i PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUN ISth,_ 19? DEADL[ (7~~~' FOR CLASFD czLI~~~) Tuesday4:0pm Births Ccardsof Thanks 1Coming Events Artic 000K-Bob and Heloise (nee I would like to thank ail myl Reserve Friday, Sept. 22 for 15 ACRE Smnith) wish ta annaunce the friends for their kind messagesjRebekah Lodge Penny Sale at 3-3057. birth of a daughter, Donna and cards, also the doctons and;the Lions Community Centre. SXar Lee, at Memonial Hospital, nurses and staff at the hosj ____________ 26-1 SIg.ae Bowmanville, on June l7th, pital who do a wondemfui job. The "Woods" annual picnic n.M 1961. A sister for Robbie. 26-1* Frank Williams.1 will be held on Wednesday, CHESTE] _____ 26-1 July 5, 1961, at Hampton Park. Phone M. DAWSON-Thoomas and Jac- 11wiht tak r ubadAil welcome. 26- SIXTEETS queline are happy to an- I wish torawthankFeDm.alHubbard nounce the bith of a daugh-land ail the nurses and staff! hlhSrwem FsiaOhw ter, Patricia Jacqueline, 8 lbs. for thein kindness to me wh)ileî WediiWsday, July 5, from 5:30 FREEZEE 33/ oz. on June 12, 1961, at'in hospital and many thanksjP-m. on. Admission 85e andod.Ph SanaGenenal Hospital. Ai to the kind friends who visit- 50c children 12 and under. _______ho 26-frSRAa sister for Mvark. 26- 1* l ed me and sent me letters and 2-fSRW _____ cards.J Plan to attend Legion Aux- en. Phor ]PICKRD-An and ary ý Matilda Hetherington. 1iliary Tea and Home-baking 40 ACRE( Pickard-nisht and Garythe 26-1 Sale, Friday, June 3th, 2:30 er and a] arrival of "Lianna's" baby it ..Poeesfrhsi sister "Monica Joan" on June' Personally, I want to thank1 tai room. 26-1TE ac 17, 1961, at Victoria Public Rev. and Mrs. Housiander and Caaia ldTmeCl Ers' ay. reh Hospital, Fredericton, N.B. ail those who heiped in~ any Cassoian Dnce, ecatlers a.Pi 26-1* way to make the bus tripb omrnunciationHall, NeidastJueM E _______Hamilton such an enjoyable30 mn 'clockall,12:30. Squme SCHIMIDT-Hertha and George day. Special thanks ta the bus dan9 c o fun.2:30. Sq are. LoD Schmidt are proud ta an- drivers who brought us aildac frfu.24__ar._o inounice the arrivai of Daniel, home safely'. The Courtice Parsonage Com- WTR a littie brother for David. 26-1 Mms. (H. J.) Maude Babcock.mîttee are holding a Straw- Cal Clfi _____26-1 .-ýbermy and Hot Potato Pie Cl lf STACEY-Bill and Marlene Social on July 5 at Maple (nee Carlisle) are happy ta 1 wish to express my sincere Grove. Admission 75c. 26-1* RANGET, announce the arrivai of their thanks to Dr. Rundie, nurses prshSperaS.Gore' $25. Ceec daughter Evelyn Jane, 8 lbs. and staff for thein kindness Church, Newvcastle, Wednes- et . 101/ ozs., on Saturday, June and care during my stay in Me- Iday, Juiy 5th, 5:30 to 7:30. Ad- NURSER' 24th, 1961, at Memoial 'Hos- marial Hospital, also a special mission $1.00. Childnen under houses. pital, Bowmanville. A special thanks ta neighbors, friendsýl2, 50 cents. Evemybody wel- Joe Larr thanks to Dr. Hubbard and the and relatives for cards, flow- corne. 26-1 3-2554. nurses. 26-1* ers and gifts 1 eceived. _____Mrs. S. Kersey. A Garden Tea and Bake Sale SAVEon TAYLOR-osadIoe r 26_1* unden the auspices of the miii to _____ad__oelar Kendal W.A. wiil be held at Co., K: happy ta annaunce the birth of . . tehm fMs ahnn hn their baby daughter, 8 lbs. 13 Mn. F. G. Smith wishes ta h oeo isCteiePoei ozs., on Friday, June 23rd, express his sinceme thanks ta Stewart on Wednesday, July 6N-E use, 1961, at Civic Hospital, Otta- al bhis neighbours and friends 12, fromn 2 ta 5 p.m. 26-2 good cor wa. A sister fan Dale and for their help since he wasl Zion Cemetery Board are West Beai Diane. 26-1 hurt, aisa ta LOL. 76, Long holding their annual Decora- after_6 p. _____Sauit Home & Schooi and Club thon Day Service on Sunday, KEÉYS cul THIESSEN-Allan and Helen 50 for their loveiy baskets of Juiy 9, at il a.m. Mn. E. R. you wail wvish ta announce the bith of fruit and ta L.O.B.A. 1244, Lovekin, Newcastle, wiil be Hardware their son Wayne Eliot, a Dalingtan Council and alIthe guest speaker. T. C. Glas- Bowmanv brother fan Faith, Paul and others who have sent "get peul, Sec.