DEADLN FOR CLASFD Tuesday. :0pm Births 0 Cards of Thanks 1! Coming Events 1 Articles for Sale- Artii CONROW-Mr. and Mrs. Ger- We would lîke to thanki Durham County Holstein 500 BALES Timothy and METAL aid Conrow (Merle Lingard) friends and neigbbours ofIjClub Twilight meeting. SeeiAlfalfa bay. Stuart Lamb, 3-5603. are the prouci parents of a Nestieton for the lovely chaîr:you ail at Francis Jose's, Wed- CO -266. 8-1 baby son, Jeffery Ralph, 9 Ibs. presented to us at a sh owerinesday, July 19, 7 'clock. SPACE heater, also cook stove, MA 3-54 3 ozs., born June 21, 196 1, at recently held in our bonour. 1_ 27-2 will burn oil or coal. Phone the Strong Memorial Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt.! Pot luck basket picnic, Wed- MA 3-5448. 27-tf 40 ACRE ~ochste, Nw Yrk.28-1 8lnesday, July 19th, 3 p.m., at the .er andE RA G-aeisaedEliabetwI isork.tan28r-eds'lldrounds of Dr. Hendry, 252 BOAT and motor, 13' run- hRI-appy toannouncae thelat ivs for hkflowesand:King E., Bowmanville. Please about, 22 h.p. Evinrude, $250. arehapy o anonceth reatvesfo flwes, rut,'rig yurown ihs Tea Phone MA 3-7061. 28-1 WATE arrivai of their son Petericards and for their Visits. and coffee provided. 2841*,FINDLAY eiectmic range, 21 Call Clif David on Juiy 10. A wee Special thanks to Dr. McKenzue -__________ brother for Margie and Mar- and nurses at Memorial Hos-1 The Prout Famîly pi---c inch; double porcelain sink. lene. 28-1 pital. will be held at The Acres Park Phone MA 3-7170. 28-1 ASTRAL Ruth Gordon. on the Taunton Rd. on Satur- SIX-foot oul bath McCormiclc condition HOOPER-Frank and Norma 28-i day, July 22nd. Races and binder. Apply Kenneth His, 3-2057. Hooper are happy to announce Sports commence at 3:30. The Phone 5 r 3 Orono. 28-1", P the arrivai of a baby girl, I wish to thank Dr. Hubbard. family is urged to attend.- _____ Jennifer Lynn, on July 3, 1961, the nurses and staff for il 28_______ ___-*conditi eiferwaof, four BAUT at Memorial Hospital, Bow- their kîndness and care dur- The Griffin Family Picnîc weeks old. Clarke 2430. 28-1 Sable Cc znavile A iserforJuieing my stay in Memorial Hos- wili be held at Cream Of MLCust ____ and Jackie.- 28-1* pital and many thanks to Barley Park, Sunday, July 16. .LC doors, windows, awn utb friends and neighbours who Plates, cups and nieat will be ungs, sidings, carports, railings. P.O. Box Deaths sent fiowers and cards. supplîed. Please bring lunch. LreAllun, MArket 3-3871. ILLNESç S _____- Mrs. Hertha Schmidt. and silver. Sports at 4 o'clock.________ 27-2* e nt i r fDAIR-At Oshawa General 28-1 28-1 40 ACRES o! standing alfalfa budgies ospialon Mnda, Jly lth,. 1Carnival and dance, Black- Brome Hay for sale or on Gibson, 1961, Alexander Adair, New- We wish to say a specaistock Recreation C ent re. shares. Phone Blackstock 152J. castle, aged 76 years, beloved 'thank you" to our kindIGames, bingo, go-kart races,î 28-1 busband o! Laura.Storry, dear neighbours and friends and all round and square dancing, Fri-ISEVEN-foot Case binder and .Lives father of Lueila (Mrs. E. those who helped in s0 manyIday, July 21. Sponsored by Ithreshing machine with 28- 5PG Turnr),Mar, Fed nd ar-waysdurng he llnss nd'Cartwright Agriculture Society. ýcylinder. Apply Lloyd Clarke, 3-2740. oId. Service was beld in the death of a loving busband and' 27-3 iBethany. 28-2OEc Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- father. -OEc rnanviile, on Wednesday, Juiy The family o! the late Woodview CommunIty Centre SAVE on lumber, direct fmom stock 15. l2th, at 2 o'clock. Interment Sheldon Moffat. 28-1* -Monster B i ngo. Twenty miii to you. Phiilips Lumber Bond Head Cemetery. 28-1 games-twenty dollars; five Co., Kinmount, Ont armio YOUNG We wish to express our games-thirty dollars; $150 Phone 17r11. 45-tf phone M~ BISHOP-Suddenly at R.R. 4, sincere thanks and apprecia- jackpot, and two jackpots at KEYS cut automaticaliy, while Y1OUNG Bowmanville. on Saturday, tion to our Enniskillen and I$250. Door prizes. Next you wait, at Mason & Dale son, Bom Juiy 8th, 1961, John Charles Courtice friends for the beauti- Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Hardware, 36 King St. E., 16 EX-C Bishop, in his 48th year, be- fui gifts given to us at the Oshawa. 