Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng- ld, at Maiton airport on ( l' i lursday (June 15). Te kSo f i spend the umronh PS ,.Ia -(& rofa wth the Burks. 'S Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jack- 0 man, St. Catharines, werec Phone MA 3-3303 weekend visitors with Mr. anda _ s. Walter Hately, Queenb Sundav guests with Miss F.' Mrs. J. V. Andrew andSreet. Mrs. Jackman attend- t M.Galbraith,. KingSt East,ý daughters, Gian Robin, Williams o! Port Perry on s were ber couýins, Dr. M. E. J. Ottawa, calhed on their cousini1 Saturday evening. le Staîker and Mis. Stalker, To-, Miss F. M. Galbraith, Kiîng St.1 rs-onl Vnon o ronto. IEast, Tuesday evening af last Wes onreaidnedwth Mr. Mis N~r Jckan a;t'ek and Mis. Sydney Venton un-t Catharines, Ont., is spending' Mi. and Mis. D. L. Feather- tii Thursday after being guestc a week xith grand motber, stone -Haugh, Calgary, Alta., soloist at the testimonial din-c Mis. Frank Jackman, Division;rare visiting the latter's sister ner for Mr. Ross Strike, Q.C.,y Street)', «# Mis. C. W. Downey and fam- on Tuesday of last week at r Members o! the Men's Cho- I ily and other relatives andr which Mi. and Mis. Ve.ton rus o! the Jack & Jili Club, friends. I were also guests. spent the weckend at Dr.! David and Stephen Weshey, Mr. andMi.ONchas Keîth Shemnon's cottage, Stur :o eebruhwîewe-adM.adMs. . NBrocks geonLak. en viitai ~vth teir weîe participants in the lawnt Mi. and Mis. Walter Run-ý mother, Mrs. J. H. Jobnston, bowling tournament held at1 die, Mr. and Mis. Ted Milleriand their u Dle and aunt, Mr. Campbeilford on Wednesday,r and Mr. and Mis. C. Hockin and Mis. Blert Johnstan. June 7th. Mi. and Mms. Nicha- spent Sunday at Grass Lake, i Mis. Hattie Fraser o! Gma- las wvon the Mayeî's Mixed Haliburton. venhurst and sister Mis. Gar- Doubles Trophy for wbich l don Hall o! Toronto were there were 26 entries. i. aile ndti.C . ickdhs gucsts on Friday o! their Recent visitors with Mi. K.igsvll. Ot. viitd bs.cousin, Mis. (Dr.) L. B. Wil- and Mifs. Leslie Brooks, Scu- brother, Mi. A. W. Piekard, îiamis, Temperance Street. ggSitweMs.yr and the S. R. James family' oStewr MsByn1 ast weekend. Mi. and Mrs. D. Rabbins, Andre, Vancouver, B.C., Mrs. 1 Lansîng, Mich., were recent Tom Nicholson, Fort St. John,, Mrs. L. Greenbaum, the for- holiday guests with bier cou- B.C., Mi. and Mis. Ernestt mer Pearl Breslin, o! Toronto sinMis. Gea. W. Graham, Akister, Mis. Gerahd Akister,t was in Town last SaturdayJane St., and visited relatives.I Sunderland, and Mr. and Mrs.c and attended the tea in honor and friends in the district. Glenn Brooks and boys o! of Piincital L. W. Dippeli. Mi. and Mrs. George B. Maikbam.1 Mr. and Mus. Gordon Ban- Crawford, Janet, Mai g a ret Mi. and Mis. Sydney yen-1 ting, Lucan, Ont., and Mis.F. and George Jr., Leaside, Ont., ton bad on Tuesday, as lun- Fenton cf Ailsa Cîaig, Ont.,lIweîe Saturday guests o! his cheon guests, Mrs. Ventcn's were weekend guests o! their parents Mr. and Mis. E. W. cousins, Mi. and Mis. Everard son, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Ban- Crawford, Concession Street. Awde o! Seneca, South Dako-t ting. Miss Hazel Carscadden, To- ta, and Mis. Clinton Richards,t Mr. and Mis. R. H. Piekard ronto, spent Wednesday and Aloha, Oregon, U.S.A., alsoa «! Kingsvihle were Monday Thuisd.ay o! ast week with Mrs. Venton's brother end t Miss Alta Bentham, Mis. A. wife, Mi. and Mis. Irvin AI-i r oveinight guests o! bis bro-G ther, Mr. A. W. Piekard, and Galbraith, Mis. G. Mahood lin o! Newcastle. Mi. and Mis. S. R. James and' and called on Mis. A. E. De- Weekend visitais witb Mr.y family. vitt. and Mis. Gardon