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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1961, p. 9

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WEDNESDAY, .YUNE 28th, 1981 MRS. CHARLES M. CAWKER In ili heaith for nearlyI three years and in hospital for a lengthy period, Mrs. Elinore Louise Cawker of R.R. 1, Foxboro, dJed in King- ston General Hospital 'early Saturday morring, June 17, 1961. Mrs.. Cawker was born in Color ado Sprinigs, Colorado, 42 years ago, being the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailes. She received her education at Bishop Bethune College,. Oshawa and the Ontario La- dies' College, Whitby. She was znarried in Oshawa in 1941 ta Chas M. Cawker, eldest son1 of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker,1 Bowmanvile, and had since1 Let's TaIk Cars...I WHAT IS A COGID DEAL ? much stand- ard practice people think- ' ing of buying /~ a used car to ".shop" sever- al dealers to get the lowest price. We have nothing against the common sense proceduce, PROVIDING the purchaser knows that pice is but anc cf the things he must weigh in buying intelllgently. How he eau be tooled on price alone was illustratcd recently iu an incident re- latcd In an automotive trade paper. The customer want- cd a particular year and model of used car but eouldn't be persuadcd to pay more than the very 10w and fictitious) price he had seen advertiscd ln a large, ncarby city. After considecable hagg- ling duning repeated visits the dealer finally agreed ta meet bis customec's price ($125.00 less than the deal- er was asking for a quality- used car) on a «"similar" car be had coming i the riext day. -+rhe sale was promptly *iMsedl with the customer béaming *11 knew you fel- lows wouid corne around H. e then examlned the second car (which look- ed identical) and slgncd the papers. It was flot until then that the dealer, who happily was a reputable businessman, informed bis customer that the second car was a former taxi with 87,000 miles on the set-back speedometer (against 23,000 actual miles on the first car) which he had planued to wholesale. Offered his xnoney back, the custamer wisely dccid- cd an additianal $125.00 was a bargaixi price fac a car with 80% of its lite ahead ot it against onc with 80% ot Its life gene. Support the Fenclon Falla Rotary Club Regatta, Sat- urday, July lst. *Presdent. lobson Nofors Ltd. 166 King St. E. Phones: MA 3-3321 Oshawa RA 5-2712 lived in the Belleville-Fox- bora area.1 Eight years ago the familyl moved ta the Stirling Roadj jus' outside Foxhoro. In bath' communities, Mirs. Cawker en- jeyed a wide circle af inti- mate friends, who will sin- cerely regret hec death. She was a woman of infin- ite charm, graciaus ta a de- gree. Mrs. Cawker was a gra- ciaus hostess in ber home and she enjoyed the companion- sbip cf ber many friends. She was a kind neighbar and in- terested in the social affairs of ber cammunity. A member of the Anglican Church; she is sucvived by her husband, Charles M. Cawker; twa son, Stephen and Peter Cawker, at home; one brother, Donald F. Bailes cf Tarante, and one sister, Mrs. C. H. (Margaret) Davidson of Campbellfard and two ncph- ews, Douglas Bailes and Mcs. Evelyn McDawelaf Oshawa. SThe funeral service was held from the Bush Funeral Home, Belleville, Monday, June 19. Interment was in Belleville Cemetery. Rev. A. C. McCallum ccnducted the services. The profusion of beautiful flowers, as well as many con- tributions to the Cancer So- ciety, were evidence of the lave and esteem in which the deceased was held. DAVID B. CHURCHILL Funeral services fer David Russell Churchill, five yeac aid son cf Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las R. Churchill of R.R. No. 1, Nestieton, were conducted from the Marvyn Veale Fun- ecal Home li Simcoe, Thurs- day, June 15th, with inter- ment in the Simcoe Oakwood Cemetery. He died Sunday, June llth, in Oshawa Gencral Hospital from injuries received when struck by a car in front of bis home. Brm in Brantford, he has lived at Nestîctaxi for the past four years and attended the UTnited Church