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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1961, p. 1

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Attorney Generai Opens Mosport Park br 0Tnatafltidnmn Volume 107 14 Pages Motorcycle Films Here Frîday at 8 Courtes y of BEMC Durhanm Couaity's Great Faïnily- Journal BOWMANVJLLE ONTARIO, WEDNESDAX', JUNE 28th,_196.1 10c Per Copyv Down Cornes the Starting FIag -- - And r ~ FI I Han. Kelso Roberts, Attarney Generai af Ontaria, fiew into Maspart Park by helicapter on Saturday ta officiaily apen Canada's newest sparts car racing circuit. 111o also took a turn at waving the starting flag for the benefit of the dozens of news photagraphers. On his lef t is C. A. Bunting, President of Maspart and, the engineer wvha 4esigned the track; at right. Maspari Director Paul Sullivan and Secretary-Treasurer Doug. Sellers. In the Lala "Miss Whiz"1 xvhich had the honar of participating 'li t'he se opening ceî'emanies is Francis Bradley. one of ihe top Canadian race drivers. School's Out IRes panse SaGenerous -------- Drivers- Need Salvcition Am Hall Statesman --D--ers 1-Army Closed' on Ail Bowniaiiville Public , ow Fuil P i For !r.. June 30 Schools close Thurbdav loi- the /.tteDa suniiMner. vacatian. Junle 29th TIti' oncaut fi -ul is red letter cay for flh c Young P opl*s Hall aliato S tu da . ul pu as it mnarks the dateltibule recentiy ere d t ic st, The Canadian States- ili school books aie put Salvalion Army nDison'lz e p man office and plant will until the .ub. Sircet is now fully paid for. be closed ail day Friday, iotorists in the towii aie As a resuit ol the i cady res- rirernen June 3tlt. ndvisecl ta watch out far chilu- panse ta this year's spciiRgular business hours i'cn playing in the street. Red Shield Appeal, the amaourit Eh~wil resumne on Monday, Juîy Chilairen are instructed in saf- hc asbe ase x1i rh. Urc ety rules and precautians, but cess of the objective-togeth-i 3rd. sometimes boys and girls 11 er wvith two legacies eft to~ A lire interrupted several their holiday exhuberance are the Bowrnanvîlle Corps, has member of the local brigade not as careful as they shouidbe en used ta elirinate' the~ just on their way to church À be. balance of S1,500.00 wnich re-, StndaY morning. The blaze i or Spencer -. m, uon the $23,00(J build-1partlally' destroyed thc- home, ilip,. 1af Gardon Nichais an Caur-1 I il.n, 11011ot- ic R.Not, u ls atonýAppoi nted to E xa m Resu Its 1' in reassiurn Iooi-eu t e brgd rth ut at utin- iln il is knawn that an al- ýder contrai quickly. In T e M al tinle iHgh will have been IlLasi week, a lire at the Virginia Post onlpleasure af this rsuit,: Rd. believed fa hlave been djac Jî2n N. Cales stated, "Th(-: cau.-1md by lightning. did mninar Resuits of thc Lower and $ been well ex-:gu-ished. Middle School examinations cecded, reflects the generou~- wiîlI appear in tuis newis- givng of the people uof Bow- ae.The continuance of the Stres O e Parntsof il îipls othArmny's work af mercy is as- ' for Bownîanville and Coe sureci. Donations wcre receîv i i u sd tice shifts %vill reveive let- T u s a ter tlis eekîîd noifyngeci Irornibusiness and protes-ý tersthi weken, ntifing sianlai sources. industry. or-, sulis their chiidren achieved. aesidiiui. li it i Fn day Nights cerity that xve express aur' Ls iuecagshx apoecatontaai te om been made in plans for mnitteemrbers. ward cap- soeoeig i Bowman- Cou nci I M ee1t tains and. of caurse, clanors. illtoefor e oidayween M on. JuI 1O taPLis flc ne w Yundeway cu M on.Ju 10 Les fâcilities at the Citadel ta, Chain stores and mos( the lullcst advantage, and i others %vili now be opens The JuI.N nmetingof' Buxx s Lunderstaod that a Scout'bt Tusdyan)0ia manvîlle Town Couni il \\ ll Traap and Cub Pack xiii soan evenings and closed ail day be held oait Monde ay cnn be lormed. with a viexV ta es-, Saturday. They %vill resumne July lth, in the