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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1961, p. 1

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Buy From Local Stores It Pays! _ b % rn4bar tatmuan Durham County's Great Family Journal Statesman Telephone Market 3-3303 V-OLÛME -107- 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th. 1961 10c Per Copy NUMBER 27 *Nearly 200 Enjoy Junior Farmers First FamiI Night Big Holiday Event Increases in Toronto Rider Winner Of Bowmanville MlMoore, Ba,,anville Irv.Building Inspector, has issued Coveed K ye on Toph January lst and June 3lst this year. The total value of the construction for which these ~permits were obtained amount- Mosp rt C cle ace d to $287,776. Mos port Cycle Rueais of four ,building permits, and addi- -J 3portPark held ifs first headed for the dirt, flew into only one was taken f0 hospital tional construction value of motorcycle races last Saturday the air and lit in a heap while wt possible dsoctd$82.092 compared to the first ~' and its future in this field as the riders wcre doing fancy shoulder. After a few minutes six months of last year. From well as in sports car races, oesutunithyo cm to regain their breath, the oth- January lst to June 31sf, 1960, seems assured. Riders were someasalts uniy tomes pc ers rose to their feet, gathered there were 61 building permits most cnthusiastic over its manytoaai. Mn tissec their gear and Ieaded for the issued in Bowmanvillc for chnlcningconer an, fomtators were horrified, expecc- St John ambulance which by- construction arintming' te thaengfeq e sîsan fof ing thé thrown cyclisf s t e thiime had raced to the spot. $205,684. them will have much more killed as thc force of their lm- The bike either remained at resect for it in future. pact seemed more than flesh (UNT AtSVN Crn hand for the aftcrnoonýaind blood could survive. But, TNTOPG.EE> MERCHANTS CONFUSED events was a crowd estimafed' r.. i The holiday on Saturday bcfween 4,000 and 6,000, con- ,. ada resulted In a hodge podge of siderably less than the 40,000 o a ad a o ory ls confusion here concerning who turned ouf to see the inter- ecat'soehu. nationalsotcadrvsa' Some werc open Thursday ,hr ieago. But, thosi evcning as reported in ad- who werc there were loud in vacei ti pve n e their praise of tIc event, many s ncsday. Others wcre closed, considering it more thrilling ý but ail were open for custom- than the cars. ers on Friday evcnlng and Cerfainly, the riders did their 'V closed ail day Saturday. tfmost ta pîcase the crowd, ai- Next year, posslbly ad- though many o!f hem probably vance agreement cau be r didn'f intend to. There wcre obtaincd so there wlll be Iiferally dozens of spilîs as the sm nfriy racers miscalculated t h ei r sm nfriy info or coming oufto! neofD' themay elierteýy asy eco ration r miles an hour, fIe machines1 LIBERALS PREPARE At an executive meeting of the Durham Liberal As- sociation held at Rtussell C. Honey's home in Port Hope recently, plans for a nomin- ating convention in Septem- ber were discussed. The candidates' committee also reported having inter- viewed a number of pros- pect.s, several of whom have Indlcated their willingness to, present themselves as federal candidates at the convention. Arrangements for a top speaker are now underway. Bill Sharpless, Toronfo, one of Canada's top motorcyclists, won several preliminary event s, but failed ta corne in the money in the Kaye Don trophy baffle. Wearingr his familiar number one, he displayed greaf skill in handling fhe several makes of mofor- cycles he rode during the affernoon and was caught here by our phofographer just as le came screaming around one of fhe sharp corners. T rack Marshalls Come to the Rescue Ilervice This Week TIc annual Memorial and Decorafion Day Service spon- sored by Hîs Worship, fIe Mayor, tIc Town Council, and Branch 178 o!f te Canadian Legion will be held this Sun- day affernoon in Bowman- ville Cemetery. Members of Branch 178 of fhe Canadiian Legion led by tIc Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band will march from the Le- gion Hall at fwo o'clock and proceed fa the Ccnofaph and the Town Hall where others will join fIe parade. A charfered bus will leave from the Bowmanville Pub- lic Library af 2:30 o'clock f0 