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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1961, p. 13

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leýNSD ,ZLY 2th, 1961THCAAINTASAN OMNIEOTROAGTREM was aJso investigated by Con- Council Learns That CICSSïfed A dS who was ridtng a monMcle, Classified Ad stle b r yd W elf ar Notices Wanted t Street. vsW Dr. Storey's office wiil be DEAD and crippled farm stock, 1 The boy, Henry Dykstra, e t r ClOsed July 5 ta Aug. 2 in- picked up promptly. Telephonel 172 King Street East, was clusive. 26- 5 COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Furýtaken to Memorial Hospital Wana'sBeaty hope vïFarm, Tyrone.. Licence 115. where he was treated for a . 2 i be closed from July 17 - 24 DEA» AND CRIPPLED sle yDr. Peatd ri Jonso. B y2 D Incusie. 8-1 FAR STCK terwards he was aUlowed The report of the Welfare Dýr ..Sl-emon's o-f-fice wiîî-l HIGHEST PRICES PAID to, return to bis home, but in- Administrator, R. J. Welsh, a be closed from July 8 ta Aug. 1 R A Y V I V IA N structed to stay in bed for a for June whîch was submit- Fi N 'cuive._ 26-3 Loeust Hill day. ted to Town Counicil at the - Phone Markham 1160J Collectý Corporal K. Freethy inves- meeting held In the Council ar Dr. Dinniwell's office wiill 24-hr. 7-day Service tigated an accident thait hap. Chamber on Monday evening 31 be closed fromn July lst to' License 102C61 pened ait 7:45 o'clack on Sat- showed that there were 135 ' July 23 inclusive. 2-3 20-52 urday evening. There vw&s a reciplents of welfare here Hý Crago's Beauty Salon, Newl collision between two cars on durlng the month. This is an be caste, wll b cloeci romCDncession Street East. The increase of 32 compared ta July 24th until 3lst. 281 M P E R V Yorker, Ont., and DetIef P'. ?he total cost of welfare in Dr. C. J. Austin's office will! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen Svehon, R. R. 1, Orono. There Bowmanville in June was In lue closed for summer vacation and Linda, Bowmanville, were was minor damage to both $,9.6 xece eoeish fro Jly 4 a ugut 3 - i Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.Ivehicles. through provincial and feder-n clusîve. 27-3 ýPercy Flintof f and family. IRyNasrpre a la subsidies and charge backs cO RoIed eotdt h is $3,349.64 leaving an actual an Dr. W. M. Rudell's officei Miss Carole Greenhama spent Bowmanviile Police Depart-cstothtwnf 492fr will be closed for holidayb last week at the Hilltop Baton ment that a telephone pole Jun t e. tw f$4.2fr$ from July lst ta July 30th, twirlin'g camp, Erin, Ontaria. near the corner of Simpson During the month there bu inclusive. 26-31 Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr. Avenue and the Wharf Rad wr 1uepoe ed fa The Aams ad Ferusonand Mrs. H. G. Freemnan visit- was broken off when struck fmle nBwavle hy1 Tenindams bendpastpaneded their cousins, Dr. and Mrs. by a car driven by a hit and had 6l eesi omnents. There 14 ta August 19, 1961. SamelLH.CteinBatrdlsrudiv. were also five unemployed ir place, supper at 5. 28-2* Thursday. This car isaIelievd t, b single persans. a] Private Alex Green, Bar- a 1956 Dodge or Plymnouth Dr. Fergusan's office will be riefield, spent his weekend and maroon in color. The elosed after June 27 and leave with bis father and bro- Chief Constable, Bernard R. through July and August ex- ther, Mr. E. Green and Bert. Kitney and the Bowmanville L ons H s Ju,ýy for anc week starting Mr. Robert Brown was a Police Department wo uld Juy15. 2811,guest at t:he wedding of Miss very much appreciate any fur- Dr. H. Anfossi annaunces the, Diane Phillips ta Mr. Donald ther information concernin.gA opening of bis practîce in; Rowe ini Port Hope on Satur- this car if anyone wiil kindly A e u a General Medicine and Surgery day, give A tot them.g at 59 Church St., Bowmanv Mre. . adMs halsWie Drunîmond Paul, 335 Davis- The .-Bowmanville.. Lions Ba Phone MA 3-2552. 