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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1961, p. 3

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jA V EDYJLY5h1 TUE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EZ dent, M. E. Argue; Treasur- Marilyn; Argue, Marion;, Ar- B Ikomen a hesM eteMiss G. Gardiner; Record- Resu t I MDougas; BseaLucille; AEL Tea chers M e Secretary, Mrs. P. Price Dsotticas; e1;a sseuitie, S LN an Cresonig erear,[ýxiO io es l S ] Beech, Gerald (recomniend- Mr. and Mrs. Don Jessup A t Bllclc tc>cc Ce tre Mss L Fieder.ed); Bonnetta, Glen; Duns- and family spent the weekend R p r A t BTks o k C e t eheL.FedereJio Represent- LONG SAIJLT SCHOOL Promotlons of Cartwright moor, Brian; Forest, Carole; at PcoBomil n Durham No. 1 United of Assembly held in Adam Scott atives for the coming year REPORT Central School Frew, Nancy; Gatcheli, Geor- Hillier. the Federated Teachers As- Collegiate in May was pre- will be: North Darlingtofl, Fi, l~Ho~ am rd oGae2 d gina (recommended); Gatch- Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. TrimbleW sociation of Ontario was held sented by Mrs. Joan Smith. Miss M. Campbell; South Dar- FrtCa 'OOr»Cm-Gae1t rd :Aas ell, Patsy (recommended); and family spent the longi Wm at the Recreation Centre, The two delegates from the lington, Miss A. Arnold; Man.- on Raymond, McLaggaîn Hea- David; Argue, Nancy Ann; Gibson, Kenneth; Gray, Don- weekend at their cottage on BW AVL Blackstock, on a recent even- Durham No. i Unit of the vers, Mrs. M. Edimunds; Cart- ther. Buschlen, Suzanne; Campbell, aid; Hicks, Betty; Holmoyd, Deer Lake.BOVA ILEbstgafaradtento ing with 44 teachers present. F.W.T.A.O. weme Miss Smith wight, Mrs. D. Venning; Vin- Second Class Hônours: Ba- Ricky; Carnaghan, Murray; Edith; Hubbard, Gaye; Kin- M.adMs an a- WMNSISIUE nmru mnin Mrs. Gwen Black, present- and Mrs. P. Price. Miss Smith's cent Massey, Miss V. Buniner; ker Bruce, Davey Norma, Me- Dorreli, Heather; Downey, nunen, Aina; Kyte, Bob; Lav- M.amatndeM.d eweng ot-fME' ISI ed herreportand moed itsreport informed the meeting Central, Miss W. Howard; On- Laggan Bruce, McLaggan Ja- Richard; Gallant, Billy; Gray, ery, Heather; taLoa ohmsbroter Mr hres mih Th rgl meing of the nI.i muh god felin on adoption. This was seconded oftedsusions held at the tario Street, Miss M. Summer- net, Sawdon Kenneth. Shamon; Gilbank, David; Gun- Ann; Malcolm, Denise; Map- of Pickering on Sat.,Jueun22dadtokhefrscxptusptlksper byyMs.r.s Emuns.anEca-uRgioalaAsemlyaeradingvile;nndlordslgimMssy. Pas:aarrttnllanvJlls-eeraRicardLHogeJohngpi,,BmniessPmRge, ariyn, 4th ofa pcnicAThougfta kin- srve bythe adis o tt ried. The financial statement the possible amalgamnation of Gibsoli. ton David, Moore B e t t y' Jackson, Larry; Jamieson, Quackenbush, Bob; Quacken . MisspGooriar. A vote of showed a balance of $li69-07 t he F.W.T.A.O. and the O.P. Moore, Jewel, Sawdon, Lloyd; Keul, Elizabeth; Kin- bush, Murray; Redmond, Gar- Mriss ia etth rherwa ness of certain mnembes etak asgvnt i h S.M.I.F. Sawdon Kenneth, Sawdon Rus- nunen, Keijo; Kockenstoel, ry; Redmond, Robert; Rohmer biemi t h rhr were able ta travel incmft I