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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1961, p. 5

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~ ~ilhD oSdAn. .Tman and woma TE ECANADIAIN STATE M LZ, OWMA NILL , 01 ARIC A E fT tm e dn yin o ud w osto r y .* S a lte r a n d M r s . A lb e r t W l. w p k e n d w ith r e a i e n p r n M . d M . Elect indenOf Canada than any govern- a"-YPCS a cross Canada are sn H e aid of Y oung Cou ncil chi ely epribWlpedo ts MrSWmith ithaMs.sR largey resonsibe forth~5Mrs. J. Cumming, Mrs,: J. tiv e nMilbank. udr door ' t a tC C igelovw, S. W. W. SOU Anme ro eeejo- Ms vrsAho i pn Bo Wndxe e Midn dit~ t l ro~ig v ihm i ofie y n *au o e uamn. Miss Irene H. Bray, Mr. cd A umr Crapînica ai n aaina h otg hia been elected c1ia:rxnan- of and bounds i de cnasn nd panhr eldi n Il owmaflvilie Douglas Lloyd, the aisPrCeaeo iPtcooîh i"h de. work at election time. he Iligi 'the East Central Ontario Young Mr. W ndox er, as enairman the skating section of the Tor- Saturday.Mi.nd rsHryGre Progressive Conservative Ds.- of East Central. will sit on the' ht, idethe alpitdtTesdayJuly t 151 te cin. Th uy keucpatheta wasgen nt53guta a ieflntoCrickt.ating and Cr- r.Osu mt ist-adfml pn ud wt 1-ltCuii itegopsOtrc P xctv. n!rrirLeslie Frost, Ontarl, lub.d om aa trctConclatflc runs'ntre PCexcuie. Al* 1dr hel ariaof Evert Smit, 23 Temperance faied iiiis duty erokeep teto risgie tapayaicne wa fth sandofhLaw e e rklindhm gi rmMm-M.adMs .Hnesn founding rallyin Orono te- other East Central man, Sarrl~~ agaLn ]eads the wav in'S. te Bomnville's Hoosgdpitail.wie i lcns farec vices, I-.fînd thifsPbtecauseghe suspSt., ds tHe daBointercept- Collegiate. fenl uHita.BwanilBwnavle eentlv. Murpy of Peîerboough, ~vaSionomic development and hasi Parking By-Law Nwhen hviches, Cofnd stabe asien!;ein ed .C.Harexe ll a i t Mn.LieKihTrnofelgiuc ipoedMs oiO o.Mr. . 1eprleentativeonstableenafogtivenJine 10batP.C. YPC ma-MMr.eW. H.!Crawfordswae Oitol. MiroesoJonrsWToronCo Mr. Windover is the di-strict'elected to the Ontario execLi- implemented sound 1egislaton pleaded Not Guilty tea a haese viec ha"eddn"':5a..o e n nte ias hostesF foi, an aftei-nle- Tîîui'dav~ e usswr eetgeî fM Mutual Life o Canada, prrkingotwhJunecoreferegcela Fernewithnfrereaching efectsoai2:41o Parking Jhe a ted signa cd at increasinngindn foe tRenerai 0 aiorheovertime parkingrachiwas dis- airepair the ineter until 11:20 Solina Rd. His license had hearsa] party in lier garden. o r n r.K oln rt aly 1tan. Inrp ssin mg tth e een as ut spended foray ndand aF effee andte TCsrt party, dand Mr. a rodM'- Th uktn ..w 4 jation and active as an Another Mnden man, Earl' Ontario". I"lic Chier Constable gave Constable should have to re- longer period of 6 monthstoClbb fic rdespins îe.w'eSudagetso ekM'e member of the Hall- Palmer. was elected secretarvl "Purpose of tlhe YPC move- pienethai. bt 9.27 '.!il 1 pair meters. This is flot his day. r-GpfBal burton PC Association,. cf the East Central assocationmcnt is ta enlist new mern- ,te7h. M.mi,.Fiittld hlini responsibilitîy and flot in keep- Larry Chien. 