,kor six f ixood Lolor Western 'don Party on Fniday evening. Diy95-St&Wd.91and421chilidren wero Sui-day Mi- an Mi. andil us-~,KAYL~YETTBA i BUiRKETON dinner guests of Mr-. anîd Mrs. AuieMuphBa-iyrul.an'cindbavesolRdthr la- W A LCT ..Ho-ward Hoskia, Harmony. AudieMurpy, Bary Slliva Icen ouha ous teirfin n Barnister and SolicitorThswe v.RnlLo' Plu clercateo ad fatrete ilsdwhere tlea wlhoue v laDo I the offices cf jThe Bunketon comniunity andis- week e Ro ndeov Pluscolr crton ad fatuett ý.ig s herty l e o- R. R. Waddell, Q.C. oxtends ts syn-pathy ta Mis' h ntd n. Fr L e tened Tn h Alay ilo. nwh M in Street, Ci-ena, Cataro Keith Davey, Mi. and Mrs. D:henedCu-hofrnc TBYhHO OWe AlaWiso,__hoe_-- 1 Davey and family, Tyrone. "ZEST A SECOND" aBY W O O N Dýn the Nestieton county roadi Moriga e and ta Mms. R. Davey in thé Ilis neaning completion. AJ.o a e s snofM.Dvy A M L PH N Rev. Er-nest Hon-on will!!SADIE HAMILTON .- ORONO l'ne C.G.I.T. met on Tues- prechhisfaewel ervce atPhne r16 day evoning i the cuc Nestîctan on Sunday, June 18, First Mortgage Fuads bail. Ail meetings ai-e wît.h- MON. Ia THUIRS. (4 days) ai 7:30 p.m. et 2 p.m., and et Bailyduff the Residences - Farms drawn until Septeruber. They sanie day ut 7:30 p.m. Business Properties have made plans to hold their On Tbui-sday evenlng Re-Affiliation Service on ..................iBridgenortb altahoi- Mrgg oa Tuesday evening, June l3th, F ~M RAJneyed te Nestieton ta, play the in the chunch hall at 8 p.ni.L lceai boys iin a beague game, Prompt, courteous service The leaders and the C.G.I.T. > 9FUOR0R ASSIS witb Bridgoenortni the xinnors.I HAROLD C. PEDWELL grsejoved going teoCamnp 1 RO8[RII1~ItiM GRENER , MemorialH pia Mortgge Broker 351M. and Mrs. W. H. Krantz LJENSIMON ~ ewcstl eu noon cailers at the home of >~ WekyReport O i m ly Mi-. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. ms. Sophisticated comnedy Aduit entertainmnent 0" to et y Mi. and Mis. W. Berrýy, ___________ MAIN FEATURE AT 8 P.M. !For week cf June 5-11 inclusive KEITH A. BILLETT, 0.1). Oshawa, were Tuesday guests 'Admissions 47~ Optometrist cf Mis. Greta Bailey. Urts- mle,2 em l4141 King St. E. - Bowxaanville Our chureh was faixly well __ C NIG ST R1 ndSA. Dischargs ---- 52 Office Heurs: By appointment1 atteaded on Sunday moraîng C GN ààT F I an A , Major oeatos14 Teléphane Mrket 3-32.521 whnMsss Phyllis and Le- soldhv ol o il M~~i- a pérations 1 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. . Fr1. flore Glass acccmipaaied b Isol aetl o e "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" Emergency treatments- 15 ý 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Mrs. Anne Potter and Missýore you laid the tableJ jVisiting heurs 23-4 p.m. Thursday eveninga Patton o! Oshawa were ourM Want a ham undwich." and 7 te 8:30 p.m.. Wed. mnd Sat. - 9-là Pcial guesta. Miau is ' a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~* h~~Sle thouglvt a brillant Idea. O -T A IEadLnr ls agtol He su.ggested to his friend AI- BU anlvedets. e twoangtemsie 'C p . N o e i e lison that they go to the staff OIT U AIES woelyetv m n e wnye l'yf of a Salvation Army Mission ERVre (J ATKINSON of Stayne. 