46-tf Bowmanville. 46-tf îing pigs loved husband o! Freda Attree, community presentations. A Barn Dance, Saturday, July GLADIOLUS and dut flowers _ dearefathersof Donon ). and spca etakyova ils. 15, at the farm of Jakre Van for ail occasions. Orders taken PONY, Marlne Mrs Wm More) Ji an Rea Knsmn.1 Dam Jr., 4 miles east of Ponty -1 Mrs. E. Passant, 122 Duke St. real pct Service was held in the Morris 28-1pool. Music by Rin Sanderslpinp,.MUA q2_159.7 '10 1*r- Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday. Juiy lth, at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowman- ville Cemnetery. 28-1 FEDDEMA-At the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Tuesday. July 11, 1961, Ralphi Edward Feddema, aged 2 years, beloved son o! Jack and Grace Feddema. R.R. N., Orono, and dear brother of Sonya Ingrid. ]Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie. Service in Christian Reformed Churchý on Fridey st 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 28-1 MOFFAT, David Sheldon- After a brie! illness at Me- ixorial Hospital, Bowmanville, en Thursday, July 6, 1961, Sheldon Moffat, beloved hus- band o! Violet Stewart, dear father of Dav.n <Mrs. Keith Finnie), William and Jean, in his 62nd year. Rested at the ]Barlow Funeral Home. Orono, Ont. Service was heid from the Funeral Home on Saturday, July 8 at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 28-1* I wisb ta extend my sincere thanks ta Dr. Sylvester, nurs- es and staff o! Memorial Hos- pital for their kindness and, care. Also ta relatives,j friends and neighbors for cards, flowems and gifts, and ta ahl who belped in any way since mny accident. Hary Adcock. 28-1 I wish ta express mny sincerel thanks ta Dr. Hubbard, nurs- es and staff for their kindnessi and care during my stay atl Memorial Hospital. A special thank you ta those who en gifts, flowers and cardsan my wonderful neighboms and relatives who s0 kindly looked after my family. Thank you la il. - - - . __ . _ i and his Melody Rangers, cur-_ arently playing on CKLY Radio. -Modemn and Old Tyme Danc- ing. Admission $1 per per- 1son. 28-11" 'T h e Werry -Philp - Wright rFamily Reunion will be held in Hampton Park, Saturday, July 15, 1961. A. bot meat pie dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m. The business meeting and sports will follow dinner. ,Supper wiil be served at 5:30 p.m. Come and spend a Ipleasant day with your friends tand relatives. Fun for al.8- 128- t Auction Sale Auction sale farm stock, 34 beef cattie, hogs, poultry; two tractors, combine, baler, fulli ilne of implements. nropertv Mrs. Barbara Thertell. la! Stewart W.'Rodman estate, 28-1 Lot 24, Con. 6, Scugog Island, ¼/ mile East o! Head School, on I wish ta express my sincere Saturday, July iSth. Terms appreciation for the many cash. Sale at one o'clock. Ted acts o! kindness, expressions Of Jackson, auctioneer. 27-2* sympathy and the many beautiful flaral tributes eceiv ed from relatives, friencis and neighbaurs, the donations re- in memory o! my dear hus- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, band. Thanks ta Rev. J. K. POET AE~ Newcastle, announce the en- Braham for bis comforting AUCPETO SALE 0F. LAND4 gagerment of their daugbter message and the kindness hie AUaximN AEly LN Gwendoline Jean ta Joseph has shown, alsa the Head W.A., Approxmtl 371/2 acres of Kmoepfl, Kendal. The mar- nurses and staff o! the bas- land more or less lacated south riage ta take place on Satur- pital, Dr. Rennie and Dr. of Highway 401, one mile west day, July 22nd, 1961, at 10:30 Kandal, McDermott and Pana-*o! Newtonville, Part Lot 13, a.m. in Part Hope Catholic baker Funemal Home.- Concession 1, Township o! Cburcb. 28-1' Reta Rodman. Clarke, County o! Durham. _______________________Sale ta be held on the propemty The engagement is announc- R at the Road Allowance between ed of Barbara Jean Bathgate - in Memonai Concessions B.F. and 1 at: daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Peter ALLEN-In îaving memory of 1h3 AM. D.S.Th,16 Bathgate, Bowmanvilie, to Mm. Frank Allen wbo passed away TESDA$200.0LCash Cr196 george Douglas Gamsby, son July 12, 1957. fTeRMSCheque00ash meor Caei- o! Mrs. Kenneth Gamsby and Nothing can ever take away fe hqea ieo ae the late Mm. Gamsby o! Orona. The lave a heart boîds dear, balance payable in thirty days.f Tbe wedding will take place on Fond memories linger ever3' Sale subject ta a reserved bid.r Saturday,_ August 5, 1961, at day, For further information pleaser 3:30 o'clock at Trunty United Remembrance keeps bim contact: Cburcb, Bowmanvilie. 