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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1961, p. 7

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THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, IROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO AESVI IIEDN SDAY, JULY th, 1961 Ili cSocwi.a1 & £Personal Girl Guide Company Bids Farewell to Captain [ Phone MA 3 -3303 I Mr. and Mrs. Leon Connora, Miss Tanya Goddard left Town, are visiting relatives ini Sunday for Kingston where, Lo>ckport, N.Y., and Kenmore,; for five weeks, she will be N.Y. teaching English Conversation Miüss Jean Shearer, Toronto, te French Canadiens at the was a weekend guest of Mr. Queen's University Summer and Mrs. E. W. Crawford,1 School. ande MflSt Misses Anni e and E ff a Mxs. R. Whjt c, Wri.ght, Mr. and Mr. Arthur Bryan and Douglas spent the' Wright, Oshawa, an-d Mr. and holiay eeked ca m n Mrs. Everett Beech, P o r t near Tory Hill, Ont. Hope, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lynch,1 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer, Toronto, were recent visitors Scugog St. with her mother, Mrs. J. A. ~ d ~ Ae ye Gurm, Liberty Place.Ptiadu, Mr. and Mrs. e ye Sunday guests wit'h Mr- and Jack Bentley and family, and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King Street Mr and Mrs. John Lyle an-d F.ast, were Mr. and Mrs. W. family were Sunday guests of Tlhompson of Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. Reg Moynes and Congratulations to Mr. James 1 farnlly, Washago, Ont. ,A. Werry of .nnîskillen Wnoi celebrated his 88th birthdoy en Monday, July 3rd. Mr. Stephen Cawker, Belle- ville, is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr.ý end Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Recent visitors witih Mrs. F.1 T. Tighe were her daughter and son-in-low, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright of Aurora. Mrs. Frank Huninisett and sister, Mrs. Kirkwood, Tor- onto, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Miss Elenor Heard has re- ceived word that she hos been successful in her yeor at Pet- erborough Teachers' College. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lake, Bil and Peter, Newcastle, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown. Mm. Bert Colwell and Irwin spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Colwell and Susan, Port Cre- dit, Ont. Mnf. and Mirs. Walter Bell a.nd farnily, London, Ont., spentt the weekend with her inother, Mrs. H'arry Rice, Con- cession St. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jef- fery and Stephen, Wellingt.on St., spent the holiday week- end at their cottage ln Algon- quin Park. Mn.sand Mrs. Frank Mohun, Bill and Leslie were weekend visitera with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall, River- view, Ont Brian and 3111 Colville spent the holidlay weekend with their uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. G. Bruton, at their cot- tage near Kiamount. / Mr'. Ted Goddard and Mr'. *cuce_ Osborne, Toronto, are - gSMnlng trough Western nMada and the United States ~6a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrn. Cuthbert Me- Donald, Dennis sind Sylvia were weekend guests of Mr. end Mrs. Wmn. Blight at their cottage, Can-eron Lake. Mr. end Mrs. Jack Knight wMl leave on Fniday for ice Lake where they will spend a two-weeks' vacation an d have a rnuch needed rest. Miss Carol Hughes leaves Iby Jet on Saturday for a severi-week vacation with re- latives in England. She plans to, visit Wales and France be- lore returning home. Misses Lynda and Nancy Rehder, Peterborough, h av e returned home after spending a few days lost week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Beech Ave. Mrs. Carl Carlin! and Jim- rny, Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bar- rett, Albert St., while Mr. Car- lini, MT. Barrett and Kelvin Jones are on a fishing trip at Arden. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minlater Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Mr. M. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. PUBLIC WORSHIP The Contregations et Tria- Ity sud St. Paul'. worship ln st. PauI'a ln July. The Bowxnanville Handcraf t Guild donated the pnizes for the Pionic Party given last week by the Parents Council for the children of the Osh- awa and District Cerebral Palsy School and Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Evans and Mrs. Dorothy Childs re- turned last Fniday evening from a most enjoyable five- week vacation with relatives in England, a n d Wales. They travelled by Jet and report marvellous flights. Congratulations te the fol- lowing former B.H.S. students whe were successful in their Peterborough Teachens' Col- lege examinations, Eleanon Pickard, Barbara Brown, Ruth G.oheen, Barbara Vermeulen. Beverley Smith, Margo Ran- kine and Joyce Fisher. Mai. and Mrs. Charles Spen- cer', Stephen, John, Douglas and Susan, formerly of Camp Gagetown, N.B., are visiting her parents Mn. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Centre Street. Mal. Spencer wilIL be stationed at Font Monroe, Virginia, os Canadian Liaison Officer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bal- lagh and daughter, Buffalo,1 N.Y., Mrs. J. R. Cana', Belle- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coul- son, Toronto, Miss Hizel Bar- rie, Oshawa, and Don and Bob Holmes of Newcastle, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and1 Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Simp- son Ave. Miss Judy Jeffery, Ml1 s si Betty Darch, Town, an-d Miss Kathy Slemon of Enniskillen, are visiting In Grand'Mere, Quebec, witih the Trehan fam- ily. At the conclusion of theirj visit, three Trehan daughters will return with themn for a visit here. The exchange visits were arranged by the local Rotary Club. Mr. and Mrs. William H-. Bates, Flett Street, left on Saturday for a month's vaca- tion. They will motor to Cal- gary, Alto., where they will visit thein daughter, Miss Ly- 1dia Bates. While there they will attend the famous Cal- gary Stampede. Before their return to Bowmanville Mr. and Mns. Bates will also visit in Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. Brlde-elect Misa Mary Annei Heavysege was guest of honorl at a mlscellaneous shower held at the home of Miss Ele- nor Heard. She recelved many lovely gifts from her highi school friendsana-d relativesi who were present. Miss Heavy- sege expressed sincere grati- tude and appreclation te the guests and te co-hostesses, Mrs. J. Coombes and Miss Heard. Mr. a.nd Mns. K. Buckley and Anne, Toronto, Mrs., R. Scott, Woodbridge, Mrs. Thel- ma Raridaîl, Sincoe, Mrs. J. Doughty, Jarvis, Mrs. Geýo. Moyens, Waterford, Mrs. L. Rainer, Toronto, Mns. Austin Toogood, Spencerpont, N. Y., Mrs. Wm. Lamb, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Lam-b and Brion, Toron-1 te, Mr. H. Gibbs, Mn. and Mrs.i Jack Gibbs, Windsor, Mr. and1 Mna. Geo. Gibbs, Burlington,1 attended the funeral of theî late Mr. E. J. Gibbs here on1 Tuesday, June 27. Misses Linda Rundle and' Beverley MeRobbie left Mal- ton Airport Saturday on ing, July 1, by Vanguard te spend their vacation with Bey- erley'à, uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Holyoak at Vancou- ver, B.C. They will take sight-, seeing tours te Victoria and' Banff, and will spend o few days at the Calgary Stampede. The return trip wili be made by Jet. Mr. and Mii. L. Run- d le, Betty lAu, Mns. McRob- bie and Lloyd accompanied the girls to the airpont te see FREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN 1 REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvile ]Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone MA 3-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.m. - Holland 11:00 arn. - English 7:30 p.m. - English Free transportation for those willing but unable before 9 p.