sei, YougmanJimni. Stnley;Lagac, Ronie; ac- inda;Rohme, Waren; oss eWild weding i Courice a Hamton ammunty Pak, nanyptonheped t mak Reports on the Freedom PeietKo informed B Iackba im. tne; aay oni;Mc-Lna oheWrrn os ,o dcto oneec edthe teachers present that the Ba k u rn Teacher, V. Kois Donald, Dorothy; MacLeod, Bill; Sharpe, Shiela; Vander- Then we r piled hito the Jame; Mlcol, Brry;MapCber, Jck; atsnfiBe;dot- Sevemal ladies cf the Good ab eginin aou tin..wt alu crpoielb h at the Royal York Hotel, Tor-! annual meeting cf the F.W. piaie; Mclargry;nNeil;ber, Jec;at.Ms orny HByllihbor Cub oped in ue Ma boStewr 2:e3s0da rpniae adean r onto, a few months ago,'weme TAO il ehl tth - RWN'S SCHOOL MutoPu;Sot an;(ece) on Mrs. Don Jessup for a inuisn given by Miss L. Fielder and Royal York Hotel, Toronto, var yrived home saleaul SotsWyn;ound anda n nion Mis V.Kios hytl ho ensa n hrdy S.S. 5, Clarke Shortridge, William; Thomp- Grade 7 te Grade 8: îst "Hobo Tea' on Tuesdy after-1 Tiss V. Kochons.s TheyGrade soheDonbWednesday andnThursdays'Io.our*-Asaweaknownbusinessweshould earln meeting that Dr. Robards was August l6th and i7th. Miss Hel d TeflownPsth rd oncebe;TmhshSeiiasHnum-CmagaPon the special speaker at the con- Wendy Howard and Mrs. P. Placement for September, phen; Trewin, Eale; Turner, James; Carnaghan, Margaret; Mr. Sam VanCamp and aiways came before p1aue tteSetme etn femnce Thy ifored her Pice were chosen as delegates TeBakunHmyA 1961. The names are in alpha- Janet; Warren, Larmy; Wat- Downey, Dorothy; Lansing, Tommy and Mm. Neil Brow- We listened attentiveyaehp apyavstt h feliow teahe r that heihadof the Durham No. i Unit to e li-ayckniHayhAn' betical order accemding ta the son, John; Wheeler, Michael; Joan; Larmer, Sharon; Mackie, nell spent the weekend at the report of the iastmntyBeleepoeC.Slais spoken cf the esponsibilities the annual meeting cf the as- on Saturday, July 1, 1961, ethast name. Williams, Janice; Williamson, David; Martyn, Ronnie; Saun-ther. JcttaesWoardiok-Lake. mtiDg was vnb ece lae epta1i m.B ooftettechin prfesson, ocition Mis V.Johnon te SoinaiosmnV.yGraehlALesneGrawdad. SaroneWisonDougas.Mrs.dersSDoald;SwaiWJuy;ontoisosgnlngs.e sumerMrs.S. Btteonacldda;a metig. Tme 7p.m and that he had aise advoca- and Mms. D. Henry will alsoanSholGudswt16 Grade 2, Aima Boxaîl, Judy Phyllis Mitchell (Teacher). Tomchishin, Shiela. noispedgthsumrM.S.BtryaE ted the monitor system as a attend the annual meeting. pran.d S unds wthe temo0 Boxaîl, Clayton Cowlamd. Grade 2 te Grade 3. Assel- 2nd Class Honours-Archi- vacation with his grandpar- walkey taikey, seat v meas c deeloingresect Mrs E.Arge i a umo- te mny Dracesthemfe prtici- G rade 3, Kathy Bridger, stine, Floyd; Churchill, Janet; bald, Elizabeth; Bmadburn ents Mm. and Mrs. George could ail hear what wav ad SECASI . rnao f pmoey in choo ct- es.EAdiggave ina viidor- ted iny esusiastically. Joan Cali, Susan Simp ,Colli in s, Bruce; Crawford, Betty; Forest, France; Grace' Coombes and uncles Bihl and Some ather reports weegv fo pren. cho hid u tral cf amntveta im-r.pTe n busis tingwa MrcScaeJuy tphen- Janîce; Duncan, Judith; For- Ralph; Metcalf, Doug l a s Jack. and sean that partcfteU N R