PAGE TWO TECNDA TTSABW AVLE NAT lS~l.f ,VtJil ~ £0 II ~ T~C 14 fa Ham pton Farewell Re .v.and j B>' Gladys eloes Solina (Corres~pondent At an apjpreci..'L'rrn la"': held in the new Ciris'ûn . - ucation Centre oE'f t.t United Chureli. Tuc.lo E1 Jng, June 20, 19G], th I 'r bers of the oni'Qi'fr0 -E r Iampton, Zion ai([ 'rE cl' îrches gatln'ýrcl t10 1v'fr well" to Rt'xercnd F. J. a:. I Mrs. Reed. As tutlie ri sembled Dougl,,as Dxrn i- 'Iertained w~ith e nj o y a b I e piano music. Mn. Reed whîo has boni J rninister of the Iit'on- charge for the' past t'iýgit vo r ý lm 04 ffmd% I FOR THE BEST - IN - CUSTON DRAPERIES AND WALL-TO-WALL DROADLO OM Twvo Locations, OSHAWA 19 BOND ST. W. RA 3-4922 ]PETERBORO MARKET PLAZA RI 5-687-1 Dave Preston, Prop. 25 Centre St. Bowmanvil le MA 3-5912 and giving themn every oppor-r tunity for class study has Circui Bidsbrought untold resuits. Oth- and Hon ors 11, at tmes, weddnta- IVI s3 f J. ?eedactually had a xvonderful in-, F . J R, e dfluence for good in our iiveS.t preiie hs firwel 'omr îu rucU hàpp,,ne<ý. ood Our churches have grown in! Sudv.,t ,rh f h it ar.h G(El.k rienest niesý- strength and stature under' ."-ý u M R 11 nk i for tIle.1 on their se!mi- yu udne hlu m ý t Sn.i: ii' cc: Mrs. Reed, we wish to es- ~flr:*~ (Eýpecially mention your con- \ '1e M>r. P~t..~ ad JY~Ctinued attendance at church, lJn'o. CnncU Wrt c ~'E~cf Zinu-i cntertained W'bfOr CtY cuMing~ a cilightfui piano duet1 and xith Mr. Reed, when he calied. This must have added xv,.: .,.YEcf U~c~ hi :tt-vcoiirbuted a well- hswr.m r ~ *>* y. crcclpour),i solo. Wes His uc M. ee 1> E~itd o f L!daiýiJ uvle a fine rcading br Il ' .4~"k .O".~*k .ÇE; ,E i îio lamIon aiersa , in particular, realize this ÇE :1 ~ c'c..Ilarid alns, L must have been a real sacri-! * '~. *~..~ Truii, Ch'raid Raison and Har'ý fice on your part. ~ i13: Nonf x'ore(1 with two I We know your ministry forý n. ut dwr: Jr i t (5 C i cieto God wiil continue to the rest t.1:> h- 'Eci>rh'. h: ' of your lives, and we wish p(2j] .rtpre Cil": Z:n on i:t.\\!)Xiowe WaS God to richly bless you as you g.regati(;.i, ajic[j hi. no t ht 'i (lled lupon to read thteseve 1 ' eof U.cketn nIfloi address xvhieih hasst iîvesegfsweet toresr t 'hüwn bv Mc. and M-.b cnOfdefled foîr publica- 1to Wyou ouregritudwe, affec 1100h!i (u choE-h od sof- on:tion and esteem from the dEc.' SCIlOOI uchv.t .cs and EE I.l IiMr:.Rei three congregations - Hamp- tic' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c theiE c lc~: a 1,Ucconregations cf , ,Zinand Eidad. ~:od'n k1k:imIn V'L k i)'uo icutca e Gifts including a television of: h ti f !ni, 111, circut charg 'if î - i :ll E prl';tleŽ aiC'jt)'tir ~tset, a reclining chair, a plat- mil g1 1 llio", r 1 YEiI Il-aiour an-i prcsent to' you formn rocker and a suma of Thcn I.ncur:% ie;ih~~n rcn1(l rbancc of money were presented by \-cur stay amnong uli. Lloyd Brooms of Eidad, Bert ~~~~ ~~~ As the tEni- gets dloser tot' ,ofaponndCr Balyof Zion. Air.,lRail or Steamnship 'he onisý~ of Youri mOlEs- TeMr. 