28-1 near.ThAutoer -Ever remenibered by biF Mr. Jack Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. wife Sarah. 28-14 Orono, Ontario. Heavysege, Bowmanviile, an- ____ Telephone. Orono 5 R 18 nounce the engagement O! BURGESS-In loving memary DpOr their daughter, Mary Annela! my dear husband Norman Deartment o! Highways, Louise ta David Norris Perk-' who passed away July 14, 1953.Port Hope Strct Noffi, ins, son a! Mr. and Mrs. Norris Surmounded by friends, I am P138 HopeOtrioth Perkins, Scarborough. The lonesome, Port Hope, Unaro-481 wedding will take place Satur- In the midst o! my jays 1 elp O:Trne -41 day, August 5, 1961 at 2:00 am blue, DpaI ntor ilia p.m. in Trinity United Church,lWith a smile on my face î've DeatntoHghas Bowmanville. 28-1 * abatc Toronto Regional Office, _____- iLonging dear Norm, for you. Danve,«tro Mm. nd rs.Fre ~ rmemere byTelephone: r no, w Is. Fnnued ag Ee rmmee yyour CH erry 4-2571 - Local 444. enggenoiihtoo! the heslovinS vîfe Kay. . 28.1* Departmnent of HighwaYs çfaughter, Shirley Joyce, ta CROCKETT - In îoving me- 28t-r1 Kennetb Joseph. eIder son O! mary o! my dear busband and 2- Mr. and Mmis. Wmn. Rase, father Isaac wbo passed away Auction sale o! farm stock: Madoc, .Ont. The marruage jJuly 8th, 1958. wi,11 Oéke place Saturday,1He had a smiîe, a pleasant 14 sofhead f!lcattle ofgs, 60 August 12, 1961. at 4 p.m. inj way, frbale o! h y, uli uertof o Park Street United Church,l A beîping band ta al belan nchuepretyo Oron. 281*, new.Cyrul Rundie, Concession 1,~ Oroo.281 n-. north bal! Lot 22, Darhungton ' He was sa kind, sa generaus1 Township, south-west of Maple Mr. and Mlrs. Ray Shier o!.ý and true. Grae nStraJl 5 Ûxbidge wishi ta announce On earth he nobly did bis best, . son Sah gturlay, uli15 the engagement o! their eldesti Grant bum, Jesus, heaveniy: Pigs :~ N ihtpgfv daughter Margaret Carole, toj rest. weeks aid: sow due July, hog M. Ronald Keith Bickie, son -Sadly missed by his wifeIeight months aId; horse eight o! M. and Mrs. William Violet and family. 2-1' years. Cattie: Jersey cow, ]Bickle, Oshawa, Ont, The _____f our yeams, bmed February; inarriage wili take place July McKAYInlaving memory of Jersey cow, six years; bred 29tb, 1961, nt 3 p.mAY-In heifer, due in August; Jersey Chalers resbterin ChrchWi r brother and uncleheifer, bned ini February; two Uxblmrsge. 28-1' awaylVilre S. McKay wbo passed Herefor-d beifers, Holstein bei!- _____________28___________ July 6th, 1954. e, one year; two Jersey bei!- PhtorahyJust a prayer from us wbolers, Jersey ul two years; twaý Precous memories, kind andUll caîf. Implements: Set o! PHUIUUnAHY In u earsya'î l harrows, 5-section; Cockshutti In oi- eart yo'll ivespreadem, International mowem, Portraits Passports, forever, International grain binder, 6- j ecause we thought thefoot, bas dut 100 acres; weeder, Weddints - Annlversarles1 worîd o! yau. iploughs, International cultivat- à Speciaity -Always reniembered bylo0, !ctilizer, seed drill, 13 dise, sister Alice and family. 28-I 1new, on steel; disc, Internation- ________Studio_-ah corn binder, turnip drill, AyssKingt udi. ow - 1eBusiness noller, horse-rake, tedder, bar- VS uniSt. EpBowmavilie raw cart, corn cultivator, two Phone MA 3-2502 ___ _______ wagons, fanning mill and bag-' 231-tfIFRANCHISE Available-Phil- gem, sheighs, stane-boat, steel co-Bendiýx equipped coin op- scales. Quantity o! lumber.1 Receptionerated King Koin Launderette '49 Fard coupe; 600 bales o! - - -- t b peeËiïowinvle hay, fork, shovels, lagging Mm n r.WesleyFicejtonvetent equnBonired. pplchains, cutter, wbiffletmees, 109 Wav*ely Road, Bowmian-IKoin Laundry Sales, 188 Unî.teledtric washing machine, some ville, will be at home ta their vemsity Ave., Toronto. EMpire kitchen furniture, bedroom1 friends and relatives on Sat-13-5828. 24-3 suite, niany other articles. Ma- umday, July 22. 