'ail.or not far away and tell them of' RI C.A IN N ofSanr!ai.o Local R otar C lubthe wretch in the pig sty. He1 His many friends in this The deceased farmed in the' Mr. and Mrs. Don Glover Qu L o a o ar l bpredicted that the Salvation- Jarea were saddesned to leara vicinity of the Second Un2e and farr&3, Oshawa, Mr. wi istswoud nt gonea th ofthe assng f Erin lif- he did custoni work, also, and Sunday guests of Mrs. Pearl fer pr creature. ton Atkinson on June 3rd, hdaC U nusual 1'rograrn twil akeagood story 16, tMemorial Hospital, 19 afarramacieyae .Aey i forthepapr. Sodies o Sa- owmnvile.Hispasin wa' I 147 hie purchased a trans- Mr. Bill Stephienson, Whit- su Salvation Army officers are day to fi in for the speaker1 va tion Defeated by, Man in caused l'y a severe coronary Port business in Stayner and l'y, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, eocial reformers because they at the Friday luncheon meeting! Pig Sty'," Ferris quoted an thrombosis. slveeedintay.ts nr956for onets o! M wr atrdRus- ef are spiritual crusaders, and he wondered what hie couldlimaginai-y headline. At the The funeral was held June year. At that time hie moved sell Fowler. C] one cannot l'e divorced from do, as hie was hard pressedý mission tliey told the story to 6th froxn the United Mission- with his wife and son1 Roy > Ayne who w oi like to rid theoter CptinNoranfo tmelIa Salvation Army lass, the ary Churc.h, Stayner, with Newcastle and operated a have their children baptized, De Coles tolci the Bowmianville Captain Coles told the Ro- only person on duty at the services conducted l'y Rev. C. tcurist business until the trne please bring them to our for Rotary Club on Friday. Cap- tarians that he had wanted to time. Mrs. Glenholme Hughes A. Berry, Stayner, assisted l'y of his death. mrlgsrieo udy tan aes afrmr ebeplan something a bit differentltook the part of the Salvation Rev. E. Chester of Port Hope. At Newcastle he was a June 25thx, at 10:30 a.na] cfthe Slubis n com and of! Hcýc he mn eting oe ad ry grl.Pallbearers were f o r m e r mexnber of the Chainber of Don't forget our suniner t:i S aatiof Atyhe reoga ldo iepol aass h w eotr fe hyneighbours and friends, Orville Commerce and a faithful time for service: Church Wàr- Ma -a. Mnchre fjh meeinghm in putting on the pro- Ieft the mission remarked that Day, Everett Bell, John Dic- mýember of the United Mis- ship at 10:30 amr., and Sunday cia led the Fbslyng Du thmn g i-arn. He spoke of the radio the girl's superiors would la- kenson, William White, How- sioflary Church In which hie School at 11:15 a.m. enc prgrm prsetd y th vsigtete ate, n te ard Honsberger and Norman acted as secretary, Sunday Glaci to see Mr. and Mrs. Motor Hotel. lweekly Salvation Army over~ decide to forget the whole McAithur.Horaypa1-sho tahran suen-AndlEns ndfmy Dr.G. dwn Mnareciv-90rado tatonsinCanda th ing. "Then I will have my bearers were George Webb, tendent for some time. home for the weekend. ~d Seen ea Pefec A- Wcn hisprgra cale' sory" euled errs.Lloyd Dickenson, Ernest Bell, Floral offeringa represented Mrs. Florence Greenwood, ,cndance Pin. The presenta- "This Is My Etory" was first When Mary, the Salvation Jesse Lageer, Clarence Brown- merabers of the Port Hope Mr. Norman SprouIe, Kendal, 1,10n, was made by A. L. Iroey, put on by the Salvation Army Army lass, ai-rived at the pig ridge and Robert Dickey. United Missionary C hur ch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper, t he Attendance chairman. Thelit had been predicted that if ie ,dtemni Creemr sebyOha rowr Snygut f hirhdat ofDraW.M.fu Dr. W.astd fr. RweksieldilYjhetoudlte mneidCUfo-unen5tu r.Sheroued Ervn C Atinon as or Bel mre sC.bl, Ohaw Oono wee Sndy gest o ~~jirne pasth Otobe 30.h, 905 elst onelub Telephone, Beaver Hunt Mrs. E. BrYan. 