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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1961, p. 2

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PA~~ TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. .TULY 5th, 1901 Advertise in U.K. Short of Nursing For New Hos pifai The rnemrbers of the Board, îary, Mrs. Mason, and the other, of Directors of Memorial Hos- thrce auxiliary executives als pital prior to their monthly inspected the Nurses Resi- meeting last Wed., June dence. They were pleased to 2lst, toured the new wing. find that the housekeeping Those present were the chair- had improved considerably, mnan, Glenholme Hughes, Ja- but reported that much re- mes Stutt, Deputy-Reeve Ivan 'decorating needs to be done. Hobbs, Harry V. Cryderman, At the meeting of the Board A. M. Thompson, Rex Walt-ofDrcrshe opiaa- ers, Mrs. Charles Warren, Dar- mfinirator Bhernoar Hod-n ]ington, Mrs. Harold Gibson, minteaBernah rd opet ar Mrs. L. W. Dispeil committee chairman, Keith dend orftL. W. ons i- Jackson, gave the report of dent of themWomenHspiaxl this committee. It deait with iaryo! emoral estimate of $67 for repairs Three ther officiais of the to the roof and $78 for plas- Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. Stan- tering the Nurses Residence, ley G. McMurter, Ist vice- which had been given by Sel- president, Mrs. Duncan Smith, by Grant and R. L. Taft, and the buying convenor and Mrs. stated that tenders will be A. L. Hooey, convenor Of called for the redecoration of babywear, also toured the new that building if the board addition to the hospital. decides to have this work The president o! the auxil- donc. M0N E Y AVAILABLE FOR NGRTCAGES RALPH S. ONES Barrîster and SoUlitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 The meeting approved thec redecoration of the Nurses Residence within the next few menths, and empewered the chairman o! the propcrty cemmittee to att in this matter with the appreval o! the fin- ance committee. The chairman of the finance cemmittee, Deiputy - Reeve Hobbs presented his report. The payment o! accounts ameunting te $9,243.76 was authorized. Harry V. Cryderman, sec- ondcd by A. M. Thempsen, moved that the grounds com- mittee in consultation with, Blue Hydrangea DECORATION DAY SPECIAL NIKKO BLUE HYDRANGEA in bloorn, 3-year- old plants in 71/4 pots, hardy for planting out ...plant pot and ail ... and enjoy these beautiful shrubs for years to corne PRICE - s2.49 DROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES PHONE MA 3-3345 TOWN 0F BOWMANV]« PROCLAMA'a I, Wilfrid D. Carruthers, M of the Town of Bowmanville, heri SUNDAY, JULY 9t AS DECORATION I in the Town of Bowmanvi] and urge ail citizens to support the De at the Bowmanville Cemetery on t] commencing at 3:00 p.r For those wishing transportation ta bus will leave the Library at 2:30 WILFRID D. CK tere a d been 46 ajor opon,80 Atn year was truly educational.,up, Roy Anger. est points, Bob Gilkes; runI eraion, 8 mioropeatins, AttndAt Table Rock house we view-'1 Intermediate: Girls, highest tup, Barry Browes. and 70 visits to the emergencya ed at length the spiendour of! points, Margaret Werry; run- There was en interesting departmnent during May. 1111 D the Crown Jewels and the! ner-up, Pat Rudeil. Boys,halgreite trnn M.Holden reported that liO L magnificence of the Falls. highest points, Brian Jones; bail gaen the fesroon, ta tteregi aduot pate Tussaud's Wax Museum ac- runner-up, Wayne Cobbledick. Maple Grove. and Shaw's sen- werz41 dultpatentquainted us with character Senior: Girls, highest points, ior roomn. The resuit of the in the hospital. During the A chfroite dstat astto re Veronica Friedrick: runner- gamne as Shaw's 7 and Maple sent time. The Ontario Power up, Cro Taylor. Beys, high- Grove 3. W n onth 182 aduits were ad- Commission and its staff at - W U:: eritted, 55 pediatric and 45 AdIm eckNobellcroft u newborn. In aInel cr f up to date on the generation the finance committee la" esi hti a 7 feetiiy h hnig power to act regarding grad- aduit, 55 pediatries and 43 h uhm Cuny 4HGena, al rv lb positions of the fals- froin i ingandlevlin. Tis as ewbrn were discharged. Homemaking Club Achieve- Diane Martin, Maple Grove the Ice Age