-Tmeas. 2- î Gar onJun 18 191 a Me wel" ard, asinere"thnk Woadview Community Centre TV's, fu, ruorial Hospital, Bowmanvîie. you . 26-if -.Monster B ingoa. Twenty vacuums, _______ We wish ta extend aur heant- games-twenty dollars; five antiquef games-thirty dollars; $150 WERRY-Gnant and Eleanor felt thanks and appreciation jackpot, and two jackpots at O (nee Leightan) are happy ta for the acts of kindness, mes- $250. Door prizes. Next OE hay announce the arrivai of their sages of sympathy and beauti- Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn rake, also daughter Susan Irene, 8 1bs. fui floral tibutes receivcd Oshawa. j6t oy, Bic 14 ozs., on Monday, June 26, fmam friends and neighbors 6-f ood Blc 1961 at Memoriai Hospital, during aur recent bereavemcnt~ Strawbermy Festival at Mon- Bowmanviiie. Many thanks ta in the loss of aur beloved nîish United Church on Wed-INUA Dr. Hubbard and the nurses. mth;asowtak Rev. F. nesday, July 5. Menu-Ham od, wAit 26-1* Reed and Rev. W. Rackham and salad plate, strawbemnies manswihp ___for their kindiy services. and cneam, cakes, tants and mats. i WOOLLEY-Ralph and Mary The famiiy of the late squares. Admission: Aduits $1, ate.Cl (nee Stubbent) wish ta an- Mrs. T. Salter. 26-1* children under 12, 5Oc. Time poeC nounice the birth of their son 261yOUSc! Kevin Bayd, 8 lbs. 9 ozs., at Many thanks ta Dr. Rundie -Clarke Dist-rn i ct Orange the fali Memoial Hospital, Bowman- and D. Kane for their efficient Lodge wiii hold their Church Busessl ville, on Monday, June 26, cane and ta Mrs. Squair for hem, Parade at Kendai UnitedBate, 1961. 26-1* kindness and the staff of Me-I Church on Sunday, July 2 at B at, ___marial Hospital, whiie a 3 p.m. Bethren meet at 2:30StEa, Deaths patient thene. Alsa ta mYl in Orange Hall, Kendal. Ail BROADLI reaie ndrl rienAc +itheUt A. ý ...n--i,,.- coo GIBBS-At Memorial Hospital,1 Bowmanville, on Sunday, .une 25th, 1961, Edward James Gibbs, aged 76 years, beloved husband of Hazel Buckley and dear father of H-arold, Toron- to*, Aileen, Oshawa; Jack, Ajax, and Marlee, Los Angeles,~ Calif. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-i rnanville, on Tuesday, June 27 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- mnanville Cemeterý-. 26-1 SALTER, Annie Florence-In Hampton on Friday, June 23,1 1961, Annie Florence Perkins,'( widow of Theodore Salter and deqr mother of Mrs. H. Peters (Erma), Toronto, and Harold of Hampton; dear grandmoth- em of Keith Peters, Oshawa and Ralph Peters, Toronto, in hem 9th year. Rested at North- cutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Funeral service was held in the Chapel on Monday, June 26. Interment Hampton Cerne- tery. 2- Engagements The engagement is announ- ced of Janet Marion Carr, daughter of Mrs. John Finleyý Norton of Oshawa and the late Mr. Hartman Edgar Carr, to Clifford Douglas Bartoni of London, Ontario, son of Mm. and Mrs. Douglas D. Bar- ton of Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Friday, July 14, at 7 o'clock at Cedar- dale United Church. .26-1 The engagement is announc- ed of Vera Mildred, daughter of Mrs. Snowden and the late Mr. Leslie Cole Snowdenj Maple Grove, to Mr. John AI.. fred Huband, son of Mrs. Hlu- band of Oshawa and the late Mr. Charles Huband of Man- chester, Engiand. The,%weddinm. will take place at Maple Grove United Church on Saturday,1 July 29, 1961, at ï pam. 26-1l* Photography__ PHOTOGRAPHY Passports Weddlngs - Anniversaries a Speciaity Astor Studio 75 Klnir St. E. Bowmanviile Phone M1A 3-2502 23-tf Private Home For the Aged IN Bowmanvîille. pnivate ihome for the aged. Pension rate. Apply Mrs. Gadys* Westlake, proprietar, 82 Church St, Tele- ~hone MA 3-2461 on write P.O. Lox 1663, Bowmanvilie Ont. 25-4 Lost rrs dark gmey lens. Caîl MAnket 3-5164. ____6-1h* ÊÀL ja-cket, crest initiais L.S.G.J.S.L. Conltact Miss Sandra Jahinston, 25 Thirdl st., MA 3-3919. _ -26- -l* BALL coat, crest i.nitials L. S.G.J.S.L. purse ini pocket contaîning bhth certificate, $2 and personal papers. Contact] MiW Lenore Fowler, 182 DukeI gt, MA 3-3192, - 26-1*- Fiendship Gmoup of Newcastle band in attendance. 