provide transportation for those members of fhe public who would like to drive fa the cemefery. There will also be a char- tered bus schcduled fa Icavp tIc Legion Hall af 2.15 o'clock on Sunday affernoon. If will take members of thc Ladies Auxiliary f0 the Canadian Le- gion. and also any members o! Branch 178 who are unable fa march, f0 fhe cemctery. The Memorial and Decara- fion Day Service at Bowman- ville Cemefery will sfarf af three o'clock wîen Mayor Carruthers will give the Cal f0 Worship. Prayers will be said by Padre J. A. Living, Sr., tIc Leglon Claplain and Le- gion President James Wood- ward will le tIe Responsive Reading leader. Steven Say- well, Oshawa, will be the special speaker. CHOOSE NErW "MISS ORONO" \ Atf fhe annual dance at Orono Hi-Teens club Ield re- cently, Miss Gaylc Willis, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph WîlIis, Orona, was cIa- Knocked ouf cold, this rider, K. King of Hamilton, was anc of those who sen "Miss Orono 1961". Judge came a cropper in the Kaye Don Trophy race. His machine lef f the track wifh- mes Etrs. o! thwne. osîw ouf being damaged fao extensively, but the unfortunafe rider did a series of Times and wife of anc of somersaults, finally landîng against anc of the fence posf s. Track marshalîs Bowmanvillc's commercial es- fahe t render assistance, but there wvas na need. The k,ýder wa.s soon orn hi-ji tablishments, Jack's Smoke andafferinpecin hi vhiceclmbe aoar te abuanct b Snop. Miss Wîllis received her anffe npcighs eil,4ibdaordteablnet e1 crown !rom last year's winner, tak&% back fa fIe paddock area for a check over.1 Miss Margery Tyrrell. The 1961 edition of one of Canada's best read books, the telephone directory, is now on its way to telephone subscrib- ers in Bowmanville, J. W. Lowry, Bell Telephone mnan- ager for this area, said this week. The new directory should be used as soon as it is re- ceived, Mr. Lowry stated. Bell customers in Bowman- ville will receive 3,200 copies of the directory this year. To- tal circulation throughout the territory served by the tele- phone book will be 75,981, up 5,227 over last year's 70,754. Ail Number Calling, under which telephone numbers cach consist of seven numerals, is being introduced in Oshawa, Brooklin and Port Perry coin- cident with the delivery of the new telephone directory. Mr. Lowry said that be- sides the change f0 the seven- digit form of listing numbers in these three centres, there are hundreds o! other chan- ges included in-the directory. A good way ta avoid calling errors, he noted, is for the in- dividual subscriber toanmend his Blue Book o! Telephone Numbers, or other personal lists of teleplone numbers. Extra copies of the Blue Book may le obfained free from any Bell business office. ÇBtts and' Council May Take Over Mausoleum Bowmanville Town Council is negotiating with the owners, The Shaw Construction Co., f0 fake over fIe mausoleum in Bowmanville Ccmetery. Final negotiation depends on the prospective number o! crypts thaf rnay le wanted by local people in this mausoleum. The co-operafion o! anyone interesfed in obfaining sud a crypf ini thc future will le ap- preciated by thc Town Council. If asks thaf such persons fele- phone Jack Reid, the Town Clerk, af MArket 3-3379. Such felephone cals will flot obli- gate anyone in any Way. 9)Aeces SOME GROCERIES - An incident well worth a medal came ta our attention this week although it happened some time ago. Mrs. Frank Westlake of Solina and her daughfer were shopping at one of the local grocery stores. When they arrived home and sfarted to unload, they came across a bag containing $900 in cash and cheques. They phoned the grocer who was mosf grafeful. He had begun ta wonder where the money bag had gone. A sincere paf an the back goes to Mrs. Westlake for being Sa honest. t t t i. t UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT - On Saturday, July l5fh, Mr. and Mrs. James McMullen of Janetville were scheduled ta celebrate an event so rare that the preciaus gem people haven'f set aside a diamond, gold or anything else ta mark if. On thaf date they will have been married 70 years. The family planned a reception, but unfortunafely, lasf Thursday Mrs. McMullen broke her hip and is now recuperating in Oshawa Hospital. Their many friends