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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1961, p. 4

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PA pVouE D>rOELCOMMENT Receive WeII Merited Tributes There 1, something most gratifying anid heart-warming in attending banquets honoring local citizens for their service te their community. Dur- îig the past two weeks, Bowmanville has been marked by two such occasions, the fit honoring W. Ross Strike, Q.C., the new Chairman cf the Ontario Hydro Commission and the second paying tribute to Louis W. Dippell, retiring Principalof Bowm.anville High School after 32years of service. Both these gentlemen have served their fellow citizens well above and beyond the calcf duty and It was niost fitting that they sheuld be recognized for the contribution they have made to the town, sometimes at great personal sacrifice and in the face cf considerable opposition. ..As we listened te the addresses and studied the records of public service of th~e two men, we couldn't help thinking that Bowmanville has been rnest fortun- ate te have them as citizens. Sa many folks these days take ne interest in public affairs, being content to look after their homes, their families and their own personal convenience and enjoyment. Yet, if it were net for the few who are aware of their cemmunity responsibilities, and willing te spend tine and effort on such projects with- eut thought cf reward, our communities would be poor places Indeed. Picture Bowmanville if you will without such men and women, unable ta find people te serve on the varieus boards which are an integral part of the tewn and we feel you would agree that such a situa- tien would b. a most unhappy one. Se it is that we join with these who have organized these well-merited tnibutes te two cf the finest citizens any community ever* had. May they live long and enjoyable lives. They have indeed made Bowmanville a much better place in whlch tei liv. About 30 people had drapped mn for lunch and a city slicker, male, decided it would heip if he wasbed some dishes, éspecially forks, fer there was pie cern- ing. "Weil, this is samething,"' said anc lady. 'y.e been marrîed fer 44 years and my husband basn't washed a disb yet. "Once 1I eft him alone fer six days. When I got back 1 had four other women with me, who were travelling farther. I epened the kitchen door expecting te sce an awfui mess. But, ne sir, everything was neat and tidy. "He got home an heur or so after the visitons had left, and 1 thanked him for saving me ernbarrassment. He bad an odd look and then explained that it had taken him ail of baif an heur bef are work that morning te carry ail the dirty dishes dewn to the cellar. Net a dish had h. washed."-The Printed Word. Wbe abian ,t#a Durhamn Conntya sGreat Family journaj L'ttuàbhed 107 yrms 090la1854 Alto Incorporan The Eowmanvllle News The. Newcamtle Independent The Orono Nowa Auûthosm.d o 5usdcafmon ilby theluPmOffi Ofta Poducsd .vury Wedn.sday by JAMES PUBLISMIG COMPANY LUMITE PO. Box 190 r2.66 King St. W., Bowxanvili.. Ontario JON bt JAME3 apErm4km z GEO. W. GRAHAM ADnVG. MANAGIa GEO. P. MORRIS BUSIN<zssMGR. United Statue THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMUANVILLE, ONTARIO Present Beautiful Citation Scroll Why We Are Boosting Mosport Park Some folks, stili quite sceptical, have been asking why we are doing our utmost te boost the district's newest developmeni, the racing car circuit cali- ed Mosport Park. They seem te feel that it is something of net too niuch importance reaiiy in the overaîl scheme ôf things locally, but we heartily disa- gree and se do many members