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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1961, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, !9~? THE CAIq'ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO PAGE IIVU verend) N. Woon of Lowell, Former Local Mchgan, and the best man Whitby. Couple Hiave Mr. and Mrs. Alf Luke are partof he hirdof ivegen- erations of the family that 50th W ddinghave lived in this area. Mr. Luke's grandfather was the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Luke of first of the family in Canada, Mary street, Whitby, recently and the f amrily moved to what celebrated their golden wed- later became the town of ding anniversary with an at- Whitby in 1820.' home given in their honour Mr. and Mrs. Luke them- by their family. Over 200 selves have lived in Whitby guests were in attendance, most of their married life. fgi'j points near and far The famidly also resided in throughout the province Of Bowmanvifle for some years, Ontario. when Mr. Luke was a partner The programme included an in the garage company of afternoon open house, dinner, Luke, Boys and Cryderman on leaturing a second wedding King Street west, where the cake for Mr. and Mrs. Luke, McGregor Hardware is now and an evening open house. situated. A great many flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Luke have one sent to add to .the many gol- son, W. F. Luke, of Whitby, den gifts the couple received. and two daughters, Mrs. F. Tea was poured by Mrs. W. McSherry (Inez) of Barrie, G.Augustus, assisted by Mrs. and Mrs. A. Watson (Helen) Harold Boys, Miss Anne mil- of Kingston, and il grand- Jar and Miss E. Pirie. children. The couple were married at Mrs. R. Stutt and Mr. and the home of the bride's par- Mrs. D. Stutt, Bowmanville, ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Warier were present at the celebra- et Leaskdale, Ontario, on June tion. 7, 1911. The bridesmnaid was Bowmanville friends extend the former Mýiss Ruby Evans best wishes to the bride and of Sunderland, now Mrs. (Re- groom of fifty years. POPULAR CAMERA* CENTRE DEMONSTRATING the new mistake-proof Agf amatie JI full i automatic 35 mm camera takes P . fect colour shots every time Now you can take beautifu! colour or black and white shots-perfect every time with Agf amatie I the precision camera from West Germany. It actually adjusts itself-does everything for you, by electrie eye. It even tells you when there is ziot enough light to shoot. Ail you have to do is aim and push the magie lever. When you see the green corne in for a FREE demonstration Oniy $69.95 From West Gerniany's Iargest maker of photo equipment. O4>S,,FOR PICTURES YOU ÇAN'T WAIT Ta SHOW. LTt OUR $$$ BU Y MORE 4ýÀ iDraw Every Wee k THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE 0F YOUR ORDER FROM $5.00 TO $100.00 IN GROCERIES TO THE WINNER Last Week's Winner: MR. J. G. FERGUSON, Bowmanville SPECIALS For Your Long Weekend CHICKEN LEGS lb.Ç A AN CHICKEN BREASTS CHJCKEN DACKS CHICKEN WINGS - L,.25c m m 29C COTTAGElb. 45 c CANADA PACKERS - FULLY COOKED HALF OR WHOLE HAMSIl. 61 c SLICED, SMOKED BACON lb. 5 9C McQUINN'SNMA"' "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" MA 3.2431 55 ldng St. E. FREE DELIVERY on Orders Over $5.OO The reunion of the Bowmanville Hospital Graduate Nurses' Association was held on Thursday, June 8th in the Lions Community Centre. Representing classes from 1916 to 1941, 33 of the surviving 57 graduates were present. Dinner, served by Trinity United Church group with Mrs. Earl Osborne as convenor was thoroughly enjoyed by ail present. With President Mrs. Ron Aider officiating, a necrology service was held in memory of former superintendents Mrs. Mabel Bruce Evans and Mrs. Florence Smyth and six members who have passed away. Door prizes were won by Miss Emma Henders (1918), Janetville; Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson (1933), Newcastle; Mrs,. Marjorie MacDonald (1934), Cardinal; Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson (1939), Belleville; Mrs. Norman Allun (1916), Miss Frances Cryder- man (1924), Mrs. Howard Foley (1924) and Mrs. Glen Martyn (1925), ail of Bowmanville. Following a business session including the election of officers for the forthcoming year, the nurses enjoyed, Last week, 27 mnembers of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch in Bowmanville, embussed for a trip to Divadale Lodge, Toronto, where they distributed 110 parcels to the older veterans who have often been referred to as the "forgotten Grills, Valentia, Mr. and Mrs. nE -. George Graham, Suzanne and M+ 4- Hodgson, Bowmanville, were ar Report fro mvisitors during the weekend A. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- at lees and Gladys. pi Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills Cý W o m e 's I stit tes and Carolyn, Valentia, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and G KENDAL W.1. Mrs. W. Mercer showed Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sons. gl seine cohored slides which she Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe 13 The Kendal WlI. meeting had taken in Florida last have sold their farm. was held Wednesday evening, winter of beautiful gardiens Mrs. A. Balson is a patient R June 21, at the home of Mrs. and fhowers blooming tlere in Oshawa General Hospital. w W. Mercer with President while Old Man Winter reigns Her many friends hope her ai Mrs. E. Couroux in the chair. here. Mrs. Foster then held The meeting opened with the acotsWh ar " o condition wili soon show im- cotst Wh m ?, oprovement. ' Ode and Mary Stewart Col- guess the name of the person hect followed by the reading pinned to your back. The ar- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink M~ of the minutes. ticles for the travelling bas- and sons were Sunday tea Ci In the business period in- ket were auctioned off by guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char- th quiries were again made con- Mrs. Cathcart. ence Tink, Hampton. cerning sending old woollens Mrs. E. Couroux, Mrs. M. Mrs. H. Tink and Dianne fa for blankets. Mrs. Foster had Manders assisted byan Mrs. TnPer ta gets ofnMrse received no answer to her Mercer, provided a tasty fand , Hmr.ptcyDewei nd s letter, but others had receiv- lunch. The Juîy meeting will aiy apoo udy ed pamphlets so we wilh be be our picnic on JuIy 4, at Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ýc hoping to get together a ship- Lindsay. A vote of thanks ville, Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, ar ment soion. was extended to the hostess. Blackstock, visited Mr. and b) It was noted that the Sum- Mrs. E. R. Taylor. te mary day or 'FentringMrs. Frank Westlake Sr. Fruit" is being held June 24, muviteMran s.NFcar a1:30 at Garden Hill. We O IA Taunton. Si had wished to visit C.F.T.O. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- M~ for our W.I. outing this July The Sunday Schooi picnic lake, Gordon and Shirley visit- cý but they are not having any was held at Solina Communi- ed Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, tours there through the sum- ty Hall. The supper was en- Bowmanville. tu imer months. So after much joyed in the lower hall and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mitchell. 0 consideration, it was decided due to a downpour of ramn, Bowmanvilhe, Mr. H o war d w to holiday at Lindsay, Tues- the sports were held in the Westlake, Raglan, Mr. Jack day, July 4. upper hall. The results were Guy, Mr. J. Ovenden, Osha- B The penny collection was as folows-(Boys and girls of wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank ei taken up. During our current the two smalest classes re- Westlake Jr. and family. y evelits the items on the new ceived balîs): Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang-- budget came up for discussion. Doreen Westlake's class, girls maid, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lang- Th iol caîl was answered 7 ta 10 years, Sally Lanigmaid, maid and children, Mr. and by "An advice we could give Karen Yellowlees. Alma Lang- Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr. Wes our teenagers". This brought maid's class, boys 7 to 10 Werry and sons attended the forth many sound ideas such years, Philip Broome, James Langmaid picnic at Kedron on as-follow their parents' ad- Baker. Shoe Scramble, girls, Sunday. vice; don't quit school, get a 16 years and over, Marie Flett, Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmaid good education; choose and Jean Baker. Leap Frog, boys, and children attended th e keep good company; be inter- 16 years and over, Lamne Goyne family picnic on Sun- ested in sports or some whole- Tink, Ronnie Broome. Relay, day for supper. some