3 atpresident, was cele-ibe cozsidered a success, he the snarling wretch, played cio William Ezra, Atkîn sonnadCatonshl. A ume frm eea- brated by bis fel]ow Rotarians.11said. Now it has been pre-lby Walter DeGeer, and final- oAmlam Ezrabet DonerndC lan atvs andfrnso. At- tende eratin ervice- President R. P. Rickabv isented once a week for 12 1ly was able to coax him te go Notada Eag btw nship ofHeat ivte funeri - a a t hpto onayafer-c ivelcomed the guests, two .years, and has reilly provedito the mission for a meal. noon.gatwsi. etnin h uerlfo (shawa Rotarians, Ken Mai--.popular, hie pointed eut T1 nrao tl o h spent his boythood on the Sec distance were fromn Toronto, mrn ond LUne of Nottawasaga and Barrie, Dundalk, Stouffvile, M and Mrs. Oliver Hub- lle and N. Jenkins, also T. R. A dramiatized version cf a!poor mnan, Jimxny Glover, was ate-Ebastings, Osda was, Mrs.n MtýcEwen, inspector of Public true human interest story isi cai-ed for l'y the Saivation atnded Cash.town school and as well as Creemore an, sur-'E.ba, Mrsa was, Mrs.d Schools, and Rotaiian Ray put on during each of theselArmy and given medical Creemiore High School. rounding districts. Mrs. D. Walmsley, Oshawa, flllredge, Hammond, Indiana.,programs Captain Coles said. treatment. He was able te In 1926 lie teck over the were i-ceont guests of Mr. and President Rickaby told Mr. Ife added that these playletsiput bis confused past behind home farm and on July l4th MRS. HARRY ALLIN Mrs. B. Hubbard. Elredge, who is a past Dis-lat about 1,5 minutes. As hc him and bacarne a new man. in the same year be married Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams' t rict Governor of his Rotai-y had one of these good scripts The reporter Ferris was as- Eliza Jean Ferguson of Cree- The death oceurred of Mrs. and girls, Bowmanville, werel rea, that ail local Rotarians in his possession lie bad de-I tonishcd ta see the transform- more, Han-y Allin, 84, on Wednes- Sunday guests cf Mr. and .ipre particularly pieasedt ied to have five people read ed Jim.my Glover on bis next day, May 3lst, 1961, at hier Mrs. E. M. Adams. have him attend a lunchean th rded t teRtr uc-vst oteSlainA Mourning his loss with bis late residence, 6 Edsall Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Rloss Ashtonj meeting of their club. A Bow- thcoime tng.He pRoiyunc-misi o.tHe alvationry wife ai-e the followin-g child- nue, Bowmanville. She had and faxnily, Haydon, we r e rianville Rotai-y Club Banner con mafeet.hemtu pried mission. N leassued eeioea ren: Mrs. Allan W a1k er suffered poor bealth for somne Sunday guests cf Mrs. Ecina was presented ta Mr. Ha- ta fe heaaerpe teeta e ol rt (Joyce), Delbert cf Toronto, time.Mcugln rnond by President Rickaby,l etto ewudpa h a-dfeetsoyta h i Emerson Hisey (Rut'h), The late Mrs. Allun. the .vho asked bim to give it to tape cf the real broadcast. one hie had intended to do. Creemoe oado saafre ideIaDlig a Rex Waltel-s Was the nar- It was interesting ta bear admoyor eowadtcf.shawa formern Bird ni n a Undwas the Hanmmond Rotary Club. rator. He toid the audience the taped professional showadRyc ecsl.Teebr nBomnil a RossStrke ad Ms. Hrt owis also one sister, Mis. Wesley the daughter cf the late Mr. KEDRON RossStrke nd is.Har- that the story happened in the given by actors and compareLoadGecanadtW adMr.Bthlew II- ieyLeiswee hewines ary a ofa the Salvation it with the fîve amateurs brothers, Norman and Wilfred i-g1 (Intended for last week) cf the Basebil Draw conduct- Army in England when the reading. Peter Newell was un- ---.