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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1961, p. 8

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PAGE E!tT~? TH~ CANADIAN STATES~AN, ~OW~!ANV1LLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. 3ULY 511i, 1961 ~tSPORTOpICS" By Frank Mohun 11A 3-7234 ' GEORGE'S OUT? Several weeks ago %&- were adivi *ing the rither soitbail leamsx ta watch out for George*s Sur-pILIS Sales) de-spite the fact they had lost their first five garnes. Now it wauld appear that mnl ' a mi-iracle w il enabiel G;eorge.%to reach the play-offs. Thnp deferiding championsA, who had just about w,,rapped up the pentiant tik time iastý year, are facing an alinost insurmnountable Iask. Afgt, ler dropping their ninih straight ]aztThrd> iihGeorge*m must \vin ail three rerniainiîîg garnes jusIt to tie for the fourth and last plav-oft po sition. Kens Mens Wear. currentl>' in foLth tiO, lha- e ll a dozen tilts remaining and need on]l' win one to knock the; champs into the -W ait tilI xext year' cla«ss. SOUTHVIEWIVMATCHES 'UNDERW.XY Earlier last %week wve were inormred tlial flight p~lav aqt Southview Golf Course was progressing very slowly, and. many hadnt yet played their first round. The advice '«rasz tac laie ta put ino the column, therefore this reporter decided Io lecture those wha failed to play'in our current episode.: Having played oui, match three xscûeks ago, this was easy. : However, me forgot about being entered ini the club y championships and that the qualifying round had to he played, by Jly lst, also. At Ieast we think you -et thee dca. Dl)o\oerlook 1ie nanaies posied oir the tournanieni sheets, and the deadline byi when the match should be pJay'ed. NO HUNTER - BUT II My wife will certin1y he surprised w tien sire reads' this item. Those who know this rcporter are aware that' although we have dabbled ini most sport,,s -huniting andi fishing neyer have been one of our- strong points. When wve visit my wife Shirley*s parents, she alv.ays gcts me to go.ý out hunting. Shirley is enthuisiastic about hiuiting, while illy main beef is "I hate walking so far and finding nothing tou shoot at." So-o-o. 1 decide not In go, andrl lisi Sainrdiav while Iý remnain back at the ranch shp arrives hromie. tells nme she shot a' ground-hog and theri prodiîces one to prov e n. PEE WEE ALL-STARS WIN Cobourg's Billy B> an, after to!ssîii a no-hiiitcr against BownianvilIe, earlier in the weck, followed tip with a onc-bit effort ta lead the Lakeshore Pce Wee Ail-Stars Io a 2-0)\i qover Toronto Earlscouri, Saturda*v afiernoon in Cobourg. Billy, picked unanimously as, the ganies outstanding player, fanned 16 batters in the seven înning tlt. Battery -mate Jerry Banbridge was adjudged the niost valuable player for the Lakeshore cre%\. while FEatscourt pitcher Michael Bonîd Sot the nod for most valuable player for lire visitors. Bond delivered thqe ]one safet>' and lossed a three-hiiter in Rie losing cause. t t1 i BANTAM ALL-STARS PLAY SATURDAY Basebail Week in Ontario will cone in a close Saturdav afternoon when the Lakeshore Bantani Ail-Stars play Leaside In Port Hope's Town Park ai. '2 oclock. + j MIDGETS HOME FOR TWO WEEKENI) TILTS Local fants il be able ta see the Midgets in action, twice this weekend, as the club engages in a pair' of exhibition cantests. Saturday afternoon, Belleville, a highly-rated Midget team, wilI be here ta dIo battie with 1Bowmanille si 2.30. Cobourg Juvenilp.s reet the brcaIs Sida.v afteriioon et 2:30. Bath gamtes will be played ai the Memtorial