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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1961, p. 14

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--y PAGE FOURTEEN THE CA.NADIAN %tSTATESMAN, BOWMANV11LE, OT' WEDNESDAY. ,Tt'Y~ 2Sth. lPf~,P~1 LONG SAULT Mrs. Wm. Clai, and familv Toronto, spent the vweekrild ,with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Harper. Mr. and Mrc. Fred Broad,' And Lesley. Toronto, w.t'e Eunda.v supper guests of M:. and Mrs. G. Fletcher.M. Stanley Fletcher. T or o nto.1 ipent the wcekcnd wjth iv. piarents and attcnded the bg race at Mosport. Mr. and Mrs. Jacl Kidd.t Mr. Se]by Kidd. Oshawa, T-dl LKgd Keith McBricie and Ton'l Clark. Inglewood. were Satur g dav suppcr guets of Mr. and.1O Mrs. F. G. Smlith and Grace.1JL Mr .and Mrs. J. C. Cook werc Sa'tiîrdav evening guesi Ai and family. Ke-s\vick . pent A the weekend %vith the J. Saw- de ns. db~* an hr No edt avavhn ,nbout SD*urda,. because %ve ,f think everyon e must haveF o r j been at Mospoor:. îînless tt' _sta\ cdhome and %tcc the cars. We're sure the O.P.P. haven't been so busY for a. long time. I-ow Did She Get Way SMot orcycle Riders Vios port This Saturday International Races Sonie of North Amierîca*s held Saturday, Jui -v lst, under Bill Sharpiess, of Toronto,, skilled and daring motor-: the iusices of the British. holder of the Canadian cham-' cycle riders wvî1I participate Empire Motor Club at Mos- pionship for the past 3 years, in a programme of interna- port Park, Canada's spanking 'Claus Baier of Maryland, Bob tional otorcycle races ta be .nev racîng circuit opened last Burnett, Massachusetts, Ed, -Iweekend by Attorney Generai 'LaBelle, Philadeiphia and Bob Up TherA. ocated 13 mile iorth of of Toronto. The 'latter trio f Boivmnanvilie, Mosport is Can-: have ail raced at the famous ada's newest and most mod-i Isle of Man course in forme:' ern racing circuit and seems1 years. Idestined to becorne an out-!dAnothr major event of the traction. and there will be five shorteri 'The Dominlion Day miotoî'- sprint races. An exhibition, cvcle races are scheduled to szide-car race is also scheduled. get uderwa at 100 iA total of 106 entries has beeni get uderwy at1:00O'clock received for ail events. and the programme xviii con- Seramdiapacto- sist or 7 races.! eea eilprcton ers as weli as trained and Feature attraction. bac equipped members of the St. tioned by the Federation 01. on muac wl eo ... erntioale otoy ci s t e duty at Mosport in the event *' will be the 25th annual com- . of spilîs or accidents on the. petition for the coveted Kaye tricI-y track. $ ~~Don Trophy, of 40 laps around Adiso teprfr the-.4mil cicui. Kye onthe motorcycle races is $2.00 .donor of the trophy, is a bol-îand children 12 years of age of manecordsand isan alriand under are admitted free. sped rcors ad i ahon- The British Empire Motor orary patron of tihe Bi itis n Club is one of Canada's olct- .5~ 4Empfire Motor Chub. He re- est sports clubs of it kind, sîdes at Slotîgh, EnglaInd. havîng been founded in 1928. 1 Thirty riders w Il iompete President is Ron White of !in the feature race nciudîn Ilslington. Ontario. TYRONE This unperturbed lady caused a rgreat deal of comment at Mosporu. on Saturday. She sat on this fantastic tripod apparatus, well above the ct-owd and %vas able to see the races without anything ta obstruct her view. 111 between heats, she casually read a magazine, paying absolutely no attention ta the hundreds who kept gawking at her. To date. no one has corne forward -with information on how she got up there in the fîrsu. place or what happened after the race was over. Maybe she'1l stili be there for the nexu. event. the international -motocycle races this Saturday. FRIG IDAI APPlLI.ANC AMAZING OFFER!!1 FRIGIDAIRE - Il cu. ft. Au toratic REFRIGERATOR - $369.J5 - PLUS- FRIGIDAIRE - :0" Attomatic RANGE ---- - $259.95 Regular Value $629.91) Combinalion Offer YOU SAVE $129.90 5QQ00 No Trade After the terrîtic fraffic on ville, visited Satnrday eveil- Saturda ' vta Mosport. Tyrone ing \vitl, IMr. O. Beckett arîd should now be put o)n t hie Arvilla. maps. Little Debbie Miller spent' Mrs. Annie Hathierl v 1c- Saturday with her grand- turned home, on Sunday witll mother Mrs. Elva Beckett, heî son Frank from Toronto, Bowi'fanville. after attending hec grand-1 Ro ss Wonnacott, Toronto, daughter's wedding. Diannp j'Ralph Shaw, Oshawa, spent Hatberly, Io Mr. Donald