son. est, Wayne;gumentesteWendyTe bchiaest eeNidg iaa;arcarpe Mm.JuA. StepnesMrGraceBandsmeetingndwasetiegwaandvdone annonce tht th AnualAnnouncement wvas made that ter Blackburn with the follow G rade 4, Alan Crowels, Fmew, Vaierie; Gallant, Dona; Barbara; Shemilt, Mav 1 e tene h otrys;ih.temucalA H- Mnais E. noxere resindntthe 1961 Fal Conference will ing officers for the yeam 1962 oadCoels im it;Gla, Hln atJdJwi, p;Venbemg rda ytMopr Pr neacli naine was caîîdeah catonwih b hed n Nv-be held in Tweed, and the ehected: Past President, Mr. Ricky Stephenson, Bradley thLacyJen Lagacy, Ludwcena; Wotten, Patricia. Saturd. Nextofcame anS ctaio Conf erece on Edu- Wilson, Wendy Wilson. Raymond; Kinnunen, Mauri; Pass Standing-Argue, Mar- WeengutscMmad member was supposedteSn emer9t, Ot ad lt Se1962 Sping Assembly will be and Mrs. Walter Blackburn; V.ABadaw(ece) Malcolm, Gardon; Malcoigrt rdun vn mw Mrs. Clifford Wilson includ- Say, Do or Pay. Moa fu E' TA said it will be held at the hehd in Cornwall. Hon. Presidents, Mm. and Mrs. Grade 5, Bonnie Bridger, Marheah; Martyn, Biairf; Mc- Donald; Duivestyn, Pina; For- eodMrWindso, m tMr. Wiey i bt thseiho ddnt Rayai York Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. M. Edmunds intre- Harvey Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cail, Georgina Simpson. Coll, Susan; McLaughl1i n, est, Cheryl: Hubbard, Terry; od idoVrot m etil adu.~A V i Miss C. Hutchinson was ap- duced the guest speaker James Farewell Blackburn; Presi- Grd7,RyBanLid Grant; McLaughlin, Linda; McKee, Maxine; Minshal and Mrs. Damyl Osgood, Westnu erc gasad- - pointed a delegate te this McClelland, who is the in- dents, Mr. and _Mrs. Kenneth Couch , TinaBKozub, LJean ecaf Eai;Mutoy Ronnie; Stephenson, Alice; Springfield, Mass; Mr. and A nme fgr conference. spectar cf Public Schools for Brown; lst Vice President, Mr. CWebb, LeighWilonu, anci a lfary eittTev; Psoe.t Suggitt, Jean; Taylor, Fred. Mrs. H. Wilson, Oshawa. sparts were induiged iiadRg 59 A report on the Regional Ontario County No. 4 dis- and Mrs. Carl Down; 2nd Vice Webbun g isn Patricia r; NQuack Tenbus, r rn apei(ece) Mr. Ross Metcalf is takîng a gcood time was hadbyalNW trict. Presidents, Mm. and Mms. Al- Yug.aePatrckicweialy ; dmndacael Sh, ar- Grad7tpe(eGader B ad-asummer course in Tomante We had a peanut scabe M. McCleland stated that fred Aiin; 3rd Vice Presi- GSadeaCmwe8 , c CoElabth e Christapher aln; h um, Grade;7 Cocrae,8:Jurdythis summer and is commuting The ane who gathere h is newh ltsth paens is; ecetayMm. rtumKozub, Samuel McReelis, Judy Vandembeul, Dian ne; Vine Dorrell, Nancy; Kinnunen dainlyo ta bis ome.Mrs. EXER now his opinion an idea tahdens mond Ms. eMar Cor- t.Herbert; Williamson, Joseph; Pirko; McLaughlin, Denis; lMr kand r. ennthrHart- Back got teca iem.E H E trying e Thompan; Ast. Secrtady,9, Richard Kichko, Wilson, Suzanne; Wolfe, John; Mountjoy, Brian; Swain, Hel-:ly ik n eteBr BaL a h inr hr n achieve, and who thooughly Mrs. Jack Peamme; Treasurer, Nancy Laaja , Dareila Lan- Wright, Eleanor. Mrs. Dore- en; Thampon, Elizabeth; Tam- rie, vere weekend guests of wasa bean guessîngcnet ck n w ail shets cf a Miss Lela Knight. cser.u. rsCrstn hy enn TaherBu chishn,8 9: bTrwi ei parents Mm. and Mrs. woan by Mrs. Stewart. Te O T cidspolmtafn hr cailpriaspects .sen- ScateGy aksGhrsandy en(e3taGace4,r). csyd in htarn ewnKenneth Hopk~ins. needie threading endin inaRg$89 sce.pobest fn hi ed te oldest gentleman at the R.Sioanercial. 