tae.rspnibe o te effectivelyamong former pupils, those svho 'L adrnd hesag. esonile fo iestill reside in le area aad othersý n H s ia Mr. and Mrs. Dippell received ,triped caaopy in the Bownaa w'ho aow ive elsewhere. the guests standing under a festive An exquisite arrangement of' Carman Stapley, Dundas' canopy. Attractive garden furni- ,. JI red and white tulips andwhtSre, ibyisapintn ture fored hei bckgounllilacs illustrating teHihShcool's Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanl- and a glass-topped table was dec- G r cu t d 1olors centred the prefectly ap- ville, suffering frumn head ii-ý orated with a beautiful bouquet lpoiated serviag table which uas'juries and severe lacerations' of early summer flowers. The - lgtdb alpse ellow taper's as the result of a motor acci-' many visitors were ailnounced by!lin silver candIestficks. dent.Heibin treated by Garh ilin a emerof 1i Those who presided over the Dr. H. B. Rundle. Teachiag Staff of Bowmanvillel teacups and fruit punch glassesý The accident happened ont' High School. were: Mrs. ea ILucas, Ivrs. A. Tuesday evening at 10: lî) Ail afteraoona steady stream', H. Strike, Mrs. Walter Reyaoldls,, o'clock at Concession 2 and of men, womea, and youang pepe Mrs. Clare Allia, Mrs. R. Fallis,, the Sauina Road when M~r. past and present teachers aad 5 Millbrook, Miss Nancy Snelliag,r Stapicy's car apparently went! studeats arrived ta pay tributet Mrs. Alex McGregor. Mrs E.!out of control and bit a tele- Mr. Dippell, aad to extend their; Witherspoon. Mrs. Robert W.!!phone pale. Contable L. R., TURN TO PAGE SEVEN> i danmes, OPP,. investigated. Big Fish News, Gets Our Staff Ail Excited Early this week a local fisherman bail The States- man staff quite excited for a moment. He 'phonejl to ask if we would like a photo of two fish he haît caught. Every- one looked up from what- ever they were doing when ,,ýe word cau1&Jhrough that and the ether 18. Mhat fishl! "IWhere «Ild! ie catch them?" shouted one of the news department. IlRight off the dock at the lake," came the reply. They're carp," w~as the dis- gusted comment ln fthe office. "No photos." For the benefit of the thrilled chap who had cauglit these beauties and may have been offended by our Indif- ference, carp, ln this area, are considered worse than garb- age by most sportsmen. R. Douglas flavîson son of Mr; and Mrs. Richard or' of Arts degree 'a Watcrlao Univi'roity College ai [May 2oth. He is, presently em- ployed by the Federal Govern- ment at the Geographical IBraneh of the Department ol Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. During.July and Aug- ust he plans to attend Ontaric College of Education, Toronto, and ta begin teaching at Cart- wrîght High School, Black- stock, in September. While teaching he will be studying post-graduate courses leading tc an M.A. degree in Geography. --Photo Farde Studio Q3 ts and1 £Aeces MOSPORT PRICES -- For some reason, the admission prices being charged for entry into the races at Mosport Park have been kept a dim, dark secret. The resuit is that many people stayed away on Saturday because they had heard wild rumors of fantastic charges. The price on Satur- day was $200 per aduit xith children under 12 f ree. This admitted the car to the track. On June 24th, the price will be $2.50, according to our information, for the big race which will feature top international1 drivers. PRAISE FOR EFFORTS B o wm a n viles Chamber of Commerce committee lias been receiv- ing considerable praise for their promotional efforts in connection with Mosport Park. They borrowed a Preston Transport trailer which was set up as an information booth at Memorial Park, with two attractive girls in charge, Miss Margie Cowan and Miss Marie Hodgson. Two banners xvere strung across Liberty St., and the ne\v attractive folders including the scrvices available in the area and a route map were available. The folders are also being mailed out to members of sports car clubs and other interested parties. So, Bowmanville is certainly getting on the map. t . i IIISTORIC ITEM - Bowmanville's museum lias been acquiring many unusual items on boan f rom citizens of this area. Mhile they have been concen- trating on articles having to do with early local hîstory, they now have a saddle loaned bv' Mrs. Len Lucas' father. It belonged bo Louis Joseph Papineau, leader of the rebellion of 1837 in Lower Canada. Also included ini recent vintage acquisi- tions is a pair of lady's drawers and a pair of old ice skates. If voù have something you feel migbt be of interest, contact any member of the board or take it to the museum on Silver Street this afternoon or Tuesday evening, dune 2th when the board xii] hold its regu lar meeting. NICE HOLIDAY - Don Bishop, one of our capable printing ýtaff should take a bolidav more often. it pays. This week he is awav f rom the office and on Monday did some baby-sitting while his wife and her mother, Mrs. Russell McLean attended the bingo at the Red Barn in Oshawa. Mrs. Bishop won $180 and Mrs. McLean $165. What a nice holidav! WILL BE LEAVING- Their many friends here xill be sorry to learn that Capt. and Mrs. Norman Coles of the Salx'ation Armv have received word they will be assigned to another charge, effective July lst. They have been here four years. No information has been received on where they will be serving, or who wil replace them bere. Report to Coun cil Shows 103 Pensons On WeIf are in May,. Ludwig Heimrath, 27-year-old ace Canadian sports car driver and winner of the Dunlop Trophy Iport @for May, which was sub- those present at the Ontario e,*orthewn r' lgfo SttrPalC k.Hi mitted at the meeting of Bow- Municipal Association T ns ~~o rnrsfa rmSatrPu ok.