=. Saturday nights. i "Back To God Hour" Broadcasts ÇKI.R. CIsawa. at 3 mmn. everyiSunday CKEYM Toronto, eul'; &.ut At an interesting meeting recently, niembers of the 2nd Bow- Actinig Lieut. Lillian Miller, Bonnie Taý manville Guide Company held a farewell for Captain Maureen Allen, Coreen Sweep, Pat Deboo, Anna Cooper who is leaving this area te return te Belleville. Included in row: Chris Tighe, Betty IRundie, Eileen the group were, front row, lef t te right: Cheryl Forsey, Elizabeth Sharon Dadson, Maria Sweep; absent, El Smith, Pat McKnight, Susan Etcher, Linda Therteli; middle row, Shredd. Large Audience Attends Mrs. W. Workman's Pupils Present Piano Recîf ai The annual piano recital General, Dianne Puk, Bever- given by the pupils of Mrs. ley Anderson, Judy Samis, W. E. C. Workman was held Linda Johnston, David Wat- at the Lions Community Cen- tre last Wednesday evening. son, Linda Kelly, Ann His, The program was enjoyed by Dareli Hunt, Kathy MeMur- a large audience composed of ter, Gay Quinton, Jodee Scott, parents and friends of the stu- Darral Osmond, Carol His, dents. J. H. Parkhili, a mem- David Shackleton, Patsy Blake, ber of the teaching staff of Nancy Hooper, Kathy Vice, Central Coliegiate, Oshawa, Francis Stacey, Margaret Plu- was the M.C. mmer, Linda Strawbridge, The results of the Royal Peggy Passmore, Louise Mann, Conservatory of Music of Pat Rudeli, Rachelle Hunt, Toronto examinations were Sandra Gallagher, John Werry, announced by Mr. Parkhill Stephen Jeffery, Margaret as follows: Brian Hancock, Shackleton, Marîllyn Bebee, Grade II Theory, First Glass Tommie Puk, Ronnie Hooper, Honors; Mary Jane Walter.s, Hilda Ferbeck, Susan Eliott, Grade IV Piano, Honors; Su- Marion Johnson, Wayne Hunt, an Quinton, Grade V Piano,' Ray Ripley, Donald Blake, Honors; and Elizabeth Bra- Kathryn Brown, Mary Van den, Grade V Piano. Camp, Glenn Rabb, Susan Many favorable comments Quinton, Linda Karp, Carol were mode regording the pro- Beilman, Rita Vandermeent, by teErla Anderson, Christie Tighe, gress demonstrated b th!Julia Hawke and Dorothy students toking part in the Fly recital. Those who ployed Fly werc: Phyllis Emmerson, Cor- Following the recital a del- inne Elliott, Bonnie Chisholm, Icious lunch was served. The Laurel Abernethy, Jane Mc- children enjoyed ice cream Intyre, Susan Mann, Borbie and chocolate milk, and the Scott; Lorelei Osmond, David adults had coffee and cookies. High School1 Exam Resuits Thie Iolowlng Bowmanville '.rowe, Betn; Lryaerman,, and Courtice High School stu- Margaret. dents have been awarded Se- acBtyDeronLy condry chol Grduaionnda; DeCoe, Jane; DeGooyer, Diplomas in June, 1961. Alice: DeJong, Teresa; Dili- Aolbers, Linda; Austin, ing, Sandra; Dilling, Sharon; Charlotte; Bagnell, Donald; Dorsm-an, Pluen; Down, Gary; Bornes, Grace; Bartlett, EcI- Dupuis, Gwen; Ewert, Leslie; word; Betties, Mary; Black- Folls, Gerald; Fernlund, Eric; burn, Robent; Brown, Ronald; Finney, Gordon; Forster, An- Brown, John; Burnham, Gor- ton; Fowler, Darlene; Fraser, don. Allan. Cameron, Lynda; Chernes- Garrod, Jacqueline; Gay, ky, Sylvia, Clark, Bertha; Dennis; Gearing, Norma; Ger- Courtice, Charlotte; Covenly, atschek, Waltraude; Gibson,ý Kenneth; Cryderman, James; David; Gibson, Sandra; Gill, Davey, Joyce; Dickens, Mich- Patricia; Greenham, Carole; lael; Emmerson, Monty; Foley, Griffin, Launa; Grills, Lor- Dorothy; Fox, Lorraine; Gar- raine; Hancock, Jean; Haw- son, Tony; Gibson, Walter; thorne, Barney;, Henderson, Gill, Dixie; Gray, Susan. Judith; Hoan, Thomas; Hof- Hancock, Sharon; Hethening- stede, Ben; Huggins, Mabel; ton, Roberta; Higgon, Berta; Irvine, Shirley; Keatley, Higgon, David: Hofstede, Jos- Earl; Kent, Carole; Kerr, Day- eph; Housianden, Gary; Hull, id; Knapp, Freeda; Kohn, Sharon; Imlach, Dole; Irwin, Sonia; Kooy, Henry; Leddy, Donna; Jamieson, Larnane; Michael; Lugtenburg, Louis; Jeffery, Judith; Jose, Douglas. Lunney, Lorece; Luxt o n, Kennedy, George; Knox, Cheryl-Anu; Lymer, Mary Patricia; Leach, Shiaron; Lip- Ann. toy, Elizabeth; Lucas, Sharon; MacLean, Bernard; McCrone, Luxton, Betty; Mackie, Kath- Eric; McCulloch, Danlien; Mc- leen; MacLean, Deanna; Marr, Gregor, Neil; McMaster, Joan; Mary Lou; Marsh, John; Mut- McMurter, Sharon; McReelis, ton, Mernidy; Nimigon, Edith; Harry; McRoberts, Carroll; Oke, Douglas; Ormiston, Joan; Mackie, Jeanette; Mrdn O'Rounke, David; Ovens, Bar- Jeanette; Martin, D i ane; bara. Meeks, Jane; Morris, Delores; Porter, Joan; Potts, Lyndo; Morton, Carol; Mutton, Bon- Rekken, Siebe; Rickard, Jam- nie; Napier, Yvonne; Neads. es; Roberts, Diane; Roberts, David. Linda; Rosevear, Kenneth; Poeden, Judy; Paterson, Rudmran, Faye; Spar n o0w, Sandra; Phillips, Manjonie; Judithann; Spicer, Audrey; Pickell, Roc; Piggott, Jean; Steven, Barry. Plazek, Robert; Pollard, Lyn- Thompson, David; Treibal, do; Prime, Randaîl; Raaphorst, Jaro; Twist, John;, Welsh, Hon- Ria; Rahme, Ileane; Richards, aid;Wery, Ane;WitvetBruce; Riznek, Carol; Rogers, Nelie;Woo I c , Alan Larry; Rowen, Cheryl. ing, Sandra; Dulling, Sharon; St. Pierre, Joyce; Samis, Yourth, Bradley, Yurko, Mary., Donna; Scott, Judy; Scott,, The following is a list of1 Bill; Seînplonius, Tnixie; Shee- the Bowmanville and Countice. han, Carol; Short, Anlene; High School pupils who re- Sierhuis, Tineke; Slemon, ceived thein Intermediate Cen- Kathnyn; Smith, Elsie; Spra- tificates. gue, Evelyn; Stacey, Carolyn; Stephens, Annabehi, Syer, Adams, John; Aider, Patti; Duncan. Alldred, Wayne; Allin, John;' Anonichuk, Yvonne-, Bahl, Su- Taylor, Diane; Taylor, Rod;: zanne; Barnabali, Karen; Beau- Tennant, Carolyn; Ternill, champ, Doris; Beckim, Ken- Louise; Thieburger, Marg, neth; Bodnar, Susan; Bowen, Thompson, Linda; Thompson, Linda; Brown, Raye; Brough, Pot; Thompson, Talbot; Tink, Jud,- Bruinsma. Louie; Budai, Diane; VanDyk, Annie; Vin- Mary; Bull, Marilyn; Burton,I nish, Pot. Robent. Wavensveld, Ricky; Weh- Cannochan, Audrey; Carter, nent, Robert; Werry, Edgar; Pûtricia;, Chant, Marie; Char- Wenny, Ruth; Westheuser ' les, Michael; Chnisti, Anna;,Linda; Willis, Patricia; Wol- Cobbledick, Sandra; Cole, nik, Michael; Woolsey, Nancy; Jean; Cook, Patricia; Cooniey, Woudstra, Fiena; Yellowlees,i Marion; Cooper, L a n n y; Donna; Youngman, Allan. i Tamblyn Clan Holds Picnic At Newcastle Waltona Park, Newcastle on June 24, 1961, was the scene ofI the annual Tamblyn picnic.1 Tamblyns fnom near and fan! came to renew acquaintances and trace down the tree fori newly found cousins. The three branches of the family tree were on display for all te view. Many did this while the young fry were en- gaged in varîous games and sports. Enthusiastie Tamblyns from a distance were from Tenne-ý se, Ohio, New Yonk and: Michigan States. The Ontario' Tamblyns came from Goder-1 ich, Hamilton, Toronto, Sund-ý enband, Cambray, Orono andý Oshawa. Slate of officers for the com-1 ing year: Pat President, Robt. Teudor Tomblyn, Thornhill; President, Franklin Tamblyn, Hamilton; Vice-President, Wil- fred Tamblyn, Toronto; Sec'y- Treas., Leila (Tamblyn) At- chison, Newtonville; Chief His- tonion, R ob ernt Wellington Tamblyn, Markham; Record- ing Secretaries, Joan Waddell, Toronto; C larna Thompson, Oshawa; Olive Mac Tamblyn, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Tamblyn, Cambray. Instaill Morris <PROM PAGE ON£) dents who are still withus Dr. George James, Ross Stnike, R. R. Stevens, L. W. Dippel[, Morley Vanstone, Forbes Hy- land, Mel Dole, Dr. H. B. Run- die, Walter DeGeer, W. David Higgon, Gannet Rickard, Dr. W. M. Rudeli, Dr. Keith Sic- mon, Rex Walters, George