3 iGae 3te Gadne4,BRsom-LloydeW8itGame9 a ln- Mm. and Mrs. J. R. Metcaif race, Mrs. M. WisemanbigNO ___ The guest speaker aise picnic, woni by Wesley Alin; R oe,<rnia> len, Kennetb; Dorreil,Len gai, David; Boutt, Jean; Boutt, spent the holiday weekend the winnem, I think.Weas strongly voiced his conviction oldest lady at the picnlc, won visiting friends in Stirling indulged in a shoekiin th ~~~~~~~~~Beth; Edgeton, Donald; Ed- lit, Eleaner; Fmew, David; Ky- Ms oadCyemni ULO OT -Adj niidesuh nelbeandere;n- et bbyitsth pinicid; teNameLlndarer cMmetLne, AexadereFaîisDavd;atiLndatMinead Glena;a ptien inMemniauHas niue caeah prticpan wa ~~'pAWU~~' tary school unhess bis pri- by Brian Allun, son of Mm. Te Grade 9- Biliy Bail, Giibank, Carolyn; Grandel, Malcolm, Brenda; Malcolm, ptl omnih.W i.ceial eterene- Rg 1.5-$49 roIfL~P. mary school yeams had been and Mrs. Paul Alin, Newcas- Marion Johnson, Susan Praz- Pry my ai;Hny an;MKe eh ca-hp ta sewanvbe ho e aain frdtand ta weliretya prolonged by iliness. Other- the; famiiy who came the ienka, Gloria Avery, John David; Hermon, Rager; Hud- ghiin, Donald; Mountjay, Ray; sean.- those cf Mrs. Westheue.t1O wise such pupils should be hcngest distance, won by Mm. Brimicombe, John Cowling, son, Douglas; Huntington, Passant, Mary; Quackenbusb, Mrs. Gordon Hall and Miss phaced in a special class, hie and Mrs. Mark Cornish and Teres a Garsan, Biiiy Emi- Janice; Kinnu ie n. Maija; James; Rohmer, Kenneth; Stan-Mird LAU advised. famfly ,North Bay, Ontario; bumg, Jim Shirk, John Darch. inueVik;Kikamik lad any umbl, ue Wilson, Oshawa, were The final selectionfoth Miss Ernestine Robinson hucky draw, won by Jce Snow- To Grade 8-Kathy Twist, Wayne; Lee, Brian; MacLeod, Tumnbuil, Patricia; Wotten,Sauaycies wt Mmdegtfhndpaanev- thanked M. McChelland for den. Patricia Woln1k, Heather Br-Load'orNny a- ai.Ni aiy<ece) and Mms. Clifford Wilson. ing was "Jesu' Joy cfMnsFi ieo bis informative and intemest- Aftem an enjoyabie day te- micombe, Sandra D -wney, ae, Mhael; QancyenbashDavi._______________ e. Mm. and Mms. Sam Battams, Desiringi" by Jim Westesr ing addmess. President Knx gether, relatives departed for Tim Prout, Jo-Axin Seymour, John; Rohmrer, Brenda; Rooke, Conley and Danny spent the To complete the eveiga CHL R N aise expressed hem apprecia- home hoping te see each ather Donald Page (ec.) Shirley; Stinson, Nancy; Sup- PTTTP weekend working on their committee of ladies fromSi tien. again next yeam. Relatives Te Grade 7-Raberta Cmaig, pie, Christine; Swain, Robert;, O RI..L.LJ cottage in Elgin. Master Stev- lob W. A. served lunchen A IS Miss Marjenie Couch pre- came from North Bay, Peter- Susan Prazienka, Kathy Fos- Tewin, Barry; Warren, El- en Turnbull, their gandson, The yeung artists c h sented the nominating com- borough, Grimsby, Port Cred- ter, Vaherie Palmer, Evehyn aine- Warren, Jeannette~; Wii- Mrs. John Nornis, Stephen retumned with tbem for