'Reed, in his words of T 1 C lK E T S ln-v lîcre, we are ail feeling a appreciation of the gifts, re- TO EVEtI'IIERE Iceri îîcrsonai iot.s. Ycur îpre- imarked that bis ei-ght years Conrit fort iasg eelng and pirit-on this charge have been hap- J , T'R Y & L 0 V E .L cnfLig eln ndsii-py and fulfilling years for u Lal richness. himself and Mrs. Reed. Dur- 15 King St. IV. MA 3-3361 Drnr v-r nti n httm ehsofcae Boxvmcanville Diig y'ouc r r nti n httm ebsofcae ca ech arnoil 'v has groxvn at 63 funerals, 66 weddings - to know and love You bilh. and 378 baptisms. With a tinge Ycur keen interest in eacl i n- of regret, at leaving their- uni, en to 10the y0on4- many fî'iends, both young and -ii(l bs ndared yo0 older ones alike, Mrs. Reed 'ou both knew the mnames also voiced ber sincere thanks '* cE E 1. S cufl l (Iowed thir i'p. gre.saud success in school ar -J W1 AWtlE'T E LL ct-r iîiterests. even t10 bo TOP$ HSi .îc nms S~T1ýAGTION d to bc 7,our own. Yc Cr 9C) N madeus al memîbcrs of yoi 1$ WHT WE ELL! o'rn faiiy. Let - especialiv inLettni E xour comfocting preseîice '.~~.-~' or honies, whî'never ai 11111~ ~ ~~>) ember suiffercd aîîy peî'soil J' oss. X'cuc symnpath'y and n. -iSIpport wi ni scha e \yEt xvhcnwc rnost îîccded tht' COLr troubi'l)ecameY 0oI L Yr1--he 'îcubetinoo. at each chari keilb:cî),-u hth attende must hvecau.sed vou muc strain. anîd ioss of "'est.1 PLUMBING-HEATING spite of ill-1ienltlh on bot youi' parts. >'ou carried on,J 1_ý)BUNER DPA LER r Uî'Duport to ail our.churc acttvities. Youc seat in ge ORONO 1782 lting or voun.4 people mine estcd_ in joiîn ing -ou i' c lîurchc Long Soult Bus Trip Thursday, June 8th Early Thursday morn, we met at the school, The day wasn't too hot nor wvas it too cool. At quarter to nine we climbed into the bus And verx' soon we were off with a rush. We arrived in Oshawa in plenty of trnie. Fact is, we arrived there right on the chirne. The men at The Times were w-iiting for us, And rushcd out to meet us at the sight of the' buz. We soon left The Times and were on our wx Everyone in the bus was happy and gay. We drove and drove for what se2'rned like hours When out in the distance we saw sorne tl toweirs. The towers we saw belonged to the airporl. Where they had many 'planes of ail different sort. Decause it was raining wve ate inside And our' teacher feit sure we were tryîng Io bide. From Malton we xvent bo a big fire station, At Parliament and Dundas was its location. And in there they showed us many strange things, Even a big silver bell that really rings. After that we headed for home, We traveiled until I thought we'd reach Rome Because the streets were made of old cobbiestone, 1 wished there was someone withi a pillow to oani. lit was getting very late, When we arrived at the old school gale. At the end of the day fatigue got me do'.\n And I went up to bed instead of playing around. *-Written by Bruce Baker, Gr. VIII., (13 years old). (Long Sault School). Miss Valda Kocins, teacher. KEDRON ro- pleasure- she had experien-ced (Intended for last week) the prograrn, and the' sessions in %ocking with tht' varlous Tht' Kedron Cciuntry Style give promise of bcing veî'y Ot- chiidren's and women's groups Supper, which was held in the interesling.t aI1î nti hîc hrhs Lower Hall of the' clurch on Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Onut Duriîîg thie