Couricil pecially attracting tinchu.chiedl regular hours on Monday. Chamber of Ithe '1 uîxxn Hal' ýboys. Twxo prospective lead- Bainks %vill bce open regu- This mneting ,, cheduled ab r adju'asstnsfotl ioîrs on Friday, closed held an fihc Mondkly uvenino. Ic local corps are proparing Saturday and open for busi-1 .uy 3r. as pustpoîîcci h- Io cinmmcnce this important ness on Monday at tie usual arChlsSenr causo ofthe tlwai dav \a kn.aspic t i'boYs xork tinie. r,~n, Congregations Honor Pastor and Wife During a largel.v attendied meeting of the congregations of Solina. Hamp- ton and Zion United Coni-ches on Thursday-, June 22nd, manx' gloxing tributes were paid ta Rev. and Mrs. Fred J. Reed. vbo have ministered ta the spiritual rteeds of the circuit for the past eight '-ears. The\- are leaving in the near future to make their bomne in Sunderland. Mr. Reed will preach ai Almonds TS.wc-,s, of W::v Thev ai-e showtn bei-e \vth the Iwo ciaiisan h î~j\'sonset which xv-el.e presented as gîfts fromn the congregauons. formner Bowmanville resident, I Major Chai-les 1-. A. Spencer, CD. 41. noxv serving here asi Deputyv Assistant Quartermas- ,ter General aI Headquarters, iCamp Gagaetawn. will take i aover a nexv appointment in Au -us-, as Canadian Liaison! Officer at Headq uarters, Con- tinental Army Command. Fort. Munrae, Virginia. Major Spencer, barn in Millbrook. Ont., ini 1919. re- ceived his high school educa- liojn bBowmanville, Ot. land is also a graduate of Tri- n itY College Schoal. Part Hope. Ont. Jointng the Catiadiait Ar'îyy in 1940 Mai. Spencer sawv service -during the Second' W'orld Waî' as an infantry of-1 ficeir in England, l, and Northwesf. Europe with the Irish Regiment ai Canada. Sînce 1946 hielhas served 'ný variaus administrative capaci- tics, including that af adju- tant ai the Canadian Joint Atr Training Centre, Rivers, Man. During tie Korean War lie served on tie Headquarters staff of the Commonwealth Division. On his i'eturn fî'om Korea in; Januari' 195,5, hie attended the Canadian Arniy Staff College, Kingston. Ont. Upon comple- lion af this course lie was employed as a general staffit officer in the Directorate af Military Training, Army Head- quarters. Ottawa. In 1937, lie w-as pî-amoed ta, ý the rank ai major and postedi to th e 8th Hussars. Campý Gagetcwn, as a squadron ca:n-1 mnander, a post hie held untili bhis present, appa:;ntment al' Headquarters Camp Gagetown. in Auguist 1959O. In order to let local people know the type of, motorcycle road racing they can expect to see at i; i Mosport Park on Saturday, the British Empire Motor, Club, sponsoring the levent, has arranged for special films to be brought here this Friday evening at ............. .. . 8 o'clock. ll The films, coming from the United States, wl be shown at the Lions Community Centre, Beech Ave. starting at 8 p.m. There is no charge. This is a good- I will gesture on the part of the club in appreciation of the excellent co-operation they have received fromi__ Bowmanville citizens. M1 Everyone, young and old, is invited to attend this ~y~ levent which will show some of the championshipl'". mnotorcycle races which have taken place in the United States and Canada. It is expected that a commentator will be present to answer any questions which may arise. Many of the top riders from Canada and the, United States will be present for the Mosport races on Famaus racing driver, Stirling Mass, in the pale Saturday when they wvill be competing for the Kayelpasition,' taok an eariy iead and held it ail the way in Don trophy. There will be seven races in ail and the the first heat af the Piayer's 200 at Maspart track on sponsors advise that the bikes are even more exciting Satu rday afternaan. His Latus Mante Caria Mark 19 to watch than the sports cars. ýcan be seen pullingawayfram_ competitarswith the ,If tWas Stiriîng Mass Day Close Ups As Mos port Park Opens -,To Over 40,000 Specta fors ,1two Porsche RS 61s,. ust a few foot behind. Mass had tit a]1 his own wva I hroughouî rnost of the two heats 1and xas dcclarcd the' winner off ie P]ayer's trophy and S2,750 in' cash. of Racing's '\Big Three" Three of the top international racing drivers were at Mosport on Saturday and put on a thrilling exhibition befare an estimated 40,000 fans. They are shawn here just as the opening ccremonirs werc starting, Lef t t right:0 Belgiumr's Olivier -Gendebienl, En gland 's Stîi iô J Voss,, nd' Swecteni's Joakimn Ban nle r.