C. MartinE Spending the weekend with were Mi. and Mrs. Alec Ma-'% cire their daughteî, Miïss Pat castle, Mis. Frank Binghamr ST. P ULS onway, and Miss Marilyn and Colleen, Toronto, Miss't Hall o! Ottawa, Lieutenant Doris Martin, Whitby, Mis.i kiJack Eggens and Mi. George Lloyd Martin and David, Dor-1 U IE Lavinsky o! Toronto. val, Mi. and Mis. Cyril'ý UMDr. Ch ailes Hone leaves Wright and Jacqueline, Gait.1 CH R HThursday foi Southend-on- Mr. and Mis. E. B. Menzies,1 CHUR H Sa, Esex Engand to isiý Robieand Maigo, Clinton, Organist - Mr. M. Beaton bis two sisteis and brother.! Ont., Mr. and Mis. R. Muir- I It ycars since Mr. Honclbead, Peler, Stephen and Bul- tL.R.A.M.. A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. left England and this is his'IY, Sudbury, and Mr. John: Miitrfirst visit since then. 'Dipplaiso of Clinton, wereE Mi.H A niser, .. M n Ms rodAnder- wekend guests of -their par-1 Rev. H. A.eTurerMB..AndMi.snd Mis..Arnol son *and Joanne, Kingston, ns i n i.L .Dp SUNDAY, JUNE lSth were overnigbt guests last pell. Mi. and Mis. Muirhead Satuîday o! Mi. and Mis. S. and family remained foi a 9:50 a.m. -i R. James and famihy and at- week's visit with ber parents. SUNDAT SCHOOL tcnded the testimonial dinner high sehool for Mi. L. W. Dippeli. students will have the oppor-J 11:00 a.m. - tunity o! attending a su.mmeî MORINGWORHIP Mr. and Mms. Norman Smith, sebool c! music this yeaî. MORNIG WOSHIP Mi. and Mis. Norman Luxton Board o! Education gave ils COMMUNION and Mr. and Mis. Gary Lane, formai appiovai recently toaa SERVICE ahi o! Bowmanville, were in plan by Albert Daîch, direetor Members o! the cangrega- Oshawa Saturday ta attend o! music at Kenner CVI, Pet- tion are coîdially invited ta the Silver Wedding of Mi. and erborough, ta carry ou't a visit the church at any time Mis. Douglas E. Manning. month-iong programi for a and witness the rebuilding Mr. and Mus. Bill Burk and summer band. There is an o! the chuich organ. John wil meet bier parents, enrolment o! 140 students for Mi. and Mis. C. T. Teague of the course. Mi. C. S. Hubbs, Jackman attcndingr the 150Vh anniver- t,,riity U ited hur 5 sary cf 'Prince Edward Lodge A.F.&A.M. No. 18. Mr. Hubbsi Éinister - Rev. Wmn. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. is a Past Worsbipful Master of this odge and bas been a Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Mason since 1897. Owing ta, the illness o! Most Woîshipful Brother James Maber, Past 11:0 ami - M RNIN WORHIPMost Worshipful Brother Rai- 11:0 a.m - MRNIN WORHIPry Martyn wvas guest speaker. of m Lor's ~ppeThe banquet was held at the Sacrament fteLrdsSpe Paîish Hall. Among the Class '61 Gradu- "Righieousness versus Goodness" ates in Agriculture o! Kempt- ville Agricultural Sehool were J9:45 a1.Juno3Lnteiatand Sno dGatDwsno r vey MeGill, R. R. 1, Enniskil- Baby-sittingSevc len. The graduation exercises A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL were bcld on Saturday, June _____________________________________ 1 3, in the Keimptville Agricul- _____________________________________*tural Sebool Auditorium. 1 r ' The m'any fîiends cf Mis. ~ REOBOH C RISIAN Allan Kearney of Meadowview tht she bas been eonfined ta REOR E C UR Hhospital foi the ps he visiting ber son Herb in jScugog Street, Bowmanville Claikson wben she suffered a r heait attack and was taken toe WIMMMI'DAV TTTUTW.4th. 1981 THE AREA WIDE Colege Aqua Divers under P E T C S A L A Divers a! Belleville. A A famihy gatbering was held - I "Saturday, June 3ud, at the Yu UTH R KA LLY 'United Church parsonage, ýMillbiook, in honor o! Rev. SATURDAY, JUIEL 17th and Mus. Stanley Snowden's 1th wedding annivcr s a ry. at 7:45 p.m. - in the ýThose present inciuded Mms. .