PAGE TEX Magistrate's Court HeId in Bowmanville Tuesday, June 27th I convict o! this offence. The peddie bis traffic tickets. "You are charged with an oniy difficulty and what Poliard was remanded by offence under the Robbery makes me refrain is the fact IMagitrate R. B. Baxter until section o! the Criminai Code. that this goes on your record.!Juiy 4th, with this comment:! You have both elected trial This would put you in ser- ý"£his behaviour on the part by this court and pieaded 1 bus difficulty if you ever ap-i of some of our young people Not Guilty. The complainant, peared in court again. You! should be stoppcd. I will take a 16 year oId girl, has given are both 18 years of age and a week to think over whether In evîdence that you, Larry you state that this is the type!:I will fine you or send you Chinn, grabbed her in front of hiorseplay young people to gaol."1 of Stanley's Retaurant and engage in now-a-days. I will Jrl .Ka,3,5Dk lheld her while Breen tried dismiss the charge." Jrl .Ka,3,5Dk to get the money which was So heard Larry Chinn, 403 Streetinxvas sorentecd to 7 $9.00 from ber pocket. King St. E., and Daniel Breen, dasi1alfo rn rv "TheCrow Atorne, M. 36 NipgonSt.,bot of s-i ng. The Chief constable toidý "The rownAttoneyMr. 38 NiigonSt. iedth on a I jthe *court that Kean was in- Deyman points out that the awa, as they were treonavldinnacdntn - ingredients are here for a charge of assault with intent i veriy Road on March 31st. conviction. There was an as- to rob at 4:02 p.m., Friday. enwste rvro i saut-you man-handied this June l6th. ife's car anthe arive ft h girl, and she was under thn hn lae ulyt road at number 45, travclled arorehension that she was charge o! theft of gasoline in the ditch for 180 feet, veer- going ta be robbed. When the and was remanded until Julv e d off to the right for 200 Witness and Const. J. Bird 4th. fie is stay away frorn feet and struck the front steps interviewed the girl, she was Bowmanviile and he is to be of number 57 causing $1104: crying, she was hysterical. in his own house when he is damage to the vcrandah andý flot working. "This happened on two oc- Michael Poliard, 18, 407 $63 to the car. Kean suffcred casions. We don't have to put Humewood Ave., Oshawaaniiue 1f ne UT) with this type o! conduct. -' Kean's license to drive was: We iketa rid ouseleswas convicted o! consuming We lke o prde urseve8liquor while a minor in New- suspended for 1 year and the that t.he early days o! the castle on June 24th at 12:40 car was impounded for 3 West are behind us and we are arn. months. a peaceful iaw-abiding people. P.C. Bruce Tilison told the Four convictions for alloxv-! "I could quite_ properly court that he was caiied to ing dogs at large nettcd $32. 31the restaurant and about 25 Nine parking meter violators Lyoung people were trying to paid $58. 17 charges under the %1 ~get ln. All of themn movcd Highway Traffic Act, 9 specd-: away except Pollard, who had: ing, 5 defective lights, 3 no been drinking. fie told the! operator's license and 2 care- officer he was celebrating the less drivers brought penal- I fact he had just got out of tics o! $242. 3 liquor charges! Sgaol and told Tilîson ta go -$39. A DUIRO PUMP Means Better Living H O UR DURO Water Sys- tem gives us fresh, pure water when and where we need it ... adds ta aur con- venience and comfort of daily 1f e. DURO Pumps are avail- able in aIl sizes ta meet in- dividual needs. See. your Plumber or DURO dealer for full information or write for FREE folder, "Running Water, the Farîn Necessaay". PUMIPS & SOFTENERS LIMITE» PF 82 LONDON .CANADA JACK DROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING School CARTWRIGHT HIGI! SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS 75% and over-First Ciass Hon ours. 66-74%-Second Class Hon- ours. 60-65%-Third Ciass Hon- ours. 50-59%--Pass standing. A subi ect in brackets in- dicates a failure. Grade Nine ta Grade Ten First Ciass fionours- Jan- ice Byers (86.1 %), Mary Bradburn, Patricia Adams, Bruce Beaeock, Cheryl Met- calf. Second Class Honours- Dennis Prosser, Donna Dow- ney, Reg Renouf. Third Class fionours-Car- ai Blyth, Marian Bradburn, Verva Oliver, Joan Dean, Jim Duncan. Pass Standine-Floyd Kyte, Carol Rahm (fiistary), Leona Rohrer, Alice Taylor, Bob Watson (Mathematics), Linda Venning (English, Mathemat- ics), Bruce Gibson (Mathe- maties, Science). 