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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1961, p. 4

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PAGE TOUR TEE CAMADLM~ STATESMAN, BOWMAKVILLE, ONTARTO WEDNESDAY, JUNE !Stii, 1901 EDITORIAL COMMENT Mosport Lives Up to Its Billing While the sleepless residents along Liberty St. and in Tyrone might flot agree that it was wonderful, even they will admit that Mosport Park's opening day certainly more than lived up to the expectations of the mest optimistic. While most news reports estimated the crowd at 40,000, we feel quite confident that the figure was much dloser to 50,000 or even more .. . and there was plenty of room for double that figure, if only they could have found roads to get there. We were especially pleased that Attorney General Hon. Kelso Roberts came by helicopter to open the event, because it gave him an excellent view of the highways blocked by bumper to bumper traffic for as far away as 10 to 15 miles from the track. When he reports what he saw to the provincial cabinet and when the hard-pressed pro- vincial police give their version of the chaotic conditions which existed, there shouid be some fast action to take care of similar crowds in future. The road situation is obviously beyond the financiai capacity cf any township, ai- though Clarke has done a magnificent job- of co-operation at great expense and Darlington has also helped al- though they will not receive a cent of taxation. We believe that corrective action sheuld be taken quickly to ameliorate the road problem before the next big meet, with the province bear- ing the expense. After Saturday, Mo- sport should be considered one of the province's most important tourist attrac- tions and be treated accordingly. Locally, many people will have te adjust their thinking concerning this magnificent venture situated se close to us. Net only Bowmanville, but the entire area can come alive due te Mo- sport's impact. As it was on Friday night and Saturday, almost every bit cf accommodation throughout the district was f illed by visitors and many more went f ar afield te find a bed for the night. Think what this will mean when later on, the one-day events are spread te weekend activities with the whole area being f illed with visitors from all over Canada and the United States for a three-day period. There is a great deai to be done, flot just at Mosport where facilities were overtaxed on Saturday, but in Bow- manvilie which se far has been the park's local headquarters. We can visualize The Flyîng Dutchman twice its present size, with a larger dining- reom, double the room capacity and se on. We can aise see that, if we are te be the hub ef the Mesport wheei, that cocktail lounges and liquor licences for dining-rooms will aise have te come be- cause these visitors, while net demand- ing these taken-for-granted services in many larger centres, will expect them 1 here. We can aise see where service. stations and refreshment centres mnay1 have te remain open ail night te take care cf those on their way with their tents and families te the Mosport Park camping grounds. The nevelty and souvenir business cennected with Mosport Park shouid be one of the most flourishing commercial enterprises within a short time because the sports car foleowers are tremendous savers. Many who have followed these meets for years have every program carefully stered away for reference purpeses. In the stores they were ask- ing for souvenir postcards te send back home, and there were none. There is a great opportunity for someene te seli flags, banners, hats, buttons and a million other items that one sees at similar affairs in the United States. One cf the biggest items sold in local stores was film fer movie and stili cameras. Several reported increases mn these sales amounting te several hundred dollars. We have just mentioned a few ways in which we shaîl have te adjust our attitudes if we are te play our part in this Mosport enterprise. Who knows what this will mean iong-term-wise te this area? It might weil be the bon- anza that