~, .., ~ a*~-Snowden's parents, Mu. and Bowmanvile nign School Auitorium Mis. Charles Johns, Town, Mr. and Mis. Wallace Munday, Guest Speaker: . fDonald and Janice a! Maple REV. HOPE SMITH of Belleville, Ont. Grove, Randy Snowden, Ma- pIe Guove, Mis. Larry Dewelh, Speciai Music by Debbîe and Rodney, Town, The Berezowski Brothers of Toronto Mr. and Mms. Loyd Broome and Oshawa Maie Quartet and Lai yof Soina, John Broome, Douglas, Riekie and These Saturday nlght Yeuth Rallies have been provlng Karen, and Lorne Pascoe of a treat blesslngte many Young people. Tyrone. Plan now te attend. Mus. Elva Virtue Beckett * * * *received word last week of The 7:00 p.m. Service of the Bowmanville !Cruicksbank at Saint John, Pentecostal Church wilI be held in the ;NB. Mus. Cruickshank was the ast surviving child of the Crearn of BarIey Park. 'weîî known local !amily of J REV. S. A. GRANT, Pastor. " the hate W. F. Allen, Beech [,F I'Ave., who was Mayor o! Bow- Maple Grove Couple Have 25th Wedding Mi. and Mis. David William Bothwell celehiated their 25th We dd i ng Anniveisaiy on Tuesday, June 6, 1961 by re- ceiving their relatives and friends at their home in Ma- pIe Grave. The table was eentrcd witb a double-ring angel food, dec- oiated in pink and siiver, flanked on each side with tal white candies and spîing flowers. Mus. Clarence Stain- ton, daughter of Mi. and Mus. Bothwell, poured tea and the guests weîc served by Miss Ria Raaphoîst, Mis. Don Mai- tin and Miïss Jane Raapboîst. Miss Barbara Bothwell attend- cd tihe dcci and supeîvised the signing of! the guest book. Many lovely gifts weme e- ceived from relatives and friends as weill s congratula- tory cards. Mi. and Mus. Bothwell exprcssed their ap- preciation to their relatives ànd friends for the lovely gifts. Friends and relatives at- tended from Bow'manvillc, Oshawa, Maple Grave, Ennis- killen, Caurtice and Hampton. Mir. Bothwell is the son o! Mr. and Mus. Dave Bothwel Sr., and Mis. Bothwell was the former Beunice Adams, daughteî o! the late Mi. and Mrs. Joc Adarms. Mu. and Mis. Bothwell were married in 1936 by the Rev. Smith at Courtice Parsonage. T h ey have three da.ughtcrs, Barbara and Nancy, wbo are at home, and Shirley, Mis. Clarence Stainton a! Bowmanvilhe. Durhaum M.P. (PROM PAGE ONE) sbould have indicated that he would follow thîough an the matter fmam Ottawa ta, ensure the requcsted policy wouid be followed as closehy as passible. Bath Deputy Reeve Ivan Hobbs and Councillor Glen- hoime Hughes wbo had been responsible for same o! the previaus critical comments, said Dr. Vivian's letter was still vague and did not an- swer the necd of the com- munity. They refused ta re-l tract anything they had saidi previously as they believcd Dr. Vivian still was not tak- ing the action expected o! him by council. Councilior Ken Nieks re- mauked that apparcntly Dr. Vivian had misundcustood the import o! the copy o! coun- cih's letter sent ta bim. On motion c! Councillor Ross Stevens, secondcd by Councilai Annie Oke, Du. Vivian's letter was reccived and !iied. manville in 1891. The Allen family consisted o! five dau- ghter-, Misses Clama and Mar- ',are',iLnMus. George Bahl (Edith), Richmoçîd Hill, Mrs. Kerr (Carnie), Victoria, B.C., and Mis. Ciuicksbank (May), Saint John, N.B., and anc son, William Allen, Cobourg, whase fson Jack carnies on the hard- ware business since the pass- ting of bis father. Mis. Cruick- fshank is suuvived by two dau- ïghters, Mus. Keitie Johns and tMis. Dodge Rankine, bath o! sSaint John, N.B. Tt is inter- eesting to note that thuce o! 