of Bew- manvile's Chamber cf Commerce who are doing their utmost to make these part-time citizens feel welcome here. To us, Mosport Park is the greatest tourist attraction that bas ever corne te the area. Long termn wise its effect could b. compared with the impact the Shakespearean Festival had on the Stratford area. If we in Bowmanvilie can establish oui town as Mosport's home, the name Bowmanviile will be spread far and wide over this continent and internationally. This is, of course, a highly desirable result which could brlng new industry and a hest cf other advantages. Over the past few months it has been aur privilege te have fairly close association with the people who are bebind the Mospont pnoject. Even more recently we have beconie acquainted with the folks who follow the sport closeiy cither as spectators or drivers. We have found theni te be almost with- eut exception, bigbly intelligent persons, flot bot rodders in any sense of the word, but extnemely friendly types wbo love this sport writh a feeling ethers have for golf, curling, hockey or basket- bal. They derive great satisfaction from the dangerous competition, from tuning up their cars te maximum efficiency, and their enthusiasm reacb- es a higb peak wben their favorite driv- er is able te carry that checkered flag aneund the track te indicate a win. Mosport is a million dollar industry dropped in aur lap by a kind bit of good fortune. It wiil provide considerable employment for bundreds of persons and already bas given a great deal of work te district contractons. We, in Bowmanvilie, wouid be well advised te continue aur pregram of gradually becoming an essential part cf this tremendous affair. Dad WiII Be King for a Day Corne this Sunday (J une 18), father will reach the peak of bis ascendancy in countries whiich observe Fatber's Day. But In some parts of the wonld be will still be low man on the totem pole. On Palau Island in the South Seas, for instance, the ruling matniarchs can have any maie executed if be disturbs their contemplation. And near Sumatra, Dad has te live with bis wife's family, his children take their mother's name, and only daughters inhenit preperty. This state cf affairs was revealed recently by the curator of the Coutts Failmark Historical Collection, Diane Burnley, whe aise noted that in certain areas cf India, poor Dad is in even worse shape. "If he gees into debt, Mother can sell him te pay off the creditors," she said. "And in the African Sudan, Mom may return te ber parents after bearing five chiidren, leaving Papa te look after the kiddies." However, Miss Burnley conceded that father basn't always suffered. sucb rough treatment In Biblical times, it was censidered a crime punishable by death for a child te disagree with bis father. Tbroughout Nerthern Europe, a father feit disgraced if a son in his teens appeared publicly in bis presence, said the curater. Greek fathers even selected the wives for their sons - and ne back talk allowed. Probably the champion father cf ail time was King Solomon, she said. He bad 700 wives and 300 concubines. His castie rmust have been packed with yeungsters piaylng bide and seek. Unfortunately, ne record of their num- ber bas been found. However, we do know that had thene been Fatber's Day cards in bis day, Emperor Mulai Ismail of Morecco, who died in 1727, would have been buried under the avalanche., He had 548 sons and 340 daughters by bis wives and concubines. One of the earliest tributes te Dad to b. uncovered, is on a clay tablet written about 2,000 years bef are Christ by a Babylonian named Elmesu. It implores the gods te grant bis father good health and "enduring days." Altbough its roots go back tbrough the centuries, Father's Day as we observe it is only a little more than 50 years aid. Surprisingly enaugh, it was orngin- ated by a mother, Mrs. John Bruce Dodd, cf Spokane, Wash. In 1910, a year after the death of ber father, William Smart, a Civil War veteran, she petitioned the Spokane Ministerial Alliance te set aside the third Sunday of June each year for the henoning of fathers everywhere. The petition was accepted and with the memorial service that year, Father's Day was inaugurated. The observance quickly swept the U.S. and then Canada, and is now aise followed in znany areas of Latin and South America, . Haiti, Honduras, Sweden and even China. Se, fathers, let us prepare aurseives for the great event when we shall be King for a Day. et~w ~M - ~' ~ - ~ t ~ ~- -t - ------ c - Atte etmoilDinrfrrtiigPrnialL W i"'l n au- day eenin, on of euuulpesn in nlue hsCttinSrl i W. . Crruhr. TeCtain o' ' rae s atgrcrdo h Vanstone,.reresenîn teourgnilekoarwhihtir exMrnipve l 32 yearsao, W J MorisonPrincia ofB.H.. Bi 129l Maio H.Jefer, haîma c Baquoet:omiteeL ucsPncipal of Bin.he .San Mayotreeofelowm aville W D Care wrterps Te oCiastion wil berameod as adasing fuec od on the Oprie ete tmal iJur ne thd, and faied tupe atted, panngfand laningourlant-I Dr. G W. amesyou re titld taknowwhate extensie flowr blsundI Dear George; iefly, there wer net noug hous inthe an anoh threserrosaine Becase e wre uppsedta esies ryig t rarodad ndoiiagfue l woodinote be yur ucat atthe oascoule c me gnaingthefor odsm , ae t w trips enteo Stnketesimnia dnneDnstadanthe ple pre-Ooneo'fr lowe.Ni n plasn From he Sttesma File Iheaforenn ebyoi -w iChristWmasobbed arwlunch lad in tne iqestwcv inutm esfiat because 25 EAR AO 4 YARSAG tr an Onenormdresrforanc, andt o'clock, hicho smemanhage 1had ta d o fs gaipin ade FimonsW.CrafoD, ista Hn atlieforpe o be back on h jo MechaicalEngiee f eMrmtn ttesmante Fies Iba caeanupembrylanic CompnywaseletedPres- Mlitry ollge a Kigstn mrauthi y rese ne t hs Clbatametngo tene-Mr.TOs.YeAiGhOn et-fre fan, four milesdtnt 25 YecedBarS AGiecor aie teubr fg advokii h on sine maage (Junehoe 181936) ng rei- rid unesd20, 1912) en ut paobIenis eeft, wahn den Dr W.H. irk o Fr- hnorof issAm Hahawy t th rismate see phlm EnionyW.C wa f r , ises Helena ond s'alcarouplof es.lighton his Mechanil Engnee o! he Mrit iateneatveail i hegs caew aieupvl cf Ads GerodeaTig re &Rub creciootmte Rona. from hedoffeInteinytervie ocosofnpay, as legoted Pesi-Mltr.yH.C.lieg t, akingsteyaboutplthisnandteursee docet fitesoanillenLiofShMondFam day evcniuc-g i could fid aforain pac Clat a comeelting c hei- ews. Thobrn. Higtn nr- fohem ndwiie te oudme vl, anctd ard!Dreetan ox- taindastncumer10 c4ftgirlw eng lacths vicinity.s I at thehome as ompretinguresi- fnicns eday ev aent. inJs aeta as ey tedsht tdnt D r H BrkyS o nhndyovr o!3Ms Amy Hantaway tnand th ee niti a reprobem dayi. Tgtewwt h leavpes for ato mots'a ar fulltcfepele cig onnocted yearildskatnwg anea hOe land. mlih.shthe thdeve In tedayta. t!oresoobil tin OheA.Mn.s H.ieJ.sbone sihLak~thcwcnetpiannh ing ator c hockeydingturesand en otegle hr FnceMr.hadJa C.ransuc- their watcshed for a moth flmny ahcootaul lskaig cat!i-Octawu anniigFi ecabomnd twould Iem te n vmal, d awetigadbx a M.A.structure1, o40f t. he owthem rpaces cf interetai ingac sho Honas nomfet Mrgu-Pwas naise ithoutaccdet., th irsohatthepaoramisit ted by fine W.earyn a dayon,0 sa dotaa spen- t and compete thei day.Natur torng. Toe-eter wthte didsupperafitcne the wothrk ite ono lacehing t drwa toeers uo obiestoncOfd i t hiss Ol., isbred is vit- ,sthe isbiliyaegoodisthes building