- -.. ed by George Stenhens and new organization had bleen questionably fai- botter as the Tne deceased was a life'ong 1Th e Kedi-on Doubles' Club1 Claie Garton. Dr. H. B3. Runl- porsecuted. Ho oxplained that star reporter than the actor Business Directory rosîdent of Bowrnanville. 'For on Saturday night enjoyed a' dlie was the 1,aader o a rous- the piayiet opens in the news- who played the samne part.- -.- many years hier hiusband, Har- hayride through the courtesyi ing singsong with Mur-doch room of the London SpectarriKeitb Billett was also excel- xy Allin. who survives, owned of Walter Davis ani lis trac-!I Beaton at the piano. ' toi- on a vory quiet day. lent. Walter DeCeer, whoîs A c C ou n cI anC Y and oDterated a groeiy busi- tor and wagon. Alter a plea-j1 In introducing Ca-ptain Colos P. G. Nowe!l teck tho part well known for bis dramatie ness at the corner cf King and sant ride along country roacIs,j RAY J. DILLING Diiin tres h aatemebrreuedtte of the Saivation Army, Presi-. af a star reporter, and Keith abiity, was cutstandîng in is DisiCrîidPbi Acutn ebron f Trnts. h Uni te ow e sre ftheurc h for 11ent Rickaby expressed tho B3illett the i-oie cf another re- rondition foi- the difficult rolo 93 Ched urle S utre t meChu rch. n theiwr Hlofrship hrhf 1petali ilso eonpreamr atosc ap.ofJ'rinmy Giover, the drunk. 9 hrhSre hrh hï o s i-evice, wbich, lapetha he~vii san ejon prte, amor catios cap Arkt 3386 ___ Sîovvin beide he bu- ws ai-agedl'yMar6ar - he Bowmanvilie Rotai-y Club. The two were rogietting the SRex Walters also didrreniai-k- -rrp- ------Mary____ Ifesad i ws godto av fct ha threwar lttl nwsably well as the narrator. WlI. .1. H. COGGINS band ai-e six cbili-en, Mai-- Grant Giover's group. hlma present again even for that day when Mr. Billett as Captain Cales toid the Ro- Chartered Accountant gai-et, Loi-ne, Una (Mrs. W. B. During the busines.s peri-od,, one meeting. the reporter Ailiscin toid bis tarian h o h five amateurs Second Floor Miller), Oshawa. Ge r tru de it was decided to arrange a;i "It is a joy to be back friend Foi-ris (Mr. Newell) of who biad read tho script had New Lîbrary Building (Mrs. J. C. Snowe), Toi-enta, trip to the Dunlop Ohsei-vatory' <.gain," Captain Calessid a wretcbed feliow who livecl1never had a rehearsal, nor had Cor. King and Temperanco Sts. Mai-ion (Mrs. Maurice Pi-oc- for Oetober 7th. He ol th cub ha wen ndr dplrale onitinsinthey beard the taped profes- Phone MAi-ket 3-3612 toi-) cf Belleville, and Jack of A.n amusing imprtomptu de-ý lie had been asked an Thurs- Hammersmith. sional version befare. YALE, FRIEDLANDEg- Cobourg. bate on the subjeet 'Ut i bet - ___________________President Rickaby toid Cap- & COMPANY Aise surviving are twa sis- ter to bo rnarried" 'vas beid. Foi-ris was amazed te bear tain Coies that it had been an Accountants and Auditors ters, Mrs. Fred Neads, Bow- witli Mi-s. Bill Snowden anci: that this man actuaily was in exceptionally intorostin.g pro- Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy a- île, and Mis. Roeb t. Mi-. Elmer Parks tak-ing the et Your Price the habit of living in a pig sty grain. Ne asserted that the 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 TowneTrot, and a bro- negative side, and Mrsq. Dereký ifra week at a tume drinking five good amateurs had cern- Oshawa, Ontario ther, Geo. B. Dillinig of Toi-- Barnett and Mr. Walter Davis*1 For Your Livestock himself sadden with gin. The pared favorabîy with the pro- F B. L. Yale, C.A.. onto. the affirmative. The _iudges, tw i-otes thon paid afessional actai-s.H neF. Friedlander, B.Cer., O.P.A. The service was heid in the wvho ,were Mi.s. Bii l4osnak1 through visit te the pig sty an d saxv Cap tain Colos, Mi. DeGeer, MÙONTEITH - MONTEITU Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- andi Mi-. Derek Barnett, had I S A E M N the man, who xvas tee drunk Mr. Newell, Mi- Biîîett, Mr.iEL O manville, on Friday, June 2, to admit that OWing to the! S T A TS S M A1 ND 8 te even notice tbey were look- Waîters and Mrs. Hughes for 135 icEHSt.&N.COshw and 'vas conducted l'y Rev. weil presented arguments on CLA SIFEOS ing atbim. the SimcosSt.N., shaw W. K. Housiaiîder. Interment oach side, the decision wou1d i PoeMre3-33 As they left the pigcs ty the poetto.Ctiartei-ed Accountants was in Bownianville Cemeter«y. have to ho a draw. stoar rAroetter303 ________________-RA 5-35271. ~ sar epote, Fi-rsbadwha IBowmanville Palîbeai-ers were Ray Dil- For lunch, the meînbers ad-] _____________________________________ Oel ZEnith 45750 ling, Forest Dillirg, Andrew journed te the grounds of thel - - - - iestleion Stati1on Dilling, Alan Osborne, J. C. Comn-iunity Centre, wbere bot' Eo Bycem Vcu iltePartners: Snowe and Maurice Proctor. dogs and coffee were enjoyed EMr.Baydcreem aceorgeilletteHon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. Sais ndCob i.an Ms.Gerg w-A. B. Monteith, B. Coni., C.A.b The many lovely floral tri- around a bonfire. Salts ad Comb Botties Razor er were Sunday dinner guests G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. butes, evidence cf the osteemn The committees have been Ige. 980 73e 79c .1.00 -1.95 of Mi-. and Mrs. Ken Gray, (Licensed Trustee) in which the deceased was working very hard, and plans - -- aMs. OaBagc o- G., E. Trethewey, C.A. heid, were fi-cm friends, rela- are complete for the Kedron nviiieto aggMis fEvaW- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. tives, rieighbors, Bowmanvillo Country Style Supper, wvhich manvile ad Mis Ev Wil - Utary Club, Boys' Training will be held from 4:00 p.m. onj finseci Renellents For Sun Tan liamis, Caesai-ca, caibed on Mrs. ~,hiropraciiC Cuc hiNrhAoia h cuswl ' oiei. a Weley ampbll.Chir prac i c Sebool Staff, Trinity United Wedlnesday, June 14th. 6-1 Fy epllot 9e Skl 6e 100 Rev. Ernest Hon-an attend- _G EDWIN MANN. Life, and Florence Nightin- those l'undles of papers and '6-12 Fly Bomb 1.3>9 Bronztan 75c, 85c, 1.50 ed sorne af the sessions cf the Chiropractor gaie Lodge I.O.O.F. magazines again on Saturday, Noxzema Guard - 75e Coppertone 1.25, 1.50, 3.00 87th General Assembiy of the Office. June 24th. They would ap- OffBob - -------- __ .3 NxzmaSuta Ol 0o Prebyterian Church in Cana- 15 Elgin St., cor. oI Horisey St. ALBERT ARTRUR POLLARD -pea _____________ da, in Toronto on Thursday Phono MA 3-5509 ABR RHRPLADtoa hyaetyn oer 1.2isizeand Friday cf last week. Office Heurs: By Appoinînient On Wednesday night, May enough moniey te pi-avide 1.23 ize fo Fa fhrI Rý andad IM. and Ms, T. J. G. Sis, --3s,161 lettu o- camping equipment. Strips dOewer n e isiti-s t te ..De nt~alj lard died sudden.ly as the re- M and Mrs. Ro LeendM r.' 98e dale were visitors at the -- ---- --.sult of a tragie car accident. adMs re e n r 9e Old Spice After Shave 1.50 29c-53e-98o 'Manse on Sunday elternoon. D.W .RJEL D.D.S. Ho was in bis 72nd year. anld avrs. Allan Werry werej Yardey Ater hae1.50Mi-. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. The late Mi. Pollard was amo e ge tsMr.ana bulle Pepsodent Yadly ftr hae .5 IBrian and John vîsited at the 40 King St. W. Bowmanvulie bai-n iin Emiiy Township, Juiy ~ gvnb i.adMs Bomb Yardley Men's Sets- Tage Manse on Fridey evening. Office Hou-s: ero Osborne cf Oshawa.i foomBur-sl3th, 1889. He was the son of The occasion hoîîoured the! 9c 1.85 - 2.65 - 3.25 - 3.f75 Buna 1 Mrs. John Watson, Toronto, 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily the late James Pollard. Billfolds 1.00, 2.50, 5.00 8evstdMna ihM.adCiosed Saturday and Suinday Since the death cf bis w;î 20th wedding anniversa iy Of _________ Mrs. Grant Thompson. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 i nj1fetelteM.Mol r. i and Mis. Osborne, thei Hair rushe Mr. nd Mr. ClifordHeltzHousePhone-_Newastle3551 fifth wedding anniversaPry o Brlsk --i-Brshs- 98c, 1.95 I i.ad r.CifodHtWHuePon,_ cato51ade bis home among bis Mi. and Mrs. Al. Read, n, Ncxzema and Christine cf Fairview, W ISO hree dasîghters, Mrs. Kenneth aad Past IVteran eus1.9 te$14 Crem Pnn. wee weked vsiti-sL.D.S.. D.D.S. ýNeale (-Mu riel). of Orono; Mî-s.1 se'ted Ia Mr. an-d Mrs. H-an-! Special Balipoint Peus 35e ta $3.50 73e ýwith Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Wil- Office in his home 'Wiliamn Lake (Iloreen) cf 78 Rnsn aor $9.5f.0-.3 io. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmar±ville! Newcaistle; an3d Mrs. Everett man Richards who ai-e ieavincg 78 Rnsn azrs $1.5 .1-135 Mi. n Ms.Noma Ivie Phone MA 3-5604 Buw (GIady s) cf Ci-anc. Sma 1ll Cathv Rosnak, dauglîJ: ,of Bovnmanviiie visited Sun- Office Hours.1 INe ;v.s, fo.- the incst parttro!M. dMs.ihR- Dee Tee Moth Killer 59c One-A-Day ýday w-ith Mi-. and Mis. Bruce 9 a. m. ta0 6 pi-n. daily tebslfe istca~c r naf Msraatnt rs ill ReOs- Larex pra i 9 ~69 Multiple Vitamins Haii.Closed Wednesday - Sunday ponter 'bx- :a.e. ladawaGîeor,- LarexSpay_ .09 169 1.9 275 449- .7 ýMrs. Jack Taylor (nee Mai-v R.C.F.CATR B'.DS.h s itttue 2cf' - ealHospital most of 1.9 275- 4 875 Tinney) of Port Hope calea .C .CATADDSj i e: hetyattd la.st weck with a so-us asth-' LarvexBob ___ OR 81 Ltl-iyidororMs.Ja. orororSn-Ofic g-ctscseo!lîrn h - .mti.ata. ;~ ARE THE' tEST Sur THIS WEEK END dLiei'1 Red anîd Blitie Brand Beef - Round, Sirloin. T-Bone and ALL STEAKS Ibo Lean, Meaty, Beef BONELESS POT RGASTS- Swift's Preniium - Sbankless FULLY COOKED PICNICS - Fresh CGrotuîid EXTRA LEAN MINCED BEEF Swift's Eversweî - 1 lb. Packages SLICED SIDE BACON - Q..wift's Preiniumî - 1 lb. Celle Packages BARBECUE FRANJU- BEST 813V - SAVE 19c COOKED SPAGHETTI Libby's - 15 oz. tin a5 for69C BEST BUY - SAVE 12o Chicken Noodie - Tomato Vegetable LIPTON SOUPS 6 pkgs. 69c BEST BUY - SAVE 6e S.