a few evening from StarkvilhKn UN E H E ij 01 ~ mittee's report. Officers eet it, Nev'; Toronto, Toronto, Ux- Knapp, Linda Maynamd, Jim ns Teddy; Wotten, Norma. and Deborah left Satumday for holidays. dal and Newtonvilewme ed for the coming yeam are bri;;ý, Claemont, Ida, Bow- Cowling, Jim Burgess. Ms.arreMunoy(a-Cm AdaienthHa- Monday evening caihe r KahaieTuasKaren KIGSTW4OMNiEMA.3-S70O .Mrae onto Ta apAeliei h ai Ktai uasy iBN W.OAW-k-91 a follows: Past President, manvile, Newestle, Oshawa To Grade 6-Brian Biack- cher). burton district. Mrs. Norris with M. and Mrs. Ciifford Bickeli, Barbara BurheyDri C._Huhinon,_______si vid Maynamd, Ronnie Cewl- est, Denise; Malcolm, Glenn; the next two xnenths for ahi Mr. and Mms. Bill Koienko liott, Marjorie Murphy xn Bo m n il ing, Larry Kimmemly, Ray Mc- Mountjay, Linda; Porr i 1 Girl Guide companies at this and granddaughter Karen, Foster, Bill RobînsonPee Zo(H p To ni Phail, George Allin, Gien Kathheen; Swain, Donna; Tur- Camp. Oshawa. Henderson, Gien Farrow Jn Zio (HpeTow s -jiBurgess (ec.) ner, Lorraine; Werry, Camai-, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilkie and Geacb, Joyce Elliott,Doty UaLU AR Sypathycf ths h) To Grade 5-Susan Craîg, Wright, Donald. farnihy, Sarnia, visited with S Elliott, Elva An n , ~h e USED A ymah o hsCommun- John Wolnik, Ruth Shackle- Grade 4 ta Grade 5: Archer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eiliett.A KVL E Diane Turansky. ad Rpi £ ity is extended te the family ton, Saliy Prout, Norma Av- Robert- Argue, Allin; Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and S A K IL n uiSao cf the late Mm. Delmar Whit- ry Linda Alhin, Mary Lou Dennis; Bonnetta, Guy; Busch- girls spent the weekend at (Intended for last week) Oa ane pupil taran uiey 0KN T IT'$ SE S P E i A L ney, ahseftecon, Junel23 Burgess, Kenny McEw en, hen, Scott; Carnaghan, Russel; Caesarea.Mm an M.Mcig, Ir E P v A Friday fenoJe23 Jamie McPhaii. Gordon, Dianne; Hart, Gail; Mr. and Mrs . MarhadMllrovsie e ist, TO GIVE ~1961, from the Ross funeral Ruby M. Bragg (Teacher). Hopkins, Wayne; Mains, Rab- cMlre nderoit,. Michian, Milrs. Lam ie d. rsitr 114AN ~~~~~~parlers. To Grade -uryTiter;MpiPu;Mlom hlrnDeriMcgarsLreTd. ir EDWe are happy te report Mr. Susaxi Mu aytTwis, e nt;Mpin ae îom spent the holiday with his Mr. John Stone, Omono, YOJU R DER TIN IlStanley Jones is aound again Rowe, aridcant,Danessne Mark; Redmond, Ronald; Ro- Mrnts11. and Mrs. Cliff visited bis mother, Mrs. F. David Colwell, pening Jessiedy îmenil, Dennis; Rohmer, Deug- Mrs.Stone an Sunday. PiI aftr sendngseraldas xI Downey, Brian McDcugal, las; Rohmer, Gary; Savinac, rre~ID c~ . com - ~~~~~~~the hospital eoeigfOnDvdDrh ogadMissNm ndBuh aABOUaT. t Dvi cock, Joyce Cooper, Arthur Sbemiht, Hammy; Stinson, Betty water, spent several days with Halloweil, Torante, spent the Congratulations t ai Knapp, Connue PleJd Lou-, Wiiliamson, Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. H. Herron. weekend atMr IwHlo ESAME! Only 9,000 Miles Gemow, Cecile Mazume and McEwen. Ple, uyWolfe, Bryan. Mms. Shirley Mrs. AI. Windblat and chil u- elh a M Lew Hallo- th Ray More, who were success- To Grade 3-Linda Tnat Turner (Teacher) . dren from Albuquerque, New Qut e teddteW AL P P R Te npsigthi nrneDrln ugsC nnCantrecital at Mns. Westheuser's 7 ATRST HOEFO ful inaosingstheirent ASORane Da aln u ges, Cnd alg1, Grade 4 te Grade 5, Room Mexico, have been belidaying home Monday evenrng, in- 7 ATREDCD T LA exmiaton hstwek.AseRhnd Kvaag, atlen 5: Hopkins, Bannie; Taylor, for several weeks with ber cldnRnedafoEedl_______________ * fMaxine Sunday, wbo passed Wohnik, Damyl Rowe, Evelyn iianne; Thompson, Bill; Wot- parents, Mr. and Mms. George aln Newtenihhe. Kna * 7 t e ber exams li Toronto. Kimmeriy, Tmudy Maynard, ten, Canai. Reynolds. adNwovle was.visiterg Sheppberd, who Carol Sehiars, John Drakehao;5tGrd:Ace, Mrs. GObmeLnaA ~:Bian Caswell, Leslie FULL LIÉE 0 AIT O Mr.Watr .J. Mc- Stephen Page, Dennis Foster, dhrad; Anscott, Nancy; Ash- girl friend from Tuscan, anyl iand Bevry fo Tmy Cuiieugh, bas returned te hem Donald Darch, Ray Wiiiis. tnDrs enta i- ~ tehldywt atnMna om X E IR A D IELIU home t4n Toronto. T rd 1 hhb tica , Bvries B uott AGi;zona, spent te ldywthMri od afternoen. X E I oarade V InavperyJohnBrown, Bvre;ButA-relatives bere and Bowman- Mn. and Mrs. Stan Fallsi olelI Ja ol Acotty, Jth bert; Butt, Linda; Campbell, ville. and famihy, TorontoMm. and! r filT' b CTT Daey, Shar o Davey, arold Karen; Downey, George; Earle,Mr.HahLitendam N W O VL E DvyShrnDvyHaodElien; Earle, Gwen; Edgem- ily, CarolpLteid, M m andH Drake, Jim Kelly, Wayne ton, Donna; Faihis, Linda; PMPTTfl Ms. Le llowehl M re n O N9AM 1PM.- BODY SHOP 9.M.6RPM. MissAle Nesbitt of Tor- McDougal, Paul Seymour, Frayer, Frances; Hicks, Geo- Eraint and Wallpaper Storeere onto spent the holiday week- Dale Wiliis, Gary Woodcock. rge; Horten, Joan; Kinnunen, Orme usse r an n end with hem sister, Miss Anne Mm.Ja-bas(ece) Toivo; Larmer, John; Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk, .13 KING ST. W.MA343 Nesbitt. Virginia; MacDonald, Rose Judy and Norman visited at __________________________ .-.nn Wake isatendngCongratulations: Grant Wade, Ann; MacLeod, Bonnie; Mai- Mr. H. McKeown's, Whitby. Bumks Falls, and Mr. and Mns. - Johnny WCapeyCbos g attending y l tt le aroG. Bates, North Bay, were M.ilti Cap t Cbaug wthDorthyEhlot, Gen arrwcoim, Bannie; Malcolm, Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hatman weekend guests with Mmr. and £ js the Port Hope High Sdiool Frank Stapleton. Sharon Me- non; McLaughlin, Bob; Mount- and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hart- Mrs. Clifford Fonk.__________________ cadets. CiN>we, Joyce Camnpbell, Lillie jey, Judith; Oliver, Wayne; man, Enterpnise, weme week- Mrs. H. Bowen and Darm t a nhbta Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe Clark, Bonnie Gilmer. Porriil, Danny; Suggitt, Ray; end guests of Mr. and Mms. lene, Newcastle, spent the Slhwsa aiuibmo- of View Lake and Mr. and June meeting cf the W. A. Schwartz, Leonard; Wright, Allan Taylor and wr r-weedatM.Cr ol'.er- . so his nelghbori oe Mrs. Walter Whittaker and was held Wednesday evening Lois; Quackenbush, Danny. sent when their son David Dnn uysriea h-hdawl-eere Ys -11- -- -spnt- the holiday iweekenduthe Boardht_ canvassllthehaa-sI taisty, protein Rlui - uiel m n Ms etSteph- îhy stîli living there. These Park..n os niyunutc- enson and famihy of Ciarkson pictures wcme enjoyed by ail 4b Mr- and Mms. Donald Pres -________________________________________ befsml.and Mms. Ken Ware of Tor- as it was Europe today. #ecatt and childmen weme Sun- ent wmehoidy istos it Asocial turne aver a cuip of day guests cf Mr. and Mms. H. Mrs. George Ovens. tea brought thse evening tea ~Smithî, Hampton. 