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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1961, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO WET>NEST)AV. JULY 121h. IG~~S Lands un Weekly iDeer and Moose Hunting Seasons Announced Open seasons for hunting deer and moose in Southern Ontario have been announced by the Hon. J. W. Spooner, Minister of the Department of Lands and Forests. The deer season for the nor- thern and western parts of the province were established for a three year period which ex- L res after the 1961 season. ietails of this three ý-, ischedule are available from any office of the ic~rin of Lands and Forests. Once again there will be a bow and arrow season for deer on Manitoulin Island from October l9th to November l4th, 1961. The regular gun season on "the island" wil follow from November 15th to 25th. The use of dogs is prohibited on Manitoulin. For that portion of Peter- borough County lying soutli of No. 7 highway the deer season will be from November 6th to Ilth, (one week). Shot- guns onlv will be permitted in the townships of Ennis- more, Smith, Douro, Dummer, Belmont, North Monaghan, Otonabee and Asphodel in Pet- erborough County. Part of the above are changes from regu- lations of past years for the area so that hunters are asked to please take note. For the rest of the Lindsay Forest District, that is, in the County of Haliburton, in Pet- erborough County north of No. 7 highway, and in parts of Victoria County north of the Monk Road and including Somerville Township the deer sýeason wiIl be from Novem- ber 6th to l8th, the regular two weeks season. The open season for moose in that part of Ontario south FAf!'!SERVICE DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service Ask Your Operator For ZEnilh 66550 Licence No. 46-C-60 No ToU Charge Nick Peconi - Peterborough had planned on a vote thisi sumer.However, Arnoid J Eh inMuicaster, chairman cfth id Fo es sprovisionalbor aspdu cars are tee busy right now te help tell the stcry cf the R epor proposed plan and ail corn Reportgrowers must understand ex- actly what is invoived before et ta Fanc andMatawathey vote. Se they have aban- Rivers will run concurrently dndtogt tayimd withthe eerseason fromi iate vote but will try te hold wieb th the deerThisene in the late fail or winter. area, which inludes thosa parts Another farm group, On- et the Lindsay Forest District tario's poultry producers whe meniond i th prcednghave been working on an egg paragraph, has had moose marketing plan announced a seasons in 1956, 1958 and 1960. deiay in their current plans In spite ef an ever-încreasing yesterday-but for a differ- kili, tha moose herd has con-:an t reason. We mentioned ra- tinued te increase and toe x- cently that their directors had pand its range. a look at the teletypa auction The oos seson or esi sales method of the hog pro- Themooe saso fo re'_ducer at their iast meeting. dents (cf the Province) only Well, they must have been will therefore ha open agaîn impressed because prasident in 1961 accerding te the Min- Tom Robson says they are ster. In past seasons the $26 going te delay their other special moose-deer combina- plans (that winter) until they tien licence was the only oe have an opportunity te studY valid for meose in this sched- this new idea. ule. In 1961, hunters may hunt Te r o etn n moose in this area on the regu- Te r e etn n lar $10.00 moose licene. This grass grow under their feet- change will ne doubt be weî- this week's special meeting comed by many hunters wlîo came less than two weeks at- objected te or who could flot ter the directorls meeting and afford te "gambie"' on the for- they had represantatives from mer $26-00 licence the Bell Telephone Company Moos seson in orternexplain how an auction tele- Moos seonsin orterntype system would work. Net Ontario are aIse included in only that, we hear from peo- the three year schedule. For ple who should know that the local details hunters are ask- chairman cf the Farm Pro- cd te communicate xith the ducts Marketing Board and