'IMr. Alhen's daughtcrs wcuc a lveu 90 yeaus o! age when . they passed away. dcmonstîated by the favorable and admiîing comments o! patrons o! the Hobby Show. Pîoceeds o! the show are for puai cets ta fuither district bandcrafts and rehiabihitation work. Bath during the afternoon and evening deiciaus sand- wiches, cookies, teaýand caf- fce were donated and ser4d by members o! the Bowman- ville Handcraft Guild and their friends. Miss Vani'Dusê'n ask- ed that anyone intercsted in earning more about the Bow- manville Handcîaft Guiid ta phone ber. An outstanding exhibit in the Hobby Show was campas- cd o! nine large wall panels fuom the Ontario Training School for Boys assembied under the direction o! Tom McHugh, hcad o! the Art and Crafts Department. Each panel hcld examples of a different craft inchuding woadcamving, leather and metal wouk, pap- ier mache worked inta a var- iety o! abjects. Mis. M. Gaîtshore, New- castle, displayed a vaîied cal- lection o! buttons, and variaus types o! sait and pepper sets. She also bad a number o! mottas bcautifuhiy lettered on polisied wood. Mus. M. Tre- vail, Oshawa, sbowed effect- ive pîctures and an artistic dol]. O-ther fascinating dispinys weuc exhibited as foliows: Mis. O. K. Osborne, R.R. 4, an amazing collection o! but- tons; Tyrone Art Club, pic- turcs asscmbhed by Mis. Laina Richards; ail paintings by Mus. W. Mansehi Stacey, ber daugh- ter, Miss Carohyn Stacey, and Miss Betty Luxton, aIl o! Bow- manville; Mus. J. S. Eddy- vean, Orono, crayon land- scapes and poetry; Mus. J. A. McLaggen, Tyrone, cmbroid- euy, feht wcrk and knitting, anîd a doli with cheveu ward- robe o! foam uubbeu duessed by heu 11-year-old daughtcu. Arts and cuafts o! other lands assembled by Mus. C. Bouek, Hampton, and Mus. M. Kaplan, Oshawa, featuîed lavely embroideries and in- tricately dcsigncd Eastcr eggs; Mrs. W. H-olmes, Bowman- ville, jewellery; Mus.. M. E. Abrams, Bowmanvilie, col- lection a! beautiful plants; Mis. Millie Bates, Bowmanville, coins, knitting and needle- point; Mus. G. Shea and hem dauglitem Mus. L. McMabon, Bowmanville, coloîful quilts and embuaideuies; B. Bennett, tawn, needlework panel cf flying geese; Alex Mairs, tawn, garden fumniture; Mus. F. Hellyar, town, stamp collec- tion; S. Vander Meer, ail paîntings. and S. Hall, Tly- rane, attractive woodwouk. A replica o! a bouse was cornphtely furnished by Mirs. Roy Maynard, Tyrone, with hem unique saIt and pepper set collection as fumniture. Dr. Douis Tuemeci, town, was pue- cnt with anc o! ber Samoycd dags and heu spinning wheel with which she spun yaîn from the dogs' baur for weav- ing and knitting. WeIf are <PFROM PAGE ONE) port for May stated that 18, building peumits bad been! issued. It gave the total eost' o! construction, additions, and alterations as $72,720. Eight plumbing pemmits weme issued. The money received for building perinits amounted ta $200, and that for plumbing peumits $55. Mei Moore, the building inspectai, made 32 investigations d ur in g t he montb. He also made 55 build- ing inspections, and six trench inspections. There weîe 52 inqjuiries. The Bawmanville Industrial Commission report for May I I IUG ijT[tlO]HLS.. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK GIt the Finest Antacid-Lexative YGU CAM BUY- a urd SAVE MONEY TOG .WI#h Ihîs GIANT ECONOMY SIZE 'PHiLLiPS 26 ounces MAGNESIA ONLY Izz ALSO AVAILABLE 4 ounces 12 ounces 33Ç 67Ç HEADI~333 -r..' 