activity etc. Doreen Westlake and Wes Mr. andi Mrs. Ralph Davis Mrs. Win. Turansky and Huis, Loraine Knox and Lloyd and Pat visited Mr. and Mrs. iMrs. H. Foster, conveners of Broome. Don Taylor's Cla-ss, Ed Davis, Oshawa, on Sun- 'Citizenship and Education, girls 10-16 years, Sheila White- day. chose as their mtt- "Most head, Carol Knox. Boys 10 to In the report of the re-af. of us owe our parents what 16 years, Donald Westlake, filiation service of the Ex- we owve ourselves and each Glenn Milîson. plorer and C.G.I.T. groups hast other." Reverend F. J. Reed preach- week we omitted to report the Mrs. Turansky gave a fine ed his farewell sermon on presentation of gifts to Mrs. paper on "Why teenagers get Sunday morning and conduct- Reed from each group, ini ap- out of control" by Ann Land- ed the communion sel-vice. preciation of her kind assis- ers and also one by a teexi- Don Taylor sang a most fit- tance througrh the eight years ager, "Your parents and you", ting solo which was appre- of their ministry here. giving the teenagers point of1 ciated. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett, Lin- view The shwed hat on-da and Marie-visited Mr. and sierableyloeudertatcndin During the manth of July Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, on sidrabe lve unersandngthere wiil be no church ser- udy and patience are required. vice. Promotion exercises forSudy Mrs. Foster read a poem en-teSudySho wilb James and Judith Drynan, tited Tha's ife, ad astheld ondJuyS23 and rl egular s h aw a, holidayed at J. titld "Tat'sLife, an alo hed onJuly23Kndor'ul. a short verse from our Home Sunday School will be held on KMr'.J.Keian Par and Country which seemed Juîy 30.Mreac . were at Orno Cerle to be ail too true- Sing aLec r aOon Cm. song of 'iV for the littie ones. The induction service for'tery on Decoration Day, Sun- Four and twenty gangsters aur new minister, Reverend iday, and also visited at Mr. L. packing tommy -guns. and iPercy Page, wili be held at: Barraball's. when the scenie is finished, !Hampton on July 28.j Mr. and Mrs. C. Myles, The blood is ankie deerj, Now i Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fea- isn't tha t a pretty tale to put Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Roy therstone-Haugh, Calgary, AI-i the kids to sleep? Grills and Carolyn, Mrs. J.lberta, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dow.' coloured movies taken by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martyn on their trips to Jamaica, California and Hawaii. Officers for 1961-62 are: Presi- dent, Mrs. Harland Truli; Vice-President, Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. Glen Martyn; Executive Committee, Mrs. Jack Brough and Mrs. John Borrowdale. Front row, lef t to right: Mrs. W. Lycett, Mrs. R. Widdecombe, Mrs. J. Emmerson, Miss E. Henders, Miss R. Hancock, Mrs. B. Dunn, Mrs. R. Aider, Mrs. J. Brough, Mrs. N. Allin, Mrs. H. Foiey. Second row, lef t to right: Mrs. M. MacDonald, Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. C. Tomiinson, Mrs. R. Bate, Mrs. J. Borrow- dale, Mrs. H. Trull, Mrs. F. Bray, Mrs. G. Martyn, Miss M. Young, Mrs. K. Squair. Back row, lef t to right; Mrs. L. Stephenson, Mrs. G. Cull, Miss F. Cryderman, Mrs. D. Boe, Miss V. Gay, Mrs. A. Perrin, Mrs. B. Wilcox, Mrs. D. Alldread, Mrs. A. His, Mrs. E. Cole, Mrs. T. Buttery. Absent when pîcture was taken: Mrs. H. Muir, Mrs. N. Wilkins. Many of these nurses are active in their profession. IM l. soldiers". They receivcd a wonderful welcome and report a most enjoyable time. A most grateful letter of appreciation was received from the Divadale recreation director. The parcels contained a great variety of foodstuffs, smokes, clothing, etc. ney, Bowmanville, visited at1i v. Mr. J. Kivell's. 1 Letter to the taitor Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and Francis, Mr. an*d Mrs. 114 Cottinghamn St., Toronto. Arnot Wotten and children jn 4 91 attended the Wotten-Powell Jn 4 91 picnic at the Cream of BarleY Dear Sir: Camp on Sunday. As a property owner at East Helen and Pat Knox and Beach for many years and Gaau Baker were Thursday with a great desire to see ,uests at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowmanville go ahead, I wish Bradley's. to congratulate you on your Jean, Ronnie and James efforts to put Bowmanville Baker were Sunday visitors on the sports map due