te the presentI laerioe carried. IThis left 48 aduits, one ped- mn a for the project Club with county Honours for was explained i n a mnovie, Mrs. Mason, chairman of the! iatric and eight newborn in ,Featuring Fruit" was held on the successful completion o! shown us. public relations commîttee re-1Ithe hospital at the end o! the Saturday, June 24th at the six units. Canadian History becam)e rral fml u ported that the series of ar-, month. Garden Hlli Women's Insti-. Leaders for the project as wve stepped back into thamey fu ticles on the hospital te bc tute Hall at Campbellcroft. "Featuring Fruit" in Durham early 1800's when John Gro- wrîtenforthepres b th ~ ighty club members partici- County were: Mrs. R. G. Pres- ves Simcoe built Fort GeorgeU administrator, Mr. roidenHospitral pated in the days programme, ton, Bethany; Mrs. H. GrylisadSrIacBokfuh l~ will commence in August aopla each girl displaying a Record Mrs. Ray Challice, Cavan; and died at Queenston Heights. Teappointment cf Dr:. I eely Reot Book, recipe file anda fruit Mrs. M. McAllister, Mrs. H' The uniforms, gncvla C. Anfossi te the medical staff W el e o desert which h ha made Thickson, Elizabethville; Mrs. clothing and actual living .wth nHF Trela Thseravth o! the hospital was approved FothwekfJue6- during this unit. Visitors te C. Elliott, Mrs. Wm. Dean, conditions of the regiment ai wt nHF rvla hsy ,hv h by the board. This action was Foth ekf June2 the afternoon program en- Garden Hill; Mrs. C. Green- the tîme were there. Sir Isaac's tinie of your lives with enough cash to cover taken on the recommendation Jly 2 inclusive. joyed the skits and exhîbits ham, Mrs. M. McMillan, Maple personal life was very nter of the medical staff.i Admissions --- -- . 56 which the club membens pre- Grave; Mrs. H. Boughen, Mrs. e te t us, as at the tm rvl oesadhtlsgteig iig Mr. Cryderman, chalrman Births, 4 maie, 5 female 9 pared, based on the subject Mel McHolm, Rosemount; Mrs. of his death he was engaged to do ail the things you've wanted to do for a long o! he uidin cmmite. r- Dacargs..........~matenial learned during this B. Hooey, Mrs. H. Pascoe, te a Miss Shaw who came perted that the construction M club. Topica ranged fnom Solina; Mrs. L. Skinner, Mrs.frm lak.te.YuItaelcereno nghtyu av o! the new addition te the Maon operations............ 12 "Varieus ways with one Fru- H. Stainton, Tyrone. This trip was made possible enough money . .. and that your loan is with folks hospital is pnegnessing fav- Miner operatiens............ 26 it" te "A club girl's break- Mrs. June Brown, County by the pupils who sold Christ- otrs:HCDopiorhnefrcueu, orabiy and is kecping up to; Emengency treatments ... 18 fast". Special awards were Home Economist for Durham, mas Cards and the generosity o rs:HC rpii rpoefrcutos schcdule.Vsinher 4pm. presented te Mrs. R. Preston Peterborough and Victoriao!teHm adScolCu. reliable service. Borrow up to $2,500 with up to The resden of he o- isiinghous 3 4 .m. leader o! the Bethany Club, Counties was in charge cf the We aise ewe thanks to th(, Theprsien o te o- and 7 te 8:30 p.m. horcie a Ladsip aySewsasstdbMiss mothers who accempanicd u,; 36 months ta repay. mes Haospintfa I Auîtierbo- Certîficate fer f ive years cf Lois Smith, Home Economist on the trip, Mrs. Thompson ard that the auxiliary's can- HAleadership in 4-H Homemak- for Ontario and York and Taylor and Mrs. Winnifred, Life insurance available at YD Ning Clubs, from the Ceunty Mrs. Marion Smith, Home Ec- Werry. Burley Bus Lines pro- vass will bc made on Scp-,l H Y O Home Economist. Mrs. Quan- onomist for Northumberland vided us with a sale and coin. low group rate tember l8th, and it is heped te) trill, President o! the East and Prince Edward Counties. fortable trip. raise at least $6,000 towands (Intended for last week) Durham District W.I. present- The Club members are look- iîeld Day the auxiiiary's furnishîng and Mr. and Mrs. Russell An- cd Dianne Bigelew o! the Be- ing torward te their new fall The weathenman sricitd - eciuipping ail the roins and derson, Barbara and Billie, thany club with hcer Provin- prelect "Separates for Sum- last Tuesday thus enabling HOUSEHOLD INANCE wards on the floor for chron- Port Hope, were Sunday vis'- cial