18, 403 King ----.MsGeaBie.Wdîdyeciî,Jl 2h Mn. aind Mrs. W.HV nnz i~ in I aisaems The East Central Distïýict wvhich lias as its honorarvibr, epthem toete be- iia arin-. nter No. 613 iwas n \ih spoiin".t . Oshawaws areiïhw;NlsE tcrise- Dure ring - Foten air m Hon. ila odelleosi and1 clections as amai- Iammed aîîd triid a oe.min m I tind that you did flot del- that he was te be cîther atEI Z BE HVILLE Dod Oshawa . isDreeMc vlcne e~ lîn Adgons - uhamt -- F t he on Wilim Ncke. power pool, provide Political firont of the Chief and the iberately jarnthie meter, that work. in his own home orî' eein e }lasntinWs inso ther off iceias ele.d: a'training ground for worke'rs penny bounced eut. Wlien it y ou told the Police the mdci- lvoring betwveen now and' Stiîda.%'.elîool and liurclîdiÉei teusso x'Triîo eî udvget Hsig Wet-Knso te fieseetd a-and leaders, give study ini Chef again checked thie iriettr was janîned. which is wa uutii ei erfanserv ices were 1\1r. u~caî and M rs. Tubr.cfNr.Eiie aecai Prince Edward Leiiiiox .o- colmn Brick, Peter bearoe u g à",, Conservative ideals and policy, at 10:58 arn. the car waRs still ane %weuld expect fromn a good from ait alcoholic bevenages. 1 Sacra Men ta] seri girlse Pador .t on uieaîd Mess e Stpenoi thumberland - Peterborou-li -;vce-echainnan: Donîald R. S-and instill a belter under- park-d in thie same Pre. The ciie.I iefndta jo If he doen't, he is te be pre-lhl after the chLiorcli Sée d i Pi MPrr. eeSu-aîyRidilAde Hu- Vitoi. hi s heffth Tory -on. Fowlers Corners. field arctzn.1ea fndta yuýda,,guests cf Ms ew v r eeSea uss0 Vitraohirste-1 standing in Canadian y-OLIZ11tisket vas issued and i,. C edid what wvas required. You pared te go te reformnatorv,. vices,.eî "youth" district te be estab- zanizer: Paul Sm'ithî. Portýo! goverrnent activit,' "Mr-. tickP wasn't paid the chargeiare net expected te move He wvas convicted last veek S1îNr. and NIrs. Vet-noti ý a- î'umbei' [rn hr lod n n r.A .Tî two and c"c 1,il' es' tl i-is Peterborough, delegate frornme o igS. i,, one *d isd. t -. ~'The seven-hour î'ally. whîchlt parkonKig * 'îmsm el dered t stay ouI of Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pearocl ,cert on Satundrv eing .an'ilenreuidyuei the seventh in the Province. t1he Ontario YPC executive;:startcd at 8 uni., discussed houî' sud w lou S ili er, 'Michael Pollard. 18. Osgh- manville. P.C. Phillips sawOlaa Oeilt Suuda xv:h Mi- Allan Liir, oot.c n udMs ereA dtcKing lth i oiio tail.' June Fraseri-. aefield dele- poIitical organization in a ser-,streets ï,ccording teatIn Bl - ,who vas cenvicted last him t tthe East Beach dance Mi-. and Mrs. E. Lee. Pele- spelitthie %eekeid vihIiso d[aiv (s-ponsored'by the Durlam PC1gate from On.t. PC executive;'ies of seminars. Refresh ment:, tLax\w-veek o! ceusumnig beci' whilp hall last Sîinday. borouglî. Mvien Verniîoî celet Assciaion ii te Odfl-'dirctosLvl M Kni h ,~wcre servcd by the