social bour that Wednesday was a great success. L. Mountjoy for tht' weekeîîd rurt followed tht' pres e nta t i o Event tht' weather co-operated xvere Miss Beryl Mountjoy of unchwss .vdb severai beautifully. Ail the gi'oups Of Lonîdon, and Miss Olive Luke 0, from cach congregation. tht' church worked togetht'r,!of Toronito. On Sunday Mr. in______ but credit xvas largely due to and Mrs. Mountjoy entertained 11,Mrs. Douglas Love, who Xas at a family dinneî' wheîi O IT AR the' chaîrman of tht' planning guests were the' Misses Marie 11 BIT ARYcommittet'. Other members o5f and Helen Cole', and Mr. and e i tht' committet' were Mrs. Robt. Mrs. Eversoîî Norton, Craig ýsý MiISS NORMA SUGGITT Dale and Mrs. Joe Starr from and Rodîîey, ail of Markham. uir In failing - lh o evrltht' Woman's Association; Mrs. isEenrMuto a 7ge mnths N alth fr era iHarry Rose of tht' Guide a sEan norMavatounthas monts, ormaManettaWhîScout Mothers' Association';ene.oiî aaintt gte Stîggitt, only daughter Of Mrs. Bill Hancock, representa- past two xvecks. Part of flic ictht' laie Mr. and Mrs. Rich- tive of tht' choir; Mr. Derek lime she spent ai a cottage on ch rd uggtt f esteto, pss-Banet, o th' Sou Group Hali's Lake. Io crd Sgito eteoPs-Bret fteS Mr. and Mrs. Lislt' Noble thlle away at tht' Community Commi'ctee; Mn. and Mrs. Wm. and Richard, together with Mr. inMemorial Hospital, Port Per- Werry of tht' Doubles' Club,JakSoeofPr lbn, ch'ry, Satunday, June 24, 1961, and Mrs. Grant Giover of tht' spent the wxeekcnd withi Mrs. ein h en 73 rd year. 1251h Brownies. Ernily Stover iii Kingston, - - Most of ber hife was spent As the' cars arrived at the Guests of Mr. and Mrs. lec in Car twright Township, ex- church, trafîic in tht' parking Rodger Bishop over the' week- tcept for 25 years in Toronto lots was directed by Scouts in end were tht' latter's parents, and Chatham. uniform. If it was necessary Mn. and Mrs. Eugcne Sweet of - Miss Suggitt is survived by to wait for space at tht' tables, Aylmer. a brother, Allan of Port Per- guests were seatcd in tht' Ont' of tht' conîtestants in the' ry, and three nephews, Ross church auditorium wbere tht'y Dairy Qucen Contest nt'xt of H-alifax, Merlin of NestIe- were entcrtained with music week will be Miss Jcanîine ý ton and Lavern of Oshawa. on tht' organ by Mn. Sebastian Werry of Kedron. Tht' Memorial service was Hohmann, and on tht' electrie Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Werry held at tht' McDermott-Pana- guitar by Mn. W. Thorndike. and Betty Jane of Enniskillen L baker Funeral Home, Port Mn. Clarence Werry, Mn. Frank , atne h'Aîiesr ev Perry, on Monday, June 26. Lee, Mn. Ted Maidman andan d -teAnvraySr-~ Rev. P. Romenil of Black- Mr.'Derek Barnett wvert' ii e stock conducted tIhe service, charge of selling tickets and Interment was in tht' family keeping tht' tables filled witb plot Nestîcton Cemetery. diners. Tht' food was servt'd Palibearers were Malcolm buffet style from a central Emerson, Adelbert Beacock, table, and ail the' tables were Wilfrcd Jackson, Will i am decorated with sprng flowers O K W Steele, Kcnneth Sameils, Wîl- arranged by Mrs. Ross Let'. fred Williams. Mrs. Douglas Love ol like to thank