4-H Beef Club 'met tÀ The Durhar held its secc Monday, Jun p.m., af the A. Pickering The membexý by Mr. Edxi a ciass o!f H be judged. Affes judg reason on this bers were to Webbes Asst. the changesi Registry Polic tic in Ontario sheets were tE questions wei Mr. Webber. iug was adjo Wedding .Invitations Therino.engraVcd (RtAISED LL-rM'RING') Wedding and engagement announicements, birth announce- mnts, confirmation invitations, golden and silver anaiversary a.nnouncemeflts, etc. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERINC) (Looks and feeZs like the finest band engraving. The lettera- bave an elegance and individuality only the finest band en- graving cati match. Thermo-engraviflg oeAISED LETrERING) Cosis about haif as much as hand engraving, because it cuimin. aites the copper plate that makes hand engraving so expensîve ANDl IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEK Of course you can order matching enclosure cards, reception, response, thank you and at home cards, etc. Select front aur giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. Il distincth'e styles o! lettering. Weddinge priced as low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for 813.50, cou>- plcte with double envelopes a.nd tissue&. available at Canaclian &atesrnan Resu Its Grade Ten to Grade Eleven First Class Honours-Brian Staniland (80.7%) Yvonne Mountjoy. ,Second Class Honours- Donna McLaughlin, Joe Reit- sma, Lorraine Dayes, Janice Sadier, Anne Gibson, Paul Rahmn, Don Sxvain (Mathema- tics), Jim Byers (Mathemat- îcs). Third Class fionours- Syl- via Lawvrence, Donald Brad- burn, Brian Gray, David Kyte (Mathematies), Carl Gil- bank (Mathematies), Verna Harris (Mathematics). Pass Standing- Carole Ko- zub (Mathematics). Grade Eleven to Grade Tweive First Class Honours-fielen Busclile n (84.5%7), Elaine Mounti oy. Second Class Honours-Joan Bradburn, Jim Swain, Larry Hoskin. Third Class Honours- Ro- bert Mackie, Beth Strong. Pass Standing- Peter Van der fieul (Geometry, French), Bill Reitsma (Geom e t r y, French), Laurie Mackie, Juno- Werry, (Geometry), Peter Mantel (Geometry, French). r~iThe reguan mo'îthly Ileet- ci 4onaay Pine Ridge ing of To7vnsiîip Couacil vsC, hcld at 1 ci Monda.y, h Lm 4-H Beef Club Lodge M eets June 1, xvii Dcputy Ec xcIj ,ond meeting on Gbson's arrivaicA.jl c e ne 26h, at8:0oabout haîf an bouc. in hi: ni ~e 2that 80.) The segulas meeting o! the absence. the mne v'L iamo!M.n.LaisOrange Benevolent rend nnd appiavcd uln moîot IOn in Newcastle. Association was held on June of Sîccerilli \.in C zi ceil iri s were supplied 26th, with' Worthy Mistrcss Lawccnce Maic loIni, Cnuneil- ' vard Hoad, witfl Sister flilda Henning presid- lors, and cic i ïereford COWS to ing, assistcd by Deputy Mis- Mc. Bruce lvci'Rx-I tress Sister Helen Shantz. mavlexhdr' iep-IFt ging and giving The meeting opened with suMnîeî-, s veu: cd û is class, the mem- Chaplain, Sistes Rose Overy, r~csas hf darihc sf 1ld by Ms.Lc reaoîing the Scripture and et, ndx'i' ci-, -c -t r *Ags. Rcp. about prayers. No one was reported preseted ii'if Cii .i:i in the Advanced sick. Sister Mary Brown re- rernunciation foaiII'c:S c cy for Beef Cat- perted a bicthday. and that cf i r i c'n c" o. Then the wosk Minutes o! last meeting sists him ut tile1" c i (,ra1, Laken up and any were rend by Sistes Stella the srninier LceciiCî.