26-111 United Church, Shaw's H. & S.I Association for the many cards, The big event for you ?ù letters and flowems, ta those earning your awn living. Is who visited me in Toronto and youm ability impaired by lack since caming home. Your kind- Of training? Enrol now for ness is much appneciated. Ithe faîl term at Bawmanville Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. IBusiness Schooi. Mms. C. A. 26-11 Batiett, Principal, 154 King ________St. East, Bowmanviile. 23-tf I wish ta extend my sincenel Barn Dance, Saturday, July thanks ta Drs. McKenzie antli i. at the famm of Jake 'Van Sylvester, nurses and staff of Dam Jr., 4 miles east of Ponty- Memanial Hospital fan the goad pool. Music by Rip Sanders came I received, ta Brown's and his Meiady Rangers, cur- Home and Sehool, Busy BeE! rentiy piaying on CKLY Radia. Clubs, Newcastle Horticulture Modemn and aid tyme dancing. Saciety, Memoiai Park As. Admission $1 per persan. sociation and St. Joseph's Bingo 26-1 Cammittee. Aiso special thankr; Haydan Anniversary Supper ta the many fiends, neighbors and Variety Concert will be and relatives fan the loveiy heid Saturday, Juiy Ist. Supper cards, flowers, candy andi 4:30 p.m. 'til ail are served; visits while in hospital and concert 8 p.m. Admission: since returning home. Aduits, tea and concert $1.25, Mms. James Curson, Sr. ocr ny5c hlrn e 26-l*and oneyt 5c.cciere n te et. Kr; CR~ wvall-t( -%et to il decc ramp I A~ 3-70j SEPT] DRIV RUSHE] ECelars LEL Phone 4204 CLARKE (Collect'l 25- tfi PREPARE for Summer-Se us for free estîmates oný Aiumînum Doors and Windows. You wil be amazed how eco-[ nomicai they are from Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone M\A. 3-5689. 16-tf1 SAND AND CRAVELI FOR YOUIt DRIVEWVAYS l ýS.. Morion & Son: BOIWMANVILLE 2- HAY EÛUIPMENT USED witii P.T.O. Completely Overhauied INTERNATIONAL 3-BAR SIDE RAKE -------- $1251 Cars for Sale '52 CHEV. sedan delivery, cheap. Apply 85 Duke St. 1953 DeSOTO V8, fully power equipped, radio, good condition. CO 3-2669. 26-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay.ý For personal service at your home call Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf dles f or Sale1 Articles f or Sale ES mixed hay. MA 100 BUSHELS Rodney oats. 26-1CO 3-2306. 26-1* s alfalfa hay, stand - STRAWBERRIES. Phone after 3-3938. 26-V: 6. MA 3-2668. 26-1* :FIELD for sale. DELAVAL Silo. - 14'.x 25' IA 3-3622. 26-1* Phonie MA -3--2242-. 26-1* Macres hay. Phone LLOYD baby carniage. Goodý RA 8-8917. 25-2"', condition. Phone Newcastle R, 21 cu. ft., one year 412._2__ one CO 3-2209. 26-1 POTTING soil. Joe Larmour, ERIE. rde-s ta- 4 St. George St., or Phone MA )e CO 3-2229. -53I2554. 26-1 - --CRIB anid mattress. Reason- S of choice hay, clov- able. Phone MA 3-3579. 26-if lfaifa. MA 3-3394. 1-lay, Alfalfaad e lvr Fred Partner, Tyrone. 26-1* es of standing mixed SILVERWTARE CABINETS- 1 [oe Orono 35 r 16.2- Oniy 4 loft, new but slightly - inarked, bargain prices. Haop- hay by the bale 01- er's Jcxeeicry, 29 King St. E., m)re Annis, CO 3-2075. Bowrnanvilie. 26-1 26-1 for sale and delivered. STRAWBERRIES d Pehick CO3-2131. Petick GO 32-t-f Orders Taken 'TE, excellent shape, cil Woodward, 60 Lib- M. VA N DYK Bowmanville. 26-1* ïY busi-nes s and gre en-- MA 3-2755 Apply 4 St. George. 26-2 naour, Phone Mre _____ .~ 2 WRECKJNG in lumber, direct frorn you. Phillips Lumber FOOT 0F HUNT ST., inmaunt, Ont a r i o. AJAX, ONT. 7r11. 45-tfAi T ed Len. electric frig., AI umbJer for Sale ridition; boat house, CIEAP ach. Phone MA 3-59,5 3" x 8" x 20' Fin Flooring .M. 23--- 30' Fir Trusses t automatically, while 10", x 1,1,, x 26' Fin Timbers t, at Mason & Dale~ e, 36 King St. E.,1500 sq. hvravy gauge 30"xg' and ville. 