Honeurs for participation mer". During this unit the teppl i u colt ic patients in the new wing. tors e! Mr. and Mrs Arthur in twelve 4thoeaigcubmmeswl a e shw ffhir tli aii Jams Sut chiran f te rewn.Clubs. summer skirt, top and match- ties. The winners of cachi div. equipment and furnishings Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salter, Mrs. M. Wisem-an, Presi- ing Ehorts if desired. .iinwr sfles 4Kn tetEs........Tlpoe7562 cemmtte, satedtha seer-Brunnier, were weekend visi- dent cf the West Durham Dis- Communities interested in JuirGrs1ihs o- Ohw hpin ete.....Tlpoe7513 ai tenders had been receivcd tors at Mn. and Mrs Ron tniet W.I. presented Audrey participating in the new fal uirGrs ihs ui saaSopn ote.......Tlpoe7513 and are under consideratien. Rahm's. Sunday visitons wene Wood cf the Tynone Club with unit should contact their 1lal ber cf points, Kathy Lovekin; The chairman cf the nurse Mr. and Mrs. E. Shea, Janet- Provincial lIonouns and Jean Home JEcenomist at the OntatoioruneBoys, highy est umbcrOSHAW Warete thmmttloealRex ville. Malette, Tynone Club; Jean Department cf Agriculture, peints, Wayne Taylor; runner- Waln, epnte tat ocl a- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Don- Hancock, Solina Club; CaroleOakwood Road. Lindsay.___ vertising had net secured tee i-cil, Blackstock, wene Satur- goed resuits. He said that an day supper guests o! Mn. and f adventisement had been pla- Mrs. Alfred Garrard.A ced in The Canadian Nurse Janet and Lînda Sharp, En-S H A ' Mn. ath er os s ttc îa niskiiien, Beth and Barbara SHAW'S SCHOOL gerCty a-xwl, BUY NGYVS/... AN\ID SAV E, Mr Wler ls saed'atAhton spent Saturday withi PROMOTIONS Canol. the board chairman, Glen- their gnandparents Mr. and, (In order of menit) Grade 4 te 5: Lane, Johnny; holme Hughes, had cote d Mns. Lloyd Ashton. 1 O'Brien, Murray-, Rudeli, Pat; antacted Patteosen, E ic:SGaP.eSeoioMary; Arsnog Aet eeMf r M. and Mrs. Clayton Read PSeniorEie Roomlo Mry Armtro fnAent Geeralfo adboys, Peterborough, Mn Giades 5 te 6: Lane Mi el;1Cebbîedick, Wayne; Hante- S ..., Pie Ontrioin he nitd Kng-Gordon Dudley, Bowmianville, ery Margaret; Dewney, Maxwell, Danny; Jones, Kan-I dem, and that adventisementsMr Henry Ashton were Sun- Marlene; O'Brien, Patnicia. en; Pattenson, Lewis. are being placed in Old Coun- day, visitors at Mn. and iVIs. Grades 6 te 7: Robinson, Tahr n rwl NOW EFFECTIVE ON try papers through Ontanli Arthuî- Read's. David: Fniednick, Charles;Tece:naBo. House. London, England. Mi n n. rdAho Newell, Peter; Joncs, Brian; Te.uir Ro pn On motion of Deputy-Reeve Mr. and Mrs. Jim Madone Ripley, Ray; Cobbiedick, Eanl; Wednesday, June 2lst, in Pet- Hobbsseondled bw s L, dadle Ahon Trntai Cryderrnan, Mike; Downey, erborough. We began our a no s R e dnd. n hr c t that any meetings in Juiy or Mr. and Mr. Stanley Cowî- Grade 7 te 8: Gauchlo, Dem- procceded te Quaker Oats. The Yutnb ucyuaegtigtewrdsfns ir ol Authe rmaad the financf îng and boys were Monday emce; Lane, Wesley; Fried- children enjoyed seeing how Yucnb ueyt aegtirte-vr1' iethr ol ctth e ai waademp fweredce evcnincg callers at Mr. George rick, Veronica; Robinson, Rich- their ceneais wene made and, lRemember there is economy in quality. Ask for it today! paco unitws and the bui'd Tabb's. ard; Van Derp, Hans; Harper, boxed. Each child received: pay cconts an th buld- Kelly and Mark Smiley are Lily; Browes, Barbara; Tay- Pack of Ten on leaving the ing cemmittee given authenity holidaying with Allison and 1er, Murray. building. T'V-NU-PE te act regarding renovations te Bill Rahm. Grade 8 te 9: Rabb, Glenn; We ate lunch at Riverside IT VEN T E the rsn hespital.miit Mt r M. Eari Thompson spent Brook, ay; Harper, Ron; Park. After lunch we toured TerdHotl dn r to' Friday evening with his Me- Browes, Barry; Taylor, Carrol, Coca Cola Limited. Then due L. Benrcodn eotd that ther, Mrs. W. Thompson Taylor, Faye. te rainy weathen, we were un- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aihton David Robinson hiad the able te go up on the Lift Locks JI I I ànd Ronald attcnded t he highest yean's average in the and sce Filtration Park Zoo.1 IIp h e n F u e l Shorthon Twilight Hour at room by a narow margn Many thanks te the moth- CALEUSDT-NA Mr. Russell Osbonne's, New- over Domenic Gallello and ens that went with us and the TELEHON OFFCE T REOIN Mr. J. Potts, Tommy and Teacher- Leila Atchison. contribution. EEH N FIEA Debbie spent Stinday with re- Junior Room Our Trip to Niagara Falîs MA 3-5410 C.N.R. YARDS latives at C ol ingw ood. (in order o! m en it) O ur annual school t ip this M _ _ _ and family were recent visi- Linda; Le ve k in, Carol; tors o! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Brien, Michael; Lane, Stan- ILLE Wilson, Lakcfield. ley, Terny, Lindia; Freidnîck, ELLEMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Walter; Smith, Gladys; Wood, attcnded the Decoration Ser- Douglas; Clement, Bebby; vice at Pine Grae Cem-etery Harper, James; Wood, Eddy. 1 on Sunday. Grade 2 te 3: Robinson,! I ~ M iMns. Edna McLaughlin ac- James; Ayrc, Cindy Lou; An- ceýmpanied Mx. and Mrs. Ross ger, Roy; Mikolic, Donna; Tay-,r T IO Asto and family on a motor ion, Wayne. tri t Peterborought on Sun- Grade 3 te 4: Newell, Chris- da.y.tepher; Lovekin, Kathy; Smith, Mr. J Jons vîitedhis Eleanor; Harper, Lenora; An-; aunt, Mrs. L. Ward, Toronto, ,ayor Whie fishing on Sunday, Jim and Bob Jones got a ýthrill O IU R ýeby deciare with their 23 inch brown U R trout. It took the two of them EDWARD JAMES GIBBS te land iR. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton On Sunday, June 25, 1961.1 :h 19 6 1and Ronald attended the Ma- the death of Edward James h, 19 1pie Grave annversary ser- Gibbs, aged 76, occurred at, vice and were tea gucats o! Mr. Memorial Hospital, Bowman-,l Roy Metcalfc. ville. Although in f a iIin g Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard heaith for a year,, Mn. Gibbs' and Barry wcne Sunday visi- had been critically iii for just, A tons with Mn. and Mns. L. five days before his death. 1) A y Grif fin, Blackstcck. The deceased was born In Mn. and Mns. J. Graham, Paris, Ontario, and was thr, MVr-n. an Mrs. T. Gllghe snf o! helteGoreGib are two daughters, Aiheen cf, Oshawa and Manieo oLs'r Angeles, Cali!., and two sons.ý Harold o! Toront.o and Jack cf Ajax. Aise surviving are two Sis- fers, Violet (Mms. Wm. Lamb), Toronto, and Phyllis (Mrs. A. Toogood), Spencerpent, N.Y_. a brother Harold o! Windsor, and four grandchildircn, Mi- chael, Peter, Carol and Rich- ard. The many beautiful floral offerings, evidence o! the es- teem in which the deceascd, was held, were from fricnds, neighbors, relatives, Durham Chapter O.E.S., P ale st 1n e Chapter, Jerusalem L o d g e, Dowty Equipment, Ajax, Bow- manville Lawn Bowling Club, Oshawa Board o! Education, Principals' Association, Osha- wa, Supervisons' Association.; Oshawa, and Group VII of Trinity W. A. nhe funeral service was hcld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilile, on T u e d ay. June 27, and was conducted bY Rev. Wm. K. Houslander' of Trinity United Chiurch. In- terInent was in Bowmanville Cemetery. Palibearers were W. Bra- den, A. Stacey, O. Nîcholas, O. Piummer, G. Goheen and C. Alldread. Build your bank balance ... Build your peace of mind. Unexpected expenses do happen. Things like dentist bis, doctor bis, car repairg and dozens of others. Often these expenses must be met imrnediately. Without an adequate bank balance ... well, rnany a good man feels a small flush of panic. You ca nL% avoid this. Makçe sure you always have at least two rnonths' salary in the bank. Deposit regularly. Watch the balance build. Enjoy that new feeling of security .-. the peace of mind that cornes with money in the bank. Money in the bank has other advantages too. You pay bis easily, and on tirne. You capitalize on hydro and other utility discounts. You avoid charge account service fées. You take advantage of speciai sales. You establish credit for' intelligent borrowing. But these are the extra benefits. More thani anything else, . - rnoney in the bank protects you lromn the unexpected. Build your bank balance and build your peace of mind. Start building next payday THIL BANK THAT BUILD* CANADUAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Oîrr 1250 bra tiches Io sv'r#.yroî .11 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAV. JULY 5th, 1961 PAGE TWO

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