î sre answercd by Karp. Aftes discussing many teck no actitiln ut thic : o mruen he. e items o! business plans xvere but exprc, ýe1 i ieS ore.completed for going to Osh- tien cf bis i 'iCl awa to Commemorate The Bat- xveii gives sx.'ming 'lne-i tie o! the Boyne on July 8th. tion te chiic!ren at Ca s c Members are askcd f0 be at ciuring the sanîýrmer lîi Mo de r nWa)tra the fiigh School at 10:30 a.m. on1 Stca erit rn on Satucday, Juiy 8th, for a 10 arn. unil on tditionally short parade in foxvn befose Deputy Rc eCiUa a-! going f0 Oshawa. rivc-cai-nd Mr-. M' oîSi" orrctImmediate Past Grand Mis- o! Pickcring xio, ý3as c u- orettress o! Ontario East, Sister pecliixe rat e' nyci-. (nllr" Cora Johnston, extendcd an a certain ])api* X -ni t ý, ci ho ý' invitation te officers and mcm- but anen toaici .X ii bers to attend church parade xvns 1)"i-IcIliy r':'i I Juiy 2nd at 7 p.îîî The Dis- tr ict parade is being held at lier gadînc S- Kendal on July 2nd at 2:00 . .H.C J p.M. MsBïh'ioBXI v - Draw was donatcd by Sis- birides!noici for ia h ter Jean Kennedy and xwon bv iss Ja'ep]uie BI- ' ,I c W" Sistes A. Potter. Lodge cicscd xxas xxed to hii C., -~ne inRituai Form. A lunîch ser- Ora'îno, in C.' ' 1 t i t et vcd by Sisters, J. Lexvins, R. C li u îc Ih, on" oii ili Ovecy and M. Boxvn was en- Saturix-. * joyed by ail. SuncIav 'gu-.Is " -\' 7tiLLJITIMA-:T--I ", MAPLE GROVE ~uI,: , al of C .I-'.'vs Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Geddes Mr and IT Ms. Steve Do.-,-li Diana and Jim Jr. were am1ong' and fa rnivxvîl î i those from this comanityv gIiesîs Ocf'Mr- .an'i l\rs.Li wiîo attcnded the races at the : Dovie,O ix. nexv Mosport Park ou Satur- The Ccr.iiticePa : niC day. Bo:-sd ai-e hl" i o* J Mss. Cecil Burton is re- bcrrY social u, MýIpk- Cro-': covesing nicely after surgcryliCliurch.c bu Mernorial Hospital, Boxx- Roa aundT Aia P: ' e a mannxilie. Mai-x-Janec - Miss Miidred Snoxvdeu visit- the 'St. Josop's--Y'o ed Dr. anîd Mss. L. H. Coates pies' xiens er ozt at Cc oIu in Brantford and Mr. andc Par-k onîSac IMIr. William Stewart and Mas-I Mr. ani J'YLv' Do-.,i igaret iu Burlinglon, ou Sun-' attencici bbc .0 i Il d'IV. iPa ýeîý± i!c-at L Mr.Del fendsbee enter-let- u otnî-d-ïrL'c ' i '_ i taincd for Vernon on his'An n to.ok pâr' -Ini - ' birthdav on Saturday. Guests'txx-ihn_ iHur piac 'ci xvere cousins fromn Oshawa fifth in elcvc il(-i c-, andi local fricnds. I The pup'ls c'fM-%V. Uo Lvnda Martin obserx'ed her Ilins' room c a '¾ * 14th birthiday on Sundiy. party ai the ' on ' I Dinuer 'guests with Mr. and day c'ftern~ooun v ii 1ic'.pr a Mss. Cordon Martin were'zsentec i ti V-h I Miss Betty Davis and Mr.ideý;k set ina ': cf~i I Williarp Svmes o! Woodstock. efforts te hicip .-- - IMr. and Mss. AI Christie andI studies. Mr. \ciec a- 'Miss Darlene Christie o! Eor-, ccntcd a tc:i ~' bniii'p Som. an Ottuxva 'î.r Congratulations ta the foi- Three 01r,.iis f'vXi I laxing local yoangc pianists;, ta Girl Guod.s atqI 'Cri; iý Pamela Chute, John and Ka-10Oxvn, xxhch x'.as b *l1 at c.,1- thx- McGuirk, xvho ail obtain-!dai's fielcd on ? ' cd honours in their recent'ncen. Ther c '." r music examinations. ýHolmes. rJc, - ls Mr. and Mss. Ken Kuhnke Snndra Btx.~ D! ' r; and Bette Ellen enjoyed a:Cormissieoner Mct' \\ iajmo fnrniiy pienic in Cobourg on' O'neii was pîce icn-ýîc1 '- Sundav U,-kh members o! hec Crossiex deci;i d t:' e r faii.Scout fiag " t ('- Ci« j- 6- 1 Miss Evon Cookson a nd tain Mr.ý. J. ("isaccýptted'7r friend, Pickering.7 called orithe ncxv mmuL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Larg e Orange Church Parade Here Sunday WIDNESDAT, JUNE 28th, 1981 Over 400 P New Branch bresent for iCI Bank *.->:; e '~~"" ' More than 400 Port Hope ian Imperial Bank of Corn- ~ ~.~* .