46-tf 10' gai, cor. Sheets ierfor-good used Metai Sliding Doors .niture, appliances, PHIONE TORONTO ;cook ware, sone 'R r [urnitune. CO 3-2294. i.W se 22-tf RUsseil 2-5319 y' load-rand hors-e-- ;2-row corn scuffler. AFTER 5 P.'3. - "JOE9p ndition. Ivan Mount- ckstock. Phone 87r4. WHileliall 2-1355 26-1 2-6-tf ['ION, biwn eth- Lrock woal. Work- Save a Haying Day guaranteed. Free esti- larry L. Wade. Tele- (OR TWO) larke 2420. 39-tf New Holland 404 'S in the subjects of oice. Enrol now for 'ýOUTCRUSIIES THEM ALV" term at Bowmanville Cut Drying Time up to 50% School, Mrs. C. A. Save more higli protein leaves Principal, 154 King Get more miik and meat tBowman ville. 23-tf for iow'er feed costs ýOOM - wall-to-wahl reilDîcu size. Free estimatcs SeilDicut o-wall. Samples tak- EVTOLN 14 )your home for colour N1 OLN 4 orating ideas. F. . Elevaf ors Lt. 7King St., )71. 34-tf 4 Oniy at 20% Discount 'I TANK STONE CUNNINGHAM rD CEMENT GRAVEL Hay Conilîoner jand Trenches Dug Reg. $855 AÂND PAYNE One On nnl$650 AND C3ýý EME-T INTERNATIONAL 1955 P0Ni In Memoriam 25. 6- 4-BAR SIDE RAKE V-8,i ___ ___The Werry - Phiip - Wright PHONE EARL BOTTRELL COCKSHUTT 4-BAR transi COLE-In loving memrnoy of Famiiy Re-union will be held CO 3-2682 SIDE RAUE o ,mbber $125 1955 PLY1X a Idean wife and mother, Nana ini Hampton Park, Sat., July FrPop evc n 2-DR. Cale, who passed away Juiy 15, 1961. A bot meat pie din- ForPropt ervice andOne4 3rd, 1958. ner will be semved at 12:30______Divm NEW 1955 MER( ln ail the worid we shahl not p.m. The business mneeting and For the Finest in TV and Go findI sports wiil foilow dinner. SUP- AERIAL SALES and SERVICE INTERNATIONAL Goodv A heant so wandemfuihy per xiii be served at 5:30 p.ni.;3-Point Iliteli 7 ft. MOWVER overhý 1ind, Corne and spend a pleasant 'M APL bearnig pitman __ $369 Sa soft a vaice, sa sweet a day with Fur friends ad GROVE TV $105 cy( smierelties, fo ai. -iR1MH1AND BALE 1955 PLYfl Inspiration 50 worthwhile; - H ryLok 4f. LVTRsolid A sympathy so sure. Sa deep,:I Help WantedH rr Lok24f. L ATR6c. A love so beautiful ta keep. I_____ __ MA 3-231Z wiliMater Mouiit ------ $115 1954 PLY1Y Ever remembened by bus- IDELIVERY boy. Apply in__________ 25-2" o6a Ecunm nlCoOn band John and famiiy. Ipersan, 101Liberty North.61 JLY Sae: An artcle a-1rCo 953neT] vertised at a lower price eisc PKiuîir I E.Bow5689 e1 V-8, LADIES wanted, make up ta where, the difference refond- 1hn A358 1954 '4ý-T1[ MýcKssock-In hloving mcem- S26.00 a week doing simple: ed. Toasters, irons, polishers, -------26-i Good ory of a dear mother, Mabei home sewing in your sparei cleaners, radios, coffee and end ~ in A- Pascoe McKessack, xxho pass- time. W'rite Box 7010, Adel- tables below cost. Large s,4ec- RLepairs 1951 PONI ed away June 29, 1960. Also aide Post Office, Toronto, Ont, thon of odd chairs, ce:ks, ~I n eeiinrpis ou da fterRbetJa- 26-3* lamps, rugs, chesterfield and Promptserice Pick-op nd P McKessack, who passed axvay THEb-t-obswih - bednoom suites. Trade-in chiest- mpsic. a Jan. 26, 1930. pay g obs inhess Sbool erfieids for the cottage or recc dliîvery. Geonge's, 85 29- tf. tAlan, Margaret and Ruith.!,,iý'racluates. Ennol naxv fan the eation room. Murphy Furn- ~ hn \A-7' 26-1 FalTerniî at Bowmaîîville, iture. 47 King West, MArketGUARANTEED televîsion and E Business Schoal, Mrs. C. A. 3-371 (_1:: rdjoi l a .Pyot -__-_ Same cde-y ser'vice. TelevisionS RUNDLE-In loving memnorY Batiett, Principal, 154 King Aie ia V wr Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. D of a dean husband and father, St. East, Bowmanviile. 23-tff enfo: 1armers Frank B. Rundie, who p assed ___ -49 .tl 20 King SI away in Wyoming, June 30), ATTENTION! $50.00 ta $75.()o Thresher and Hammermili 1959. weekly can be yoons. John aur Beits, 50' x 6 x 4. $45.00. 2" REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- delr. h iittcomtc, etng 2 er .;3:3 e l aues tnedotes. makes of .et We litethought when we tcir.Teln fcseisBîîg2cprf.3 3 e t. times ta Hig"nElec- Livet woke tht momntonies, broshes, household andiî6". 