- - - e ,'~.---- -- ..-.-.-.--r---..---r - .rr--.-- ------,- -~ ~--- - -. -~ ~ 'VED NESDAY, JUNE l4th, 1961 THE CANADiAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - PAGE THREN Repots romNearly 300 Attend Legion Ladies Auxiliary Zone Rally Repors fro Women's Institutes BLACKSTOCK WOMEN'S the June meeting of thei INSTITUTE 'Blackstack Women's Institute1 which was held in the ParishI Thiry-oe ldiesenjyedHall Wednesday evening, June -z~I~IiI"I'~a. 7th, with Mrs. John Scott as hostess. ~ EXPERTFollowing the :ustomary among which was discussions cAIOwULrSKJCEWE re the exhibits for the Fl FR CML WAVINGD faLrs, and a comnmittee a 'nw ismnUr-'rO-oM appointed to plan a bus trip for July. heroll eall brought many interesting "«earliest re- collections cf an Institute »ý meeting". _ The motte "Use the talents you possess, for the woods Wouldbe very silent if ne birds sang but the best" was very capably dealt with by Mrs. Stanford VanCamp. The Theme cf the meeting was Citizenship and Mrs. Van- Camp said we should be very proud te he Canadian citizens and we should use aur talents te raise the standards of thinking as well as of living. Mrs. Albert Wright brought ail u te date on current i BND I...OHAW.R.3-9i evs. horne Thompson fav- CANAfiAà CLIPPER mis EXCELLINCY "A' il jewels, self*winding. wa- With white dia! end Ierprooftshock resistant, un- handsonie brawn or breakabla nlainspring, anti- block lealher slrop inagnetic, radium hands and $59.50 4 W ,l Sweep second hand W ith charcoal dial - 9.50É ' D YON $4950 *FATHERSDYJN MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. Bowmanville f Wlerp>roof as 1on e tyufa1 0*8 inlaei topunp.ed The largest zone rally in the 10 years that Rose Bate of Bowmanville has been Commander of Zone Fl took place here on Monday night at the Legion Hall, Queen Street. Visitors were present from eight other auxiliaries from Dunbarton in the west to Bowman- ville in the east and Sunderland in the north. Some of the head table guests are shown here, including from lef t to right, front row: Presidents Mrs. E. Burgess, Dunbarton; Mrs. C. Ormiston, Whitby; Mrs. Wm. Bates, Bowmanville; Mrs. E. Pegg, chairlady, Pro-, oured with a lovely piano solo, and Mrs. Ralph Larmer rend the third prize essay from F.W.I.C. competition of 1959, naimely "How can 1 train my child te be a citizen of the world?" Following the expression cf thanks te all who assisted and the hostess, and the sin.- inýg cf The Queen, a dainty lunch was served. by the group and a social heur enjoyed. NESTLETON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Some thirty-three members cf Nestieton W. I. gathereti ai the home of Mrs. Herman Samelîs for their June meet- ing to hear Mr. A. O. Dalrym- ple, Agricultural Representa- tive of Durham County, give an instructive address, "Edu- cation pertaining to Faz-ming.'1 Following the cust o m a r y opening, s e v e r a 1 thank-you notes were rend f rom si'2k and bereaved, bUis paid, and a donation of $3.00 received frein Mrs. H. Sheffield ini memory of ber mother Mrs. Robert Jackson, a long time member cf the Nestletor branoh. The butterfly pattern for a quilt was displayed, and Short Course choices were: Women's Institute Procedure and Aids te, Effective Speak- ing, with a second choice of Needlework if available. Mr. Daîrymple was intro- duced by the President Mrs. H. Vine. The speaker endeav- ouredti t explain the plight of the farmer whe it is claimed "is being granted tee many subsidies". Some of his state- ments from a survey in the U.S.A. were: (1) It costs as much te laun- der a shirt once as the far- mer received for the cotton that went inte it. (2) It costs as much for the cellophane bag as the fariner received for the vegetables forming the contents cf the cellophane bag. (3) The label on a can of tomatoes cost more than the farmer got for the tomatoes in the can. (4) It cost more te unload a carload of farm produce than the farmer was paid for the saine produce. Mr. Daîryn-ple went on te PARKINO VAILABLE FREE TWO-HOUR PARKING bas been made available for those shopping west of the Four Corners ... situated off QUEEN STREET. Convenient walk-out entrance frein parking lot te King Street Shopping Area has been muade between Lloyd Ellis Shees and Flower Shop Carnation Shop with ease free of parking meters. rnBOW31ANVILLE ENTRANCE KING STREET Enter Parking Lot from Qucen St., thon follow signs through convenient hallway to King St. This Parking Lot Sponsored by the following morchants, South Sie: Alex M.