any community dreams cf. Yet, one indiscreet act could ruin ail the work that has been done te make these people welcome. Along this line, we suggest in ail sincerity and with ne re- flection on the police that the Chamber of Commerce and Council get together te make a special ruling on parking meters within the tewn for the big Mosport weekends. Instead cf $1 fine tickets on the windshields during those periods, iet's place courtesy cards wel- coming them te Bowmanville, the Friendly Town, where they are welcome any time. They'll save those and re- member the good time they had here. Aise, let's do our utmost te ensure that every visiter te Mosport is treated fairiy, squarely and pleasantly in our stores or on the streets. Speak te them if you know them or net and make them feel at home. They are strangers here and will welcome such kindness. Heip them with their problems if you can and don't leave it ail te the members of the Chamber of Commerce. Mosport could be the answer te some cf our ,Nation problems. Certainly, if we handle it properly, many more local people will have money in their bank accounts te pay their taxes than would otherwise be the case. We are net lecturing anyone in this editorial, mereiy trying te point out again and again that these folks who are coming here are, in the main, wend- erful folks. There will be exceptions te the rule, but those we have encount- ered are decent, honest, good-living types who happen te love sports cars. Saturday's amazing show was the big opening. Mosport is here te stay and grow bigger and better. Let's con- tinue te do our best to become an essential part cf it. June is the month cf the tenth decennial Census cf Canada, just six years before the one hundredth anni- versary ef Confederation. Most citizens will be asked about 50 questions by the Census officiais. Many of these questions were reproduced in the May "Monthly Letter" cf the Royal Bank cf Canada. Twenty-six questions are asked about the people in your family; other questions deal with housing, salaries, investments, etc. As the Royal Bank "Monthiy Letter" points eut, the honour cf taking * the first census, in the modemn meaning cf the term, belongs te Canada. It was in 1666 that Jean Talon, the Intendant cf New France, toek an officiai census of the Colony te measure the increase in population that had taken place since the founding of Quebec by Cham- The Canadian Motorist makes a good point about the responsibility cf the motoring public in its iatest issue. The comment is entitled "about our vandal fnriends" ... the kind who steal soap, tewels, tumblers and just about anything that is movable from hotel and motel rooms. These fiends burn holes in sheets, are rude te waitresses, and leave service station washrooms in a terrible state. They steal iight f ixtures, toilet rolîs and paper toweis toc. According te motel, hotel, service station and restaurant operators this is a faim sampling cf the travelling pub- lic's behavieur. But, of course, says the Canadian Motorist, these examples Utj %anabian JOHN IC LJAMES oES-PM plain in 1608. Talon's enumeration, recording a total cf 3,215 persons, in- cluded the name, age, sex, marital status and occupation of every person. Canada's rate cf natural incrense- that is, the excess cf births over deaths -is ameng the highest in the world. In 1958 our rate was 19.7 per 1,000 popu- lation compared with 14.8 for the United States and 4.7 for England and Wales. In every year since 1951 our rate has excceded 19 per 1,000 population. In the eight years 1952 te 1959 inclusive, a baby was born in Canada every seventy and one-haif seconds. The average was 446,226 a year. The Royal Commission on Canada's Economie Prespects estimated that in 1980 Canada's population will total 27 million, an increase cf 70 per cent ever the f igure for 1955.