tht' countless Netifo Satonhehped with the srigo pusofleMrns. ai msodishwashng rvided food n C P.. jobs necessary in sucli a big Nelstîon, r eavi Elabeth For tht' Sunday Sehool Anni- Nesletn, er e Elzabthversary Service at Kedron on Rowan, gr'ade VIII piano, pass; Sunday morning the' church David Gray, grade II, first was filled to overflowing. The class lionours; Ian Page, grade special speaker for the' occasion Il, first class honours; Norma was Rev. J. KI Braham of Wilson, grade II, honours; Ann Scugog Island, who brought a Wilson, grade II, bonours. message that xvas inspiinîg to Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Lee' tht' aduits wbile at the same and Dianiîe were Sunday sup- lime il held the' attention of....... per guests with Mr-. and Mrs. the' numerous children present. Carl Eliot, David and Dawn. Special music for the' occasion Miss Jan Raymond of Ot- was directed by Mrs. Rodger ta 'a was a wcekend viSitor Bishop, and Miss June Davis...... r ihMr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot. was the' organist. After tht' R. Douglas Davison spent processional to the' singing of the' wcekend wilh bis parents "Onward Christian Soldiers", Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davi- tht' children of tht' kindergant- son. en classes, led by Mrs. Derek........... Receîît visitons with Mn. Barnett, sang "Whert I'm Hap- and Mrs. John Beacock iii- piest, I Sing". The children of cluded Mrs. Margaret Under- tht' intermediate classes sang, hili of Tilsonburg, Mn. and "A Little Sced Lay Fast r Mrs. Harold Gibb of Toronto, Asleep". Tht' eider children 'Mrs. Viceros Beatty, Duns- sang a two-part arrangement .ford. Mn. Ronald Holmes, of "Above the' Clear Blue Sky" ... . .. rWinîdson, and Mn. Douglas and "God Who Touchest EarthI Holmes, Kincardine. with Beauty". In the' lattent Miss Chrystal Fallis, Sup.- piece solo parts were sung byl erintendeîît of Port Hope Hos- Linda Hopkins. A trio of 1 A GENRLMT AU pitl, visited Mr. and Mrs. children, Bobby Dale, Anneý NRLMTR AU 'Donîald Thompson. Bishop and Brenda Hopkins,' ' udy doubte-mounted hood is sprIfEl Johiiny Reynolds is ho Sun- sang "When Jesus Was a Little, counter-balanced for easy operation. nvbrook Hospital and friends BOY." trust lie wilsoien be home. Plans are going ahîead foi' Douglas Robrer is attending»tht Vacation Schîool bo be helU . Sot foam cusiiion pads are standard, alonge the' C'ippied Childrt'n's Camp duning the' first two w't'tks of! 4 witii tough vinyl upholslery. at Colliîîgwood. July. The' director, Mrs. Deri' Mr. and MIVrs, Ro 'y Ego, Tor-lek Baî'nett recenthy hîeld a 7 Hardviiood Iloors (rusîproot, ol course) E'.EEI otito, \'isiled MlVr. and Mrs.imeetiiig for leaders f0 discuss' steel skp stoips gîve longer body lite. Gr'ant Thionpson. t ~ dy ihlsgad Sympathy is extended toerai aswt hsgad ,,he relatives and Iiends of mothen Mrs. A Wesieaiy Camp- i ai. aie i the' late Miss Norma Suggett bell. - -Iîuh îyLîî~~Ucouan l who passed awav i.n Com-1 r.r and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Puu sel -munîitv Hospital, Port Penny, caled on Mn. and Mcs. Jas.