Buy From Local Stores It Pays! LME ý1 07 br 14 Pages Durham County's Great Family Journal BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1961 10c Per Copy Statesman Telephone Market 3-3303 NUMBER 23 Legion Parades to Decoration Day Service Poli*ce Busy On Accidents Over Weekcendl There bas been a series ofi Strike and Strike '0n ig minor accidentsin Bowman-!Street at 3:40 on F'riday. ville since Friday. A hydro, The motorcycle belongingi pole at the Wharf Road and' to John Gould, 16 Park Street,l1 Simpson Avenue, and a park ýsustained $10 damage. Con-j ed car on Sîlver Street wereîstable D.R. Parker was the' damaged by hit and run dri-!investigating officer. vers, and there were nine' On Saturday the accidents:~ other accidents. (TURN 70 PAGE THIIflEEN) On Friday afternoon at 2:20, o'clock there was a slight col- j corner of King and Texnper-Emen ance Streets. The drivers o ~ these cars were Robert Van'Pc ig U * denberg. 27 Temperance St.,ý and Walter B. Reynolds, 68 Ati Centre Street. A ~ ood yeari Damnage to both cars only amnounted to, a total of $10.' Employînent at the Good- Constable Don Anderson of, year plant here is picking Up, the Bow'manville Police De- accordîng te, information re- partment investi.gated the ac- celved from Plant Manager cident. Gordon MaeNeill today. A car driven by Harry Van- Ail laid off employees derbélt, King Street East,, have been recalled and struck a parked motorcycle another 20 men will be hired in front cf the offices of in the near future. he said. Speaker at Decoration Day Service 9ÇPteces Looking extremely smart in their blue blazers, rnembers of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion and the Ladies' Auxîliary marched to the cemetery on Sunday led by the impressive Legion Pipe Band. The occasion was the annual Decoration Day services attended by almost a record crowd. To mark the event, relatives and friends of the deceased had converted the burial grounds into a colorful scene, a o0st every grave being decorated with flowers. This 4L+in Membe rs Parade Large Crowd Preq. photo shows the Legion members, led by Parade 1 Marshall lst Vice-President Ross McKnight, as they marched through the MeGili Memorial Gates. The color party included, from left to right: Peter ]Bath- gate, Mrs. Ed. Rundle, Mrs. Thomas Carter and Ernest Perfect. In the background, District Commander Frank "Dude" Huis of Port Hope and Auxiliary Ist, Vice-President Mrs. Robt. Bate. sent for Uecoration UDay Service At Bowman ville Cemetery Four Firms Burned Oùt by Oshawa Fire A large number from ibis area were present at the disastrous fîre lin Oshawa Monday night and early Tuesday when four bus- mnesses were destroyed on Simcoe St. South, near 401 Hlghway. The impressive Memerial Comnrade Peter Bathgate. act- Dan ad Decoration Day Service ing Sergeant-at-Arms, Cern- D0,0namge Two Thefts ýheld ini Bowrnanville Cerne- racle Ernie Perfect, the Stand- b400,0e0w c ke htery o udyafternoon was ard Bearer.abeth cf Branc spensered by His Worsbip, the 178, 2nd Vice-President Edy- busy Most ofl i lng to bring il At East Beach Mayor, the Town Ceuuîil and ýteRniatn egat rl IAondav I\Jight ulh 1fofthe bundd cfjath cf thendBowmanve GLa- cue !h Legion. Perfect weather, beau- gifla Carter, Standard Bearer, Togtt i reverent people, and puncti- dies Auxiliary te the Cnda lmsdsry There were two thefts at the ,lieus attention te detail cern-' Legion. occupied by the East Beach during the nightl bined te make it one cf the! Leading the marching col- of Canada, Magi cf ondy, ulylut. Hrry most sucessful cf such events, umn were District Commnde Co. and Magie Dpwrpre oBwa-ever held bere. ;Frank (Dde H1ils port! Ltd,. as well as ville Police that a five herse- Crowds cf spectaters lined'Hope, President James Wood- 1o oea n power Johnson outboard meteri the route to watch the annual ward cf Branch 178, and lst land surveyors. and twe Cruise-a-Day gasiDeceration Day parade cf Vice-President Audrey Bate;ý tanks had beera stolen frem: Branch 178 cf the Canadian!cf the Bewmanville Ladies his boatheuse. Legion and the Bewmanville Auxiliary te the Canadian Le- 1 Robert R. Scott, R.R 3 Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- gien. After themn marcbed lst120 0 Bowmanville, reported to* theýadian Legion march te the: Vice-President Ross McKnight,! Bowmanville Police that the; cemetery. It was led by the, the parade marshal. licence plate bad been stolen Bew'manville Legion Pipe At the cemetery Mayor Wil- '.