-Outlook. don't apply te you ... and they certain- ly don't apply te us . . . You and 1 behave when we are travelling, wnites Editor Don McCuaig cf The Renfrew Advance. Who is te blame? Why the Gen- eral Public is . . . none of us will accept responsibility for this chamacter al- though we are ail part cf it. Well, as the writer points out, it is time that everyone did accept a little responsibilîty for the vandalism, petty theft and vulgarity. Certainly theme are shortcomings in many places that the travelling public visits but these den't excuse bad behavieur. Damage cests money and in the long run, ail must pay. ïtt#Ma GEO. P. MORRIS Bumu ML Ontario's Transport Minister Leslie Rowntree helps Laurie McFaIl eut out her new safety game while Kerry Esling and Ross Pugsley of Etobicoke's Kipling Grove School take a lesson. The safety game is designed to entertain the chiidren while reminding them of the practical rules for traffic safety. For the thirteenth censecutive year the Transport Department and the Department of Education will distribute one million of these surnmer safety reminders te Ontario't school children. A portion of the safety game is shown at lef t. Stiîl the favorite t weddings, the Merrie o! June represents th( or turning point, in ti o! hordes of young peo too late for warning year, but perhaps av advice te, those who hai cd into the quagmire( niage would net be an I wouldn't dream c ing suggestions te a s.i a scientist. I would qualified. But 1 haver tation in spcaking ni about matnimony. Thi tember, I shail have i jeicing in domestic b] fift'cn years, and I he scars te prove it. Oh, they're flot al Although 1 dldn't ge broken noGe in the ri wife hit me wlth a te]i Nor Is that lump just o left ear the remains of war wound. It was pu by a plate bcdf, potatoes and served dlrectly monm -itove, across a ten-fo chen. No, many cf the4 IBllWINQMIl SUGAR - andl SPIcIEI By Bill Smiley ime for 'wounds are hiddeu cnes. They L, Month lie in iivid stripes across my e cisis, inuer self, like the welts ou Lhe lives the back o! a freshly-fiogged ople. It's sailor. They secm te have la- igs, this bels. Let's sce what they say. word o! This oue reads: "You're ab- ive leap- selutely useiess as a father." o! mar- And this one: "Why do you niss. humiliate me like that iu >f offer- front o! our friends?" This Lunger or punpiish eue here reads: "I'd dn't be have becu a lot bappien if I'd ne hesi- neyer seen you." And this ight eut eue: "Why can't you act like ais Sep- a normal, human being?" bccn ne- These are the old scans that liss for throb wheucver the storm iave the clouds appear on our domes- tic horizon. It is te save thc visible. neoiphyte from such wouuds ret thal, that I propose te offer a few Ing. My simple suggestions. These will lephone. be for men only. Womcn net ver my only don't need any advicc, ran old but wonI-t take it. They have ut there a buiit-in conviction t ha t g noast whateven they do or say i gravY, right. n the* * ot kit- Al night, chaps. Pencils1 ready. First, know your eue-i my. This advice alone wili deepest prevent you from learniug it In the Dim and Distant Past From Th, gtatesman Files 25 VEARS AGO (JuIy 2. 1936) Mr. J. F. Gorman, Manager of R. M. Hollingshead Ce. is golng to Camden, N. J., and will his family bac'k with hùm te reside in Miss Greta Wickett's house. Col. Edwy W'hite, Coral Ga- bles, Calif., was in town Mon. day and Tuesday renewing old acquaintances and visiting the haunts of his youth. He was guest of his cousin, Miss Emn- ma White, Welli.ngton Street. Mr. R. N. Ainslie, B.H.S. teaching staff, is spending a few days at his home at St. Marys previous to leaving with his mother on a trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cotton and Helen left on Tuesday for a month's holiday at their summer cottage at Four Mile Lake, near Burnt River, Hali- burton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergu- son who have been residing with their son, Rev. Clarence Ferguson at Northport, have returned to town and will oc- cupy their residence on Lib- erty St. J. R. Moore, formerly of Bowmanville, is giving up his jewelry business in Port Hope and is taking over the grocery store which has been operated by J. E. Minns & Son. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Early, Saskatoon, Sask., have been visiting her father, Mr. Roger Fishleigh. Miss M. E. Stedman, B.A., Is holidaying at her home in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cav- erly and Misses Georgina, Jo- sephine and Elba are on a motor trip ta Bowsman River, Man. Me!Ïssns. F. W. Nelles, T. H. Knight, Mayor W. R. Stnike aud Geo. E. Chase o! the Pub- lic Utilities Commission arc lu Ottawa this week attend- ing the couventon o! Associa- tion o! Municipal Electric Utilities. The engagement is anneun- ced o! Rena Jessie, second eldest daugbtcr o! Mn. Byron Farrell and the late Mrs. Fan- rell, Tynene, te Mn. Peter Bathgate, eldest sou o! Mn. and Mrs. George Bathga te, Bowmanville. The marniage te take Place at Tyrone United Church, August lat. Newcastle: Messrs. Clinton Burly and Ray Brown are home frein their noad con- struction work a! White Riv- eKendal: Messrs. Evan Quan- trill and Leenard Falls are spontiug new cars. Courtice: Mr. Eric Fonde eujeyed a motor cycle trip te Ottawa visitiug bis brother, Supt. P. R. Fonde. Tyrone: Miss Viola Short! left Satunday menuing for Brechin whene she bas secur- cd a position for the aummer 49 VEARS AG(' (JuIy 4, 1912) rMiss Elva Andrus is visiting sHamilton fnicuds. Miss Miidned H. Johuston is with fniends iu Toronto. Mns. John Grigg and Miss Muriel Dech attended the Wil- cox-ýMaynard wedding lu Ton- e nte. Mr. F. R. Young, teller o! sthe Bank o! Montreai, is holi- daying at bis home lu Syd- ney, N.S. Miss Frances E. Couley o! The Statesman staff is at- tcudiug Albert Coilege sum- mer school. Miss Iva Blcwett and Mn. G. R. Boutillier are hoiidayiug with bis parents at Kingston- on-the-Lake. Mr. Charles H. Frauklin, Detroit, Micb., bas been ne- viewing thc scenes o! bis eanly boyheod iu bis native towu aftcr au absence of 26 yeans. Mn. J. McMullen, Washing- ton Place, was struck ou the head by a plank Dominion Day, makinýg an incision about cight luches lu lcngth. A youug child of Mr. M. Burns swaiiowed a cent Sat- urday evening sud was taken te Toronto Sick Children's Hospital wbere the obstruc- tion was remnoved. The Seymour Powen Co. are loaniug on thinty-days free trial, the best electric mron made. Mn. E. Y. Joues, Regina, Sask., is visiting bis father, Mn. W. J. Joues. Miss Vida Wordeu is home fromn Normal School, Peter- bore. Miss Ethel Bantlett, daugh- ter o! Rev. S. F. Bartlctt, Ton- ente, and granddaugbter o! Mr. John Hellyar of this towu, bas complctcd ber Higri Schooi teaching course aud accepted a position on the staff e! Hanniston High School. An incident o! cousiderable iuterest happened uuexpectcd- ly Thursday afternoon at the resideuce o! Mrs. Andnew T. Penningtou, Horsey St., when four agecj ladies met and took tea at ber bospitable home, whose ages tetalled 348 years. They were Mrs. W. Petbick aged 95 years, Mrs. S. Con- uish aged 88, Mrs. John Hel- yar aged 83, and Mrs. Richard Bnimacombe aged 82. They wene all hem in Devon or Cornwall, England, and are all gifted by nature with great freedom of speech. Euniskilien: Mn. Frank Mc- Marnn lest a valuable cow re- cently. Solina: Mn. Wm. Werny was thnown f rom bis buggy near Rosa' cerner nonth o! Oshawa Tuesday fenenoon, his herse beiug frlghtened, by an auto that came too, close in passing. the hard way, in many a brie! but bloody skirrmish. Know that within that deli- cate skin, that dainty form, dwells somneone who ls just about twice as tough as you are, physically, mentally, and every day in the week. Know too, that within even that soft, buttery little thing who looks se hclpless today, iurks the firc-breathing dra- gon o! toymorrow. -ow. il f van r"Ilzc bil. u are oui-gunned, ye-u're off on tt# the right foot. What do we do cL et e when we face superior arma-iBx47 wmnleOt ment? We run? No, no. That*s Bx47 ovavle n Jurt the trouble. A lot o! fel- June 26th, 1961. 