Department of Lands and other influential farm peopla Forests office in the area in sat in. Whether the auction which thay expect te hunt. system adopted by the hog D. R., Wilson producers can be adapted te District Forester. egg marketing remains te be seen, but we can ha sure that the Bell people with tha pos- ~siblites et a reasonably luc- Furr w an raive market opening up for rrow aen croicg visinthe Farrow ther best te aei ok Although production prob- beat these youngsters writing lems are upparmost in the exams: for example: They minds of most farmers these gave William IV a lovely fun- day.s-perhaps in tbis part cf eral-it took six men te carry the country we shouldn't the beer. complain about the weather when we hear what's happen- ing te some o! our colleagues Miemorial Hospital in tha wst- thera are soe producers whe are vitally cocene wthmarketing. Weekly Report î The previsional board es- tablishad by the Commercial For the week of July 3-9 Cern Growars Association re- inclusive. cantly anneuncad postpone- Admissions. 39 ment cf thair campaign toeas- Births,0 maie, 6 famala -6 tablish a marketing plan. Discharges --------. . 49 They've been working on Ibis Major operations 9 for a couple of years in con- Miner operations 16 sultation with the Farmn Pro- Emergency treatments - 18 lucts Marketing Board and 1-- A -.--- SPECIAL 1961 PLYMOUTHR 100 MILES V-8 - Standard Transmission $24753 DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO AUCTION SALE 0F EQUIPMENT AT PORT HOPE, ONTARIO * SALE SD-61-90 t1he Department of Highways offers for sale by ?Publie Auction the following: 3 6 i i 2 1 2 i i I 2 only Station Wagons le 112 Ton Express Trucks >9 2 Ton Stake Truck GMC 99 1955 Cbcv. 3 Ton Stake w/TGL et 1956 Dodge 3 Ton Stake Dump et 1956 Mercury 3 Ton Cab and Chassis Io Huber Maintainers Yi 1948 Adams Grader le1950 Front End Leader " 1947 Jaeger Compresser 105 C.F.M. et Herse Graders Auction Sale te be held at D.H.0. Yard, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario at 2:00 P.N. Local Time WEDJULY19,1l961 TERMS: Cash or Certlfied Chaque (Cheque to, be made payable te the Department of Highways Ontario) Succeistul Bidders shall daim lte purchaaed articles withln five days trom date of Auction or articles wili be sublect te, resale. Items to be soid "AS IS WHERE IS" without warranty. Items may be Inspected at the above location daiiy, 8:00 A.M. te, 5:00 P.M. (Local Time> troin Monday, ju!7 17t1, 1961 tii lime of sale. Furtiter Information may be obtained from: CHAS. ABRAMS, District Stores SUPerviser Department et Highways Port Hope, Ontario Phone TUrner 5-2481 OR Stores Disposai Unit Department et Highwayu Downsvlew, Ontario. Phone: CHerry 4-2571 Local 315. DEPARTMENT 0F RIGHWAYS ONTARIO H RIY'S SEDCARS114 Visting nours 3-4i p.m. ana 7 te 8:30 p.m. SALEM A confirmation service was held on Sunday wben Mar- garet Shackleton and Bruce Richards wara received into the mem'bersbip of the church. This was followed by the Sac- rament et Holy Communion. Next church service July 23 aI 10 a.m. Everyona Is invited to at- tend our conununity picnie at Hampton park Ibis Friday, July 14. Races at 6 o'clockc. Supper at 6:30. Severai from hara attended the Orange Parade in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. an'd Mrs. Earl Houck, Town, ware recent visitors wit.h Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Misses Bea Craig, Graca Blackburn 'and Marion But- teiry spent the weekend in Sudbury and attended the Komarecbka-Tester wedding on Saturday. Grace and Mar- ion were bridesmaids for Enla. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Little and famiiy, Agincourt, were Sundav visitors with Mn. and Mrs. K. Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savery, David and John, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Saver, Charyl and Douglas, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and tan-îly attend- ed a family picnic at Mr. and Mrs. L. Weish's on Sunday. Mr. Victor Pbilip and tam- ily, Barrie, wera Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Misses Dolly and Sha- ro.n Philip remained for a week's holiday. Zion (Hope Township, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laton- dresse, Waubaushene, a nd! JMrs. Arthur Germond, Osh- awa, spent Wednesday withI Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley. Sympatby o! this com.munity is extended the family of the lata Mr. Delmar Whitney whese tuncral was heid Fni- day, June 23, 1961, from the Ross Funerai Panlours, Port Hope. Mrs. William Austin of Cap- reol, wbo bas been visiting ber brother and tamiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford, bas returned home. Mrs. Thos. Maris of Osbawa bas spent the past week with Mrs. Delmar Whitney and family. We are picased te bear Mrs. Wiimot Prouse is progressing favourably aIt the Port Hope Hospital. ZVon, S. S. 6, Hope Towniship June Promotions Chariot Race Exciting ,Five Years of Research Fourteen Months of Work Went Into Ben -Hur Film By the Rev. A. C. Herbert about the Prince of Peaca. BEN-HUR is enaet the most Ha chose te let bis thoughts spectacular films ever made. roamn fromn tha quietness of To produce this filmn it took his Indiana home te the Holy fiva years of research and Land, which ha had neyer tourteen months cf labour te sean, thousands et miles and turn back the historical dlock thousands et years away. Ha te the years 1 A.D. and 31 selected the stermy times cf A.D. If you had heen in Romne the pagan Roman Empire and in 1958 or 1959 youwouid that period of history which havebeenstrukwitthouctbas se influenced much cf man- that while modern Romans cf yth 'ears ewnth went about their work eut- birth o Christ and His Crici- sida the gates cf the City et fixion. the Seven Hilîs, the phosts et Ben-hur is the young Jew their ancestors trod within re- in search ef freadomn for his tracing the steps ef enaeofthtbapeopla from the domination greatest stories ever toid. et Rome. His determination The stery BEN-HIUR xvas te liva and saek revenge on writtan by the American Gen- bis boyhood Roman compan- eral Lew Wallace at the end ion, Massala, for imprisoning et the Amarian Civil War. In bis mother and sistar results wrîting the book Wallace, a in bis surviving a hunger1 man of war, decided te write march and three gruellingi years as a slave in the war1 gaileys et Rome. Only bis! hata for his opprassors keeps him aliva. Ha eniists the aid of the Roman commander, Quintus Arrius, whom ha ras- cues from the sea, and ulti- mateiy returns te bis home. Sheik flderimn invites Ban- Hur te race bis chariot against the Romans at Jerusalem. The chariot race is a duel batwaen Massale and Ben-Hur and Ibis provides some et the Most ex- citing scenes in the film. Through the influence of the Christ, Ben-Hur discovars that peaca and justice ara net found through ravenge but by tha teaching et the Sermon on the Mount-"Love your ana- mies, do good te them wbich bate you, bless them that cursa you." Charlton Heston, in the titie rote of "Ben-Huir," struggles to break through the Unes of Roman guards in an effort to offer a gourd of water to Jésus Christ, tvho has Étumbled as lIe is beîng led through the streets of Jcrusalem on the way to be crucified. This is one of the memorable scenes front Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Academy Award-winning film version of the Cen. Leu, WVallace nove I. The I'illiam Wýyler presentation was filmed in Italy and other joresgn locales in color and MGM Contera 65. Conservation Officiais Visit District Centres A busload of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity members, elected repra- sentatives fromn member tewn and townships, Department ef Commerce and Development men, field officers and a tim- ber forester took a 100-mile tour cf southerii Ontario and Durham counties last week. Beginning at. Whitby Town- ship Reeve Hleber Down's tarin on the north side et Highway 7, and continuing on te Ilîree adjacent farm pro- parties, the group bad a look at private reforestation assist- ance projeets. On the Dow-r farm, a 140- acre conservation "farm" was plarined in 1949 by the Ontario Souls Advisory Service. 