-***business people, housewives merce is the largest bank in and school children toured the Canada in ternis of domestie new Canadian Imperial Ban' business," he said. "And its of Commerce branch in Port executives would flot have Hope during "Open flouse" spent a large amnount of mon- Monday. ey in preparing this branch The branch, first to open unless they feit future -busi- under the bank's new namne ness warranted such a- devel- along the shore of Lake On- opment." tario, was officially opened The new branch is in the by Port Hope's Reeve Robert Vivian Building at the corner Everson.of Walton and Cavan streets. Reeve Everson said the open- The building was extensively Sing of the new branch was renovated by the bank. a sign of a growing Port Hope. JitGnrlMngro .4"We heard that the Canad h 7rel-merged bank, Har- old Thomson, iaid the Port hurst, M.. and Mrs. Gordon Hope branch opening was "an Myles and daughter, Mr- and historie occasion because this Mrs. Jirn Johnson and family, is the first branch in this part Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. of the world ta be opened un- ___Arthur Trewin and William der the name of the Canadiau were Sunday visitors at Mr. Imperi'al Bank of Commerce. and Mrs. J. Potts'. Monday~ ~~-'-~~-'~~ ~ visitors were Mr. Ron Potts, h'ewbn asfre Collingwood. Miss Barbara Ir- i February by the merger of winor Clbore. the Canadian Bank of Comn- merce and the Imperial Bank Mr. Gordon Dudley, Mr. B.' of Canada. Thiompsor., Bowvmanville, Mr. IT.Too vn n t ~1Grant Downs, Ebenezer, Mis- 'thiopigisndctv ses elenandPat uoxSo-of the bank's faith in the fu- lina, were Sunday tea gueststucoPrtHp. of Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and ffl family. Sunday evening cail- Chie! executive officer of ers were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie the new bank for Ontario, K. k Taylor and family, Mr. A. Hub-' mtsid Port Hope bard, Burketon. people would find Denton But- 1er an exceptionally likeable Mr. Don MacKenzie, Douég banker. and Beith, Doug Shelton and Mickel Blair, Toronto,at Mr. Smith also said that $ - uday Mosport races on Sat Mr. Butler, currently hospi- of r. n were dinner guests talized with pleurisy, was pro- Neil and Mrs. A. McNeil. be part o! Port Hope life. Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy, Hamp Mr. Butler suffered a re- 'ton, was supper guest ofMr currence of a spring illness and Mrs. D. Cameron, Sun- and was re-admitted ta hos- .~ -~ fday, and attended the even- pital just before the branch ~ ig4àrvce Iopening. fis place will be <~Miss Rena Graham was sup- take!I by Milburn J. Phippen, per guest o r n r.o h Bank's head office Leslie Taylor and fa.mily, staff. .Burketon, on Sunday. Visitors to the new branch Mr. Milton Rainey and opening were given carnations The Churcli Parade held by Pirie Ridge L.O.B.A. attractive as they inarched along wearing white sehool pupils, with parents, and shown through t he 1291, and the PurpI12 Guarcis L.O.L. 2384 on Sunday gowns, red corsages, and their badges. The parade Parkontuereday at ernoon. nc mnorning rvas an imp VCssive spectacle. Viewers were lined up in front of Bowmanville High School at Our next chureh service, stirred by the i'iitirl musie andi the inarching pre- 10 o'clock on Sunday morning. The route of mnarch will be July g9th. cision of the par[-c1ip,-iLs. About 100 people took part. was up Division Street to King, along King Street to Sunday supper guests withý A N SE VC Jack Reacler es PanfEarer headeci the parade. Next Temperance, up Temperance Street to Church Street, r n Ms lyd stn i D OD&CIPE and famîly were Mr. and Mrs. FARM STOCK camne Drum Mdjdr 3sLd ýn F*iinle, The Mluettes, Major- and via Church Street to Trinity United Church for Gordon Werry, Toronto, Mrs.' Removed Free of Charge cttcs of thie 1Lo;vrnnville kecroation Departmnent led the service. After the church service the parade (Dr.) Siemon, Bowrmanville, Immediate 24-Hr. Service by Breca licnninig marclk d ahUaci of the Bowman- returned to the Highi Schooi via Cliurch, Silver, King Mr. and Mrs. S. Mortonl, Mrs.; Ask Tour Operator For ville Fil e anid Dl)iti and. Worshipful IVaster Clinton and Division Streets. The Purpie