werel Uavrsietye.ig Mr. uncFley and. t. Brnt-wtred trerclu hine tew-n fAm te.Te ota24, r.sHolaiscatives tawa i' fer a oek-see, w, up he on o atedhte9,00yM. .W.Foc, ! hebooinmoen iwnn e n Canaa toreceve tis dgre.1 Mss Mrgart Trbi lockstdhe trap denangveona Wallac R. Brri, on ofMn. Pur enirmaentDepI., fewepintefra the paownorama. Rend ME.. . emrnA, m-Edmonston, A la.,rho s e ren t asfion, Iock whien wca B.. ton, wtshecenstly awarsidd lAdOtam, aConnectan with lnturn e t ui ae nthere Mithdegre o! DoctyntoPu- Ded t., isintrne, bisefaJer-,Pfin was he ann he hina hdsohy t Mgîledldniveiy.Mis. W. Fl andot e en d ger aiwbn upnd At the cag cfa24iDr.oHe iS laive ee on, on urdeing atwhIhd Canad te eceie thi degee. a euned froriv nexndr- cmletngforte flind ay, Revnh. . . m trong BA., d visit wtberoms4stenMs heepn I"u6nemd B.D., ftothe p carge fîv ters,(Dc) ad aCrwands o xlydon te unpket pc MnitdCcr o!T nini.y nd1firendsend rangeNew Jr- up fninifhfomtebain- Curch, s pnesented wit a nsey. drses i Orno. he ad Cnsoate naved gsoldMwacs IMrs.. Rpe F alke, ote een doing ha sohumaknw- byrec tHe onrgtO nFl ilrieo i-e, ing hadc order ate, whmich dey ofht Mn. AnmstOlivrwog di saffo Mct laled fper omt anand ndfancy leas gated ecasnre fointhe y, Jne2stit, fMoun 4t Pea-imdat nomtin6h UniessOrs.h lat instan s .eodingi idasPi- Aiving omets.we wer J.Jul . Bovate etrndin entrance confro Jstyncd th a obaccoe Congatultions Clbe M Atailcalb5wg owerawohdal isncied te D!strscteACoivertiontehngstaf f oun a-ih edhe over tattendumpîn mant WInste Mouno Plie 9quiements.d eed sine Mheengragemennigband Me-Jons. C. U. Peing is evicsit- reci u remoments.Hewasi efrmottw he Rthdue re-fis la Kingston. Bn a 'lady drove oin s hehad of 1&. and Mrs. Albert Bell- castle, C. H. Anderson, H. couldni't was.h, chane, drive ASK YOUR AGENT ABOUT 0 0 0 M Scenic-Domne rail trovel " Ai-inclusive fores (lncludling moult, burti, *te.) " Group discount fores " Overseos Steomship services a Great Lokes and Alaska cruises g Hotels and reserts across Canada g Airline service across Canada-llnklng 5 uonflnunf M Mediterranean Cruise"'1 962 Information and rus.rvatioma fron J. K. WEBSTER Scu'fag st., Tel. ;.,;Â3-5(44 The World's Most Complete Transportation System BAAWAYS 0 S1!AMSMPS - AIRUNES - MOTEI.S * COMMAUNICATIONS - EXPRESS . TNUCKING a* MOOY&M t il Not A Dish Washed SUBSCRIPTON RATES 84Ma.o m Yoe tly intdvne. 85.00 a omla tahe WEDNESDAY, JUNE l4th, 1 S UGAR By Harry Jose,Necsl j Boalzano, Italy, June 7 andi Dear John: S PICFOn leaving, pou asked me if I wouid send you a few im- pressions of our trip. We crossed on the Empresu of Britain and arrived one day Mothr'sDayin y Bh S i!y ~behind schedule due to engin. Mte' ainthis country is announced with a trcal 1aijM. 1At Liverpool dock we pick- biare of trumpets, a roll of drums, and a wild jangling of ed up a rentea car and doôve cash registers. Commercially, it is creeping up on Christmas. to London by way of Lands Eniotionally, it has long since passed the Tweifth cof Ju1v. End. As you know, driving Father's Day, in comparison, is a sad little écho cf this here Is on the ieft hand side sentmenal ogy.of the road and the roads are aentmenal ogy.vcry winding and narrow to Even the advertising reflects dom,. sympathy and. huinan' what wc are used to. the différence. Merchants and warmth. During the same' Englard gives a wonderful manufacturers overcome their generattons, the fatlier faded'sight at this tixne of year customary delicacy as ohrsit a figure who apprared only xith the green fields and Day approaches. They don't'at meal-tinies and îvhose clîlefbeautiful hedges and well suggest that she might like a