1 - PA= E IE? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO a WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 1961 ,Ir - Mixe'dBwesHl j l'op st DoulsTore III SPORTopucs~~~~~~~~ The first ana îe 4hDiel59,P obn ByFakMbnMA 372 Doubles Tournametwshl 6-34 ByFakMhnat Liberty BowlLmtddr 5tG.Sot62J.M ea I î~~~~~~ng May. Resultanwner72-35 A "BIRDIE" BY JOHN r</ tWere a lw: t-. icel 3,H Golfers scoring birdies at Southview Golf Club are to ley 734s-14.Bae68,.En-amr74-3. b. congratulated, but it Isn't such a great feat as ta rate a - ey73-14. 7-BMatnr7,o.Sml write-up ln this columin, (except when this reporter gets one). 662-1374. t- Sper4,'k e- However, when a golfer scores a birdie on his first r-.Pl Urne out, we thlnk that's worthy of mention. Partîcularly fect 758-1358.9tJ.Bkr54E.Lsi considering It was on the ninth haie, which isn't the easiest. t-MCol61,APpr John Stainton, giving the game a try, Friday night ln Teachina the Younnsters the Fine Art of Tennis Soccer Ken's Trune16~25 the Goodyear League, unleashed a wicked drive on the rinth . lhH ua53 .Bak tee ta bag his bird - a low-flying robin. It wan't be flyingH gh ghsot er 177 bn76-29 h ig h o r lo w a n y m re . T o o b ad it w a sn 't an e a g le. K enh ls M e n's eear p r a e î eiý 3 - 2 9 t t t f t ob0oie won and nobody a 16 hit attackitao- 4hA.Ten 60, . IN oti h eirgaines play- sided. 17-7 wlf vr ob63-24 NOTES ON MOSPORT ed last week, as ail three tilts' ville Hotel, last Tedyngt ît-.Ebe 8,B wound up in tie scores. Haxnp- at the High Scholbhpr.Rcad 3-22 First the heavy fag and then a downpour of ramn tan and Courtice started it off 'The victory modKesn- 6t-.Sehn 1, , appeared ta stop the British Empire Motor Car Races at atWeedangtathgoatre-way edokfrMLuh3 0-28 Mosport, Saturday. Earlier in the day as we watched a non- .*, 4to a 1-1 stand-off. Courtice second place, bhn ege rz inr s euse was inth act again Saturday leading Snuffystocîatheleyfrthi edn no!sorts cars heading north o Liberty, this when they played to another Jh id ae h -aad.Ofcasa iet scribe couldn't help but feel sorry for the enthusiasts who ta , one ail draw, this time with Joihen elghe T Tyrone. Bomanville op nrs with a pretforor rwhte ail appearances were gaing ta be out of luck. ThereasoWn y hldin on fu ige tbtan vI.trotatti vn n ta a 2-2ad w dciedt i e. B yhodngZ ob Maor jerrglsoncake resaprcaia aths1 As everyone knows, the dycerdan dcdd hom rn na tveru2scod ao prt ta take in the races and have a look at Mospart for ourselves. In hast Thursday's Junior innin'g outburst, hl Bth Perhaps the Park may have been hard ta reach several weeks ».. League, Zion edged 09-urtice Cole triphcl ed Bir ago, but now it is an easy drive, mostly on hard-surfaced 3-2 in one of the early season belted a pairofduls roads, with signs marking the way. The best route tram - yegn apo - n The Men's WeM oendu Bwavlei oTrnnrha ymsstore and then - wi*thfour inamptoirs1-nd add Bowmavill is a Tyone, orthat Bam'sEnniskillen handed Bowman- ed hfoue in th(eod otk just folhow the signs right ta Mosport. ville a 5-i setback. e iei h [an early 9-3 bugeThymd It is truly a beautiful location, which ln the future i it 16-3 by thesihbfr should reahly bie something. Plans caîl for a swimming pool, the Hotelers r.lidfo he picnic tables, eight retreshment stations (they rnay be Pearso 'S Cryewn ortae However, as for the situation now, only sa much can be ._____ A. l 1 g\t aetelswt e ffccomplished