17,750 Tracs Planted The group xvas tc.ld that 17,750 tracs have been plant- cd by the authority this year under the prix'ata reforesta- tien assistance policy. Red and white pine, white spruce and European larch bave been planted aI the Keevenay and Armitage properties, and the Massia fanm. Atter a visit ta ChaIk Lake, northwest cf Ashburn, and a look at a by-pass farmi pond and grassed waterway davel- opment north cf Columbus, the group was taken te the Cordon tarmn on Concessioni Nine, Darlington Township. Part ef the old Sears farm, the 245 acres bas been option- cd by the CLOCA and xiii be considered for Authority for- est punchase.1 junctien et Highways 35 and' opinent; B. Haas, tImber for- 115. ester froni Lindsay; Oshawa A sida trip though the for- Mayor Christine Thomas and est te the observation towar city alderman Hayward Mur- was made. doch; Darlington township On the return te Oshawa, the reeva Garnet Riekard; lIcher group was sbown the Bow- Down and S . Little, reeves man ville Crekl automa t ic ef Whîtby township and the gaug at he ackmn Steettown et Bowmanviia, respect- gaudge.a h akmnSra ively; Mrs. S. I. Burns, Wbit bridge.-by councillor; Pickering town- Members cf Party ship deputy-racve Edgar Jam- Those who attandad wera: as; H. L. Fair, agricultural ne- Ross Bennett and Gordon presentativaet Ontario county; Corner, chairman and vice- R. J. Betson and Elmer Pow- chairman of CLOCA; Terry ell, bath et wbom serve on the McCauley, Authority field et- CLOCA land use, water con- ficer and H. G. Hooke, who trol and reforestation advis xiii become field otticer, Aug. ory board; N. Jenkins and H. 1, for the combined author- V. Myers cf the Autbority' ities cf Crowe River, Otona- public relations and education ! bec, Ganaraska and Central board; Mrs. Jacqueline Brewn-. Lake Ontario; F. G. Jackson ing CLOCA secratary-treasur- and E. Pollard cf the Depart- er and Ralph Jones, Oshawa' ment et Commerce and Devai- representativa. Accounts Totaling $41993.59 Passed bY, Darlington Council Accounts amounting te $42, 99-1.59 were passed for pay- ment at the meeting ef Dar- iington Township Coun c i held on Thursday atternoon in the Township Hall, Hamp- ton. AI] members et the coun- cil were present at the meet- ing. The total accounts wera composed ef: general, $10. Visit Oid Milis !924.33; read, $11,349.74';.and Visits te the 115-year-old specal, $14,71.;. he sa - Tbornbeck Grist Miii e-t T y- ial accounts included $14,334, rone and the Woodiey Saw part cf Dariington Township's Mili at Haydon precaded a shara cf the constructioncot stop at the Durban County cf the new addition te Mem- torest headquanters in ClarkecraHspt. Township, just cast cf thel On motion of Councillorý Sidney Cornishi, seconded by Deputy-Reeve A. L. Blanch- ard, the coun-cil decidad te, send te Toronto for copies of the new regulations included' in amendments passed recent. ly to the Ontario Municipal Affairs Act and similar legis-, lation, Councillor Fred G. Smith informad the counicil that a meeting ef the Central Lake' Ontario Conservation Author- ity wouId be held in Oshawva on Tuesday evening ef this week.' A report on the recent, meeting cf the Community1 Planning Association, Ontario! Division, xvas received. A Bv-Law te authorize the signlng of an agreement bet-1 ween the Municipality cf Dar- Ma nviersCi lington and John Watson re-- garding a subdivision on the ' Broken Front was gven three D o beJ ed By-Law 2155.Fo iv n i By-Law 2156 to establish'lAI N n fR certain benefits for the em-! ployees of the township ofIvlanvers Township council Darlington was aise passed.