65c It. Speciai prices on igo The sr the day w, auîî m necessîties selîs by itself. endiess farm beits, graderý trie, 38 King East. Phone MA bring, iWrite for details and catalogue. beits, V-belts, ail types of337f Blackstock Tho cali was sudden, the shockFamilex Produets, Dept. j. R. rubber hase, plastie pipe, REPAIRS toalal makes of re -- sevene !-4-, 1600 Deloimier, Montreai. rubber boots, etc. Beits repair- figeratons, domestie and cam- 46 PIGS To iose the one we loved 26-1 ed or vuicanized at low prices mercial; miiking coolers. Hig- phone Bla( Pih24hugoneRnnlh8168 S.E heticLMA d3-335.King sa dean. -wti 4hus o lcneLmtd 8 7fPNy Waay îssa y fs îî PhneV dlh -65 S.E.Pon A -30. _f OYy and family. GOOD farm home for langeý dog (Dalmatian). Phone MAI WILLIS-In oving memonv of 3-!77 26-1fstck my dean husband William DEAD adcipe amsok Wesley who passed axvay sa'picked up promptly. Telephone soddenly Joly 1, 1958. COifax 3-2721. Mangwiii Fori It's sad ta waik the road ahane Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115. Instead of side by side, DEAD AND CRIPPLED But toalah there cornes a FARM1 STOCK moment When the ways of life divide. HIGIIEST PRICES PAID You gave me years of happiness R A Y V I V I A N Then carne sorrow and teans, Locust Hill But you left me beautifuiýPhone Markham 1160J Coleceti memories 24-hr. 7à-day Service I wiii treasure tbrough the Lies1126 ycars. 20-52, -Youn laving wife Mytie. 26-I Business LICENSED p otn y NursingHomeOpotny 1FRANCHISE Avaiable-Phil- SOUTHIÏHaven Nunstng Home co-Bendix equipped coin op- -Accommodation for private eated King Koin Launderette a nd semi-pivate patients, ta be opened in Bawmanville.ý lounge TV. Fuily 1licensed, 'Investrment requined. Apply new. building, modemn. Visitons Koin Laundny Sales, 188 Uni- welcome. Reasanabie rates. ýversity Ave., Toranto. EMpire Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf 3-5828. 24-3 Snowden Indusirial Rubber & Plastics 91 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA 29-4, Attention Farmers! FACTORY CLEARANCE 0F NEW NEW IDEA Side Delivery Rakesi Reg. $550 - Whiie they last $395 NEW AND UJSED :V. 1 dean car - $1695 MOUTH 4-DR. owner --------- $1245 MOUTH 4-DR. and white, *white wal .---- - .--- - $ 995 11E 2-DR. paint. 1 dean car . $ 895 1GE V-8 natie, Sports- green and ,radio ------ $ 895 MOUTH V-8 natie, radio $ 895 )GE REGENT ' HARDTOP istone paint, 4OUTH --- $ 895 VEDERE 4-DR. overdrive. One ýrcar --------- $695 TIAC 4-DR. standard imission ---- $ 695 MOUTH "V" SUBURBAN owner --------- $ 595 ,CURY 2-DR. operating car, valve job, earb. haul and tune- aod rubber ---- $ 595, MIOUTH 4-DR. 1.Real good car --- ------- $ 5 1 MIOUTH 4-DR. Isharp. owner ----- $ 495 'EOR 4-DR. std. shift $ 345i 'N PANEL 1rubber and 1 condition $ 395, TIAC 4-DR- $ 75ý IALMER 1 'OR SALES Dealers for - Dodge - Vallant Simea Cars ýdge Trucks t. E. Bowmanvlille 26-11 ock For Sale weaned. Telephone c172r3. 26-1 7 weeks aid.' Tele- ckstock 98r22. 26-1i 'an and a haif aid, -L- tI rc - I no ---lsduUiC UiUkCL.W 3-8. REPAIR Service in refnigena- 26-2* thon, ail heating and ail do-1 mestic appliances, garden trac-iFOURTEEN Tamworth feeder tors, chain saws and lawn pigs. Leslie Taylor, Bunketon. mowers, aisa sharpening lawn Phone Blackstock 80r12. 26-1 mowers. J. lloltby, MAnket 3-7062, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, at ONE Halstein cow, ane Here-1 Maple Graveý. 22-tf fond caw due in August. Tele- -poeOshawa RA 5-6046. WATCH REPAIRING 26-1* Centîfied Watchmaker of Canadian Jeweilers' Assn. YVafliedta DUy M arr's Jeweller y ON electrie Warner and anc Woodgaàbrooer,500chicks 39 King St. W. capacity, for cash. Phone CO 8-tf 3-2567.26-11 Hay Conditioners FJNALLY! HIGHEST prices paid for live paultry, goose eathers, feath- -- Vour own local seing machineer ticks, scrap iran, rags, Rae -M wesrepair man imetals and raw furs. Phone B alers .eeOne Vear Guarante: -243Ohaa oet 1 At Your Ail Makes - inciuding ALL kinds cflilve poultry, Grassiand Headquarters !SINGER SEIVING MACHINES fahrnwgaeaddc S. S. MORTON & SONai:EV K also ld feather tcks wvanted. BOWMANVILLE BERT SVN Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 26-1 MA 3-2664 24-tf colleet. 