-#i Ride from his boat trailer at the' Ba nd. frid Carruthers gave the Cal] East Beach during the samei Tbe Celer Party headed the te Worship. This was follewed'~ a g riight. parade. It was cempesed of <TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) O a g Concentrating on the Hymn Music estimated ai uused by the ýt 85 firemen le night, try- Iunder con- have been ihting, the ed premises eImporthouse gic Packaging SPopcorn Co. as the offices Fleischmann, March in Walk S Many Orange Order a n d LLoyal True Blue Lodges from- j Bowmnanville and xieighboring villages marched b e n e a h h cloudv skies and a 10-minute down'p'ur ini the Orange cele- BEN-HUR DAYS - To mark the coming to the Royal Theatre. Bowmariville, of orne cf the out- standing films of this generation the Mayor and Town Council on Monday evening agreed to pro- dlaim the period from July 2th to 29th inclusive as "Ben-Hur Days". The presentation, highly recommended by the clergy and other outstanding community leaders should be the highlight of the summer entertainment season in this community. Many merchants have indicated they will be co- operating with the Royal by holding special Ben-Hur sales events during the period. Citizens will be interested to note that the first tickets obtained in the advance sale went to a lady from Blackstock. t + t i MUST BE THE WEATHER - It's difficuit to figure why, but at Memorial Hospital last week there were six babies born, al cf them female. This was a most unusual situation whîch calis for better co-operation from the stork, otherwise if it continues, the balance of population could be tipped even further in favor of the ladies. NEW BUSINESS * Bowmanville has a ilew business, a bicycle delivery enterprise, owned and operated by Michael Leddy and Neil McGregor. These two youths have undertaken to provide citizens with fast, efficient delivery of mail, parcels and other items which can be carried on their bicycles. We are pleased to call attention to their adVertisement on one of the inside pages of this newspaper. ~ CONGRATULATIONS -- Walter Frank is the proud possessor of a beautiful trophy he wvon for being the top salesman by a considerable margin in the Oshawa and District Real Estate sales group. There are 135 salesmen who operate in this association and Walter outsold them ail for the month of June. MORE FISH - Eariv Tuesday morning, Edward Pollard, 71 King St. West, pulled a 6 lb. 3 oz. steel- head trout from a stream which he identified as "l ocal*'. It was 24" long and caught on a spinner, the first big cone reported for this area in several weeks. t t t . SLIPPED UP - In the high school exam report last week, the names of Grant Wright and Doris Wright were inadvertently omitted. Somewhere along the line, someone slipped in our office by taking out the wýrong line and substituting a cor- rected one in the wrong place. These things happen ini the rush of tryîng to meet fast-approach- ing deadlines. Our apologies to the two students involved. bratien held in Oshawa onh LOSE A PIGEON ? -M-rs. Lewis Clark of New- Saturda 'y, July 8hh. csl eot hthrduhe etabogt Seventy lodges fram seutb-: aterprsta e duhe etabogt eastern Ontario participated' a gray pigeon ta the house recently. Apparent], to commemorate the 271sf an-ý eveti piEseons have to have a licence to fly these niversaly cf the Battle cf theý days. This one's number was 560CH2419AU. Beyne. . oid 1i b - tuh chore for a traffic police- Tbe 85-unit parade. wbien Wud' h eatu lased oretha hw hers, mati, trying ta copy down that licence number was led by County Marshal wvhile the pigeon was flying past at excessive 4TURN TO PAGE THIRTEENP speed. Over 70 Confirmed During Impres An interesting and most appropriate address was given at the Decoration Day service here Sunday afternoon by Stephen -Saywell, well-known Oshawa lay preacher and merchant, who. is shown here speaking to the large galher- ing. In the background Legion Padre J. A. Living and District Commander Frank His of Port Hope.