%cGregor, Drugs Coronation Restaurant Stedman Store Hydro Shop I.G.A. Food Market Rickaby's Big 20 J. H. Abernethy'u North Side: Mer-v Drock, Barber Goodbrand Fabrlcs Royal Theatre Strlke & Strike Pearson's Smoke Shop Childs' Ladies' WVear Joan's Beauty Centre Marr's .Ieweltery Denhertog Clothing Murphy Furniture Lloyd Etls Shoes Dr. WV. M. Rudel Colliss Electrie Jamleson Tire Roy Lunney Insurance Ftower Shop Carnation Huyek's Beauty Salon Dykstra's Variety Foods Western Tire WV. H. Brown McGregor Hardware Geo. Stephen, Fuels Mytes Radio & TV Kowat Real Estate Canadian Statesman Bowmanvitte Shoe Repair Hap's BA. Station Paddy Welsh Texaco Smith Beverages LUI. say that only farmers with natural aptitude for farming could get by now-a-days with just public achool education. He explained tihe advantages of 4-H Clubs for boys 13-15 years cf age and for Jr. Far- mers 16-26 years of age, and mentioned that Jr. Farmers were organized in Durham in 1914. He commended the ev- ening tours when groups in- spected exceptional farms and emiphasized that out cf 1000 points in Cal! sand Swine Clubs only 400 points were given for the animal and 600 points given for showxnanshîp, judging and general knaw- ledge. One important legisla- tien sean te be enforced is that if a boy is net old enough te have a licence ta drive a car then lhe is net old enougli te drive a tracter. Mis. Cecil Wilson, convenor of Agriculture and Canadian Industries, who had procured the speaker, thanked Mr. Dal- rymple for his very fine ad- dress. Mrs. Vine named a program' comrnittee for the annual Au- gust picnic: Mesdames W. Leyland, A. Hyland, A. Bea- cock, T,. Malcolm, V. Hudson and R. Davison. Mrs. mer- son te learn il Mrs. Wisem an, District President, can attend the picnic and address the gathering. Remnants kindly donated byl MISS Ethel Thompson were priced by Miss R. Proutt, Mis. R. Daviýon and Mixs. K. -Sa- mells andi several pieces sold. Mention was made cf the Durham County Museum in Bawmanville te which anyone rnay donate or loan antiques as they wisih. -Mis. L. Malcolm led in com- 1mainity singing and Mrs. Cecil Wilson deait with the day's motto, "Neyer was there a rtime wheri clear thinking oný sthe part of farmers and farm leaders is so essential as now." The roll cail was "Why should tfarm women have holidays?" Cheryl Meteaif favo u re d 1wJth a piano solo, and Gail and Bonnie Malcolm accom- panied by their mother Mrs. L. Malcolm sang the beautiful duet "He". Mis. K. Sanelîs read "Family Farm Is Van- ishing". Mrs. R. Davison gave a splendid report of the Dis- trict Annual mentioning spe- cialiy the impressive memor- il service for deceased mem- bers including Mrs. 'Marvin Nesbitt and Mrs. Wm. Edgell frorn Nestieton branch. A card was signed for Mrs. John Wat- son who is in hospital, and thank-you read from Mrs. Dy- mond for a donation to the Port Perry Hospital Auxiliarv. The Pennies for Friendship is used ta help finance costs of materials in foreign countries which do not have Women's Institutes. Mrs. Vine asked Mrs. Ernest Herron te corne forward and expressed appreciation for her, help and interest in the or-l ganization and wîshed for ber much happiness in her new home in Wyoming. Mrs.R. Da vison presented a souvenir silver spoon wîth Institute crest for which Mrs. Herron expressed her pleasure and thanks. Mrs. Arthur Hyland's group! served the usual dainty lunch1 and Mrs. Wilford Jackson ex- tended the thanks of the' meeting to the hostess Mrs.1 Sameils, the program conven- or Mrs. C. Wilson, and the group leader and her assist-: ants. The July meeting bas been' cancelled and the annual pi.