'FATHER'S DAY GIFTS that add an extra touch of thoughifulness Remember Dad on Sunday, June 18 0 Speciai! CAR WASH BRUSH 98C 0 GILLETTE RAZOR SET and SHTAVE CREAM $1.43 value $1.00 0 OLD SPICE Af ter Shave Lotion 1.50, 2.25 Shaving Mug 1.50 Smooth Shave Bemb - 1.25 Travel Set ------ 2.75 Centaining After Shave Lotion, Talc, Deoderant Other Old Spice Sets te 11.50 ]Papular Brands of Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco Cigarette Lighters-- 49c up Eveready Flashlighf and 2 Batteries - 1.19 Shaving BDrushes - 1.00 Io 15.00 SPipes GOLF BALLS Reg. 50c eacb 3 For 1.29 12 for 4.59 - 69c, 1.00, 1.95 up PAPER MATE PENS 1.29 up PEN SETS te 25.00 Corne in and see these and rnany others ideal for Dad! Same ai aur Specials this week SNOW WHITE ]Facial Tissues Reg. 29c, 2 for 57c 27c, 2 For 49c One Pound Rol Absorbent Cotlon 79c Etiquet CREAM DEODORANT 2 oz., 1.25 value 69C1 HUDNUT Fashion Quick plus Free Taperette value_ $2 .50 GET FAST RELIEF wltlu* GIN PILLS sports car coritest 1CET VOUR ENTRY FORM TODAY! PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugsi We Deliver Yo ur Local I.D.A Drug Store Phione MA 3 -57921 Oum THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANMLE, ONTAMO F- PAGE SEVEN submitted ta council by K. N. ta their owners and three dogs 5 M Miss Linda Potts, High Schoal Testoen onoaoe D onneur Morris, the Commîssioner re- were sold during the month. M ei If OV Ii students, and the faUlowing mem- ferred ta a special meeting of 1.Eight dog licenses were sold bers of the High Schooi office (FROM PAGE ONE) sincere thanks for the many th.edsrilCmmsio v.ceMa y h ogCnto taff, Miss Carol Hughes, Miss sponsible ta a great degree inikindnesses which had been On May l6th. The conflicting Officer. These iicenses were S e v c ty Branch, Miss Karen Clarke, obtaining more appropriate ac-1 shawered upon her and Mr. desires of Dr. John Hendry and six maie and two female, his and Mrs. Ina McNaughtan. commodation for this import- Dippeil.i the Toronta firm of McDonaid,' report stated. Funds received <FROM PAGE ONE) atsgetothe omnty In his acceptance speech, Mr. Mills and Casey, concerning îtotaled $53. tion were received fram many Several BHS boys acted as ef. Mioedyormrrersinial men- Dippeli recalled same of the the unopened Frank Street road Councillor O. J. Pressan, friends and organizatbons.fienad orou sr t t'iay ormrrersinialo . J. humaraus occasions which had allowance were cansidered. council's representative on the Late Mr. Robert Bertramn the entrance ta the schaol and in M'orrison who was present and arisen during his 32 years and The meetlng's recommendatian Central Lake Ontario Conser-' Creeper, former member of the halls. They were Vince Mol- suggested that BHS had beenassured those present that ifI Vas embodied in a separat.elvation Authority, reparted on~ Tyrone Church, bequest of loy, Merv English, Wayne Han- extremely fortunate in havinghe had ta choose aver agamn report ta council, Mr. Morrsa meeting held by the author- $500 thraugh the kind office flan, Woodrow Perry, Ricky ;wo such men as principals. lthe path he would follow, it asserted. jity on May 23rd. He told of, Of Miss Alice Creeper who Rickard, and Dan Marshall. "On behaif of the citizens 0fwouId be the same one which "We have been in furtheriplans made in regard ta con- was present. Dedicated by Amnony the many farmner EHS ;he community, 1 would like toibrough him ta Bowmanville. communication with a national i servation publîcity.1 the Rev. J. K. Braham. students who returned ta Baw- congratulate you, Mr. Dippeil, The people here have been chain organization which peri-1 The transfer of Conservationi Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Bowman- manville ta pay tribute ta Mr. on your retirement and thank most generous and considerate, odically, over the past several Field Officer Terry McCauley ville, sang "I Shall Not Pass Dippell at the tea in bis honor