Park. t t t BIG DRAW MONDAY Next Monday, when Newcastle play% ]Bowmrranville ladies here at the Central Publie School, the occasion evl a be used tna make the big softbaîl draw for an 8 1ransistor radio. This is a beautiful little machine that wouîld be iel pride and joy of any winoer. LIBERTY BASE LINE wiîll be operating THROUGHGUT Bowling Every Afternoon and Ev enng 25c a Game during June. JuIy and August A FREE bowling glass tuni hier wili be given for every tbree gamnes or more boivled ini one day. convenience at ail timies! Phone MA 3-5663 "The Stringer Broke! l the Fish are GONE.I" Tbank goodness they took snapshots of that string of f ish. Photos bring back w~onderful niernories of vacation1 times. Stock up on filmi and Photo SUPPlies DOW at Local Minor Hockey Teams Sport New Jackets Due ta the inclement Nveath- Low individuai scores wPnt et' on June '2lst no records ta Bill LN-le again tbis week xvill be kepi for that date and 'and also AI Weatherhead with the matches wvill be play-ed 43. 1 haven't heard any re- 1la ter. ports Yet. but AI had an eagle On June 28th. xv'e had a on the 4th hole. Must have vr'good turn oui and a fe\%-beî quite a shot. changes in the standing. The The Thertell brothers made C7ruisers capiained b>' Doupg the high honours practically Ilowie practicaîlly made a P, famîil> affair. Glen had 68, dlean sweep ini their match Ray 6î and Grant 66. a«ainst the Destroyerci- of Don The leani standings alter .Marsden. The'- pickcd up 12 lasi ,veek are as follows. of a possible 13 points ta mnove 'Mosouiloes l ilîto second spot 1 point be- Cruisers hind the leading Mosquitoes 'Whiz' Bangs of Maurice ConNNa 'N. The Cru- Spitfires I isers also iad Itle lo\w tcani' Destroyvers 9 score over all with 188. Six PouidersSa Liicreased populaî-ity of the Oniaria Junior Golf Cham-' pionships each year and the resu]ting upswing in entries lias forced officiaIs ta pcriod- icatl 'v alter tie qualitying ratio. Tîx o of the thr-e champiouxs and winneu-s of The Telegramn Trophies last vrai- .vill be back ta defend thee honors, or seek top spot in a higher bra- ck et. Junior GoIlf lias thtrce divi- sions: Junior for- plaY'ers 16. 17 and 18 >'ears of age: ,îv enlIe, 14 and 1.5 "cars and Bantani. for boy-s 13 years of age and under. Peter- Kiechtel of Kitcihen- er wvonthie 1960 iux-eîile lion- ais and Randx Dunk of St. Catharines took the bantani crown. anid thev will boîli be competing iii district qualif>'- iîg play on Juil>' 7. The fiii- aIs ['or Ontario tilles a re booked ai St. Catharines Golf Club on July 14.- Bob Panasiuk or Wiîîdsor's Roselaîîd Club. wînîier of the 1960 junior honors bas siliceý turned professioiîal aîd tna- turailly will îîot be eligible. This leaves the Junîior div- ision open ta several strangý cantenders wvlo have been impressive in the province's anmateur touî'îamcnts through- out the past two years. Last yesr a record 869 play- ers competed in quslifying, rounds and 85 of these resch- cd thec finals ail slington Club. *Qualifvhîg rounds begin on Jul>' 3rd althte Sarnia Golf ' Club and the Hsilc'bury. Golf' Club and continîue on the 6ih and 7th at Rie following loca-! tionr: Bay of Quinîte Golf Club. Duuidas Va île>' Golf Club, Rockwaxr Golf Club and the Westmouont Golf Club in Kit-I chener, Iiighiand Golf Clubl and the Lonîdonî Hunt Club in Londonî, Owenî Sound Golf Club, Peierborough Golf Club,: Smi-ils Falls Golf Club. thie jLookout Point. Golf Club, iin The ftii i-c mno uir Iuockev leans, lionoiued x'eentbv \\ith a civici banqueot holu i n tle Letgion 11ll , aî'e shouwxn aLi -proutd i wear n u the j1ackoets pi'oseîted Iotri t lii onîthai happy iicasioui . 