- nic will be the second Wed- nesday in August. SALEM Salem W.A. bas been post-ý poned for a week and wilI bel held at the borne of Mrs. K. l Shackleton on Thursday, J une 22.! Several from bere attended theý Goodyear picnic at Cobourg on' Saturdav and others enjoyed the car races at Mosport. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn,' Misses Grace Blackburn and! Marion Butteny, Mr. and Mrs.' Leslie Welsb attended tbe Law-i rence Welk show at the Cotiseum, Toronto, last Wednesday night. Mrs. Geo. Pirie, Toronto, wasý a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.î W. Craig. On Saturday evening Mrs. Pirie sbowed pîctures taken recently on a holiday in Flonida. The large_barns an the golf course are 15eing tomn down in readiness for building the curtingl rink.i 1 MA 3-5912 1 --n. Â'rthun Jammer has finish-J ýýpéed his year at University and ha, j accepted a position in Toronto. m Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kitiens and family attended Decoration Ser- vices at Greveside Cemetery, Brooklin, on Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Blanchard attended a tea at the Golf anad Country Club, Peterborough on Saturday afternoon, when Mrs. M. Dunbar entertained in honour of Mrs. Eleaner Pollock. The members of the Hampton Ladies Service Ctub bad dinner last Wednesday at Haugeen's Bar- becue Restaurant, near Manches- ter. At a short business meeting after the dinner, Mrs. A. Blan- chard presented Mrs. ioe Gallant witb a farewetl gift. Mr. and Mrs. Gattant are moving te Oshawa. Mrs. J. Macnab is taking over the Membersbip Convenor office wbich Mrs. Galtant bas held. The ladies went te Port Perry, and spent the evening bowling. The next meeting wiIl be hetd in August. Miss Joan Peet spent the week- end at ber home at Bextey. Miss Marion Clemens, Taranto, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Clemens, and with them spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blan- chiard at the cottage, Williams Point. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. CarIes ramblyn and Mrs. Ada Tamblyn, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Cee Rahme and Mfiss Helen Rabme, Greenbank, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Luke after the Decoration Service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Setters and cbitdren, Bowmanvitte, Mr. and Mvrs. Bob McRutîs, Oshawa, visit- eon Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. [obn Mcnab. Mr. and Mrs. Ratph Ballard wvere at "Parkwood" Monday eve- ning to see the display cf Mr. R. S. McLaugbIin's beautiful fiowers. Mr. and Mrs. Ballerd were guests of the Oshawa Chamber cf Ceom- merce at the tour. Mr. and Mrs. FRalph Ballard and cbildren, visit- ed on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballard, Columbus. Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Peters, 44rs. H. S. Price, Toronto, Mrs. F. R. Kerslake, Mrs. C. W. Ste- non and Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Salter and Mr. and Mrs. H. SaIt- er on Sunday. Bowmanville, visited Mrs, T. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Smale at- tended Erskine Anniversary, near Pickering taken there by their son, Mr. Jas. Smale cf Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wakely and family, Mr. Richard Mac- Lean, ait cf Toronto, and Mr. Ot- to Pfeiffer, Bowmanvilte, visited Mrs. Luther Allin and famîty on Saturday. A group cf Girl Guides from St. Clement's Cburcb, To- rente, with their leader, Mrs. Fnost spent the weekend camp- ng out in Mrs. AlIin's woods. Rev. and Mrs. Newton Reed and cbildren, Sunderland, visited Rev. and Mrs. Fred Reed on Sun- day. Miss Trudie Wilkins was bost- ess Iast Friday afternoon, wben sbe entertained a number cf ber companiens on the occasion of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- ham, Fenelon FaIts, Mr. and Mrs. Flarland Trull, Bowmanvilte, were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith. Last rhursday evening Mr. and Mrs. E-Isken Smith were tea guests lvith Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown,, Kedron. Mrs. E. Ternîtl Sr., Oshawa, and Mrs. Norsworthy., Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams and family, Oshowa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ctiff Territi. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Gode and family, Lakefietd, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Higgins and Jim visited on Sunday, witb M4r. and Mrs. Bill Sandersson, Janetvitle. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keane, M4r. and Mrs. Sam Keane and cbildren, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and daugbters, Oshawa, visited Mr.-and Mrs. Thos Wray, mn Sunday. Sympathy cf the Community s extended te the famity and frîends cf the late Mr. Wm. Hern, wbo passed away on Sunday. In- ernient took place in Hampton Cemetery on Wednesday. Ate or 'et . . . either anc re- minds me that we all spill food on cur clothing at anc time or another. And, naturally, this reminds me ta tell you that we're experts xvhen it cames te thoroughly removing food spots fram your clattîing. I'd just like te, add that when this happens it's wise to get your garment to the cleaner as quickly as possible. 'Mebby' us? Cart Leslie BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE SATURDAY, JUNE 17 FIRTH DROS. QUALITY MEATS vincial Command, Toronto; Commander Rose Bate, 1Bow.manville; President Mrs. F. Bouckley, Oshawa;1 President Mrs. D. Dorkin, Sunderland; back row: Presi- dent Jim Woodward and Padre John Living, Bowman-, ville; Mrs. M. Richardson, provincial president, Toron- to; Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, Bowmanville; Presi- dents Mrs. E. Ward, Ajax, and Mrs. Jessie McQuire, Claremont. Other presidents who arrived after the photo was taken xvere Mrs. E. Houck, Uxbridge, anda Mrs. F. Warren, Port Perry.5 HAMPTON The Induction Service for ouriBowmanville, is irnproving slowly.i new Minister, Rev. Percy Pageý Mrs. Ed Goodman, Osbawa, is to be held in Hampton Church Mrs. Albert Cote, Bowmanville,v at 8 p.m. on Juty 28th. M rs. Ken Caverly, Mr. and Mrs. il Mr. Keith Davey was interred Carl Wïtbur, Taunton, Mr. andS in Hampton Cemetery on Wed- Mrs. Gordon Leask, Taunton, b nesday last. A number of Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred DewelI,0 ton people attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeweII, i Sympatby of ait who know them Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold t is extended to Mrs. Keith Davey Jebson and Dorothy Beaverton. and children, and to Mr. and Mrs. have been recent calters with Mr. E Don Davey and faniily. and Mrs. E. Witbur. Mrs. Ortie On Saturday, Harrnony Sunday Chapinan, Orono, is staying withI School members, hetd their an- Mrs. Wilbur while her foot heals.f nuat picnic in Hampton Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan1 On Sunday the Decoration spent the svekend in TorontoS Service in Hampton Cemnetery with bis sîster, Mrs. Gerard Be-e was largety attended. Mr. Craw- gin and Mr. Begin, when Mrs.E ford, the Enniskillen pastor, as- Begin xvas hostess for a family t sisted Rev. Mr. Reed wit h the reunion dinner.- t service, and gave a very inspiring Mrs. A. W. Prescott spent last address. Music was kindly SliP- Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. S plied by members of the Salvation Herbert Prcscott, Enniskilten. Army Band.a Mr. Brignell, who bas been jît Mr. and Mis. He[bert Prescott, 1 in Oshawa Hospital, is niuch un-Roger and Erin, Enniskilten, were t proved and is expected borne this ISaturday evening guests with Mr. b week. land Mrs. A. W. Prescott. S Friends were sorry to bear ofl At least tbree bouses in the vit- f the unfortunate accident wbich lage wcre. struck by lightningr happened to Mr. litarry Adcock, during thie severe Storm at noon causing sorne severe burns andUon Saturday. necessitating a short stay in the1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrable, bospital. Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo.a Mrs. Sidney Kersey is making Armour.f stow but steady progrcss in Mem- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oxford, Mr. d oriat Hospital. Bowrnanvitle. and Mrs. Bill Nashi, Oshawa, en- Mr. Herb Rundte, wbo is atso joyed a Sunday drive to the Pro-e a patient in Mernor i Hospital, vincial Park at Ornemee and bads a picnic supper.c Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burnett, G ET THE PRESTI GEiPoitlerr, Mrs. Ray McGitl,n Port Plerr, Mrs. rykMcGil,n GINGER ALE Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H'arr oMr .and Mrs. Wili Witbur. a GMr and MLSONSLewis Cryder- manHmtn, Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn, Orono, Mrs. W. Burnett, Bowmanville, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. WilI Wilbur on I I ISunday evening.a ilIville, Mr. Will Taylor, Salemn,f wer Sudayvisitors with Mr. andv Mrs. Sam Dewetl.1 j Mrs. Samn Dewelt visited in Toronto on Saturday and attend- cd a shower for Miss Mitdreda Snowden given by Mrs. Jamesa Ipicr - 'tJMrs. B. Andre, North Burna- by, B.C., Mrs. T. Nicholson,J Cecil Lake, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. F. Akister, Stindertand, *Mrs. G. Akister, Sunderland, att relativesc Wes Reeds, Mrs. T. Suddaley,0 Mrs. J. Biltett and Mr. V. Reeds, Bury's Green, were dinner guests with Mrs. A. E. Bilctt on twof different days during tbe past ' week. tg On Sunday Mrs. H. S. Price,- Toronto, and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowrnanvilte, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. and sons Douglas and Jin, Scar- boro, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc- Ciii, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. I ' ' iHarvey McGill, Enniskillen, were dînner or tca gucsts of Mrs. A. E. ~rBileîttisorne visiting ber e frthe Decoration Serviec, and I - ottiers afier the Service. Mrs. Nossak, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Kaczmarks and cbild- _____ ici, Oshawa were Stinday visitors withi Mr. and Mrs. Chester Boreki and farniiy. Mr-. and Mis. John Btirrows R EST O N ýiitcd friends at Brougham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson DECORATING ýn oohBaetn r p Clarence Woodley, Tyrone, were CENTRE ISunday tea guests with Mr. and iMrs. Wrn. Chapinan. FOR THE BEST j Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cbant spent the week'end aitheir cottage, Oak -IN -'Hill Lake. Miss Ruby Dewell, Mr. and C USTOM Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean and Bob, MA 3-5081 MAPLE LEAF ROLL CRYO-VAClb y *BAR-B-Q-B UYS* CHUCK STEAKS RIB STEAKS ROUND STEAK lb. 59c lb. 69 lb. 79c BEEF39 LU VER lb.39 LEAN, Freshly Minced HAMiBURG 3 Ibs. $I WHIPPINC CREAM - FRUIT JUICES Phone MA 3-5444 for Daily Delivery GLEN RAE DAURY 98 Ring Street West À À À À À À À À À À À À À À GOOD HEALTH TO YOUR DOOR! You mighi almosi say ... we'#re in business for YOUR health! So basic Io nutrition, so rich in energy-building proteins are our dairy producis. VITAMIN D MILK - SKI MNILK - BUTTERMILK N. Osborne, Insurance Canadian Tire Ted Woodyard, Investments Georte Cawker, N.A.L. Roy W. Nîchole 2222nc v 'w 'w IV, 'IV 'W lu, MI 'w 'w 'w 'w . 'w 1 jGOD'S LOVE What infinite joy for me To look into the blossoms Through each f luttering leaf And see God's love there; To listen to the robin whose nest Is built-and hear God's love there; To look beyond the blue depths of sky, And feel God's love there. The clouds of life wilI pass over, Sweet is the scent of the clovcr. If I could unwrap the universe, I should unfold blessing after blessingy t With a littie better, and a littie worse, But God's Love ini the heart of everything! -'Marion Ford ;H VE YO HE RD T IS ON ? A tarin boy wvas attending his first day of high scisool and was writing a short essay on what he had done that day before coming to ctass. "It Is Incorrect to say 1 'et sLx eggs for breakfast," sald the teacher. 'Tou mnean ate." "WaI mebby it vas eight 1 et," said the boy. 47 KING ST. E. s . PAGE TEREZ