- this week more than doubled It deait with sick leave cred- the rentai tee for the town- its, annual vacations, and sa ship hall-for non-residents of tutory holidays. the township only. Road Superintenden~t A. M. Residents wllh continue to Short reported on the four pay $7 per engagement for the bids he had received concern- hall, but non-residents wish- ing prices for 78 linear feet ing to rent the hall and oper- of 12 gauge pipe. On motion ate a refreshment booth will cf Deputy-Reeve Blanchard, be charged $15 per engage- seconded by Councillor H. c. nient. Muirth iofRso ea At the same meeting, the the bld cf Roas acoepeta council decided to contact W. and oofng as acepcd. Weatheraîl of the Ontario De- The purchase of a heavy partment cf Highiways. Port jack was discussed. Council- Hope. for assurance that a lor Fred G. Smith, seconded cold mix job to ha done in the by Councillor Cornish. moved near future does net affect a that this matter be left to the street dance te be held in Road Committee and the Road Pontypool. August 11. Superintendent. This vas car- Reeve Brown was in the ried. chair. Reeve Garnet Rickard re- Road ProJect perted on the Mayors and On motion of R. J. Payne Reeves Convention which ha and H. A. M7%ci»aster, Reeve attended recently. He spokoe Robert Brown and road super- ef the excellent spceches giv- intendent IMaurice Bradley en, and the informative dis- were appointed as a commit- cussions that wvere held. tee te interview Alban Sisson The convention resolved te and Allan Beer te secure in- ask the province to take over iforinatiou regarding a road the entira cost ef education, job ini the Lotus area that hie stated. He explainad that xvas carried eut about 10 years the delegates were in accord ag o tino., ,MMs ,in thair opinion that the cost OnmIine H .MMs et primary and secondary ter and R. J. Payne, carried, education should ha removad Edgar Beer is te receiva $20 from real estate. compensation frem thatoýwn- The valua and importance et an Officiai plan te a muni- cipality was aise stressed at, the convention, Reeve Rickard pointed eut. Ha quoted a mem-, bar et Etobicoke counýcil who' stated that atter a few years' an officiai plan reaily pays' Air, Rail or Steamship TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERF Consult JURT & LOVELLI 1.5 King St. W. MA 3-3361 1 w 1 6 Ole ouncil 'ail Fee esiden ts ship for damage to a fence re- Lceived by a machine in the .employ of the township. ECommunications recelv« and disussed were from Wes- teel Products re new price list on culverts; Magistrate R. B. Baxter re Manvers share of Fines; monthly report of Nor- thumberland and Durhain Health unit; office ef registrar general re newv forms for re- gistration of births; depart- ment of municipal affairs re lst instalment of the uncondition. ai per capita grant in the amn- ount of $2,973; Coros and Spro- ule re change of ownership of property in Pontypool. FnÛMG-HEATG ~~NRDEALE@ flRik%.rh 17R9 YOU CAN BE biè TIME AND DOLLARS kAHEAD READ and USE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS Sit back in your easy chair and shop ail over town! Finding a bargain, or selling somcthing yourself, it's as easy as that. through our classified coluinns. And, you are always dollars ahead when you buy or sali in this great marketplace. Find eut for yourself this very day! YOU GET MIGHTY BIG RESULTS WITH OUR LITTLE CLASSIFJED ADS! cJ/ e Canaclian &tatesman Want t. know about GAS WATER HEATNG -IKYU EG1OReý She'il tell you that there's nothing to equal gas when it cornes Io providing Ioads of hot water for any size family. any size wash. Discover for yourself how fast, how convenient, how truly economical it is to heat water with gas. You'llnever want lo be without ii! (Arran-acd alphabetically) Grade 8 te 9: David Garow, Cecile Mazur, Ray Moore. Grade 7 te 8: Joy Mazur. Grade 6 te 7: Heather Bast, Garry Green, Philip Harness. iGrade 5 te 6: Bruce Green, Beveriy Moore. Grade 4 te 5: Randy Green, Elien Harness, Nick Krisbko, Gussie McBride, Frcddie Mc- Bride. Grade 3 te 4: Mary Dickîn- .son, Sandra Moore, Sharon Szalawîga. Grade 2 bo 3: Bonnie Acher, 'Mark Green, Maijorie Mc- Bride, Rickey Whitney. Grade 1 te 2: Susan Dickin- son, Russell Gr eaen, Eric~ Moore, Paul Whitney. (MrS.) Clara E. ay onsuors' as SZENITH 1700 (No Toil charge) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAPIO 4 't WIMNESDAY, JULY 12th, Igt),iï

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