Guards L.O.L. 2384 Roy Meteaif and Ross Met-' Hennin-, and1 the m"ýn ofth Purpie Gttard L.O.L., and andi Pine Ridge Lodge 1291, L.O.B.A., will parade calf, Iaple Grave, Mr. andi ZRuith 66550 memnbers of tie Oran-.e Gi-cir frorn the surrounding through Bowmanville on Saturday morning, July 8th mrs. R. Staînton, Mr* and LcneNo 6C6 districts paraded iniiui i The Worshipful Mistressý at aprxmately 10:30 o'clock before leaving for Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and! Nick Peconi- Peterborougb of ineI?.d~eL.UPJA..Ilis. -IaoldHening, andi the Oshawa where they will take part in the traditional Janet, Ensiln ladies of tbis ld and ot1hers- frorn the aiQa lookeci Battie cf the Boyne Celebration and Parade. *i Yobolem cil, after cieiiberating anc ci-C -fuiy considering the spec hi c rcunistances in this case 1Dproveci Ic. Slcep's requesi ndClcrk ý te xvrite anc ii tiy accocciifgiy. Two By-Laws were giver th-bic thicci reading and car. riui; one to levy .5 milîs foi tire Fecation of Agriculture ind the cîher off icialiy-apoint in,,g ]\c. Kennemh Samelis a! n uilc[Jig Jnspetoc. Counci -on. iciered infractions o! thý lnmmpin 'g cegulations and No ices xvere Io be printed tc vaaresidents and others tha su ýrges xiii be laid on futur( 'iclaitors. A w'ritten request from Mr L.Thonîipiso for perinissior o piuk up the xvood and treeý cut aiong his bine xvas grant LZDWe &Pe!ers are pIcased to announce the Lippaintment to their staff of Mr. Joseph Crawford Mr. Crawford bias had nï.any ycars of. selling and rnigexperience and will )C specializing in farm and uburban properties between Jxbridge, Port Perry, Bow- mnux 11e and Newcastle arcas. We feel that Mr. Craw- ford xviii greatiy assist us in >rûx'iding better service for our clients. rmdawe & Pueters REALTORS RA 5-7732 67 King St. E., Oshawa ed. he oadSuperintendent lare giad to see new feiou arrived, stating that the road village. cre were busy at sait stab- Without any local means of ;lization, so roads business publicity, we resent hearing ivas then discussed. on radio and television that Two resolutions were car- the Mosport Park is near Or- r ied approving the purchase ono, Bowrnanville, and even of a second hand volume wa- Lindsay. Not one says it's ter pump with motor at $150, closest ta Pontypool (which is and the second aprvn correct). We sure deserve dCounty Engineer Totten as de- some mention. sîgning engineer and consult- In spite of! cold damip wea- ant lu the construction o! the ther, many o! aur citizens new bridge west of Black- attended the races at Mosport dstock. Alsa motion by two on Saturday. Traffie jams Council members authorizing were evident on all roads nthe Road Superintendent to leading ta, the Park. -make a suitable agreement Tree pruning is gettlng in )rwith certain ratepayers lu re- full swing nov,. gards to the widening af a Mrs. Cuily and Miss Evelyn -much used road. Road bills CuJly of Toronto were recent to! $2,637.49 were presented visitors with Mrs. Lily Rich- 'for payment. ardson. Le Building Inspector K. Sam- Te local cemetery is hav- - cils was present asking to ing considerable work done ýo what extent it was his duty to on it. The amount of the work t look up violators o! the Build- doue depends an the generosi- ,e ing Code and Council approv- ty o! the people. cd a rate o! $3.00 for mileage Reeve Robt. Brown and driven in each case o! a con- Mrs. Drown attended the Stravention of the Building church wedding of her bro- 1 Dy-Law enforced by the Bu- ther in Bobcaygeon on Satur- iling Inspector. dy Clerk was asked ta contact the Municipalities wha are *issuing relief ta recipients H Y O Iwho are stili a charge back to this Township, and to ad- Haydon Sunday Sehool An- vise them that work should niversary Services were held ibe available to them shortly, iu the church shed on Sunday and relief discontinued. with a gaod attendance. The Bis for General Account platform