ladies of: Saici Magistrate R. B. Bax- a mineai ie oa of Four parking metet' viola-,brated his birthday, June 25. lton all vasMacSelBretau . io. inden. Don Wislow, Ida,1the Durhamn PC Association. ;ter iii hsîding down judge- S53 today. With the admon-itors paid S26. Two Liquoxi 1,M. asd Mrs. Harold Hoi-ylC Wtrld from rHuil,,QuebeioMargorie- Lund. Peterboroughi.,Mi-. Windover sîid ftic ieW nielît. "Whene the 1Municipal-iishment (rani the court thatiContrai Act Violators Wer e uil pn h ek Nrvle rmHl,ýee.orm Varti-, l-avelock, Dave e - uepset h ek Iope tDmiincatrsMgieiownnil.' executive faces two lasks: (1) ity cet- up niechanical devicesl "this (' must stop.,the assessed $71. Fourteen viola-1 enci xith hei' bîother ncO ~"' to te Ea entrninalrs. gi e OBrin nom enfr vextensive subdivision ergani-, te collect coins foi' the rnghtipeealty xiii be at least $200:tiens Linder the Highwi M~.H t W tre st eled ong ea-NorhDel O'Br en, eot e . 1zation in ail nine member rid- ite paî'k. il aise has uiei-es- teîle rxt lime.' Traffie Act brought penalties Quanirll. pie Canada needs young pea- dNot uweeted rsi'na.nd (2) tle launching a! ponsibiliiy te mairîtain the! Jack Cameron. 32. Orono. le! $2-06.- r n Ms akoiP piOi - pnaatnxene s oung ocietiontheant barpio n, s-a political weekend confer- 1met-ers iii good condition."-______ ofiencOuthis fail b discuss poliyl 'Uîîtiî IaarnAox'ernuled bofacock snd famuilv have arrivcd ~ poltaisseln al GepY provincial o-and tts alt dsts plc!Imoerue yhome forthie 'sumrmer fi-oni pieopale Te s swtelling ranks, Gep, itY p en erlexln rganization nEast Cn higher court.I fiîîd th tvo inCanada is the largest poi'-- Carruthers. MPP-Durharn, Ro- ri attempted ta deposit a cil oktahs clyoutl group in oui- natio'i.! bei-t Sisson, D x1himCa Alenxte1î r ef t l . j Iuta w er y im e 1, Misskainxvhre ti. Per- SP hrepman. a urhan OBITU R gerxr on bath eves at Oshawa, l.uscîou.1 red qtr-awberries,! donald Institute. Guelphi, TI"h-omt.sete holiday ai fi DonWins]ow. -with the Court-,,Geneeîal Hospital. isugarcd and chilled. are aibei-ries shiould be fe fi-cenilcatr.:IS freinUENI M.adMs WgCreojurmrdset tnb.Te mitr n dr.CekteýM.adMs.Jc ety / Mi-. Carruthers said: "W're' attended Maple Greve Atîii-:ai-e so quickly and casîlv pi 1 battant of the boxes for- stahis. Toronto, speuil Sîuuday iviih .. onth narl. ui iut1The funeral serice or Miss xesau'y and i%,ewe' uPpei,:parcd, as wvchl as se tcnipting,!These usîually nican liat Iihe> Mi. and àMrs. O. Mercer and MV BS ~UXP4T goupis orgig acadas ]S~EIzaehJseh uent guests ai Morley Flintoff'sitlial they can be served at anylberie r or-rie SIAR IN MIND sliown by the numbers hereio! Brockvillc. daugliter of the'Bowrna n ville. mes]. 