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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1961, p. 14

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ýPAG FOURTEEI THE CANAI)IAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO I ?Y"1 ting fewer and farther between' j early memoabilia growsas the interest in oid pine and D UUUmII The Orono News ~~lose the urge te hunt antiques, x.U...1'i uu I~ ~~u with a house well furn-1 REPORT 0F S. S . 14 Mll Hrv BanLn Mr.Jm s E Rcad, E io i l se with my 'finds" and a! MANI ERSPh iisMculghR , Mrs. James E. Richards, Editortool house bulging with the Gemy Sepesn Rc Sdiscards there is a limit. i (Carcadden's Schoo) BinVna e Mr. and Mrs. Stan Seymour,; on Thursday, July 6th. In his ton v.sted Nlrs Oscar Bar. resist a piece of ad coored Grade 8 ta 9: Allan B~n confes Fil eyer e ab Grto dG 7t Gr6 E:l ana Toronto, visited Mrs. Wm. 62nd year. Funeral was on ber, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mid-' glass, or a nursing rocker at re) ad oBradefr d ,t nvPdre ao <leymnour on Saturday. 'Saturday. Interment in Orono dieton and family, Claremont. bargain prices. However, I (e) la onrLnaHre oadHre il tnad o la1Nagr PoHrrBrestsver on isae(n tsy uh ofm ore Ho), naYonL Snlir enehSncar Rev. and M rs. John Kitch-i Cemetery. and M r. and M rs. Geo. T îr- Can aapile leanin of b y ,st a H n.K li t p e s n R c 'Falls, were weekend guestsIing hiis daughter Mrs. D.M. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Part-'igUprCnd ilg.Gae5 a6 ai o-Tahr .E bf Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph!.Gould in Woodstock. ner and famiiy were holiday- Located in Crysier Farm ner (Hon).____ and are with Mr. and Mrs.! Mr. and M rs .Jim M iddle- ing near Red Stone Lake. o e uiuî a dc p d ti- e (Hon). Carol H o G lo a' c ol Battlefild Parkino00t cHon le ,Wm. Carman and sons at their (Hon). *cottage near Apsley. uttahe Mrs. Cornelia Stout, Tor- * ofF U y.accsile yaaail orettog &onto, 'visited ber cousin Mrs. through erdyatCral On Grade 2 ta 3: OliveBue,'Gae7o8:Hnr.M- 1-Fred Tamblyn last week. *1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison Mrs. Bill Huchison and famn-, taria. The CN group travelGrteHnr.geitBerHahrSso. Mr JckWiso wo a;and Kim, Caiborne. spent part iiy, Bo'vmanville. were Sun-' plan will make this enol er (Hon).A ge a Rsibr Ages rns er 'been working for the past! of the weekend with Mr-. and day supper guests with Mr. 1fo hoeliinHor ln) 0 Gae A 2nCty o-grde6ea7:Hno1.Br wo eesiBC.wlarive Mrs. Adcock and Harry. Ev- and Mrs. Jack Lyons. M ie rmteae.Fmle,(on), Rodger Porter. .PsUd uslGl 'home by 'plane at Malton a ron e is pleased ta know that' Misses Susan and Nancy. *. clubs and neighbours can' Mrs. Gladys Woo. 'rmtog ~Friday evening and will spend Harry is home froma the hospi< Macklin have returned homemkescatpntonyheTcerGde4t :MyA-- 'iwo weeks holidaying 2;th t after holidaying with Mr-. andi height of pleasure, but gain'srog GoraRusel ,his parents Mr. and Mn, C_1 Mrs. S. Nash and Miss Mavîs, Mrs. Woolhead, Agincourt. mc ntekoldead .N.7DRI V. Wilson at Mink Lake. Nash, Detroit, have spent a, Mr. and Mrs. Rav Sellers' uhi h nweg n .N.7DALNTN Gae3t :HnrDan understanding ofcommunity: BneaOt as ee er M.adMrs. Bob Cooper weeft with Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. adcid-n omnýe life in Canada 100 years ago. BreoOt and family of Warren, Mich- Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. TomMr. and Mrs. Bob McReelis,i Buildings Salvaged Gr-. 1 ta Gr. 2: GlennaLr rd a3 oa-,Mr igan are holidaying with their Gibbs, Mr. andl Mrs. Dîck. Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.j Most of the buildings and, erv. Gary Allison. Ccrn:PsPgyRs tparents Mi-. and Mrs. Cari Gibbs, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. John Macnab on Sunday. their furnishings were saîvag- Gr. 2 'ta Gr. 3: W a lcE.siBueAmtogBa-y .Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Gardon Shackleton adBi. Miss Nina Hodgson, Wash-' ed from the srnall towns of RmaJnc rnKt-Amtog lnAmtog ïCooper. Salem, were Sunday visitors igton. D.C.. is ,isiting« her iuasted Onarwi h h cnsrc- G enr o i.4:Pt o- ahoos Mrs. Howard Walsh has re- with Mr-. and Mrs. Chapman. prnsMr nir. ot nate Ontai hi ch wreleenGr msavG. Gad4:ta2:FadtPrs ýturned home from visiting hier Mr-. and Mrs. John Burrows Hodso. M- ad Mr.Rottion af the St. Lawrence Pow- ci-v. Judy Allison, Jud.yBeci (s.EnsteRons, nÉeohew in Midland. visited Mr. and Mrs. ChasMs. Merwin Mountjoy spent ier Project and Seaway. Now,I Gr. 4 to Gr-. 5: GloriaGrcTchr Mrs. Neil Smith is a patient Burraws, Brous'ham. Mr-. and. latTsanesnîTnronnugîy on the ncew An Memorial Hospital, Bow- Mrs. Eric Phillips, Stevenson's stTusa i oot.shore of Lake St. Lawrne 'Vianville. Road N., Oshawa, visited Mi-.1Mr-. an*d Mrs. Merivin Mount-L just east of Morrisburg, Upper -Mi-. and Mrs. Lucien Beau-Iand Mrs. Burrows. Mi-r Ralph .oy spent Sunday at Bewdley, Canada Village is a living thamp and son Peter of Bos- Burrows, Picton, spent the Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Edpitrofleinheaab- >tn, Mass., spent a weekend weekend with his parents. Strong. Salenm, visited Mi-. and ELECTRICAL TECHNICIANS - PO Herbert G. Overy, of Bowmanville, Ont. pictroflfinheae b-T WN 0 BDWNVIL wit te orers rohe Mr Ms.Kefe Mrs. Mountjoy and witii them left, shows AB James D. Manser, of of Sarnia, Ontario how to check an administered by the Ontario- %Aith tBeauchmp, rthMr. eau- n aedown eeeTo r- cattended the Orange Walk in, armature in the electriciân's shop on board HMCS Algonquin. The destroyer St. Lawrence Developrnent £aman d Son.amp Mrs. a- A lt,*ae ari-ckts frthe! shawa. escort is a unit of the First Canadian Escort Sciuadron based at Halifax. Commission, appointed by an Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ten- weekend, and ail spent Sun-,M.adMs a en -National Defence Photo Act of the Ontario Legislature: ;riant and farniiy visited Mr. day at Lake Sinicoe. and chiidrcn, Oshawa. were ________________--,______________________ in 1955. The Commission. -and Mrs. John Challice, Gar- Mi- and Mrs. Herbert Pi-es- Sunday supper guests with Mr. junder the chairmanshi p 0f ,eHilonSna.cott, Rager and Erîn, EniadMs o ry George H. Chales, is respons- M.adMsTo ad iln eeSaturday evening1 The many friends of Mrs.' AD 'refreainifclte n the lomn of %nd famiiy visited Mr-. and guests at the A. W. Presco' Freda Pei-îy ai-e soi-iy ta heari resreationl fak s andh :I4rs. Reg. -Skelton and famîlY home. Thtae peevto o ak n that shnpased way on May: g es r it 'shistorie sites, particularly in ;Miss Louise Cowan. Tor- vean, Orona, visited Mi-. and Mi-. and Mi-s. Earl Luke and whearefetd yteSa novisited Mrs. Howard Mrs. A. W. Prescatt on Fri ýfarnilv attended the WbberIIne, * l tr* Linton. day. rie i n Bowmanville Oewdl rvidad0 ..Mr.Le Hdera d asn . Adckad h- Farnily Picnic he]d at Stoney's. sevei-eîy critical acquaintance -Brian, Toronto, spent the holi- dren visitcd her' parents, Mi-. ITef*wn apa a Tuesday, July 11th, 1961 cd guity to a charge of n -,much of hiîstorîcal -n of minUe rmaneda hViconse Pa ekn ihhrpr h oin nort Ha mptenbank. xcain,3r f I - anda're Upe andaVilge& Ac ~jy eeen wthbe pn-and Mi-s. Jack Clark at Rose- ieltane-a!hwe îvn G. Alex Woods, 44, Mi oxcto dofncadFi-om there the plan progress- vnmr xiigta h ent Mr ad Ms.JimMi - ie atened shwe gien evn oreexitig hantE r.Ji i- neath last Tuesday and Wed- by Mrs. Bob McReelis, Osh- brook, was charged by the havîng lîquor in a place othez led untîl there are far too manyiUnited States' famed tourîst! eltnand together wr suP-nesday. aa nhon-am--.Rnadshldn înthan a residence, 3rd offence, e 1 9 61opae a r-atacin ilimbr h pelests f eren r.aa nhoo fM, oadLa%ý Society "as odn i esn.WhM' Mani-atatin ilambr."h aer gestsof Mi-. nd -. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood. Luke a recent bride. Mrs. self ou.t to be a solicitor. The Chie! Constable advised ýportant part in the undertak- Village is particularly appeal- ilckGiso, ul 2d. Oshawa, werc Friday evenîng Earl Luke,M.J. aca Magîstrate R.B. Baxter dis- the court that he had toid Cor- î ng, ta mention by name in ing because it is not an au lu b n Mn fD heldn Moffart, i n r gu ss w t i n M rs. G eoMcRe iis, M s. D bro» qu aife î s l i-r e r ns nSu day last whie he Ithis b ief space. K udos forithentic reproduction, but the offat asd wya en shisk. Misses Sandra Mac- ing the charge and told the was takng hîrn ta gaol in Co- thern have been many since i-al thing. It is what I woud ~Iofat, pssd aay t Mm- Miss Bertha Armour ls'nab and Darlene Fowier. accused and the solicitor frorn bourg, that he întended te ask !the opening of the Village was cî onss aaie We oril HspialBowmanville, spending ten as tCa- heLw Sctynoued *nial H osp talP retoria. dPsatM rs. P er y D ew ell and he i- hare L w o cîety h a t the the ais t a te m ota s e ec n o n e .are a fam iy w ho like t a ex-J mother, Mrs. H. Tn hre w ud b er y C rih t e- f tic Foot-loose Antique Hound ýperience history. Oui-ttip ta U L "FOR QUALITY CARS" Mn. Herbex-t John stan, North Mi- Vrye ivsitei- Magistrale Y. T.Wi'ls f Bel-month in gaoi. Cornish h as, For years 1 have tramped:Upper Canada Village was a U Y l t , 1 6 -SEE - 'Bay, is spending a few days s rc Brown, Oshawa. leville on Wednesday, August been drinking heavily since ithe fields at farm auctions,ýrnarve1ous adventure," he con- with bis sister, Mrs. Wm. Ax- Mr. and Mrs. C a mpbell,J 9th, at the Town Hall, Port the dcath o! his wife and in rumrnaging through boxes a! cluded. DI1S CO0U NTS ford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nash, Tommy and Johnny, Toronto, Hope. the chief's opinion, is well on discare books, stacks o!! Some tirne this summer,' Ohwspent the weekend visited Mrs. J. Rogers on Hai-aid Lamnbert. o! the his way to becoming an ai-.crack ed and chipped plates,ithree bai-ns have a date with 1% discountwI ealwdo îcU EN wth Mn. and Mrs. Axford. Thursday. Middle Road, 22, pieaded guil- coholic. bundles of quilts and old dish!their grandmother. We too,3dIsamet Sunday Mn. and Mms. Ax- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gosehi ty ta a charge of driving The Chie! continued thaf ta- pans loaded with bent forks, a-egongta'xpnincIbs MATà1ID SA i k~ford, Mr. Herbert Johnston and Char-les, Oshawa, Mn. and whiie bis license was under day Cornish feels that he :dented spoons and handleless1 tory". They are boning up 2 icutwl ealwdo RUVU VI hhV nd Mns. Ed. Fowler, Bow- Mns. Ca.Jhs Boman-sspninadwsgvn2denteday help and thcerneasuring eups. Thene is noth-lon their knowledge of the EarI McQueen, Pres. manihe, attcndcd decoration ville, visitcd Mi-. and Mrs. weeks ta i-aise a fine o! $103 Chie! asked for a two month ing in the world quite like the!Battie of Crysier Fairn and 4hi services at Veruiam Ccrncteî-y, Harold Salter. or serve 30 days in gaoi. remand ta sec if Cornish thijl of discovering a pioncer will pnobably keep me dizzy 4hisamn 219 KING ST. E. Bobocaygeon. Mi-. an'd Mi-s. Peter Wiilison, JerHsikoR..N.,cul rehabilitate hirnesîf. butter mould at the bottom o! with their questions about life.i i no eoeJL 4h BOWMANVILLE Mr. anld Mi-s. Bruce Cavei-iy Bowmanville, recentiy visited and Beverley Carneron o! the Cornish is not to leave the the hcap, an aid stoncware lin Canada a century ago. Inl fpado and