'lit1 abiv photolus aic in mirod f auegou'i pe. 'le \outgce.iw Atuts, aie ini thoe(op phto. Back mvuuiu\', ofiIc iight: lix' . \c'Cu!lîîugî, (6'e ('oî'cbu. Hobby Iii itx os. aîroui AIer, Kim Roger's, Micx'.tbCi!l oligh. Gaîx' \½'ibs<îu. Bi'uce Simnpson, Ronicu Webb. Sandy Bi'uuxxn. Goo. Cawkor. l'on! rowit et , ofIlrighti: Lu '-yDevitt, Danunx' Nu xxlai Janît o Ruubiîuuu.Bill\\Woodwar'd, 'Mie"(aw'kei. Itn ueic ulîtc photou' aiecIlle F;uiaîs ou' uux. leb ofIiîglîl: Diiug, \alinu, Julit'li' 1ltiu's. IHowxardi 'C orkx" Burgess, Pcî et'\\'otiry,I rr.lenu 'Men'/s Softbail League Fuels Sp lit Stîtix v', .\suî Eîdv c%'. ec lo aon h fw i ltîc e aclock F-'iîl. . l u. cî,1>1' 1t gi . Hia'. itig'l.u îic)u"g.uutinlic t x-uî pinti -"ieiu' , In i l l -x'u Po\\xcer lKr iCs 1\ 1ti-( \V 1) Sinuff "t 1.)-Fuls2 W 1111 a 4-2 !iat c i îîuîu"l SuLiii x's mide >urue utof uîî ig as 16 balti xx c lt tahue plaie 11) a.î Il ruuîfinail iuîuî- in'- The i~ ls'Fucî s Žu a ,uî~r-li ihle 1:!<t aruci - Snuffy' 1 îu'd lite >u'ire ini luie'boIl n oif ilue tlird aimer Siîîif(y'>ý l'aiil gOlîr itli nu l !h t ia pailu-in uc toti hiuf. 'T'he ciriuci <tuttul l%' (P inole inluthliefiR1h -siu at iiuîr sf.'anid fouit'SI "jI)u tCI - i crs. B.lI N'iluuini lilcli 7 hiIer. uifle snd siliglo. and ps tr of double;s aid cisiule ý lI pacue the 'i.:' 19 lut barrage. Ti iocit -ti e r camo uinthele ntîlî uhIo î-tîck' 'r Genorgo Si u'pbii o i of ilUe box. '\u'" Ric-hard.' usine ou iîn relief. se t' rcuxx. Ii'tin Colxvoii. 'Io ir\ WaIiîîu.EciRundie, I iairy Gay. Fron*'owu bIt to ii iu:Bili B nLa ti, ta I tovi' iýc, Dave Pu,, Gc'orge oBail. Don ?le'tlurter, \Valiiîe iuiLarivNorniis.Bilan Fou-siv.Stoplîcu Buvits anud BP I Depexx. lInt hC btI mM phjudot< i h vtiie.Ont ario cluanipions. Back r(ix, le fi lui i'ht:DonitGi Ihooly,l Grtant WrIighit. I irnRickaîd. fa"C'i'mbie, L rrv iper, Brontoni I iîuhiîe John iwist. AI. \toidiock, IJoti Kerr, I)ax'îci Werr', GrantÀ Iintilf. Sarn Black. Frontt owt e b o ii'gi~î1: KRui Cuiverix', Nelson'i Ymii \'eî'ue owvo, I)riîg Jaîîuu-. 'I'ri'vBiaul, ScaItEssoi'v, Dotn EhignIL.Ga ry' lii uilî ranid AIru'x Wiscînai i. Hotelers Win ['lit -l'ail'etddedî a hIcuîuu 1 'mi Jîî iii () a iriuui zi f uiumnui lie .ituo BncIvl K' Crl Siclî il>xus op xxml îîg sil-'rile 0511Cr lo Ilotelers ?l - lKcn's à lii' olhtuci iculedt Ketu'> i-0lu il '>1 !ili g loaci tulutI ' on oruci fi\u nm he c' ciî hiclfgi ii lie il-i a< u' uiiilu ci iu au c'a-' 21-5 xî' Pee Wees Foul to Hi! Lose Out to Cobourg A 201 i .ut ci ,' . u.l Ki ud r butxt uýeo lie b'<cý i!-ae i'id hil les.S. thi' "cali'.'. cii ii-n suit 1 uuI " 'l'u' vx IaI happeuued 1la îlecBoîx uî'si[ e Pee ak'r ','Il u r 'l'h r lu îgiî ai !lit.5i-nu:o: l pýý Cobourg s LBi~.IIý aii mxas !rie 1c of !lîr- giuunc. lcu.-ii g a anlue ud hllîiugaIuile êtuîi airs'iof ix'obuge< u uîelp lii" oxx'u iauu'-o. T'flixs- off tliec u ui'nioî cffr" ofu~ \\'ra" Rellrir-l lai mcifhut %F se:.- Banîbridge c%(uttd tv o (f.) u i' ' h.ili '( ! e i ' cn P,'xî ý\ - Iral[ a rloz-n tlocal latirirs uc (iuu'hi bI ase inii ihodaricncss- J:oricierl -i iniîîg (cottest. "ix"ai'ch x' ansdIlitOnle ', i.iiili ii ou' 2ou rg utbUleàiputttng the others on. 1ur Wr*-ui ilayuigl The' wi'nc s -uti'uct16 lii off xuairtou' Bib Vi lli.ruîî It.n 1-eli.-ver huai (n:ii l F rîIloill.t \i <s ( g r i t i l lit. Iii pic i.- i '111 the v i. liint I v i i e îi il u touLig Il il hictenuti iaiil î(çlî'u'r suiglee u Iii un hcartl tUe WIv:ulirs. ahsc'k. Poil Pollardci surI Bull Olu'c B'tuili unil-rith l ci brIý>e iiv. andclocbhIed tnhIe Ici. îtg V'uel". 