Vice and now R. P. Rickaby. "These have been, and con- tinue to be, great men in our club, and I cannot help but be pnoud te know that you have thought me to be an ac- ceptable successor. You con understand, though, why I feel sornewhat apprehensive. Imagine trying te run a club' in the presence of 16 poot masters! "There are many reasons why I look forward with con- fidence and optimism te ano- ther good year for our club.' Not only have you given me wonderful officens and Board, of Dinectors, but we have a! grand lot of committec chair- men as wcll. "A club is simply a corn- posite of ail its members, ne- flecting their collective goed and bad points with equal! clanity. Its pattern and basic! character wene set by its foun- ders, while current members give it vitality, introduce var- ious changes, and influence it for better or worse. l'You individually, are res-- ponsible for the good com- posite pictune of our club, and you con well be pnoud of it, just as I am pnoud te be assoc-' iatcd with you. I pledge myi evcry effort te turn oven te my successor a club of which you will stili be proud," Pre- sident Morris promised. A worm welcome was given W. David Higgon to the Lirst luncheon meeting he has been able to attend since his recent illness. The birthdays o f Fred Vanstone and Garnet' Rickard were celebrated by [their fellow Rotanians. jGeorge Vice was presented, with a Seven Year Perfecti Attendance Pin. The club members expnessed thein plea- sure that R. R. Stevens, a past president of the club, wos able to attend the lunch- eon meeting with his grand- son, Bob Stevens. The winners of the Base- baIl Draw were Dr. George James and L. MeMahon, Guests present wer Rex Wynn, Brantford; Eric Whyte, East York; Rev. John Van Melen, Dasgtor <of the Cfhristian Re-. Toronto ilI Rider <FROM PAGE ONE) the scene until the end of the race or a special van arrived to load an8 return it to the paddock area. The Kaye Don Trophy race was by for the most thrilling It featured the faster bikes of Japanese, British, German and Italian orngin types unknown to most of those attending from this anea. Many were equipped with showy fiberglass windguards and all were spot- -~ less, the plentiful chrome pipes shining. Riders wore outfits that put them ln a class by themselves. Most had black leather coveralîs which stretch- ed from head to foot and must have given their bodies con- siderable protection from burns when they tumbled. Huge hel- mets and goggles or visors and special boots completed the out-of-this-world attire. From the start of the 40-lap feature ut was a dog fight be- tween Ivor Lloyd of Toronto, - a35 ya-old Crone operator for the Swansea Construction Company, and Bob Burnett of * Wenham. Lloyd, riding a Nort- on Manx and Burnett on a Matchless G50 were neck and neck for the full race with th-e lead changing several times. At the end, Lloyd was 12 seconds, ohead of bis rival. Top lap time for the day was chalked Up by second place Bob Bur-1 ýylo, Vlere AdmsJ dnett with 1.50.1, and average UYspeed of 78.50 miles an hour, Sweep, Capt. Cooper; back not quite as high as the 86.4 iKnapp, Sandra Robinson, miles an hour lap that Stirling Maine Highfield and Sheila Moss recorded duning the -Photo by Rehder Player's 200 sports car race. Lt. Col. Tony Miller of Montreal, the only mon to win formed church, Oshawa, Rev. Ithe Kaye Don Trophy twice in John C. Verbrugge, postor Of a row (1936 and 1937) was the Chnistian R e f o r m e d present to make the presenta- Church, Bowmanville, and tion to bring the Silver Jubilee Rev. Clarence Bisschop, ossoc- of this race to a conclusion. it iate postor of both these originated in 1932 when the churches. Castrol 0i1 Company, thnough Don Morris, chai-mon of the the good offices of Kaye Don, Crippled Children's Committee presented the beautiful trophy for the post year, read