in such a short time and we think that thevvn i- s. erHacmngo nteout men behind Mosport have already done a fine job. The 2.4ina1d-1els Yee itching thoas O mile asphaît track, winding Up and down hill is really some- -' - #,-. .. I e\cs e inning.bu PINL thing. For those who are interested it ha 40 feet at its widest Newc stl Jim Castie tnndfw and 28 feet at the narrowest spot. Bowmanville Pearson's Smokeadul yJ Beig he az tpeths epote din' wik rondMany junior and senior members of Bowman- arranged for a supply of his products to be available .Shop rebounded fram their Marjerrison's bobea1oc th e nte a btye, di caertoer aidtnrt alk ndi ville Tennis Club took advantage of the opportuJnity to to the thirsty tennis enthusiasts. The:ýphoto shows: initial loss last Monday ta Up- a pair of unearndrn.Cs IEU of the south-western portion. A good spot ta watch irom is obtain expert coaching on Monday afternoon when left to right, George Mansfield, tennis professional; ta beat them, 16-1 right in' Tfanag6ir Al sorebouh0 CII pr arpntr ttesut nweeohrprs of tepoessional George Mansfield was in town on his in Pat CornelwogtAe track may also be seen. But be prepared ta wahk a bit ta get annual tour, sponsored by the Pepsi-Cola Company Pat Vinish, Gary Griffin, Jamie Dunn, Yvonne Anani- Newcastle. Wsmno t there. and the Canadian Lawn Tennis Association. Local chuk, Bob Dunn, Betty Darch, Cheryl Ann Luxton and After a 1-1 first inning, Bow- threat. Cornel satre ee manville pulhed ip front with hits the rest et4 ewyt bottler Bill Smith of Smith Beverages had thoughtfully Bill Sumersford. a pair of second inning tallies earn the win. A .SU R C We would also advise aur readers ta take fohding and blew it wide open with brewstepc chairs with them and It wouldn't hurt ta get a thermos con-e and single, and Doug Lane, six in the fourth. They added o Bill Osborne ai !~ . ~ I lf tainer filled at the first refreshment booth, because ance you ih C I Y b l Herman Prakken and James four in the sixth and three in doubles. m OAs 1V get a gaad spot it's quite a chore ta move. cn-S u rp lu D o p . Th i n ixuv Lane, each with a pair of the final trame ta complete the, h singles, led the attack. Ted scaring. 7 4 Being new ta the sport we didn't understand the lA ate also belted a twa-bagger. anie Mttnyon ens ___ l uI~ '1rfIèI!~ ÇIV fDà"ItI wicein he frstaddig a niftysi-btt, anne pai definitions ai the variaus events, but in next week's column Bowmanville scored early - player on the teafi, tossed a Hoteler"s 7 8 4BIMNIL we opeta av a enealIde fo te bneft o poph hk alL Ik7 3 IS tral IIi h i single in the third, two tourth- and wahked but one ta register curselves. inning talles and wrapped it the victary. Adams, on the! One ai the items ln the program that appealed ta us Surplus Sales outhit league- ta keep the. defendIng chain- slam home run, after a pair of uplîthbore nhesPotHope13hiin teiometeralled OithLIY GM DALR was a chart by which you could time a car, using your watch, eading Snuffy's Auto Body pions out of the win column. wahks sandwiched a raou n d ta three safeties in the Sun- the loss. Adams and Dost eachi andseeho fat t ws gin, b Uingthetale hih cn-10-7 but dropped their fiftn Singles by Lloyd Hamilton Hamilton's single had loaded day atternoon tilt, wbile bis had a pair of sateties in the RBO and te he ftit a ls pr oig yu gthreptberwahappyon-straîgbt game Friday night and ÎÏ11 Nicholson gave Snuf- them .up. That was the big team-mates collected il hits ta îosing cause.R O vered he imeto ile pr hur.Thi reortr ws a tail deeper in the ceilar. fvs one run in the battom of blow of the game, giving the give him solid support. Ravens-I ta be a spectator we might add. Snuffys opportune h i t t i n 9 the first, after Surplus bad Auto Body a 9-3 bulge. dale went six innings ta take Barbara Brown paced the' gave them four runs in each scoreil twîce on an error ta Nicholson and Cowle were the loss, before Merrili took hocals ait the plate with a Mý of the third and tourth trames "Mac" Richards, a walk and the heavy hitters on each over in the last twa trames. double and two singles. Elean-1 V .MMcan rsdn "B1uck" Cowle's single. t e am, with three singles Leading 3-2, Bowmanville or Pîckard contrîbuted three, LU BERTY Pigeons FIy ~~~Dan Girardi slugged a home ahiccc. Newcomer Heffernan broke loase for four fourth singles and Barbara Hughes Bik.Pnic-Vuhl as-G CTuk Pg o s Fy run in the third, and singles started for the Sales, givîng, inning taihies ta grab a five- smacked a triple and a single.1 MA 3-3321 L B R Yby George Jones and Erv waY ta Mel Burgess, on loan run margin, tram wbich they 166 King St.E Ai r eS Brooks appcared to have a from Snuffy's, in the third. were neyer beaded. Ohw ietLn A521 BO W L TD , 1 ,5 es rally going, but winning pit- It was Snowden's tourth win Jim Coyle was the big gui' O W L ii " '>cher Harry Snowdcn settîcd without a lass. with a double and single. BASE UNE down ta retire the side. Team Standings Pickell and Mike Johnson add- P e eW ees Dear Customesaa red will e opeatngrom Go..IIIL. Three waiks and Nicbolson's W L T Pts ed a pair o! singles apiece. sl i rbbit h.I h otIpratntc single gave Snuffys four runs Snuffy's 4 1 0 8 Nxt. gmefo i shiawort oe, in 'rIE nîw!nîrrThe fiftb race o! the year on one bit to take a 5-3 lead Stephen Fuels 21O4Sabeoesaacms nh Mf you wil remdIi erprann aju uooie was flown by the Bowman- in the bottom hbaît of the inn- Ken's Men's Wear 2 1 O 4 frtebggm udyprV Dr i If you r iemn eolwe ti1 'put. evumumwt'nville Racing Pigeon Club on ina. In tihe tourth, "Chuck"Bo'leHtl 2204( , pyurcryu attahvteasrnetatiisae THEKIK SUMNE'IKR Saturday, June loth, tram Go- Kilpatrick swatted a grand- Surplus Sales 0 5 0 0 OS adrv o youad orcamr yenwnttapote Bowling Every Afternoon and Evening gamna, Ont., 195 miles air ine AU o eL O neCT ( o drive fotr eelgu taapaace ohv 25ea a m duGnaJnemJ ydndArgst toBomJnile. patlyJueely and r ASYBuc tht be wll e oub onath stisyig eelngtht ourca bs eencaefil FRE owin las umlr il b ivn orTe eahe aspatlP e ee A I.The a m d weate wllbherg cn-twastsfi A RE owin lastublrwilbegie fr cioudy with showers and some tenders during the scason *very three games or more bowled in one day. sunny perbods and the birds* OU OWN HORN whcn tbey deteated Whitby inspected fro frntaerthrdjsm ts ae came through in real good In Co ourg onl JU Iy le W and Kendal last week, wbile necessary by:s teddt n t eavsdI n time flying about 48 miles per 0ONTU KETO» O dropping a game ta Cobourg. component luiIeytfedutalcofmienc. bOIi i-odfoe o fr our on the tlight. The annuai Lakeshore Pee star teain will be "Earlsccwi O,ma"' Bowmanviiie 5 - Whitby 4 hs alrsbv ai iocrlga h Automatic Pin Setters ready for your lst Piper and Woelacott, Wce Baseball League ail-star Peewee Ail-Stars" of Toronto. PUIT TTedy ibhiehtyte m sncenin iewe a r urlg1 covnec tal i 2nd Lo. thRhs,3rd