1 - -- IE &Ioungrnan !s Columa In the past, citizens of Dur- ham County have neyer been reticent about praising the excellent brand o! people pro- duced here, or o! the county's splendid contribution te the general econorny o! Canada, and thcre's no valid reason why the present crop of Dur- hamites shouldn't do a bit of justificd boasting. At Millbrook, is a maxi- mum security institut i o n, whose inmates mnake the lic- ense plates for cars registered in Ontario. Thcy aise publish books, set in Braille, whlch enable sightless people te "rcad," and cnjoy. In fact, these highly-skilled "shut-ins" have produced 2,000 books duning the fourteen months that the schcme has been in operation, and the high pniced help o! the Dept. o! Prison Reforms are mulling over the possibility o! speeding things up by installing electnically eperated linotype machines. LOn the lîghter soils, our farmers grow potatees that can scldom be equalled and neyer excelled in flavour. The Durham County grown tobacco is cagerly bought up 1by the processing companies 1 because o! its excellent quai- ity. People, in far away cities of the United States, demand the well shaped, nicely col- lows who have startcd run- ning ln the first inonth of marniage have been on the run ever since. No, what we do is out- manoeuvre the enemy. We neyer risk a fr.ontal assault. We probe the weak spots. We depioy our forces. Wc use stcalth and deception, guerrilla warfarc, hit-and-run tactics. We place spies ln the enemy camp. A fcw exaruples mighti clarify these basic ruies. Hlow, do we probe the weak spots, for example? Well, first we have to find them. Every woman alive is suspectible to flatter y, znd every woman ls born wlth a certainty that she hais Impec- cable taste. Start from there. If you can't bring yourself te offer a flattering remark abo-ut her dress, haîr or figure - 1 mean if shc's a real old bat - praise ber cooking, or the way she siaps the klds or cuts the lawn. How de we deploy our forces? Simply by neyer be- ing caught without fnesh ne- sevs tLaraIw Von, Iiew posi- -Dean Mn. James: tiens te withdraw te. If she says, "That's youn third beer," On finding mysel! bunden- we retont, "Yeah, but I didn't cd with "bec!" that I caunot have any yesterday." We eat, I would like te air it. neyer just answcr, "Se what?" Piease-if you can possibly This would be iskiug every- find this worthy of The Sta- 1thing on a direct trial o!f tesman, I will be very grate- strnugth. fui. My "bec!" is dog. Guernilla warfare? T hl Whcn dog central was lu- stituted, stringent measunes consists cf hitting the cuemy wene necessary. But I have whcu he is off balance, or net rao ebleeta hsi leknor unprepancd. Pre- ne longer truc. And while I fenably from behind. lhave no objection te dog con- For examrple, yeu have daue trol, 1 do, strougly reseut, ail your chones withcut a some o! thein metbods and >whimpen. You have kept the the exorbitant fines. kids stnictly inlu he. You have Last wcck we received tossed 'ber a couple o! unsoli-i thnough the mail, two sum- cited compliments. And yOu nuons with fines, for a total of have just pnesented bier with sixteen dollars. an expensive gift on hienr As charged, we wene guilty, birtbday, on Motber's Day, or a ntepeiu onn liust (uk) because- you love1 aur dog had becu loose for bo; slightiy more than onc heur, Now you stnike, liard and land 1is tag wvas outdated. tru, ith"W'llony b.gne Fac s, are the only consid- three days." Even a wife can't eration. (Extenuating circum-1 cope with this guerrilla ap- stances a! man or dog being proach te a fishing trip with inadmissible). the boys. We have had this dog for1 eight ycars and have neyer( Hit-aud-run tactics requins faiied te buy a license or hadi little explanation. You bitlintentions o! doiug ctherwisc.i with the thundenous ultima- Last ycar early in Apnîl. tum that "By George, woman, we applicd for a license aud1 it's time ycu leanned the value were told that the tags hadi a! money." Then you run te not yet arrîvcd. It was boughti your wonksbop lu the bas e- on Apnil 2lst. Now wc are toid meut. You can use the kid that the dog liceuse is due in1 as spies in the eneny camp.Jauuary.1 cm. Last year a frieud had bis3 But wateh thcm. Like aIl dog pîckcd Up and taken te spies, they're treac h eno us, the pound, it was uuiicensed. . and you mlght find they'rej He retrievcd it for a total cfE wonking for both sIdes, four dollars. Three ycars agoc