26- sand Meres Cales Whte, ville Avenue, Toronto, infor- Club entertained the Bow- ba The BwavleDc Ors ih Maw eend ay vîFdSter med the local police that he manville Legion Pipe Band ai Bae aman vile ctr with M e s. adMs rdSe had parked bis car on the east at the dinner meeting of the ba: operatian of Memorial Hospital M.adMs ayVnd side of Silver Street an Sat- club held in the Lions Coin- tec for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ainentbetthHo-Brtand cire.Cryn, daeurday evening at 10 o'clock. munity Centre on Monday ev- toc pital froin July 3rd ta Labos visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Wjhli- wlenh eundfri tenîng. Rev. Saim Henderson, lar 1:30 o'ciock on Sunday morn-Widoafre st f Day. The secretary ta the dal an*d famiîy on Sunday. ing he faud tee was on WindsoraUfoed hr pastoreof intern will accept appointments Miss Carole Greenham ac- siTrinity UnitmdgChurcthhere t fo h otron duty during companied Miss Irene Harvey surueumg atelf was also a guest. B forth dctraide of his cas. The birthdlays of Horace dir that turne. Anyone requîring of Oshawa ta a cottage at Chief of Palice Kitney stat- (Bud) Moses, Norman Allun, or rnedical treatment, urgent or Lake Kashagawigamog for a ed that the car that struck the Bill Oliver, George White and B]i otherwis, contact haspita]. week's holiday. Paul vehicle is believed to be Wally Braden were celebrated Cli ________26-3 Mrs. L. C. Snowden attend- a green 1954 Chevrolet anud by their fellow Lions. in ,I.j 9 d the Baker-Rundle picmic the first lettes of its license The 17 members of the Bow- exj Swmmn Cllfl l Lasses on Saturday at "The Acres." lasthuought to be "B". He said manville Legian Pipe Band tbE ADULT CLASSES being held' Miss Barbara Brown and be would greatly appreciate nresent were introduced by thE in Bowmanville and aise New-1 her brother Bob are attending any further information on e l castle if sufficlent interest. surrimes school at McMaster tis Intte. rnational Councillor Herb dir Contact University, Hamilton. OnSunday at 2:30 a.m. Ra Greoddron hoetsopgavetaefu- Bowmanville, Mr. David MiIe Ms. and Mrs. Roy Topping cOn ther repart onKitheStrpetaLthesPi cairvn ln in tetLosIternational Conven- tbE Newcastle, Mr. Samn Brereton' and tbrec sons spent a day tried ta back into Division tian held in Atlantic City of PRIVATE LESSONS ru n each last week with ber parents, Street to, make a turn when made by the Bowmanville Le- dit weelc are alsa available. Con- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. it struck a car driven by Nar- gian Pipe Band, Mr. Goddard tact Mr. David Milne, MArketl Maple Grave men's softball mand Payne, Birmni ng h am, and Jack Cale. 3-3937. Cholce of afternoon teain won 11-6 oves a men's Michigan. The Payne car had Past-President Walter Run- or evening classes under quai team f raym Bowmanville, at a been parked in front af the die thanked the Bowmanville lied Red Cross Instructor. game here on Sunday. Bowmanville Hotel and was' Legion Pipe Band for the _______________28-2 just puiling away when the wnefîsoig i a We are pleased to announce a U'IT ~P accident happencd. Mrs. Joan made bath at the Lions Dis- Change of Representative fan IYLV L RTuN Irene Des Roches, 10 Lambs trict A Convention, Kingston, the area of Bowmanville and i Lane, was the driver af the and the Lions International surrounding district. Sinccrest congratulations taothrcr Convention in Atlantic City. for Our only aur good necgbbors Mr. and These was $100 damnage ta The Bawmanville Legion Pipe Jot Bonded Representative ls Mrs. James McMullen of La- the Payne car and $80 damage -wh Il ~tus who, on ncxt Satusclayta Mrs. Des Roches' car. Con- tain. The fact that there was me. 1. ROY BUTTLER .july 15tb, will be celebsatinci stable Louis Phillips investi- n id rvntdsrosIn their 70th wedding annive~r' gated the accident. dnoage.Vnd, p reven*te ealoi ~j~oNA i,~.9 sary-a really auspiciaus oc- O oda ,erona Fals said it was heavy in that ade on MA - 296 casion for nat onlv the honor- 6:10 oclack James Bel., a area. Large hailstones bounec- dec <~BOWMANVILLE ed couple but ail the members driver en-ployed by Sheppard ing of th groundc and water F OSHAWA RA 5-5443 of their family and numerous anofws akn i the lake, made quite a dis- and AI ae ndSrie friends. Furtber congratula- trumberyaringSthenitthe play. Tomato plants and gar- ban AU als ad ervce tions ta Mr. McMullen wholmeyr hnstuka den fiowers had ridclled. 