was niceiy decorated xvere prcsented ta a total o! with flags, streamers and $1,051.49. Notice that Mr. lovely fiowers. Special music Owen Scacey hiad many live- was rendered by the Sunday stock losses to dogs during Sehool, assisted lu the a!ter- the past month and Clerk was noon by Mr. B. Thompson and askcci to mention ta Mr. Sta- at the evening service by Mr. cc-y that Mr. George ProsserROSMtaf had been suggested ta rîd Mr. Guest speaker was Rev. E. Stacey o! this trouble which C. Woodland, Newcastle. The I occurs aIl too often. Sundav School was trained by IMc. Walter Lawrence and Mrs. P ayne and aceompanied Mrs Lavrece et ourcilby Mrs. A. Read at the organ Mrs.Lawenc metCoueiland Miss Ina Beryl Read at and discussed the condition o the piano. the Blackstock Dump and need Our usual supper will be for eniarging same. Mr. Law- served on Julv lst, with varie- rence's land being adjacent,lity concert put on at 8 o'clock. Council asked hlm for a prîce1 Mr. and Mrs. Farewell on a suice aiong side the pie- Blackburn and faiiy. Mr. setd1.Aemitec and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton 'Laxvrence Malcolm and Bert adfmlMs .Bak I Gibson were appointed by ban, falm, Mrss. M. lackm- ICouncil to act for themn and te uu alm isGalTop i met M. ad Ms. awrnceson were Sunday s u p p e r at the site and if possiblegusso Mran Mr.W Blackburn and family. corne to a decision. Mr. Leonard Bradley, Bow- Motion by J. R. Hamilton manville, with Mr. and Mrs. . and Bert Gibson that ail bills Bert Ashton at their cottage. be paid and that meeting he Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby, adjourned until ncxt regular Bawmanville, wcre Sunday tea date o! Monday, July 4th at guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 7:30 p.m. Garrard. Mr. Andrew Wilson, Tor- onto, was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ce PONTPOOL Rahm. Mr. Eari Thompson, Donald i Our village Is takin'g on a Thompson, Bowmanvilie, Mr. r ",New Look". The Latonia Roland Thompson, Hampton, fiotel rece.ntly purehascd by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond fiarry Van Wieringen looks were Thursday visitors at smart with its new coat O! Mrs. W. Thompson's. Sunday paint. This property has been supper gucsts were Mr. and rcnted by Andy Sutch Jr. Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and The former Richardson Store, Donald, Enniskillen. now owiied by Thomas White, Mr. and Mrs. L. Tiley and bas aiso got a fresh coat o! family were Sunday supper paint and has mnade a vast guests o! Mr. and Mrs. M. improvement. The former Bertrim and family. i Nick Wozney property has Mr. and Mss. L. Griffin, had extensive interior i.m- Blackstoek, were Sunday sup- provenieuts and will soon be per guests o! Mr. and Mrs. ready for business. There are Alfred Garsard. stili a few,ý eyesores left, but Mr. and Mss. Allan Werry, it sure imnproved aur village Sandra, Sharon and James, iu aDpearatice. The C u r t i s Enniskillen, Mr. and Mss. H. Hardware will be apcratcd MeLaughiin, Bob and Linda, this week by the new ownes, Blackstock, Mss. Edna Mc- Mr. Lorne Farrow O! Mill- Lau.ghlin, Burketon, were Sun- brook. Th- former "Anture" day suppes guests o! Ms. and proprtyKisbeen purchased Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, by Ms. Jace Rupert. Sunday. pIWith ceai estate sales ai- Mss. Deibert Myles. Osono, most out fo., many years, we Mss. Henry Smiith, Graven- USED CARS SPECIAL '155 CHEV. BELAIR HAXDTGP 6 Cyl., Automatie SHARP $97#5 I s / - *ý -Vj Ca r - wvr : 4 ViII Invesi Durn,, Pi Division MA 3-5615 Street South BOWMANVELLE Cool, refrshTng mirk - the perfect summei' Ireot for cil the family. lt's delicious end heolthy. Try some soon anod you'll ogre, - for a cool, tusty, protel,, Iift ..nothlog; boots milk For Home Delivery Cal MA 3-5444 GLEN RAI DAIRY 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE le' 1 1-- - - m c IL, 1 eliry V