to with Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson Mosport. People in Toronto of and family, Bowmanville. my acquaintance are all Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, showing a desire to know Toronto, Mrs. Bella Shortt, more about this town. Such Messrs. Luther and Walter, of as where is Liberty St., any Courtice, visited Sunday with boats down there, any place the Werrys at Roselandvale. to park etc. Maybe nothing Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilson and much will corne of it aIl but family, Whitby, visited Mr. at least Mosport will be a nd Mrs. Stan Milison and name to remember and you sons.are identifying Bowmanville with it. The banners from the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- Highway and the information co mcr accompanîcd by Mr. truck were an excellent idea. and MIrs. E. Cryderman left I attended at the track before by motor on Sunday on a trip the officiai opening as I had to the West Coast. to work opening day and was Mr .anl Mrs. Jackson Wray quite thrilled with it ahl. nd daughters, Oshawa, werc ;unday visitors with Mr. and Coming to Bowmanville, /Irs. Ross Cryderman and Saturday night between 6:30 children. -7:30, 1 was amazed at the Miss Helen Knox has re- traffie going west. I believe turned to rlursing- duties at Blowmariville should continue Oshawa Hospital after thrce efforts to make racing fans veeks' holiday. feel we want them here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Yours truly, Blackstock, were recent cali- rs with Mr. and Mrs. HarveyEdad igel Yellowlees. - dadGnel Graduate Nurses Hold Annu al Reunion Here Legion Ladies Raise Funds For Hospital An enjoyable bingo was held at the Legion Hall on Saturday evening by the La- dies Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion. Proceeds are to go toward the furniture and equipment for the four bed ward to be donated by' Branch 178 of the Legion and the auxiliary to the new wing of Memorial Hospital. Comrade Jean Burton and 2nd Vice President Edythe Rundle were I-Eastcized shirring prevents -Mappin'... adds ta comfort. 2-New fiat scamiess shoulder straps have elasfic inlserts ta pre- straifl. . 3-Eiastic insert in waistband breathes with you and won't tail up. '4-V.Eiastic back1 clos ing dives tWO.Way con tri. .1 Film Shown At St. Paul's WMS Meeting: The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of St. Paul's Unit- ed Church met at the manse Tuesday, June 2Oth. Mrs. Da- vid Armnistead, the president, welcomed me mbers and guests and conducted the business session. "Workers with God" was the theme of the worship ser- vice. A film strip, "Beyond the Bell", took the place of the study period. The supply secretary re- ported that five bundles of clothing had been forwarded to Toronto. There is still a need for used nylons for use in Korea. Please save dis- carded hose now for the bale li the Faîl. The literature secre t ar Y, Mrs. Kenneth Werry, urged the members to keep up with their reading during the sum- mer vacation. Mrs. Turner served coffee and cookies. Next meeting September l9th. I T M REGD. * of Bowmanville King St. E. MArket 3-5451 co-convenors of the event. Jack Knight was the able caller. Those who assisted were President Mille Bates, Past President Florence Knight, Treasurer Ruby Pal. mer, Secretary Helen Wallis, and Comrades Jane Hicks, Evelyn Butler, Thelnia Little, Rena Bathgate, Nancy Colmer and Ruth Osborne. A draw was held for a $10 permanent wave donated by Mrs. Marion Hayes. Cornrade Ada Butler sold the tickets. The lucky winner was Mrs. Walter Hately. Tickets for the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Draw to take place in September for 10 at- tractive prizes i aid of the Legion's room at Memorial Hospital were sold by Com- rade Hilda Humphrey. It's bad enough to be a quit- ter. But it's worse to finish something you neyer should have started. Legion Ladies Take Parcels to Hospitalized Veterans 1BOND sT..O-~.R.-9 1% at aHONEY of aprice You can't he)p but love $2.50 what this bra does for your figure! Skillfully desi'gned for per- fect fit in fine embroidered broadcloth with high priced features. Sizes 32-36 A, 32-38 B, 32-40 C cups.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO VRDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, 1961 PAGE n"

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