____ ____________________ 'Council Says "Your Problem" Construction Firm Claims 26 Days of A prit Showers Cost Extra $ 5,100 for Labor At the meeting of Bowman- Council in regard to a division ville Town Cauncil, held on of costs cencerning the re- Manday evening in-the Coun- copying of the registered Plans cil Chamber, Mayor Wilfrid in the Bowmanville Registry Carruthers and Reeve Sidney Office. This was moved by Little were appointed te meet Deputy-Reeve Ivan Habbs and representatives of Counties-seconded by Counciller Annie Oke. Al mrembers of the council were present . at the meeting I n olv d iexception of Councillor 0. J.1 from R. P. RicKaby submitt- ing bis resignation as a memn- ber of the Museum Board. Mr. Rickaby explaîned that he was tendering his resignation froin the board because of the pres- sures of business. He assured counicil that in the future when he has more free time he will offer any assistance. Mr. Rickaby's resignation was accepted with. regret. by Town Council on motion of fram an eperatien. - ounicior K~en iicks, secondQ- Faa C a h ouncil received a letterî 'FROM PAGE O Four peepie were killeci as Vetricrion Tells the resuit cf an accident Pi~*~* Gananoque on Sunday after- 1 neon. A car driven by Alecý n e a r uKiwanis Club Members Kingston, swerved off a road A , on a curve, then swung back Jflf~ ie~ u'* U* ~.eo iento the highway directlv in A nim a D iseuse front cf a car driveîî by Her- Dr. Jehin Hendry was the:fax,. N.S., where he was rec-' bert Powell. Wellingten Street, , special speaker at the meeting 1 agnized as a leader in his pro- Bewmanville. cof the Bowmanville Kiwa.nxs fession, Mr. Hutton stated. He Mrs. Powell sustaIned foot: Club beld on Manday evening said that Dr. Hendry came and ankle injuries, lacerations at the Flying Dutchman Metar 1ta Bewmaýnville in the early te ber bead and face. Shel Hetel. An interesting 'report 1950s. was treated in a Kingastonl an the recent Kiwanis Inter-, A mest interesting address Hospital fer ber injuries andlinatianal Convention held at was given by Dr. Hendry. He re]eased on Tuesday evening.!the Royal York Hetel, Tor- spoke cf many aspects of ill- Mr. and Mrs. Powell will enta, was given by Bill Ceb- nesses and accidents concerri- remain in Gananoque visiting ban, who stated that slidesiing aIl types cf animabi and relatives tîntil the end cf the and a tape recerding made atltbeir treatment. Presîdent Mut- week, and ivill then retui'n the convention will be pre- tan expressed 'the thanks cf ilere. Mrs. Powell's father, sented ah a subsequent meet- Dr. Hendry's fellcw *Kiwan- wvho resides with them an inig. ians fer the en]ightening talk iWellington Street, is a guest. Dr. Hendry was inhroduced that he had given. of his son-in-law and daughter, by President Ted Hutton. He Guests present were the fol- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Foran, to]d the club that Dr. Hend- lowing members of the Osh- Ontario Street Soutb. ry xvas born in Clarke Town-: awa-Westmeunt Kiwanis Club; Those killed inshanhly in the sbiP and received lus eaîrly Gardon Hawker, Bob Branch, accident were Mis. Maria education in this district. Harold Davisen and Carl VaseY and bier daughters. Following bis graduation Flieshrnan. Bronda. age tbrce. and Sandra, from the Ontario Agricultur- Fllawing tihe dinner* meet- 9* vear, aid. lier busband. al College, Guelph. were be ing Group B cf the club held a Alcc Vas2y. a,,c 47, died on reccived bis Degi-ee as a Doc- meeting. The chairman 2nd Tuesday of injuries received teir cf Veterinary Medicine, Vice-Presîdent Ran Brooks, in the accident. . Dr. Hendry practiced in Hali-. presicied. _________ ssive Service at St. Joseph's Church These two ri-embers of the Bowmianvîlle Salvation Arinv*s Band were concentrating se liard on makiîîg sweet music for the h\-iiis at«the Decoratiori ~~service on Suiîday that even our pl)otogrliaplher-s canera didiî't disturb 4»'Thev are Loyal Hopson. son cf Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hlopson, Elgin St., Ieft, and Allan Bcthwell, so' Ôf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bothwell cf Hampton. The fine young group was led by veteran bancisman George Cherrington. . On Sunday afternoon. St. Joseph's Roman niarked tlîs unique occasion. Afterwards, the large Most Rev. Benjamin 1. Webster, Bishop of Peter- Catholic Church on Liberty St. South, xvas f illed for class stocd on the clîurch steps bo haye their photos borougi:., officiated and Rev. F. K. Malane, Parish the first confirmation service te be held in the newv taken }by the many relatives and iriends who attended. Priest, was Master ci Ceremonie& structure. Over 70 took part in the ceremonies which i ýýRts andic - -- 1 - . - 11,111,11M Lîdwaý1- ý - 1 À 1 1 1 --7- 71 m 1 a m bo