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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1961, p. 11

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WFDNW~nAV JULY l2th. 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAK, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Council Takes Action to *Curb King Street Noise Caused By Young Peo pie Newcastle - Disturbances received by council regardlngj caused by teenage boys and this juvenile delinquency onj girls on the north side of King the main street and informingi Street in the vicinity of the him of the councii's wish that: News Lunch was the subject he take action in cieaning upi of considerable discussion at the matter. The clerk was aise the July meeting of the vil- instructed to see that Constab- lage counicil held on Monday le Tilison received a copy of evening. Reeve D. J. Cunning- the Peddiers By-Law. Ques- ham stated he had received tioned by Councillor Rickard a number of complaints from the cierk stated that there1 citizens, complaining of loud are only twe licensed peddiers taik and profane language be- in the village. Coun. Rickard ýng used by botb boys and stated he had asked Constablei girls ini this vicinity, almost Tilison why he had flot takeni every evening, and particu- action and the constabie saidi lariy on Friday nights. he didn't have a copy of the1 After considerable discus- by-law. sion on the matter a resolu- E. R. Lovekin spdke to tion was passed by counicil council regarding the deterior- instructing the clerk to write ation of the oid Hanning Plan a letter to Constable Tilison of the village of Newcastle telling him of the complaints made in 1868, which is in the ,flewcastde Social anda1 [PeÔà.rsonal Miss Irene Rinch left Sat- iof Orono and Mr. and Mrs. urday by plane for Bermuda Robin Alldread of Lakeshore where she is enjoying a ten visited with Mr. Leslie Allun, day holiday. Mrs. Samis and Mrs. Fred T. Sunday supper guests with Couch on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Bowen and dau- Mr. E. R. Lovekin was the ghter Darlene were Mr. and guest speaker at the Memorial Mvrs. Carl Todd, Doris and Service at Zion Church on Anne and Nancy Hallowell of Sunday morning, Mr. Love- Starkviile, Mr. and Mrs. Clin- kin spoke on the subject ton Farrow and son Glen of "Many Paths-One Goal". Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Wal- Bill Barchard, Lois and Jim, ton of Toronto were Satur- the Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Wood- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. land and Mr. Stan Bowen ail H. C. Dennis. cf Newcastle. Mr. Winston Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Rogers and famiiy of Belleville were cf Ottawa spent the weekend Sunday guests with Mr. and visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. H. S. Britton. Tom stay- Mrs. W. P. Rogers. ed over to visit with bis grand- Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor parents until Wednesday. and son Grant of Lindsay ,/ Mrs. Henry Bowen and Dar- were Sunday dinner guests jene accompanying Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Den- <rs. Clinton Farrow and Glen nis. iiut Sunday evening with Mrs. E. R. Lovekin enter- Ylr. and Mrs. Frank Reider in tained on Thursday evening , Ôshawa. at a Bon Voyage party for Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Mrs. L. S. Mikios prier ta her Woodhams of Toronto visit- ieaving for Europe. ed for a couple o! days last Mr. and Mrs. Frank Par- week with Mrs. Fred Couch ker and Mrs. W. P. Rogers Sr. Mr. Leslie Allin and Mrs. motored ta Brooklin and vis- Samis. ited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mr. and rs. Leslie Aldread Bailey on Sunday. MI is for PERSONAL Every printing job that goes through here gets personai, individuai attention f t o m master craftsmen at every step along the way. Try us! SALES LITERATURE 0 BUSINESS FORMS 0 LETTERHEADS 