you for the service you have he said. years, has requested up-to-date was reported by Councillor Again This Way" by Stanley were Dr. and Mrs. J. Virtue, rendered over the years," the The delicious dinner was information on housing starts, Presson. He pointed out that Effinger< accompanied by Mr. Hamilton, (Mrs. Virtue is the for. Mfayor concluded. prepared and served by memn- current and pendîng industriah'the new Field Officer coming~ Merrili, who aiso accompanied mer Miss Dorothy Mitchell,) Mr. School Inspecter L. M. bers of St. John's Anglican and commercial developments, to the area will have bis office the choir with their anthem, and Mrs. Don Mason, Toronto, ohnston, speaking on behaîf Guild with Mrs. Harry Sutton etc." in Peterborough, and will look 'Holy Art Thou," Handel arr. Mrs Marion (Tink) Dadson, Peter- of the Department o! Educa- as convenar. "Four new industriai ieads'after four Conservation Author- by Kingsmill and Will. It was borough, Mrs. Miargaret (Tink) ion, brought greetings from Music during the evening were obtained during May. ties. announced that the Orange Goode, Lakefield, Mrs. Pearl Hn JonG oattewas provided by a quartet One was a direct approach by parade and service would be (Breslin) Greenbaum, Toronta, Jond G. Rob as a the oehreseily h nutroeorgntdheld in Tyrone United Church Ruth and George Crawford, Lea- great admirer o! Mr. Dippeli for this event as they had been with the Ontario Government ti udya 1am ihsdMs ooh Aasn who bas retained his youthful- Mr. Dîppell's pupîls, Rohy and reached us thraugh the e Rev. G. Lokhorst as mînister. Barnett, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. ness of spirit and his energy Coambes, Ken Hockin, Ivan Lake Ontario Development As- Re.Lkos' ers a dadFy hty yo rw after s0 many years in a Most Waalley and Ted Ott. A sing saciation, one was furnished F entitied "The Divine Wis- fard, Toronto, and Professor L arduaus occupation. sang was led by Alan Strike by a citizen o! hi area, andO S I dom." Rev. A. E. Cresswell C. Mitchell, Vancouver, B.C. WJ.MrioofBleilwith D. C. Peters accampany- one resuhted from the develop led ini prayer. W.J Mrîno!Bllevihle, Howard1Je9fery, chair ment of Mosport Park. Ali <PROM PACE ONE) The beautiful flowers were I The MAN WHO is ALWAYS ~aled u events. in 1929 wc in rs.Hwr efyca- four have been attended ta. ing and became a member O! in iaving memary o! the late ede upetandr.Dpeli's can- man of the cammittee in There have been na new de- that exclusive group known as Keith Davey. WATCHING THE CLOCK tere. wHe adFred C. Van-e charge of the event, read a iist velopments cancerning former the Alpine Club. Mr. Tait's The honoured guests in th,- NEVER becomes the th ytanenete whof rerets from wh a rsnt ee rgeveral out-of- prospects." hobby grew into lecture tours, front pews witb Coi. R. S. "Man of the Heur" the only twcannebo d owth town ex-teachers who were Mr. Marris noted that it is bis travehogues and hantern McLaughlin were Dr. Gea. W. ________ :a he high stl board o th unable ta be present. Other encauraging ta krtbw that slides taking him toalah parts jamrs, Mr. Arthur Brent, Mr. B U T ~aywb wrestii hie. members of ber committee in- through Bihl No. 88 of theOf the country showing the J. A. Werry, Miss Alice Creep- Mr. Morrison praised Mr. cluded W. Mansehl Stacey and Ontario Legisiature, the per- beautiful mountain scenery and er, Toronto, and Mrs. Thea. Yen can be the man or Dippeli for bis ability ta adapt Mrs. Harthey Lewis, invita- niciaus practice o! granting thrilling experienees cf maun- Siemon. woman of the heur when readily ta the many changes tions; A. H. Strike and L. fixed