avi. game wiîl be piayed this ycar The home c amNO SUBSTIcoin- Bowmanville club, after bcing convkenience at ttmesacBris.,o4thrRalpViLukriaSthsedof rpeeIaie f lLKLSNOSU * UE1 held off the score sheet for f ive wark, on a Sedyatrondie roIa anw * a~ .n Bttril 6h a kinCaour'sVitoia ar, cas~ n enal Witby, innings, broke baose for all the expense adicneinecnb atakad Phone M A 3 »5 ~663 Brown, 7th C. Lemon, 8th on July lst at2 p.mn., it bas Bowrnanviîle, Port Hope and errusntbsittadg cricks. R rd Opposîng the league ail- Cooug Whitby 5-4. W. ilb pesdt bde hVepnet Players on bath teams willp Eleven batters went ta the meet your ieda receive crcsts as mcmentocs of plate in the big frame, when tbe occasion, and trophies, the winners coilectcd four o! donated by Cobourg Brancb their seven hits. Singles by ]PERFORMNC 133, Royal Canadian Legion, Btwl and Waversveld and ___________ will be awarded te the mast a walk ta Renddl tilled the vahuable player on eacb team, bases. Mcf* MFeeters and Taylor Completemaetu -u icudglzpcick an -M ; d the most outstanding I cbss -(npfxn wihgi- t ______________________victoria a rk, Cobourg. P LE AS E on n e frt SHORT SLEEVE LONG SLEEVE AE the fis dadingoce in! the inningandscoing t in U SDhA R second. The locals evened the, Fine white cotton with neat All Sizes ( Zam tebto hl.Ec eamAl patlstesRela olrs lof IIIp scored once In the fifth. 'wihodilGarne pattsies. Ailalr r Don Forsey went five frames! Regular $3.95 A.W8 to $6.95 $3 8 Bowmanvihhe Midgets iound; on tbe mound, with Tom Cart-1 _____________________________the victory formula during the' er relieving in the sixth. 1960 BUICK2 R HA D O weekend, hammering out an' AE yOyU R Ryan went t he distance ta bag' AutomicFulpoe qped 8-0 shutout win over KendaL SAVE~ the win. Saturday atternoon and trounic Bwavie9 edl5 199PN1C4-R ADO ing Port Hope 11-4 at the Me-.Bwavlte edl 99PN PU E W O R Y F A N L marial Park, Sunday. a t Bowmanville did it the hard V-8,atmtewt ai n etr PURE Wh ha BazroOL GREYhFANNEL.S club bad dropped W way Tbursday night at Vincent Tporg t tack t - B la r $49 orfrsttregames befre er Massey Park, alling behià15 H V - R Spot Jcke - eguar$14$5 .8 8X X w.Coacb Chint Ferguson camne, 5-O In the fîrst as the visitar ~ ~ ~f"...............up with thc winnîng combina I capitalized on wahks and all, ete n rdo Specid for Faters Bay 10 *1 * iWthon. It appears riow that the l o! their three hits, before being: et locals are on their way, but a:~ FOR TE blanked the rest o! thewa. 15PNTA2-.HADO major stumbling bhock could ý Rabs on bad a rough time' be the highly-touted Oshawa! BOYSCO T9gti saedbulok imV81 club which is here for a game presive efrte but lookjed - VSwt etradrdo I ' I ~ ~~~~this Sunday aternoon at 2:30.eoe bin nue M E "SBrian Downs checked Kend.: .UfX COLLECTION DATE in the faurth. Carter continu- MENS ~~~ai on sixhits ta register the; dta hold Kendal in a fie use a o pnutl9pm Saturday shutout at Kendal. relief ModaotroghFrda Several times Downs was ini ST DY Big men at the plate for theStuayuil5p. f t f lSW EAR Itrouble, but the outfielders - i n nesw an ec haul i u th e a atsa J NE 1 hoohy and Wray Rendeileach' More ta 0ohrmksadmdl 35 TEMPERNCE STRET, NORTHPickelh's over the shoulder with threc-ba,,grs.taimoefo. 35 EMERNC SRETNOTHgrab was the showv-piece o! the 83 .11. 1 O.B.A. umpires were Arnold afternoon. j Etcher at the plate and Roland Paul Mutton with a doubleajSpencer on the bases.