0 TAGS and LABELS Cail us for an estimate on your next job. The Canadian StatesmanI 66 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3303 cepting Sunset Boulevard to the end of the water main as installed at the present tinie,i being phase one of the sub- division o! the Newcastle De- velopment Ce., as agreed in a latter froni Mr. A. B. Moore o! Cobourg. Accomding ta re- ports the first bouse in the subdivision is nearing cern- pletion and thay are unabie ta receive hydre until the street is accepted by the village. registry office in Bowmanvlhle, A by-law was given three and told of work he had been readings autborizing the Reeve doing with regard ta its re- ta sign a connectng link agr- storation. On Mr. Lovekln's reement with the Department recommendation a resolution of Highways. The agreement was passed authorizing thecncrstemieace f clerk ta write ta Mr. F. J. King Street following the in- Donevan O.L.S. for informa- stallation cf storrn sewers, tion regarding the restoration curbing and pavirlg and sets cf the plan and an estimate cf out what part shall be main- the cost cf same. It was said tained by the department and Mr. Donevan had done consmd- the portion to be malntained erabie work on the restoration by the village. a number cf years ago, but The clerk was autborized ta a disagreement with the coun- write a letter ta the Depart- cil at that time bad stopped ment of Highways requesting the work. that tbey finish tbe surfacing A resolution was passed ac- f the road on Toronto Street. Dan ce Competition For Square Dancers Is Carnival Feature Newcaste- The Carnival the Bingo, refreshrnent and coming up onl Friday evening, ten ether booths for the car- July 14th was the main item nival along with a Merry-Go- of business discussed at the Round for the amusement cf final dinner meeting cf the the children. Tickets were re- Lions Club before their surn- ported seiing weli on the draw mer vacation period. for a Portable Television Set, Carnival chairman John a Transistor Radio and a Rickard reported the big fea- Watch and ail members cf ture cf the carnival this year the club were urged ta turn would be the big square dance eut on Thursday evening te competition commencing at set up tbe booths in readiness 7:45 p.m. when it was expect- for the carnival and ta be on ed 5 square dance groups hand at 7 p.m. on Frîday ta weuid be competing for the prepare for the big event. three prizes offered. He said The square dance competi- arrangements had been cern- tien wili be conducted on pletedi for an orchestra and Mili Street and the booths wil Mike Ransberry would i-e the be set up on the Cornmunity officiai caller for the competi- Hall grounds. Mili Street wiii tion. be closed off from King Mr. Rickard said arrange- Street to the Manvers Street mnents had been made to man intersection for the evening. I £etters to t/he chdtorI Downsview, On July 7. 19( Dear Mr. Agnew: My sincere apologies repl ing ta your letter cf June 23 (re Newcastle Tribune). Iý address bas been changed ai cf course, cauued* the deiay. 1 had a phone caîl tod; from Mrs. Watkins, former Janie Singer and she readr an item from your paper. SI is a subscriber. I mention, the delay in not answerii your letter, and I was a. very Njeased ta ear frorn b( Building Permits Over $40,00 Newcastle-Bullding pern issued by Building Inspect Thos. Lennard for the thr rnonth period April, May ai June total more than $40,0( Permits were issued 1 dweilings ta M. Malkiewi for a six roorn bungalow, George St., with an estimat value cf $ 10,000. A dwellii permit ta Gee. Walton for1 $6.000 dwelling in Waltoi Park. To William Lake1 a two apartment dwelling1 Miil St. south at an estimat, cost o! $10,000. To Walla Couch for a one storey $d,( bungalow on George St., Thos. R. Tarrant for a $7,0 bungalow on Beaver St. to Murray Paterson for a bai on Sunset Boulevard beli constructed by the Hartwi Construction Co. at a cost $10,(000. ta Charles Tomsf alterations to a garage al te Toms and Sons Ltd.f alterations and extensian their store at an estim'ai cost cf $1,500.- NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB CARN UVAL FRIDAY, JULY l4th Square Dance Competition ON THE STREET Conmmncing at 7:45 p.m. Sharp *DRAW for 3 PRIZES* DINGOc AND OTHER GAMES OF CHANCE MERRY-GO.ROUND FOR THE KIDDIES ICOMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS i NEWCA.STLE 1/e A/ec a4le9a A 4# d4 [Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 nt., She went ta cons1aerabee Thrdy9.0-100B- 61. trouble te locate me. hrdy9.0-10-Be Now, as te facts cf the ginners class-boys and girls. "NwateTibn" r Friday, 9.30 - 12.00-Junior L-most pleased ta 0-operate lncas-ys ndgr. rd any way, but there 15 50 littie Myta tell you tbat you do notMO R S 1tdalready know. O RS I had a gentleman by name, The annuai Strawberry Sup- lay Mr. Hines from Bowmanville rly cali on me and requested I per held on Wednesday, July me would help hum ta organiz 5th, under the auspices o! the ;he hopeds Association was once srnall paper wbich he Wordan ansetsucsovr20 .ed in time would materialize into agai ra ucsoe 0 ing a nice littie commufity paper. guests were served a delicious Ise We rented a small ofc frorn supper between the hours cf 5i 'er. Dr. Farncomb and my work . m. and 8 p.m., many mern- was ta work up a circulation bers were present fromn the and o! course, advertisements. other three churches of Wel- Prn uit cerainyourea- orne charge, aIse frorn Port li'm qe c eranyow usiHope, Newtonville and sur-ý nesses at that time, and I was ronigdsrcs e wa' able ta solicit ads from each again pleased ta welcomn store, butmstya onh r party o! tourists from the a ew weeks at a time and thisU.A, hfotepa ou G wiI net, of course, keep a busi- year have planned their trip litsnes incirclaton.te be present at this supper- ts Mess inesIrculin. asinwe take this as a real com- Lrthe pHitiegs, iveaspun.plirnent and hope te meet our pre inhdting busin e apu guests frorn across the borderi lisedte apr.H as ndvery fine gentleman andsi many more times at aur sup- «.cere in bis att persoma fsomethingoftemptswatl ae At 5 p.M. the doors were icz Tribune",.o te Newasieopen and from then on the on~ ~ ~ i my utmnost ta hall wasa uyso;t ln1 aseis e ut finally realized with- tables set ready for aur guests ing imosbl ocrr n t was were niost attractive, red shor livd, bt ha wecorations, our teen-age group, na more businesses we really attended te refilis supplied forn ol aescedd from the members responsible onI appreciate my cousin Mrs. for prompt attention in the ;ed E. G. Gray cantacting you and kitchen. ce I regret net belng o! more Guests waited in churchi D00 help, but there realiy isn't until vacant chairs were an-1 te any more ta tell you. Since nounced by Mrs. E. Wilson, >00 al cf this, I have lest my Mrs. Ira Bebee sold tickets' S- husband in Decemnber 1959. and Mrs. William McHolm me Thomas Shaw of the Bank cf welcomed them Strawberries, ing Commerce in Newcastle some ce n rnyrfi ckyears ago. My father and ed butt sug - helae ef mother had the Oriental Hotel u espl h ae for weeIwshmadNra guests rush calîs were made nd r Toso wcastle wad ora fo eseveral homes for certain fn or s oyfathecas ers. edbesai iligfospr t 0myfaterfor 17 yar.My se that late guests and attend- tefather was Frank Bennett,,1et Ieasue fafl ed believe Norman Toms is st11iceutsereasr. !afi a resident of Newcastle. core morein- We took a Sunday off in a I regret not having mr i-veryln ietjo sm formation for you, but I am y ong taime atrjinomte ettayou ndthe Bcw-Martyrs' Shrine, Midland, the! maves tatesan. heBo-weather was perfect untili manvlle tateman.nearing home on the return1 Sincerely, when we ranl inte beavy ran,' Mrs. Tim Shaw. however by the time Morrish1 6 Troùbrook Dr.,was reached aIl was clear. 