assessments ta new in tain ciimbing above the chauds Our guest organist, Mr. R. weman of the heur which had taken place in edu- Lucas, dinner; G. R. Elliott and dustry bas been terminated. upon snowy summits on bigh- F. Merrill, gave a recital a!ter when yen Register cational work during those 32 Miss Nancy Snelling, gift; Clare His repart stated that con est peaks seidom attained by the service. The church or- years. Hewou dcd that Alin and Alex McGregor, pro- tact bas been established with the average mountain climber. ganist, Mrs. G. Brent, was a for tbere Heul be further altera- gram; Miss Edith Laycock and another company that is inter- The exhibits which Mr. Tait member o! the choir for thisSU ER CH L tions in the near future witb Miss N. Snelling, fiowers; ested in canstructing, and if bas sent ta the museum cf his occasion. S M RSR O 1 n increased program of voca- Garth Gilpîn, secretary and need be, financing industrial native town are authentic and tional training and adjustments Walter Reynolds, treasurer. buildings for acceptable clients, rare samples o! fossil arch- T ANN ithGrd13criuu.Mr. Marris added thitt "on re- aealagy be bas personaliy gath- j tts Several presentatians were quest a further 12 copies o! ered in bis Rocky Mountain onor hew 1nmade t Mr. Dippeil including U L ur 'Prestige Industrial Sites' travels: be as listed themna: H n u w a d citti n rohl nsied b ftose y folder were supplied ta the Rare fossil of sandstone with 0Oa wornn taee epnsiblChfr Industrial Development De- a good specimen from the base PWi'I lt. l' orgniingth evnt Chir ~partment cf the CNR." He Of Mount Stephen, Trail, B.C.; 0 1Dusiness u.olege man Strike made this presenta- S hoMwW also reparted that typing o! the fOSSil of hemlock found where <PROM PAGE ONE) Ctbifmenelng lion. John T. McCreery, chair- stencils o! the cammission's Hope - Princeton Road eut SherdanMrsW. MnelItcy man ofthe Duham Conty (FOM PAG ONE) new industrial brochure is pro- thraugh shale bed, east cf Mrs. G. R. Elliott, Mrs. BertTusJl 4,16 ,District High Sehool Board vide diversion from the pro ceeding. fie Whipsaw Creek Bridge, which Parker, Mrs. CarIas Tamblyn, HR AN was high in his praise of Mr. blems of business and work- The Dag ContraioffcrS exhibit is beautifuhly preserv- (Orono), Mrs. Forbes Heyîand SOTHN Dippeil as be presented three aday life. Handcrafts are repart for May stated that ed. Ms .BueTn,(oia, TYPEWRITING pieces o! iuggage on behaîf of particulariy valuable for per- four animais were carried for- h rsaseche r Mrs. M. Pruteson, MrsIol- AOUTIN the board. L. Lucas, the sons who are bound ta their ward from April. In May from near the summit of Mount ville, (Newcastle), Mrs. F. Lycett, and Associated Subjects principal of Bowmanville High homes, or bandicapped, as an eight animais were picked up, Uta (9,610 ft.), next ta Mt. Sir (Orono) and Mrs. Ronald Scott. 1Sehool made a most mathe- outiet for their abilities. three were brought in ta the Donald (10,886 ft.) in Glacier Assisting in serving were Ms FREE Ltrtr maticai address as he present- The second purpose o! the pound, and eight were destroy- National Park on the C.P.R. Sandra Chaskavich, Miss Anns ACT NOW L Dm1RA 5-337 ed a Drummond painting ta the Hobby Show is ta stimulate cd Fu oswr eundna oesPs.Sisn isGi aerand lRA537 1honored guest. Mrs. Lucas pre- interest in the products o! d@Fu oswr eundna oesPs.itnoMs alBkr n sented a bouquet cf red rases ta handcrafts and o! hobbies. Mrs. Dippeil who took the op- This resuit was unquestian-I[ ý prtuityof expressing hral achieved. This bas been CM EIIEPIE LSPROA EVC A:dJLJL.L AV ici ir-jLbllna A JLJjc JL ojujiLb V 1%,rj