will be hoping Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Mullen will sf111 be able ta have some sort of party even if if does f ake place in hospital. He is 94 and she is almost 91. t1 ~ FIRST STOCK IN - Bowmanville's newest estab- lishment, the liquor store on Church Sf., is about ready ta open. Huge trucks were backed up ta the rear doors on Tuesday, unloading what every- one wafching assumed ta be merchandise ta fill the shelves. As of this moment, no information concerning an afficial opening has been received, but some are hopeful samples will be given away, etc. Defails are also lacking concerning personnel who will be manning the store. One repart stated that over 50 applicants were seeking emplayment as clerks. NO FILM SHOW - The faîr-sized crowd which came ta see the moforcycle films at the Lions Centre on Friday evening failed ta enjoy the pro- duction. Unforfunately, the films did nat arrive f rom the United States. The chap who was bring- ing them broke a wheel on his car somewhere along the route and did flot arrive in this area until affer midnight. Projecfionist AI Fletcher missed ouf on an even!ing's garden culfivating, unfortunately, but probably has caught up with the fast-growing weeds by now. NICE WINTER - For the record, it should be mentioned that the weather has been unusually cold for July. Many residents have been burnîng coal, ail and gas furnaces for af leasf a few haurs a day to remove the excessive chill and dampness from their homes. If this continues, summer will have passed us by before we realize if is here. t t ft BIG PARADE - Many from this area attended the Dominion Day parade in Cobourg, sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of that community. They report the best evenf of ifs kind in many years, wifh many bands, superb floats and a generally good time. Ladies watch Mrs. Fairbrother make beautiful floral arrangements In staff Kenneth N. Morris As President of Rotary K. N. Morris was installed as president of the Bowman- ville Rotary Club for 1961-62 at the luncheon meeting held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Friday. Other offi- cers of the club for the com- ing year are: Keith Billett, vice-president; Stewart Mc- Tavish, secretary; and George Stephen, treasurer. The dir- ectors are John Bain, Dr. G. Edwin Mann, and George Vice. "One of the happiest dut- ies that will fal f me during my termn as president is the one I now perform," Mr. Mor-' ris stated when he spoke in praise of Past President Rick- aby's splendid service to the club. President Morris poinfed out that ever since his return f0 his home town he has been closely associated with Mr. Rickaby, first through the Chamber of Commerce and a. short while later through Ro-1 Ken N. Morris tary. He said that he counts himsclf fortunafe tf0 have served his apprenficeship un- der Past President Rickaby, and spoke of the valuable training he had received from hlm. President Morris then caîl- cd on George Vice as Zone Representative to present a Past Prcsidcnt's Pin to Mr. Rickaby. The Past President cxpressed lis appreciation of the thorough support he had rcceived during lis term of office from the officers, dir- ectors and members of the club. He extended his besf wishes to President Morris and thc incoming executive., President Morris stat e d fIat le found hlia imixed feelings o! pride, humility, confidence, and some appre- hension. "Just listen to this imposing list of former presi- (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) Former British Champ Wins Kaye Don Trophy In a spectacular moforcycle race af Mosporf Park on Safurday, Ivor Lloyd, 35-year-old crane operator from Toronto, rode a Norton Manx ta victory, closely followed by Bob Burnetf of Wenham on a Matchless G50. Lloyd is shown here receiving a silver fray, emblematic of fIe Kaye Don Trophy, from Lt. Col. Tony Miller of Montreal, the only man to win this award twice in the 25 years if has been up for competifion. The winner will also share in the $1,000 prize money. During the grueling 40 laps, Lloyd wore the toe of his right boot coin- plefely through, dragging if on the corners fa prevent a spili. FHe was the British Maforcycle Champipu in 1954. 1 1 -Z à .1

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