Sunday School there. His mather is the for- mer Phyllis V. Shepherd. Besides the parents, sur- vivars include a sister Janet Marie, eight, and grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Shepherd, R.R. No. 3, Scot- land and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Churchill of Windbamn Centre. MES. T. SALTER Fallowing a lengthy illness there passed peacetully to ber rest at ber home in Hamp- ton, Annie Florence Perkins, widow cf Theodore Salter in ber 90th year. Mr. Salter was born lI Can- ningten, Ont., on April 6th, 1872, the daughter cf David and Ann Perkins. At an early age she moved with hec par- ents ta Greenbank, wbere on May lath, 1898, she married Theedoce Salter. They moved to Hampton i 1908, whece she resided until hec death an Friday, June 23rd, 1961. A member et Hampton Uni- ted Chucch, she was active i the varieus organizatians having been foc many yeacs a Sunday Scbool teacher and a Lite Membec cf the W.M.S. The deceased is survived by a daugbter <Erma) Mrs. Hiltan Peter, Toronto, a son Harold, Hampton, twa grand- sons, Mr. Keith Peters, Osh- awa and Mc. Ralph Peters, Toronto; aIse a sister Mrs. Claude Dunlop, Coldwater. The funeral service from Northcutt and Smith Funecai Home, Bowmanville, an Mon- day, June 26, was canducted by ber paster, Rev. F. Reed, assisted by Rev. W. Rackham, Oshawa. Interment was in the family plat in Hampton Cemetery. The palîbearers were Messrs, Evecten White, Lewis Trull, Austin Barron, Bruce Ha- gacth, Mervin Cryderman, Wilbert Ccaig. For the Whitest Home on the block T~J5T®L~1 ~ -the Dazzlng White House Paint Trutone's extra whiteness stays white for years thanks to IDB-the ex- clusive C-I-L whitener- brightener. And Trutone saves you tinie and moncy. It goes on casier, stays dazzling white langer-one coat covers. Threc types cf Trutone White are available-ask us which one you should Use. eIý~der Hardware Ltd.@ ST. E. MA 3-5774 Free Estimates on Exterior and Interlor Decorating THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLE, ON~TARIO Orono Opens New Swimming Pool Those Orono residents who worked so bard to raise funds for a new swimming pool at their magnificent park, must have received great satisfaction on Friday evening when the officiai opening took place. A large crowd was on hand and a fine program was put on by members of the Peterborough Swim- ming Club. The ribbon is being cut in this photo by Ab West, assisted by, from lef t to right, Reeve of Clarke, Earl Walkey, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. and Miss Aima Cuttell. The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editot 1 Mrs. D. N. Myles and her 25th. hurst spent the weekend with 1daughter, Mrs. Henry Smith Mr. Hubert Cobbledick of 1 her mother Mrs. D. N. Myles. 1of Gravenhurst visited Mrs. Lcamington spent the week-' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitch- Wm: Martin and ber daugh- end with his mother, Mrs. ell spent Sunday withl Brenda Lter Mrs. Jack Potts, Haydon, Win. Cobbledick. and Tony 1\litchell. Mr. and on Saturday. Miss Marjorie Hoidge, Tor- Mrs. John Turner and fam«- Miss Dorothy Henry, Tor- onto, who spent a few days ily, Keene, antd attended Uni- onto, spent the weekend with with Mrs. Chas. Wood, re- ted Church Ann;versary Ser- Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. turned home on Sunday. vice. Mrs. Alex Elliot of Saintý Sunclay visitors with Mrs.1 iMrs. Chas. Wood, Mýr. and John, N.B., who returned with1 D. N. Myles were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali attended Mr. and Mr. R. E. Logan Iast 1 Mrs. Robert Hillier, Toronto, the funeral of Mrs. T. Salter week, will visit in Ontario for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Myles in Hampton on Mondlay. several weeks. and daughter Diana, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 1-arry Rowe, Congratulations to Mr. and Jim Joiinson, Greg, Debbie who celebrated their Golden! Mrs. Ernest Hamm who cele-îand Donnie, Peterborough, Weddîng Anniversary quietiyl brated their 55th Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myles, last