There, I've nun eut of space a man deliberately poisoued1 and barcly scratched the sur- severai aogs. Some o! themi face. I guess lil bave te put werc vaiuable. Ours, throughT this advice out lu pamphlet a series o! coincideuces,t form. Just a parting word though stnickcn, survived. But% yeun feiow Alwys ave needless ta say, this caused a an air-tight alibi: neyer tr o !berahanyxes te win au argument wit.hO_1t a lot o! people. The manÉ gic: and Icave yoursclf lots v;ias fiued ten dollars. Bu1 rcem te move in a hurry. l Comparisous are adious. Bt ilooking for justice it wouldC -. seem that someone in con-f doning the elimination o! degs,r B ROWN' c rluct o fonege thist 1 do net believe ours te beV (Intended for last week) au isoiated case, but nathers Mr.ithat others, have been su!-3 Visitons with Mn. and Ms.fening lu silence.a W. Cail on the weekend were Another irksome issue, is Mn. and Mrs. W. Goodman and the haudling o! these fines. children, Toronto; Mn. aud If a person la guilty a! a Mrs. Jack Caîl also cf Torouto. parking offense he can go te Mn. and Mns. Ernie Caîl and the Police Station aud pay his Mr. P. Caîl wcne Suuday vis-: fine without fan-fane, while oured Scotch Pine Christmas Orono Park, wvith its recently trees grewn on the "Ridge"'. opened twelve thousand dol- Our County Forests have lar swimming pool. From been producing pulp wood, there, we jog through the barn poles, lumber and fuel Happy Valley back to Bow- wood for several years and manville ta see the new mus- may be confidently expected! eum. ta increase in valuable output The fact has alea$" been in the future. lests.blished that, in Mosport We, of course, are justly Raceway, we have one of the proud of the fameus apple-, greatest tourist attractions produced here, as well as the possible. But, as in by-gone Internationally known Hol- days, our greatcst asset is con- steins and Shorthorns. This i tained in our people wh., live newspaper is the most oft- and breathe and have their quoted Weekly In Canada. The beîng in this much blessed Goodyear Company employsj county. Where we have a many local people, to produce trairing scncGI for boys whe good quality rubberized geods. get 'off on the wrong track, AIl this Is besides the many,j and are being helped by a well managed, family typestaff of dedicaied people. We, farms that dot our beautiful who have ntxaded hospitaliza- countryside and of which i on, are grateful te the staff Durhemites are very preud. o! splendid nurses and doc- Wlthin our borders are tor.ç whc minister te aur needs three excellent recreat Io n, lu Memnorial Hospital,, D3ow. areas, respectively known as!rnanville. Much o! the fore- Sylvan Glen Garden Hill and going was ilot in existence Darlington hrovincia1 Park. when your scribe settlerlini How many counties are cov. the Pontypool area, forty-two ered by four darn good news- years ago. A recent tour of papers? There is no more de- Dur±'.am County by personnel llghtful drive anywhere in the o! the Counties' Forestry Cern- Province than up through mittee emphasized the fore.. Tyrone, east to the Durham going highlighta. The tour was Forest, a tninta Lookout Hili,larranged by aÀ staff mcniber east through the Ganaraska of the Dept. of Lands and Forest ta Keridal, west tc Kir-1 Forests, who actcd as guide by, south on Highway No. for the United Counties' For-. 35 Io the vcry beautiful Pro- estry Committee and your vincial1 Tree Nursery and 1humble servant. s1 es Dean Mr. James: A short time ago I received through the mail fnom Pari Hope. a Summous charging me eu twe counts (1) "Fail- ure to renew Dog Tag" and (2) "Allowing a dog ta run ai large", the total fines being $16.00. I admit my guiît, but feeJ that the penalty is toe severe, and would like ta bring the ruatten te the attention of your readers. A few years ago a bicycle rider au Liberty St., who was annoyed by dogs fed them strips o! poisoucd bacon, kil]- ing several valuable animals and rcccivcd a fine o! $10. The Dog Control Act ne- quires that dogs mnust be tied up at ail times. Any dog worthy o! the name o! such, requires exercise and I would be