1sof t. wreo'r-ie ad hîey ailvted onth o nîî wwN wu Au BW.»M i tonighb. These VoUtîful ToTiesi late Robert Nugent and lis, Mn. and Mrs. Morris SleeP' Choose the brighb, fres1i. Dannlp bei-ries &poil î'cadilv.' Miss Gxv-en Meu'cen. Torott. s F4O , xill be the spearhcad of our,wife Margaret McPlerson of and Linda, Coldwater. Misseýlean, rosy-red berirus, sav1Take the propeî' precauitianýItisretiîed te heu' werk after FINO future political activitv. Else- Ops Township, took place at i.Teall Pascoe, Oshawa, Mn. and'the food specialists ai Mac- xv e the bei-ries arrive in the.SPeudiuig a iwo-week v'acation P where. thev have taekled tle .Emiiy Presbyterian cemetcry!Mis. Ai-chie Keilh, Oshlaiva. i <ichen. Don't wash thenM I u-,at 1er home. Grox u EXPI hardes tp olitical nuis andl on Thursday. The Rcv. Char-.Mîiss Ada Pascale, Port Credit.'1*vuaegil aLS h-in.iM.adMs .Gro n Qi> cracked them. Youth can cia les Donald, D.D. of OakvilleMc. and Mrs. Arthîur Moo"ýe S/l C~If t ore them iin the nefiigerator ýCaiol Pout Hope. visited witrh i n et.Ensiln ,,sTow nsSou tri' udMs thle sanie here." oi telcted the service. curKiti.Eaikiletreaiy, ~"~sa thst the air xviliMis. W9aIteu's on Friday even- 'Mc East Central District is i Relatives and fricnds attend- Dave Rickaid and Roui Dix'- circulate ai-oued theni. Wash'ing. te oLcame o! extensive work Pd fi-arn Oakville, Toi-ente, 'insoe, Newcastle, visited at Aiihe bex'rics before voix uni] The Muldi'ews cf Oshawa axer the last Iwo years by thc Lindsay, Mount Pleas a n t, Fr'ank Pascoe's aud attended A s ss e tthein te pievent loss'o! flavor weî'e do\îvo (on the veekeuîd. East Central Ontari o YPC Or- Cavan and Bethanv. theli M cCul loug- ýl-ascoe ,v,d and colour. Soîu rr îa Ia n.E v ganizational Committce," de-' Miss Nugee $427udn3o atray , l Theres% a nutrition stor'y on Prouse lias beerui in thc hospi- clared Dean K. Purdy, chair- known thi-ouglieut this aiea I Mr. sud Mrs.*Chuck Teu'î'x e ut ta man front Carleton County, and in 1cr younecr years had su ad Laurie, Oshawa, Mn. and 1tabxrc .o i .~ us ibutBat ecar Ottawa. The Orono rally been a schoel teacher in scv- Mrs. Perey' Davidson teok a Cebourg:- Coboui'g's suxare know thcri's as MuIch Vita - M'. adMs iletBat is te tird n aseris o r dFt willbemin C inoee six-ounce sdu'x-iliave beecn withî 11cm daugli is te thir in seiesof a1- eral local schools and later, trip te Maxitowanieg. Mant- cof thc courîtv bude vlc. PLM IGHAIG lies scheduled for ths axea, at Saskatchewvan College, Sa-l toulin Islanîd. wherc they vis-, incî'eased nexit year because cfîng o! freshi strawberries as11tel'. Mns. Thoinpson cf Miii- UM IG H e sard. 1 katoon. Sask. She dicd in a ited fuieuîds aud irelatives. a change in legisistion, Couiî- teeusu.uewoeoi1i& .eik lie irso îder- I Mor'e Vian 150 enthusiastiel Broc'<ville Nursing home, June Mastex' Roger' Doxxn, Oýî tics Aseoi GrntSid Sti-awberî'y jam ix 115lv 11119 aiig seuiouu opPi'stion in .11_BURNER_ JI hikes te stand OVd!. Peterborog optl _ _ ~~~Tories applauded loudly %wlen 2Othi, aged 90 yeau's. Funcralîawvs, is ,;aviiig ai PervDa- j bd tUitued Counties Cocue- a favourite wiih everyoee.Btrog Hopa. ORON 178 errmentof ohn iefebalsrlstock's of Peterboroughi. ! on vacation. Mr. sud M:,s.1 MMr. Shield. iii prescuîting the stave oui a bot sumnimer day iolettaOi successfu] studenis LiaqaccinpIshe, n're or:Lefite mourn thc îoss or a ' Pec" Davidson lîad Sunday annual equalization ne por it? Iere is a new le- un passing le sceller grade. loviuîg Al r unt ir.ILICý Eliuneu'Down's. Osi- said lIat the Rsssssrnent oief1 lphfor M coald stitute ChaiesDonald ofOpfeuîce le-awa, snd ca!led ai Walter'thie Central O lneDepoti uth ta- B R E O Mis. 