47 KINGPHN Stapleton, daue.hter o! close.Woe The parents and childrn STREET, EAST ~FI T HMA3-B I M.adMrs. Hugh tpetn Te etnvheo! this school section hl had her tansils remnoved at Institute heid their June meet- their annual picnic at the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ing on Wednesday afternoon, GINGER ALE schol, Wednesday. Mr. Flet- Q A IY N For Noe Delvery illeon Tuesday. .T,,va2 1, at the home f Mrs.ce odtdrasanaw '. Hme Dlivry vlle Sunday, Juiy 9, the ser- Artihur Redknap, Newcastle, -more chdedriraes and a- OU LITY LICE vie n urchrc wllbOntario, wîbh 15 members ade iza es ebfet sppe L taenbyMr J D LEANrpesnt LASTORE PCKE CalMA v3e-5.ou4curc-1.vo Tnursday mamning the child SETPCL Coailoboutae a yrmer publieymTu e p esetingwwbîch wasre enp seved MbuFetch LENeB e kf s scheal teacher here. with the Institute Ode, Lai-d's wîth a set cf toiletries andaBr Recent visitai-s with Mr. and Prayer and Mary Stewart Col- sparkle card saying "Good Bye and O T G Mrs. AldnMuilen o nere tingh lates dion the npr God Luck" with each cbild's Ba_________________ G LE N R A E MsiCitn aro ert. iIems docusethe ri sigatur atMmse.H.Cwig 1L Westminster, B.C., Ms.Wen- ta visit the C.N.I.B., Toronte, Mrsignature tac. H. CLB ANiFRES dell Fenton cf Waterloo, Iowa. on June 2th. A!ter a brie! your Whty M.adMr.Bl RO L LB Jnand Lynne Dickinsoni cf business session the convenor Carm and Brenda, Long Sault; H ~ v u R~ 98 KNG T. . Mson City, Iowa, and Mrs. Mrs. Fergusoxi presented the mnyMr. and Mrs. H. Adams and Aamp Femd ofeceivedileJoan, Bowmanvilie at L. Cc- MAPLE LEAF TENDERFLAKE BOWMANVILLE A JamseFouneo!iSteetsvile proramme.Coch M.and Mms. Laurie Staple- Hih"' inHwaotMn. and Mms. B. Ripiey andE X l onc PrtHpehaemodyu" was rend by Mms. Fergu- Ray, Newcastle; Mrs. G. Ab- E3 DLD~ te Toronto. Laurie eceived a son, aiso a reading entitled rabam, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and ~~ '~ ~ district office of the Texaco Fergusan. Mns. Howard Oiiiii- PsceMs.HJasMisrmoon iflWmsWren mthMsLNEL NS ~' ~ ~Ce. on Bloor St. stan gave a vemy intei-esting es Pascoe, sHaw tG~. Jams is5 Ibs. Z ~,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mu=- report on the Disrict Anmual ý'oBsie an s. E. Ls Jdyawa aE tR GA. fod and famiy f McCord Convention hed i St. Paul'ss with Mr and Ms. vile. and orman t K.IHbdMany Bou&,hen. While the lunch was being SIX 12 OZ. BOTTLES 41< Mn R Jones made a hum r. h, ' $1.0a0o The foiiowing have passed prepaned a contest was con- PLUS DIPOSIT edfihtengadom- wMrM.adMs ahc il. URSle O 5 isl. R,~In ttieir Entrance Exams anid are ducted. A social hour was en- WC 25R ceiving word of a bad acci now ready jor High Sohool. Joyred by al, dent ini " lamily. ci

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