000 Fully Guaranteed by will he celebrating on tbe parking meter. Damage to icaves rai, SINGER SEWING MACHINEisucceeding Tbursdav, July 20, the meter was estimated at Cotaearwelcciett CO. Ib'is 94th birtbday. It provicie~ 62.Cntbeil'ss along the lakesihore and localP 27-4 us with much pîcasure ta the investigating offices. people are away for weekends, wer have the opp<rtunitv ta ex- Thomas Marnier, Oshawa, ta make the mast of the shart Om "PUBLIC NOTICE' * press on behaîf af the coin- lost contrai af his car on Mon- summer. Several fsom here No The Corporation of the Town ý munity and neigh baorba odc day afternoon at 4:45 o'clock attcnded the strawberry festi- ban of Bowmanville is contemplat-1 tbrougb this media the hearti- and ran into the East Beach val at Morrish on Wednesday pari ing the acquisition of tbcest best wishes ta this fine Pavilion. Damage ta bis car enig and enjoye etn Mausoleum Building iocated at couffle on their marvellous but ainotnted ta $25. Constable evdfen ed meething the Bawmanville Cemetery. I awesome attaînimcnt. h Itat Phillips also investigated this aIwdfrin suas ellar hvn order ta complete negotiations be regretted that this occa- accident,.aCongrtulatos per. pu-R( with the present owncr, Caunc- sion must be celebrated in pils who wrote their music Il wishes ta detesmine whether hospital where Mss. MeMullen examinations in Cobourg se -c citizens would be interested in is currently confined witlu a WESLEY VILLE cently. Donna Kimbaîl, Glas- the Crypts which will be made fractured hip. îa Nichols, Irene Kîmbail, avaîlable. TYeerton eW. iA. oas hed Wesleyville enjoyed its an- Cheryl Clarke, and Linda 7 It would be therefore ap- nual sumnuer.treat aI voic Thorndyke, ail pupils of Mss. I..% preciated if, persans interestcd picnic-style in the pleasant nal isruen tra mfusieonCrolNcIsweeucs- in the purchase of a crypt, envîrorîment of the pond of Moýdnd gt uy3d hnfli asn hi ifrn either now or at same later Ms. and Mss. Wilson Heaslip p ay night, Juarrly 3d, henls, inde. p as anherd Giaret date would make their inten - on Tbursday aftcrnoon. pupis ofM. arroil Ni rcihols, grades.; Dona and lia, atI tions knawnito the undersigned' Mss. Alfred Collins is a wei- MA.. iC .. gael theirtrea.grade ; anCer adeLindatvi on or before August lst, 1961. came visitor tbis week witî u Mssanchos elcoed nt the raer ad herylassde 2th There will be no obligation on1 ber daughter, Ms. and Mrs I-gestanmd askethe36nmbflt a he ltt trce assd w t a those indicating intcrest. Morris Mantie. A speedy se- beogaammedfat the be6 nmer honur s o sinc au lr Jack L. Reid, cavcry ta Ms. Collins wbo iprgrmm orfh egne s uptnda eowint chrasre Clerk-Treastîres. canfined in Sunnybraok Hos- numibers wcre very short. ofayueriantendentCMlarereadypst, 2254 pital in Toronto. It opened with ahl singing Paye, and Glren Cl. aroldrcad Ms. and Mss. Ray McCul- the national antbem, and a be- At scrîtu he junMrs. inarld lough have purcbased the resi- gînnes, Margo Payne, playedAutnagt the jbec f .A unos- insz 9 dence af the late Ms. and Mrss "Spring Sang" a n d "'the tin. Aseen e ni ss.A. us- msr de--f e1HLhMcGill in the ame Knight and the Lady." In or--in Athe vnngcuhpr (FROM PAGE ONE) onn au a 'e ,1ro'i In last week's news we had sew( Itrio by James and Philip R. Best assistant doorman at the TONATO JUICE istartede Just about noon. At Nichais and Garfield Payne. the strawberry festival. Error over ! 12:07 p.m. Jim Hayman of Vocal solos by: Ruth and Joan -It was Larry Ashby. fort -~,~Palmer Motos Sales was turn-jNichais, and Barbara Dinner; afI I tins2 9 C ing in front of the Cream of ýsangs in three parts 1,v Bar- 4jEST A sxcoMq» then Barley when bis car bit an 'basa Dinner and the thsee Mun eastbound ca<r. The lattr ;;.n i-l n..1.. ..p.4....... tirara - ~wer viixa uas drivexV by Have W. 21 taking part with two pupils PIK E Cooper, R. R. 4, Osono.. Dam- absent. age to bath cr amountcd ta Mss. Nichais thanked Ber- 16 oz Jas ýabout $25. Constable Don An- niece Best fôr providing fl1w- derson investigated. crs and ber pupils for their, At 3:24 on Saturdav alter- co-apesation and gaod effortsý only29 jar ýnoon Mss. Ruth Whyte, R. R.1Itbsougbout the yeas. Ciasenceý ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ,2, N ew castle, w as atte mnptingiN ich as expressed appreciation : ta make a left hand turn f rom i ta Mss. Nichais for hem work TREESWEET King Street into Liberty Street! with the hlrn North wben ber cas went outi Continued showers nia ke GRAPEFRUIT aIn tri It mounted the'bav curing a bard task this curb. knocked down t h e surnuner and a hay drying out- UICES'ChOOl Sign placed there by fit would certainly came in J IEtheBOavle Lions Club, handy. Wben there is a ten- 48 oz. Tin uent thraugh tbe hedge af J.,!dency ta grumble we tbink at M. Wilsan's bouse, and smash-' farmers out west and realize Ony29C ci d into a hydro pale. at least there is plenty of hay Damage ta the hedge was bhere to, cure. Lawns grow appraximateiy $50. The cari cuickly too, and it's quite a 'ssaned $70 damage, arîd'chose ta keep tbem cut lue- GARDN FESH damiages ta the hydropoe tween showers. 