21-tf for Ilent APARTMENT. Phone MA 3-2445. 25-tf IN Oono, small house. P MA 3-3394. Phoune 1 25-tf1 THREE - rooms in Tyrone. Phone CO 3-2645. 26-11 GOOD pasture, 65 acres. F. Colucci, R.R. 1, Tyrone. 26-11 3 ROOMED apt. $30 per month. 3-2175. in Tyrone, Phone CO APARTMENT, 3 rooms andý bath, heated. Central. Phone MIA 3-5431. 26-1l THREE rooms and ed, self-contained. St. E., MA 3-3186. bath, heat- 205 King 9-tf APARTMENT, vacant, in good location, separate entrance. Phone MA 3-5273. 24-tf COMMERCIAL property on Silver Street, formerly Black- smith shop. MA 3-3394. 26-tf FURNISHED bed-sitting room with kitchenette. Available immediateiy. Phone MA 3-3591 after 7 p.m. 26-1 ONE bedroom apartment, self- contained, centrally located. Available July lst. Telephone MA 3-5798. 20-tf TWO apartments with 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Centrally located. Washer service. Tele- phone MA 3-5277. ___23-tf ROOMS. Apply Swing Inn, Pontypool, 4 miles north of Maspont on Highway 35. Man- ager, Andy Sutch Jr. 25-2* TWO apartments, centrally la- cated, available July lst. Apply McGregor Hardware, 95 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3386. 25-2 THREE-moam unfurnished apt., with light, heat and water, pnivate entrance, on Highway 2. Bus stop. Suitable for business couple. RA 3-3051 or MA 3-3842. 26-tf FREE ent one month, heated, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathmoam, washer-dmyer, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W., aiso for rent store on main street. 22-tf 1959 VAUXHALL Victor, Sup- er, two-tone, radio, back-up lights, excellent condition. Will accept older model car as trade. Caîl MA 3-5018 after 6. 25-tf USED TRUCKS-1956 Inter- national 1-ton, with dual wheels, stake body. In excel- lent condition; 1956 Internation- al 3-ton Dump; 1952 Interna-1 tional /2-ton; 1956 Ford Tand- em; 1950 Ford Dump. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-5689. 26-1 USED CARS 1960 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR.i 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 2-DR. 1958 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. V-1 with Power Gilde transmission 1958 CHEV. 2-DR. 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. HARDTOP 1955 CHEV. 4-DR. V-8 with Power Glide transmission ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanviiie Lots 26-1 Buy yourseif a Good Used Car for a change Ifs - Good - For - You' Buy from the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wise people who think twlce always say it's none other1 than... ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars SUMMER cottage, Lake Scu- gog, completely furnished, running water, flush toilet, dock. To rent first two weeks of July, and last three weeks August. Write Advertîser 150, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-If Wanted ta Rent HOUSE, with at least 3 bed- rooms, in Bowmanville. Phone ýMr. W. McMechan, MA 3-3321. 26-1 Pets for Sale HOUND pup. Apply 304 Scugog St. 26-1 BEAGLE puppies. Apply 85 Duke St., or Phone MA 3-5825. 26-1 Personal HYGENIC supplIes - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain ,sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, ýHamilton. Ont. 1-52, NEWSPAPER DA ri"c iteal Estate for balel LOT for sale, Hunt Street. Apply Tom Veale, 90 Duke St. 26-11 THREE-bedroom brick bouse, central. Write Advertiser 148, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-1 TWO-bedroom bungalow, gar- age, large lot, garden, nicely decorated a nd landscaped. Private sale. Phone CO 3-2209. 26-1 SIX-room bungalow in excell-j ent condition. Ohl heating, landscaping, aluminum awn- ings and other extras. Ideally' located on Chumch Street, South, Orono. Cal 11 21, Orono. 