- Jackets for Winners ,Townrs Minor Hockey Teams ÇJ3ts and' /Jieces -4,Tendered Civic Banquet TWO IN ONE DAY - It is quite seldorn thaf. galfers are able ta sink a haie in ane, but at Sauth- view Golf & Curling Club there were a couple of them on Monday. Mrs. Don Giihaaly and Val Sozansky were the fortunate club swingers. Bath scored their hales in one on the third green and, oddiy enough, they weî'e using the same make of golf bail. ANY NURSES? - Mrs. Victoria Frank is trying ta locate a trained nurse wha wants a goad holi- day from July 22 ta 28th ai Pigeon Lake. She will be in charge of nursing at the Girl Guides camp. Anyone interested shauld Phane MAî'ket 3-3591 evenings. BACK FRO31 SCHOOL - Chief of police Bernard Kitney returned ta local duty on Mandav afier a week's course in Police Administration ai McMasteî' University, Hamilton. Incîdentally, ibis papeî' negiected ta, mention that the Chief appreliended an escaped prisaner from Collins Bay penitentiary recently. A repart came through that an ex-bank î'abber was believed ta be aboard a CNR train heading west from Kingston. Chief Kitney hopped the train here and identified the man before they reached Whitby. Afaresaid escapee is now back in prison, wonderin»g where he xvent wrong. Nice work, Chief. Sucb highlights tend ta offset the dreary parking meter duties that fil! in most of the i'egular hours. HEADS SEED GROWERS- Congratulations are in order for Reeve Gai-net B. Riokard of Darling- ton Township. Last Thursday he was elected president of the Canadian Seed Groweî-s Associa- tion ai Banff. Alta. .1 -. + NEWV ECONOIST -Miss M\ar'ioni Waddell of Meicaife, Ont., bas been appointed Home Econom- ist for the Caunties of Durham. Victoria and Peter'borough. She wili replace Mrs. June Brawn who is retirîng following her recent marriage. -Miss Waddell will be stationed ai the Depariment of Agriculture's dist rict office in LindsaY. BEN HUR COMING -- An extî'emelv personable young man named Rager Bower xvas in taxvn last week as the advance agent in charge of arrange- mencs for Ben Hur, one of the outstanding films ta came here in many years. As this tremendaus $15 million production will stant playing at the Royal Theatre on July 201h. he wanted ta give every assistance ta make certain it xvould be given the build up it deserves. He bas been on this mosi interesting job promoting Ben Hur for the past 18 months, right across Canada and wvas loud in bis praise of Mrs. Robt. Gill's plans for the great feature here. More details wvilI be available as the time draws dloser. In the meantime. set the date aside. Tbis is a film everyone sbouid see. To Mark Accomplishments - ~ ~ ~ h -ftw'llî unile 1 lockey teant ii) s. Cairuthers, Deputy-Reeve iviinirs of flic Ontario Chanm Sicliney Litle, chairman of the ýHo11 aY Ho rs,1pioiîship. ttic Ontario Bantam Boar'd of Works, Jack Chris- B teain. lînalîsts in the Litltici, Tor'onto. past president of ~çç NIIL Ilouramut.and tie thc O.M.H.A., Mrs. Christie. ' t Post O fc Atont)teani. conîsolationt xin- Gui-don Hawes, Whitby, chair- '%...JHIer of-tha Liîttla NHIL, wei'c minnofthti.Central Commit- hoitoreci aiua Cîx c Banquae e af tic O.M.H.A., Don Stutt, Holiday hours for Past held in tilii- Lagion liall on1 î-hairnan of' tic Recreatiotn Office' Saturday, .4u0Y 1,Frid- ix cu\ ciîg. Mayor-XWifrid Dci>rtmenf.i, Mrs. Stuti, Coun- 1961, are as folw: carrutlit is xa. the' 'uC. cuba r Gîcthalme Hugh e s, Box Lobby open front i'i i a eliru byciiun of aitie Arena Board, 8:00 a.m. ta 6:00 p.m. Mi1ýls. Hughes, Councillor Ros Public Lobby open froni iia atixxmui a nduml ilit-Itvn oici ersna 8:9.0 a.m. ta 10:30 à.