conversational itemi became,,kept homes. From Liverpool little token. They bellow at us, "We can't afford it." souh you pass through a very in no uncertain ternis, our * * ertile farming country. Ini duty towards Moni. "Get Out, The entire process was speed- Devon and Cornwall you find you, lazy, ungrateful, seifish ed up by two world wars. a more rugged country with bum," they holler, "and buylWhile our men ivere off in ivery narrow wlndlng roads that sweet littie old mother Of iEurope, fighting and revelling: but loveiy scenery aion.g the yours something worthwhile.",in a society in which the maie' coast line. Strong men cringe under thew~as supreme, our wvomcn had On our way to London ws assault, and go into debt for to take on more and more re- stopped to sce Windsor Castie months, buying presents for sponsibility. Whole genera-1which covers 13 '/ acres and women who are flot even their tions of chiidren got the idea wene able to attend a service mothers, but their wives. that Mom was head of the~ in St. George's Chapel and The days when Mom rccelv-!family, simply because Dad lîsten to a wonderful choir. ed a box of chocolates or a pair 'was not there. W~e spent one day driving of nylons on Mother's Day' hr asn t%în îeaound London and were pri- went out wlth the ten-cent hoti Tsnoxvbas noAftar p n egdtsethQundrv dos. Nowadays, men arcý ol aorwre trcýwyfo uknhmPl warned, in black-and-white orIswoi w ar, or wthcnstartcd, awa rm uknhanP fulcolour, that sweet old ý rOCronî London we wvent froman utoatiediswaserThey have infilirataci the g ol n,]adn frm n utrnti dshas-rgolf ri ar nrAmternoa- to~~~~~~~ior2 teTiaa, utbygfiCUS the curling rink, thr at erAisedî to heTajMaalsutaby ift HuseofComimons and the which is a very important wrapped. iHock irkt. heyhavreaport and a wonderful city. stock m tt eaT aey ou IAs You know a lot of Hollan-d What a difference in thelers and make speeches. And'5 beow sea level, the side of advertising prier to Father's:the end is nowhere in sight. a street in Amstredamn being Day! It is slightly embarrass-* * a street and the centre a ca- ed, doleful, feeble. It consistsi , ual. Amsterdami airport is 17 of such rousing slogans as, Im fot complairiing. It wasIft. hbow sea level. This part "Don' foret Da on aths ýinevitable - an nccident of cf FHollind is very fertile and "Day."Thfretimliaton is that shistory. Ail I'm doing1 is try-1devoted mostly to vegetables you probably will, but that fifgt xli oyuflos and fiowers. We were too yeu do, don't worry too much why despite the fact that yourl late to see the tuiips. The about it. Oh, the men's cloth - wife got a new \vristwatch on!,outhern part is more roliing ing merchants put a brave face induo ther's Day, o cgigto and devotcd more to dairying. on it and beat the drum a bit the d upon.50 thefr'stDaypui- Hoiland on a motor but even they haven't thé thaeousuai ,0 i, the pur-wil coach with 32 passengers from nerve to suggest anything more eaeo hc h isxiiNew Zealand, Australila, South extravagant for dad than a tap you for $2.00 and keep the Africa, United States and sport shirt, or a new hat. change. Caniada, we went sout h The car dealer who wiii tout,-tlrough Germany and Austria, with a straight face, a "second staoPping first at Arnheim car for the family" just before Y L E T N Cenmetery where a Dutch fam- Mother's Day, suggests that îYL ER O ly has taken the responsibili. dad wouid be just crazy about' ty of looking after soidiers' a new tire iran, or a jack. The The annual Yelverton Gar-1 graves, and I think It is the appliance dealer who will den Party, though getting Off; bcst kept cemetery I was ever cooiy try ta seli you a