'Kî'auitz Oshîawa. will be <'ouîited in calultiîgbei-iy iam. thany, sud a uephew, Donald, Mi- sud Mx's. HenîxY DautiCobourgs share. In the pasti Combine 2 eups of fiîelv Lowcs of Cavan. and Keni visited ai William 'tls las uîot been tIe case. mashed. or sievcd atrawýbi'- .Oui Thui'sday aftec'nooln the, ______Dart's aud Fu'ed Dari's, Wood-; Grant in Lieu of Taxes ries with. 4 cups of sugai'. Let chlldi-e sud tblii parents ville, ou Sueday.. ts nmixtur'e stand for 20 min-, gatîeî'ed ie tle school gî'eunds Mobuug.ecivs lganhin:Utes. stirring occas ilnas11 v.;for a pienic and surprised oui- OBIT ARYTornteGeneral Hoptlfrmno.goermn ntl- Then mix i,ý à bottle ot liquiLd; teachpr Miss L. E. Kuiglhu, -the Dazzing White House Paint OBT À YTreou Mi"xs~n-~~~pectin witI I quart ef wateiu'whe is Ieax'iug oui- commun-, observation. C.O.D., but hitherbo las flot Add the bei-ries aud stir foi' ity ta take up duties in Tor- BARRY LORNE 31ARTYN Mn. snd Mi-s. N. Pottieraud lad te thc depot as par-t 2mnts orit i!y ne isKih vse HaryLo-e vîrtu, n-Diane. Tor'onto, visited ai. ef is taxable assessnuenl foiglasses. Caoveî'.and ]et stand: sented wiîhi twe lox'el\ gifts sidui o te hauavnSak CoHngr auans oî room ntemperature 24 te 48 frr eflccornmueity and two k iqe î v o w p district for nearly 50 ycars:s..Coîga tuhieu t i'(sdMn.- VIShîe]d's report covered hours, or until jlled. Thi- Ievelv gifis firn the Bunketený TM M R ucme M h*nvnU-grets. ae Mcuouugl Max'-municipal asscssmeuts rnade, niakes about 6 tglasses. Seat; ýWeman's Associationî ef whicilE CHE YO TU»ITST loU in su pitaedleonhaunavo4.H Un-gi-Oet011Paoci oui heirmar-,lu 1960 fou' 1961 taxation un',vith paraffin andi store in a she was a uîeîniber. M iss O f IO de.ath came suddenly ait the rMr..A. Kuiope'oi'outheslis, nd ue twcq reze.uia!ikefr e- Kni hauked al] those pi- ag !7 eis asel r Aral ,;psan h pooedeweeks in tle refrigena- en for leî' siay li Biuîkeioîî. ag f7 er.vustedaiHn Geissbergei"s. 7ation oftIhese figures te be toi-;Msnih iIlegeîvRetÀuesm~oo~s p sb o/n Ath eisricnoxvn pbrione'ilcf Mi.. aud Mus Nelson Fie u-ed foi, 1962 coueities taxa- nMissed fi-cm oi-l 'emmunitIv. tI isrc, e'vsbru~'and Douglas visiteti ah M:s. mssd_ . ' -rmmni.v Bowvmaeville. Ont., Maî'cn 17,.1Frnk Westlake's Sur. Suuîday! Teioth axbl ssssntMir. sud Mus. Anthon.vit eeagsLrild e. A253 1F,84. son of bhe laie .1. B.levening. .Thx tta îale en e xsass rsiedWEDDtG aniud faxnily spent the ______________________________________ Marcyn. rcsîding thie n ciii Thie Bazésu' %vas quile a inS76.268,75.3 \anslureasre o! u ii i III 1909 x'e n foi eP.crne x'an d sC ess, sd thele fu riurs wee $l 