H-ou- Saturday with John Virtue. ghtsoii. Mrs. M. Russnell, Whitby, r Mr. and Mr-. D. Stevenson1 visited with the Ken Hardys and Kathyý, Cobourg, visîtcd and Earl Prescoits. IMr. and Mrs. J. Parkinsoni. Mr. O. Beckett and Arvilia Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver anîd visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon [amily, Fenelon Ilsvsited Beckett, Oshawa. ber mother Mrs. Percy Mc-: There wiIl be no choir prac- Coy. Mrs. Oliver remnained tLice this week. for a few days. Sunday School willI meet atý Mi'. anîd Ivlrs. Lew Cros- 10, but theî'e will be no kurth and Harold. GueJph.r church service on Sunday. spent the weekend witlî Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. 1Kenneth Hîlîs, S. T. Hoar and were Satur- Eric, Gwen, Don and Janet.~ day evening gucsts of Mr. of Orono were Sunday guests and Mrs. A. Hilîs. lof Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Mr'. L. Bradley, Bow nan- R.ARped recovery to Mrs. ' IR oy wbo is in Memorial iHospital, Bowmanville, also to Mrs. Bert Johnson, who retturned home last week r RE r from hospital, but is slowly improving. R E Achievement Day The Womens Institute Hll, Garden Hill, was the scene for lhe Featuring Fruit Ach- jievement Day, Saturday, June .E S 24. Mrs. L. Annis, Mrs. R. Glaspeli and leaders, Mrs. L. Skinner, Mrs. H. Stainton and Il girls attended. Special congratulations ta Audrey Wood who received Provincial Honours whichi is a completion , of 12 projeets. Margaret Janezyn, Grace Moore and Charlotte Annis completed their first projeet; Jean Baker-8; Elaine Annis- ~ 2, Shelagh Murphy-4: Esther Anne Rosevear, Gwen Glas- peul and Lynne Stainton-3 projects each, Jean Malette- Thie mnorning's activities conFisted of menti building, a fruit quiz and selecting break- fat foods along with discus- i . IThe presentation of a gfift ta Mrs. Merrili Brown on her leave as our Home Economist, was given before lunch,. The afternoon's programmep includied exhibits, skits an demonstrations by the eight clubs. Tyrone Tutti-Fruities' ex hibit w'as "Uses o! Dried' Fruits" with commentarv by Jean Malette. The fal and winler pro- . ljectls "Separates for Sum- I mer.', $49.50 Up MASON & DALE HARDWARE - LIMITED - 36 KING ST. E. "Your Authorized Frigidaire Dealer" MA 3.5408 I SALEM Salemi W. A. 1-eld theii' dune; meeting at the home of Mrs. K. Shackleton. The pi-esident, Mrs. W. Craig opeoled thej rmeeting with the theme hymo followed bv. the Lord's Pî'ayer. Mrs. M. Marchant and ber group were ini charge. Bibcleý reading and devotional wereý given b'. Mrs. Gerald Shack- leo.Miss Mai-garet Sha- Jeton Eavoured withi a pianoi solo. Mrs. Fairhrother, New'-I castie, was oui' guest speake-rý and made np many beautifull flower arrangements. These arrangemnents were greatly ad, mired by ail pi-esent. Our: next meeting will be held ini September. A social time fol-; lowed the meeting with straw-! berry shortcake and tea seî'v-! cd for lunch. On Mondav evening. Misses Grace Blackburn, B a rb ara Batligate and Marion Butter'.' were hostesses at the latters home for a showei' in hononî' of Miss Enla Tester. The bride-to-be was presented with a corsage, then escorted ta aa decorated chair tinder an tim- brella. Atter Enla had opened heî- manv' beautiful and use- fui presents several contests w'ere enjove.d by' vail present. I The hoste'sses served a dell-1 cious buffet lunch of saladl plate. cake and ice cream and rcoffee. Mr. and Mi's. Farewelll Blackburn and family. Mr.' and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton' and familv. Mrs. M. Biac&- burn attended Haydon anni- versai-y and were supper iguests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mrs. K. Cowl-1 ing. Agýood crowd attended the; ball game and wiener roast at' the sehool on Saturday even-i :ng. a1- A number from here t tended the races at Mosport~ on Saturday. There will be no rhurch orý Sunday sehool service herel next Sunday.i Huma n Interest Photos Ta ken At Mosport Qpening iloti Ieiiecks \ irfequenit et Ilicnch neecied "Johnnvis (or Jeannies) on the Spot" i '.'.-viniiîîg rBo\îwnmanville Le-ý,îon Pipe Band provides msebfr h pnn Four bbushced bnffs liave ilîcir aiteinoon nap bctwcen the sports car races MB I Good Selection of USED FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS f ' ý A lcw of the thOLiszinçiýi of trying tu leave the inïield following the

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