Wednesday am-id gifts and1 Anniversary, Sunday, June Arlene and Sharon, Whitby. a great nuilber of cards, onel Mrs. Alex Watson and hec com ing from Er.1gland. Mrs. sister Miss Agnes Ferguson of Harry Milison of Lindsay for- E LIZABETHVILLE Rochester, N.Y., spent the merly of Oronio spent the day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, who Sunday school and church Achie Watson, Betty Ann and visited, the Milisons in Cleve- services were held as usual Larr-y at Waterdown. land, Ohio, on their wedding wit a airattndace.Congratulations to Miss Di- trip in 1911. Sevecal attcnded the dec- ane Gilbart on passing grade On Monday evening, lunie aration services held at Orene Il Theory with first class hon- 26th, a very pleasant piano Cemetery on Sunday after- ors and to Miss Janet Grahamn recital was held at the home noon fcom this locality. of Newcastle, passing Grade of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples, Saturday the big race at VI i n pia-no with honors. Both when about 20 music students Mosport was viewed by sev- are pupils of Mrs. M. H. Sta- wito the cing ofthesummter eral frcmn this community pIes. fo hIlsn ftesme On Saturday the 4-H 'club Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pearsterra. Varied nuùmbers fromi girl hed teir chivemnt rill la. visited their son Mr.î beginners through grades 1, 1 Days alt Cmell ccoft Hall Len Pears, Mrs. Pears and 'I11, III, IV, VI and VII 'tverei whec eit capls tok enjoyed by ail present. After f Theeunigt cwas eatou prt M rs. Henr'y Smith and sons, j vhich a social he ur- was spent Freunit Ou homeecournoitRonald and Barry of Graven-1together. ________ Mcs. Brown, along with ~iýs- Smith were the leader for the day. Clubs frem Bethany, Cýi- M ORRISH van, Gardon Hil, M a p i e Grove, Rossmount, Solina and 'ihe regular monthly meet. iLunior bovs in the Sundavi Tyrone were present. O ur ing of our W. A. was held at Schro. This 'concludeci the club fromn Elizabethville i to lihe home of Mrs. Frank BEy- busines;s and tIrne met'in g ws1 be concratulated o bei'rs on Wedu.eday, June 21St. shcn tr~y over te Mrs.ý chosen ta represent "Featur- T~e'.e. 15 members, on-;Ediili Bri-oîb aneirc ing Fri.,it" in Toronto iit the ues- an th,,, d S 1eoprgr .1 Instih..te Convention in- No- cInss of Mrs. HLarry, Beckett. i Mrs.McAol reard vembcr. Pzrcnt Ms.Lioyd ar apom r. À e wh-enI On Friday the North Hope vin opened the meeting wiih ;hi ,dccc rGod'. Mrs. Mitant Sehool held a field day feat- praver, livymui 297 follewced< Brimacombo gave a readinrY1 ucing ail kinds of races. A scriptiure verscs read by MrsJ'jThe Intinite God." Thé giriý bail game between South Hope' Haroïd Osbarne; L e s s e n, sang veryv s".cci- 'avth and North Hope was PlaVed Thjouc.,ý-ts andi prayer hy tvrs.!LIorl uns~rd itep tc, on Thursda-, and South Hope George Harness; and hymn accernpaned on nc, piano byl wvon. Despite the cool wea- 356 concluded the devotional Mrs. Hielen «-{-l-olm. A poem ther a fair crowd attandiced. penjo d. "Sorneone ia necd i o kind-1 Results on who won the most ne'ss"; new.3 fram a mission- peints to be given out later. Tne roil was called and theýaYfin nlda(r, e- On Wediiesdav evening the m'n.a1cz cf the May meeting sie b, 1Us E ria W. A. met at Mrs. Waltenr'sad bv Assistant Secretary -om,-aci £hrtria-'n home xith a geed attendance. 1"G ~.rBckt.'aL1ucrîn9 the best ir. life" Mrs. Trew ooenied the meet- Teebr'InL session includ- bv Mn:. Harold Osbonne con- ing and the minutes were ed the final arrangements fcricluded the pregram. read and approved. It w:ls tse Strawberry Supper ini uigpeaain e e decided to give $5 ta a bur- July. A good menu is PrOmis-,and daintv ea:s., a cantcst sary fund for students. Mrs. ed -plcnty of strawberries solvinc a 'Pua" made bv 'Mns. Margaret White teck the de-y'vth cream ard sugar, etc.,1 Wm. mcHlol,,m of the su rname votion part and gDve us a1 cli preparcd and served bylof ea-ch rnurber cf the W. A. coupe c chpter frrn ur1the embers of our assýoct;a- was enjov cd and ail were solv. book. Lunch was served. The1 tior, and senior girls o the'cd by Mrs. Harold Osborne. next mreeting toa'ce in the ev-iiSundaiy Sehool.Thsoilhfherpsd enir.g.1-Misoilhl orpse Mýiss Gwen Mercer. Toron- Mrs. Helen MeHolim, organ-'ah tee soon in friencllv chat. ta, is spending ho>r hoidays a ist and cenvenor for choir and! A vote cf thanks ta Mrs. By- home. Ruth was home for the mnlu for the Anniversaryirsfrhr opiaiy te %w.eekend. and Thank-offering Sunday,! lunch and program committees Mrs. L. M.