879389 over thc previeus HEFFiELFINGER - ]BRAY workd fr P BuuuîssudCc.a little ovex' $270.00 for the aud the CPR, retui'uing teW. A. Siggesîf assessirnel usCo-'-Bouquets of .Jehanna r'oses Heo rmenvi Io thîl estu190.Hilus Geisbergei' Jr. is buisy burg's at $12,992,841. Cobourg andi crearn suiapdragons- werc Hecae ac t tc s'stsilo filinEg these davF. aise s'hoxved the biggesî in plaeci on thc communion in 1913 sud toak tup fari-ng ý Mrs. Tjin Stalitiox. Daxvy c'xeasc, al, S413,347. Tlhe asses- table in St. George's United . ....... 1949 o Shunvhnle retircnig oulS. Mrs. Jolne Ba-'-, ments fox' tIe other' îlree!iChurch, Toi-ente. ta [orm a Lander Hardware Ld.. Llan ou JaesdBîiBaI 3680ewavl.ti occkfMi- an949ovcd eon. înce tiîlw Douglas. Jimnie, Ma'v, towns li tle couxities were as1 loveîy background fou' tit 51 KING ST. E. lM'A 3-5774 'time he lad been a faînulu*arl] vatne eleSinr,;ý96 i 3685;RwavleýtI 'lc fltvEia FreEstimates on Exterior & Interior Decorating figur e oenitre ret, a-Oianbi' qa'prt 7488.409.up S42.731. a ji d beth Bray Musi. Bac.. dauigltex' Frcig en nees uthc Saturdia,%. Camoibelîferd S2,7 75,29 2 1 pcf Mr- andiMs George J. M. people lie met andtinluthe af-- 1 5Bray. Toroanto. sud Rcv. Loi-ui fairs of thc tawn sud corni-. mily.For a numbeu' cf ~iHope îoxv'îslîip's a asessillent, lEdmund Heffelfinger B.A., years le carcd foi' a îu'avel- uii.-ïi'u L r' s e .$103,340 ta 31251BD e. c!li$c'i i Hanîillon's incu'eased $¶227,952!'n ofio Rev. sud Mrs. G. Gon- The Modern iVc Iinlibrasrvce lienforms igof, Mi'. sud ?Mrxs. Cecil Gi-cen. te $4,447,279. idon Heffelfinger B.A., B.D. - enentiemet l bIc nex xve'e uess ethour ai~ 013' ecra~eB.Educ., a! Springfield, Ont.-- To e radtinaiy~ I eneti- wee few.i n ly î'e- ivrPany ud Dnce lieil he TeOnlv muuîcialise o- 1ffcaigclrya tIc huu'h sevu' ant ai hie'utei xsitt rUr ilyRichrd- i' ' - thbuu'ial srvice indHullcte t sou ,ecit Rchad-un bouffantvvski-lieddudiesses JJed4~ding8 .I vitations Cemtetcry, Shaunavon. We ai-e glad te 'eport lI ai flona daqua feaoTrguT 3JT Mr-. George H-amilton us unak- h/S ovps er e ua tffetTîi 3 7Iof7 14c I 5 Thernto.engraved (i &TEEfl - ung steatiy progress Ai homeRA E I S hatpce eec-lts f ece i tvi osia. D A E I S oganza le-aves aud they car- Moule L.e., tkil...It Pursl .,edîgmudenaeuet nenPmn.,îrî nnuMONur utx1nsstyunhsptl.neti miniature nosegayx of '~ ,,e44 imaîxjan invt ans.olen mnd subixrannvearOcur'popuilation ixîcreascri AND Jolanna roses. 'N, cnfircmat n i tatos.gldnan ie nf rsrInlendeti for hast %%,eek'u napidly ox'er île weekend Rev. R. B. Heffelfingerwa P RK SAx"E 6 9 anoucernxxet. hen sex eral tocursts teck up WT AWT NMrý. Jacob P ao 7e., Nr. îesidence ln cuti- village for WA LT WLL est mari sud tIc ushei's weu'e EXTRA---CIAL r1~Douglasa1ingShack-eltouî, Mus. Ro tA s.un-ien nieuhs W D " TO M Morris Hfefne.British IRAISED LETTEIRING) cent callers ai I-ai-iv Pojoz. about Mi-. Douglas Logan U %VA Cluma. Ri.ougHil.anM 1' rodu ce e tr *udRg i Looksand W le hL e iefinest hand engraving. Ths e