washcr- to a slow start, gathered'mo- in dryer combination as a gift for mientumn to beconie its usual I t is a wonderfu.l scenie mani, wili be pushing a $1.98 success. Over 100 paying eus- drive down through the Rhine flashllght for Father's Day. tomers sat down to supper, xvaleY in West Germnany. * *netting around $275.00 for the Some cf the cities visited in Is there anything signficant church with additional 're- Gemay wcre Cologne whlch in this contrast? Oh yes, in- venue derived from booth, is a very large industriai City. decdy. There is little doubt fish pond, bazaar and snle .Of Donn which is now the capital that it reflects accurately the extra home cooked pas'riesc etGrayad¶i prestige enjoyed, respectiveiy, and cakes. Judging by con-' biriliplace o! Beethoven-, e by mother and father, in monts the programme con-l dobrgwee hn 1<r Canada today. Mom is a god-,sisting of dance numbaýrs fromn lain and Hfitici- met in im r B dess, te be piacated by ap- thie Muir sehool o! dancing, Pnd Nuremburg where t eà prepriate gifts. Dad is a dog, vocal numbers by talented Ed- fomous war triais were held; a harmiess one, te be thrown gar Smith and local talent was aima Munich where we visitcd a bone. weli received. Wc express the the Beer Palour ln which This unnatural state cf appreciation cf Yei v e r t o n rntîcnr forrned the Nazi Party. affaira seenis te be peculiar to1 community, flot only te those The main city we vi.sited in North America. In Europe, partieipatin1g en the program, Austria was Salzburg which Asia and Africa, woman is stili but to Mrs. J. TulIy accom- is a very prety city wit itu playing a supporting noie cniy. panist and Mrs. Jean Muir of vcrz od arnw tre h n Even in Moslem countries, Muir Sehool of Dancing for stilÏ maintains 1atlotcil where a man may have up to making the evo.ning's enter- buildings built in the 12th four wives, there is ne doubt tainment evailable. !and 131h centuries. about who is head of the house I But in the States and Canada Mr. Ted Severn, stude nt One cannot help but be fin. the naturai order cf things ±' minister, assisted Mr. Ji.îm rsse yte odru reversed. Son-merville aI the morning ýmount cf reconstruction go. * * echureli services. ing on in both Germiany and Austria. Everyone seeins to Oh, i'eu den't have to belleve Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Mooare1 be working and a general me. Ask the statlstlcs boys. and motored to Ken-1 popru odto nbt The'l tei ou hoCextrlsnedy Bay on Stunda-y ta pick' countries. and spends meut of the money up Baif's mother on vacation Fr odtosi hs on hisconinet. skthelIat the cottage o! Mrs. Lennie countries do net seecm te be manufacturers. They'll tell yeu Smith.afravncde ko whlch sex their ads are slant- a a dacda eko ed towards. They'll tell yen The Arthur Rowans attend- then-. There Is stilI a lot of why everythîng that's made cd decoration services a t bond labour and not tee much nowadays, fromn cookies te cars, Brookiin on Sunday after- modern machinery. bas o cme l a anc pac. non.Leaving Salzburg, we have has e coe lx a ancyDack flOfl~hqd a beautiful drive ths-ough age or a welrd colour. The Flovd Stinsons visited the snow ciad Aips and the Whyha ths itatin e-with Marjorie's aunis, Mrs. famous Brenner Passa to veioed iaNothAmria ane Bella McGhee of Edmenton, ItalY Which I might be able we blame our women for It, Mns. Ursula Gillec; and Mrs. to tell you more abiout later. Are they more pushy than the Verda Hiscox o! Toronto, who Yours very truly, femiescf thr cntiens9 1 are staying with the Geo. dont tiks te cn cti Pae ehnt. .-F'rv Jose. 1 0

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