%uldrew rwiis hai>pv te report the pro- wvas propesed by Mrs. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. W. M1,uldrcw, mise of thc Port Hope High' Harness and carrLed unani- Oshawa. spent the weckcnd atiSchool Gîce Club are giving mous],,. The meeting closed Suinnvsiýde. their services on that date; with the Mizpah Benediction. Mr. Ross Beatty got hi,,also the bill for tù-ning of or-ý We were plensed te have lawn levelled and seeded. TIc 'gan and two pianos wvas hand- Mrs. E. K. Norman join us at highway meon have been seed- "d oveI a.nd later a motion tais meeting but are seri-' te ing the sides of the rads and ""as made and appnoved that.say goodbve aftcr se short an sadding the sides of the cuts' it be paid. acciuaintance and wished ber on the hilis. The July meeting has been God-spced and many happsy Rain seems ta be an everv, moved forward a week, July years ln hec ne%,,' home in dat' occurrence. 121h instead of the l9th, and Neiwfoundland with the Rev. Miss Suzannue Thi*ckson and w..ill be held at the home a1 E. K. Norman and three dau- Miss Glenda Mercer visited Mrs. M. J. Osborne.- ght-&I with Miss .ane Foster over A game or book will b. (6n Thunsday evcning, June' the weekend.i bought and sent to one of our 22nd, the closing exercises of PAGE NME OBITUARIES 2ci WEEK of ALP's BIG DOLLAR SALE! A&P» Fancy Quality Reg. 1 tinse »..-SAVE se APPLESAUCE 6 ~1.-ztis100 1 Chez Boy-Ar-D,,eReg. tin 5O.,-SAVE lac STEW mEAT BALL 230-6-0z is 1 '00 Dr,. Ballard's ChaflPiOgs R.g. 2 tins 2kc.4AVE 160 DOG FOOD 8 15-zîmns1.00 'Royal Choit SECA PINEAPPLE suICW42o-n-z ens 100 Culver1ouse ChoîCe Reg. 2 tins 31_.SAVE 9c WHOLE BEETS 71..O-z tns00 \Pantry Sheif, Light Meat Reg. 2 tins 31ce-4AVE 90 TUNA FLAKES 7 6oz tns00 l M C orm ic t Reg. pkg 25 O.-AVE 25C SHACKES5 8 oz plcgs 1.00 A &P Super-Right Quulity M«euts COOKED., READY b oSERVE SHàANK BUTT CENTRE CUIS PORTION PORTION OR STEAKS lb 43c! va49c 669c WHOLE HAM Sweet Pcs<led COTTAGE ROLLS lb 33e YAC PAC r049C Eurnis CANNED UIAMS 3-fl Legs, Thichs, Breas4., CHICKEN CUTS FRESH KILLED ,;uper-Right, A" Meat, Brown 'n Serve .SAUSAGE PATTIES G Smokerd WIENERS fb pkg43c f2.39 lb 45c -zpkg 3 9c 2-lb p*g 79c COFFEE SPECIAL!1 MILO & MELLOW - CUSTOM GROUND EIGHT O'CLO(K COFFEE 1-LB BAG 5.5 c1 3-0 AG 1.61 SAVE 4c neyer fails us. In bidding the congregation faceweil, Mr. Normian said how muah he had enjoyed warking with us, making he and Mrs. Norman welcome, helping hini when difficulties arase and minimnizing his mistakes. He was sarry ta leave Welcome charge and extended an invi- tation ta anyane travelling in or near St. Johns ta visit and enjoy a reunion at any time. The service clased withi hymn 220 <hast three verses) and the blessing. Sunday Schaol was held at Il a.m. There were 24 pre. sent. Mr. George Harness, superintendent, canducted the session. Mrs. William McHolm, pro. 1vi ded the flowers for the ser- rvice. NO 0NEY AVAILABLE FOR NGORTGAXGES EBALPH S. JONES t Barrkster and Solieltor 130 King st. E. Oshawa RA 8-6248 Mrs. Erminia Wilson's piano her son Roy and family and pupils was held in our church. friends. This was a most enjoyable 1%Mr. M. 3. Osborne had dli-. evening. Unfortunately pre- nerwith Mrs. William Mc- viaus engagements kept many1 Holm and Miss Beckett after of aur friends away. ihe church service on Sunday, children, without exception, June 25th. reflected much credit due toi the training cf their teacher, Regular worship service was not fargetting their mothers' beld at 10 a.m. en Sunday, The yaungest pupil, Paul Mc" June 25th, including the sac- Conneli, was absent thcough raments of Holy Commnunion illness. A very happy inna- and Baptism, the