1961, from 2- ______________ chinery is horse-drawn and like te 5 and 7 ta 9 p.m., on the Lot1+ new. Fam.m is sold. "No e- occasion o! their 4th Wedding. -' serve. Teris cash. Sale at Anniversarl'. 28-2 B-LACK wallet in Newcastle 12:30. Clifford Petbick, auc- or Bowmanville, Friday even- tioneer. 27-2' LICENSED ling. MA 3-2581. 28-1' __NursingHome IBKwie Ïý bmr_%nfê- Personal SOUit-H Haven Nurslng Honma ege 1'fivU~ t IOUnLU. Ilewai.ý HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber' -Accommodation for privatelEnniskillen district. CO 3-2565.'gos ialdpspadi li sn d semi-private patients,' _______ ___22 sealtd envehope with price Iàý 1oue V. Fuly iicenýsed, BLACK and. white maie dog, Six samples 25c, 24 sampies nle uilding, modemn. Visis ne tail. "Prince", tag Na.'2.ý1100. Mail Order Dept. T-28, welcome. Reasonable rats Harold wan Biackstock o.Rbe C. o 1 Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf 210-2. 28-1' Hamilton, Ont 1-52 CRIBS, compiete with mat- tress, one smali and one large size; commode chair and play- pen. Phone MA 3-3867. 28-1 SEE Elmer for good used TV's, furniture, appliances, vacuums, cook ware, some antique furniture. CO 3-2294. 22-tf INSULATION, blowung meth- od, with rock wooi. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Hary L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf COURSES in the subi ects o! your choice. Enrol now for the faîl term at Bowmanville Business School, Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Principal, 154 King St. East, Bowmanviile. 23-tf BROADLOOM - wall-to-wal or room size. Free estimates on wall-to-wall. Samples tak- en out to your home for colour and decorating ideas. F. A. Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., MA 3-7071. 34-tf PORTABLE transistor tape- recorder, self-contained, bat. tery operated, built-in speaker, 30 minutes play time. Com. plete with tape, microphone, batteries and ear-phone for private listening. Phone New- castle 2144 after 7. 28-1* SEPTIC TANK STONE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL Celiars and Trenches Dug LELAND PAYNE Phone 4204 CLARKE (Cohicct) 25-tf HAY EQUIPMENT - Used International "45" Baler with P.T.O., reconditioned. New International 3-point hitch, 7- ft. Mower, bahl bearing pit- man, $369; 24 ft. Elevator with motor mount, $115. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. ____ ____28-1 SAND AND GRAVEL FOR YOUk DRIVEWAYS AND CEMENT PHONE EARL BOTTRELL CO 3-2682 For Prompt Service and Delivery 15-tf JULY SALE-Arborite Coffee and End Tables, $4.95; G.E. Polishers, $37.75; Lawn Chairs $4.95; Spring-fihled Mattrcsses, $ 19.95; 2-piece Chesterfields, $99.50; Chrome Kitchen Suites, S49.50; unpainted 4-drawer Chest, $21.00; 9 x 12 Broaci- lout Rugs, $89,50; Vacuum Cleaners, $49.50; 1/3 off al lamps and odd chairs. Murphy Furniture, King St. W., Bow- manvilie. MA 3-3 781. 28.1* WRECKING WARTIME BUILDING on Thompson St., AJAX beside Cashway Lumber AI Lumber for Sale CHEAP 3" x 8" x 20' Fir Fhooring 30' Fir Trusses 10" x 14" x 26' Fir Timbers 500 sq. heavy gauge 30"x8' and 10' gal. cor. Sheets Metai Sliding Doors PHONE AJAX WHiiehall 2-4735 AFTER 5 P.M. - "JOE" WHiiehall 2-1355 28-21 Now Operating ý ýFARMERS MARKET AT ýies for Sale 1 Help Wanted - garden swing. MA CLERK - for local grocery 28-if store. Write Advertiser 155, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. -DUTY farun trailer. Box 190, Bowmanviile, Ont. 5476. 28-1 28-1 tES o! choice bay, clov- LADIES wanted, make up to alfalfa. MA 3-3394. $26.00 a week doing simple 26-tf home sewing in your spare time. Write Box 7010, Adel- 1for sale and delivered. aide Post Office, Toronto, Ont. ff Pethick, CO 3-2131. 26-3* 32-tf LADIES Wanted. Make up to ,L refrigerator, good $26.00 a week doing simple n, $25. Phone MA home sewîng in your spare 28-1 time. Write Bunnys, Box - 7010, Adelaide Post Office, 'ets for Sale Toronto, Ontario. 28-1 'FUL. 10-mo-nth aid IF you need money but cannot ollie; kind andgnî work full time, we have the excellent homd e rte opportunity you need - Avon )x 308. 28-1* Cosmetics. Pleasant and prof- itable. Write or Phone Miss SS forces sale Of MY K. MacKean, 528 Gilmour St., ebmeeding stock O! Petemboro, RI 3-4006. 