1 Soutbroew, Drn., A picnic lunch was enjoyed! Downvie, Ot. al! way and we arrived ati TMJET ASECNDT 'qthe historicai Shrine around 3 p.m. in time te witness a: ~ special processional service vial I-r--.-the "Stations o! the Cross",i arranged for a group o! Ger-, 11111 man R.C.'s and Benediction by. IlY!I~~a priet in the beautifu] church' r afterwards. Sight seeing can be vcry IItiring anmd by the time w a visited the gardens and many places cf interest under a real July sun we were glad te' reach the baven cf the car,, at Orillia we refilled aur ther- mas jug with bot tea and cof- fee ready for a plcnic supper,, hom e was reached around 9:15 p.m. after an enjoyable and LJ~Lmemaorable day. Thstrip was arranged by i Miss May Symond, Mrs.Re talle cof Perrytown, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Miss Beck-1 - ett and your reporter. - Mrs. Frank Anderson and son Mr. Neil Anderson cf Windsor returned home enî Friday, July 7th after spend-ý C.... '- ing a week with relatives in !« yddl Detroit, 'U.S.A. 'Wh dx yU invite YOUZ1 Congratulations oMIssEl- twln brother here? I can'tj aine Anderson Uon gaing gt&nd the uIght of hlM.» highest standing in Clasa 1, 1ý 11B. P.H.S. exams. ýI r< Swift's Barbecue - 1i WIE N ER S Swmft's Slced Rindiass SIDE BACON Pineapple-Grapefruit NewcstleThe Only Newc s dleWionly the best ntent P lava round in2gewhether the world a Ibenefit froni the Eicbmann wl. trials retelling of horror and Repou tragedy. But it is flot really being retold, for in fact the b7 Donna Ferguson I very number of deatbs bas Newcastle--The Playground 'defeated comprehension. Real began on Monday, Juiy 3rd,' understancaing comes only witb with a good attendance which itemns of evidence like that continued right threugh te given by Dr. Aaron Peretz, Thursday. Unfortunately, due doctor in a hospital at Kovna, te the ramn on Fniday there Lithuania. was na piayground. D-Prt odo a sang hcbwee aesanedwhen SS troeps rounded Up stg summer were reviewed the ghetto children for trans- land newgmes ng were vee port te a death camp: "There andnewgaes nd ons wrewas ona mother whe rushed iearned, wth great enthus- up te the truck and said she iasm, by the children. In the wanted ber children. The guard Arts and Crafts peiods the asked: 'How many?' The moth- boys and girls made place er said: 'Three.' The guard mats and paper masks o! the said: 'You may have one." Al characters from "Alice in Won- three put out their bands. The derland" fer their "Mad Hat- mother went back alone, net ter" tea party on Friday.. knowing which child te The "Special Event" on Fni- choose." day was ta bave bean the "Mad Hatters Tea Party," when the But aven if such awful chiidren were te dress as testimeny makes us finally characters from "Alice in Won- grasp in human terms the total derland". I imagine the boys Of the tragedy, can we really and girls were as disappointed learn anything froni the Eich- as Shamma and I when the mann trial? David Aster, adi- ramn put an end te aur plans tom o! The Observer o! London, for this event on Fniday. Each bas written a reasonad view on child was te bring candies or this peint: "It is true that cookias and tha drinks were knowiedge o! actual details of geing te be supplied. Happily the mass extermination was these plans ivama onîy post- confined te a few thousands poned and the "Mad Hatters direct] y or indiractly engagad Tea Party" was beld earlier in this wvork. It is aise trua this week. that tbey. learned the plans only at a time whan te oppose Reereation Chairman's Foot- themn would have meant thair note own death. Some did, and the The summer playground is ashes o! German soldiers are ceming along well and a great mingled with those of the deal o! interest bas been awak- Jews. But before the Nazis ened as evidenced by the re- camne te power, the whole Ger- gistration o! areund 60 cbild- man population bad been open- ran. In the weeks te coma, ly confronted with the Nazi many special avents will be anti-Semitic