Rev. E. K. vation was the piano duets by Norman officiating. This was mothr ad dugherthesec also the hast Sunday te take oat nd dugherithes- dutv at Morrish as minister tume. o Welcome charge. In theWe are sorcy to say good- Icostume by the Pupils bye ta Mr. Norman. lI the wasth opecetta "In the Can- past year much work in or- dy Shop." Diane MeConneli ganizing our young people in assisted by Mary Bevan were graups and getting them in- pianists; storekeeper, Phil'p terested in the higher things« Harness; lly pops and candy cf Christian living has been canes, the cemaining pupils. much appreciated; the Men's This was ail very enjoyable Club- the four chur- and appreciated by the audi- ches 'of this charge bas proved ence. Each peuformer took verv much worth while.* We pleasure in bis or ber part wishl the Rev. E. K. Norman and the costumes were very every success in the ruew effective. Following is the work he had undertaken. Our pragram lin shoctened formu' prayers and good wishes for Solos were given by Karen a very happy future with Mrs. Osborne, Catbv Eiliott, Gloria Norman and family are sin- Byecs, Jane and Susan Han- cere in every word. ness, Dacothy and Diane Mc- The arganist, Mrs. Helen Connell. Mary Bevan and McHolm, was assisted in the Pbulip Harness. musical part of service by Duets by Mrs. Elliott and Miss Mary Beckett. The sel- Cathv. Mrs. Harold Osborne ection "Only a Sang" by the and Karen, Mrs. Wilson and choir was in keeping with the Philip, Mrs. MeConneil wîth soleminity cf the service. Dorothy, also with Diane, Janei Two infants were brought and Susan Harness. for bactisin, daughters of Mc. The pragramn opened witb and Mrs. Menton Henderson O Canada and closed with The and Mc. and Donald Be- Queen.bec. Queen.There were 26 cammuni- We extcnd aur sincece sYm- cants. The Rev. E. K. Norman pathy ta Mrs. D. E. Whitney was assisted by the members and family in the recent ber- cf the Session, Mr. Allen Pet- cavement af a loving husband ers and Mr. Fred MeConnell. and father. IThe offerings were taken UP Mcs. William McHoIm and'jby Mc. Fred McConnell and Miss Beckett wccc suppcc1Mr. Morton Henderson. gucsts of Mc. and Mrs. Ray-1 The subi ect ef the sermon mond Bruce, Newtonville, on was taken fromn St. Mark 6, Tuesday, June 2th. They al- verse 68, "Lard te whom shal so visited with Mu-s. Gilmer we go?" Christ is a neyer- Smith and Mu-s. Mary Uglow. failing Friend. Eacthly friends SMrs. D. Haines is spending may fail us often when ur _a ew days in Toronto with need is very great, Christ SHOP EARLY A&P SUPERMARKETS CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY JULY lst Pellwing the. tme honoured custom, A&P Employege u4f have tthe long week-end to join ail Canadians je eelebratinq Canada's 94th Birthday. Suve cash OR Tese &GWcy Fe t ores! Betty Crocker Supree Reg. pkg 39e--SAVE 17. CAKE MIXES 3l9-oz pgs .00 Orange, Grape, Party Punch Fleg. 3 tinte 95c--SAVE 6a HI-C BEVERAGES 3 48-f1-oz tins 89 c 7 Deliciouu Flaveuru Reg. pkg 29o-BSAVE lle FUZZIES 4Pkgs 1.00 Detergent (10c Off De*) Reg. boxc 71.-BAVE AN EXTRA 2e CHEER Qian# sfze box 73c Lurnchoon Ment Reg. Umn 49o-SAVE 4* CANNED KLIK 12ozin45< mom 'a MARGARINE Beekist, No. 1 WHITE HONEY Rteg. 2 Ibs 49o-SAYE Dc 41-lb pkgs 89 C Reg. ctn 89c-SAVE 4o 4-lb plastic Otn 85Sc A &P Produce Feutures Washington Bing, Good Eating, No. 1 Grade CHIERRIES &49c California, Santa Rosa, Good Eating, No. 1 Grade P LUMS heaping quart box 3 9 Imported, Yellow Flesh, Freetone, No. 1 Grade PEACHES heaping quart bOX 25 c Californiea No. 1Grade G RAPES THOMPSON SEEDLESS i2.5c Californiaa No. 1 Grade G RAPES REDOCARDINALS i25c Arizona, Salmon Fleth, No. 12rdrJmb ie4' CANTALOUPES *ach 25c GREEN BEANS 2,b,35c lnýortd, ewCrop, No. 1 Grade CARROTS 3-fb cello bag 29c Native, New Crop, No. 1 Grade GREEN CABBAGES hmdl15e Califarnia, Pascal, No. 1 Grade, j'umbo Si». CELERY STALKS .ach29c STORE HOURS: Thursday and Friday Open "fil 9 p.. Closed Al Day Saturday SAVEI 10 YOUR HOLIDAY REMINDER ta stock up on.. BEVERAGES CiNrALE cORAG rEAME-ODA LfiO

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