28-i and cages. Mrs. Jas. H bs jb it hebs Nestleton R.R. No. 1.TEbs os ihtebs 28-2' pay go to Business Schooi _______________________graduates. Enrol now for the ;toc ForSale Fail Term at Bowmanville ýstoc ForSaleBusiness Scbooi, Mrs. C. A. S for sale. Phone CO Bartlett, Principal, 154 King 28-i St. East, Bowmanville. 23-tf )oW and cal!. Black- DURING summer time, start i5 r 21. 28-i your own business, selling 1Boars for sale. Tele- household and farm pmoducts, lIA -287. 2.1*High commission, bonus, free MA _3-2837. _28- samples with each order, pigs. Victor E. Cook- monthly specials Catalogue and .vmanville. 28-1* Sales Plan on request. Familex ELLENTjq aîiy a- Products, Dept. T. -6- 1600 s. Phone MA 3-3821. Delorimier, Montreal. 28-1 131/ hands, chestnut, MacFo t. Apply next week. itson, MA 3-5893. 28_.1* coy m lom n 'ars for Sale Mechanica Background 'ONTIAC 2-Dr., radio. To Leamn Manufacturing and M~A 3-3128. 28-1* Printing ORD, radio, good con- Write ahi details to $115. Kathy Dodge, Adensr15 Rd., Phone MA 3-2787. A vrie 15 28-4* ,InTpCndq ittqa Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personai service at your home cali Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf Buy yourseif a Good Used Car for a change Ifs - Good - For - You Buy front the Top Seller at Today's Frices Wise people vho think twice aiways say it's none other than... ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars __________7-tf USED CAR CLEARANCE 1958 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. Radio 1957 CHEV. DELUXE 2-DR. 1957 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. Power Glide Transmission 1956 CHEV. 4-DR. HARDTOP 195 POTIC* DLU* * Dr 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-Dr. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 1953 METEOR 4-DR. Good Used Cars 1950-1954 Ail reasonably priced for clearance. Ail Makes and Modeis ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanviiie Lots 28-1 r USED CAR CLEARANCE 1957 DODGE 2-DR., radio 1956 DODGE REGENT 2-DR. HARDTOP, radio. 1956 DODGE REGENT 4-DR. Automatic, radio 1956 SAVOY 4-DR. V-8, automatic, radio YOUR CHOICE $4 Ail One Price 1957 SAVOY 4-DR. 6 cyl., radio, mirrors, windshield washers ----$9951 11955 DODGE SUBURBAN1 Radio --- -- ------- ---------$595 1953 PONTIAC 2-DR. 6 cyl.- --------------- $295 PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers for 1Plymouth - Dodge - Valianti Simca Cars Dodge Trucks 20 King St. E. .Bowmanville 28-1 Wanted ta Rent YOUNG couple witb family THE SHAW . looking for a 3-bedraom bouse VTTlDPM(' rP tow rent wt or without option UJÂUA .L .L.LIUr PJT.LIJ.nLLjJ v«n r-inr iLiq Every Fniday - 2 p.m.1 Preduce Availabie ln Season Farmers and Producers inter- ested Ln taking a stail phease contact the ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OSHA WA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone RA 8-6231 C( 1950 P( Phone I 19 53 àFC dition, Middle1 P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviiie Ontario 28-3 Township of Clarke APPLICATION FOR Building Inspector Applications cleariy marked for the position ef Buihding Inspector wiih be received by the undersigned up te and inciuding Monday, Juiy 31,ý 1961. Applicants are to appiy ini writing stating qualifications, experience and any other in- formation which may assist Council. Salary has been set and will be payable monthhy. Further details may be pro- cured from the undersigned. H. E. MILLSON, Cierk Box 37, Orono, Ontario 28-11 Repairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and i delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, to ail makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49 -tt REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, to ail makes of electrie motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of me- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Eiectric Limited, 38 Kingl St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf WATCH REPAIRINI Certif ied Watchmaker of Canadian Jeweliers' Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 8-1 FINALLY! Your own local sewing machin repair man Free eEstimates - Fast Servic One Year Guarantee All Makes - inciuding SINGER SEWING MACHINE Calli: BERT SEVINK MA 3-2664 24-1 N'otice to Creditor ýIn the Estate of WILLIAI WALLACE HORN, Deceased, Ail persons having dlamr against the estate of Wiliai Wallace Horn, late of the Vi' lage of Hampton in the Count o! Durham, Deceased, who die on or about the llth day( June, 1961, are hereby notifie to send in to Strike & Striki Solicitors for the Executor,. 