11KW C BEAGE which was completely brokeni The bail storm of Sunday XEW CABBAGE off atgnound level arîîounted1 afternoon evidently wasa ta $125. Oonstabie John B,:rd stnip twa or tbree miles wide inetigated the accident. ; as it did nat go far west of X hea s 2 3 Anoheraccident at 3:41IWesleyvile corner and losftlI ases Increase iring Las! Mont h The deserted cases were five nd these had 16 dependents. Four people received O.A.A. nd O.A.S. supplementary as- [stance, and there were seven welfare patients in Nursing Homes. Indigent days num- ered 174. 14 Building Permits The report of the Building Inspector, Mel Moore, for June showed that 14 building per- mits were issued. The total zst of construction, additions and alterations amounted to 00,728. The money received for :uilding permits was $118.75, and $87 was received for the 14 plumbing permits issued. [r. Moore made 61 building nspections during the month ind seven trench inspections. Pipe Band Meeting and won first place i the )nds contest in Kingston, id it came third of the 78 înds from ail over the Uni- ed States and Canada that ook part in the contest in At- ntic City. Jack Knight, president of he Bowmanville Legion Pipe ýand, was flot present at the nner meeting as he is away in vacation. Pipe Major Don ýrooks thanked thue Lions lub for sponsoring the band ibath competitions. He also :pressed the appreciation of e members of the band for e invitation to the enjoyable inner meeting. The Bowmanville Legion pe Band then entertained e Lions by playing a number fstirring marches and tra- tional Scottish music. Orange <PROM PAGE ONE) )r Ontario South, Lao r n e Dhnson aI Wluitby, riding a iembers, unable towakthe %g distance but wishing tc La part af the colorful par- le, rade in orange and blue Bcosated cars. F'ifteen bands, including fife id drunu, pipe, and trumpet ànds led approxinuately 12,- )0 members oves the lo-ng )utc before some 25,000 spec- Iors lining the streets. Prizes for the best ]'odges ent ta Lindsay, Pont Hope, remee a nd Peterborough. aawards were given for iuds participating in the trade. ,ecommend hanges in .oning By-Law Twa By-Laws were passed the meeting af Bowman- le Town Counicil held in- eCauncil Chamber on Mon- iy evening. By-Law No. 1805 Ltlîaizes 1961 Supplement- , expenditures on roads and cets, and By-Law No 1804 'vides for an inspection af srsing Homes by an author- 2d offices every six months tead of once each year as -viously. tecommend Zoning Change Council received a lettes m the Bawmanviile Plann- gBoard recommending that uncil adopt the following solution passed by the board: uat section 9 (a) 6, By-Law 87, as amended by By- vs No. 1.612 and 1700, un- ýpcrmittea uses in a resi- utial area ta be amended rcad as follaws: 6. Hospi- s. 6. (a) Certified Nursing )mes bordering on proper- ýon Churcb Street. On motion of Deputy-Reeve n Hobbs, seconded by mulai- Ken Nicks cauncil cui-red with the recain- cnatian oof the Planning ard and referred it ta the ,n's solicitors, Strike and rike, ta be included in the indment ta the Zaning By- v that is being prcpared. Industrlal Development First, and second reading re given ta a By-Law for Sconstruction af a sanitary ver and watermain near SBase Line and a bridge r Saper Creek ta provide m referrcd ta the On tai inicipai Board for approvl Before this By-Law was discussed and read, Councilior Ross Stevens asked permis- sion ta refrain from its discus- sion and frain voting on it as he said he bas an interest in praperty in the vicinity. This was granted. Cauncillor Glenholme Hughes then said he wanted ta make sure that the plans for the bridge could lue cbanged before final passage af this By-Law. Councillor Hughes stated that he wants ta taik ta the engin- es as he feels the specifica- Actions at present are for a toa 60 elaborate bridge. J Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers ~ agreed that the bridge plans cauldlue cbangcd before the 1final reading of the By-Law. He predicted that the Depart- ment of HIgbways would also "There'à a bit of luck. bave sorne abjections ta the oU resent plan for the bridge as! Ytou've saved Iengan g titis depart ment will lue pay1 to get the wite Ia C rliU ing part of the cota tscon.j VUMVI- - tructiofl. 