pleascd ta hcar fromn any o! My fcllow dog owuers who feel as I do, that it is time this By-Law was rcvised. Youns Siucenely, Edwin W. Berrill. Bowmanville, June 24, 1961. Mns. E. Cail is staying with her daughten, Mns. R. Simpsonu JMT A 8ECOND" for a holiday. Mns. J. Cunson returned te her home !nom the hospital ou Suuday, following an accident that had kcpt ber con!ined there for the past two wecks. She is stili canrying some nasty cuts, bruises sud a broken wnist. However, Ait l good te have you home, Mrs. Curson. Miss Donna McîInay bas ac- cepted a position in the office o! Goodyear Tire & Ruhher Co. at Bowmauviiie. The committee lu charge ofj MYwife's a good womsn, the H. & S. Club picnic on Sat- nhns oaarset urday met at the home o!fMrs.1a oetwmnarspc Eva McIlray on Tuesday even- sble woman. It'a very mono- ing te make final skrangements And draw up a programn. touous."l Lany penaty incurred by a dog saw a few large ra n che s 1must go through the court. stocked with the improveci Adding Insuit te lnjury. If our brceds, Aberdeen-A n g u s o! sixteen dollars couid contri- course. bute toward a "better deal for The long high steel bridge dogs" and their owners, I carrying the highway across 9would not count it as a legs. at D>ult-Superior provided, »I maîntain the dogs should be an eye-catclng panorama o! 1alowed a couple o! hours cf beauty, as v.ell as fine sample tfreedom each day, preferabiy of architectural iugcnuity. 9in the evening. Because every Temstvntudaset dog needs more exercise thaln Th oteetu a pn 1is possible from the end of a te date for we who have roe.neyer prcviousl me te re d r> e througli mountain terrain, was Although dogs are like our trip today th'rough Gla- pickled onions. "Some like cier National Park. The secm- lcm, some don't". They have ingly endîess journey upward been a part o! man's existence as the road twisted and turn- sfor thousands o! years, and o! around tortuous curveg ithe reasons for owning themn (sceme lcss ample than Mon- -are as varied as the choice. rees or Bardot but just as sWhile anc might choose the breath taking litcrally speak- impeccable podle te add pres- ing tee) te elevations up to tige te a suburban manor- 10,000 feet with sheer walls of another will lavish love on a rock and sometimes walls of little mongrel, merely because snow terwering up and aver hie kuows the most rellabie you on ene side urinating the rcmcdy for a dcflated ega highway with an incesy' ut can be found in a pair o! spray o! water te make - ha brown eyes, and a wagging descent even more n Pe- tal.wracking in places, oneon Surely there Is noue among the other side just a sheer us who would not willlngly drop downwards whei9e cars practise tolerance for a smali on the la'wcr level looked like portion of each day, and this flics waliking. These many could I belleve, have other rivulets of water rushing fan reaching e!fects. For tel- down te the river below te enance is one cf our world's provide an angry rusling tor- most needed commodities. re.nt of gneenish water cas- Youns Truly, cading down to the lakes be- (Mrs.> Reta M. Bennili. lWe ngtinalfins add that the greatest precau- Friday, June 16, 1961 tions had been taken te niake Kalispell Montana this hlghway safe with hun- drcds o! passing spots pro- Dear Editor: vided where ail but the chic- Weil here It la Friday and ken-livcre-d could enjoy the no "Statesmian" te squint at,- exhiiarating expe r i e n c e o! No Sugar and Spice (oun fa- breath-taking beauty coupled vounite we admit), ne Ed with space. Youngman, anothen favourite Bears apparently wcre pien- providing Ed isn't on one of tiful and tame up to a point. his "Conservation" binges (net One cinnamon-coleurcd1la d te be confused with "Conver- came up te the car, stood up, sation"), and no Editorlal insPected it, looking for a Masterpieces to arouse con- handout, and ur.ceremnoniously trove.rsy in c>ur muddlcd made an impolite slap at ny' mind. Also ne opportunity te cap. Since it was stili on my observe if any o! that junk hcad and I had ne intention peddled by the Yelverton cor- o! Mr. Bear goin.g around