childi-en, Oshawa, wcre Mr. and Mi-s. Arthur Wiihison. same address werc each con- City o! Oshawa. plate among the discards, a Upper Canada Village theyý <lImmedlately West of Saturday evening d i n n e nr ~ victed of irnproperly using a The Chie! also asked for a Log Cabin quilt in perfect con- wilI have a visual answei-. I: Brewers' Retail Store) guests with Mi-. and Mrs. Ken- Maser Gregorvy Richardson, license plate foi- a wrecked two month adjournrnent for dition, on an aid medicai journ- can take aff my shoes andJ.LRED M 3-36nt ael.Lang, is visiting bis aunt Mrs. car (Hasiuk's) on Camreon's Thomas Marnien, 19, o! 29 ai complete with illustrations. 1wiggle my tocs in the od'Cek Mns. Evercît Elliott and car. The penalty was $53 foi- Albany St., Oshawa, with the The next gi-cal thriii is ta bid eanth o! the Paston's fieid,I 1960 Pontac 4-Dr. iss Mary Elloît visiled Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Doigas HiM Hasiuk because a the courti stipulation that Marnien was the dîscovery in at a few cents. while chiidlike they go an _____________________________ 196 Potia 4-r. oeChapman on Sunday. Mrs. gins and Mr.a. Higgins said, "If people didn't sell not aiiowcd ln Bowrnanville These experiences a-e gel- repeated tours o! inspection. Laurentian wilh Mrs. CharnaPn a and Mrs. Wni. Sanderson, îVI get into trouble." Mis Wor- te consurning liquor whilc a Radio, automnatie Mn. and Mrs. Pency Clai-ke, Janelville. i ship also paintcd out that, minor. Manien objccted be- One owner car. 13,000 Gneenwood, visîled 'Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. John Tcrpstra "lt is the responsibility o! the cause he said he was going outi original mîileage. Mrs. L. Cryderman on Sun- and Ronald. Sudbur-y, spent purchaser ta make sure that with a Bowrnanvillc girl. The -- Lî, and accompanied them b the heglIeonrsp card Magistrate told hlm he didn't' vitMrs. M J. Osborne, on JMrs. Chas. Terpstna. when he punchases the car-." cane, he would net be seen in nish. IM. Howard Stevens and, He d smssed a sirilar charge Bowmanvile untl Septemben r 1959 Chev. 4-Dr. Fb. Sergeant A. R. Baker, Mn. Gordon Stevens, Ennis- against the purchaser. 12th whcn he would appear IMichael, Gardon and Kalhy,lkilien, visited Mr. and Mns. Leonard Coales, 19, of New- for sentence. S tation Wagon St. Mubci-t's, Quebec, MissBei-t Stevens on Sunday. îonviîîe, was rernanded out of The Chief tld the court o Custom iradi automatie, Louise Baker, Cobourg, spent! Mr. Ewarl McL a ug hIi n, custody until Oct. 10, 1961. the trouble the merchants at the weekend with Mn. and! Oshawa, Mr. Wesley MoknHe was faund in a bai-n across tIhe east end a! town ai-c cx- lndash Loldwanhrs, oter Ms. Sam Dewell and attend-ý Harmonv, Ms. Albert Hillfrn his home afer a li hour periencing. Sore of theseý exta.Loaloneow er. cdte Baken-Rundle pcî yoe r.L oda n search by Pi-av. Const.-M. R. young people arc just bang- 30,00 riina mleae. heîd at "The Acres". . Mi-. N. Woly Bowrnan- (Pat) Corneil. He was moan- ing anound. They don't work' good condition Miss Louise Goodman spent' ville, wene recent caîlens on îng on top of a pile o! baied and when the merchants spcakN a wcek wilh Mr-. and Mns. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodigson. hay, according te Corneil. te thern bhey anc insultedi. ~...... : . Plan kr Toronto, who Miss Nina Hodgson and her Coat es tld the court he pur- They move foi- the police and 15 axal4 r.clar ont e en. parens i- vsîîed Mr.-ndM,,.hse the been in the Ganar- when the police have gone, Radio. A-1 condition. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hall and Dave Hooper, Orono. Mr. and i . MHotel, aften he pieadcd thcy i-eturn. Indecent wriî- 0 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink Mrs. Dean Modgson, Bowm-an- Jguiity ta a chai-ge of eansurn ings have appeai-ed, in chaik'O ited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Re- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ling liquai- while a minai-. Me and olherwise on the slores.iU N .WA 1955 hev.4-Dr ~1d.Beîcviîc, o SatrdayClapp Tyrone, visiled at thfls said he didn't lhink heThis is the reason for the re- ~ BY'~K MN W . Station Wagon Mn. Fi-ed Money i-etuiedý Mr ilbu Burnett, A penalty of $59 was im-! rc A. Colwcii, 43 Hor-ý Radi, auornaic. home from the hospital on manvilie, was a bea guesýt ofIposed on James Lea Manlon, isey St., paid $23 for failuneS N O IE Rado, auomat. 'Saturday. Mn. and Mm., Paul Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Wilbur on'20, o! 589 Albany St., Oshawa, to turn bis vehicle out when 'ANENSIZED A-i condition. Kelly, Port Ci-edil, visited Mi-.jSunday evening. for having liquai- in a place:rmeeting oncorning tnaffic. J E 'S A L W O and Mns. Money on Sunday. 1Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Yco, Miss othen than a residence. He1I William Lishrnan, R.R. No.: EN Many other makes and Rev. Ted] Kerey p Ad chi __ld.---- LnVe.Ms.Ge Snth'xaswine-ha h-fn 1 -ikeig pi-afn o - !Monaghia'n. on Sundav -ý--0Yail ommissions tRepor-t on: Canadian Homes, in the pro Rgl-'~ laaneM O LEGS - BREASTS- LB. U U Miss Louise Terril] bas re-;teoetca or m to ai-gue, or voted to Upper Canada Vill-neSeca L CSeca turned frai Riverfield, Qu even digest fo htmte.lage, desenves pi-aise flot ol' CerneSei pca xvhei-c she visited lîci aunt for since its release, a sort o! for artistic endeavon, but be-12 LEAN lw ancireis. ieBunigesurvival o! the filtest" has cause il is visuai proof that iLMTD UNIYea M. and Mrs ieBriMilen been suggested by soie erud- in Canada we have the edi- ad.and IIs ilHlyrt editors. Being a Canadian, tonial and writing ability, e'LogSq M INCE D LBS. G O ~~~ and daughtcisOshawa, visit.jit gi-cal pride in :11 îhings'photognaphen's talent and tech-; BUY NOW FOR SCHOOL- MesLogSev H IRT - -CE LB d .aOnd .Thuday Sun Canadian, and having wrestledinical know-how equal ta any1 B E U UMrs. Teri-ili was hostess for tition and sunvival inth u-,odr Not only that, but thisý Men's and Boys' LeatherPO RT3 BEEF 3 8 9 ~~~~the 83rd biithday a! Mis.' lishing gaine, I agi-ce that corn- issue is a gem a!f Canadiana,' odslcin Norseworthy, Oshawa, when: petition is a challenging spa-made availabie ta evcny citizen';e.t 69---- ;Mns. C. TerrilI Si-.. Mrs. Wm.'cornpetitons are equally match- il deserves a place in aur ,, B EEF LB. k l 'ilu ndMs Hwo . clCanadan periodicals have 1Canaclian Arhies YarsBy' e ~ 3 Terylene - iNo-on-va nW r ing ring with one hand tied'distinct record o! Canadian Reg. ta $7.95$3 3 behind thein backs. ýjournaiism, cii-ca 1961. R S STE KE9ESmarc apt simîle. Most read- this unpnecedented "piug". TWe Men's sizes$8 . 8 Colored and Wht$A 8 MA 3.3303 ers etatormragazines,Iissue stimulated curiosityeg 4.5* g a 695----1 fer Icr, must have circulation to tourist traffie, ta uweeten the' NAK Tatt-adt advertising, and ad- frosting on aur country's M cQ U IN N 'S FOGD SEElICEmeiry-go-round, afy publcail 1understand that PremierIVl~ VI' "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" J!ion must also be an outstand- Leslie Fi-ost a! Ontario should ~A E ICI A "WHER QUAITY CUNng production in its field'be given large amounts o! MA 3-2431 55 King St. E. i -with readable matenial to at- credit for aiginating the Idea ES V FREE DEUIVERY on Orders Over $5.00 tract subscribers. This is eie- o! esîablishing Upper Canada 35 TAr ANC ST. N. -OW I ~~~~~mentary. Not so elementary ýVillage when the St. Lawrence t~iALKXJ&~ O M NIL lias been the auccesrifu1 eUortSeaway was ta inundate goi WEDNESDAY. JMY 12th, lb#i>l

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