38 King Street West, Box 641 Bowmanville, Ontario, onc before the 31st day of Jul, 1961, full particulars of thei dlaim. Immediately after the sai 3lst day of July. 1961. th assets of the Testator will b distributed amongst the partiE entitled thereto, having regar only to dlaims of which th said solicitors for the Executc shall then have notice. DATED at Bowmanvill Ontario, this 4th day o! Jul, A.D. 1961. Strike & Strike, Solicitors for Wallace Randolpb Horn, Exe'or. 27- I;t bu U. US JL ..UjJancy A nUST rOL -. . lst. Write Advertiser 156. c/o Canadian Statesman. P. 0. V/anted to Buy Box 190, Bawnianville, Ont., or caîl MA 3-3220. 28-1 HIGHEST prîces pald for liv WANTD TORENT paultry, goose feathers, feat] WANTD TORENT er ticks, scrap iran, ragý by Respensible Peeple metals and raw furs. Phon, 2-BEDROOM RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. HEATED APARTMENT 48-t hn nice location. Aduits enly.IALL kinds of live poultr3 By lst et August or before feathers, new goose and duc) CLARENCE HOCKIN also aid feather ticks wanted 43 Queen St. flowmanville Highest prices M. Fiail Phone MA 3-57099 Bethany R.R. 1L Phono 7 r 1: 28-1 *collect. 21-t Gý _Real Estate for Sale)Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Peter Ki REALT( AND GENERALI 52 King St. W. 99 Klng St. E. Beautiful 61 bungalow on C Attractively grounds. Attache suggest that you home if you are i for an $18,000.00 are offering this $15,500.00. Thisi the market valueE L100 Acre farma Swith 6 room i barn, chieken h shed and garage. iwith terms. Fa area are seiling twice this price. this bargain. Large stone i acres of land. Gc Stream through pi for a model farm. look this as it mr chance of a lifeti aren't too many on the market). We have sold erties recentiy an farms, houses, etc Saiesmt C. Soper J1. A. Barton- owal FV-om brick bungalow Les elEit andgarge.Ail conveniences, es R alEt e 'OR at Hampton. COlfax 3-2257. 5ro pltlvlbrickev INSRACLIDAL amlyhoe, 28-i sunporch, attached garage, INSUANC IDAL amiy hmeseven many extras. $16,000. Ternis. - MA 3-2453 rooms, in Orono, double gar-j 5 room brick bungalow, 3 .MA 3-5868 age, bal! acre, appies, pears bedrooms, finished roomn In room brick and smali fruits. Must be basement, landscaped lot, !oncession St. een to be appeciated. Reas- hedges. $11,900 with $1,500 r landscaped ono. 28-2 j 1000. own,ý a cram,8romhue d garage. à rn.282 10areWe,8rombue .i inspect thejPORT Perry Area-200 acre 2 barns, some woods, 2 streams, in the market farm, 180 workable, 10 acres just off 35 Higbway. $10,500. home as we bush, 3 large barns, 3 impie- Terms. one at only ment sheds, water in stables. We have houses, lots, farma, is well below Modemn bouse, heated oil furn- etc. s. ace. Excellent productive land M. E. LEASK at Enniskillen one mile from Port Perry. Real Estate Broker àouse. Lag $32,000 - $10,000 down. W. J. 6S OntaroSt. Bowmanvlhu Only $19,500 Limited, Port Perry. Telephone 2- ars n thiYU 5-2881. 27-3 - for almost Don't miss house on 49 ýood barn, etc., )roperty. Ideal i. Don't over- iay be a rare ime. <Themeý stone bouses Priced right. several pmop- nd need more ce. en: MA 3-2624- MA 3-3098 28-11 Work Wanted SEPTIC tanks cleaned sani way. W. Ward, Whitby, 8-2563. 1ANY type of painting or orating done reasonably.1 phone MA 3-5642. HEATING, Plumbing Eavestroughing. Cali G 1Heating, Newcastle 4331. A 15-YEAR-OLD girl v like baby-sitting, near1 manville. Phone MA 3- BY High Scbool boy, 16 y summer work of any kint town or on farm. Phone 3-5060.2 BRICK, Mason and Con( work, Chimneys, etc. L.T er. Temporary resid *Phone MA 3-5605. WATER wells dug by mac] Specialize in 30" concrete Finished job $10 per foot. tWard, Whitby, MO 8-256. t~ 24 Herman Van De)1 GENERAL CONTRACT( Brick - Block - Conert and Carpentry NEW WORK and REPAI PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMP. Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 160 Acres - 8 room frame Ïhouse, bath, barn equipped for laying hens, 1,320 ft. lake front- age. Owner must seli. Price $12,000.00. Terms. s 150 Acres - 7 room frame house, L-shape barn. Price $6,500.00. Low down payment. e 100 acres near Mosport, 7- roomed house, barn 30x6O. A good investment at $9,900. Terms. *Two apartment bouse with 8141/2 acres of land, good loca- tion, near school, price $12,500. Pedwell Real Estate 100 acres, 8 rooni bouse, bank barn, good productive soil. Only $10,000. Easy ternis. 10 rooni hause on No. 2 Highwvay, close ta Mapie Grave, $10.000. Nanie your own down payment. 8 roam bouse in Newton- ville, can be divided with 40 acres o! land optional. New 5 rooni bouse, close te Omono. AlI conveniences, tile floors, $6,500. $500 down. Easy ternis on balance. Mortgage lbans. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Reah Estate and 1 0-room two-storey brick 1 moigg roe home, very central, suitable for' Newcastle Phone 3858 two apartments. Price $l0,500.1Real Estate Sahesman Wanted iitary Terms. 28-1 24-0O Newcastle-Store plus dweli- de- ing fronting main street. Ask- McQuay and Kidd ue. ng pruce $7,500. Terms. RATR Tele- 5 Acres near Oshawa, good RATR 28-i garden soul. Price $3,000.00. Members o! Oshawa & District Terms. Real Estate Board a nd Near Mosport, four-roomed 111 acre farm with over 1300' bould house. Full price only $1,250.Ltout streamn less than %~ mile 18-tf Building lot, 60x267, goodýfrom Mosport Park. Beautiful drainage, shade trees. Price cottage sites. 8 room home vould $2.400. with a beautiful v i e w. Bow- 4-room fully modemnborne, Barns 50' x 50' and 28' x 28'. 2559. centraily located. Price $7,000. Water in ahl buildings. 72 28-1* Terms. acres workable, balance bush years, 5-roomn modern bungalow, and pasture. $25,000 witli nd in highway frontage. Price $8.500. easy terms. SMA Terms. 110 acres o! land with 28-1* Hhghway No. 2 Ganaraska River near Kendal. cee East of Bowmanviihe $6,800 wuth $1,500 down. icrete 3 acres with streamn close Trn- Telephone MArket 3-3644 to Bowmanville. $1,000 down. dence Salesmfen: Full price oniy $3.900. 23-tf G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300,r 5 acres level garden land, hine. C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 just off Taunton Road. $2,00Il tue.28-1 with $ 1,000 down. a Wl. Brick 3-bedroomn home. . F oWR n F l e t t S t r e e t . $ 9 9 0 0 w i t h t e n s 'a 33.____For _ ___ ___ __ 4 Bedroom home on e xa ' ý410' APARTMENT. Phone MA1large lot on Ontario St. $7,500 B 2445. 25-tfwith $1.500 down. Bell 2 Bedroom bhouse in Hamp. ,0,IPAIU home for ent.1ton on % acre lot with strearni . hone MA 3-2382. 281,ZAlI 'etc TON 3-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-50301 16-tf FOR accommodation near Mo-! 2 Bedroom modern bunga. sport Park Phone Orono 12r6.ilow in Newcastle. Only $6,900. 27-4*:'Easy terms. IN Newcastle, 3-room upstaîrs! 3 Bedroom home in Orono. apartment. Phone Newcastle Centrai location. Only $6,000. 4256.28-1 ew split-level brick near APARTMENT, 3 rooms and;Mosport. $9.000. Terms. bath, centrally located. Phoneý Cal MA 3-5431. 28-11 vl 1rDviki THREE rooms and bathroom, ground floor, private entrances. MA 3-3149. 28-1* APARTMENT, conveniences. fPossession Aug. 1. Telephone A RENDS PAINT Sprayers and Sanders ~~ for ent. F. Cmawe, 102 Elgin ELE TRC M O Sst., Bowmanville. 28-2* REPAIRS and REWINDING te THREE roonis and bath, beat- al your Eleetricai Equipmnent ed, self-contained. 205 King Sales & Service MA 3-3058 St. E., MA 3-3186. 9tf 43 Third St. Bowmanville COMMERCIAL property on 19-tf Silver Street, formerly Black- m.;ý+nnrmsmith shou,. MA 3-3394. 