} manville Town Council last and Villages Section Cof en- Poische RS 60 had streaked around the course well week, showed there were 103 tion ini Renfrew. Deputy- ahead of ail other competition ini the feature race of persons receiving welfare dur- Reeve Hobbs an-d Reeve Sidney the day.' Heimrath wilI be in action again during the ing the month. The total cost Little were delegates ta thisIneatnlPlers20vnttMsptonJn 2. 'd oLwelfare in May was $2,998.65, convention -from Bowmnanville,-ne ____Payrs20 eçta MsotonJn 4 it and of this amount the expect- Town Council. )f cd recoveries from provincial The address given at this Memorial to His VVife ýsubsidies and charge backs s convention b John Wifitr -______________ - $2,597.56. This makes the meyer. the Ofitaria Liberal 'actual welfare cost ta the town Leader on "The Role of the al for the month only $401.09. County in Ontario" was ex- foTh r welrr e ed in t-Releve ndinobsmaid A C l. R . .5. M cLaughfin 'fctin Ther welfrenew appin -ellead normsaIdep A J 1May. Four were accepted andiworthwhile talk was also given 1 employment was procured foriby A. L. Cummings, Ontario 0,heeopl2~e nmpoe Dpt Minister of Municipaltre sen ts New Organ and their dependants totaled "'Our resolution that Coun-1A le 47. ties' road rebates ta urbanl t T r n S e v c LO 16 dependants. There were and that the rebate be made T r n e v c Y. five single persons and three uniform throughout Ontaril (Tyrone Correspondent) TIhe presentation of the ýo O.A.A. and O.A.S. people in was ]ooked on with favor andlTrnUitdCucDe Adelaide, McLaughlin Mem- receipt of welfare in May. Also will be included in the brief tol icTyronerUnited Chrch ella- ra Og smdbyCl thee wre iv wefar paiets he rovncal ovenmet.tended by the community and' R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa, in nursing homes during the We feel this would be a great1 surrounding district. Our min- drss anddeiatcd hy pR cv ad month. asset ta Bowmanville," hie seRv ero ohstdesan dditdby e. Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs asserted. ister, b Rev. eelo L K .tJ. K. Braham. Mrs. McLaugh- reported that valuable informa- Deputy-Reeve Hobbs urged'was asse yRv .K lin formerly taught schoal ini -that in the future Town Council Braham (Scugog), chairman- the Tyrone district. discuss and prepare resolutions, eleet of Oshawa Presbytery, epnieraigfloe ,R re F ss t e reete t hs o and Rev. A. E. Cresswell Rspnierangfloe Ra e osil nPrent~st~s 1c ~(Clarernont), f ormer pastor of fhrnn "sLord1an I0fan counicil prior ta the sessions fTre pastoral charge. Abv. KReceived By the Ontario Municipal Associa-! ustognit r.R Presentation of the Cross ition Towns and Villages Sec-I erl o hy OgnC. on the communion table, d tion Convention. and organîst of Howard ParkI Hymri Board and Offering rd Reeve Sidney Little agree ed Unied Chlurch bTrnto s,ay Plates was made as well as that it would be of benefit ta ed seveMalnumbDeirs: Jesuh; partial redecoration of the 'Paie energetic and entiu.si- 'havre resolutions for this con- dyo a' eiig ah hrh n h unsigo oficr o teneîyvntonpssd nBomavll'"Aria from the l2th Conc.ihrante uisngo ýastr oficer ofthe ewlyvenion asse inBowmnvile iGr.,Handla Chugleinelthea uais t esai afs thth forned Bowmanville MuseumlTown Council ahead of time. r adî"hrl rld church. are already receiving welcomel The Building Inspector's re on Crimond," Thiman; "Char-, Smaller and larger dona- resonss o tei apea for, (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN r aie Prelude on Eventide," Wil- suitable articles ta include in - lan. ;UNT AESVN their growing exhibits ofi antiques, Although they are trying toi Presents Organ As Memorial hold the appliances ta utensils,i furniture and implements per- taining ta pioneer days in Durham County, other exhibits are being received. One group of fossils from the farnous Canadiari Rockies has been received recently from a native of Bowmanville living in Vancouver, Preston1 L. Tait, now in his 80th year. He is a son of H. C. Tait, well known photagrapher in Bow- manville back in the 80's and niman y of his portraits and fami]y groups of that era are still ta be found in family albums in many of our olderý homes today. In bis early days in Western Canada Preston Tait adopted the hobby of mountain climb- .TURN To PAGE SEVEN) At a special dedication service in Tyrone United Church on Sunday even- ing, several gifts for the church were dedicated including a Baldwin electric organ presented by Col. R. S. McLaughlin of Oshawa as a memorial to hi$ wlfe, Adelaide, who had been a school teacher in the area. Rev. G. Lokhorst, the ___________________pastor, is shown demonstrating the organ to a former minister in the Tyrone circuit, Rev. A. E. Cresswell, now of Claremont, who was present for the CoL IL S. MsLugblia service. -mfeo >I. -Il- - - m db% e -