19 -Gog'~ 9 Sii'phiîu-u uel'iul upa i-l li'd an11r fixe fi îum stand coac led tuansu 05>' in lox'er ,GouemSeS humidcay i glut C> 'îîuîve Udî'ki i 1 sole po- r - l>efi Geut ge «-. lia i 1. i 1i cuaptoux xx tut less inail li ui :tanls sud witî aul' a nat olwal aIchance of c'alchtig Kenu sunr fourth iae,iuO -A B* ichlards xîuuîlu e d î;u-curge's oun lio hlii>'),tn- *t r firt* tux r- gaunies 1(l grau>11-t Mvii. Oîlv George Jour gav hini trrublo, gariiriîg hotil \viilî a hoiîle ruuî aud a tripic. Bob .\bboIl t rclir- î.xl' but afller îsýuin& foui con.aec' lise irce passer. xas reliev- C'd hi George Stephen. I'iuci u xx' 11<rteud forthie ln,-"r gai e ýyIo vlu îe fteruîail !11 fI)- lxlii ci. Wxi'lunIlArni vas rulic. cd by Jacik Parker in Ilue saiuî<' ilutg. ",Jggi'tCowiu d a dlou- hie suid tb recc uoîtec'utive >itIb:tefore fi ai lv heing i-: i hi.;ni li ail tlune at f),aIson ut %îIilied a hîîn)i i sdt'an~tttr<sd Ab.'thl i Iluiri ii u 'uiglu'.ý ta cari tichi «cI n clu' Mens Wi oi['t ilr '1' PIs. lu 12 n to il 10 i 6 il t) Pigeons Run Into Disaster During Race T!..- Bcuî't ti v'ile Racilig Pige-on Club fioxv tletr sev- Fciii i race ouitStul., Jututo 241h, 'cij i o'.cIOuni.350 miles air i.îue. lii' î't,'i- t'i('t oui to0 lie i lue xxcd.i H. lrr iii . ears ithi l.n r,, bird'- aud onl>' stix 1irrîs oi thel' seconîd da. 'liri 1- îiaic' :î ch F. Bol' trei. REFGEATION ELECTRICI I MOTOS - SALES - SERVICEI Weollanîd. Ille Beach Ciove Golf Club in Windsor and ini Toronîto, tlhe Stuîii'nit. Whitp- vale anîd Foi-esti 1-ilis Golf Clubs. B"c,(ause OGA officiaIs Px- peci the ]num1ber 10 he con- sîdierabi>' surpassed this year, it, lias been inecessarY ta set the junior and iux'enile divi- sionus quali fyingc ratio ai one bin am vniepIs>'vs. The bna division lias been set ai onec in e\er>'\ 10 plax-ers. Alter pa.ving the S-2.00 qLîal- i fyiug round entry' fee. anyr bo ' xx-îthîi the age limits fiq eliguble ta compete, whether liebcog ta a golf club or no. Entries are sent ta the Seci-ciar v of eachi District Qualifying Cluib wtth the ex- cep 1ion of Toronta District, whet'e thcv are sent ta Ili% Oiitar-o Golf Association, 170 Bay St. Toronto. [AnnouncementI Howe & Peters are pleaied tna aînounce the appoinîment ta their staff of MIr. Joseph Crawford Mir. Cra\Nfordc has had îîîsîy ears of selliiîg and faî-miig expericixce and will be specializitîg in farm and suburban properties between Uxbridge, Port Peu-r>, Bow- îrianx ille and Newcastle aiCas. We r-el tlust Mir. Craw- ford ,vil] gresil>' assusi us in providîuîg better service for oui' clients. Howe & Peters REALTORS RA 5-7732 67 King St. E., Oshawa 1959 PONTIAC 4-DR. STATION WAGON Ileater anîd radio-. Iicater and radio 1958 BUICK 4-DR. Auoo-atic, heato- rl ad riun 195 6 PONTIAC 4-DR. lcaier and radio 1931l VANGUARD 4.1)11. 1-{ea ici L'scd Car Lot Open unltil 9 pai. Monday through I"riday Saturday until 5 p.. ÀMore than 30o other niakes and models to choose front. ROBSON MOTORS IV. ..MIeMechan, Presidcnt Buick - Pontiac- Vauxhali Cars- GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 Oshawa Direct Line RA 5-2712 Legion Golf League Ir Junior Golf Boom forces Ratio Change GOODWILL - GUARANTEED USED CARS Ail Csed Cars Are FuIIy Reconditioned with Goodwill Guarantee $2095 $1995 $1595 $1075 $ 175 ;fý WEDNESDAY, JULV Sth, 196t 1 L 1- TFR CANADIAIN STATES'U.&N, r>OMIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EiGffT 1

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