în. d s ýl]tr l - aiprsigi ýtive ain the Recreation Com- Thetae wi- aitno Ruial-.. Mrs- Stevens, Miss Mail e vell be no Rur-a*l stal ,,ýitîdl.i j, Te dî-uJenCaldoxv, Wiitby, secret- Mai Dei~ery Moîe Or At>:îta-xlitlic Cuxîdat v ai 0 tht- Central Com- ider or Savings Bank busi- Legion ixîll thte ja dn it-.OIIl. .A uh ness. Ca'ur:idt- îlillie B-11ta,, i-- (ait- l ruîprecnting tic Lions rîur.~w-ll ie ncStret cirt tti-d o t r-ciili iO.sClu'i, Doug. Rigg ,Recreation i Letter Box Collection about liîunut. Dîi'--toî' and Mrs. Rigg. 2.:00 p.nî. 'Tiic-. ialt i lc a dialtiA-x - Tie regula,- Satîirday Des- lit- 'uVorshl . liteXlMayor ;ii 10 PAGE. SEVEN) m ade. D e.-%on\à Pipe Band Wins Third In U. S. Parade, v c; Tl'ie Bownlianivilip Legion Pipe Band brought f Lirther honor ta Bowmariville last xxeei: wi%,en it won third place i n tiecgreat band campetitioni ai fthe Lions International Cat-i ventian held i Atlantic City. 1 Theîc xxere B80 bandsbilte cantcst fraini ail oveî' the Uni-! ted States and dîfferent partsi i Canada. tTic, niemrbers out 'de B ýmanville Pipe Band lefi Bow-ý manville at 6:301 a.rn. on Tues- day by a ciartcred Burley's bus. Tiey were accompanîed by Jack Knigit, president aif lie band. Herb Goddard, Lion& Internatianal Councillor,,ete1- and Jack Cale ai lie Bow- manvilie Lions Club. Wednesday was the import- ant day witi crack bands- tram many large centres striv-I, ing ta outshine lie other con- 1 Tvo f the big trophies which were presented testants. Tic Bowmanvillea iecvebnutFiyeeigfoth tre 1Pipe Band receîved tremen- aitcxi acntFia vnn o h he daus applause irom tie large i hockey ieamns who distinguished themnselves in COM- crowds that watched. petitiari iast winter are displayed here. At leit, AI The band arrived back in Woodlock won the coveted Bartiett troplhy. -XQr being Bowmanville ai 2:30 o'clock chasen lte best ail-round player of the yeat. *Captai* jon Friday marning, tired but, rno ule shligtetoh rWtdt h pleabed with the acîlevement B-oo uhsi odn h rpypeétdt h they had made. Juven]ol tearn for winning lhe Ontario champioflship. Awa, NUMBER 26 y They Go 't -i t Mosport Park belonged t Stirling Mass on Saturday, gates. pits, hairpin. turns and ail. It was ail his includinIG m ly e the over 40,000 spectators whoý packecl the roads, strained evryfaiit te500 acre W ifl Cash for pos.sessed and th-rilled lo his! magnificent driving.Su g sin I a areal experience tg etin see this cool Englishman in Rs .Bacl,9 u his Lotus Monte Caria as ihe Rs .Bad,9 ue gave an exhibition of driving Street, Town, recently won skill for the customers and the ttop award for the the competitors. There were nîonth in the General Mot- no errors, no breakdowns. H-eorSugsin Pa.A had a perfect day and, appar-orSugsin Pa.A ently, enjoyeci every minute employee in the parts de- Of it. As a resuit, he and his partment, lie as awarded- highly skilled mechaniics came $499.20 for suggesting that away from the park with the thc wooden crates used for Player's 200 trophy and the the shipping of motors be top $2,750 in prize maney. constructed of ighter mat- The other two international erial. pwoç,-Olivier Geftden4eof-Bel- Anothér loca ,l'citizen, IV. gium and Sweden's Joakim L er f6 iet t Bonnier, bath driving PorscýIe L.NorryalofcapitLizdo RS61s. were close behinci the *Suggestion Plan. He is in smooth Mo>ss, but their cars the general ledger depart- didn't have the speed of the ment and bis award of Lotus, so, actually it was 1no $276.00 ivas for an idea to contest. Ali of themn, pl us change zone expense ac- -TU RN TO PAGE SEVEN' counting procedure. Hockey Trophies L 1

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