a let- to the British Empire Motor ter from D. Rohrer thanking Club. With the exception ofi the Bowmanville Rotary Club the wan yeors, when it wosl for sending him to Blue Moun- suspended, this race has been tain Camp at Collingwood. a greatfeature each year, at- I M SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK VWhen eating puls you wrong ENO puts you RIGHT/ MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS I.D.A. Brand - 4 and 8 oz. - Reg. 30c, 50o Calamine Lotion - 23c, 39c Truvac - 15 oz. - Reg. 98o Vacuum Bole - -n*79c 30e Off Colgate reg. 1.69 size Florient Air Deodorant 1.39 26e size Instantine Tablets Free wlth a 59o aize Phillip's Milk of May. Tablets 59c 20e Off reg. 98o aize Brisk Tooth Paste - - - 78c Free Brush, Comb and Styllng Bookiet wlth 7 oz. Adorn Hair Spray - - - 1.89 Lustre Creme Shampoo Lîquid Lotion Reg. Reg1.9 . ____10 1.29-.- 101.910 Reg. 98C. size tube 89C Trial Size Sparklea with 1.39 zize Nestie Spraze - - * 1.39 VACATION NEEDS TAN IN THE SUN Noxzema Suntan Lotion 1.00, 1.50 Bronztan 75e, 85c, 1.25, 1.50 Coppertone- 98c, 1.50, 1.75, 2.25, 3.00 Sea and Ski - -- 98c, 1.65, 2.69 Nivea Sun Filta ________79e Tartan Lotion 59c, 98c, 1.25 Tantoo- - 69c, 89c, 1.19 Insect Repellents and, Killers 16-12- 79c, 89c, 1.39 Off 89c, 1.39 Guard 75c, 1.25 Green Cross Inseet Bomb - 89c, 1.39 Green Cross FIy Blaster - 98c, 1.39 Green Cross Household Spray 49c, 69e, 1.05 Raid House and Garden Spray - 1.69 Fly-Tox Spray 49c, f65c, 98e FIy-Tox Insect Bomb _____-98c, 1.49 Slug-A-Bug 89c, 1.59 Tat Ant Traps 25c, 3 for 69c Antcheck Ant Traps - 2 for 49c PRESCRI PTIONS * ~ IN COLOURS i ~ 2 ROLLS ^QUA I WHIT E l M. trade mark MAN flSIZE wao.e6i '.-1-MEONDO?1>0FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! BIG BOX -3-PLY A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugsl We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 tractlng the top drivers froni the United States and Canada. one event was cancelled due to a sparsity of entrants. This wos the motorcycle sidecar demonstration, one of the most exciting types of races. In the morning during practice, one of the two-man machines ran amok. Its throttle stuck and the two occupants ejected themselves with utmost speed. The machine careened on to split apart when it hit a pile of protective dirt. Favorite of Canadian fans, Bill Sharpless of Toronto did well in the prelimînary races, but had to pull out of the Kaye Don Trophy race after 33 laps due to machine trouble. Results were as follows: Kaye Don Trophy race: L. Lloyd, Toronto; B. Burnett, Wenham; D. Cunningham; K. Baier, Bethesda; R. Webster, Toronto, and F. Gailey, Scan- bono. Other Races Winners of the Five Lop Un- limited heat were: W. Sharp- less, Toronto; G. Rockett, Philadelphia, and D. DeSantis, Syracuse. Winners of the Three Lap Lightweight Heat were: A. Johnson, Toronto; D. Jones, Islington, and S. Tunstail, East Amherst. The Unlimited Class 15-bap race was won by. W. Sharp- less, Toronto; W. Swenor, Flint, and F. Gailey, Scarboro. international 500 ce heat winners were: I Lloyd, Toron- to; F. Gailey, Scarboro, and W. Sharpless, Toronto. The International Light- weight race winners were: A. Johnson, Toronto; R. Wheatley, Rosemount, and H. Van den Hurk, Toronto. WELCOME HOME Rey. F. K. Malane, parlsh prlest of st. .oseph's Roman Catholle Church, Liberty Street South, returned te Bowmanvllle tbis week front Europe where he spent the sat six weeks. Whlle abroad Father Malane apent some time ln Rorne and aiso viaited Lon- don, Paris, Nice, France, Lourdes and Dublin. Whlle ln Ireland lie enjoyed several motor trips te different parts of the country. 1 P.Lbtur ul Llit: %,Ilflbtlan COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ý,i*D*AoýDRUG "STORES 1 PAGE SEVMI ti a n fî a v 9 s a s le t 1 Y

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