-lada - 60 Bags TEA EAGS 73C BEST BUY - SAVE 58c White - 30c Off Deal - King Size BREEZE DETERGENT 1009 I'EATURE - SAVE 6c 10 lb. Bag GRANULATED SUGAR 83C FEATURE - SAVE 7c Kraft Deluxe - 8 oz. Pkg. CHEESE SLICES I.for 5 9c FEATUItE - SAVE 4c Beef - Irish -~ 24 cz,.Ti PURITAN STEWS 39C I EXCEPTIONAL VALUE OR NI Approx. 20 oranges -5 bag 5q California - Suin LEMOh 6 for 29 Luscious, Georgia -N PEACHI 6 for 25 Crisp, curly - 10 oz. SPINA( 2IforI29 Farm Fresh, Florida - ý CORN on the 4 cobs 2t FEATI RE - SAVE 4c - WVhite - Clder -- 24 oz. Bottle CANRADA VINEGAR-- FLATURE - SAVE 16e - Cheerios - Rice Coi-n Flakes - Frostyos - GENERAL MILLS CEREALS 4 I E 4TURE - SANVE 4c - 100 IL. Roll, 12" SAVE ALL WAX PAPER- FE ATt.LIE -- SAVE lic - 25 ft. Rol ALCAN ALUNINUN FOIL WRAP BI« ISCI -AIT RE-- Apple IBlossouîs - Variety Parli. %-'.ortment SUPRE[ME BRAND ----- CANDY FFATLTRE Daiî-y Maid - .Turnbo Cello Mini or Buiierscaich Pulls 29c FRESH FROMI TIIE OVENS LEMON BUNS 2t k. 31c SDRD ManyLs' SARAN WAP"25ILRl39 R 1IC E 14oz. Pkg. 27c 10e Off Pack -- 1 lb. Tin TODDY BEVERAGE *51c Chrlstle's - Collo Pkg, FIG BARS Chll Pkg35c ICE CREAMR Pich Br~ic 25c FROZEN FOODS Libby's - Feature - Save 6c GREEN PEAS. 2 lb. poly bag 49e STRAWBERRIES 15 oz. pkg. 43c MIXED VEGETABLES, 2 lb. poly bag 49c FRENCH FRIES ---- 9 oz. pkg. 2/39e . ,-I" j1 PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE UISTED RED & WHITE F0( ObmLy MAPLE GROVE MARKET m Napli CORNISH'S MARKET -*- 79C Lh i39c u, 145C -Lb. 43c - h59C - 145C -SUNKIST lES Mb. pely bag ist ES 'c celle hag No. 1 Grade COB 2 For 37c W heaties t'a. 27c 2For 59C - C.ant Cello -39c nnon e Grave Orono MfE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVULLE, ONTARIO aKingston. Mr. Lôve was lected chairman of the Ini- rmnation and Steward shi p Uxnmittee for the Bay of uinte Conference, and he rili serve as the representa-i Ie of the Bay of Quinte Con-i Lrence on the General Coun- iBoard of Inforrmation and tewardship. Miss Jeanine Werry was one fthe Junior Farmers who njoyed a tour of Station4 T'TO and a visit to the Oak-i lges Farms of Mr. R. R.1 )nnis. An honoured guest )r the occasion was an Over- eas member of the Juniorî lrmers. Guests of Mr,. and Mrs. Ted faidman and family on Sun- ay were Mr. and Mrs. Ter- WEDESAY, M=TNE14tb, 1961. The 20'th Guides and Brcw- ut zHie ciaristeniirg were Mis. nies, 25th Brownies, and 21st1 Gertrude Gibson, Mr. Ralph Scouts and Cubeiarched in 'Maynard. Mr. Edward Gibson, the diuich parade at Campui3Mis hnlH'eM- a Saniac on Sun-day, and ni.any Mýrs. J. V. Burridge, Mr-. and cf their parents turned out ta Mrs. Bull Hillyor, Wendy and enjoy the occasion. Dale, ançI Mi-. and Mis. George Mrs. Everett Mo>untjoy spent Warden. the greater part of last week Mi. John Ceisberger had a at the home o! ber daugibter. miraculous escape on Satiir- Mis. Hugh Ga.nnon. day afternoon wiîen the trac- Mi-. and Mrs. Harvey Pasctbe tan on ,vhich ho was riding on Sunday were dinner guests wras in collision with a car as of Mr. and Mis. Tracy Glas- ho turned inta the Trevail peul. farni on Taunton Rdr*t. Daniel John Gil'son, infant Johin was taken to Oshawa son cf Mr. and Mrs. Donald GeIneral Hospital l'y anibu-1 Gibson, was baptized at a spe- anco for examination. l'ut i-t cial service at the church on leased during the afternoon. Sunday afternocn. Bey. Rcn- There was extensive daniage aid L ove officiated, assisted ta bath vehicles. b'ut no sson- l'y EIders Clarence Werry and eus injuiries te the people in-