26-tf 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville 28-1 De Wilh Real Estie S10 Acres with small barn, hen bouse and 5 roomed brick bungalow with ail modemn con- veniences. Asking $12,500 with $2,000 down. Il Acres with 70' x 28' barn, drive shed, garage; 7 roomed home with running hot and cold water. Asking $11.000. Terms. BJWMVjk ILLEr.Mina n1e',.e 36 Acre farm with 80' x32 Service. Cleaning - Uphols- SIX-roomed bouse, 2 baths, bank barn, lien bouse, garage; tery, rugs, hardwood or tilelgarage, central. Possession 8 oomed home, ail modern floors, walls or woodwork, Aug. 1. Phone MA 3-7116. conveniences. Price $18.000. window washing, venetian 28-1*' 75 Acre farm with smal blinds, ncw tapes or cords in- PASTURE for ten head of'barn, ben bouse, pig pens; 6 .t! stalled. Repairs-Roofs, ver- cattle, near Tyrone. See Paul roomed home and sanie ma- -landas, fences, fumniture, draw-IVaneyk or Phone Clarke 5r03. chinery and cattie. Price 'ers, doors, etc. Seasonal main- 28-1* $11,000. Ternis. tenance - storms, screens, PRMN inNwovlê 10ArfamlrgL-hp ne gardens, bedges. Janitor serv- AATETi etnil'îoAr am ag -bp ice. Jim Henry. MA 3-2817. four roonis and bath, iîeavy ed bank barn, drive shed, etc.; *wire1d Phone Clanke 5 r 03. 7 roomed home, modemn con. 28e4 - 2.1*venencS. Asking $13,000. 1 f--ar -- Ternis. G. W MU T 04 LRGEgraund lo apant- 92 Acre farm, the best of "S ment, all canveniences. Resi- land, large L-shaped bank E Ct dertialarea. Cail MA 3-5797 barn, silo, garage, etc.; 8 Masonry C.ontra ruL fte 5. -2.8.4- roomed bouse, running water BRICK - BLOCK APARTMENT and garage, allVin a Il buildings. Asking $16.000. _tf ND IDEW LKS conveniences, ten minutes frorni Easy ternis. t! AN SIDEALKS Bawmanvihle. Phone COlfaxi 9 Roomed home on 2 acres -Specialize in Conerete Floors 3-2394. 28-1iwuth garage. Asking $9,500 >S-- with 10w down payment. -NEW WORK AND REPAIRS iTWO apartments witb 3 rooms,j M kitchenette and bathi. Centnaily! Apartinent home in New- MA3-98 located. Washer service. Tele- castle with all modemn con- pneMA 3-5277.3.tveniences in bath apatments. ,PIceadtrsarranged. m _________~ THREE-roomn unfurnished apt.1 4 Roomed bungalow with Stabes wth light, beat and watcr,ý4.piece bath, running hot and ty Whitewashing Stbe private entrance, on Highwayjcold water. Price - $7,900. ed2. Bus stop. Suitable for Ternis. o! AND DISINFECTING business couple. RA 3-3051 Or 6 Raamned bungalow at edMA_3-3842. 26-tf.Kendal with ou f umnace, kitch- e,. uUAjJLA FIVE-roomn upstair apartment, en cupboards, water under Setc ak sepamate bath and entrance, pressure. Price $6,000 with or heated; adults preferable. Aug.1 $500 down. 1 Write Advertuser 152, c/ai 6 Roomed, as good as new, [y, BER TOMPIKINS Canadian Statesman, P.O. Baxîbruck home in Bowmanvllle, at NETOVIL 190. Bowmanville. 27-2* Southway Drive. Garage. icr...-N NEWTOVELLE-_ $13'000 with $3,000 down. id Phone Clarke 4721 FREE ent one month, heated, 5 Roomed home in Betbany àe 24-tf 1 modemn 3 roonis, kitchenette 1'witb ail f umnacc, running wat- be-j and bathroom, washer-dryer, er, kitchen cupbaards. Ask- MOU TJO j 60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 'ing $4.800. Ternis. rd MSERVICE King St. W., also for ent 8 Roomed hame un Bethany îe 1 V fr store on main street. 22t',with modemn canveniences. or BkACKHOELLJRLi THREE roomed apartments, 'Price $5,000. Ternis. e, TRENCHES - DRAINS for rent, 3 blocks !rom down- 2 Bedroani bungalow In town, newly decorated, beavy Newcastle with modern con. y, FOUNDATION AND duty wiring, heated. Venetian veniences and garage. Asking SEPTIC TANKS blinds and drapery rods on $6.500. ail windows. RA 8-8122._23-tf 7 Roomed home in New- DUGANDBACFILED APARTMENT, Upper East at'castle with extra lot, 3-pice - jbath, running bat and coId -3 T Kngsway Apts., 242 King St., water. Garage. Down $1,000. - Ivan Mrount]oy E Stove and refrigerator sup- rPrice arranged. BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87r4 plied, beated, $75 per month. cege iIsremlt 25-tf Availabie July 9th. Apply Mr.'nNAcae hstle e anis, t ________________ . Holdstock at KingswayIn Newtcte, tc.Piantrmae h- TV TOWERS Ats o tlehoe A 2-6-t! armanged. n, Acrials and Retors 335~orie t.Pieadtri Repairu te Aerials John F. De With t!. an Rtos Ph-one MA 3-3303Raealtor and General Insranos Suppiy Td.VorNewcastle Phone 3341 R f orDonald M untJey, MA 3-395 6 ed. RA 8-8180ReuDvdoBhay 1. BilI a[ : Bob Leask Classif ied Service Lose DA. Perrn, aike 2ISORS 13. LerneA._Perault,_Clark -1. WMNESDAT, 3ULT 12th, 19« .?A« VE qî.ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVUANVn=, ONTARIO ý410 Si 1 p F ei