ý Fniends wihl be hoping 10 Harris hli Lindsay. Fricnds ou tiad viwthfllos- hear good news from Mrs. 1 ill be venv glad to hearo that Ihaee iî ulIas Mildred Collev who is pre-lMn. Harris is much better fol- 1ilaIIy, dcpenidably-withoui. sti scofiv in St. Joseph's Hos1i-' lowing a tnip to Madoc last. more stable, more comfortable, 1 tai, Toronto. Mns. Langfeld is I week. staving with tht' Colley girls. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslîn ,Patrbcia, Lynda and Virginia. received word of the' sudcîen r iMrs. Wayne Weston is hom eupassing of Mn. Raymond Tif- and feeling much better since fany of Richmond Hill. Ray baving major surgery in Me- worked for the' Heaslips for a niorial Hospital, Bowmanville, iperiod of five years in the' hast week. 1940's and Mrs. Tiffany is Tht' Bowers and Williams presently secretary to Dr. M. r families attended tht' Elford B. D'ymond, Minister of Health Iamilv pienie in Orono on for Ontario. SaturdaY.t Several local folk attendedl Receîît visitors of Mr n. ltht'rce at Mospont Pr oni I-Mrs. Arthur Hyland were1 Saturday.1 Mns. Jean McCabe and Elea- I Court Nestieton ba s eba hi- nor, Janetville, Miss Emmalt earn were wioners 22-2ý Henders. Mrs. Jos. Fonderlagainst Peterborough at Southl HUSKY 6-CYLINDER ENGINES-like the and Mns. Wm. McCabe andrNestheton Park.1 durable Tlîniftmaster 6 shown here-are Mrs. Vickeî-s Beatty of Duns-' Nestieton was well repre-,fmufo qeznexrplizvwr fond speot Tuesday and Wed- t sented ai tht' Anglican Church faos ors1ezn xr uln oe nesdlay in Nestleton with tht' supper Saturday night and I out of every drop of gas! IHviands and Mrs. J. Fonder.1 also at the' Orange service andE Mn. and Mrs. Wm. McCabeiparade Sunday levening in Sq.1 1L !cson Sunday morning, and: Wy ~1TTr XallacE family presented a spent the' day with Mr. and' [I a V J.U.LVIJ.LLJj !table and desk to the church ýMrs. Clarence Werr-c.. i nhonor of their late father Anniversary Day guests at Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bas- tht' Rev. Thos. Wallace. They thebhome of Mr. and Mrs. Ross sett and son Mr. Kenneth Bas- lwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee were Mr. and Mrs. New-'-sett of Toronto were week-trGeorge Beare. ton Edgar, and Mr. Frank Lee tend visitors with Mrs. Geo. Our minister. the Rev. R. of Oshawa; Mr. Jamies \Verry, Ovens. C. White will take charge Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry andi Mr. and Mrs. Cieland Lane of the services at the United fainilv of Enniskillen, and Mr.! speni. Sunday with Mr. and, Church, Cobourg, for the and Mýrs. Brian Lee' and Susan.ý1 \Mrs. J. C. Moore of Hami-, month of July. Next Sunday, Mrs. Peter Wilson w'vas a'tOn. 1 July 2nd. the service in our patient in the Oshawa General Mr. and Ms Harrv Wade chuýrch will be taken by Mr. !Hospital this week, seî'iouslyI and several othiers accompan- Wilf red Huskilson of Cobourg. ril iii th pneumonia. icd Mr. Keith Burley -on a Monday. tp1 ufl MEMORIAL HOSPIT Misses Pauline and Ingrid t WEEKLY REPORP Pa en s Hod weekend visitons with Miss For the week of June 9 Mr.Snd ofGPonrypoolwereAdiso 6 'Kiddies Party an agtrMs n Vl its ae 4 female.68 The' Parents Counicil of tlic eke left on Friday for a holi- Diseharges. ............... 