propositions. Tlàse beid, soeaof which will e- made it perfectly dlean that quire prizes! If anyone should Jews were te be regarded as wish ta donate simple littie less human, less entitled te prizas te raward the efforts human rights than othars... of the cbildren, they would The Nazi attitude te Jews be- be gratefully received by the camne weli known throughout playground leaders, Misses the world. Yet ne nation, in- Donna or Sharma Ferguson or ciuding those with empty spac- the chairman o! the Recrea- es and dependent temitories, tien Committee, Mm. Sam Bmc- opened its frontiers full to reten. Jcws known te ba seeking We aise wish ta inforni thc escape.. citizens that the Red Cross "How can we learn froni the Swimming Ciasses sponsoredi past? And what can we learn by the Recreation Commit- for the future? We shouîd tee are now undemway at Wal- study in a scientific spirit whal tona Park. The classes this happened. The fate cf the year are under the able super- Jews bas net yet , received vision o! Mm. David Milne o! adequate academie attention, Bowmanviile and Miss Linda pamtly because o! the emetion- Robents o! Newcastlc. There ai numbness with which we are approximate]y 133 children are ail in soe degrea afflictad. taking part in the four class- es which are scbeduled as fol- iows: Monday, 9.00 - 12.00- Lean te Swim class-boys and girls.I Wednesday, 9.30 - 12.00- Intermediate and Senior cias-I ses-beys and girls. lb. Cello Pkg. . Lb. Pkg. 69C1 Delmonte Drink 48 es. yin SWIFT'S BEEF STEW 24 Ti PARD DOG FOOD "q' &&Be' 3 15 0& STRAWBERRY JAM 2 z a Receive Free $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with IGA Cheese Sices ;Ttopy! Gold . .q. Receive Free $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with PoIy Diced Carrots 9.abrok 2 lzcox SLICED COOKED HAM OTb.'Rlkt. Swift's Prem Ti 41C Bar-B-Q - Hot Dog, Hamburger - 12 oz. Jar Heinz Relish 29t 2for49C SHOP AND SAVE AT-. Bowmanville IGA Market DG WNAN VILLE - ONTAIO Toms'y IGA .Market NEWCjaSTLEONAIIO Fresh , p Chicken Culs LEGS orV DREASTS lb I 47c Fresbly Ground Lean MNICED BEEF Swift's Bar-B-Cut - Saran - 2 %~ - 3 lb. avg. BOLOGNA SECTIONS Lb. 35c TableRite Roast STANDING RIB Lb. 59c ____________________________ IGA - 100 Ft. Rails LAIRIIN0F TAPES W.xed Paper TO34L BNUSGW E TOTAL3BONUS Receive Free $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with CALIFORNIA VALENCIA SUNKIST ORANGES 3 doz. sizel138 $100) Bradford Grawn - No. 1 Grade - Large Size 24',s Vacuum Cooled LETTU CE - 2For23c Californla's Flnest - No. 1 Grade - Size 45'o Pink Flesh CANIlT ALO0U P ES 2For 45C The chlldren', Choice - Thompson - No. 1 Grade SEEDLESS GRAPES - - Lb,.23c PAGE BLEVEN ni THE CANADIAN'STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNMAY, JULY 12th, 1901 Medicine [This cannot be overcome by direct assaults on the emotions, but every relevant fact should be explored, comparative stud- ies made, and the historian's and psychologist's knowledge brought together. We have to know more about the function- .ng in polities or irrational1 hate, and that of its opposite, human sympathy. If we are to keep our world relatively free cf politicai hysteria, we must use the cnly medicmne that Is effective against hy- steria: trutbfuiness. We mnust face the facts in ahl their seriousness and teach them ta our young people." KENDAL Miss Margaret Seens, Ot- tawa; Ross Elliott, Brockville, and Neil Eiliott, Weston, were with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. El- iiott last weekend and attend- ed their twenty-fifth weddingi anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son, Margaret Ann, Jerry and Susan spent the long July lst weekend wlth Betty's sister and busband, Mr. and Mrs. John Baulkes, in Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turansky and daughters attended the re- union cf the 409th R.C.A.F. Squadron on Sunday, July 2nd, at Lyndhurst Park near Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster and Jane, and Mrs. Marlatt attended a wedding in Sirncoe Saturday and stayed over for a visit Sunday. Miss Marie Foster, who bas been visiting ber grandmother Mrs. Awde at Jarvis bas re- turned home bringing Mrs. Awde with ber. Three bus loads cf Jr. Far- mers from the Pîcton and Belleville districts toured the local tobacco farms this week. Mr. Roy Foster explained the growing, harvesting, etc., cf tobacco for them. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark Gel Your Price For Your Liveslock througb 8 T AT ES MA N Phone MArket 3-3303 spent the weekend at their the strawberry festival at summer home here. Shilob Wednesday evening. Paul McMackin was home Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colan,. for the weekend from Kings- Hamilton, were wlth bier ton where he is ernpioyed by mother, Mrs. Hattie Martineil. an Insurance Ca. Church service and Sunday Kendal W.I. held their an- Scbool wili be at 7:30 &gain nuai outing and picnic Tues- next Sunday. We hope to see day afternoon, July 4. They more make the effort to get visited Lindsay and spent a out. few baurs sight-seeing and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carru- shopping, then prcceeded ta th-ers were guests Sunday ev- the Emily Provincial Park te ening with Mrs. H. Foster, the nortb east of Ornemee. It Carolyn, Judy and Tommy. is a lovely new park with Just as tbey got bere tbey bad bathing, camping and picnick- the misfortune te have a ing fadilities. The ladies did stone bit the rad and let eut full justice ta the tempting the anti-freeze. viands on the well laden tab- Miss Cheryl Vernon of Ayl- les, mer is spending a couple cf Saturday evening Mrs. Cari weeks with ber sister, Mrs. Langstaff and Mrs. Ray Moore Gardon Langstaff. were bostesses for a 'Baby Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ther- Shower' for Mrs. Eddie Cour- oux at the home of Mrs. E. tell, Mms. Lana Kerby, Tor- Langstaff. Games were fol- onte and Jack Kerby, George. lowed by the opening of the town, Sask., visited their sum- many lovely and useful gifts, mer place in Kendal Sunday. when particular attention wya Mis Selina Therteli dined with given te those on certain them Sunday evening. numbers. Mrs. Graca Coatham Mr. and Mrs. John Bird and received the door prize. Mrs. Dougie were with ber parents. Couroux expressed bier thanks Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley. ta ber friends. A delicieus Friday and Mrs. Vannatto and lunch was served buffet style Cecil visited Sunday. by the bostesses At the samne Guests with Mr. and Mrs. tima the men were entertain- Bob Youngman Sunday were er at a stag party at the home Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Durham of Eddie Ceuroux. Guests and Bill Tucker of Ottawa. froni Toronto, were, Mr. and Mrs. Darlington and Bill Mrs. Ray Moore and sons, wera recent guests o! Mr. and Mms. Shirley Kennedy and Mr. Mrs. Bert Thempsen. Mrs. S.. and Mrs. Grahami Canning. Gordon, June and bier two who will stay over until Sun- children Garry and Elaine day. aise called. Mr. and Mrs. Ceciu Tebble, Work is progressing on the Orono, visited Wes Tebble. new sbsool. The framework Tuesday. and roof are up. Mr. Milton Robinson return- Mrs. Lorne Paeden visited ed home froni Memorial Hos- Mrs. Bert Thompson Satur- pital Sunday aftem being there day. Mr. and Mrs. Thompsoft for about two weeks. were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Some from bere attended Ken Soper. Sunday. SPRING Little birdie on a tree, Just as cute as he can be - Singing his sweet sang to me, On a fair May morning - Little birdie on a tree, Flying over land and sea, Tell me ail the scenes you see; On a fair May morning - Little birdie on a tree, You do teach a lot to me, Always gay and always free, On a fair May merning. -Mabel A. Le Gresley Newcastle, Ont., May, 1961.

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