26-21 J. A. Willoughby à & Sons Lid. REALTORS 23/ Acres With Home Good high well drained land, would make a wonderful gard- en or could be sold for lots. Modemn 4 room house with bathroom and heavy hydro. Also large shade trees, garage 1and chicken house. All for 2only $8,500 with $2,000 down. fContact MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN Phone OL 5-3159 2- Leask Real Estie INCOME HOUSE, two apant- ments, 8 bedrooms. Suitable for nursing home or boarders. Landscaped, roomy grounds. An excellent investment. 4 room bungalow, ail mod- ern conveniences, garage, frig. and stove, garden tractar, smali fruits, good garden, creek, low taxes. In thriving town, $8,750. 5 room bungalow, modemn, oomy landscaped lot. Terms. 30 acres with trout stream, near Mospont. Some timber. Natural pond site, $3,500. Consuit us before buying. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 3-5919 26-1 Pedwell Real Estie Do you have any Properiy for Sale? WE HAVE BUYERS FOR Farms, Town and Country Properly Orchards Cail us now. We may have a Buyer walting for your type cf Property MORTGAGE LOANS Harold C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER INEWCASTLE PHONE 3856j 26-1! Peler Kowal REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCEi 52 King St. W. - MA 3-24531 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 rLot on Duke St. 541 x 164'. Priced right. Low down payment on this new N.H.A. home on Parkway: Crescent. Equipped with bult- in stove, oven and canopy. Fantastic kitchen. Large liv- ing-room, 3 brîght bedrooms.1 This one can be bought on monthly payments equal to rent after down payment. Large brick home on Liberty St. Has five apartments. Rentai $215 monthly. Terms arranged. Asking reason.able price. 49 acre farm on 401 High- way. Large stone house with aIl modern conveniences. Barn and other buildings. Stream. Priced to seli. 100 Acre farm at Enniskillen. Good line of buildings. Early sandy loam sou. Some bush, two wells. Water in barn. Other buildings. A ski n g $19,500.00. Terms. We have many other proper- ties of ahl kinds for your con- sideration. Salesmen: J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 C. Soper MA 3-2624 26-1, BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE HOWE & PETERS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTORS 67 King St. E., Oshawa RA 5-77321 Howe & Peters are pleased ta annaunce the appointment " ta their staff of MR. JOSEPH CRAWFORD. Mm. Crawfordc bas bad many years of selling and farming experience and will be specîalizing in farm and suburban properties betweenC Uxbridge, Port Perry, Bawmanville and Newcastle areas.î We feel Mm. Crawford wii graeatly assist us in providing1 better service for our clients. Il acres with traut streamn bordering future highway. Full of trout. Only $3,300 with $1,000 down. 10 acres with trout stream on goad gravel road. $3,000c witb 1,000 down, lacated 41/ miles fram Oshawa. 116 acres - sandy loam farrm with two spring creeks, ideal for market gardening, close ta Oshawa and Bowmanville. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Bowmanville, good con- dition, asking $12,000. Buying adSeilint - Cl .Ioe Crawford, RA 5-7732 ieal Estate for baie Peter Feddeil REAL ESTATE DROKER l6OAcres - 8 room frame house, bath, barn equipped for laying hens, 1,320 ft. lake front- age. Owner must seli. Prie. $12,000.00. Terms. 150 Acres - 7 room frame house, L-shape barn. Prie. $6,500.00. Low down payment. 130 Acres, pasture farm, never failing stream, good lo. cation. Give us an offer. 2 apatment home with 4% acres of land, good location near school. Price $12,500.00. Terms. Newcastle-Store plus dwell. ing fronting main street. Ask. ing pnice $7,500. Terms. 