78 Oshawa and District Cerebral!' day back in their honîeland, Major 'operations......16 Palsv School and Clinic held Holland.E Minoi' operations ------- 26 ai deiightfullv, arranged part.\' Messrs. Dave Denault and Em-ergency treatiments ... 28 for the' children in Si Ce Ccil Burlev are spending a Hall Osh xva, on S n - of- xeek at M r. K eith Burley's V isiting lours 3 - 4 p.m . tH]1 cottage on Lakea Kenisis.-and 7 tb 8:30 p.m. ternoon. A picclc lîad beelicotaeo LkeKns.---- planned but du-btt' Mi- and Mrs. Russel Jones, - cenent .veather il was decid1- Miss Hazel Leghorn and Mr. FINE QUALITY cd to hold the p&rtvý indoor-s.iAllani Gould of Toronto spent1 MONUMENTS AND It xvas enjoyed bv 43. tic weckend with Mic. and MARKERS Mrs. Alber't Rose, Bowvman-î MS. elfo. R iee an. ie ville, xvas the' convenor. Vi- a cvca fom hldce inde EJ <t&ognmdW to c S nid a, R . L ov el cs s, -bot a p rese lt at o e d b O o o U cfOsîx~aS,îdJonBath- Frîdia>' evening for Mn. ,and! IlSTAI7FORD iwclOhawaa nde ohn r -Mrs. Everett Stapleton in thc2 r BiOS. iveel, Male ôoveard (tlleri0d1-i Fellows Hall. parents assisted with the en-' Miss Miidred Moise of Portl tertanmentand anies c:Hope suent the weekeîîd with j:ori ITht' event -as a great s 1-lIî. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. * cess. Balloons xvcre distribut-j Master Bruce Burley cofi cd to tht' children. Ho se-1 Port Hope spent a few days Safr shoes, a fish garnie.vva1kirng-wiith his grandmnother. Mcs. Utafod ro. d. races, and a nunibcc of in- Cecii Durit-y. His brother, Ro-i genious gaines xvere cnjoy-e(,!bert Burley was with his Monuments aîd every chiid rcceived a'aunt, MVrs. Donald Elliott. pri-ze. -Mr. and Mî's. Earl Waikev oY3 A delicious buffet supper anîd IMr. and Mî's. Melville 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby with fricd chieken and otlier' Joncs xvere invited to attend Phone Whltby delectable dishies was seî'vcd a dedication service at Greeîî- MONhawk 8-3552 hy tht' Parents Council. 'hank on Sunday xvhen tht'e _____________ If you do stoy home, make sur@ the rocking choiris in goud rtoit!!i I à% Co-operators. Insurance Associatio n. r IAT'yS EXTRA IN THE GMC IUT NOT IN THE PRICE TAG rmtInoldiing arotEtEd door window glass roduces ctîipinz and brcaking. t Surdy dovotais-I; ep GOflO chors pertectly - 'gc, lwiie atWe-. Düt)l-vi .Jýluctioi "rlends t.allway up sideso ii-upbox-irtves tlkeCCtheC strflïtiV-lereits needet iiîost ! il ibis ýoiid new ( G-IC and tloct. il ecoll ui- ran! A ridle tliia(s bettcr eii,niered Io N 3Double-waih cab construction has husky~ reE nforcenîcnts, insulaled roof. 6GPAC Pickups have the finest quality rust. inhbitng, hip-resistant finish avaihable. rtargid grahiigl tailgate stands up 9 udrweight aI ciake othiers sag. îiî'tyoii and )your carguo. A frame that adds \ 'ars of soiid servicecIo cab and body life. V.i-:cj-r ho oxwn, casier t0 operate, easier 10 maintain k, G-MC l'ickups arc casily today's best light truck Valtic! Drive one today-at your GMC dealcr's. MOTORS LIMITED Bowmanville MA 3-3321 e'ý WPIilNrbliýay, JUINE; zutn, 195: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO rT7qr 9ý.qflh- initi ;l Ml Bowm'anville