witla respondent escaped the blue a head tuckcd udcrneath hig (or is is the red) pencil. armr, particularly not if it wal Hal! the pleasure o!t taking mine, and the only anc I pos- a trip I arn toid is iu corner- sessed, I bclatedly closed the ing Borne poor sucker aud window none tee soon in or- boring him with tedieus de-! der te keep the lauudry bill tails. Guess who we electeci.' O! our associates within rea- Since departing the land ofc! orabce bounds. our birth on Monday a.m., we! Here at Kahispeil mosqui- have driven over 2000 iles tees are 50, plentiful that the or in terms o! the nicotine- municipality sprays this corn- mindcd smoked some 5 dozen mnity and charges them in cigars, consumed somie 100 their taxes for this service-_ gais. (more on less) o! gas and yc'u and I think our taxes our devoted Chevy, are hlgh. acquired one parking ticket In closing, eue service pro- which we neglccted to pay, vidd by North Dakota State and a -nice rich tan on one which could well be emulatcd left ara and prontinent pro. by our Ontario gov't. as an boscis, and thick calleuses on attnibute te those using aur yeu guess whcrc. Tempera- highways and te assist in at- ture has ranged frein go* in tracting U.S. tourists te, Car.- Sudbury te low 50* at nights, ada, arc Rest Havens just off and back up te nean î0 oo the highways, providing pic- day in Montana, doywu te 32' nic tables, toilct facilities in provided you had your head attractive shady wcoded copse, i one of the snowbanks Iu the compiete with teurist infor- mountains o! Glacier Park, mation o! the arca protected through whlch we today tra.- under glass fromi elc'nients, versed. gucst books, suggestion boxes, Roaa hve eenexcllei:etc., weil paiuted, clean-a for mnost pat-suitable fornaS agbe evc rct drivingfrein 5-70 m P ublic maintained by the High- heur after heur with excep- Aycoue o st.ysogn tien o! towns and mountain Acul !sft lgn country. Saw littie decenl, noted on feuce posts "The far cunry n S.. o ex-angels who watch ov* '%u frnute ryinaU.tSte. Maorewhen you drive, usually retire rout frm Salt te Mrieat 65". "Dim your lights be- tili we approached Minuesota, hind the car, let folks know,, and some of N. Dakota which was excellent. Here the fare how bright you are." scemed large and prosperous.' A few cute names crf places Many fields extended as far anLd things: Teaspoon Creek; as the eye couid see - being a village, Dollarville; Christ- short sighted possibly a mile mas Village (complete witlx Montana aIse has farming on Santa's Inn); Laughiug White a lage salebut onFish River, aud Kinukinnike, a lrgescle utmore inanotes prairie fashion appar e n t 1 y. an in yo fe watin Alse thousands cf acres de- Takn o o atn vOetot cattle ranches and a yOur valuable time on such few large flocka <of see trivia and best regards te aUl eral of 2-300) li a spot aiid uton C ores ndenn Yevr seemed te have suf!ered a bit tnCrepnet frein lack Of moite4,- ..~. qrpMlm-.i- lnVy..Avl. JUNE No other name cculd se attune, Itself te such a month as June. It makes me think cf skies cf blue, With golden sunshine ail day thmough. Pink apple blossoms deck the trees, 'Midst perfumed boughs, the hum of bees. The grass has neyer seemed se green And such a wealth cf colour is seen Froro blossemed hedges, fields, and woodf-I é4 The joyful songs cf littie birds. All Nature pulsing tewamd perfection, The final goal cf God's creation. -Marjorie Cunninghama Canada's Census The Vandal Friends Durham County's Great Family Journal Etablsh.d 107 em a go Ln 1854 Aise Incorporating The NewcstlIne Nends The N wa le Newsnen The Onono News Authoi.d cm Second Clam £&Wl by the Post Office D.pL, Otawag Produced avery Wednosday by JAMES PUEISHING COMPANY LIME P.O. Box 190 62-686Klng St. W.. Bowmanvlll., Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM ADYTO. MANAGIM SUBSCRIPTON RATES 8l 4.00 a Ye. stctly In advac. 8 5.00 a YOMr In the United Status M , lacommom r il: a monttis, PACM roux 'VMNICSDAY, 3UNE 28th, 1901 .riarvey Diaicoirn. Il TE£ CANADIAX STATESMAS, BOWMANVMIX, ONTARIO

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