5 Acres near Oshawa, good garden soul. Price $3,000.00. Terms. Hlghway No. 2 East of Bowmanvile Telephone MArket 3-3644 Saiesmen : G. Biyieven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 26-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 114 Acres with stone house, large barn, stream, 9 miles Bowmanville. First time off. ered. $20,000 with $5,000 down. 13 acres partially wooded, stream, 6 miles to Bowman. ville. $4,500 with $1,000 down. 5 Acres level land just north of Taunton Road, $2,000 wlth $1,000 down. ï2-Storey solid brick house at Orono. Central location, al conveniences. $ 10,000 wlth $2,000 down. New split level brick home on No. 35 Highway near Mo. sport Park. Owner moving to U.S. Only $9,500 with $3,000 down. This property is on large corner lot and has com- mercial possibilities. Beautiful ranch bungalow, lot 75' x 150' in Bowmanville's finest residential area. Oniy 1$ 14,000. Easy terms. Commercial location on King St. Lot 60 x 70. Only $10,000. 5 Room cottage at Presqu-l Point. Shade trees, fireplac~ $5,500. A We have a good selection bf farms, acreages, homes and businesses. Caîl WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3398 Bowmanviile 26-1 De Wiih Re-al Estai@ 36 Acre famm, ail workable, 80' x 32' bank barn, hen house, 8 roomed bouse with ail mod- ern convenhences. A s k i n g $18,000. Terms. 75 Acre farm with smal barn, inciuding machinery, 1 acre in strawberies, stream; 6 roomed home, hydro. Ask- ing $11,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres as a going concern with ail cattie and machinery, crap, etc., large L-shaped bank barn, machine shed, bulk cooler, silo, etc.; 8 roomed brick home with al modemn conveniences. Price $33,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm, 65 acres work- able, stream, large L-shaped bank barn, drive shed, garage, etc.; 7 roomed home with modern conveniences. Asking $13,000. Easy terms. 125 Acre farmn near Lindsay, hipmoofed bank barn, machine shed, hen house, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse. Price $18,000. Tenms aranged. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres on paved road, good bank barn, large drive shed, hen house, bolk tank cooler, cement silo, etc.; 8 raomed bouse with run- ning waten. Asking $20,000. Terms. RESTAURANT wlt h àail equipment and modemn living quanters, located on No. 12 Highway. Price and ternis ar- ranged. BARBER SHOP with modern living quarters, including al equipment. Down $3,000. Price arranged. 8 Raomed home in Bethany with ail modemn conveniences. Price $5,000. Temms. 6 Roomed home with running watem on 9 acres. Garage. Asking $5,000 with $1,500 down. 4 Roomed bungalow ln New- castle with all modern con- veniences and garage. Prie $6,500. Well built, new, brick 'bun- galow with ail modern con- veniences. Lots cf cupboards and cioset space. Many extras. Good garage. Asking $13,500 with $4,000 down. 5 Roomed home ln Bethany with cil furnace, runnlng wat- er, kitchen cupboards. Asking $4,800. Terms. 8 Raomed home, newly dec- orated and painted, modern conveniences. Excellent loca- tion. Price $10,000 with $2,500 down. 7 Roomed home ln New- castle with 3-piece bath, run- ning bot and cold water. Gar- age, èxtma lot. Down $1,000. Price aranged. 2 Apartment bouse in New- castle with ail modern con- veniences in both apartments. Price and terms arranged. Acreages with streami, lots on Taunton Road, Taunton and Newcastle. John F. De Wilh Realtor sud General Inara« Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald MountJoy, MA I . Rose Davldson, Hethany, Lorne A. Perui lwe13 ]Portraits 1 É-4-- £-- CI-1- à lnl-- n--& Il:)--l £-- £-- 0-1 THREE roomed apartments, for rent, 3 blocks from down- town, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, heated. Venetian blinds and drapery rods on ail windows. RA 8-8122. 23-tf APARTMENT, Upper East at Kingsway Apts., 242 King St. E. Stove and refrigerator sup- plied, heated, $75 per month. Available July 9th. Appiy Mr. E. Holdstock at Kingsway Apts. or telephone MA 3-3654. 26-tf 1DI, -- . 1 il, -11 1 - 1 .1 .i: , 1 . --i -1 ý1959 CHEI Good 1958 PLY1X One( 1957 PLYY Gold radio, tires 1957 DODM New Good 1956 DOD( Auton tone wvhite, 1956 PLYIV Auton 1956 DODC 2-DR. Sportf radio 1955 PLY1X BELV V-8,0 owner 1 i-