1 There were 43 inquiries, and the building inspectar made 21 investigations. Mileage was 790 miles. Animal Control Report The report af the Dag Con- trai Offices, J. A. Hoskin for June stated that seven animaIs were picked up and two brought in during the manth. Four animais were destroyed. Five dogs were returned ta their owners, and anc cat was 1given ta a new awner. Five licenses were sold for maie idogs. There were 14 coin- plaints. Money turned oves ta the treasurer was $52. One ra- bics suspect froin Dariington was held for observation. Tbe industnial Commission- er, K. N. Morris, stated in bis repart for June that discus- sions wese held on June 8th and on two subsequent dates with a local citizen wbo wish- es ta establish his awn busi- ness. "On June l4th and lStb lengthy meetings wcre held wîth an unidentified repre- sentative af an unidentified business interest that was sur- vcying the town's potential and inspecting passible sites," the Industrial Commissianer reparted. He alsa stated that an June l4tb and 23rd meetings were bcld with a resident of tbis area who is attempting ta in- terest a shopping plaza devel- apmcent campany in Bowman- ville. Ms. Morris reported that, as in the previaus month, fous new industrial leads werc ob- obtained. "One was a direct appraach by a consulting en- gineer representing an estab- lisbed Canadian camp an y wbose contemplated expansion couid have an important bear- ing on the economy af the cho- sen district. The second was by a resident af the area seek- ing information on behaîf af an unnamed industrial agency. The repart said that the thîrd prospect was brought ta tawn by Ms. Kingdon of the Lake Ontario Developinent Association, and the faurth was referred here by anc af the men wha had attended the tawn's industnial luncheon last Novembes. "Through variaus sources we learn of foreign manufact- userascsarcbing for Canadian companies ta manufacture, as- semble, or seîl theis products. Durîng June two such appas- tunîties seemed applicable ta local industries and were re- ferred ta them. One is under investigation. If Canadian in- dusf.ry can exploit every suit- able apportunity such as this, tbe imbalance aI trade can be reduced and new jobs created for Canadian workcrs," Mn. Vlorris' report asserted. very bigh wages for the merchant's Aýre you bored with it ail? Are you laoking for a new horizon? Have an accident, says The Blenheim News- Tribune. Accidents can open Up a whole new exciting world for you. You'll see places and experience sensations like way out there. You'll meet pretty young nurses - and probing doctors. You'Il learn how emergency wards, operating rooms, surgeons and other specialties function - first hand. You may get a stub or scar which will make an ideal conversation piece. You can write a best seller on, "How 1 Was Brought Back from the Brink," or "How a Cripple Can Up His Incarne." You may get your name in the paper. Maybe even get a headline like "Drunk Runs Into School Bus." You can collect on that accident insurance you've been pouring money It always takes a little turne for the full implications of large-scale changes in government regulations ta take effect. The Ontario gavernment's an- nauncement that a three per cent provincial sales tax would be levied starting September Ist, was bad news for many people - particularly those retailers who will have ta collect the tax and remit it ta Queen's Park. However, few realized at the time just how much was involved, says The Wingham Advance-Times. In the larger stores, where expens- ive cash registers are used ta keep track of sales, present equipmnent has, ta quite a degree, become useless. With the tax changeable on sorne lnes of merch- andise and nat an others, the big stores will have ta deal in their registers and buy new ones. One London f irm of which we have some knowledge, feels fortunate because their registers are new within the past year and so they will be able ta deal with an allowance af 90 per cent trade-in. Even at that, no less than $38,000 in cash will be required ta make the switch. It would be safe ta say that millions ai dollars will be required ta replace mechanical cash and bookkeeping systems thraugbout the province. That's a lovely piece of business for the manu- facturers af the equipment, but a sore touch for the retailers ... and for the customers, ta whom the extra expense will eventually be passed along. The announcement about the new tax carried the information that the retailer will be permitted ta, charge for the work entailed in collecting and re- xitting the money. We now bear that the allowable amount will be twa per cent of the tax collected. Tbat's good news, particularly for those wbo have been collecting the Federal sales tax for notbing over the years, but wben it's ail boiled down it daesn't really spel down the drain on no long. You mnay deduct your time lost from work on your incarne tax return4. You can sit around the house while recuperating and catch Up on ail the daytime TV shows. You can solicit sympathy you'd neyer get otherwise, maybe even froni- the kids and spouse. : Your physical system will be inject- ed with ail sorts of drugs and stimulants. The wife might get ta go to work,., the aider kids drap out of scbool, and - s0 enrich their expenience. The doctor may have ta put you on a regimen ta cure some of your bad: habits. You rnight have ta learn a new-. trade ta replace the old one yau can'tV continue and didn't like anyway. Sa live modern. Have an accident.. Experience can be a good teacher - i Ex pensive Changeover time. Put it this way: After keeping track of ah bhis sales and figuring the amount ta be charged ta bis customers; after bandling ail the necessary book- keeping, etc., be will have collected $300 on sales totalling $10,000. Sa ho sends the money ta the provincial trea-. surer , who allows bim the munificent sum of $6.00 for al bis work, which could well have run inta several boums. Like we said, it is better than nothing-: but flot much. We have some expenience witb tbis, sales tax question, for printing f irms are equired ta collect il per cent Federal tax on ail orders. Thbis tax bas ta be sent in monthly. If the printer happens ta forget the payment* for a day or two, be is cbamged a pen-. alty, wbich, af course, he pays out of bis own pocket. Nor is he required ta, send in the tax only aI ter he bas been paid for the printing, but it is payable by the l5th af the month following that in wbich the custamer received tbe order - wbether it is paid for or not., As a resuit, on every account whicb the printer fails ta coliect he Jases not only the value of the paper and labor involv- ed, but tbe tax wbich he bas already forwarded ta the receiver-general. The final sting as far as the federal tax is concerned is that be must send bis payment by mail and of course be bas ta use a gavernment postage stamp:' ta send the government its own money,- wbich he bas coilected for the govern-, ment free of charge. Anyone with an ounce of brains,.. realizes that the provincial government; bad ta, raise more money. The cost of, the services we ask from government~ has risen fantastically ini tbe past 10 years - as bave our demnands. Iaw-., ever, it does seemn more than a little rough that the burden of ail the extra work and expense falis on the retailer, who seems ail too often ta be the, sitting duck for every new form of collection system. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ARE YOD HOUSE HUNTINO? DEFORE YOU DUY > inspect the homes0 bulit by OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. at beautiful P"I4wa" C4ectceod PARK WAY o CRESCENT ÂD N.H.A. APPROVED LOTS * Fully Serviced with: m * Sanitary Sewers O * Storm Sewers N * Paved Road to be completed W- -ESeveral homes are completed and s m reacly for inspection ... check with 0R. C. CHURCIH us or contact Peter Kowal, Ir., Re al HIGHWAY Nbo. 41 Estate, our exclusive Bowmanville agent. Situarted five minutes drive f rom town shopping area and f ew minutes drive to beautiful Lake Ontario. tYOU MAY CHOOSE FROM OUR HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION OR -> oWE WILL GLADLY BUILD FROM YOUR OWN PLANS> MORYGAGES ARRANGED EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Oshawa Wood Products Oshwa ffie ~Limited M~Ofc i hwon S 10rooTELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COURTICE - RA 8.1611 Phone: RA 8.1617 BOMANVILLE - MA 3-2130 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 lu; OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS os W WOOD PRODUCTS ) s Accidents Can Be Exciting THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE- ONTARIO à PAGE THMTEEN fq

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