t I Mis. John Genty, Phililp proxiug irnsef a gooci woîî Mv uln gRMcin L e onti Hil . a A t UE L baea lgneadidvdaiyol h iethn n- 1Gcri- sud Allau Gei-i-v. Toir-' lun.ei'. This xxeekend aboutre heYoccaMin teeet Krea.'sARIZONA Rgo CARDINAL., Coe uht s.2tn 7-AE h m e n le an e d ud vi u m i y ni ' he fi ea h nd cm ; ut e, w e ne S u ud a.v visitais ai mr ni t c o u F riday, I w as fis - LorRleEcca ionUhe bri es, grvn ac.Mrs. F. B. Glaspell'S. iuîg wiîli Docug. (souîexvheu'e notlen worc Dior blue peauiLAG CLSR, T enoegaig(RAISF.DLETI'ERtiNr.) ~rq. Alex 11cMaster. Joan le Canada). Oui- !ishing eau'lv Two Locations de soie sud the groom*s mo-j NO. 1 GRADEA& TO TES48foZnSC spnd Ross wveie supper guests liiitIh nigît xvas Cnuiless but bIen close beige 0i-gsfza oveirAE0 4TNS$.4-BV 0 Cous about hlli as muîch as hand en ,axnbecause it eliminis at Chai-les Nayler's. Oshawa.' le dippeti lis hunein a crcek f~IW apnicol silk pi-ii.oe.WI Wt A.2tn36-VEe .&tes the copper plate thatmakem han=egaing 80expensive ou Sunday. lanudxithiin a couple of mn- OHA AARex'. anti Mrs. Heffel- a .4~flYT'SRE&DYWITHN THEWEEKSundav callers ai Pencv Da-,utes lad lantieti a 191.2 ich 19 BOND ST. W. fingeu' lefi on blei- wedding A PPTTE Of course ron i-an order mauehiuug enclosute carda, i Murray, Port Perny. Supper1 sure enjoyedtiîs îeauîy xvîeu RA 3-4922 . tn a NdSe Yonk, tle LNexv R A P E S ~Onotn*~ reepiorepo2e lauuk yu and at home cards, etc. iguesis were âMn. anti Mrs.!pi-coareti by Mrs. Logan saine- Lebby'a D.stherobrideTomto Sauce Select irons OurRant cataloguen of flawîesslv correct ýGeorge Davidson anîd Patti.Ilim«e later. ]PTE RBURU ing a two-picce ensemble of ..2tn h.SV piper%. Il diMî of ettrng. Wddings Whitbx,, Mr'. anti Mrs. Howardi 'Mr. anti Mis. Raîphi SIai-pc muteti green silk shantung - prîue-d sa' ow as.30 for et.00 and 100 for $13.30, cow Allait. Bunketon.1 anti Miss Maîjorie Clark of M RE PLAZA anti chiffon witl beige Acces- plets with double entehopes and tusues, Mus. Ba ' Cameron spent a Toronto xvere weekeud visit- RI 5-6874 sonies. Their future addresst CScF24TN 420-BV 5 couxple et dax's at Pont Hopeou's in tle village. ivili. be tle Unitedi Church i 1lW a 'a l tanti visiteti ai Rov Williams'. 1 Oui- Letges ai-e cemmemoxa- Dave Preston, Prop. Manse, North Portal, Sask. ,MJn skrRg .SV 0 avalable at rs. Tuez Hrcry, H'amilton., ling île Baille o! île Boyne 125 Centre St. brie ta enertmaiethean9 IMi'. anti Mrs. Don Pi-oui ant.inluOshawa ou Satunday, Juiy M BLUEBERRYrie PIE ..etaine 49< C') ~~sons, Bexvmanville, wxei-e Suai- 8t1. A clanitee bus Ns'ill tmmvlî imes. An atternoon tes was AiPi. n'I, dGaate heg c5tatesniaî2 dav visitecr, at Rav Carneron's.ýýleave tle hall ah 10:30 ar..uMA 3-5912 helti in île home e! 1er grand-'8îdi,.hysi i C*,i" i-ia d a i S t tesna Nr.. Fred Lameron las.%e--ir Bra.,! Band xiii supply' ____________motetlr, Mi-s. T. H. Everson cf horne %ter bavig sur- music for tle occasion. ! Oshmwa, by Mrs. Wesley J.

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